Connellsville Design Guidelines

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Connellsville Main Street

Rebirth of a Community Building & Design Guidelines

May, 2009

City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Contents: Design Guidelines The guidelines are based on the U. S. Department of the Interior Standards and applied to the local context of Connellsville.

The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties

with Guidelines for Preserving, Rehabilitating Restoring &Reconstructing Historic Buildings

An interactive version of the Standards & Guidelines can be found at: history/hps/TPS/tax/rhb/

Funded in part by a grant from:


Contents......................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction.................................................................................................................... 3 Boundaries..................................................................................................................... 4 Purpose of Design Guidelines........................................................................................ 5 General Building Guidelines.......................................................................................... 6 Development and Site Plan Review............................................................................... 7 Architectural Character Building Improvements......................................................... 13 Architectural Character Assessing Buildings............................................................... 14 Architectural Character . ............................................................................................. 18 Artist’s Renderings of Building Rehabilitation in Downtown Connellsville.............. 26 Architectural Character . ............................................................................................. 27 Residential Development Guidelines Existing Housing, Infill and Rehabilitation...... 43 Neighborhood and Housing Guidelines....................................................................... 44 Examples of Distinction ............................................................................................. 46 Housing Rehabilitation Examples .............................................................................. 52 Housing Infill Prototypes ............................................................................................ 71 Residential Street Options .......................................................................................... 72 Housing Infill Prototype ............................................................................................. 74 Housing Infill Prototype - Elevation ........................................................................... 79 Residential General Considerations . .......................................................................... 82 Definitions/Glossary.................................................................................................... 83 The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee...................................................... 87 Connellsville Main Street Facade Restoration Grant Application Guidelines............. 88 Connellsville Main Street Facade Restoration Grant................................................... 89 Façade Grant Application Parameters, Process and Procedures.................................. 90 Model Scoring Criteria for Connellsville Main Street Facade Restoration Grants..... 92 Façade Grant Application............................................................................................ 93 Release and Hold Harmless Agreement....................................................................... 95

This report was financed in part by a grant from the Community Conservation Partnership Program, Environmental Stewardship Fund, under the administration of the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Bureau of Recreation and Conservation.

Supported in part by: City of

Connellsville, PA

Connellsville Redevelopment Authority

Design Guidelines

Vision Statement

Connellsville is a community of rich natural and historic resources where all embrace: local history, the benefits of tourism centered on the Great Allegheny Passage and the Youghiogheny River, the beauty of the environment, the advantages of local services, businesses, artists and crafters; so that both the quality of life and vitality of businesses are improved through increased visitors and active members of the community.

Mission Statement

With the current business community, natural and historic resources and our cultural diversity as a solid foundation, the Connellsville Main Street Program will provide opportunities for existing and future businesses to expand and flourish by encouraging economic development and revitalization through the promotion of our heritage, the arts and tourism.

Introduction: Vision Statement Mission Statement Committees

Connellsville Main Street shall develop and enhance its existing resources and assets to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Develop and enhance community vitality Develop and enhance quality of life Develop and enhance community character and identity Develop and enhance the area’s sense of place Develop and enhance fiscal and operational efficiency

CMS Steering Committee:

Gerry Browell, Jim Clarke, Linda Cordaro, Michael Edwards, Bryan Kisiel, Dave Marchewka, Becky McLuckey, Leo Rudnick, Pat Stefano

CMS Design Committee:

Michael Edwards, Leo Rudnick, Tom Rusnack, Glenn Wolfe, Melissa Tzan, Dan Cocks

These guidelines have been created to serve as a reference to assist the community throughout the revitalization process.

The images and references are for the purpose of illustration and guidance.

Thank you to the Design committee for their help in putting this document together. We would also like to thank the Connellsville Historical Society for their help with compiling historic photos.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines


Geographic Boundaries for the Façade Grant Program The designated target area is defined as:

• East Crawford Avenue beginning at Prospect Street continuing south to Route 119. • North Pittsburgh Street, beginning at North Alley continuing south to Gallatin Avenue on South Pittsburgh Street. • North Third Street from Yough Park continuing south to St. Rita’s. • North Arch Street at Apple Street continuing to South Arch Street at South Street. • East Apple Street at Prospect Street continuing to East Apple at North Arch. The Connellsville Main Street Design Guidelines are applicable to any commercial property within the designated target area of Connellsville’s Central Business District. See designated area within the outlined boundary. At this time, Connellsville’s downtown does not encompass a historic district. Most of the buildings along downtown Main Street were built around the turn of the twentieth century. Six structures within downtown Connellsville are listed individually on the National Register of Historic Places. Those five structures are: U.S. Post Office, Colonial National Bank, Dr. McClenethan’s Office, Carnegie Library and Union Passenger Station (P&LE)


Design Guidelines

Purpose of Design Guidelines

The purpose of these Design Guidelines is to encourage facade restoration projects. By improving the building’s overall appearance we hope to reduce and eventually eliminate vacancies in the downtown area and be able to promote reuse of commercial properties.

Purpose of Design Guidelines

These guidelines are also to help in bringing substandard buildings into compliance with basic health, safety and building codes. In order to create an attractive downtown, these guidelines will assist with the preservation of original and historic buildings and assure that such buildings are rehabilitated in an appropriate manner. Any restoration, preservation, rehabilitation or maintenance should follow these Design Guidelines and the United States Department of Interior’s “Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings.” A copy of this document can be dowloaded for free from the website: hps/TPS/tax/rhb/. These Design Guidelines are not meant to stifle creativity or individuality. Connellsville Main Street does not want every building in downtown to be painted the same color or be adorned with the exact same signage. Individual business and property owners are encouraged to be creative in thinking about the image that their renovated and improved buildings will portray as part of the entire downtown community. When in doubt, please call the Connellsville Main Street Office at_________. We have a variety of photos, reference materials, sample paint palettes and sample awning materials and colors that all downtown business and property owners are welcome to consult.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

General Building Guidelines

The Building and Design Guidelines section includes guidelines for the following areas: • awnings • energy conservation • masonry maintenance • painting/ color • signage • upper story windows • window displays • general beautification • consistency

• doors • decorative elements • infill • rear/side entrances • storefront designs • storefront windows • lighting • miscellaneous items • parking

These recommendations are not intended to point fingers or to accuse people of not having attractive buildings. The specific recommendations are intended to help building owners identify ways to improve their building and prioritize their improvement projects. Long-term planning will be a key element in the downtown improvements. Connellsville will benefit visually from a consistency of architectural character. While much of a community's character comes from the often eclectic variety of buildings there should be compatibility (but not uniformity) of architectural styles. While being sensitive to the basic style and character of the community, the buildings should also reflect the continuing redevelopment and development of the community. Some of the key points to consider in examining the architectural compatibility of buildings within the Connellsville Main Street District include: • A consistency of roof style and height; • All buildings should follow the same orientation (narrow, wide, square, etc.); • The proportion (height and width) and scale (relative size) of buildings should be the same across the entire district. This not only helps define the visual character of the district, but also helps define the district itself; • There should be a distinct and characteristic rhythm (spacing) of building openings (windows and doors); • The general massing and details of the buildings in the district should be consistent; • Each building should have a clear and characteristic entrance; • In order to establish a clear edge, all buildings should have a similar setback from the curb; and • They should utilize similar materials, colors and textures. New buildings should be of compatible materials and textures. New and renovated buildings should preserve basic architectural details. The small town character of Connellsville is one of its greatest assets. While growth and development of the city is essential for its vitality and success, this growth and development must maintain and enhance the character of the place. The tree lined streets of the older neighborhoods, the historic downtown, the parks, the mixture of housing styles all add to The quality of life for the City. The guidelines presented in this section will help encourage development appropriate to the local community. These are intended to serve as recommendations in evaluating projects and proposals and for developers and property owners in applying for a Facade Restoration Grant, or for the general enhancement of the community.


