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South Norfolk Police news
Your new Inspector for Diss
“My name is Richard Freeman and I’ve been in post as Inspector for Diss since January. I have 24 years of policing experience all across Norfolk and am honoured to lead the local team here as they work hard to keep Diss a safe and lovely place to live, work and stay.
“The last 13 months have seen unprecedented change for all of us. COVID-19 has touched every part of our lives and this has been the same for policing. We’ve seen once busy roads, towns and workplaces become virtual ghost towns during the various stages of lockdown. Last year, we experienced a reduction in crime and a change in the demand profile for policing services as our community came to terms with the pandemic and the associated regulations which impacted us all. I’m extremely proud of the way our local policing team has coped with the unique challenges faced during this period. And, as we turn a corner, look forward to brighter times for us all.
“My predecessor, Inspector Symonds, introduced a Neighbourhood Policing Team (NPT) focusing on priority crime such as burglaries, motor theft and drug dealing. This team has had success in several key areas since its introduction. Highlights include: · 10 search warrants carried out at local premises, leading to the seizure of illegal drugs and ongoing prosecution of offenders. · a successful investigation into the farm arsons causing £750,000 pounds worth of damage and the death of 50 pigs. “The NPT work closely with my Response Team at Diss and the Safer Neighbourhood Team (SNT) to provide a proactive response to local crime concerns.
“I know how important it is for you to engage with local officers and see a daily presence in the community. I believe local community policing is key when it comes to keeping our neighbourhoods safe. For now, I’m asking the team to be as visible as possible but keep a safe distance from members of the public.
“We’re particularly keen to support local businesses as they emerge from the latest lockdown and start to trade again. And we hope, COVID-19 permitting, that the SNT will be able to restart face-to-face engagement later this summer. When this time comes, please do join us (dates to be confirmed soon). We’re also continuing to run online public meetings every three months. Thanks to all who joined us online in March 2021 and for your views and suggestions.
“I’d like to close by reassuring you that crime remains low and Diss continues to be a safe place to live and work.”
Inspector Richard Freeman