Published by
of the Red River Valley
ARTFUL INVESTMENT Gate City Bank uses design and art to create inviting environment
By Dayna Del Val !"#$%&"'$(!)*$+!,$!$-.)/$+&,".0'$.1$/&2&)/$3!4*$".$&",$4.556)&"&#,7$8&"+$.194#,$&)$ 19 cities in the area, Gate City has had many opportunities to help create a better way of life, but Gate City also has a goal for its customers who come into the banks: to have an experience that is a sensory delight. This includes freshly baked cookies, coffee, and a welcoming interior design. Most recently, that experience has expanded to include a variety of original art. “The environment is how we show respect to customers, guests and employees,” Gate City Bank Vice President Jay Krabbenhoft said. “It’s done by artful design and "+#$&),"!--!"&.)$.1$9)#0$!0"$&)$.60$0#"!&-$.194#,7:
The collaborative evolution is brewing at the
Red Raven
By Julie Walnum n the heels of Halloween, the image of a raven conjures gothic ideas of misty castles, crumbling graveyards and 18th century poetry by Edgar Allen Poe. A perfect place to house a coffee shop, right? Now scrap all that. Inside, the Red Raven feels retromodern, hip with its immensely high ceilings, art hung on exposed brick. Its background pulses with 8bit music, laptops, high ceilings, the hiss of espresso and steaming milk into foam. The Red Raven offers a variety of tastes for the palate. Any night might offer a completely different experience: standup comedy, live music, poetry reading free markets. The Red Raven seeks to be more than just a “cool” hangout. In fact, the Red Raven is !"#$%&'()%!*%+,')%,'&&-".%/"%),-%(-"!0')-1%2(-%.)')/!"%')%345%6'/"%70-89%:'(;!8% <,/.%=>/#1/";%.>&&!().%'"%-")/(-%'()/.)/?%?!@@>"/)$%'"1%/.%1-2"-1%=$%),!.-%/"0!#0-1% with it as the “Stationhouse,” which “is a cooperative housewide event,” said Erik
Photo by Denise Knudson
The co-owners of this multi-use mixed space, which includes Red Raven coffee shop, LA Group, Seagrave Studios and DeerHeart Gallery, gather outside their building.
More RED RAVEN on page 6
Inside ➻ ➻ ➻ ➻ ➻ ➻ ➻
MSUM Performing Arts Series - page 10
➻ Tin Roof Theatre 13 Viewpoint 3 ➻ Musical Comeback 15 News Briefs 4 ➻ Lake Agassiz Girls Choir 15 Historical and Cultural Society 5 ➻ The Fillers 16 FM Symphony 7 ➻ MHS Hall of Honor 16 Red River Boy Choir 8 ➻ Whodunit? 17 PBS Arts Fall Festival 10 ➻ Spirit Room 18 Fargo Moorhead Opera12 ➻ Plains Art Museum 13
Spirit Room - page 18
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One Oak Place!
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NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2011 A guide to Fargo-Moorhead area arts and culture
Publisher The Arts Partnership Executive Director and Managing Editor Dayna Del Val Co-managing Editor Kris Kerzman Publications Committee Eric Daeuber Lisa Farnham Pam Gibb Kris Kerzman Erin Koffler Jacob Ritteman Sue Spingler Julie Walnum Design and Layout Shawn Olson Co-Founders John Gould Steve Revland Contact us
1104 2nd Ave. S., Suite 315 Fargo, N.D. 58103 701-237-6133
VIEW point A season of art
here’s no denying that this is a busy time of year; not only does it seem to come faster and faster every year, but it also seems to start earlier. By Nov. 1, we are all well into our holiday planning, partyattending, shopping and travel '(('";/";8%A)B.%'%*>"C2##-19%?('D$%'"1%*-.)/0-% time of year. You can begrudgingly attend all the events you are invited to, bemoan the inevitable holiday weight gain, and dread the post holiday bills, not to mention the weather! OR, you can get into the spirit of the season. You can shop with an eye and ear tuned in to the beautiful decorations and sounds. Better yet, shop with the intention of buying locally produced art. We have a number of artists and arts related businesses that sell to every price point. Buying art doesn’t have to mean blowing your budget. A small, thoughtful
Dayna Del Val Executive Director, The Arts Partnership
&/-?-%!*%'()9%.&-?/2?'##$%&>(?,'.-1%+/),% the person in mind, can be an incredibly meaningful present. 6'$=-%$!>%,'0-%&-!&#-%!"%$!>(%#/.)%+,!% have everything. Why labor over what to get them? Give a donation to your (or ),-/(E%*'0!(/)-%'().%!(;'"/D')/!".%/"%),-/(% honor. I’ve yet to meet an arts group who has all the money it wants, so anything
you give will be incredibly appreciated, plus, don’t forget the tax deduction! At my house, I like to say, “If I can’t eat it or burn it, I don’t want it.” This year, I’m adding “If I can’t help develop it” to that list because that’s what your dollars do — they provide development opportunities to arts !(;'"/D')/!".%.!%),-$%?'"%?!")/">-%)!%;(!+% and thrive. I wish you a wonderful end to 2011. Thank you for all the support of the arts you have given this year — reading ARTSpulse9%#/F/";%>.%!"%:'?-=!!F9%;!/";% to CulturePulse, attending concerts, plays, readings and openings, buying art and generally talking up our great arts community. Without you, none of us could do what we do. Happy holidays to you, one and all!
Barnes and Noble’s BookFair is giving to The Arts Partnership on December 13
This publication was made possible by the cities of Fargo, Moorhead and West Fargo through their allocations for arts & culture and members of The Arts Partnership. ArtsPulse is published six times a year by The Arts Partnership. All rights reserved by ArtsPulse. Reproductions of any kind without written permission are prohibited. The publisher and editor assume no responsibility for unsolicited material, manuscripts or photographs. All materials are compiled from sources believed to be reliable, but published without responsibility for errors or omissions.
The Arts Partnership
The Arts Partnership
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Barnes & Noble
1201 42 nd Street South, Fargo ND 10589299
ArtsPulse accepts advertisements from organizations believed to be of good reputation, but cannot guarantee the authenticity or quality of objects, events, or services advertised. Opinions and/or ideas expressed by authors are not necessarily those of the publisher.
By The Arts Partnership staff o your Holiday shopping and donate to The Arts Partnership at the same )/@-G%H!@-%)!%I'("-.%'"1%J!=#-%I!!F.-##-(.%K4LM4%NL"1%70-%O%/"%:'(;!E% supporting th. Barnes and Noble will generously donate a supporting on Tuesday, December 13 percentage of their sales to The Arts Partnership from any customer who presents this voucher (or a copy) on the 13th. This even counts on purchases made in the cafe, so come and spend the whole day! Books, movies, CDs, the Nook, games — these are just a few of the gifts Tuesday, Dec. 13, 9 a.m. to Tuesday, Dec. 13, 9 a.m. to you can get at Barnes and Noble, plus we will be at the store that day, too! 11 p.m. 11 p.m. Barnes & Noble Barnes & Noble We are inviting our Literary Partners to attend and sign any of their work nd nd you purchase; come out and meet them, and see what else we’re cooking 1201 42 Street South, 1201 42 Street South, >&%)!%@'F-%),/.%'%*>"9%'().C2##-1%1'$8%P')?,%*!(%!>(%&#'".%)!%.,!+%>&%!"%!>(% Fargo ND Fargo ND 10589299 10589299 *'?-=!!F%&';-%'.%+-%?!"2(@%)/@-.%'"1%'?)/0/)/-.%"-'(-(%),-%1')-8 H'"B)%;-)%)!%),-%:'(;!%.)!(-Q%<,-%0!>?,-(%+!(F.%')%'"$%I'("-.%'"1%J!=#-% store and online, too ( Here’s how: On the payment page, when you enter your payment information, on the bottom left hand side of the screen below the pictures of Credit cards is a box to check off if this is '%I!!F:'/(%!(1-(8%R")-(%!>(%I!!F:'/(%AS%T%4MUV3L33%*(!@%),-%=!W%),')%&!&.% up. WARNING! If you are a Barnes and Noble member, and your payment information is stored, you will have to click on the “change” button where your &'$@-")%/"*!(@')/!"%/.%/"%!(1-(%)!%;-)%)!%),-%I!!F:'/(%=>))!"8 Take some time on the 13th to stop by, say hi and support The Arts Partnership. We’ll see you there!
Letters to the editor should include the author’s name, address and phone number. All letters are subject to editing. Letters can be submitted to
The Arts Partnership
Foundation and Institutional Support s Cities of Fargo, Moorhead and West Fargo s North Dakota Council on the Arts s Carol L. Stoudt Donor Advised Fund (II) of the Fargo-Moorhead Area Foundation For calendar listings visit and for The Arts Partnership information visit
Six word stories of the arts begin every meeting By The Board of Directors of The Arts Partnership and its Executive Director he Arts Partnership has taken on the challenge of creating sixword short stories about the arts at every executive committee and supporting supporting supporting full board meeting in an effort to be evercreating the small stories that tell the truth of the power of the arts. Look for these to show >&%/"%),-%&'&-(%*(!@%)/@-%)!%)/@-8%:--#%*(--%)!%?(-')-%$!>(%!+"%'"1%&!.)%),-@%!"%!>(%:'?-=!!F%&';-8%A"%F--&/";%+/),%),-%.&/(/)%!*%),-% challenge: We’d love to hear from you!
The Arts Partnership
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Barnes & Noble
The Arts Partnership
The Arts Partnership
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 9 a.m. to Barnes & Noble
Tuesday, Dec. 13, 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. Barnes & Noble
Have Art? We do. Will share. 11 p.m.
Art is happening. We bring it.
1201 42 nd Street South, 1201 42 nd Street South, 1201 42 nd Street South, Fargo ND Fargo ND Fargo ND Compelling Creative Community through the Arts. 10589299
Art speaks when all else fails. The best part is the art. Bringing Your art to Our people. I>/#1/";%(-#')/!".,/&%)!%.$"-(;/D-%),-%'().8
NEWS briefs Theatre B hires new administrative assistant By Theatre B Staff heatre B has hired Danny Thomas as its new administrative assistant. Thomas recently (-#!?')-1%)!%:'(;!C6!!(,-'1%*(!@%R>;-"-9%X(-89%+,-(-%,-%+'.%),-%!*2?-%'"1%&(!Y-?)% '../.)'")%)!%6'.!"%P/##/'@.8% Thomas has a degree in theatre arts from Central Washington University, Ellensburg, Wa. His theatre work has included everything from administration to sound design. He ,'.%,-#1%'1@/"/.)(')/0-%&!./)/!".%')%),-%Z/##';-%<,-')(-%/"%A..'[>',9%P'89%'"1%),-%6'>1-C Kerns Arts Center in Eugene, Ore. He has also served as resident sound designer at Lord Leebrick Theatre Company in Eugene. Thomas recently designed the sound for Theatre B’s Second Stage production of The Illusion. Since 2003, the ensemble and guest artists of Theatre B have brought to life a variety of the latest awardwinning plays and bold, untested new works. Located in the renovated .)!(-*(!")%')%\45%6'/"%70-">-%/"%1!+")!+"%:'(;!9%<,-')(-%IB.%>"/[>-%.&'?-%(-@!0-.% barriers between actor and audience, intensifying the experience and moving viewers to contemplate the stories long after they have left the theatre.
