ArtSchool Catalog Fall 2018

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Fall 2018


Table of COntents Ceramics & SCULPTURE.......4-5 Dance & Movement.................6 Drawing & painting.................7-13 Fabric & FibeR........................14 Photography & Digital...15-17 Jewelry & Glass..............18-20 Theatre.............................21-22 Writing.............................23-24 Youth Arts Classes.......25-27


Meet the Cover Artist

Lindsay Metivier is a photographer, an educator, and an independent curator based in Carrboro, North Carolina. She holds a BFA in Photography and Art Education from the Massachusetts College of Art and Design and an MFA in Studio Art from UNC Chapel Hill.

The ArtsCenter is pleased to offer a limited number of scholarships for ArtSchool classes, based on financial need. Applications can be downloaded at artschool or picked up in person from the front desk. Scholarships are considered on a first come, first serve basis.

Become a Member Becoming a Member of The ArtsCenter comes with many benefits, including a 15% discount on classes and performances! Your membership and donations to The ArtsCenter, a 501(c)3 non-profit, directly support The ArtsCenter’s mission to educate and inspire creativity and enrich the lives of people of all ages. All donations are tax-deductible. For more information, visit

All class enrollments are subject to a $3 registration fee. The ArtsCenter receives financial support from the North Carolina Arts Council, the Orange County Arts Commission, and the Nicholson Foundation.


Visit for full course descriptions.

Fall Workshops Workshops are short courses - 8 hours or less designed as an introduction to an artform, or an intense focus on a specific aspect of a discipline. These classes are structured to make it easy for you to take time to create, and are suitable for artists of all skill levels! A list of all our workshops is below. Schedule information can be found later on in the catalog, workshops will be in green type.

drink & Draw at Vecino (pg. 7) figure drawing FOcus workshop: Foreshortening Demystified (pg. 8) Palette Knife Painting in Acrylic (pg. 11) Continuing Block Printing (pg. 12) Sashiko Handstitching (pg. 14) Indigo Dye WOrkshop (pg. 14) Random Weave Baskets (pg. 14) Scanning film to digital (pg. 15) Developing in Caffenol (pg. 15) Smartphone Photography (pg. 16) IMage Editing Crash COurse (pg. 17) PHOTOSHOP FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS (pg. 17) ABC’s & 123’s of Enameling (pg. 18) A simple Project (pg. 18) Stained Glass Crash Course (pg. 20) Screenwriting Crash Course (pg. 21) Acting & Directing crash Course (pg. 21) Be Here Now! A day of Improv (pg. 22) Audition Intensive Workshop (pg. 22) A World of Words: Writing from a Documentary Perspective (pg. 23) Reading Methods for Digital Learning & Literacy (pg. 24) All ArtsCenter Members receive 15% off the cost of tuition.


Ceramics & Sculpture Ceramics tuitions include one bag of clay and studio fees, unless otherwise noted. Extra clay can be purchased for $20. Students may attend Open Studio during class and up to two weeks after class ends to finish work.

Beginning WHEEL-THROWING Section A w/ Delores Hayes - $200 - Wednesday, 9:30am-12pm, Sept. 5 - Oct. 17 Section B w/ Rebecca Clewell - $200 - Thursday, 6:30-9pm, Oct. 25 - Dec. 13 (No class on Nov. 22)

MIXED LEVELS WHEEL-THROWING Students of all skill levels are encouraged to take this class. Whether you’ve never used a wheel or you have years of experience you’ll learn how to build and expand your skills and create beautiful functional ceramic forms. For students already comfortable with the basics we will focus on improving your skills and throwing larger and more consistent forms. Section A w/ James Ward - $200 - Tuesday, 6:30-9pm, Sept. 4 - Oct. 16 Section B w/ Molly Cronenwett - $225 - Wednesday, 6:30-9pm, Sept. 5 - Oct. 24 Section C w/ Anya Avrutskaya - $200 - Thursday, 6:30-9pm, Sept. 6 - Oct. 18 Section D w/ Jason Abide - $200 - Monday, 6:30-9pm, Sept. 10 - Oct. 22 Section E w/ James Ward - $200 - Tuesday, 6:30-9pm, Oct. 23 - Dec. 4 Section F w/ Jason Abide - $200 - Monday, 6:30-9pm, Oct. 29 - Dec. 10 Section G w/ Molly Cronenwett - $200 - Wednesday, 6:30-9pm, Oct. 31 - Dec. 19 (No class Nov. 21)

Handbuilding and Wheel-Throwing Nina Otterness - $235 - Every other Saturday, 9:30am-12:30pm, Sept. 8 - Dec. 1

Visual Analysis: Understanding Your Aesthetic In this course you will learn the process of visual analysis that helps artists and critics describe and evaluate artwork. We will discuss how the elements and principles of design apply to ceramic work and how to employ them in ways that appeal to your own particular artistic taste. This critical analysis will help you understand why you are thrilled by one piece and displeased with another. Molly Cronenwett - $175- Monday, 9:30am-12pm, Sept. 10 - Oct. 22 (No class on Oct. 1)


Visit for materials lists.

Ceramics & Sculpture Mimesis: Wheel-throwing Inspired by Great Potters If you are in search of new inspiration for your wheel-thrown work, join us for this class! Each week we will look at the work of a different professional potter and use their forms and/or decorative styles as inspiration for our own work. We will view a variety of artistic styles and welcome student suggestions. Molly Cronenwett - $200 - Monday, 9:30am-12pm, Nov. 5 - Dec. 17 Prerequisite: at least one wheelthrowing class.