Design Guidelines Purpose

Development and Site Plan Review helps regulate the development of structures and sites in a manner which considers the following concerns and, where necessary, requires modification of development proposals to eliminate or minimize potential problems and nuisances. The principal areas of concern are: a. the balancing of landowners' rights to the use of their land, with the corresponding rights of abutting and neighboring landowners to live without undue disturbances (e.g., noise, smoke, fumes, dust, odor, glare, stormwater runoff, etc.); b. the convenience and safety of vehicular, bicycle and pedestrian movement within the City of Connellsville, and in relation to adjacent areas or roads; c. the adequacy of waste disposal methods and protection from pollution of surface or groundwater; and d. the protection of the unique local character and natural environmental features on, and around, the site under review, and in adjacent areas.

Projects Requiring Development and Site Plan Review

No permit for the construction, exterior alteration, relocation, occupancy, or change in use of any building shall be given and no existing use shall be established or expanded in floor area except in conformity with a site plan approved by The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee. Development and Site Plan Review shall also be required for the resumption of any use discontinued for more than two (2) years, or for the expansion of any existing use. “Expansion� shall include a floorspace increase of twenty-five percent (25%) or more within any 10- year period, or the introduction of new materials or processes not previously associated with the existing use. Required approval includes proposals for commercial, industrial, office, multiple dwelling residential developments, municipal, institutional, utility, fraternal or recreational purposes.

Development and Site Plan Review Purpose Projects Requiring Development & Site Plan Review Exemptions from Development & Site Plan Review

Exemptions from Development and Site Plan Review Development and Site Plan Review shall not be required for:

a. the construction or enlargement of any single family or two family dwelling, or building accessory to such dwelling; b. the construction or alteration of any building used exclusively for agriculture, horticulture, or floriculture; c. construction or alteration providing for not more than two hundred (200) sq. ft. total floor area after construction d. customary home occupations or those home-based occupations that do not generate significant additional traffic, noise, or other public nuisances.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Development and Site Plan Review Standards for Review

Standards for Review

The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee shall review the site plan and supporting documents, taking into consideration the reasonable fulfillment of the objectives listed below. The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee shall adopt detailed design guidelines and performance standards to guide decisions with respect to these objectives, and to help ensure consistency in the review of all applications, including the following standards: 1. Legal Conformance with the provisions of the ordinances of the City and the County, and all applicable rules and regulations of state and federal agencies. 2. Traffic Convenience and safety of both vehicular and pedestrian movement to and from and within the site and in relationship to adjoining ways and properties. 3. Parking Provisions for the off-street loading and unloading of vehicles incidental to the normal operation of the establishment, adequate parking, adequate lighting, and internal traffic control. 4. City Services Reasonable demands placed on City services and infrastructure. 5. Pollution Control Adequacy of methods for sewage and refuse disposal, and the protection from pollution of both surface waters and groundwater. This includes minimizing soil erosion both during and after construction. 6. Nuisances Protection of abutting properties and City amenities from any undue disturbance caused by excessive or unreasonable noise, smoke, vapors, fumes, dust, odors, glare, stormwater runoff, etc. 7. Existing Vegetation Minimizing the area over which existing vegetation is to be removed. Where tree removal is required, special attention shall be given to planting of replacement trees. 8. Amenities The applicant's efforts to integrate the proposed development into the existing landscape through out design features such as vegetative buffers, roadside plantings, and the retention of open space and agricultural land. 9. City Character The building setbacks, area and location of parking, architectural compatibility, signage, and landscaping of the development, and how these features harmonize with the surrounding cityscape and the natural landscape.


Design Guidelines Enforcement

1. The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee may require the posting of a bond or other similar performance guarantee to ensure compliance with the plan and stated conditions of approval. It may suspend any permit or license when work is not performed as required. 2. Any Special Permit issued under this section shall lapse within one (1) year if a substantial use thereof has not commenced, except for good cause. 3. The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee may periodically amend or add rules and regulations relating to the procedures and administration of this by-law, by majority vote of the Board, after conducting a public hearing to receive comments on any proposed revisions. Such hearing shall be advertised once in a newspaper of general local circulation, at least seven (7) days prior to the hearing date.

Development and Site Plan Review Enforcement Submission Requirements

Submission Requirements

The site plan shall include the following data, details, and supporting plans. The number of pages submitted will depend on the proposal's size and complexity. All of the requirements must be met in each plan, with notations explaining the reasons for any omissions. Site plans shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer, architect, or landscape architect. Items required for submission include: 1. Name of the project, boundaries, and maps showing site's location in the city, date, north arrow and scale of the plan. 2. Name and address of the owner of record, developer, and seal of the engineer, architect or landscape architect. 3. Names and addresses of all owners of record of abutting parcels and those within three hundred (300) feet of the property line. 4. All existing lot lines, easements, and rights-of-way. Include area in acres or square feet, abutting land uses, and the location and use of structures within three hundred (300) feet of the site. 5. The location and use of all existing and proposed buildings and structures within the development. Include all dimensions of height and floor area, and show all exterior entrances, and an anticipated future additions and alterations. 6. The location of all present and proposed public and private ways, parking areas, driveways, sidewalks, ramps, curbs, fences, paths, landscaping, walls, and fences. Location, type, and screening details for all waste disposal containers shall also be shown. 7. The location, height, intensity, and bulb type (e.g., fluorescent, sodium incandescent) of all external lighting fixtures. The direction of illumination and methods to eliminate glare onto adjoining properties must also be shown. 8. The location, height, size, materials, and design of all proposed signage. 9. The location of all present and proposed utility systems including: • sewage or septic system; • water supply system; • telephone, cable and electrical systems; and • storm drainage system including existing and proposed drain lines, culverts, catch basins, headwalls, endwalls, hydrants, manholes, and drainage swales.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Development and Site Plan Review Submission Requirements


10. Plans to prevent the pollution of surface or groundwater, erosion of soil both during and after construction, excessive run-off, excessive raising or lowering of the water table, and flooding of other properties, as applicable. The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee may also request soil logs, percolation tests and storm runoff calculations for large or environmentallysensitive developments. 11. Existing and proposed topography at a two (2) foot contour interval. All elevations shall refer to the nearest United States Coastal and Geodetic Bench Mark. If any portion of the parcel is within the 100 year floodplain, the area will be shown, and base flood elevations given. Indicate areas within the proposed site and within fifty (50) feet of the proposed site, where ground removal or filling is required, and give its approximate volume in cubic yards. 12. A landscape plan showing all existing natural land features, trees, forest cover and water sources, and all proposed changes to these features including size and type of plant material. Water sources will include ponds, lakes, brooks, streams, wetlands, floodplains, and drainage retention areas. 13. Zoning district boundaries within five hundred (500) feet of the site's perimeter shall be drawn and identified on the plan. 14. Traffic flow patterns within the site, entrances and exits, loading and unloading areas, curb cuts on the site and within one hundred feet of the site. The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee may require a detailed traffic study for large developments or for those in heavy traffic areas to include: a. the projected number of motor vehicle trips to enter or leave the site, estimated for daily and peak hour traffic levels; b. the projected traffic flow pattern including vehicular movements at all major intersections likely to be affected by the proposed use of the site; c. the impact of this traffic upon existing abutting public and private ways in relation to existing road capacities. Existing and proposed daily and peak hour traffic levels as well as road capacity levels shall also be given. 15. For new construction or alterations to any existing building, a table containing the following information must be included: a. area of building to be used for a particular use such as retail operation, office, storage, etc.; b. maximum number of employees; c. maximum seating capacity, where applicable; and d. number of parking spaces existing and required for the intended use. 16. Elevation plans for all exterior facades of the proposed structure(s) and/or existing facades, plus addition(s) showing design features and indicating the type and color of materials to be used. 17. Plans of all site features including landscaping, parking (vehicular and nonvehicular), access points and pedestrian access.