Trollwood makes 2012 musical announcement via social media
By TPAS Staff "%O-&)8%4U9%6>./?%<,-')(-%A")-("')/!"'#%!*%J-+%b!(F%(-#-'.-1%),-%c'@')->(%&(!1>?)/!"d% licensing rights for Legally Blonde The Musical. Within 24 hours Trollwood Performing Arts School had secured a performance contract and announced to the world via a surprise :'?-=!!F%@-..';-%),')%/)%+'.%c),-/(%.,!+d%*!(%"-W)%.>@@-(B.%@>./?'#8% cP-%),!>;,)%'%:'?-=!!F%@-..';-%+!>#1%=-%'%>"/[>-%+'$%)!%@'F-%),/.%@>?,C'")/?/&')-1% '"">'#%'""!>"?-@-")9d%.'/1%e/.'%:'(",'@9%<(!##+!!1B.%@'(F-)/";%?!!(1/"')!(8%cP-% (-#-'.-1%)-'.-(%@-..';-.%0/'%:'?-=!!F%'"1%-C@'/#9%+,/?,%;'0-%'"%'""!>"?-@-")%)/@-%*!(% later the same day. The whole process generated quite a bit of echatter and was exciting.” Performance dates are set for July 1214, 1821 and 2428, 2012, at Bluestem Center *!(%),-%7().9%,!@-%!*%<(!##+!!1%^-(*!(@/";%7().%O?,!!#9%!"%),-%H,-&>#/.C6'(F.%O)';-%')% A@';/"-%7@&,/),-')-(9%VM4%UM),%70-8%OP9%6!!(,-'18 f(!>&%)/?F-).%+/##%;!%!"%.'#-%/"%6'(?,%LM4L%'"1%),-%(-;>#'(%=!W%!*2?-%+/##%!&-"%/"%g>"-8% Cast and orchestra auditions, which are open to all high school students currently in grades V%),(!>;,%4L9%+/##%!??>(%'*)-(%),-%2(.)%!*%),-%$-'(8 Based on the wildly popular movie of the same name, which starred Reese Witherspoon, Legally Blonde The Musical, written by Heather Hach with music and lyrics by Laurence O’Keefe and Nell Benjamin, tells the tale of sorority star Elle Woods, who won’t take “no” for an answer. When her boyfriend dumps her for someone “serious,” Elle puts down the By Moorhead Area Public Schools Staff credit card, hits the books, and sets out to go where no Delta Nu has gone before: Harvard oorhead High School’s theatre department invites you to be ignited by “the spark of Law School. Along the way, Elle proves that being true to yourself never goes out of style. creation” as it presents Children of Eden. Legally Blonde The Musical &#'$-1%!"%I(!'1+'$%')%),-%^'#'?-%<,-')-(%*!(%U3U% %:(!@%O)-&,-"%O?,+'()D%KWicked) and John Caird (Les Misérables) comes a joyous &-(*!(@'"?-.%K?#!./";%X?)!=-(%439%LMMVE9%'"1%.)'((-1%e'>('%I-##%I>"1$9%+,!%+'.%"!@/"')-1% and inspirational musical, based on the story of Genesis. Children of Eden is a frank, *!(%),-%LMM\%<!"$%7+'(1%*!(%I-.)%7?)(-..%/"%'%6>./?'#8%<,-%@>./?'#%/).-#*%-'("-1%.-0-"% ,-'()*-#)%'"1%!*)-"%,>@!(!>.%-W'@/"')/!"%!*%),-%';-C!#1%?!"]/?)%=-)+--"%&'(-").%'"1% Tony Award nominations and ten Drama Desk Award nominations. A true popcultural children. phenomenon, a special performance of Legally Blonde The Musical%+'.%(-?!(1-1%*!(%6<Z8 With incredible animation, projection, masks, puppetry, and movement and an energetic %<^7O%'#>@"'%'"1%6!!(,-'1%"')/0-%I-?F$%f>#.0/;%>"1-(.)>1/-1%),-%(!#-%!*%R##-%/"%),-% .?!(-%2##-1%+/),%;!.&-#9%(!?F9%*!#F%'"1%&!+-(*>#%?,!('#%@!@-").9 Children of Eden Broadway production of Legally Blonde The Musical and performed in the ensemble from delivers a bittersweet message — that the hardest part of love is letting go. ),-%.,!+B.%I(!'1+'$%1-=>)%/"%LMM\8%O,-%&#'$-1%R##-%/"%),-%2(.)%"')/!"'#%)!>(%!*%),-%.,!+9% %^-(*!(@'"?-.%'(-%')%\_`M%&8@8%J!08%44C4L9%4VC43%'"1%LUCL5%+/),%@')/"--.%')%`%&8@8% *(!@%:'##%LMMV%),(!>;,%LMM38%f>#.0/;%'#.!%&-(*!(@-1%cO!%6>?,%I-))-(d%'.%R##-%*!(%),-% J!08%4`%'"1%LM%/"%),-%6!!(,-'1%a/;,%O?,!!#%'>1/)!(/>@9%L`MM%N),%70-8%O8%</?F-).%;!%!"% )-#-0/.-1%<!"$%7+'(1.%O,!+%/"%g>"-9%LMM38%f>#.0/;B.%!),-(%?(-1/).%/"?#>1-%'&&-'(/";%!"% sale Oct. 28. Tickets are $7 for students and $10 for adults and can be purchased at the Broadway as Amber Von Tussle in Hairspray and as Wendy in the national tour of Peter 6!!(,-'1%a/;,%O?,!!#%7?)/0/)/-.%X*2?-%!(%=$%?'##/";%L4VCLVNCL`NU8 Pan. Her TV credits include All My Children and Legally Blonde The Musical%!"%6<Z8
Moorhead High School presents the musical Children of Eden in November
Listen in awe. Cry with joy.
Takács Quartet Recognized as one of the world’s great ensembles, the Takács Quartet plays with a unique blend of drama, warmth and humor, and brings fresh insights to quartets by Janecek, Britten and Ravel.
November 17, 7:30 p.m., Gaede Stage
All Is Calm: the Christmas Truce of 1914 The Western Front, Christmas, 1914. A young German soldier steps out of the trench and into “No Man’s Land,” singing Stille Nacht (Silent Night). Minneapolis men’s chorus Cantus and actors from Theater Latté Da present a musical dramatization of the remarkable World War I truce between Allied Forces and German soldiers.
December 8, 7:30 p.m., Hansen Theatre For tickets, call the MSUM Box Office at (218) 477-2271 M-F from noon to 4 p.m. or buy online at
Powerful performances right here. Minnesota State University Moorhead is an equal opportunity educator and employer and is a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system.
Exhibit illuminates federal government’s role in
reviving Minnesota communities By the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County uring the Great Depression, New Deal programs brought relief to 7@-(/?'B.%&!!(%'"1%,-#&-1%.)'=/#/D-%/).%-?!"!@$8%:/"1%!>)%,!+%')%Uncle Sam’s New Deal9%'%"-+%-W,/=/)%!"%1/.&#'$%J!08%43%),(!>;,%S-?8%`M9%LM449%')% the Historical & Cultural Society of Clay County at the Hjemkomst Center @>.->@9%LML%:/(.)%70-8%J89%6!!(,-'18 J!(),%S'F!)'%O)')-%h"/0-(./)$%&(!*-..!(%O)-0-%6'()-".%+/##%;/0-%'%.&-?/'#% preview with his presentation “The Social Value of Work: DepressionEra I>/#1/";.9%A"0-.)@-")%'"1%O&/(/)>'#%i-"-+'#d%*(!@%UC\%&8@8%J!08%4\%')% h.,-(B.%a!>.-%/"%6!!(,-'1j%,/.%&(-.-")')/!"%=-;/".%')%5%&8@8%<,-% &(-.-")')/!"%+/##%/##>.)(')-%=>/#1/";.%/"%),-%:'(;!C6!!(,-'1%(-;/!"% '??!@&#/.,-1%>"1-(%*-1-('#%+!(F%(-#/-*%&(!;('@.%/"%),-%43`M.8%H'##%</@% g!(;-".-"%')%L4VCL33CUU44%RW)8%5\`\%*!(%)/?F-)%/"*!(@')/!"8 Uncle Sam’s New Deal illuminates the federal government’s role in reviving 6/""-.!)'%?!@@>"/)/-.%\M%$-'(.%';!8%^,!)!;('&,$9%/")-(0/-+.%'"1%J-+% S-'#%2#@%*!!)';-%'##!+%>.%)!%.--%,!+%ch"?#-%O'@d%#-1%-**!().%)!%.)/@>#')-% 6/""-.!)'B.%?!@@>"/)/-.%/"%),-%&'.)8 e-'("%,!+%),-%;!0-("@-")%?(-')-1%Y!=.%*!(%6/""-.!)'".%1>(/";%),-%f(-')% Depression through an “Alphabet Soup” of programs like the Work Progress Administration (WPA) and Civil Conversation Corps (CCC). Clay County &(!Y-?).%#/F-%),-%@>('#.%!*%),-%!#1%6!!(,-'1%a/;,%O?,!!#9%I>**'#!%O)')-% Park’s buildings, Usher’s House restaurant (the former American Legion building), and the founding of our historical society are highlighted in this exhibit. cP-%'(-%1-#/;,)-1%),')%),-%6/""-.!)'%a/.)!(/?'#%O!?/-)$%?,!.-%H#'$%H!>")$% as one of the counties to focus on for this exhibit. In our community we have a number of art and architecture projects that were funded by these programs 1>(/";%),-%f(-')%S-&(-../!"9d%.'/1%aHOHH%RW-?>)/0-%S/(-?)!(%6'>(--"%k-##$% Jonason. <,/.%-W,/=/)%+'.%?(-')-1%=$%6/""-.!)'%e'"1@'(F.%/"%&'()"-(.,/&%+/),%),-% 6/""-.!)'%a/.)!($%H-")-(8%A)%/.%!"%)-@&!('($%#!'"%*(!@%),-%6/""-.!)'%a/.)!($% H-")-(%/"%O)8%^'>#%'"1%+/##%=-%)('0-#/";%)!%0-">-.%),(!>;,!>)%6/""-.!)'8 <,-%6/""-.!)'%a/.)!(/?'#%O!?/-)$%<('0-#/";%RW,/=/).%^(!;('@%,'.%=--"% @'1-%&!../=#-%=$%),-%7().%'"1%H>#)>('#%a-(/)';-%:>"1%),(!>;,%),-%0!)-%!*% 6/""-.!)'".%!"%J!0-@=-(%N9%LMMV8 :!(%@!(-%/"*!(@')/!"9%?'##%L4VCL33CUU44%!(%0/./) or
Photo courtesy of the Historical and Cultural Society of Clay County
Artist Lucia Wiley painted murals for the old Moorhead High School, now the Townsite Center, in 1940, “Making Camp on the Red River Trail,” the mural was put on rollers to make the canvas accessible without scaffolding.
