Arts Update June 2013

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Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts

June 2013

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Arts Queensland’s monthly update of arts and culture June was a very busy month. This Arts Update reveals more about the Arts for all Queenslanders strategy consultation and the upcoming commemorative activities to recognise the contribution of Australian South Sea Islanders over the past 150 years. There is also a preview of the Stradbroke Chamber Music Festival and we introduce AIAB member Dr Jane Wilson and new Local Government arts advisor Georgina Siddall.

Unknown, Australia (South Sea Island girl, Queensland) (Jessie Yatta) c.1900–10 Colourised postcard. Purchased 2010. Queensland Art Gallery Foundation Collection: Queensland Art Gallery

Great state. Great opportunity. 1

Message from the

Minister for the Arts It’s halfway through 2013 and a good time to reflect on how much has been achieved so far.

Just this week I launched two very important initiatives. The first is the next phase of consultation for the Arts for all Queenslanders strategy. We want to harness the collective wisdom of arts loving Queenslanders. Queensland is the most decentralised state in Australia and our arts policy approach must respond to Queenslanders’ diverse experiences of place, culture, community and households.

We’ve seen Queensland Ballet announced as the first Super Star Fund recipient to bring to the stage an exclusive production of Romeo and Juliet in 2014. We have also seen a sell-out season of the Bolshoi Ballet at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre; the announcement of highlights of CIAF Presents in Cairns in August; and the allocation of $600,000 for the Creative Recovery – Building Resilience initiative, an arts-led recovery in disaster affected areas of Queensland.

The discussion paper includes a draft model for the strategy that I hope will spark a conversation about how to shape and participate in the arts and cultural changes happening now and in the future in Queensland. So please give us your feedback on the discussion paper and do the survey at

2013 has also seen the launch of the new Arts and Cultural Investment Framework, which marks a new direction in funding for the arts in Queensland by streamlining funding categories and cutting red tape, as well as looking for new exciting projects and programs to fund.

The second initiative is Culture Champions, which both celebrates our culture heroes and unearths all those Queenslanders who are arts heroes in their own communities. I have announced some high profile Culture Champions – Li Cunxin at the Queensland Ballet, singer Kate 2

Flipside Circus performs at the signing of the landmark Cultural Precinct Strategy. Photo: Roger Philips.

in our everyday lives and in our communities. To quote one of our Culture Champions, Kate MillerHeidke: “Art is important to me because it’s the closest thing we have to magic.”

Miller-Heidke, Brisbane Broncos player Scott Prince and Channel 7 newsreader Sharyn Ghidella. We know there are many more Culture Champions in Queensland and so we are asking you to help us identify them. A Culture Champion can be the local choir master, museum volunteer or the pianist at the local dance school.

It’s important for everyone to get involved in both planning for the future of arts in this state and also to help us applaud our Culture Champions. So I encourage you to join the conversation on the Arts for all Queenslanders strategy and to nominate a Culture Champion you know!

I encourage you to nominate a Culture Champion via email at or for more information go to www.

The Honourable Ian Walker MP Minister for Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts

Culture Champions have a passion for the arts in Queensland and care about the value of arts and culture

is for all Queenslanders, as arts and cultural audiences, participants, creators and makers. The Queensland Government wants to ensure everyone has opportunities in the arts and is developing a plan – the Arts for all Queenslanders strategy – to do just that.



music An island of

Straddie is a gem with sweeping coastlines, balmy weather, spectacular surf, homespun yet stylish cafes and an ocean heaving with manta rays and dolphins.

There’s a relaxed vibe. You feel a long way away from Brisbane. That’s a drawcard,” she says. Smith chooses compatible, friendly players who can relate well to the audience and will happily perform in a variety of combos.

As if that’s not enough there’s also a lively, well-attended chamber music festival. The Stradbroke Chamber Music Festival, now in its sixth year, lures international and interstate visitors, Brisbane folk and locals to a three-day celebration of music for small ensemble.

“Festival musicians should rehearse on the island, interact with the community and do the concerts,” she believes. This year’s line-up includes London-based violinist Sophie Rowell, Eric de Wit from the Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Louise King and Caroline Henbest. The pianists are Stephen Emmerson and Liam Viney and woodwind specialists are Hayley Radke, Rianne Wilschut and Brian Catchlove.

According to Artistic Director Rachel Smith, who organises the event via Skype from Edinburgh, the Festival is popular because of its unique venue. “The island is one of my favourite places. People who come can take in the natural scenery as well as music. In late July, humpback whales can be spotted in the sea.

