Friday – 15/01/16
Proceeding on our path marked by iron, still alive in the Vitória-Minas Railroad (EFVM), in the social relations and now in its fluvial variety, we continue our journey between two of the largest cities in the entire Doce River valley, Governador Valadares and Ipatinga. With the exception of our stop in Naque, located where the Santo Antônio River empties, our day is essentially marked by the road and by Arana, who guides us upriver. The BR-381, not only because of its proximity to the river but also because of the rapid contact it induces throughout this stretch, strongly marks the entire region and drives economic development, too.
Factories, industries and speed are striking presences here. This is the first region we have crossed on this expedition with such few social practices linked to the river. Although present, the presence of small autonomous communities, perhaps forgotten from other points of view, is smaller than in the ColatinaValadares stretch. The traveller cannot ignore the traditional urban features of the surroundings, conditioning those dependent on the river to a hybrid lifestyle, between the rural and the urban. Because of this, we stop less to collect reports, since we are looking for small communities, leading us to question our own methodology and even the validity of our work. Until now, it has proved efficient, as we have seen the river as a whole – maybe we will need a boat from now on?