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National Library Week is April 7-13

National Library Week is April 7-13

Quincy Public Library joins libraries nationwide to celebrate “Libraries=Strong Communities” during National Library Week, April 7-13. This year’s National Library Week will highlight the ways libraries add to the standard of living and help create common culture within their communities.


Quincy Public Library offers so much more than just books, it’s a shared community resource that provides lowcost access to all community members. The numerous free programs and materials the library provides helps to strengthen our community and enrich the lives of its residents.

Take part in National Library Week by doing the following: get your library card and visit QPL to check out material or participate in a program, visit quincylibrary.org for downloadable books, movies or magazines, find QPL on Facebook to tell your library story on Thursday, April 11 which “Take Action for Libraries Day,” a day to speak up for libraries. Use #MyLibraryMyStory.

Submitted photos.

Did you know that QPL:

• Provides lessons in early childhood literacy

• Partners with schools to provide e-Cards so students can easily access learning aids, test prep resources and research material.

• Delivers books and materials to individual classroom teachers

• QPL’s Teen Advisory Board provides a safe haven for 13 to 18-year-olds with age appropriate activities, materials and volunteer opportunities

• Free public use computers, technology tutors and wi-fi for job seekers

• Free or low cost test proctoring and meeting rooms for professionals in our community

• Delivers library material to homebound residents

• Serves as a repository and research center for local history

• Has exciting programs for all ages

View the full program calendar and get more information at quincylibrary.org.

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