Design Guidelines Conforming Lots

Where existing buildings express a traditionally modest (pre-zoning) front setback, creating a characteristically close relationship with the street, it is highly desirable to continue this pattern in order to retain the area's character. Therefore, the maximum setback of new construction should harmonize with the average setbacks of existing adjacent buildings. Outside of the areas of generally uniform building setback (where existing structures are located at various distances from the roadway), front setbacks may vary to a greater degree, and principal buildings shall generally be located within 40 feet of the front lot line unless there are substantial counter-balancing considerations (such as irregular topography, wetlands, or the preservation of natural rural features, including pastures, cropland, meadows, or timber stands). In all instances, parking shall be excluded from such areas, between the principal building and the roadway(s).

Development and Site Plan Review Conforming Lots Non-Conforming Lots

Where commercial development is proposed adjacent to a residential use, a side yard setback of 30 feet shall be observed for buildings, parking, or storage. This area is to be used as a buffer zone and must be landscaped.

Non-Conforming Lots

Where the proposed expansion or reconstruction on a nonconforming lot fails to meet the above setback requirements, increased screening shall be provided to lessen the effect on adjoining lots. In no case shall the expansion of the existing use be allowed to extend closer than 10 feet to any lot line. Where the non-conforming lot borders a residential or institutional use, setbacks of between 10 and 20 feet will require a solid wooden fence, no less than five feet in height, to form an effective visual screen. Landscaping in the form of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs will be required on both sides of the fence. For side and rear yard setbacks of between 20 and 30 feet, an increased number of both deciduous and evergreen shrubs, growing to a mature height of at least five feet, will be required, in a planting bed of at least 10 feet wide. Parking lots shall be provided at the side or to the rear buildings when practical to maximize the positive visual character. Full consideration should be made to accommodate storm water run off through natural (ground water recharge/retention/ detention) or mechanical means. The visual impact of parking areas upon the character of the area can be easily reduced through landscaped buffers, whose width at the roadside edge shall be based upon the length of the parking area exposed to the street (but which shall in no case be less than six (6) feet in width). Locating buildings near the front edge of parking lots reduces the amount of required landscaping, as it minimizes the exposed area of parking. Parking lots containing ten or more spaces shall be planted with at least one tree per eight spaces, no smaller than 2� caliper (trunk diameter at chest height), each tree being surrounded by no less than 40 sq. ft. of permeable, unpaved area. Parking areas must also be screened along lot lines bordering institutional or residential uses.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Development and Site Plan Review Screening Placement of Buildings Facades

Screening shall consist of a landscaped area at least six (6) feet wide, densely planted with a mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs, and shall create an effective visual barrier. All trees shall be a minimum of 2� caliper (trunk diameter) when planted. Native trees and shrubs shall be planted wherever possible, in order to capture the look through indigenous species (such as lilac, viburnum, day lilies, ferns, red-twig dogwood, oak, maple, sycamore, linden, hawthorn, birch, shadbush, etc.). In instances where healthy plant material exists on a site prior to its development, in part or in whole, for purposes of off-street parking or other vehicular use areas, the Connellsville Main Street Design Committee may adjust the application of the above mentioned standards to allow credit for such plant material if, in its opinion, such an adjustment is in keeping with and will preserve the intent of these standards.


Open storage areas, exposed machinery, and outdoor areas used for the storage and collection of rubbish, must be visually screened from roads and surrounding land uses. Suitable types of screening include opaque wood fences and dense evergreen hedges of five (5) feet or more in height. Where evergreen hedges are proposed, a temporary fence should be built to provide screening until the evergreens are of sufficient height. In locations where potential health or safety hazards may arise (such as rubbish storage/collection areas), a solid wooden fence, six (6) feet in height is required (to deter children and animals from entering. Decorative, lower level, pedestrian-scale lighting should be employed.

Placement of Buildings

Buildings should be sited so that obstruction of views from the public ways will be minimized. This can be achieved by taking advantage of topographic changes or existing vegetation.


It is particularly important that new construction meet minimum design criteria in order that it may blend with the surroundings. New construction throughout the city should be compatible with surrounding properties, in terms of formal characteristics such as height, massing, roof shapes and window proportions. Where new construction is surrounded by existing historic buildings, building height and exterior materials shall be harmonious with those of adjacent properties. In the interests of maintaining a sense of history, vertical siding shall be discouraged, and synthetic siding should imitate the character and dimensions of traditional clapboards. Masonry block should generally not be used as a building facade material.

Making Improvements Can...


Design Guidelines There are numerous great reasons to make improvements to your building. Making improvements to your building can... 1. Extend the life of the structure; 2. Enhance the appearance, thus improving the market image of the business or businesses which operate in it. A “tired� looking building is far less likely to attract new clients or customers to the businesses; 3. Reduce the energy consumption, thus reducing the operation/overhead costs to the businesses; 4. Increase the income generation from a building via increasing rent/lease rates. In some downtowns, building owners have been able to renovate the upper stories into elderly or studio apartments; 5. Result in receiving tax credits on the amount of money invested in the structure. Buildings which are listed on the National Register of Historic Places are eligible for income tax credit. Most buildings in downtown are eligible for listing on the National Register; 6. Improve the overall character of the downtown and the community. Upon improving the overall character of a downtown, improved vitality is sure to follow.

Architectural Character: Building Improvements

What Improvements Should I Make?

There is not a standard answer for each building, but in general, the following rules should apply... 1. Focus first on structural damage or deterioration. Deteriorated stone or brick, collapsing roof structure, and leaky roofs are examples of structural damage; 2. Second, maintenance items should be attended to. Items such as tuckpointing, painting, re-glazing windows and weatherproofing are considered maintenance items; 3. Finally, if the building is structurally sound and in good repair, consider cosmetic improvements. Some enhancements may include: replacing single pane windows with thermal insulated windows; cleaning exterior brick and stone; replacing or repairing architectural details which have been removed, are damaged, or are deteriorated; or adding or replacing an awning.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: Assessing Buildings Traditional Facades/ Adaptive Reuse Assessing the appropriate character and enhancement/ rehabilitation needs of Main Street Buildings is a realatively simple process. A technique easily applied involves taking a photograph of a building or block of buildings, identifying those things that are appropriate to the design guidelines and those things which need to be changed. The marked-up photograph can be used as a “work plan� for rehabilitation/renovation and to identify those projects appropriate for the Facade Enhancement Program. Illustrations on the following pages show a similar process for more contemporary facades, the rear sides of buildings and infill development.