A.D. November - December, 2011
Green Market Kitchen, Open 3-9pm Tuesday -Friday, Saturday, noon -9pm. 69 Fourth St. North in downtown Fargo. (701) 241-6000, daily kitchen menu posted at
6 RED RAVEN: Continued
from page 1
6-$-(9%!"-%!*%i'0-"B.%20-%?!C!+"-(.8%<,-%=>/#1/";%/"?#>1-.%),-%i-1%i'0-"9%e7%f(!>&9% O-';('0-%O)>1/!.%'"1%S--(a-'()%f'##-($9%+/),%%O)')/!",!>.-%6-1/'%'"1%'%&!../=#-% consignment shop in the near future. Six years ago the Red Raven originated in the basement of Roberts Street. Original !+"-(%</@%f(/*2"%?!@=/"-1%),-%(-1%*(!@%),-%i-1%i/0-(%+/),%i'0-".%=(-+%?!**--%)!% form the name inspired, in part, by a company dedicated to great coffee and a supported community. <,-"%?'@-%S!@/"/?%:/.?,-(9%#'"1.?'&-%'(?,/)-?)%'"1%&(!*-..!(9%+,!%(-").%'%.&'?-% =-./1-%),-%=!!F%(!!@%*!(%,/.%.@'##%1-./;"%2(@%?'##-1%),-%e7%f(!>&8%:/.?,-(9%'%&(/!(%i-1% i'0-"%!+"-(9%.'/19%cA%#/F-1%),-%"/?,-%),')%/)%2##-18%e/)-(')>(-9%@>./?9%'()%'"1%?!**--9%'"1% available for anyone, really. I remember being in college and wanting to go to music and not being able to because I wasn’t old enough.” P,-"%$!>%?'"B)%2"1%),-%.)>**%$!>%+'")%)!%.--%!(%,-'(%$!>%@'F-%/)8% The move to the new building has been large enough to accommodate many niches so far — with room still available for new great ideas to come. “There are more spaces for us to explore and complete.” said Sarah WatsonCurry, coowner, though she still wonders, ca!+%?'"%+-%/")(!1>?-%&-!&#-%l)!%),/.%.&'?-mj%,!+%?'"%+-%*>#2##%),-%;!'#.%!*%=-/";%'% community space?” Also included in the building are living areas upstairs and Seagraves Studios in the basement, ,-'1-1%=$%7-(!"%a-('#1%6'>(=Y!("9%+,!%'#.!% coordinates Deerheart Gallery, or the west wall of the Red Raven. The studios have a separate entrance and lead into an area where individual studios are neatly cordoned off by wood frames covered with old hospital .,--).8%6'>(=Y!("%@'F-.%"!)-%!*%),-%;!!1%>.-%!*% space. “If you can have an agreement with another group of people and share resources, everybody then ends up with more resources while using less. Especially with the way the economy has been, the way we live and work will become more popular, just out of necessity,” 6'>(=Y!("%.'/18% 6'>(=Y!("%,'.%-W?/)/";%/1-'.%*!(%*>)>(-%-"1-'0!(.%')%O-';('0-8%6!.)%/"0!#0-%=(/";/";% ?!@@>"/)$%@-@=-(.%/"%*!(%-0-").%#/F-%2;>(-%1('+/";%!(%;('")%+(/)/";%)-@&#')-.9% workshops and lectures. They would undoubtedly make good use of the studio’s printing/ letter press, dark room, sewing area and full screenprinting area. Stationhouse, and all its subsets, isn’t the brainchild of just one person. Rather, it’s the collective creative energy and talents of an entire group of people over a number of years who work seemingly tirelessly, and sometimes unnoticed, to produce a place that can arguably not be called a just coffee shop. The result is a creative collaboration of which ),-%#/F-.%!*%:'(;!C6!!(,-'1%,'.%"-0-(%.--"9%'"1%+,/?,%'%#'(;-%'@!>")%!*%/).%&!&>#')/!"%
has driven past daily on the morning drive never knowing that the coffee that fuels their everyday ambitions and needs is one turn away. Coffee shops have always housed an interesting mix of night life and the arts, and yet, “there’s not a space like this in this community,” said coowner Joe Curry. 7)%!"-%&!/")%),-%i-1%i'0-"B.%"--1.%-W&'"1-1%=-$!"1%),-%?!"2"-.%!*%/).%i!=-().% Street location: “We wanted to create a foothold where we were not dependant on paying rent. We’re striving for ownership, because with ownership of the building we can feel ?!"21-")%),')%'%#!)%!*%),-.-%/1-'.%?'"%%=-%.>.)'/"'=#-%*!(%1-?'1-.%)!%?!@-8d One major focus, Curry said, is to continue nourishing the community in a way that will '##!+%&-!&#-%)!%2"1%+,')%),-$%@/;,)%?>((-")#$%=-%#!!F/";%*!(%-#.-+,-(-_%c7%#!)%!*%&-!&#-% '(-%#!!F/";%*!(%.&'?-.%)!%/1-")/*$%+/),8%:!(%.!%#!";%AB0-%+')?,-1%&-!&#-%),/"F%+,')%),-$B(-% searching for is not here. We have a huge exodus of youth and talent that leaves every summer. This place can help retain and inspire them.” Curry’s thoughts underscore the question, what do young people want and need? It brings up the notion of what is possible? Young people want to participate in the communities they choose, not only to let it shape them, but also, eventually, to do some .,'&/";%!*%),-/(%!+"8%A"%!(1-(%)!%2##%),')%1--&#$%&-(.!"'#%@-")'#%"/?,-9%),-$%@>.)%,'0-% .!@-),/";%),')%c.)/(.%),-/(%.!>#.9d%'"1%),')%/.%.!@-),/";%),-$%+/##%#/F-#$%=-%'=#-%)!%2"1%')%
“One major focus is to continue nourishing the community in a way that will allow people to find what they might currently be looking for elsewhere.” a place that has so much to offer in terms of education and entertainment possibilities that @!.)%'(-%=!>"1%)!%2"1%.!@-),/";%),-(-%)!%-"Y!$%8%7*)-(%'##9%-0-($!"-%#/F-.%.!@-),/";%)!% drink, right? Why not get some comedy and art and books to go with that? X"-%='((/-(%"-+%)!%),-%6'/"%70-">-%#!?')/!"%/.%6'/"%70-">-9%),')%@>?,%*>(),-(%'+'$% from downtown and on the other side of the railroad tracks. But this might just be another opportunity for those at Stationhouse to expand their community even further. “The same ),/";%),')%*(>.)(')-.%$!>%/"%),-%=-;/""/";%/.%'#.!%'"%!&&!()>"/)$9d%:/.?,-(%.'/18 X"-%(-?-")%?!@@-")'($%!"%J^i%1/.?>..-.%,!+%.!%@'"$%?('D$%),/";.%,'&&-"%')%P'#C 6'()%=-?'>.-%/)%,'.%.!%.>??-..*>##$%.>=.>@-1%6'/"%O)(--)%6'%'"1%^'%=>./"-..-.9%/)%,'.% =-?!@-%'%LM44%0-(./!"%!*%6'/"%O)(--)8%7%+'?F$%#/))#-%.#/?-%!*%7@-(/?'"'8%^#'?-.%#/F-% ),-%i-1%i'0-"%(-@/"1%>.%),')%/)%/.%&!../=#-%)!%?(-')-%$-)%'"!),-(%0-(./!"%!*%6'/"%O)(--)9% ),!>;,%?,--F/#$%!"%6'/"%70-">-%/".)-'18
A season of
farewells Symphony says goodbye to music director and concertmaster
By Linda Coates ow do you say goodbye to someone very special? This .-'.!"9%),-%:'(;!C6!!(,-'1%O$@&,!"$%X(?,-.)('%@>.)% =/1%*'(-+-##%)!%=!),%6>./?%S/(-?)!(%I-("'(1%i>=-".)-/"%'"1% Concertmaster Benjamin Sung. This will be Rubenstein’s 2"'#%$-'(%'.%?!"1>?)!(9%'"1%O>";%(-?-")#$%'??-&)-1%),-% &!./)/!"%!*%'../.)'")%&(!*-..!(%!*%0/!#/"%')%:#!(/1'%O)')-% h"/0-(./)$8%:!()>"')-#$9%O>";%,'.%'(('";-1%)!%?!@-%='?F% ),/.%.-'.!"%)!%&-(*!(@%/"%*!>(%!*%),-%20-%6'.)-(+!(F.% ?!"?-().%K!"-%'.%0/!#/"%.!#!/.)E9%'.%+-##%'.%'%H,'@=-(%6>./?% Series concert. So if we must say farewell, best to express it through some of the world’s most beautiful music. This season’s ),-@-9%cI-("/-B.%:!"1%:'(-+-##9d%&(!@&)-1%i>=-".)-/"%)!% select some of his favorite musical works for the Sanford a-'#),%6'.)-(+!(F.%H!"?-()%O-(/-.8%<!%.,!+%!**%),-% accomplishment of the orchestra and to delight concert goers, Rubenstein has chosen masterpieces by Beethoven, Debussy, Shostakovich, Chopin, Britten, Copland, 6-"1-#..!,"9%O)('0/".F$9%i'0-#9%6',#-(9%I'()!F%'"1% Haydn. i>=-".)-/"9%+,!%@'F-.%,/.%,!@-%/"%O'")'%:-9%J8689% '"1%?!@@>)-.%)!%:'(;!C6!!(,-'1%*!(%?!"?-()%+--F.9%/.% proud of the artistic achievement of the orchestra during his tenure. c<,/.%.-'.!"%!*%@>./?C@'F/";%*>#2##.%@$%&(!@/.-%)!%),-% :6OXB.%I!'(1%!*%<(>.)--.%+,-"%A%+'.%?,!.-"%'.%@>./?% 1/(-?)!(9d%,-%.'/18%cA%&(!@/.-1%)!%=(/";%),-%:'(;!C6!!(,-'1% Symphony Orchestra to a new level of artistry so that the orchestra would be able to perform major repertoire at the highest level. I believe we have met this goal.” Rubenstein is wellknown in the community not just as
FMSO Music Director Bernard Rubenstein.
