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Toddler Groups
Peacock Montessori Nursery
A private nursery school for children aged 6 months to 5 years. Please call 01379 740508 or email enquiries@peacockmontessori.co.uk
The Oaks Nursery
Jarretts Yard, Church Street Diss IP22 4DD. Tel: 651906. Open 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, children aged 3 months – 5 years. info.Oaksdiss@alpha-nurseries.co.uk
Roydon Early Years
Roydon Village Hall. Up to 38 children meet Monday to Friday 8.30am3.30pm. Contact: Tammy Batchelor. Tel: 07946 688601. tammybat@gmail.com
Safe Hands Day Nursery
Unit 13a Hopper Way Diss, IP22 4GT. Tel: 650420. Open 8am to 6pm Mon to Friday3 months – 5 years. info.safehands@alpha-nurseries.co.uk
The Swan Nursery School
Children day nursery registered with OFSTED, set in beautiful woodland setting for children aged 2 5 years, open all year from 8 am 4.30 pm. Please contact Michelle Bowgen, Tel: 644588 or visit website www.swannursery.co.uk Toddler/Baby Groups
Little Sparks
At Hope Church, Vinces Road. Thursday 9.3011am and 11.30am1pm. £1.50 per family. Contact Tel: 644223.
Edward Bear Mother & Toddler Group
Meet every Tuesday 9.30am to 11.00am in school term time at St. Mary’s Hall. Contact the church office. Tel: 643783.
From birth to four months, this group offers gentle songs, rhymes, mini massage and sensory experiences all carefully designed to provide stimuli that meets the needs of these little people without overwhelming them. Thursdays 11.1512.15 at Taylor Road Rooms. Ring Rachel Baker for more info on 640696. www.impscreativity.co.uk
Baby Imps
A group for parents and babies to enjoy. From birth to walking. Teacher led session (includes treasure baskets, bookshare, touch & taste, bubbles etc) and then freeplay time, with home made cakes & coffee. Meets at Taylor Road Rooms every Thursday 9.3011am and Friday mornings from 9.3010.45 and 1112.15pm. Ring Rachel Baker 640696 for further details. www.impscreativity.co.uk