People You May Know by Walid Ebeid

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People You May Know Walid Ebeid

People You May Know Walid Ebeid OPENING RECEPTION F E B R U A R Y 5 TH 2 0 1 9 6 - 9 P M



People You May Know

Ebeid doesn’t portray women as super models

which he calls “realistic expressionism.”

who have perfect bodies and outstanding

His artwork resembles him closely. It is rendered

outfits. Instead, he prefers to dig deeper to

in a state of truth because it expresses what

touch their souls and feel their pain. In his

occupies people’s minds and what they’re

paintings, each detail tells a new story. You


can see the agonized look on the faces of his

His art reflects reality and the changes taking

painted prostitutes and feel the oppression

place around us and mainly focus on strange

they encounter every day.

things that we quickly lose interest in but have

It is no secret that women and women’s issues

impact the moment.

are one of his biggest concerns. “I myself

“My art is for the people. And it is why people

cannot fathom the reason I hold all this empathy

can relate to my art as if it is their own, and

toward women — as if women were the reason

why they sometimes ask me to execute certain

for me being an artist.”

images, believing that I can express their

He listens to people as a psychiatrist in order



to really feel their problems and the challenges

Art usually reflects , the artist life , relations,

Walid Ebeid ( 1970 )

they encounter

culture, opinion , and his vision in all that ,

“The artist is a lawyer who defends any

His soul dictates him to paint in that way

Egyptian oil painter who graduated in 1992 from Cairo Faculty of Arts.

accused person when society plays the role of

with his comparative simplification, and the

His work has been exhibited internationally since 1992, earning him a reputation for his expressive

the judge.”

painting is the obedience reflection “While i am


After graduating from the faculty of fine arts in

painting, I never thinking but intensity feelings

The controversial and provocative artworks of Ebeid range from poignant, studies of the female figure

1992 with a philosophical project that portrayed

leads the painting to do it self, by my hands,

to People We May Know in the Egyptian society; He tackles difficult issues like sexuality, immigration

love, death, and art, he decided to get closer

some happiness is pushing to creation but

and oppression.

to people’s real lives and give them a voice to

disappears towards the completion of the art

Walid Ebeid brings attention to the sufferings, struggles, and hopes of women in our society over

express their hopes and dreams.

work, that is why we continuously work, artist

the course of recent decades. His realistic paintings have broken a great deal of social and moral

For Ebeid creating art is in itself an inspiration

must be honest, like who tells a dream, and this

taboos and challenged different customs and traditions imposed by society, to defend women of all

and is just as enigmatic to me as talent itself.

dream has to be grim like a truth, art from god

categories and social classes.

His searches and experiments went through

for people, the artist is that bridge connecting

several phases to reach his current phase,

both and relates all people with each other”.

Walid Ebeid

Wintry Gathering 2019 70 x 70 cm Oil on canvas

PIMP 2019 170 x 140 cm Oil on canvas

Parting Carols 2019 80 x 80 cm Oil on canvas

Molotov 2019 70 x 70 cm Oil on canvas

The Great Haleem 2019 100 x 100 cm Oil on canvas

The Universe Game 2019 120 x 120 cm Oil on canvas

Ali Walid Son of Walid Ebeid

7 years old

A Peacock in Paradise 2019 Oil on wood

People You May Know Walid Ebeid Catalogue Published on the occasion of the show People You May Know Waild Ebeid 5th February 2019 ArtTalks | Egypt Coordinators Cherine Chafik Graphic Concept & Realization Omar Mobarek Text ChĂŠrine Chafik Photographs Walid Ebeid

8 El Kamel Mohamed Street, Zamalek, Cairo, Egypt +202 2736 3948

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