an orchestra conductor but as an avid audience member !*%!),-(%'().%!(;'"/D')/!".B%&(!1>?)/!".9%'.%'"%/")-".-#$% competitive tennis player (who keeps a standing tennis date with friends he has made in town), and as an avid cross country skiier. “This season will be much more than a fond farewell )!%),-%:'(;!C6!!(,-'1%?!@@>"/)$9d%i>=-".)-/"%.'/18% “Conducting here feels like home, and my wife and I cherish the many friends we have made over these past years — years that have passed much too quickly.” O>";%)(>#$%@'1-%,/.%@'(F%/"%),-%:'(;!C6!!(,-'1%'(-'% 1>(/";%),-%&'.)%*!>(%$-'(.8%I-./1-.%.-(0/";%'.%),-%:6OX% concertmaster, he also taught at North Dakota State h"/0-(./)$%'"1%6/""-.!)'%O)')-%h"/0-(./)$%6!!(,-'19%+'.% artistic director of the Cheryl Lossett Performing Arts Series ')%6Oh69%)'>;,)%'"1%@-")!(-1%@'"$%$!>";%.)(/";%&#'$-(.9% and even served on The Forum’s Reader Advisory board. He and his wife Jihye Chang, an extraordinary concert pianist, leave a void in our community’s cultural landscape. I-("/-%'"1%I-"%+/##%)-'@%>&%)!%&(-.-")%6!D'()9% 6-"1-#..!,"%'"1%O,!.)'F!0/?,%'.%),-%.-?!"1%!*%20-% O'"*!(1%a-'#),%6'.)-(+!(F.%O-(/-.%?!"?-().%!"%J!08%4L% '"1%4`8%O>";%+/##%&-(*!(@%'.%.!#!/.)%/"%),-%6-"1-#..!,"% violin concerto, a piece some have called “the most beautiful music ever written for the violin.” The concert also includes the bubbly Cosi fan Tutte (“Women Are All 7#/F-dE%!0-()>(-%=$%6!D'()9%?#!./";%+/),%),-%1('@')/?%'"1% powerful Symphony No. 10 by Dmitri Shostakovich, written '*)-(%),-%1-'),%!*%g!.-*%O)'#/"%/"%43U`8 H!@-%?-#-=(')-%),-%:'(;!C6!!(,-'1%O$@&,!"$% Orchestra’s 80th season — and help us bid Rubenstein and Sung a truly fond farewell!
FMSO Concertmaster Benjamin Sung.
Habitat ReStore Recycled Art Show and Auction Artwork Requirements:
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Calling All Artists
#$%&'$("&433",-"04+F32:"2%"%5-"<F4$4%";'')"G"&--(+" ,-1'$-"%5-""2*.%4'/="H5-"14/23"2$%"+5'&"&433",-"5-30"" '/"I-,$*2$:"?J"KELK"2%"%5-"<F4$4%";'')"M233-$:J" 0'&/%'&/"I2$7'="#33"F2$%4.4F2%4/7"2$%4+%+"&433"$-.-4C-" %&'"1$--"%4.(-%+"%'"%5-"-C-/%J"2"DGE"0'332$"C23*-= N'/%2.%"<5-3,:"N'.5$2/"2%"KL@=K@?=BKBG"->%="K" '$"-O)243"+5-3,:P32(-272++4852,4%2%='$7"1'$")'$-" 4/1'$)2%4'/=
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Art Spaces at
Artist Studios Located at 109 Broadway, in the heart of the Fargo Historic District, the Spirit Room Artist Studios would provide space for up to 19 area painters, photographers, sculptors and writers. The creative energy at the Spirit Room Artist Studios will inspire artists to embrace new ideas, take risks and produce original new work, helping them further their careers and grow creatively.
• Highlights Include
• All Studios well-lit • Broad variety of sizes/prices • 3rd floor view of Historic Downtown Fargo • Spaces are $7.50/sq foot, starting at $69/month Contact the Spirit Room for an appointment: 701-237-0230
Red River Boy Choir
lines up new season By Gina Bortnem he Red River Boy Choir repeatedly hears the comment nAB@%;#'1%),-(-B.%'%=!$%?,!/(%/"%)!+"8B%6'"$%'11%),')%),')% wasn’t the case where they grew up. As it turns out, unless you live in a fairly large city the chances of having an allboy choir is slim. S/1%$!>%F"!+%),')%),-(-%/.%'%=!$%?,!/(%/"%:'(;!C6!!(,-'1% that won the highest honor for its age group at the Heritage 6>./?%:-.)/0'#%/"%O)8%e!>/.9%6!89%/"%7&(/#%LM44Q%% Did you know that this same boy choir auditioned '#!";./1-%3MMC&#>.%;(!>&.%'"1%/"1/0/1>'#.9%'"1%+'.%,!"!(-1% )!%=-%!"-%!*%NU%.-#-?)-1%)!%./";%),-%J')/!"'#%7"),-@%*!(% `49MMM%&-!&#-%'"1%)-#-0/.-1%#/0-%')%'%6/""-.!)'%<+/".% baseball game in July 2011? Did you know that over the past 28 years this boy choir has performed around the country including Carnegie Hall, Disney World, New Orleans and more? Did you know that this boy choir will rehearse to prepare for at least eight scheduled performances in the 20112012 season? Did you know that since its beginning 28 years ago, nearly 1,200 boys have participated in this boy choir? The Red River Boy Choir is here and everyone is welcome to attend its many public performances and encourage any boy in grades 112 to set up an interview for the second half of the season for choir participation beginning in January 2012. Upcoming events and highlights of the Red River Boy Choir 20112012 season: ∙ November 20, 2011: Performance at West Acres ∙ December 4, 2011: Winter Concert ∙ January 2012: Auditions ∙ Others in 2012 include: Performance at Shooting O)'(%H'./"!9%J')/!"'#%7"),-@%&-(*!(@'"?-.%*!(%),-%:'(;!% :!(?-%'"1%:6%i-1a'+F.9%Y!/")%?!"?-().9%'%.-(0/?-%&(!Y-?)9% '"1%'%&-(*!(@'"?-%)!>(%)!%:#!(/1'8 :!(%@!(-%/"*!(@')/!"9%?!")'?)%f/"'%I!()"-@9%-W-?>)/0-% director, at .
Photo by Nelaina Daggett
Under the direction of Keith Wander, the Red River Boy Choir sang the National Anthem at a Twins game at Target Field in Minneapolis this summer.
Wherever life finds you, Classical Minnesota Public Radio is the perfect companion. Tune in or listen online at
High art, modern cinema or grassroots rock Public television offers a range of arts unique in the current media landscape Submitted by Marie Offutt (!@%),-%I#>-%i/1;-%)!%O'"%:('"?/.?!% '"1%*(!@%),-%6/1+-.)%)!%6/'@/9%-0-($% community across this country possesses its own mosaic of artistic expression, and PBS and public television stations are bringing the rich diversity of these stories to the national stage this fall. Kicking off on Oct. 14, and continuing -0-($%:(/1'$%"/;,)%/")!%S-?-@=-(9%),-%PBS Arts Fall Festival will raise the curtain on a range of performances, including the broadcast debut of Cameron Crowe’s 1!?>@-")'($%@>./?%2#@%Pearl Jam Twenty, 1'"?-%&-(*!(@'"?-.%*(!@%6/'@/%H/)$% I'##-)%'"1%O'"%:('"?/.?!%I'##-)9%+!@-"% who rock, banjo pickers, the awardwinning choreographer Bill T. Jones, and a major new opera from LA Opera. Adding to the experience are celebrity hosts, behindthescenes interviews and minidocumentaries about the art scenes /"%6/""-'&!#/.9%6/'@/9%O'"%:('"?/.?!9% Cleveland, Chicago, the Blue Ridge 6!>")'/".%'"1%!),-(%(-;/!".8%
Above: Experience Hans Christian Andersen’s haunting tale of love with San Francisco Ballet’s production of John Neumeier’s inventive ballet, The Little Mermaid. Left: Steve Martin in Give me the Banjo. Photo courtesy of Steve Martin
Top Left: In honor of Pearl Jam’s 20th anniversary, award-winning director and music journalist Cameron Crowe creates a definitive portrait of the seminal band carved from over 1,200 hours of rarely and never-before-seen footage. Top Right: Bask in the beautiful voice of world-renowned tenor Plácido Domingo with the LA Opera in Il Postino from LA Opera, a romantic new opera by composer Daniel Catán based on the Oscar-winning Italian film. Bottom: Witness the grace and beauty of one of America’s finest dance companies, Edward Villella’s Miami City Ballet, in a trio of signature works by George Balanchine and Twyla Tharp.
NOVEMBER 4 From the Blue Ridge Mountains: GIVE ME THE BANJO (w.t.) NOVEMBER 11 From Chicago: AMERICAN MASTERS “Bill T. Jones: A Good Man” NOVEMBER 18 From Cleveland: WOMEN WHO ROCK NOVEMBER 25 From Los Angeles: GREAT PERFORMANCES “Il Postino from LA Opera” with Plácido Domingo DECEMBER 2 From New York: GREAT PERFORMANCES “Andrea Bocelli Live in Central Park”
Photo by Danny Clinch will host weekly curated exhibits that go beyond the television experience and into the creative process itself, with interactive explorations of themes around each special. And to ensure the arts remain vital to the classroom experience, PBS is hosting an “idea lab” to develop digital media for arts education in schools. 6')-(/'#.%'(-%'0'/#'=#-%*!(%),-%LM44CLM4L%.?,!!#% year to coincide with the onair programming.
fargo moorhead area
YO U T H SYMPHONIES 2011-12 concert season WINTER CONCERT - December 4 POPS CONCERT - February 12 SPRING CONCERT - April 1 conductors: Jane Linde Capistran & Brian Cole
DECEMBER 16 From San Francisco: GREAT PERFORMANCES “The Little Mermaid from San Francisco Ballet” Photo by Kyle Froman Photography
Left: The three kings tell Amahl’s mother about the miraculous child they are seeking in Bethlehem. Below: Amahl (Ben Clark) tries to convince his mother (Holly Janz) that there is a huge star right over their house. Bottom: The page (Chris Hunt) and the three Wise Men (Kenneth Williams, David Hamilton, Michael Knutson) get settled into Amahl’s house for the evening.
Start a
holiday tradition
with your family
Photos by John Borge
By Bernie Erickson !#/1'$%)/@-%/.%'=!>)%*'@/#$%)('1/)/!"8%A)B.%'=!>)%&'>./";%)!%(-]-?)%!"%),-%),/";.%),')%)(>#$% matter in our lives. It’s about taking a moment to think of the good things in the world, along with what we may be able to contribute to making the world an even better place. 7;-.%';!9%),(--%P/.-%6-"%.-)%!>)%'?(!..%),-%1-.-()9%@'F/";%),-/(%+'$%+/),%;/*).%*!(%'% newborn King. As the evening grew late, they looked for a place to stop to rest and came upon the very humble home of Amahl and his widowed mother. %<,-%P/.-%6-"%+-(-%+-#?!@-1%/")!%),-%,!@-%/"%.&/)-%!*%),-%*'?)%),')%),-%&!!(%@!),-(% and her son had nothing to offer their guests but the warmth of their company and the *'1/";%-@=-(.%!*%),-%-0-"/";B.%2(-8%7@',#9%+/.,/";%)!%'&&(!&(/')-#$%,!"!(%),-%"-+=!("% King offered the only possession of any value he had to give. And then the miracle happened… When asked how she kept the role fresh and new after doing it for three seasons, O!&('"!%a!##$%g'"D%/"1/?')-1%),')%),-%2(.)%),/";%.,-%1!-.%/.%)($%)!%;-)%)!%F"!+%),-%$!>";% '?)!(%&#'$/";%,-(%.!"9%7@',#8%<,-%./)>')/!"%/"%+,/?,%),-$%2"1%),-@.-#0-.%/.%1/(-9%'"1% /*%.,-%?'"%.!@-,!+%?!""-?)%+/),%),-%$!>";%./";-(%-'(#$%!"9%.,-%2"1.%),-/(%(-#')/!".,/&% becomes believable to the audience.