“There are special moments. I’ll never forget last year’s Transfigured 4

Night by Schoenberg in the Church at Point Lookout. The sound of twittering birds outside added to the atmosphere. People also loved George Crumb’s The Whale. The performers were bathed in blue light,” says Smith.

players, blaze their way through wild Balkan gypsy strains. Mozart fans can enjoy the gorgeous, but rarely heard Sinfonia Concertante arranged for string sextet, while a family-targeted animal-themed concert at Dunwich features Ferdinand the Bull.

Once again, in addition to six concerts, musicians will be in residence at Dunwich State School.

In an exciting new initiative, the Jani Henke Young Musicians program, named after the Festival’s visionary founder, a student ensemble from the Queensland Conservatorium will be mentored by the artists.

“I love going to this school” says Smith. “We often play to the children. I love the responses. One little girl, after hearing a Mendelssohn String Quartet said, ‘it was like a giant house made of gold, filled with swirly colours’. “

Stradbroke Chamber Music Festival 26–28 July 2013

Smith programming spans chamber music by Brahms, Haydn, and Ravel to Carl Vine’s jazzy Café Concertino. There’s a gypsy flavour in the Alla Zingherese concert in which Taraf Tambal, a trio of cimbalon, violin and bass

Stradbroke Chamber Music Festival. Photo David Collins Photography 5


from a Forgotten People “I’m third generation South Sea Islander. My mother is from Rockhampton and my father from Mackay. There’s so much pain and hurt associated with our family history. A silence has been carried from one generation to another,” says Imelda Miller, Assistant Curator of Pacific Indigenous Art for the Queensland Art Gallery (QAG).

of cheap labour, with many being kidnapped, tricked or ‘blackbirded’. By 1908, many had been deported under the ‘White Australia’ policy, and those who remained suffered harsh treatment and discrimination. Today, Australian South Sea Islanders have a unique identity in Queensland, which is embedded in a rich heritage and vibrant culture.

Australian South Sea Islanders have a special place in Queensland’s cultural diversity and history. They are the descendants of South Sea Islanders brought to Queensland from 1863 to 1904 from 80 Melanesian islands to work the state’s cotton and sugar plantations. The 62,000 men, women and children were considered a source 6

Ruth Mcdougall, Curator of Pacific Art says Queensland Art Gallery’s Sugar looks at the rise and reach of the sugar industry. Renowned Australian photographer Max Dupain, was commissioned by CSR to take industry photographs. I especially like Victoria Mill snapped in 1958. This shows young children among a burning sugar landscape under a vast iconic North Queensland sky in the Burdekin District.”

To mark the contribution of Australian South Sea Islanders to Queensland over the past 150 years, State Library of Queensland, Queensland Museum and Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art are presenting a range of exhibitions, projects and events from June to November 2013, with a special weekend of workshops, discussions, tours and music taking place at the Cultural Precinct, South Bank from 16–18 August 2013.

A musical performance SlaveLand, tackles the cruelty of blackbirding. A song from this performance will be used as a soundtrack for viewing of Dupain’s romanticised images and the haunting display of 19th and 20th century photographs.

“With the older generation dying, capturing oral history is vital,” Miller says. “Our cross-precinct event involving Queensland Museum, State Library of Queensland, Queensland Art Gallery and the Gallery of Modern Art from now until November celebrates the 150th anniversary of the arrival of the first South Sea Islanders who worked as indentured labour on the State’s fledgling sugar industry.

ASSI were recognised by the Queensland Government as a distinct cultural group for the first time in 2000. A display of South Sea Islander objects includes The Queensland Government’s Australian South Sea Islander Recognition Statement.

“We are emphasising storytelling and providing opportunities for people to share stories and talk about Australian South Sea Islander heritage in Time For Telling and Marking The Mango Tree.

Miller says, “Objects are powerful, they have presence and many items on display were probably taken off people when they were put on the boats. There are weapons, spears, an axe and several bags.

“For too long, this community’s presence has been hidden. South Sea Islander history is not taught in State schools. This big exhibition will raise awareness.”

“One 19th century relic has particular resonance for me. Donated by an anonymous Islander, a Logan farmer handed it in. My great grandparents would have been living in Logan around this time. It’s a wooden club from Amblym where my Great Grandmother came from.”

This year’s John Oxley Library Fellow Matthew Nagas, whose Grandfather Jonathan Walleilemai was taken from the Village LugaLuga Lagoon, Malayta in the Solomon Islands in the early 1890s, says, “there’s so much out there, so many personal stories that have never been told. The exhibition gives me an opportunity to network. I can follow up the contacts I make later. I’m researching South Sea Islander history with co-Fellow Kathleen Mary Sallon.”