Existing Conditions

With Assessments/Comments/Mark-Ups

With Enhancements/Rehabilitation


Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: Assessing Buildings Contemporary Facades

Existing Conditions

With Assessments/Comments/Mark-Ups

With Enhancements/Rehabilitation


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: Assessing Buildings Building Rear Treatments

Existing Conditions

With Assessments/Comments/Mark-Ups

With Enhancements/Rehabilitation


Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: Assessing Buildings Infill

Existing Conditions

With Assessments/Comments/Mark-Ups

With Enhancements/Rehabilitation


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: General Building Improvements


Many buildings are altered over time. The drawings below illustrate how this can happen. Sometimes alterations made to buildings are very beneficial; other times they are damaging to both the structure and character of the building as well as the integrity of the downtown. Buildings can be described on a scale between the “original design” and “significantly altered.” The drawings below illustrate buildings on both ends of the continuum. The position on the continuum will determine what redevelopment or improvement options are available for a building.

Original Design

Minor Alterations

Storefront Is Lost

Significant Alterations

Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: General Building Improvements

Three Typical Buildings - Existing Conditions

Three Typical Buildings - Minor Restoration

Three Typical Buildings - Major Restoration


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: General Building Improvements

Minimally Altered Buildings Do:

• Maintain the historic fabric of the building (i.e. maintain the original stone or brick); • Spruce up a “tired” look. Add color selectively by painting the building's details, window trim, or cornice; • Add a cloth awning which complements the storefront or upper story windows, where appropriate; • Maintain the original facade design and signage. Don't:

• Cover up or alter architectural details such as the cornice, decorative hoods above upper story windows, or clerestory windows; • Paint or stucco-coat the original brick and mortar. Once a historic structure is painted or covered with stucco it usually can never be reversed without substantially damaging the integrity of the brick; • Substitute modern metal and tinted windows or doors for the original ones; • Use large signage or excessive neon lighting.

Examples of buildings that have remained in their original state or seen only minimal alteration.


Design Guidelines Substantially Altered Buildings

Buildings which have been significantly altered have a variety of options for improvements. Those options range from reconstructing the original facade to disguising it to reduce the impact to the overall character in the downtown. Some examples of how this can be accomplished are illustrated here. Do:

Architectural Character: General Building Improvements

• Investigate the potential for removing the materials covering the original facade; • Restore original facade, if possible; • Add or enhance elements which may reflect the scale, patterns, and lines of neighboring buildings; • Add an awning to add color and help disguise the substantial alterations; • Add color selectively to complement colors used by neighboring structures. Don't:

• Use large, protruding signage; • Continue altering the architectural style. • Use bold, eye catching color or materials.

Examples of buildings that have been substantially altered.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: New Construction, Infill & Additions

New construction/ infill in the downtown can have a good or bad result. Buildings which are constructed to match or reflect the context are positive additions to a historic downtown. New buildings which ignore height, width, scale, building lines, rhythm and the indigenous materials used by surrounding buildings generally are not good neighbors in the downtown. Do:

• Use materials which match or complement surrounding building's patterns, color and appearance; • Match the sizes, scale and rhythm of the windows and store fronts of neighboring buildings; • Use signage which is not overpowering. Don't:

• Introduce materials which are not already found in buildings in the downtown; • Use exotic shapes or patterns which will disrupt visual continuity; • Try to imitate historic styles without professional assistance and thorough investigation of the scale, materials, proportions, and characteristics of that style. Some historic styles such as Colonial, Federal, and Beaux Arts are not appropriate in a downtown.

Street View: Encourage similar proportions to existing buildings


Not this

In-character infill

Plan View: All buildings should be on the same general plan or “buildto line. Some variation can add character, but too many irregularities in this pattern detracts from the downtown’s overall cohesiveness. Out-of-character infill

Street View: Roof patterns should be consistent with existing facades and roof patterns.


Design Guidelines New construction and additions within the historic district of downtown Connellsville should follow the Secretary of Interior Standards and any building code and historic ordinance established by the city. The designs of new construction and additions should be compatible in detail, style and scale to the historic character of Connellsville. The following guidelines are for sustainable new construction and additions as recommended by the American Institute of Architects (AIA).

Architectural Character: New Construction, Infill & Additions

Building Design: 1. Provide a well-insulated building that minimizes heat gain and loss. 2. Building cool roofs which provide low heat absorption and high reflectivity roof assembly or green roofs (vegetated). 3. Orient building for passive heat gain and cooling/natural ventilation 4. Incorporate universal design principles and child-friendly and senior friendly design. 5. Meet or exceed local requirements for accessible and special needs housing.

Water Conservation and Management: 1. Make sure water meters are installed and that there is owner/tenant accountability in water use. 2. Use water-saving strategies such as dual-flush toilets and a looped domestic water system with recirculating pump for immediate hot water at the tap 3. Minimize storm water discharge using permeable paving and retention systems 4. Provide mitigation during construction to avoid siltation of surrounding streams or drainage systems during heavy rains.

Energy Efficiency: 1. Assure that electric and gas meters are installed and that there is accountability by owner or tenant. 2. Use properly sized and designed sealed combustion boilers or furnaces and distribution systems or other low-energy use heating. 3. Use tankless water heaters, indirect water heaters, sealed combustion water heaters, or solar hot water heaters. 4. Specify compact fluorescent fixtures and educated tenant about their energy savings. 5. Specify Energy Star appliances throughout 6. Avoid or minimize air-conditioning with natural ventilation or other passive cooling strategies. 7. Consider renewable energy sources such as photovoltaics using research grants and rebates.

Examples of Appropriate Infill Development

Connellsville Facade Restoration Program: New Construction and Additions - Maximum Grant: $5,000


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: New Construction, Infill & Additions

Reduced and Sustainable Material Use: 1. Use fewer building material through advanced framing techniques or other systems approach to building construction 2. Use recycled content and building materials where possible 3. Use locally available (within 500 miles) building materials such as locally produced masonry or other earthen system, recycled lumber or locally mined timber or other recycled materials, or recycled aggregate from demolition of existing site work or structure nearby.

Recycling During and Post Occupancy: 1. Reduction and management of construction waster: reuse form-boards, mulch waste wood on-site, sort construction waste and recycle applicable materials, salvage reusable materials 2. Recycling of user waste, mulch yard waste on site or provide recycling bins for pickup by local recycling authority, provide recycling bins along with trash bins for residents.

Indoor Environment Quality-Healthy Buildings: 1. Detail building envelope to shed water with adequate flashing and a continuous drainage plane, design walls to be able to dry on the interior, exterior, or both as appropriate to the local climate 2. Provide operable window with screens and take advantage of natural crossventilation when possible 3. Provide mechanical ventilation to remove excess moisture and indoor pollutants from living spaces and to provide an adequate amount of outside air 4. Specify sealed combustion boilers, furnaces and water heaters 5. Minimize the use of carpeting, which can hold dirt, mold and other allergens. When used, specify carpeting with low VOC’s and recyclable fiber and backing content. If available, install carpeting that can be recycled.

Orientation of New Buildings: 1. Building heights shall comply with the provisions of the Connellsville Zoning Code 2. New buildings should face a street, or other public space. Buildings should not front directly onto parking lots. 3. New buildings situated on street corners should have two facades. Both walls do not need to provide their own entrance, but the façade without a door should not be a blank canvas. Rather, it should be an extension of the façade with its design integrated with the “main” wall of the building. 4. Off-street parking areas should be sensitively located to the side or rear of the buildings. This layout will reduce the visual impact to and disruption of the streetscape’s continuity.