Ceramic Surface Design In this course, students will focus on developing personal and intentional ceramic surfaces through the exploration of a variety of surface treatment techniques. Some handbuilding or wheel throwing experience is recommended. Isys Hennigar - $175 - Every other Saturday, 9:30am-12:30pm, Sept. 15 - Nov. 10 Prerequisite: at least one wheelthrowing class.

“Felt but not seen,� stoneware, glaze; by Isys Hennigar (detail)

Ceramics Open Studios Monthly Open Studio Pass - $115 Valid for 30 days from the date of purchase, includes attendance to all Open Studio sessions, access to glazes, firing fees, and one bag of clay.

2-Month Punch Card - $72 Valid for 60 days from the date of purchase, includes attendance to 7 Open Studio sessions, access to glazes, firing fees, and one bag of clay.

Questions about a class? Call 919-929-2787 for more information.


Dance & Movement

Lindy Tuesdays with Richard Badu Lindy Hop is an energetic form of partnered swing dancing that began in Harlem in the late 1920s, and continues to thrive today! It takes a bit longer to get started as the basics are technically more difficult, but the result is worth it as this dance has many fun variations! Lindy classes take place every Tuesday of the month, unless otherwise noted. Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced level classes take place at 6:15pm, 7:15pm, and 8:15pm, respectively. You can sign up for a month’s worth of swing online, or drop in for a single class by purchasing a ticket at the front desk for $13. Please go online to see monthly class details.

Swing, Blues, & Charleston Wednesdays with Richard Badu East Coast Swing is the most popular swing dance in the area, and the easiest one to learn. Originally danced to Rock & Roll, and Rhythm & Blues in the 1950’s, this style can be danced to many different kinds of music. Learn Front and Tandem Charleston Variations and add them to your Lindy repetoire or East Coast Swing! For down and dirty, or just when the tempos get slow, Blues is the dance to get in the groove! Swing classes take place every Wednesday of the month, unless otherwise noted. Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced level classes take place at 6:15pm, 7:15pm, and 8:15pm, respectively. You can sign up for a month’s worth of swing online, or drop in for a single class by purchasing a ticket at the front desk for $13. Please go online to see monthly class details.


Visit for full course descriptions.

Drawing, Painting, & Mixed Media drink & Draw At Vecino! Get past the stress of making a drawing come out “right” and rediscover the joy of drawing as play! This class takes place at our friendly neighborhood taproom Vecino. Vanessa Murray - $21 - 2nd Tuesday of every month, 6:30-8pm

Illustration Techniques * This class is designed for people to come in and create one Illustration in 3 different media: pencil, acrylic and collage.Learning the basic principles of design, brainstorming, sketching, using references if needed and critique will be used to create a dynamic final drawing to illustrate in 3 different mediums Marcela Slade - $175 - Thursday, 6-8:30pm, Sept. 6 - Oct. 18 *Bilingual - The instructor is fluent in Spanish & English.

Introduction to Drawing & Design * Develop your observational abilities and rendering skills in this introduction to the principles of drawing and two-dimensional design. Use pen, pencil, charcoal and other media while learning the fundamentals of composition, perspective, line and space. Begin to develop your own unique drawing style through quick sketches as well as technical rendering. You can draw! Renzo Ortega - $150 - Tuesday, 6:30-9pm, Oct. 2 - Nov. 6 *Bilingual - The instructor is fluent in Spanish & English.

Life Drawing Open Studio This is an informal weekly session geared for individual development in drawing with nude models. No instructor is provided, although there will be a moderator present to provide direction to the models. Punch cards can be purchased at The ArtsCenter’s front desk. Studio Pass - $52 Drop-In Pass - $15

All ArtsCenter Members receive 15% off the cost of tuition.


Drawing, Painting, & Mixed Media Large Scale FIgure Drawing Draw the nude large. Students have the opportunity to work in a larger scale and to come back to the same drawing for two or more sessions. Study gesture, proportions, and value while getting detailed advice on composition and methods for rendering light on form. Brian Kuebler - $245 - Wednesday, 6:15-8:45pm, Sept. 12 - Oct. 24 Space is limited to 8 students and some previous drawing experience is encouraged.

figure drawing FOcus workshop: Foreshortening Demystified If you’ve ever encountered a pose where the model is pointing straight at you, or is seated and facing you, you have witnessed a foreshortened pose. Learn some tricks and techniques to understand what you are seeing, so you can draw the figure accurately. Stacye Leanza - $62 Monday, 6-9pm, Nov. 26 “Eleanor” by Brian Kuebler

Portrait Drawing Learn how to employ basic anatomy and observational skills in rendering a portrait. First we’ll focus on the basic structures of the head like eyes, ears, mouth, and a nose. Following that we’ll delve into the sublime nuances of expression! In each class there will be gesture warm-ups and a few demos. A model will be present and individual guidance will be provided throughout the class. Stacye Leanza - $280 - Tuesday, 6-9pm, Oct. 30 - Dec. 11


Visit for full course descriptions.

