ArtTalks is proud to present As Time Goes By / Wa Daret el Ayyam, the fourth solo exhibition by Guirguis Lotfy at the gallery.
Inspired by a song by the Nightingale of the Nile (aka Om Kolthoum), the exhibition is an homage to love, its beauties and pains. A passionate Egyptian patriot, Guirguis Lofty uses his canvas to pay tribute to the extraordinary feeling of giving. A prolific painter, he is able to evoke visual ‘tarab’ and raw emotions.
Describing his artistic process as literally looking out his window and painting what he sees, Lotfy shows an indefatigable commitment to love and attempts to bring forth the tale of times. As he captures the essence of passion and sacrifice, he reminds us that love makes the world go round.
Guirguis Lotfy seeks to resuscitate an elaborate ancient Egyptian painting technique practiced two millennia ago in religious iconography and the famed Fayoum Portraits.