'The Forbidden' is a joint exhibition by visual artists Yasser Nabaiel and Weaam el Masry. Both question the chains imposed by authorities such as government, religion or society and the constant need for a seal of approval.
Silent agitators, Yasser Nabaiel and Weaam El Masry present works inspired by two seminal books from Arab literature - ‘The Prophet’ written in 1923 by the late Lebanese-born Gibran Khalil Gibran and ‘Season of Migration to the North’ written in 1966 by the late Sudanese thinker Tayeb Salih. Both books were praised and banned. ‘The Prophet’ was temporary banned in Egypt in 1999 and again in 2012 arguing that the drawing on the cover could be seen as representing Islam’s Prophet Mohamed. Tayeb Salih’s book on the other hand was banned for 30 years following its publication in Egypt and in Sudan and denounced as decadent and insulting of religion.