Drawing, Painting, & Mixed Media En Plein Air Students will learn to perceive their environments in new ways through plein air (outdoor) landscape painting. Beginning inside, we will learn fundamental techniques before heading to scenic areas within 10 miles of The ArtsCenter to paint onsite (weather permitting). The instructor will give demonstrations, then rotate around the group to provide guidance as needed. Rather than painting as realistically as possible, our goal will be to capture an essence of the landscape on canvas. Ben Hamburger - $180 - Thursday, 2:30-5:30pm, Sept. 6 - Oct. 11

Find Your Artistic Voice This on-going class will challenge and guide you in finding & developing your own authentic artistic voice, in whatever genre you choose. Experiment with different content, media, and techniques, or develop what you already know, in an encouraging, supportive environment. Section A w/ Stacye Leanza - $150 - Monday, 11am-2pm, Sept. 7 - Oct. 8 Section B w/ Stacye Leanza - $150 - Monday, 11am-2pm, Oct. 22 - Nov. 19 Section C w/ Stacye Leanza - $112 - Monday, 11am-2pm, Dec. 3 - Dec. 17

Alla Prima Oil Painting Alla Prima is a style of oil painting where layers of paint are applied wet into wet, allowing artists to paint quickly and expressively. During this course, students will practice observational oil painting skills while loosening up and learning new oil painting techniques and processes. Working primarily from still life, students will attempt to finish small paintings during the class time. There will be in class demonstrations, group discussions, and informal critiques. This class is open to all painting levels. Prior oil painting experience is suggested, but not required. Ben Hamburger - $150 - Thursday, 10:30am-1:30pm, Oct. 25 - Nov. 29 (No class Nov. 22)

Clases de Arte en Espaùol * This is an opportunity for those interested in art to have access to a space for artistic practice and expression, while exploring the cultural diversity of the Spanish-speaking population. This class is great for native Spanish speakers, or for artists who want to work on their Spanish in an immersive, creative environment. Renzo Ortega - $150 - Monday, 6:30-9pm, Oct. 1 – Nov. 5 *Bilingual - The instructor is fluent in Spanish & English.

All ArtsCenter Members receive 15% off the cost of tuition.


Drawing, Painting, & Mixed Media Introduction to Watercolor This course takes a close look at the unique qualities of watercolor and gives a thorough presentation of the basics of watercolor, including set-up, brush handling, washes and glazes, color-mixing, and wet-on-dry, wet-on-wet and dry-brush applications. Demos will be provided, and students will be guided through a series of hands-on painting exercises designed to increase their understanding of the basic concepts. Joy Meyer - $180 - Monday, 6-9pm, Sept. 10 - Oct. 15

Intermediate Watercolor This course takes a closer look at the unique qualities of watercolor, and expands on the basics. Each class begins with a brief introduction rooting the topic of the day into the greater context of art history, and to help inspire and understand watercolor’s place in the larger art world. The goal is to help you develop your own personal style, and allow you to feel confident attempting more complex compositions. Joy Meyer - $180 - Monday, 6-9pm, Oct. 29 - Dec. 3

Continuing Watercolor Section A w/ Luna Lee Ray - $150 - Tuesday, 11am-2pm, Sept. 4 - Oct. 2 Section B w/ Luna Lee Ray - $150 - Wednesday, 11am-2pm, Sept. 5 - Oct. 3 Section C w/ Luna Lee Ray - $150 - Tuesday, 11am-2pm, Oct. 16 - Nov. 13 Section D w/ Luna Lee Ray - $150 - Wednesday, 11am-2pm, Oct. 17 - Nov. 14 Section E w/ Luna Lee Ray - $112 - Tuesday, 11am-2pm, Nov. 27 - Dec. 11 Section F w/ Luna Lee Ray - $112 - Wednesday, 11am-2pm, Nov. 28 - Dec. 12 Water based media only. No oils, please!

Open Studio for Water-Based Media Section A w/ Luna Lee Ray - $138 - Tuesday, 2:15-5pm, Sept. 4 - Oct. 2 Section B w/ Luna Lee Ray - $138 - Wednesday, 2:15-5pm, Sept. 5 - Oct. 3 Section C w/ Luna Lee Ray - $138 - Tuesday, 2:15-5pm, Oct. 16 - Nov. 13 Section D w/ Luna Lee Ray - $138 - Wednesday, 2:15-5pm, Oct. 17 - Nov. 14 Section E w/ Luna Lee Ray - $112 - Tuesday, 2:15-5pm, Nov. 27 - Dec. 11 Section F w/ Luna Lee Ray - $112 - Wednesday, 2:15-5pm, Nov. 28 - Dec. 12 Water based media only. No oils, please!


Visit for full course descriptions.

Drawing, Painting, & Mixed Media Introducton to Acrylics This class primes you and your canvas with the basics of how to get started painting. Explore the fundamentals of acrylic painting, including color-mixing and methods of paint application. Discuss the principals of composition, line, color, value and texture. Allison Tierney - $180 - Wednesday, 6:30-9:30pm, Sept. 5 - Oct. 10

Intermediate Acrylics We will expand on the foundations previously learned by introducing new acrylic mediums, alternative methods of paint application, and utilizing longer, multi-day painting sessions so you can leave the class with a few finished works. Allison Tierney - $180 - Wednesday, 6:30-9:30pm, Nov. 7 - Dec. 12

Continuing Acrylic/Mixed-Media Section A w/ Luna Lee Ray - $150 - Friday, 11am-2pm, Sept. 7 - Oct. 5 Section B w/ Luna Lee Ray - $150 - Friday, 11am-2pm, Oct. 19 - Nov. 16 Section C w/ Luna Lee Ray - $112 - Friday, 11am-2pm, Nov. 30 - Dec. 14

Palette Knife Painting in Acrylic In this class you will learn all of the essentials of palette knife painting using heavy body acrylic paints. We will also cover topics such as color mixing, broken color, and the use of value in your composition. During the morning hours, we will focus on basic knife techniques and color mixing as you create a vibrant underpainting. In the afternoon, you will improve your knife techniques and turn your focus towards composition and the use of broken color as you turn your underpainting into a unique abstract floral painting. Karin Neuwirth - $84 Thursday, 9am-4pm, Oct. 13

“Flowers at Midnight� by Karin Neuwirth (detail)

All ArtsCenter Members receive 15% off the cost of tuition.