What are
General Director David Hamilton who often plays one of the roles of the “Night Visitors” has found there is nothing quite like working with a new group of performers. 7%@/../!"%!*%),-%:6%X&-('%/.%)!%/")(!1>?-%),/.%'()%*!(@%)!%"-+%'>1/-"?-.9%'"1%),-(-% is no better way to introduce a new generation than by inviting them to perform on stage. Hamilton said it’s rewarding to watch a nervous group of young people auditioning ;!%),(!>;,%),-%&(!?-..%'"1%[>/?F#$%1-0-#!&%'%?!"21-"?-%'"1%.)';-%&(-.-"?-8%R0-"% /*%),-.-%$!>";%&-!&#-%1!%"!)%?!")/">-%&-(*!(@/";9%),-%.-".-%!*%?!"21-"?-%'"1% accomplishment they develop by performing on a lighted stage for hundreds of people is irreplaceable. H(-')-%$!>(%!+"%,!#/1'$%)('1/)/!"%'"1%Y!/"%),-%:'(;!%6!!(,-'1%X&-('%*!(%Amahl and the Night Visitors. Your hearts will be warmed and your spirits will be lifted as Amahl’s .-#]-..%'?)%!*%;-"-(!./)$%*!(-0-(%?,'";-.%'##%!*%),-/(%#/0-.8 ^-(*!(@'"?-.%'(-%')%JSOhB.%:-.)/0'#%H!"?-()%a'##%S-?-@=-(%3%')%\_`M%&8@8%'"1% December 11 at 2 p.m. </?F-)%&(/?-.%'(-%oU%*!(%.)>1-").%'"1%oLM%*!(%'1>#).8%:!(%),/.%&(!1>?)/!"9%),-(-%/.%'%*'@/#$% )/?F-)%&'?F';-%!*%>&%)!%*!>(%&-!&#-%K+-%/"./.)%?,/#1(-"%=-%'%&'()%!*%),-%*!>(E%*!(%Y>.)%oLU8
doing tonight
FIND IT... theatre
do it s love it s the
Tin Roof serves up a
comedy cocktail
with latest production by Karla Pederson here used to be an almost sacred time at the end of the day, right before the family evening meal, that was known as the cocktail ,!>(8%7"1%*!(%'%?-()'/"%.-;@-")%!*%7@-(/?'9%/)%+'.%'%"/;,)#$%(/)>'#%"!)%)!%=-%@/..-18%:(!@%J!08%3%),(!>;,%J!08%4`%),-%</"%i!!*% Theatre Company will be presenting American playwright A.R. Gurney’s satirical comedy The Cocktail Hour on The Stage at Island ^'(F9%,!@-%!*%:6H<8 With a cast of only four, The Cocktail Hour explores the manners and values of an overlyprivileged Northeastern family during ),-%43\M.8%P,-"%),-%'1>#)%.!"%g!,"%'""!>"?-.%!0-(%?!?F)'/#.%),')%,-B.%+(/))-"%'%&#'$%'=!>)%),-/(%*'@/#$9%,/.%*'),-(%I('1#-$%*-'(.%/)% will cast them in a bad light. John’s sister Nina bristles at having received only a minor role, and his mother Ann just wishes he’d &>)%/)%/"%'%1/.?(--)%#/))#-%=!!F8%J!)%!"#$%1!%),-%.?!)?,%'"1%?!@-1$%]!+%*(--#$9%=>)%*'@/#$%(-0-#')/!".%.)'()%)>@=#/";%!>)8 Coincidentally, the observance of the cocktail hour in Gurney’s play mirrors the family experience of the actor portraying I('1#-$8%</"%i!!*B.%6'#?!#@%<,!@&.!"%;(-+%>&%1>(/";%),-%435M.%'"1%43\M.%/"%'%&(/0/#-;-1%J-+%g-(.-$%,!@-8%a/.%*'),-(9%'% successful physician, was part of The Greatest Generation. Describing his father, Thompson said, “He not only worked hard, he played hard. During WWII this generation developed the habit of consuming quantities of scotch following a long day’s work to +/"1%1!+"%*(!@%),-%.)(-..8%6$%@!),-(%'"1%*'),-(%(!>)/"-#$%1('"F%),(--%;#'..-.%!*%.?!)?,%'"1%+')-(%!"%),-%(!?F.%-0-($%-0-"/";% =-*!(-%1/""-(8%:!(%&(!&(/-)/-.B%.'F-9%@$%@!),-(%+!>#1%1!>=#-%),-%+')-(%!"%,-(%),/(18d Rounding out the cast of this comedy are Rita Hagstrom (Ann), Topher Williams (John) and Karla Underdahl (Nina). Andrea Peterson, who acted in a previous Tin Roof show, is returning to direct this production. Tin Roof’s The Cocktail Hour%!&-".%J!08%3%')%\_`M%&8@8%'"1%(>".%"/;,)#$%),(!>;,%J!08%4L%!"%<,-%O)';-%')%A.#'"1%^'(F9%,!@-%!*% :6H<8%<,-(-%+/##%=-%'%L%&8@8%@')/"--%J!08%4`%)!%?#!.-%),-%.,!+8%i-.-(0-%)/?F-).%')%\M4CL`UC5\\V9%*@?)8!(;9%!(%)/"(!!*),-')(-8!(;8 Opening night special is buy one ticket, get one free.
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Over the course of the past 10 years, Gate City Bank has been actively pursuing an '()*>#%1-./;"%)!%/).%=('"1/";8%<,/.%/"?#>1-.%-0-($),/";%*(!@%+'##%?!0-(/";.9%)!%]!!(/";9% )!%*('@/";9%)!%`CS%.?>#&)>(-%'"1%'()9%)!%2W)>(-.8%J!%1-)'/#%,'.%=--"%!0-(#!!F-1%/"%),-%(-C 1-./;"%!*%),-%1!+")!+"%:'(;!%#!?')/!"9%+,/?,%/.%Y>.)%!"-%!*%),-%@'"$%?!@&#-)-1%!(%.!!"C toberemodeled locations. One of the interesting notes to this commitment is that the artful design extends well =-$!"1%+,-(-%),-%&>=#/?%-0-(%;!-.8%<,-%&(/0')-%]!!(.9%+,/?,%'(-%?#!.-1%)!%?>.)!@-(.9%'(-% '.%=-'>)/*>##$%'"1%(/?,#$%1-)'/#-1%'.%),-%@'/"%]!!(8% “Our president, Steve Swiontek, wants everyone at the bank to excel, and by his direction and encouragement, the bank has developed a unique, eclectic interior that provides a warm and inviting customer experience to our guests, as well as a comfortable working environment for our employees,” Krabbenhoft said. A thoughtful project like this doesn’t happen by a single person; in fact, a large crew of artists, galleries, and construction and design people work together on all the locations to create a cohesive look. “Working with Gate City Bank allowed me to break the socalled ‘rules of design,’” Barb Wolfe of Underbrush Gallery said. “By taking risks, the end result was an interesting, custom, layered style that is unique. There are over 70 artists who created original works of glass, sculpture, pottery, paintings and pastels. [Gate City Bank has] made a big commitment to the arts.” The comfortable atmosphere was created under the direction of Karen Bye from 7??!@&#/.,-1%S-./;"8%ck'(-"B.%?>.)!@%1-./;"-1%]!!(%?!0-(/";.%'"1%>"/[>-%+'##%0/"$#% covering coordinate with the décor and accessories from Scheel’s Home & Hardware,” said Scheel’s designer Julie Alin. Gate City’s commitment to a custom design environment, complete with artful details and inspired lighting, begins with the initial pen strokes of the design process. “We orchestrate the architecture and interior design, including the layering of materials, details and textures, with the impact of furniture, décor and art pieces in mind,” said architect Kent Wild of Wild & Associates. “Our long running relationship with Karen Bye, Underbrush Gallery, Business Essentials and Scheel’s Home & Hardware is highly creative, and we leverage each other’s strengths. Also contributing, Construction Resource Group leads the area’s best contractors to deliver the quality details that create the Gate City environment. We all share and understand Gate City’s vision and enjoy working as a team.” %<,-(-%'(-%!),-(%@!)/0-.%)!%),/.%:'(;!%(-C1-./;"%'.%+-##8%cX>(%@'Y!(%(-"!0')/!"%!"%),-% 2(.)%'"1%.-?!"1%]!!(%+'.%1!"-%@'/"#$%)!%?(-')-%.-?>(-9%-*2?/-")%!*2?-%.&'?-%'"1%)!%>&1')-% ),-%=>/#1/";9%+,/?,%+'.%?!".)(>?)-1%/"%43U58%A)%'#.!%=-?'@-%'%+'$%*!(%>.%)!%-";';-%),-% downtown community; we added windows; we wanted to address everything going on, on Broadway. It created a nice, welcoming way to engage the community. You can walk =$%/"%),-%-0-"/";%'"1%.--%),-%2"/.,-.%p%),-%2(-&#'?-9%2W)>(-.%'"1%),-%'()8%P-%=(!>;,)%!>(% building uptodate in an artful way and kept the spirit of the building, too,” Krabbenhoft said. The experience of walking into the downtown branch is one of calm beauty. There’s a ,'(@!"$%)!%),-%@>)-1%@-)'##/?.9%),-%0'(/!>.%.>(*'?-%)-W)>(-.9%),-%2W)>(-.9%'"19%!*%?!>(.-9% the art. Each piece speaks for itself and yet seamlessly weaves into the grand design scheme. “Adding art and decorating can be risky: it takes much planning and collaboration with vendors, and it might not appeal to everyone, but the approach the bank takes is that our interiors and exteriors demonstrate our respect to our customers and potential customers, !>(%-@&#!$--.%'"1%!>(%"-/;,=!(.8%P-%+'")%!>(%='"F%!*2?-.%)!%&(!0/1-%'%+'(@%'"1% inviting customer experience for our guests,” Krabbenhoft said. Gate City Bank invites you to stop by and enjoy its artful space. Wander past the art /"%),-%@'/"%]!!(9%#!!F%>&%')%),-%'()/?,!F-%#/;,).9%)!>?,%),-%+'##.9%./)%=$%),-%2(-&#'?-%!"%'% comfortable couch, and enjoy a cookie. Let it be a little calm in your otherwise frantic day.