Roofs and Walls of Additions: 1. The new roof form (its shape) should be appropriate to and imitate the existing building’s roof 2. Flat roofs should be avoided on one and two story buildings. 3. The façade of a building should be emphasized through window patterns and proportions and the enhanced treatment of entrances through details, materials and architectural motifs 4. The use of blank, windowless walls is discouraged. If however they are absolutely necessary, they should utilize surface articulation and architectural elements found in other wall facings to give interest to the wall.


Design Guidelines Scale and Mass of Additions: 1. Building scale and mass shall comply with the Connellsville Zoning Code. 2. The overall scale, massing and proportions of new additions should relate to and be compatible with those of adjacent and surrounding buildings. 3. Changes in scale and mass, such as offsetting a wall, or deviating from the existing roof line should be made in graduated increments 4. Buildings should not have long, uninterrupted flat walls. Designing wall offsets, adding changes in floor levels, including windows and ornamentation to exterior walls should be used to add interest and variety. Flat, unadorned walls are boring and often invite vandalism 5. Roof line offsets, cross gables and dormers should be utilized to vary the massing of the roofs of buildings. 6. Visibly exposed sides of new additions should be defined with a base and cap or cornice

Architectural Character: New Construction, Infill & Additions

Materials and Detail of Additions: 1. All materials, details and colors used with new additions should be compatible with the overall design of the original building, as well as with the surrounding buildings. New additions should be well integrated with existing structures 2. Architectural features and motifs of original building should be retained and repeated in the design of new additions whenever possible. 3. When designing additions, the patterns, colors, details and prominence of materials used tin adjacent buildings should be taken into account 4. Artificial siding and trim materials should not be used.

Service Areas and Mechanical Equipment: 1. Loading areas, waste facilities, air condition units, exhaust and vent stacks, elevator penthouse and antennae should be located to the rear of buildings or screened from view. 2. The use of interior refuse rooms in lieu of outdoor dumpsters or other methods of waste removal is encouraged. Visible trash receptacles are uninviting and discourage foot traffic. 3. Fire escapes should not be visible when viewed from the main faรงade.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Artist’s Renderings of Building Rehabilitation in Downtown Connellsville (from the Connellsville Community Charrette December, 2008) drawings by: L.R. Deeg, ASAI Studio•Three


Design Guidelines A storefront is often the heart of a business' identity. It acts as an invitation, but it is often the most frequently changed component of a building's facade. Though change is positive and necessary for maintaining an image, there are some traditions that should be considered when altering a building's storefront. The storefront, historically, was built into the facade, whereas many of today's storefronts appear to be applied as additions to the front of the building. This interrupts the historic pattern established by the openings. The following guidelines apply to storefronts: 1. Storefronts of adjacent buildings should be of similar proportions, scale and height; 2. The pattern of storefronts creates a very strong relationship between the buildings on a street and the pedestrian. Traditionally, it is appropriate to slightly recess the storefront at the sidewalk edge. A storefront that is pushed back into the building more than a few inches, however, isolates the first floor from the street; 3. Storefronts of the era when downtown was built were composed largely of windows with a recessed entry. This was a functional solution to allow natural light to penetrate into the building. As well, the design allowed for visual access from the sidewalk deep into the building giving the pedestrian a chance to view merchandise without entering the store; 4. Storefront windows usually consist of an upper band of transoms, the large display windows, and a lower base of wood, masonry or some other material; 5. Usually the door had a vision panel. Recessing the door emphasizes the entry and is a way to provide shelter for customers when going in or out. It also lessens the hazards of opening a door directly onto the sidewalk and must be done to meet codes; 6. Display windows and transoms are appropriate places for subtle painted signs. Decoration of the storefront should be carefully considered, as the design may detract the customer's attention from merchandise. Loud patterns, colors or signs will not make it easy for the customer to look through the storefront. 7. When choosing materials for your storefront, consider first those that are indigenous to the buildings along the street. They should be simple and inconspicuous so that the emphasis is on the entry and the relationship of the sidewalk to the interior is strong; and 8. Avoid using materials in nontraditional applications; variations in the overall pattern may negatively isolate the building.

Window displays and signage can serve as effective marketing and character enhancement.

Architectural Character: Storefront Design Much of what gives the traditional buildings of downtown its personality and identity are the rich architectural details found in the building facades. These details add tremendous visual character to the building and make the general streetscape of the community inviting and interesting.

Storefront Basics: 1. The design of entrance ways and street-level portion of facades should be compatible with the design of the upper floors to retain the overall character of a building. 2. Retail stores, service oriented businesses and restaurants should have large pane display windows on the ground level. 3. Buildings with multiple storefronts should be visually unified through the use of building materials, colors, architectural details, awnings, signage and lighting. 4. The original proportions of display windows and any special features such as transoms or leaded glass should be retained. 5. Entrances should be well defined by architectural elements such as lintels, pediments, pilasters, columns, porticos, porches, railings and balustrades. 6. Avoid replacing an entire store front when repairing existing materials and surfaces or replacing parts and sections may be all that is necessary.

Connellsville Facade Restoration Program: Maximum Matching Grant for Facade Enhancement & Architectural Elements: $5,000


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: Facades/ Architectural Elements

Architectural Elements Basics: An inviting and engaging downtown has a certain “feel” created by its design and architecture. The downtown character is created by consistency, coordination and complimentary forms. Originally, the hidden assets built into each property brought the whole city together visually and made it pleasing for customers—window shopping and walking the streets became a stimulating sensory experience. Scale, mass, rhythm, patterns, materials, shapes and colors are some of the ingredients used to define streetscapes and public spaces. This section outlines the uses and appropriateness of architectural designs and features that give commercial districts and outdoor spaces their personality. Fortunately, downtown Connellsville still has much of these architectural features. Some of the original architectural features and unique details are still underneath more modern applications or coverings. Simple removal of these coverings would reveal original features and details, revealing the original design and character.

Connellsville Facade Restoration Program: Maximum Matching Grant for Facade Enhancement & Architectural Elements: $5,000


Architectural Character: Facades

Passive Amenity Island • pedestrian seating/rest area • shade/comfort • vegetation • mail/trash containers

Facade: In-character new development • similar proportions • modern materials

Shop Outdoor Spaces • special displays • event displays • awnings

Facade: Restoration • Clean surfaces • Historic kickplates • All items from left

Alley Improvement • lighting • pedestrian walkway • link to neighborhood/parking • alley activities

Facade: Paint-up/fix-up • Paint trim • Add awning • Reglaze windows

Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: Facades/ Architectural Elements

Business Entry • display area • customer parking • lighting • awnings

Facade: Original

Active Amenity Island • outdoor eating space • vegetation • street furniture

Facade: Analysis


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines Doors are a very important design feature of a storefront. Doors are not only for a person to walk through, they also add character and identity to the storefront. Doors serve also as an insulator from weather and can provide light. When choosing a door consider the following: 1. Use a door which imitates the original. If the original door has been removed find a historic photo to base your decision (if possible); 2. Avoid “slab� doors. These doors not only do not fit the character of Door Basics: downtown buildings, they are uninviting to the customer as well; 3. Doors with windows are generally more inviting. People naturally tend to 1. Maintenance, repairs, refinishing avoid entering spaces they cannot see into; and restoration of existing historic doors is encouraged 4. The door should be made of materials which look compatible to the rest of in lieu of replacement, where the facade; possible. Avoid replacing 5. Doors for external stairway entrances (secondary doors) should have less doors that do not match the detail to avoid drawing attention to them; and size of the opening, or that use 6. If you choose an aluminum and glass door, select one which has a dark finish inappropriate materials. rather than a reflective one. 2. It is not recommended to close

Architectural Character: Doors

up existing door openings. Best Practice: re-establish original door openings where they have been covered up or filled in

Maintenance Note:

All original doors in good repair should be kept. New hinges and hardware can be added to make them more operable and secure. Wood doors should be kept well sealed with a varnish or paint.