Drawing, Painting, & Mixed Media INtroduction to Oils There is a long tradition of techniques and various mediums used in oil painting. In this particular course we will explore some of these concepts while using some amazing contemporary alternatives to the more traditional, outdated and toxic solvents used in the past. Through class projects we will explore ways of layering color, creating texture, light and shadow and describing form in the astounding ways that oil paint can lend itself to one’s painting practice today. Vanessa Murray - $210 - Tuesday, 6-9pm, Sept. 11 – Oct. 23

Oil Painting Crash Course This weekend crash course will be an introduction to the fundamentals of oil painting. This is an intensive overview of techniques and mediums used in oil painting practice. Through demos and exercises we will explore the way oil paint behaves and lends itself in various techniques of mixing color, underpainting, glazing, and alla prima. Vanessa Murray - $140 - Saturday & Sunday, 10am-5pm, Sept. 22 & 23

Subconscious Expressive Art * This class is designed for people to express themselves subconsciously through painting. Students will choose the colors for their palette according to their mood and be encouraged to stroke the paint onto a blank canvas as they feel the need. Once the background is created the instructor will lead a group critique as to what they and/or their fellow students see and how they can pull those visions out using references as needed. Students should come to class with an open mind and heart. Marcela Slade - $175 - Thursday, 6-8:30pm, Oct. 25 - Dec. 13 (No class Nov. 22) *Bilingual - The instructor is fluent in Spanish & English.

Continuing Block Printing Luna Lee Ray - $84 - Saturday, 11am-2pm, Sept. 22 & 29 A materials fee of $20 is due to the instructor at the beginning of class.

Refresh your creativity: Painting Flowers This course takes place outside and in the studio. Botanical perfection is not the focus, but by taking inspiration from nature, the aim of this is for each student to find their own style of painting using the subject of flowers. Kaidy Lewis - $120 - Every other Saturday, 10am-1pm, Sept. 8 - Oct. 20 Some of these classes take place at The NC Botanical Garden.


Visit for full course descriptions.

Drawing, Painting, & Mixed Media Intuitive Painting In this class, students will learn the process of intuitive painting. This unique approach is about letting go of expectations, experimenting, and allowing your creativity to unfold naturally. Working in a non-judgemental and playful environment, students will focus on personal expression and their own creative journey. Heather Gerni - $120 - Saturday & Sunday, 10am-4pm, Sept. 29 & 30

Painting the Figure Learn to paint the human figure from life! While we will address anatomy, proportion, and other life drawing topics in this class, our focus will be color, mixing flesh tones, and paint application. Students will explore varied ways of beginning a painting and the subsequent stages of the painting process. Learn how to integrate these stages into your own studio practice and investigate how different painting techniques can be used to convey expressive qualities. Brian Kuebler - $245 - Wednesday, 6:15-8:45pm, Nov. 7 - Dec. 19

“Serenity� by Maureen Dunlap

Questions about a class? Call 919-929-2787 for more information.


Fabric & Fiber Arts Beginning Sewing: Totes & Beyond Start with a reversible tote bag, and by the end of the month learn to make simple clothing! Students will get a chance to refresh basics and start with simple shapes like totes bags to clothing. All levels welcome! River Takada-Capel - $125 - Monday, 6-8:30pm, Oct. 8 - Nov. 5

Beginning Sewing: Quilting Basics Students are encouraged to bring any beginner quilt project to work on. Simple blocks will be explored. Recycled materials such as tee-shirts or clothing are welcome. All levels welcome! River Takada-Capel - $125 - Tuesday, 10am-12:30pm, Oct. 9 - Nov. 6

Sashiko Handstitching Born of necessity, this technique grew into an art form that produces beautiful, geometric patterns in white thread on an indigo cloth. It has been modernized as a visible mending technique that is often used to add decoration to torn jeans. Students will learn the history of sashiko, as well as modern applications of the art. Section A w/ Diana Cathcart - $42 - Sunday, 10am-1pm, Sept. 16 Section B w/ Diana Cathcart - $42 - Sunday, 10am-1pm, Sept. 30

Indigo Dye WOrkshop Learn to fill your home and wardrobe with the calming effect of Indigo. This workshop covers pre-reduced indigo vat, as well as different folding and clamping techniques to get the Itajime Shibori style designs! Students are welcome to bring 3-4 items, any *natural* fiber items, and fabric will also be available for an additional fee. Section A w/ River Takada-Capel - $42 - Saturday, 10am-1pm, Nov. 17 Section B w/ River Takada-Capel - $42 - Sunday, 12:30-3:30pm, Nov. 18

Random Weave Baskets The random weave embraces several fundamental structural components and allows for a range of forms to be built with highly textured surfaces. Great for those new to artistic work as well as artists wanting to learn a new medium. Anne Willson - $70 - Saturday, 2-4:30pm, Nov. 3-10 A $15 materials fee, payable to the instructor at the first session, includes all reed and most supplemental items.