Gate City’s commitment to a custom-design environment, complete with artful details and inspired lighting, begins with the initial pen strokes of the design process.
Photos courtesy of Gate City Bank
Make your musical comeback By Charlie Pinkney ,-%7().%^'()"-(.,/&%!*%:'(;!C6!!(,-'1%'"1%),-%.>((!>"1/";%(-;/!"%!**-(.%@'"$% possibilities for creative involvement. Let me tell you about one I discovered that was )'/#!(%@'1-%*!(%@-9%'%&-(.!"%+,!%,'1%(-?-")#$%(-)/(-1%'"1%@!0-1%)!%:'(;!8% <,-%:6%f!#1-"%J!)-.9%'%J-+%a!(/D!".%='"19%,'.%=--"%(-,-'(./";%'"1%&-(*!(@/";%*!(% six years. I have always been interested in band music and in music performance. After college I hit a fallow period where band was concerned; I had put my horn in its case, once and for all I thought. I considered it exciting news when I heard about an !(;'"/D')/!"%/"%)!+"%),')%+!>#1%'##!+%@-%)!%(-)>("%)!%@>./?8%J!)%!"#$%?!>#1%A%(-=>/#1%@$% playing skills in a nonthreatening setting, but also I could once again enjoy the pleasure of making music with a band. J!(),%S'F!)'%O)')-%h"/0-(./)$9%.&!".!(%!*%:6%f!#1-"%J!)-.9%,'.%;('?/!>.#$%;/0-"%>.%'% &#'?-%)!%&('?)/?-%/"%),-%i-/"-F-%:/"-%7().%H-")-(%!"%6!"1'$%-0-"/";.%1>(/";%),-%.?,!!#%$-'(8%
A%*!>"1%'%@>./?'#%*'@/#$%+,-"%A%Y!/"-1%),-%f!#1-"%J!)-.8%6!.)%!*%),-%'&&(!W/@')-#$% `M%&#'$-(.%'(-%!#1-(%),'"%UU9%.!@-%@$%';-9%.!@-%!#1-(9%'%*-+%$!>";-(8%<,-/(%.)!($%/.%#/F-% mine; they found a welcomed chance to play again and perform again. Senior retirement centers in the metro area are delighted to have a real band come and &#'$%'%NUC@/">)-%?!"?-()8%:6%f!#1-"%J!)-.%'#.!%&#'$.%*!(%.&-?/'#%-0-").%'"1%;/0-.%'% H,(/.)@'.%?!"?-()%'"1%'%.&(/";%?!"?-()%!"%),-%.)';-%!*%i-/"-F-%a'##8%:6%f!#1-"%J!)-.% also performs each December at West Acres Shopping Center. Our musical repertoire consists of old favorites, dance tunes and show tunes as well as concert band arrangements. Those who have enjoyed our concerts have witnessed the growth of our musical skills under the direction of Dr. Ed Christianson, a topnotch professional musician and teacher. b-.9%+-%-';-(#$%/"0/)-%!),-(.%)!%Y!/"%>.%/*%$!>(%&(!2#-%/.%),')%+,/?,%A%,'0-%1-.?(/=-1_% earnest but rusty. I can assure you, you will be welcomed into our musical family.
Welcome all wonders! S-2"/)/!"%!*%%+!"C1-(%%noun%q%n+r"1r(q%% A feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unfamiliar or inexplicable. ~ Merriam Webster Dictionary By Pam Burns he word “wonder” is used in many contexts in the arts — from describing inspiring works of wonder to wondering if the arts can survive current funding challenges. Here is a wonderful success story. I'.F/";%/"%),-%'*)-(;#!+%!*%'"%/".&/(/";%LM),%.-'.!"9%),-%e'F-%7;'../D%f/(#.%H,!/(%/.% thriving on its bold vision and dedicated leadership. What’s the secret? Education through artistry in an atmosphere of fun and friendship. We believe that an artistic approach to music education focuses as much on the process as the product. To do something in an artistic way is to do it with skill and understanding, and that, in turn, provides the opportunity to do something exceptionally well. By combining seemingly ordinary skills and talents, our ./";-(.%&(!1>?-%.!@-),/";%>"?!@@!"#$%=-'>)/*>#8%<,-$%-W&-(/-"?-%2(.),'"1%),-%+!"1-(%!*% ),-%?,!('#%'()%'"1%/).%&!+-(%)!%)-'?,9%,-'#9%?,--(9%-@&'),/D-%'"1%/".&/(-8 LAGC proudly presents all three of its choirs in Welcome All Wonders, on Sunday, Dec. 44%')%\%&8@8%')%<(/"/)$%e>),-('"%H,>(?,%/"%6!!(,-'18%H'"D!"-))'%K;('1-.%`%'"1%NE%'"1%
6-#!1/'%K;('1-.%U%'"1%>&E%'(-%1/(-?)-1%=$%k'),($"%e/"1[>/.)%'"1%'??!@&'"/-1%=$%&/'"/.)% O,/@@-(%:!.)-(8%H'")'(-9%),-%'10'"?-1%?,!/(%/"%),-%e7fH%&(!;('@9%/.%?!"1>?)-1%=$%^'@% Burns and accompanied by pianist Rachel Horan. A"%'11/)/!"%)!%),-%'"">'#%?!"?-().%/"%S-?-@=-(%'"1%6'$9%),-%?,!/(.%&-(*!(@%')%'(-'% .?,!!#.%'"1%*!(%'%0'(/-)$%!*%?!@@>"/)$%-0-").8%H'")'(-%+/##%=-%*-')>(-1%!"%),-%:'(;!% 6!!(,-'1%H,'@=-(%H,!('#-%?!"?-()%&(!;('@%!"%:-=(>'($%449%LM4L8%H'")'(-%,'.%'#.!% =--"%.-#-?)-1%)!%&'()/?/&')-%/"%),-%P!(#1O)(/1-.%a-(/)';-%:-.)/0'#%!*%f!#1%/"%H,/?';!%/"% April 2012 where they will perform at Orchestra Hall with renowned conductors Elena Sharkova, Sigrid Johnson and Christopher Aspaas. LAGC programming includes two annual member retreats designed for team building, rehearsal and enhancement activities. Additional performance practice is offered through developmentally appropriate choir tours. :!(%*>(),-(%/"*!(@')/!"%'=!>)%e7fH%&#-'.-%?!")'?)%H,!/(%6'"';-(%S!(/.%O,/0-%')% or visit
Standing up for equal rights Theatre B joins theatres all over the world to raise awareness for marriage rights By Theatre B staff "%6!"1'$9%J!0-@=-(%\9%'?(!..%7@-(/?'%'"1%=-$!"19%?>()'/".%+/##%(/.-%!"%Standing On Ceremony: The Gay Marriage Plays as participating theaters everywhere, including Theatre B, present the play to raise awareness and funds in support of marriage equality. J-+%b!(F%&(!1>?-(.%g!'"%O)-/"%'"1%i/?,'(1%:('"F-#%+/##%Y!/"%+/),%<-?)!"/?%<,-')-(% Project to help take the play’s message of marriage equality across the globe. Theatre B will present this special performance of Standing On Ceremony in association +/),%6Oh6B.%i'/"=!+%S(';!"%H-")-(8%%<,-%&-(*!(@'"?-%+/##%=-%,-#1%')%6Oh6B.%f'-1-% Stage in the Roland Dille Center for the Arts beginning at 7 p.m. Audience members will =-%'=#-%)!%+')?,%'%#/0-%.)(-'@/";%/")(!1>?)/!"%*(!@%),-%6/"-))'%e'"-%<,-')(-%/"%JbH9% where Standing on Ceremony%=-;/".%&(-0/-+.%),')%"/;,)8%%:!##!+/";%),-%&-(*!(@'"?-% ),-(-%+/##%=-%'%&'"-#%1/.?>../!"%*!?>./";%!"%@'((/';-%'"1%6/""-.!)'B.%>&?!@/";% constitutional vote to ban samesex marriages. Proceeds from the performance at will
Are you interested in Scandinavian Culture? Nordic Culture Clubs is looking for an experienced Grant Writer. All of the helpful research materials are available. Payment for services is negotiable. Contact the Nordic Culture Club Offices for more information.
Phone: 218-299-5492 Email:
=-"-2)%6/""-.!)'".%h"/)-1%*!(%7##%:'@/#/-.8 i-.&!"1/";%)!%!"-%!*%),-%1-2"/";%/..>-.%!*%!>(%1'$%'(-%.!@-%!*%7@-(/?'B.%@!.)% illustrious and Awardwinning playwrights: Heideman Award winner Jordan Harrison, R1;'(%7+'(1%+/""-(%g-**(-$%a')?,-(9%%<!"$%7+'(1%"!@/"--%6!/.s.%k'>*@'"9%R@@$%'"1% Pf7%7+'(1%+/""-(%g!-%k--"'"9%<!"$%7+'(1%"!@/"--%J-/#%e'I>)-9%O>"1'"?-%g>($%^(/D-% +/""-(%P-"1$%6'?e-!19%X=/-%7+'(1%+/""-(%g!.s%i/0-('9%X=/-%'"1%X>)-(%H(/)/?.%H/(?#-% 7+'(1%+/""-(%^'>#%i>1"/?F9%'"1%^>#/)D-(%^(/D-%'"1%<!"$%7+'(1%+/""-(%S!>;%P(/;,)9% have created a heartfelt, funny and altogether illuminating evening that celebrates the courage to be in a relationship—any relationship. This special performance of Standing On Ceremony: The Gay Marriage Plays is free '"1%!&-"%)!%),-%&>=#/?%+/),%'%*(--%+/##%1!"')/!"8%:!(%@!(-%/"*!(@')/!"9%0/./)%),-')(-=8!(;9%, or the Standing On Ceremony%:'?-=!!F%&';-%')%
Music that makes you groove:
The Fillers
By Emily Clemenson 0-($!"-%+,!%+'#F.%),(!>;,%),-%1'"?-%]!!(%')%'%:/##-(.%.,!+%?'"B)%,-#&%=>)%@!0-% '"1%;(!!0-8%7)%#-'.)9%),')%+'.%),-%.?-"-%')%I/;%SB.%/"%:'(;!%'%">@=-(%!*%)/@-.%),/.% .>@@-(%+,-"%),-%:'(;!C='.-19%20-C&-(.!"%(!?F%='"1%&#'$-1%!"%),-%.)';-8 It was a night full of originals, peppered with cover songs that were well selected and well placed to complement the band’s own sound. :(!")@'"%g!-$%k>")D%1-.?(/=-.%),-/(%@>./?%'.%(!?F%t%(!##%+/),%,-'0$%=#>-.q.!>#q*!#F% /"]>-"?-8%6!.)%!*%#-'1%'?!>.)/?%;>/)'(%&#'$-(%g-**% 6-$-(B.%.!";.%'(-%>&=-')9%&-(*-?)%*!(%1'"?/";8%<,-% tunes are catchy, with melody lines sticking in your head long after the gig is over. k>")D%'"1%6-$-(%.)'()-1%<,-%:/##-(.%/"%),-%.&(/";%!*% 2007. Their band name came about during a gig when the scheduled band had to cancel at the last minute. 6-$-(%.'/19%cP-B(-%Y>.)%2##/"B%/"8%P-B(-%),-%2##-(.8d% And the rest, as they say, is history. <,-%:/##-(.%&>)%!"%'%.,!+%),')%+/##%-")-()'/"%'#@!.)% '"$=!1$8%:!(%),-%@>./?'##$C?!".?/!>.%#/.)-"-(9%O?!))%f>)!(@.!"B.%-#-?)(/?%;>/)'(%.!#!.% '(-%/")(/?')-9%?!@&#-W%'"1%'%;(-')%(-'.!"%)!%.--%),-%.,!+8%:!(%),-%'))-"1--%+,!%#/F-.% )!%1'"?-9%6-$-(B.%=!!@C?,/?F%.)$#-%+/),%'%,-'0$%'?!>.)/?%;>/)'(%=-')%'"1%*(-[>-")% ,'(@!"/?'%'??!@&'"/@-")%+/##%;-)%),!.-%*--)%'C@!0/"B8%:!(%),-%&-(.!"%+,!%#/F-.%)!% +')?,%'%;!!1%.,!+9%k>")D%,'.%=--"%F"!+"%)!%/"?#>1-%&(!&.%/"%,/.%&-(*!(@'"?-%K,').9% sunglasses, roller skates — you get the picture) and drummer Andrew P. Clemenson +/##%)(-')%),-%!=.-(0'")%*'"%=$%]/&&/";%,/.%.)/?F.%1>(/";%.!@-%.!";%/")(!.9%?!"?#>./!".% and interludes. John Winter keeps the group grounded and grooving with his bass lines and the occasional bass solo.