Connellsville Facade Restoration Program: Maximum Matching Grant for Facade Enhancement & Doors: $5,000

When possible, maintain/restore original doors and proportions.


A poorly altered entryway: door relocation, modern door with no windows.

Design Guidelines A building's color can have the single most significant effect on its appearance. Buildings which are painted using complimentary colors are inviting. On the other hand, buildings which have been painted with single, bland colors will have the opposite effect. Additionally, paint which is peeling or in bad condition makes a building unattractive. Below are some things you should consider when painting a building. 1. Look at your neighbor's properties to select a color which will not clash with its surroundings or duplicate the scheme of another building. Being a good neighbor is important in building a clear identity for downtown; 2. The weather and sun will fade and damage paints. To ensure longevity of your paint, buy top quality paint, properly prepare the surfaces, and select colors which are less likely to fade; 3. If you are not good at selecting colors that match or work well together, consider consulting with someone who can. Consulting with someone may make a considerable difference between a bland building and an exciting one; 4. Consider using colors which were used at the time the building was built. Most major brand paint companies have specific pallets for historic buildings. White paint was not used in the periods which most buildings in were built; 5. Do not paint details or trim in dark colors; 6. Once a brick building has been painted, it generally should always be repainted verses restoration back to the original brick (sandblasting and many chemical paint removing techniques damage the brick patina); 7. Repoint brick before painting (if necessary); 8. Reglaze (reputty) windows before painting; 9. Remove all peeling and loose paint; and 10. Consult a paint specialist to determine the best paint for the surface you are painting.

When painting windows or architectural details, use medium to light shades versus dark colors as seen here. LIghter colors highlight building details.

Examples of inappropriate building colors

Tripartite Color Scheme 1. Base Color a. Wall Surfaces b. Storefront Walls c. Cornice (when same material as walls) 2. Major Trim a. Cornice b. Window Hoods c. Window Frames

d. Storefront Supports e. Storefront Cornice f. Storefront Kickplates 3. Minor Trim a. Window Sash b. Door Frames c. Small Details on Cornices, Hoods, and Kickplates

Architectural Character: Painting & Color Painting Basics: The original materials used for wall facings and ornamentation such as brick, woodwork, stone, cast iron and the colors themselves, give buildings their special character and identity. The materials actually provide visual harmony to the entire streetscape and downtown atmosphere. The best solution to the problem of a deteriorating façade is to properly repair it and provide regular maintenance to the original exterior surface and its decorative features. When painting: 1. Use only non-toxic, low volatile organic compound (VOC) paints, sealants and finishes. 2. Best Practices: all wood structures and trim should be prepared for painting by manually scraping old paint to reveal the original architectural details. Wood should not be cleaned by sand blasting or by using pressurized water or steam. 3. Paint colors should be chosen from those colors which are appropriate to the period of the buildings’ construction date. 4. Single color, monochromatic and contemporary color schemes should be avoided for early buildings. The placement and quantity of accent colors and the relationship of lights to darks should reflect the building’s character. 5. Use historically accurate color palettes. Connellsville Main Street Design Committee will have sample color palettes that are historically accurate. Most of the buildings in the Connellsville Main Street District are of the late Victorian period, from 18901910.

Connellsville Facade Restoration Program: Maximum Matching Grant for Painting and Exterior Restoration: $5,000


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: Decorative Elements

Decorative elements, or details, add visual interest and character to the streetscape. These can be in the form of carved ornaments, mouldings, stained glass or painted graphic elements. Care should be taken not to introduce too much detail into a building facade as this may result in visual clutter. The typical details found in downtown are brick, stone or metal: Brick: Many building facades have incorporated decorative brickwork. If brick must be replaced at any time, it is important that the craftsmanship and pattern of the existing masonry be respected. This includes coursing, brick shape or design, and pointing. Stone: Stone details can be very elaborate or simple accents to other elements. Metal: Metal is used frequently in cornices and bracket details. In restoring the details of downtown buildings, you should: 1. Uncover any original elements that are hidden by inappropriate additions or alterations. For example, cast iron columns are decorative structural elements that often are covered by storefront modernizations and are likely to still be in place; and 2. Many times, pieces of decorative elements are removed for alterations, such as modern signage; or pieces simply deteriorate. It is important to protect and preserve existing decorative elements, as reproduction of details can be costly. However, it is recommended that missing elements be replaced to match existing if possible. It is the collection of details that creates a building's character and enhances the overall streetscape.

An example of a very unique building detail.


Design Guidelines Awnings serve numerous purposes and should be considered by building owners as a wise addition to their structure. On this page these benefits are described. 1. Protect merchandise, interiors, and furnishings from sun damage; 2. Provide shade and shelter from elements for customers and pedestrians; 3. Reduce heat loss and heat gain; 4. Help establish a pedestrian scale - encourage street activities; 5. Can be operable or fixed and are available in a variety of styles; 6. Variety of materials - canvas, plastic and vinyl. Canvas is traditional material, but requires maintenance. Vinyl is durable; 7. Provide opportunity to add color to building; • To decide on a color - consider colors that will contribute to variety and diversity of street; • If building is rich in detail, use a subtle color for awning; • If building has fewer architectural details, use a bright color to enliven the facade; 8. Provide an effective space for signage. Advertising on awnings is encouraged. Signage on awnings should be used primarily for identification and be limited to simple designs. 9. Awnings should be weather resistant and vandal resistant; • Consider durability against wind damage, color fastness (resistance to sunbleaching), retardant to deterioration caused by rain and snow; • Certain colors are more likely to fade than others. Dark colors tend to fade faster.

Awnings can communicate

Awnings establish pedestrian scale and comfort

Awnings can communicate

Architectural Character: Awnings Awning Basics: 1. Awnings are both functional and decorative. Similar to signage, awnings can add to or detract from the overall aesthetics of the town. Either fixed position or retractable awnings are acceptable. 2. Awnings should be attached to buildings by using the gentlest means possible. 3. Select weather-treated canvas or natural looking material for awnings. Plastic awnings are not appropriate. 4. Awnings should fit within the storefront area and not cover architectural elements 5. Awnings may display the name and nature of the business on the front face and/or side facings. Use simple letter designs and keep the message brief. 6. Awnings may be used at street level and in upper stores as long as they are appropriately scaled and designed to maintain the architectural style of the façade

Awnings establish a pattern and rhythm

Awnings can add significantly to the character of the building and the streetscape

Connellsville Facade Restoration Program: Maximum Matching Grant for Awnings: $2,500


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: Rear and/or Side Entrances

Many businesses have benefited greatly by introducing a side or rear entrance. The advantage of a side or rear entrance is that customers, clients, owners, and employees can park behind the building, utilizing typically wasted space. Rear entrances, whether they are used frequently or not, improve the overall character of the building. Nice rear entrances also make alleys feel safer for pedestrians who usually are frightened to walk in an alley. More often now, parking areas are being developed behind buildings. Adding a rear or side entrance will cater to the people parking in these spaces and can also increase fire safety. The following are some guidelines on how to improve or add a side or rear entrance. 1. Remove all garbage and debris away from the entrance; 2. Place a small sign by the door along with an open/ closed sign; 3. Consider placing a small awning over the doorway to communicate that the door is operable and in use; 4. Windows or loading docks near the entrances should not be boarded up. This condition will indicate that the rear or side door of the building is not operable; 5. Creating a window display in windows along side the entrance will help indicate its purpose as an entrance; and 6. For reasons of security, cash registers, etc. should be located so both doors can be monitored.