Visit for materials lists.

Film, Photography, & Digital Arts Make a Documentary At the People’s Channel This course teaches the basics of documentary video production. Students will pick a subject or issue to focus on and produce a short documentary that will premiere on The People’s Channel, Chapel Hill/Carrboro’s public access television station. Jason Abide - $225 - Tuesday, 7-9pm, Oct. 30 - Dec. 11 Tuition for this course includes a one year membership to The People’s Channel providing access to equipment and studio space. There is a materials fee of $25 due at the first class.

Introduction to Black & White Darkroom Section A w/ Adam Dodds - $120 - Wednesday, 6-9pm, Sept. 5-26 Section B w/ Adam Dodds - $120 - Wednesday, 6-9pm, Oct. 3-24

INtermediate Black & White Darkroom Adam Dodds - $120 - Wednesday, 6-9pm, Nov. 7-28

Scanning film to digital Adam Dodds - $105 - Thursday, 6-8:30pm, Nov. 1-15

Developing in Caffenol Did you know that your 35mm film can be developed with plain household instant coffee? This workshop will teach students the caffenol recipe as well as how to use it in the darkroom. Prepare yourself for the strange and unique look of this one-of-akind developer! Bring an exposed roll of 35mm film to class. Section A w/ Adam Dodds - $56 - Saturday, 12-4pm, Oct. 6 Section B w/ Adam Dodds - $56 - Saturday, 12-4pm, Dec. 8

Darkroom Pass The Darkroom is available for rental to experienced developers and students who have taken, or are taking, a Darkroom class at The ArtsCenter. One Month Pass - $35 / Three Month Pass - $85

All ArtsCenter Members receive 15% off the cost of tuition.


Film, Photography, & Digital Arts Introduction to Digital Photography This course seeks to help develop an understanding of the mechanics, visual language and history of the photographic medium. Specifically, we will work with digital photographic practices, learning the fundamentals of DSLR cameras, editing software such as Photoshop, inkjet printing, and basic digital work flow and file management. Lindsay Metivier - $120 - Wednesday, 6:30-8:30pm, Sept. 5 - Oct. 10

Experimental Digital Photography In Experimental Digital Photography, students learn the rules of photography by breaking them first. Super-long exposures, wide-open apertures and abstract compositions are what experimental photography is all about. Throw caution to the wind and join us on a journey of discovery in Experimental Digital Photography! Peter Barnett - $160 - Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm, Oct. 30 - Dec. 18

Smartphone Photography In this workshop you’ll discover how to make the most of your cell phone camera emphasizing content, composition, technique, workflow, and post-processing. We’ll use multiple image editing apps to edit and retouch images. You’ll also learn to navigate syncing, saving and sharing your photographs with ease! Section A w/ Lindsay Metivier - $42 - Saturday, 1:30-4:30pm, Sept. 29 Section B w/ Lindsay Metivier - $42 - Saturday, 1:30-4:30pm, Oct. 20


Visit for full course descriptions.

Film, Photography, & Digital Arts INtroduction to Game Design with Unity 3d In this course, students learn the basics of designing a 3D video game using the popular game engine Unity3D. With instructor guidance, students will develop an animated solar system, a fully playable rollerball game and an action-packed shooter! Along the way we’ll learn all about how games are made, from industry standards to asset management and everything in between. Let the games begin! Peter Barnett - $160 - Tuesday, 6:30 - 8:30pm, Sept. 4 - Oct. 23

Basic Graphic Design using Photoshop In Intro to Photoshop students will become familiarized with the fundamentals of Photoshop: its tools, methods and overall functionality. We will cover non-destructive editing, photo retouching, text and vector objects, file management, layout design and more. Students will create engaging posters, album covers and other deliverables using original and web-based media. Join us in Intro to Photoshop and become proficient in the world’s most popular graphic design and digital publishing tool! Peter Barnett - $160 - Saturday, 10:30am - 12:30pm, Oct. 30 - Dec. 18 (No class Nov. 24)

Completion of this class is good for one CEU credit.

IMage Editing Crash COurse Lindsay Metivier - $112 - Wednesday, 6:30-8:30pm, Nov. 7 - Dec. 5 (No class Nov. 21)

PHOTOSHOP FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS Are you a photographer comfortable with capturing images but now want to do some significant “post processing” that goes beyond what Lightroom or simple filters offer? In this new lab class, we’ll talk about learning to use Photoshop CS6 with skills specific to photography. Based on the background of students, we’ll cover basic concepts like layers, masking, and file management. You’ll have the opportunity to “play along” on desktop machines in our lab or by bringing along your notebook computer with any relatively recent version of Photoshop. Dilip Barman - $112 - Sunday, 12:30-2:30pm, Oct. 21 - Nov. 11

Macro Photography Chris Moses - $120 - Thursday, 6:30-8:30pm, Sept. 13 - Oct. 18

All ArtsCenter Members receive 15% off the cost of tuition.