:'(;!%(-./1-")%I(!!F-%7";-#/"%,'.%=--"%'%:/##-(.%*'"%./"?-%),-%='"1B.%=-;/""/";.9% ,'0/";%F"!+"%=!),%k>")D%'"1%6-$-(%/"%?!##-;-8%O,-%;!-.%)!%'##%!*%),-%.,!+.%.,-% is able to attend, occasionally traveling as far as Watford City, N.D., to spend time +/),%*-##!+%:/##-(.%*'".8%I>)%),-%)(>-%[>-.)/!"_%1!-.%+')?,/";%),-%.'@-%='"1%-0-(%;-)% old? “No!” she said with shock in her voice. “It’s the same music but always a new -W&-(/-"?-8%A%#!0-%=-/";%+/),%&-!&#-%+,!%,'0-%"-0-(%.--"%<,-%:/##-(.%=-*!(-%'"1%;/0/";% them that experience.”
Their band name came about during a gig when the scheduled band had to cancel at the last minute. Meyer said, “We’re just fillin’ in. We’re the fillers. <,-%:/##-(.%'(-%/"%),-%&(!?-..%!*%(-?!(1/";%),-%='"1B.%2(.)%*>##C#-";),%'#=>@9%,!&/";% *!(%?!@&#-)/!"%(/;,)%'(!>"1%),-%"-+%$-'(8%k>")D%/.%#!!F/";%*!(+'(1%)!%,'0/";%'"%'#=>@% for the fans. “It will be really fun for fans to have a hard copy of some of these songs,” he said. “And we are planning to have a huge release party in all of the main cities we &#'$%/"8d%<,!.-%?/)/-.%+/##%&(!='=#$%=-%:'(;!9%I/.@'(?Fq6'"1'"9%P')*!(1%H/)$%'"1% Breckenridge. <!%.--%/*%<,-%:/##-(.%'(-%&#'$/";%/"%'%?/)$%"-'(%$!>9%?,-?F%!>)%6>./?I$<,-:/##-(.8?!@% !(%*!##!+%),-@%!"%:'?-=!!F%)!%=-%(-@/"1-1%!*%>&?!@/";%.,!+.8
Founder of Apollo Strings inducted into
Moorhead High School Hall of Honor
By Pam Gibb incent Pulicicchio’s musical career began +/),%0/!#/"%#-..!".%')%';-%20-%'"1%#-1%)!% `N%$-'(.%!*%)-'?,/";%!(?,-.)('%*!(%6!!(,-'1% Area Public Schools. Pulicicchio, who died g'"8%4V9%LM4M9%')%';-%VL9%+'.%!"-%!*%20-%LM44% /"1>?)--.%)!%),-%6!!(,-'1%a/;,%O?,!!#%a'##%!*% Honor. His children, Kurt and DD, accepted the plaque on behalf of their father at the Sept. 24 induction ceremony. Pulicicchio attended the Vermilyea Academy !*%6>./?%/"%e!.%7";-#-.9%.)>1$/";%>"1-(% ,/.%@-")!(%J','"%P!#*-%:/))-(@'"8%<,-(-% he performed with the Glendale Symphony Orchestra, and he worked parttime as a .)(!##/";%0/!#/"/.)8%P,-"%:/))-(@'"%?'@-%)!%6!!(,-'1%/"%43NV9%^>#/?/??,/!%*!##!+-18% a-%-'("-1%'%='?,-#!(B.%1-;(--%/"%@>./?%*(!@%6/""-.!)'%O)')-%h"/0-(./)$%6!!(,-'1%/"% 43UM8%^>#/?/??,/!%#')-(%-'("-1%,/.%@'.)-(B.%1-;(--%/"%@>./?%*(!@%H!#!('1!%O)')-%H!##-;-9% f(--#-$9%/"%43UV8 A"%43U49%^>#/?/??,/!9%F"!+"%'.%c6(8%^d%)!%,/.%.)>1-").9%=-;'"%,/.%?'(--(%)-'?,/";% !(?,-.)('%*!(%6!!(,-'1%7(-'%^>=#/?%O?,!!#.8%A"%435U9%,-%1-0-#!&-1%7&!##!%O)(/";.9%'%
string ensemble that traveled across the United States, Canada and Europe and behind the Iron Curtain. With an average of 100 performances a year, Apollo Strings performed ')%k/+'"/.%A")-("')/!"'#%H!"0-")/!".9%S/."-$%P!(#1%/"%:#!(/1'9%),-%O!>),%S'F!)'%6>./?% Educators state convention, and numerous community performances. Pulicicchio also did the majority of the instrument repair work for the string program. “The incredible opportunities and musical lessons I experienced while in orchestra were provided by an educator who never saw the limits in what students could do,” said Jane Linde Capistran, a former student. <,-%6!!(,-'1%a/;,%O?,!!#%a'##%!*%a!"!(%(-?!;"/D-.%'#>@"/9%*'?>#)$9%.)'**%'"1%!),-(% community members who have demonstrated notable accomplishments or provided ./;"/2?'")%?!")(/=>)/!".%)!%),-/(%.?,!!#9%?!@@>"/)$%!(%.!?/-)$8%<,-%!),-(%*!>(%LM44% inductees are Lisa Nelson Borgen, 7th Judicial District Court Judge; Rodney J. Kossick, '%=#/"1%(-,'=/#/)')/!"%.&-?/'#/.)j%e'(($%P8%O,-##/)!9%4\),%?!@@/../!"-(%!*%),-%6/""-.!)'% S-&'()@-")%!*%Z-)-('".%7**'/(.j%'"1%6'(F%X8%Z!W#'"19%'"%-#-?)(/?'#%?!")('?)!(%'"1%@'$!(% !*%6!!(,-'18 Nominations are continuously accepted for the Hall of Honor. Nomination forms '(-%'0'/#'=#-%')%6!!(,-'1%a/;,%O?,!!#9%L`MM%N),%70-8%O89%6!!(,-'19%6J%U5U5M9%!(% nominations may be submitted online at H!(&!(')-%.&!".!(.%*!(%),-%6!!(,-'1%a/;,%O?,!!#%a'##%!*%a!"!(%'(-%O)')-%I'"F%t% <(>.)9%6!!(,-'1%^>=#/?%O-(0/?-%'"1%f')-%H/)$%I'"F8
Representing local artists~ June Brantner WIlliam Damon Marcy Dronen Sandi Hanson Dennis Krull Kathy Luther Jon & Lucy Normann Jodi Peterson Karman Rheault Riah Renee Roe Peggy Solberg Mel Stone Kyle Thomas Hilda Twitchell
114 Broadway Downtown Fargo, ND 58102 701-237-6867 Our Hours Tuesday - Saturday: 11am - 5pm Extended holiday hours: Thursdays open until 8pm and Sundays 12-4pm!
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Theatre B brings a fast-paced comedy to the valley for the holiday season
By Emily Clemenson heatre B brings to stage the fastpaced and hilarious comedy The 39 Steps by Patrick Barlow as its second show of the season. <,-%.,!+%/.%-..-")/'##$%'=!>)%'%;>$%)($/";%)!%2;>(-%!>)%'%@$.)-($8%P,!%,'.%),-%.-?(-).Q% a!+%?'"%+-%?')?,%),-%='1%;>$.Q%7"1%+,')%'(-%),-%`3%.)-&.Q%<,-%&#'$%,'.%'=!>)%4UM% characters, but there are only four actors in the cast. All but four of those characters are played by two actors called The Clowns, so in addition to asking “Whodunit?,” you will '#.!%2"1%$!>(.-#*%'.F/";%cP,!%/.%),/.%?,'('?)-(%;!/";%)!%=-Qd%% S/(-?)!(%6')),-+%I>(F,!#1-(%.'/1%),-%.,!+%/.%-W)(-@-#$%*'.)C&'?-1%'"1%+/##%F--&%$!>% interested. “Some scenes are only one paragraph long,” he said. “It uses lots of techniques from vaudeville, slapstick and classic comedy.” In the opening monologue, the main character Richard Hannay says he wants to get out of his apartment and do something that is entertaining but doesn’t require much thought. Something he can just sit back and enjoy. He, appropriately, decides to go to the theatre. Burkholder said that is exactly what this show will do for the audience. “The show is about how powerful theatre can be,” he said. “It isn’t sending any type of underlying message.” Theatre B, more commonly known for productions with adult content, says this show is family friendly. During the holiday season, Theatre B tries to put on shows that you can attend with outoftown relatives for a fun night out. The story was originally a novel from 434U%'"1%),-"%'%+-##CF"!+"%a/)?,?!?F%2#@%*(!@%43`U%=-*!(-%/)%+'.%'1'&)-1%)!%),-%.)';-% /"%LMMU8 The cast includes Theatre B staples Tucker Lucas (Pillowman, Kuwait) as Richard Hannay and Scott Horvik (A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Seafarer, Vino Veritas) as one of the Clowns. Theatre B also welcomes back Christina Johnson (A Midsummer Night’s DreamE%'.%7""'=-##'q^'@-#'q6'(;'(-)%'"1%<'$#!(%O?,')D%'.%),-%.-?!"1%?#!+"8 The 39 Steps runs Thanksgiving through New Year’s Eve (Nov. 24Dec. 31). Performances are Thursdays through Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., with a Saturday matinee at 2 p.m. starting the second week of the run. Tickets can be purchased online at ),-')(-=8!(;%!(%=$%?'##/";%\M4C\L3CVVVM8 7"1%+,')%'(-%),-%`3%.)-&.Q%b!>%+/##%,'0-%)!%?!@-%)!%),-%.,!+%'"1%.!#0-%),')%@$.)-($% for yourself.
