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Diss youth update

Youth and Community Worker, Julia Fairbrother, provides a round-up of youth activities in and around the town.
Diss Youth Group (DYG) returns to the DYCC After a year and a half of Zoom sessions due to COVID, we opened our doors again at the Diss Youth & Community Centre (DYCC) in October 2021, with the support of Diss Town Council. Since then, we’ve been going from strength to strength, with 36 young people joining our weekly sessions for games, crafts, cooking and more.
Diss Youth Work receives Community Grant MTM Youth Services CIC was delighted to receive a Community Grant from Diss Town Council to deliver more youth projects in the town this year. Our aim is to use the funding to deliver projects that will help 11 to 19-year-olds engage positively in and with their community, take pride and social action, and access wider experiences with other organisations. Opportunities include volunteering, supporting the FareShare food scheme, intergenerational events, and other activities aimed at encouraging youth voice and participation. On April 5, we held our first intergenerational event, which was a great success. Supported by Diss Town Council, Diss Bowls Club and South Norfolk Youth Advisory Board, our young people provided a delicious ‘Spring Luncheon’ for some of the town’s older residents. A two-course meal was followed by a hot drink and a delicious homemade hot cross cookie. The guests were also given handmade Easter cards, truffles and decorations to take away.
Quaker Wood sessions resume Our regular conservation sessions at Quaker Wood have started up again. Supported by Richard, Mike and the Quaker Wood Steering Group, these sessions give young people the chance to learn new practical skills, find out more about the environment and enjoy time outside with nature.

DYG sessions run term-time on Wednesdays, from 7 to 8.30pm. If you’re a young person and have ideas of what you would like in Diss, are interested in joining us at Quaker Wood, or in other volunteering opportunities, please contact Julia Fairbrother on 07546 059061 or email julia@mtmyouthservices.org.uk

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