Memories from a Forgotten People 150 Years of Australian South Sea Islander contributions to Queensland June – November 2013 South Sea Islander labourers in

During the anniversary weekend, 16–18 August, there will be a plethora of installations, exhibitions and activities at South Bank.

front of their huts on a cane farm in the Innisfail district, Queensland, ca.1902–1905, John Oxley Library (SLQ). 7


with Arts Investment Advisory Board Member Jane Wilson Dr Jane Wilson is one of the eight members of the Arts Investment Advisory Board. With a background that encompasses medicine, finance, banking, business and corporate governance, her interests are great and varied. But as this Q&A reveals, Dr Wilson’s love of the arts is as old as she is, growing up in a creative home filled with musicians, to today where she keeps up that tradition through her own family’s interest in art and design.

The usual issue of whether or not Queensland gets its fair share of Arts Council funding to reflect our population base will be examined and requires constant vigilance and lobbying if necessary. Innovation in investment and leadership in the arts are interesting topics for discussion and I am sure there will be more to say on this before the end of the year. Q: You have extremely varied arts and cultural interests. Is there a particular art form you are especially passionate about?

Q: Arts and culture is important to me because … I love the excitement of seeing something new. The arts reflect the creative expression of social change of the community in which we live and without the arts, life would be deadly dull. I love the fact that artists challenge the normal paradigm, just as scientists have to think creatively to innovate. The arts community makes an essential contribution to the quality of life we lead and to the liveability of the cities in which we live. Imagine a life without music, song or dance. How can we express ourselves without literature, drama and performance?

I was very fortunate to grow up in a household that appreciated the arts. My parents were particularly interested in the performing arts and my mother, Denise Wadley, was at one time, manager of the Queensland Theatre Orchestra and on the board of the Conservatorium of Music. Both she and dad supported the ACO, Southern Cross Soloists, Musica Viva, Opera Queensland and the Queensland Youth Orchestra. We had a constant stream of musicians staying with us and the house was always full of music. I think a lack of musical talent saw me gravitate to the visual arts, but the subtle influences of one’s surroundings cannot be underestimated.

Q: The Board has been in place for a number of months now. What are some of the most pressing and interesting topics you’ve tackled?

I attended Stuarthome Girls’ School where we were surrounded by masterpieces hanging in the hallways from the Norman Behan Collection (now housed at the University of Queensland) and during university holidays I was

I have been struck by the commitment of taking arts to the regions in Queensland and what is already happening in this regard. With such a de-centralised state, it is an important commitment and it takes resources to achieve. 8

Q: Do you recall a moment when you were particularly struck by an art work or performance?

fortunate enough to house-sit for close friends, Nancy and the late Peter Underhill. Their house was full of fabulous contemporary paintings, not surprising given that Nancy was Foundation Head of the UQ’s Art History Department and the UQ Art Museum’s Foundation Director.

I remember being enthralled by an exhibition of Marc Chagall at the Royal Academy of Arts in London on my first visit there in the ‘80s, he was an amazing artist, living in tumultuous times in Russia. Locally, I am so impressed by groups such as Circa. I saw my first performance at the Powerhouse only a few years ago, it was stunning and I was embarrassed that I had not seen them perform before given they are so talented, daring and original, mixing circus, dance and drama and right “under our noses”. They perform all over the world to much acclaim and Brisbane is their home base.

My husband is also passionate about design and very interested in the visual arts so together we collected art in a haphazard fashion! Today we are more focused on contemporary Australian art, especially the early career artists – it is such an exciting time for Australian art and it reflects our emergence as a more confident multicultural nation in the Asia Pacific, while still trying to reconcile our Indigenous history and identity.

Jane’s Fast Five Cat or dog person? Both, I always wanted to be a vet. If you weren’t in business, what would you do? I love sewing, cooking and gardening. I used to make all my own clothes when I was a student and spent hours designing them from basic patterns. Favourite holiday destination? I adore the big cities of the world – New York, London, Paris, Shanghai. They concentrate and reflect the essence, history and personality of each country, and there is never enough time to do all the things on offer. Favourite book? I loved Bliss by Peter Carey, his first novel. It was an original crazy story but the setting was late ’70s Brisbane and for Brisbanites, the descriptions of places and institutions and the way of life back then is a great trip down memory lane.

