Saturday – 16/1/2016
WE ARE ALL WITHOUT FISH Once we have entered the second half of that hot January, having an already hurried human pace, I, as a believer in the zodiac, know that I have entered my “astral hell”. An Aquarius with an ascendant in Virgo and, from what I have learned empirically, I see myself represented by what is said about this convergence: airy, humanistic, somehow distant and sometimes pragmatic. Now, I am clinging to such pragmatism, as I see that this is the only way for me to face what I see day after day. The involvement with everything that is here is depressing, so placing yourself here as an observer makes dealing with this fact easier – to digest what you see.
It has been raining since we arrived at night in São José do Goiabal. As we are tired from the wear of the trip, especially as we have had little human contact since Valadares, the many, many kilometres travelled and the late hours, we decide to set up camp at a bus stop on the side road that leads to the city. Despite the light rain that falls on us for hours, we receive a friendly welcome by the city we don’t even know. The bus stop provides us a restaurant, bed and table.