1 minute read
LawreNCe r. armstrONg
Layered Vision
“My work, both in Art and Architecture, is an ongoing exploration of the concept of Layers. I have always been aware of and fascinated by Layers in the Natural and Built Environment. Layers in Space and Time. Layers in Intellect, in Emotion. Synthesis and Interpenetration of Form, Solid and Void, Chaos and Order, Simplicity and Complexity”.
“Flashes of Light appear to me spontaneously, involuntarily, provoked by sensory influences. Unannounced initial thought may derive from music, written text, built or natural environment, person, mood, event, or any combination. A concept gestates for days or weeks until the appropriate media becomes apparent. I create a sketch and try to understand it for a while. The piece then comes out of me very quickly—several pieces result, produced in rapid succession. Most of my work is done in a small series and executes typically very close to the first flash of light that appeared. I have noticed that the many passions in my life similarly manifest through me”.

“ReudhKueitGhreBhel2.0”, Acrylic On Board 36”x48”