Energise your school holidays at Cobb+Co Cobb+Co Museum’s new Energy for Life Discovery Centre opened earlier this month and is already a hit with Toowoomba families. Be part of the centre’s great school holidays program which features daily shows of hands-on science experiments. Find out more at Opening celebrations. Photo courtesy Cobb+Co Museum. 9

Determination and drive

define new Local Government arts advisor “It’s crucial to raise the profile of the arts as we come up to another election. The arts bring colour to people’s daily lives – they deliver a whole package of social, therapeutic and economic benefits”, says Georgina Siddall, the recently appointed Senior Advisor Arts and Culture at Local Government Association of Queensland.

“The role is complex,” she says. “An important component is to provide information and advice to councils. Given the state’s vast geographical distances a lot of this is done via webinars. Over the next few months I’m going to be working with 15 councils including Longreach, Barcaldine and Tambo. “It’s Tambo’s 150th anniversary. It’s amazing. 450 Tambo locals are involved in a Queensland Music Festival musical Heart Of An Open Country.”

Siddall brings to the role people management, financial planning, cultural programming and planning, advocacy and fundraising. On social media networks she presents herself as an ‘energetic arts professional’.

Siddall fires a response in the blink of an eye when asked what regional centres want in terms of the arts.

After chatting, Siddall’s enthusiasm, determination, discretion, steely drive and yes energy-in-spades is confirmed.

“I think they want the same as people living in the city. It’s a mistake to think they need something different.”

With an adventurous appetite for all the arts, a strong background in museums and galleries and a participatory interest in charcoal drawing, burlesque and trapeze artistry, there’s no doubt that Siddall is a champion of the arts.

“When the Bolshoi Ballet came to Brisbane recently their performance of Le Corsaire was streamed via live simulcast to venues in Ayr, Bundaberg, Cairns, Coolum, Gladstone, Hervey Bay, Mackay, Rockhampton and 10

Toowoomba. With improvements to Australia’s national broadband network hopefully live simulcasts will be commonplace and city centres won’t always be parachuting things in.”

Currently, Siddall is working closely with Arts Queensland in developing a work plan for 2014. Enhancing the productive relationship between State and Local Government is a priority and Siddall wants to support the provision of low cost creative spaces where artists can be empowered to try out new ideas in a safe environment.”

Siddall thrives on the surprise of every working day. Plenty of travel is involved which is why her trusty IPad gets a thorough workout in transit. “No two days are the same. Today, I started at Arts Queensland and then left for Brisbane City Council. I’ve had a phone meeting with the Woodford Folk Festival and now I’m having a coffee in Newstead talking to you. I’m rounding off the afternoon at State Library of Queensland. There’s a meeting of the Queensland Public Libraries Association. Next week, I’m in Canberra and then heading out west.”

“I think that the arts sector and local government are going through a period of intense change and with that comes anxiety as they move away from a culture of subsidy. I want to help councils negotiate their way through this.” “Another pressing task is to renew the protocol between Arts Queensland and Local Government. The 2002 agreement needs updating so it’s clear what our organisations want to do together and how we can best achieve it.”

What qualities are crucial in the position?

“When I leave this job, I want the position of arts and culture to be elevated and those involved to be in a much stronger position.”

“Being a good communicator is a must as is understanding where people are coming from. I know I don’t have all the answers but I can direct people to those who do.”

Contact Georgina Siddall at

Dancenorth’s Abandon work and virtuoso accordionist James Crabb has created bespoke arrangements to accompany the soprano, alto and bass voices, which will be performed live on stage. Find out more at

Inspired by the extreme human emotions expressed in Handel's arias, Abandon, 24 July–1 August, is a music-dance adventure cocreated by two leading artistic directors. Lindy Hume and Raewyn Hill are co-devising and co-directing the

Photo: Bottle Brush Studios 11

Funding Update with Linda Dreghorn Arts Minister Ian Walker recently announced the new Arts and Culture Investment framework 2013–14. slideshow from the information sessions.

The Framework introduces a new funding model that is simpler, more transparent, and cuts red tape. It includes details of the six competitive funding programs: Organisations Fund, Project and Programs Fund, Individuals Fund, Super Star Fund, Playing Queensland and the Innovation Fund. All funds are currently open except the Innovation Fund which is likely to open in early 2014.

While the aim has been to make the application process as simple as possible, the conversation with the sector is ongoing so please let me know if there are any issues or barriers to you making an application. All the programs will be very competitive but all applications will be assessed according to the selection criteria.

The most significant changes are:

It is critical to the success of any application that you first read the Arts and Culture Investment Framework so you understand the Government’s investment priorities and the program guidelines before completing the application form. Applications can be lodged via a USB although paper applications will still be accepted if the USB is not an option for you.

t 5IF DSFBUJPO PG UIF "SUT Investment Advisory Board. Its role includes reviewing and making recommendations to the Arts Minister on Arts Queensland grant programs, applications and assessment processes and it has been instrumental in the creation of the Framework. t -FTT DPNQMJDBUFE HVJEFMJOFT and application forms.