An example of an enhanced quality side entrance: before & after

An example of a rear facade and parking court: before & after


Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: Rear and/or Side Entrances

A typical cluttered rear facade showing minor & major enhancements

Examples of building rear facades showing balconies/exterior access, shared elevators and parking “courts.�


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: Signage Sign Types: 1. Projecting Signs—are meant to attract pedestrian attention. Best used when there is a sidewalk. 2. Freestanding Signs—are appropriate when a building is set back 10 or more feet from the sidewalk. 3. Flush Signs—are meant to be viewed from a distance. These are used on signboard panels above doors and storefront windows. Many downtown buildings have a recess or horizontal molded band designed to accommodate the sign. Best Practice: use this area for your sign. 4. Window Signs—are applied on the inside of display windows or doors. These signs are pedestrian oriented. 5. Icon or Graphic Signs—are the oldest type of commercial sign. They illustrate by their shape the nature of the business within. They are the easiest signs to read and are well suited for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

Signs are used to draw attention to a business and to help develop the identity and image of that business. In a historic downtown like 's, signs should be selected wisely to complement the buildings and to avoid a clustered appearance. The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee recommends and encourages that signs and awnings be simple, suitably sized, attractively designed, constructed using appropriate materials and be located properly to enhance the image of your business and the overall aesthetics of historic downtown Connellsville. In general, signs in 's downtown should follow these guidelines: 1. Use the smallest sign necessary to convey your message; 2. The sign should not dominate the facade. The shape and scale of the sign should complement the building. 3. Determine who you want to see your sign. If you want to attract pedestrians consider window signs, signs hanging from the entry, and signs above the doorway. Use awning signs and wall mounted signs to attract vehicular traffic. 4. Use materials which reflect and compliment the building materials; 5. If you use neon, it should be used carefully so as not to be overpowering. 6. Backlit plastic signs are not encouraged in the downtown; 7. Keep your message simple. Signs are generally a part of a complex, visual environment. 8. Avoid flashy colors. These colors should be used on a highway, not in the downtown.

Examples of symbol or blade signs

Awning and window signs can attract the attention of pedestrians


Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: Signage Lighting Signs: 1. Use external lighting fixtures rather than internally lit plastic fixtures. Best Practice: Use “gooseneck” style lighting fixture 2. Avoid using flashing lights of any kind Best Practice: Use compact fluorescent or LED energy efficient lights 3. Sign lighting should be directed to the sign itself 4. Lighting fixture designs, if visible, should be consistent across the façade and compliment the architectural period of the building.

Construction and Design:

Examples of symbol or good advertising and wayfinding signs

Sign Basics: 1. Obtain a sign permit from the city office. Size of signs must conform to the city’s building code. See appendix. 2. Signage should be installed in locations that do not cover up or destroy architectural features or historically significant details. 3. Signage should be mounted so that holes can be easily patched. Ideally, holes should be made in mortar joints, not into masonry units (bricks). Best Practice: reuse holes that exist. 4. Signage color should coordinate with the color and character of the building on which it is being placed.

5. Signs should be illuminated externally. Internally lit plastic signs, fluorescent or flashing lights are not recommended as they don’t reflect the historic nature of downtown. 6. Signs should be simple without too much detail. Best Practice: less is more. 7. Use display windows for creative signage, lettering and business logos. 8. Do not put too many signs on storefront display windows and doors. Signs should be sized and scaled to balance the structure. Do not hide or overwhelm the building.

1. Consider a return to or re-create period signage. Use lettering fashionable to the time period of the building. 2. Use artisan-crafted signs and quality sign materials made specifically by the sign industry 3. Use graphic elements and details of the building and architectural motifs as part of the sign design when feasible. 4. Lettering should be kept to a minimum and the message kept brief. A logo or illustration can be included to communicate the nature of the business. Lettering and logo designs should be graphically coordinated together. 5. Well designed signs that reflect the historic character of Connellsville are preferred.

Connellsville Facade Restoration Program: Matching Grant for Signs: $500


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: Masonry Brickwork and Masonry Basics: 1. When cleaning or removing paint from buildings that are either brick or masonry, it is recommended to use steam or low pressure water (no more than 300 psi) and soft bristle brushes. NEVER sandblast or use high pressure wash, or use abrasives on brick or masonry. 2. To preserve the original beauty and prolong the life of a building, only periodic cleaning and repointing are required. Repointing should be done by a professional with experience in historic materials. 3. Repoint brick and masonry facades when needed. Repointing is the process of removing deteriorated mortar from the joints of a wall and replacing it with new mortar. 4. When repointing, match new mortar to the original compressive strength, color, composition, depth and finished of the original joins. 5. Painted brick is not recommended unless the brick facade has already been painted. Paint will obscure defining features, such as join profiles and bonding patterns, and will also create an instant and continuing maintenance expense for the future. 6. Repair decorative brickwork and masonry whenever possible. Only replace decorative masonry features when they are completely missing, or too deteriorated to repair. Use existing physical evidence to guide the new work and to match the original features as closely as possible, replacement brick units should match the original in dimension and should be “toothed in� to the original surface.


It is very important to maintain a building's masonry skin, as neglect can lead to accelerated deterioration of the structure resulting in very costly damage. Locating problems with masonry does not require a trained eye, the most serious problems include mortar deterioration and brick decay. However, the origin of the problem and its proper remedies may require the opinion of a professional. Often damage to mortar or to masonry units is caused by water infiltration. It is imperative that masonry be properly drained, including adequate flashing and weeps. Building owners should inspect bricks and mortar for signs of water infiltration. If the mortar has become soft it will allow water to seep into the brick. After this occurs, the protective outer covering of the brick will deteriorate, requiring that the brick be replaced, at risk of compromising the structural integrity of the wall. When making repairs to deteriorated masonry: 1. Care should be taken to avoid obvious patching. The color, configuration, size of mortar joints and coursing of the existing masonry should be matched as closely as possible. Repointing (tuck-pointing) brick is often all that is required, but the same attention should be given to duplicating the old mortar strength, composition, color and texture. After patching or repointing it is recommended that surface treatments to repel water infiltration be applied. 2. If a masonry facade has historically been painted, the paint should not be removed from the masonry, nor should the type or color of the paint be radically changed. The paint acts as a protectant for the masonry and removing it may cause damage to the brick. 3. Cleaning masonry is only recommended when necessary to halt deterioration to the brick or to remove heavy soiling. If masonry is painted, and is still in good condition, cleaning is acceptable. If masonry is dirty, microorganisms can multiply on the masonry, damaging it over time. The decision to clean masonry is not easy, so seeking advise is recommended.

Examples of dirty. deteriorated or damaged brick

Brick tuck-pointing to reestablish surface integrity

Design Guidelines Windows provide a link and a barrier between what is happening on the inside and the world outside. This is especially true for commercial buildings. Storefront display windows bring visual interest to the streetscape and provide a means to show off what the business has to offer. They also provide natural light and ventilation to the interior spaces of the buildings.