Jewelry & Glass

ABC’s & 123’s of Enameling Have fun while learning to sift, draw, and paint colorful layers of powdered glass on metal to create a pair of earrings or pendant! In this beginning enamel class students will learn to prepare basecoats of enamel on copper and add their own designs in following successive layers through the beauty of glass on metal. All levels are welcome. Section A w/ Barbara McFadyen - $112 - Wednesday, 1-4pm, Sept. 12 - 26 Section B w/ Barbara McFadyen - $112 - Wednesday, 6-9pm, Sept. 12 - 26 No pre-requisites necessary to take this class!

A simple Project In this two-session workshop we will all make a simple piece of jewelry with one cut-out part, and one applied part. This class is great for all levels. A great way for beginners to get their feet wet, or to brush up on skills if you are a bit rusty, or if you just want to commit to two sessions and make a quick piece. Techniques covered will include sawing, soldering (appliqué), and drilling. Roberta Marasca - $84 - Thursday, 6-9pm, Sept. 13 & 18 No pre-requisites necessary to take this class! A materials fee off $10-$20 is due payable to the instructor at the first class. Students may want to continue on to FINDING YOUR CREATIVITY which immediately follows this class.

Finding Your Creativity In this class we will do a series of exercises to begin to think more loosely about what it means to design and craft jewelry. Think of it as “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain“ for metalsmiths. Students will be encouraged to flesh out one or two of the exercises into finished pieces. This class is designed to build confidence while having FUN. Roberta Marasca - $150 - Thursday, 6-9pm, Sept. 27 - Oct. 25 No pre-requisites necessary to take this class!


Visit for materials lists.

Jewelry & Glass Beginning Metalsmithing: The First Step is a pre-req for most jewelry courses. Attendance to the first class is required for all courses, and most courses are 18+.

Beginning Metalsmithing: The First Step - Basic Techniques This class is the first step into the creative world of metalsmithing. In this class, students will learn basic techniques and tool care, and projects will start with metal preparation, design layout and sawing. Students will learn filing and sanding techniques and finally how to apply a texture and final finish and/or patina. A copper or brass pierced pendant, earrings or key chain will be made. Chrissy Jahnes - $120 - Saturday & Sunday, 10am-4pm, Sept. 15 & 16 A studio fee of $8 plus an additional materials fee between $8 to $15 (based upon current market prices of metals) is due to the instructor at the beginning of class.

Beginning Metalsmithing: Soldering - Stacking RIngs Soldering, a technique used for thousands of years, employs heat and solder to join pieces of metal together. It is the most commonly used technique for joining metal. In this class, students will learn torch use and safety and some basic soldering skills such as sweat solder joins, butt solder joins and the use of sheet and wire solder. Students will make stacking silver rings. Susan Walser - $120 - Saturday & Sunday, 10am-4pm, Oct. 6 & 7 Prerequisite: The First Step - Basic Techniques. At the first class, students will pay the instructor a studio fee of $14 plus an additional fee for the materials (between $8 to $35), based upon current market prices of metals.

All ArtsCenter Members receive 15% off the cost of tuition.


Jewelry & Glass Beginning Metalsmithing: The First Step is a pre-req for most jewelry courses. Attendance to the first class is required for all courses, and most courses are 18+.

Beginning Metalsmithing: Cold Connections - Rivets Cold Connections is a great next step for beginning jewelry makers. The riveting techniques that you will learn allow you to join different metals and incorporate “found objects” and non-metal accents into your pieces that would not be able to be soldered. A pendant, earrings or key chain in copper and/or brass will be made. Chrissy Jahnes - $120 - Saturday & Sunday, 10am-4pm, Oct. 20 & 21 Prerequisite: The First Step--Basic Techniques. A studio fee of $5 plus an additional materials fee between $8 to $15 (based upon current market prices of metals) is due to the instructor at the beginning of class.

Continuing Metalsmithing: Etching & Hydraulic Press Students will texture copper and/or silver using two etching techniques: Galvanic and Electrolytic. In both forms of etching, students will learn the best type of resist to use, such as Sharpie Marker, Staz-on Ink, nail polish, tape, or a special paper to transfer a design onto the metal. The textured metal will then be formed using the hydraulic press. Students will learn to use acrylic and anti-clastic bracelet forms to shape the metal using the hydraulic press and produce a pair of earrings and a bracelet. Students must contact the instructor prior to class to discuss materials to bring to class. Susan Walser - $120 - Saturday & Sunday, 10am-4pm, Nov. 10 & 11 Prerequisite: The First Step--Basic Techniques and Soldering. The class fee of $25, payable to the instructor at the first class, will include material to make one set of copper earrings and a copper bracelet. Metals for additional projects may be purchased at market value from the instructor.

Stained Glass Crash Course If you have always appreciated the beauty of stained glass, discover how it’s done by doing it yourself. In a relaxed and casual atmosphere at the artist’s studio in Mebane, overcome the intimidation of breaking glass with your bare hands (and a few handy tools). This one-day workshop is designed for complete beginners, but is also perfect for those who need a quick refresher course. Students will choose from several patterns and glass combinations including seasonal, traditional, contemporary and whimsical. Section A w/ Jennifer Austin - $112 - Saturday, 9am-5pm, Sept. 8 Section B w/ Jennifer Austin - $112 - Saturday, 9am-5pm, Oct. 13 Section C w/ Jennifer Austin - $112 - Saturday, 9am-5pm, Nov. 10 Section D w/ Jennifer Austin - $112 - Saturday, 9am-5pm, Dec. 8 A fee of $40 for materials is due to the instructor at first class meeting (cash or check only, please).