In 2014, there will be two rounds of the Projects and Programs Fund and four rounds of the Individuals Fund. The Organisations Fund which closes on 31 July will have decisions advised in October for funding for 3 years, 2014–16, with the next round open in 2016. For more information visit

t "SUT 2VFFOTMBOE TUBGG OP MPOHFS involved in assessment of funding applications apart from eligibility checks. t " GPDVT PO PVUDPNFT Information sessions have been held and will continue to be held throughout the state subject to demand and as Grant Support Officer I can be contacted for advice. Frequently asked questions and answers are available on the Arts Queensland website as is the

Don’t forget to look at the Australia Council funding programs as well as it would be great to increase the level of Australia Council funding flowing to Queensland!


Expressions of interest for Arts Industry Experts/Peers Arts Queensland is inviting expressions of interest to register as Arts Industry Experts/Peers. In this role you will assess applications for competitive funding as part of the new Arts and Cultural Investment Framework 2013–2014. EOI forms are available at or contact 07 3034 4016 or email Closing date: Monday 8 July

Grant news British Council’s Realise Your Dream

new media and digital work. The program provides subsidised access to a unique exhibition space with infrastructure designed to facilitate the display of creative digital and new media practice. Applications close 12 July 2013. Visit

Applications are now open for the British Council’s programme for emerging creatives working in any field, Realise Your Dream (RYD). RYD will offer the prize of: return economy flights to London; a fully tailored professional development programme, designed in consultation with each winner; and $5000 spending money. Applications close 28 July 2013. Visit

Australia Council 2013 Funding The Australia Council funding guide is available at: Grants closing in July 2013 include: t .BSLFU %FWFMPQNFOU o "SU Fare: Australian Art Export, Hopscotch

2014 Digital Associates Program Applications are now open for the Digital Associates Program. DAP provides independent creative practitioners, collectives and curators with opportunities to present quality and innovative

t -JUFSBUVSF o "XBSE GPS MJGFUJNF achievement t "CPSJHJOBM 5PSSFT 4USBJU Islanders Arts – Indigenous Arts workers’ program; New Work

Resources update APAM 2014 Program


Program applications for the Australian Performing Arts Market (APAM) 2014 close midnight 22 July 2013 (AEST). Artists and companies who are interested in applying can start their online applications at www.

Keep up to date with the latest discussions about Arts for All Queenslanders on aqblog. Most recently Kath Quigley posted about the use of language in arts policy and strategy and in the sector. Visit 13

Media releases Townsville voices its vision for the arts

Landmark agreement to grow the arts

The Newman Government is delivering on the next phase of its Arts for All Queenslanders strategy, with a community workshop at Townsville’s School of Arts. Read more

The Newman Government is delivering on its commitment to make Queensland an arts and cultural hub, with the signing of an historic Cultural Precinct Strategy. Read more

Culture champions herald arts for all Queenslanders

Screen Queensland fuels three major productions

Arts Minister Ian Walker has announced the State’s first Culture Champions as part of a campaign to encourage Queenslanders to be arts advocates and have a say on a future plan for the arts. Read more

Arts Minister Ian Walker has announced $1.5 million in production funding for three major film and television projects in Queensland. Read more

QPAC’s Bolshoi Ballet a ‘Big’ Success

Queensland Premier’s Drama Award opens

Arts Minister Ian Walker and Tourism Minister Jann Stuckey have congratulated the Queensland Performing Arts Centre (QPAC) on the success of the Bolshoi Ballet season. Read more

Australia’s next great play is waiting to be unearthed, with the opening of the Queensland Premier’s Drama Awards by Premier Campbell Newman and Minister for Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts Ian Walker. Read more http://

Budget delivers arts for all Queenslanders Regional Queenslanders are set to benefit from the Newman Government’s commitment to making arts accessible across the State. Read more

Billy Thorpe Scholarship opens for musicians Emerging Queensland musicians have been urged to apply for the annual $10,000 Billy Thorpe Scholarship and take the next step in their careers. Read more

Articles & Reports Cultural and creative activity satellite accounts, Australia 2013, an Australian Bureau of Statistics discussion paper

Film, television and digital games from the Australian Bureau of Statistics

Got a great arts story? We want to hear from you. Please contact Arts Update by emailing About us: Arts Queensland is part of the Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts. For more information on Arts Queensland go to or call 1800175531 For more information on Queensland Government go to 14

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