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0")'.1"23,4-+%56%.,78 79,":5:,;,<,=:5: >?%5@-5/),&%#)%. A.%%,"#1,-=%#,)-,)B%,='6(*C: Celebrate our community's traditions and cultures with this local, multiethnic showcase of music, dance, culinary arts, and children's activities. Food donations for the Dorothy Day Food Pantry welcomed. Moorhead Human Rights Commission
This activity is funded by the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage fund as appropriated by the Minnesota State Legislature with money from the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.
202 1st Ave. N, Moorhead | 218.299.5511 |
The circus comes to
the Spirit Room by Chelsey Luttke antastical acts, mindÂbending acrobatics, exotic creatures from another world, all under one big tent. These are the images that come to mind when I dig deep into my childhood, remembering my very own awe and curiosity for the circus. Everything glittered wildly and the anticipation dragged me to the edge of my seat every time, wondering what would come next to push the boundaries of my uninhibited imagination. e!!F/";%='?F9%A%(-'#/D-%),-(-%/.%.!@-),/";%@/../";%*(!@%@$%*!"1%@-@!(/-.%!*%),-% mysterious circus and all of the amusements that were certain to be involved. People. After all, a circus cannot function without people. In fact, I would guess that every single act of the circus shows I attended as a child involved at least one person. Somehow, the people almost appear to be seamless and without distinction in the bright lights and +!"1-(%!*%),-%=/;%)!&8%A%?'"%'&&(-?/')-%),')%),/.%#'?F%!*%/1-")/)$%A%.)(>;;#-%)!%(-?!;"/D-% in the circus of my past is mainly because my attendance came too late. The headlines of people as attractions themselves, also known as freakshows or side shows, lost favor with the public midÂcentury and circus shows eventually phased out the extraordinary &-!&#-%*(!@%),-%?/(?>.B%#/.)%!*%1'DD#/";%'))('?)/!".8%A%'@%&'()%!*%'%;-"-(')/!"%),')% never experienced the culutre of the sideshow, only a carefully censored circus which, rightfully, had to be aware of the rights of its workers, as attractions or otherwise, and its animal attractions as well. <,-%O&/(/)%i!!@%/"%1!+")!+"%:'(;!%/.%)'F/";%'%#!!F%/")!%),-%;#/)D9%'.%+-##%'.%),-%"!)% so glamorous side of the circus culture and the people who lived within it in the the upcoming show Marvels of the Circus and Slideshow, on display November 1 Â January V%+/),%'"%!&-"/";%(-?-&)/!"%O')>(1'$9%J!0-@=-(%4L%')%5_`M%&8@8%<,/.%.,!+%+/##%/"?#>1-% +!(F%*(!@%6'?k-"D/-%k!>='9%6'(/'%H(/.)/"'%<'0-('%'"1%u'0/-(%<'0-('8%k!>='9%+,!%/.%'% young local artist, sat down with me recently to discuss the work she will be displaying in this fascinating exhibition. Chelsea Luttke (CL): What creative talents did you feel you most exercised with the work you did for Marvels of the Circus and Slideshow? Was there anything that challenged you? MacKenzie Kouba (MK): Presentation of subject. This body of work is an iconic presentation of human oddities, all of which were real people touring the country in theÂ
Left: Knee-Socks Unite Us, Oil on Canvas, Approx. 36â&#x20AC;?x58â&#x20AC;?, 2009-2010. Center: Right: Brothers in Arms, Oil on Canvas, 40â&#x20AC;?x60â&#x20AC;?, 2009
Xavier Tavera, Domadora de Caballo (Acrobat on Horse), 2009, inkjet print
Photo courtesy of the artist
-'(#$%43MM.8%<'F/";%),/.%.>=Y-?)%@'))-(%'"1%&(-.-")/";%/)%"!)%'.%'%;(!)-.[>-%&#')*!(@%!*% entertainment, but as a subcultural community that found a means to support itself while #/0/";%*>#2##/";%#/0-.%'.%'%?!@@>"/)$%'"1%*'@/#$8%<,-(-%'(-%'#+'$.%?,'##-";-.8%A%+'."B)% on speaking terms with some of these paintings for weeks at a time while creating them, but we resolved our differences in time. Struggle is usually a sign you might be learning something anyway. CL: What inspired you most for Marvels of the Circus and Slideshow? Does the theme have a personal connection or resonate with you in a particular way? MK: It started with a book I received from a friend about sideÂshow culture. Yes, it should resonate with pretty much everyone. At some point in everyoneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s life (some people more often then others), they feel a sense of alienation, stereotyped or judged for characteristics that are "!)%1-2"/)/0-%!*%+,!%),-$%'(-8%A%,'0-%-W&-(/-"?-1%[>/)-%'%=/)%!*%),/.%/"% my own life, and I feel the people that these paintings depict are iconic for the adversity and challenges that they accepted and embraced in !(1-(%)!%2"1%*>#2##@-")8% CL: What was your approach for the art you created for Marvels of the Circus and Slideshow%')%),-%O&/(/)%i!!@Q%S/1%$!>%2"1%/)%1/**-(-")% from your approach to other pieces? MK: I actually created this body of work prior to knowing about the show. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t really have a typical approach to starting anything. I start most things while still in the mental incubation stages of things and work out the details and do the research as I go. CL: 7"$%/"]>-"?-.%!(%'"$!"-%$!>%'1@/(-%+,-"%/)%?!@-.%)!%$!>(% artwork? MK: I look up to countless people on a daily basis, either for what they have created visually or what they have created socially, technologically, etc. I try to understand and connect a broad spectrum of the world around me, whether or not it seems art related initially͞ Photos courtesy of the artist everything presents a point of view that, when considered, provides a Mantle Companion, Oil on Canvas, 12â&#x20AC;?x48â&#x20AC;?, 2009. broader sense of the world as well as oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s self.
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Plains Art Museum to host Sodbuster and public art discussions
By Plains Art Museum Staff #'/".%7()%6>.->@%+/##%,!.)%)+!%&>=#/?%1/.?>../!".%/"%),-%@!"),%!*%J!0-@=-(9%!"-%*-')>(/";%.&-'F-(%^')(/?F%6'(!#1%!"%),-%(!#-%!*%&>=#/?%'()9% the other an open forum to discuss the future of the sculpture “Sodbuster.” X"%J!0-@=-(%`%')%\%&8@89%6'(!#1%+/##%*!?>.%!"%),-%?!"./1-(')/!".%*!(%?(-')/";9%1-0-#!&/";9%'"1%&(!&!./";%[>'#/)$%&>=#/?%'()%&(!Y-?).8%6'(!#19% a native of Denver, has been working for over 10 years as an artist, primarily as a sculptor. He studied at Rhode Island School of Design and later established a studio in Denver after working abroad for several years. He has been awarded a number of grants and recognition including the :>#=(/;,)%:-##!+.,/&%/"%A?-#'"18%a-%,'.%?!@&#-)-1%.-0-('#%&>=#/?%'()%?!@@/../!".%+/),/"%H!#!('1!%'"1%),-%h"/)-1%O)')-.%'"1%,'.%=--"%+/1-#$% -W,/=/)-1%/"%(-?-")%$-'(.8%<,/.%-0-")%/.%.&!".!(-1%=$%),-%h8O8%f-"-('#%O-(0/?-.%71@/"/.)(')/!"%KfO7E%C%i!?F$%6!>")'/"%i-;/!"9%'"1%),-/(%7()%/"% Architecture Program, which oversees the commissioning of artworks for new federal buildings nationwide through a percent for art scheme. X"%J!0-@=-(%4M%')%\%&8@89%),-%6>.->@%/"0/)-.%),-%&>=#/?%)!%1/.?>..%),-%*>)>(-%!*%cO!1=>.)-(d9%'%.?>#&)>(-%=$%e>/.%g/@/"-D%),')%!"?-%.)!!1%')%),-% ?!("-(%!*%6'/"%70-">-%'"1%I(!'1+'$%/"%:'(;!8%cO!1=>.)-(d%,'.%=--"%!>)%!*%?!@@/../!"%./"?-%LMML9%$-)%/)%(-@'/".%'%2W)>(-%/"%:'(;!B.%0/.>'#%/1-")/)$8% The public is invited to hear about the issues surrounding its restoration and return to public life, and voice their own thoughts about its future. Both of these events are free and open to the public.
Submit your idea for a
Winter Snow Garden
By Plains Art Museum Staff #'/".%7()%6>.->@%'"1%JSOh%#'"1.?'&-%'(?,/)-?)>(-%/".)(>?)!(%O)-0/-%:'@>#'(/%/"0/)-%),-%&>=#/?%)!% participate in the creation of an innovative snow “garden.” :'@>#'(/%/.%.&-'(,-'1/";%'"%-**!()%)!%?(-')-%."!+%.?>#&)>(-.%*!(%1/.&#'$%!"%),-%JSOh%?'@&>.%1>(/";% ),-%:/(-%'"1%A?-%:-.)/0'#%)!%=-%,-#1%O')>(1'$9%:-=(>'($%`9%N_`M%v%5_`M%&8@8%:'@>#'(/%/.%'"%'()/.)%+,!% &'()/?/&')-1%/"%),-%6>.->@B.%S-2'")%f'(1-".%*!(%:'(;!C6!!(,-'1%.$@&!./>@%/"%LMM3%'"1%+'.%'%@-@=-(% !*%<-'@%hO7%/"%),-%."!+%.?>#&)>(-%?!@&-)/)/!"%,-#1%')%P/""&-;B.%:-.)/0'#%1>%Z!$';->(.8 Anyone can participate. Participants are encouraged to form a team, develop a unique design, and submit ),-/(%&#'"%'"1%@!1-#%=$%J!0-@=-(%4U8%O?>#&)>(-.%'"1%.)(>?)>(-.%+/##%=-%=>/#)%!"%),-%JSOh%?'@&>.%"-'(% ),-%O)>1-")%h"/!"8%<,-%&(!&!.'#.%+/##%=-%Y>1;-1%=$%:'@>#'(/%'"1%6>.->@%S/(-?)!(%H!##--"%O,--,$8 :!(%?!@&#-)-%1-)'/#.%!*%),-%?!@&-)/)/!"9%?!")'?)%O)-0/-%:'@>#'(/%')%K\M4E%L`4CU4NN%!(%0/'%-@'/#%')%
Famulari helped create this sculpture displayed at Festival du Voyageurs in Winnipeg. She hopes to create a “garden” of such sculptures this winter with help from the public. Photo by Stevie Famulari.