Artur Carvalho - Candidature for SCOME Regional Assistant for The Americas

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MOTIVATIONAL LETTER Dear IFMSA, Americas Region and medical

of Medical Education 2016-2018, a national team of

education lovers,

IFMSA Brazil that works directly with our NOME helping with national e regional work of medical education.

My name is Artur Carvalho, I’m 23 years old and I’m

Through the national work I became closer to the

a fifth year medical student at the Federal

international work and at the start of 2017 I had the

University of Acre (UFAC), located at the city of Rio

chance to go to my first Regional Meeting at Peru, an

Branco (Brazil), I’m the current National Officer on

wonderful moment of sharing experiences, It was such

Medical Education for the term 2017-2018 and it is

an amazing experience that brought me even more

with a great pleasure that I’m here presenting you

motivation to keep working on medical issues until the

my candidature for SCOME RA for Americas.

moment that I applied for and became NOME of IFMSA Brazil, an institution that I’m so grateful for all

Well, my path on IFMSA started back there at the

the opportunities and growing experiences and for

end of 2014 when I started Medical School, even

making me who I am today.

before my classes have started I was already sure that I needed to be part of that federation that a

As NOME I went to my second Regional Meeting at

senior year student talked to me about. The classes

Paraguay, and for me it was totally different from my

started, and I joined the local committee of my

first experience, I noticed how much I had grown as a

university and didn’t take too long for me to fall in

person and as a medical education worker and

love with the Federation, and beyond that, because

because of that I enjoined even more and had been so

of a friend, that showed the whole world of medical

much more participative on the sessions, trying to

education, I fell in love with SCOME ever since.

show the experience and work of IFMSA Brazil on the context of Medical Education and learning with other

Through these years until now I worked with medical

NMOs and their work.

education and student representativity not only on IFMSA Brazil but also in my university as part of

Ok, Artur. But Why are you trying this position?

Academic Council of the course for three terms, always trying to help to improve the quality of my

Well, after all this time, experience and amazing

university in deferent ways. Allying my position on

opportunities that I had trough these years working on

the academic council and my work on IFMSA Brazil I

IFMSA Brazil and as a medical education lover, I think I

had the opportunity to promote a lot of activities

am really prepared to take the next step and help our

that not only lead to my university students

beloved Americas Region to grow even more on

knowledge that wasn’t approached on classes, but

medical education issues. I want to use all the

also the debate about the quality of our university in

experience that I have and If you allow me to, to do

local level.

my best as part of the International Team. All of this because simple because I love Medical Education.

On IFMSA Brazil I worked as LOME, Local President and wanting to share the experience and knowledge that IFMSA brought to me, I also have been NOME Assistant as part of the National Team

With love,

PLAN OF ACTION This plan was build based on the plan of action of the SCOME-D Elect, the LME Elect and on the SCOME Strategy that was approved on the last August Meeting with the intention to be more synchronized with the goals of the international work and also I brought somethings from my own experience working on IFMSA Brazil. Hope It finds You well. It was divided 4 pillars: - Diagnosis - To Capacitate - Collaboration - Regional Team and International Team


To Capacitate

At first, I’d like to understand better the

- To promote OLMs about the work of

situation of SCOME in each NMO of our

SCOME at the international level, its mission,

region, this can be done by the NMO

vision, strategy and How can NOMEs help to

Report, through the former RA or talking

achieve our goals

directly with NOMEs - To promote the IFMSA Programs, working - Understand what NOMEs/NMOs

together with Programs Coordinators, not

understand about SCOME, what kind of

only talking about how to enroll activities, but

activity they develop (Student

also showing the importance of it for external

Representative Oriented or Project

representation of IFMSA,

Oriented) - To capacitate NOMEs about the process - What are the most important problems

of building a policy document and for what It

they face, what they have well stablished

can be used for, as external representation,

- What do they know about IFMSA

for example.

Programs and how to enroll on it - Show the importance of SCOME work not - Analyze the necessities of workshops

only as project oriented, but also as student

(TMET and AMET) on the NMOs.

representation oriented

Regional Team Collaboration

and International Team

- To stimulate NOMEs to work together on looking for solutions for problems that

- Respect above all things

they have common on their NMOs. It can be also done together with others

- To be committed on team building,

SCOME Ras, because maybe there are

understanding the limits of each member of

NMOs that already have faced the same

the teams and their skills and potentials, and

problem and they can share how they

through that build a collaborative work to

passed through this problem

make sure that the final product of our work will be high quality

- Standing Committee Collaboration – With others RAs and members of the

- To work with the CB IT to stimulate and

Regional Team, to promote policy

promote workshops related to SCOME in

documents and SWGs about topics that

Americas Region, making sure that it will

are important for the IFMSA work


- To improve communication and

- Develop high quality sessions for the

collaboration between NOMEs, not only

Regional Meeting and work together with

on whatsapp group, but also through e-

others SC to promote joint sessions, showing

mail, OLM and facebook group as well.

the importance of seeing things on different point of views and widening the analyzes.

- To attend the Americas Regional Meeting 2019 and to do my best to attend others important meetings that may have (including GAs)

- With the International Team, work on the update and elaboration of SCOME important documents, always stimulating the participation and inputs of the NMOs

CURRICULUM VITAE Personal Data Name: Artur Carvalho Lima

Age: 23 years old

Date of Birth: September 30rd, 1994 Academic Status: 5th Medical Student at Federal University of Acre (UFAC) Nationality: Brazilian Phone number: +5568999651452 e-mail: skype: artur_oak Languages: Portuguese (Native) English

Other Experience Class President - 2014 until now

Member of Medical Education Comission of the

Member of Student Council - 2014, 2015, 2016,

Federal Council of Medicine representing IFMSA

2017, 2018


Student Associated of the Brazilian Medical

SWG to build SCOME Manual of IFMSA Brazil

Education Association (ABEM)

SWG to build "Events Manual" of IFMSA Brazil Coordinator of "Widening Participation on Medical

IFMSA Events 4 National General Assembly 2 Regional Meeting 1 General Assembly 1 Training New Trainers 2 Regional Assembly of IFMSA Brazil

Education", IFMSA Brazil's Policy Document More than 20 activities onf IFMSA Brazil Facilitator of SCOME Sessions on the 51th NGA Facilitator of SCOME Sessions at the 52th NGA Coordinator and Facilitator of SCOME Sessions at the 53th NGA 1 SCOME-related publications at Brazilian Medical Students (BMS)

IFMSA Experience LOME - 2014-2016 LC President 2016-2017 Member of National Team of Medical Education 2016-2018 NOME 2017-2018

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