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Lighthouse inspires Platinum party
On Thursday 2 June, Diss park hosts a free, public party in honour of Her Majesty the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Called Glow in the Park, the event will use light in some of its many forms to mark this special occasion. A lantern procession, beacon lighting ceremony, spectacular firework display and street-theatre sensations, LED drumming troupe Spark!, will all make Diss “glow”. But there’s more to the theme than a simple love of lights. Let’s look at the inspiration behind the event.

What no fireworks?
In June 1953*, someone calling themselves a ‘Real Dissean’, wrote to the Diss Express with concerns about the forthcoming Coronation celebrations. Saddened about the lack of fireworks, they suggested an alternative. A lighthouse on the Mere. “In reading through your paper of May 1st,” says the Real Dissean “It is noted that there will be no fireworks on the Mere to finish the Coronation celebrations. This will be regretted, as many who would have gone to see these will not view the wonderful transformation at Mere’s Mouth. To offset this, a few residents have a lighthouse which will be built in the centre of the Mere.” This idea was well-received. Particularly by local businessman and barber, Dan Jones. “I read with interest of a lighthouse being placed on the Mere by a ‘Real Dissean’,” wrote Mr Jones in the following edition of the Diss Express. “We are grateful that somebody has thought of something to liven our Diss Coronation celebrations. Since the council has done such a good job of work to the mouth of the Mere.” Appreciative of his interest and enthusiastic response, the ‘Real Dissean’ swiftly invited Mr Jones to attend the event. And play a part in proceedings. “It is now certain that the lighthouse will be in position on the Mere on Saturday,” said
Image: Jerry Rolfe
the ‘Real Dissean’. “To Mr Dan Jones is the honour of switching on the lights at 9.30pm.”
The Three Bs
Aware that many residents would be away on the Saturday, plans to parade the lighthouse round the town the night before were revealed. And so, the event was born, powered by a team they called ‘The Three Bs’. Here’s how the Diss Express reported it back in 1953. “At last, there is a lighthouse on the Mere at Diss, the same being placed in position on Saturday night, and at 9.30 it started to show forth alternate white, green and red lights. Though not part of the Coronation effort, it does impart a little novelty. The idea originated with Mr Roger Bryant who thought it would be an opportunity to help the Lifeboat Fund. And he had the willing assistance of Mr A. E. Betts of sweet fame who erected the frame and covering. Mr L. A. Boggis who provided and installed the electrical equipment, and many others. “Below the lights were seagulls and at the base crabs etc. and sea birds. The ‘lighthouse’ was taken around the town on a lorry on Friday night, a collection being made en route, and on Saturday night it was cited on the Mere in the presence of a large company. The lights, which are intermittent, came on and Mr Roger Bryant was rowed out to it by Mr S. F. Bedford, a rather precarious crossing. On arriving safely, Mr Bryant christened it ‘The Three Bs’ by breaking a gaily decorated bottle of “wine” on the framework. “This was followed by trips around the lighthouse at 1/- per head. Mr Bedford being the “skipper” and several availed themselves of the offer. “The sum raised for the lighthouse fund was £10 and Mr. Roger Bryant expresses his thanks. “On Tuesday, at midnight, the lighthouse keeper must have slept because it was partially destroyed by fire. We believe this was done intentionally by the organiser, but it would not burn.”
*The Coronation took place over a year after the Queen’s accession to the throne in 1952.

Glow in the Park takes place in Diss park on Thursday 2 June 2022 from 4pm to 10.30pm. It’s free! And everyone’s welcome. Event includes: live music, street food, a lantern procession, beacon lighting ceremony and a spectacular firework finale followed by a headline performance from street-theatre LED drummers, Spark!. More information: www.facebook.com/DissTC/events/