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Mother\u2019s Day Tour at the Villa
Mother’s Day Tour at the Villa
ANNUAL MOTHER’S DAY OPEN HOUSE Sunday, May 12 from 1-5 pm
ANNUAL MEETING Tuesday, May 14 at 6 pm Villa Kathrine, 532 Gardner Expy.
In honor of Mother's Day, the Friends of the Castle invite the public to the Villa Kathrine's Annual Open House on Sunday, May 12 from 1-5 pm.
In addition to beautiful grounds and stunning views, this amazing Mediterranean castle's interior has many timeless features that delight guests from all over the world.
During the free tours, visitors will learn the unique history of the original home owner, W. George Metz, who incorporated his favorite European architectural features into the home's design in the year 1900.
Today, the Villa Kathrine is maintained by Friends of the Castle, a nonprofit organization that cares for the building, grounds and essential improvements.
The public is invited back to the Villa for its 41st Annual Meeting on Tuesday, May 14. Social time will begin at 6 pm with the meeting beginning at 6:30 pm.
This local treasure houses Quincy Tourist Information Center, Quincy Area Convention and Visitors Bureau and the Great River Road Interpretive Center. It is on the National Register of Historic Places and Illinois Register of Historic Places.
It is open daily, Monday-Saturday, 9 am-5 pm and Sundays 1-5 pm. Selfguided tours are normally $3 for adults and $1.50 for children. The building is available for group tours and as an event venue. Funds are available to
provide area youth groups and classes free tours.
For more information call 217-224-3688 or visit villakathrine.org.