Please bring a bagged lunch & wear closed toe shoes.

Visit for full course descriptions.

Theatre Improv 101, 201, & 301 Through fun games and exercises we will learn how to work together in a group, creating “group mind� to create scenes without a script or props! Relying on imagination and simple, easy-to-learn tools, we discover how to make scenes interesting and exciting on stage while learning valuable life lessons that have students reporting awesome changes in their professional and personal lives. Improv 101 w/ Anoo Brod - $112 - Monday, 7-9pm, Sept. 10 - Oct. 8 Improv 201 w/ Anoo Brod - $112 - Monday, 7-9pm, Oct. 15 - Nov. 12 Improv 301 w/ Anoo Brod - $112 - Monday, 7-9pm, Nov. 19 - Dec. 17

Screenwriting Crash Course Learn the basics of how to write a script, and sell or buy one. Both feature and short film writing will be discussed, assuming the majority of the attendees are first time writers, and hopeful directors of a short film. Laura DeBar - $42 - Saturday, 1-4pm, Nov. 3

Acting & Directing crash Course How do actors connect with directors? Learn how directors build a cast and crew. Both feature and short film directing will be discussed, assuming the majority of the attendees are first time directors beginning with a short film. Also useful for actors looking to get into the film industry. Laura DeBar - $84 - Saturday, 1-4pm, Nov. 10 & 17

Questions about a class? Call 919-929-2787 for more information.


Theatre Acting Intensive for Theatre AND film Developing a character is a combination of how to prepare for the role by making specific choices through text work, character and scene analysis, and also how to develop and experience that role while behaving truthfully on the stage, and on camera. This course will begin with building a foundation of acting techniques through the exploration of games, improvisations and scene study. A final sharing of theatre and on camera scenes will be performed on the final day with an invited audience of students, friends, and local theatre practitioners. Virginia Queen Danford - $250 - Thursday, 6:30-9pm, Sept. 13 - Nov. 15

Be Here Now! A day of Improv Focus on using improv tools to be fully engaged in the moment, create incredible teamwork, and enhance creative thinking, all in the back-drop of a day of fun, games and laughter. If you are ready to learn, stretch, and grow all while running around acting like a kid at recess, this workshop is for you! Section A w/ Anoo Brod - $84 - Saturday, 10am-4pm, Sept. 22 Section B w/ Anoo Brod - $84 - Saturday, 10am-4pm, Dec. 8

Audition Intensive Workshop Auditioning goes beyond how well you sing, read or do a monologue. Your audition begins the moment you enter the building. During an audition you should be prepared, feel good about your work, and HAVE A GOOD TIME! The class will begin with games and improvisations to further build acting techniques in preparation for monologue study and cold readings. Students will then go through the acting process through the exploration of text work, continually developing their characters, making specific effective choices, and finding truthful behavior on stage. By the end of this workshop students will be participating in mock auditions. Section A w/ Danielle Fenton - $84 - Sunday, 2-5pm, Sept. 16 - Sept. 23 Section B w/ Virginia Queen Danford - $84 - Thursday, 6:30-9pm, Nov. 29 - Dec. 13


Visit for full course descriptions.

Writing Art of Performance Poetry Spoken Word is the art of performance poetry. It can be emotional, inspirational, educational, and as creative and expressive as your imagination. It can also be a tool for healing and growth. Participants will engage in writing activities that will broaden their approach to writing while giving them tools to use when developing their ideas. They will be introduced to technique, form, and literary devices and will examine models from poets across generations. The participants will also engage in performance activities. These activities will help each participant to bring their poems to life on stage and give them confidence in presenting their words. This is an opportunity for networking, growth, and development for anyone who has a message they want to deliver and ideas they want to put on the page. The only requirement is enthusiasm, an open mind, willingness to learn, and a love of words. Dasan Ahanu - $140 - Tuesday, 7-9pm, Sept. 11 - Oct. 23

A World of Words: Writing from a Documentary Perspective Writing is more than just text on a page and is as creative and expressive as your imagination. When you think of documentary work, do you think of creative writing? Do you write, work with photos, video, audio, or are you new to documentary work? In this course, we will discuss the different ways writing can be used as a documentary tool. From oral histories and narratives to poetry, this course examines the possibilities of including creative writing and other forms of written expression to convey your ideas. We’ll discuss the development of stories from images and explore a nonlinear approach to storytelling. We will examine how to convey your work to others, from visual presentation to performance. Regardless of your background, you will find new uses for writing in documentary work. You will also complete work that may be presented individually or included in an ongoing documentary project. Dasan Ahanu - $112 - Saturday, 10am-12pm, Oct. 6 - 27

All ArtsCenter Members receive 15% off the cost of tuition.


Writing Imagine a Children’s Book Pt. I For years you’ve dreamed of writing a children’s book. You may even have a vague story idea. But how do you turn that into a workable plot? Susie Wilde, children’s book columnist for the Raleigh News and Observer, unites 30 years of writing and reviewing experience to teach you the steps that help give your story structure. Section A w/ Susie Wilde - $125 - Wednesday, 9:30am-12pm, Sept. 5 - Oct. 3 Section B w/ Susie Wilde - $125 - Wednesday, 7-9:30pm, Sept. 5 - Oct. 3

Imagine a Children’s Book Pt. II How do you get your children’s book down on paper? What makes for a book that sparkles with style? With a focus on images, dialogue, and vivid verbs, this class blends hands-on exploration of children’s books with writing exercises. Section A w/ Susie Wilde - $125 - Wednesday, 9:30am-12pm, Oct. 17 - Nov. 14 Section B w/ Susie Wilde - $125 - Wednesday, 7-9:30pm, Oct. 17 - Nov. 14

Reading Methods for Digital Learning & Literacy Build both your digital learning & literacy. This begins with a snapshot of currently published picture books that accent technology. Participants will use these as a focus for discussions about representation in this growing field. Then we will examine how authors and books are currently being represented on the web (including #BookSnaps, Snapchat, Twitter and blogs). Analysis will include how to integrate technology in your classroom, discovering what kids are using and what they need and how to help them make good choices. Together we will produce a collaborative resource of the useful books and sites. Susie Wilde - $112 - Friday 4:30-8:30pm & Saturday 9am-3pm, Oct. 19 & 20 Completion of this class is good for one CEU credit.


Visit for full course descriptions.

Youth Arts Classes

Youth Arts Classes enable artists of all ages to explore and their creativity.

Clay Sculpture and Wheelthrowing Students will complete a large sculpture project of their choosing, and spend time throwing on the potter’s wheel. Careful consideration will be given to glazing the projects, and the pottery will be food safe. Section A w/ Jason Abide Homeschool - $115 - Friday, 1-2:30pm, Sept. 7 - Oct. 19 Grades 1-4 - $115 - Friday, 3-4:30pm, Sept. 7 - Oct. 19 Grades 5-7 - $115 - Friday, 4:30-6pm, Sept. 7 - Oct. 19 Section B w/ Jason Abide (No class Nov. 23) Homeschool - $115 - Friday, 1-2:30pm, Oct. 26 - Dec. 14 Grades 1-4 - $115 - Friday, 3-4:30pm, Oct. 26 - Dec. 14 Grades 5-7 - $115 - Friday, 4:30-6pm, Oct. 26 - Dec. 14

Wheelthrowing and Sculpture for High School Students Students will choose either a sculpture or wheel focus and complete projects of their own design, with teacher’s input for choosing projects appropriate to their skill level. Open studio access will be available with teacher’s approval. Section A w/ Jason Abide - $185 - Monday, 4-6:30pm, Sept. 10 - Oct. 22 Section B w/ Jason Abide - $185 - Monday, 4-6:30pm, Oct. 29 - Dec. 10

Questions about a class? Call 919-929-2787 for more information.


Youth Arts Classes

Youth Arts Classes enable artists of all ages to explore and their creativity.

ArtPlay: For Toddlers and Caregivers This class is for children ages 2 to 4 years of age. We will explore different art materials and experience the true joy that is art making. The class will be focused on the art making process rather than the product, which will allow kids to do what they do best - play! After reading a book related to art making, children will get to try different art materials like paint, oil pastels, clay and tissue paper. Group members may get messy so please bring them in clothes that can get dirty. Susan C. Richards - $120 - Monday, 9:45-10:45am, Nov. 5 - Dec. 10 A materials fee of $15 is due to the instructor at the first class. Tuition is for one caregiver and child.


Visit for materials lists.

Youth Arts Classes Wee-Arts Music and Movement Come join in the fun and meet other families with young kids aged between 0 - 6. Kids get lots of opportunities to play rhythm instruments, use puppets and various other imaginative props. Sessions are led by Michelle with the guitar, ukelele, violin, strum-stick and voice. Join in an engaging program for curious, young minds and their caregivers! Michelle Schooff - $100 - Monday, 10:30-11:15am, Sep. 24 - Oct. 29 Tuition is for one caregiver and child. All Sessions are Mixed Age Groups.

Expressive Portrait Painting (5th-8th Graders) Portraits can do more than just show an image of a person, they can show their soul and energy too. During this course, students will learn to paint portraits that are representative of their subject physically as well as emotionally. Working mainly from photographic reference of the students’ choosing, students will learn technical skills such as the proportions of the face, color mixing, and composition, as well as soft skills such as using color intuitively and painting expressively with emotion. All levels of painting abilities are welcome to attend. Ben Hamburger - $140 - Thursday, 3:30-5pm, Oct. 25 - Nov. 29 (No class on Nov. 22)

Black & White Digital Photography (4th-8th Graders) In Black & White Digital Photography students learn the ins-and-outs of image composition and aesthetics. We hunt for shadows, quest for contrast and uncover leading lines. Students will gain a fundamental understanding of what makes photos tick: how do we capture and keep the viewer’s interest? Marry form with content? Create powerful images? Come see the world in black and white! Peter Barnett - $100 - Tuesday, 3:45-5pm, Sept. 4 - Oct. 23

Experimental Digital Photography (4th-8th Graders) In Experimental Digital Photography, students learn the rules of photography by breaking them first. Super-long exposures, wide-open apertures and abstract compositions are what experimental photography is all about. Students will gain a solid understanding of the exposure triangle and manual camera operation in a fun and risk-free way. No grain, no gain! Throw caution to the wind and join us on a journey of discovery in Experimental Digital Photography! Peter Barnett - $100 - Tuesday, 3:45-5pm, Oct. 30 - Dec. 18

All ArtsCenter Members receive 15% off the cost of tuition.


@ artscenterlive

ArtSchool Catalog Fall 2018 300-G East Main Street Carrboro, NC 27510 WWW.ARTSCENTERLIVE.ORG

Carrboro, NC 27510


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