Architectural Character: Windows Window Basics:

A poor choice of windows or improper maintenance can create significant energy loss 1. Maintenance, repairs, refinishing and can quicken the deterioration of a building. Windows also help give a building and restoration should be first character. Decorative trim, awnings, and even varying sizes and shapes of the glass attempted in lieu of replacement panes are commonly used to further distinguish and individualize the building. of existing historic windows if

possible. Windows are an integral part of the design of a structure. They are specifically sized and spaced depending on the size of the building, to serve a particular need, and work 2. It is not recommended to close up existing window openings. It in coordination with the doors to provide a linking between the inside and outside is recommended to reestablish activities. original window openings where

First floor windows are the main "communicators" and set the rhythm for other floors. Upper floor windows are for lighting interior spaces and providing ventilation and climate protection. Buildings that are considered ‘historic,’ must respect the size, placement, materials, and detailing of the window openings that "came with the building." New buildings must use windows to "fit in" with their neighbors so not to completely loose the original intent of the architect and builder, and diminish the value of the building.

they have been covered up or filled in 3. Energy efficient window are highly recommended. 4. Provide or re-establish day lighting with original windows and skylights where possible. Minimize glazing on east and especially west exposures to reduce heat gain. 5. Provide shading devices, operable window, shutters and thermal mass to fine tune these strategies.

New Window Basics:

Window needing reglazing to maintain weather protection

Inappropriate window replacements

Avoid “quick fix” window replacements

Traditional gridded windows are relatively easy to repair

1. Whenever possible, windows on upper floors should align vertically with windows and entrances on the first floor. 2. The rhythm of windows and façade openings and decorative window trim should be consistent with that of the original building 3. New windows should be compatible with the style, size, material, color and detail of windows on the existing building.

Maximum Matching Connellsville Facade Restoration Program: Grant for Facade Enhancement & Windows: $5,000


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Architectural Character: Streetscape

Streetscapes assist with attracting new residents, businesses, and visitors to the heart of the community. With careful implementation, a quality streetscape Design Guidelines will help to create more safe public spaces and generate a greater sense of community pride. The streetscape recommendations noted are also a conscious effort to distill historic character and provide a generally functional and common-sense approach to this most visible of public spaces. It’s important to avoid developing a standardized, theme park-like set of improvements. A good streetscape will balance old and new, embracing consistency with diversity as a general approach rather than a simple ‘beautification’ and homogenization. The term ‘streetscape’ typically refers to exterior public spaces located between street curbs and building facades. Inclusion of pedestrian crosswalks and traffic calming measures located within vehicular spaces are exceptions to this definition.

A diverse streetscape celebrates the uniqueness of the community

Simple streetscape elements such as flower boxes can add color and visual interest. Clocks and textured paving adds character.


Design Guidelines An informal parking study of the downtown area indicated parking need based on the use of the building and on an estimate of the number of square feet the building contains. According to one model, a clothing store required an average of two parking spots per 1,000 square feet of space. This data suggests that a 2,000 square foot building would require four parking spaces. However, a government office requires only one tenth of a parking space per 1000 square feet. A 20,000 square foot government building would require only two parking spaces.

Architectural Character: Parking

The informal parking study done during the charrette suggests that there are adequate parking spaces for current uses, but the designated parking areas are not utilized efficiently and are not what many retail customers would consider convenient (direct line of sight to the front door of the destination). There are also concerns of lot maintenance and general aesthetic character. A more detailed parking study is recommended, but short-term recommendations would include a general clean up and resurfacing of the existing parking areas and simple landscape treatments. If current parking lots are developed into other uses, parking in the downtown will quickly become an issue of concern.

Some examples of attractive parking design


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines


Design Guidelines

Residential Development Guidelines: Existing Housing, Infill and Rehabilitation

The examples presented here are representative. They are from several different communities, but represent styles found in, and appropriate to, the City of Connellsville.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Neighborhood and Housing Guidelines

The neighborhoods generally maintain an historic pattern and character. Elements such as narrow, tree lined streets, serviceable alleys, narrow lots, and solid, roomy houses represent a time of great pride of place, as grew from a settlement on the Youghiogheny River to a center of the coal and coke industry. While recent years have seen a decline in some of the housing values, the neighborhoods near, and around downtown boast a wide array of housing types and architectural styles, incorporating late nineteenth and early twentieth century styles such as Greek Revival, Italianate, Georgian Revival, Arts and Crafts, and Queen Anne. The neighborhoods also display a diversity of housing quality, from well-kept and stately homes to simple duplex residences; from luxurious to affordable. Walkable proximity to Downtown’s business and cultural offerings, as well as reasonable access to the growing trail system are also distinct assets, making these neighborhoods a desirable place to own and rent. The goal of these guidelines is to enhance, celebrate, and preserve the unique architectural character of the Downtown Neighborhoods and to provide guidance for neighborhood infill and new development. These guidelines are divided into four sections: • First, a summary of properties that characterize the neighborhoods’ diversity of architectural styles and the properties that are well maintained, preserved, and/ or designed. This section stands as a gallery of “best examples” and sets the standard for preservation and infill development. • The second section of the study incorporates a series of examples of residential and commercial properties. In a “before and after” comparison; the properties are depicted as if repaired, preserved, and/or enhanced with architectural and landscaping elements in an variety of budget and commitment levels. The case studies are intended to serve as examples of how individual properties could be enhanced. They display a range of properties according to style and quality and should be viewed as illustrations of their potential, not as a condemnation of the condition or maintenance of any particular property. • The third section of the study shows proposed residential infill development for the neighborhood, which respects the traditional lot sizes and setbacks of the neighborhood. A range of facade options are shown, emphasizing the “curb appeal” of the new houses while maintaining a consistency with the architectural styles of the neighborhood. Various densities of use, ranging from singlefamily occupancy to conversions to multi-family apartments are explored within the same size footprint, illustrating a wide range of possibilities consistent with the character of the neighborhood. • The fourth section offers some very general guidelines for enhancement of the neighborhoods. While the revitalization effort must be done on a case-by-case basis, there are some general principles that can help focus the efforts.


Design Guidelines The vision that these guidelines promotes is one that requires considerable investment of time and effort from residents and homeowners, but is one that provides a solid basis for the continued vitality and development of the neighborhood as a quality place to live. Creative strategies will be found to help in the cause. In the words of Ron Powers:

Neighborhood and Housing Guidelines

“If you always do what you always did, you’ll always get what you always got.” Issues such as absentee ownership, gentrification, affordable housing and inflated assessments, as well the costs of implementing theses proposals must come into focus as neighborhood revitalization progresses. In all cases, barriers to the improvement and preservation of the neighborhood’s character and viability must be discussed, analyzed, worked at and overcome, as this unique neighborhood comes to realize its true potential as home for a diverse and thriving community.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Examples of Distinction: Summary

photo from:


Historic neighborhoods often have a variety of house styles, sometimes on the same block. In Connellsville, one can see commercial and residential buildings dating from the mid-1800’s in styles ranging from Italianate, Tudor, Foursquare, to Queen Anne. Each style has a particular architectural vocabulary, or elements, that distinguish it from other styles. To preserve that integrity of an historic neighborhood, such as those near downtown, it is important to preserve and rehabilitate those elements. The following pages describe the most commonly found house types in historic downtown , and offer some rehabilitation strategies for each.

Design Guidelines Style Italianate houses were generally built between 1840 and 1885 and are a revival style of the traditional Italian homes of the middle ages. They are one of the most common house styles found in Connellsville. Common features of Italianate houses include: typically built of brick or wood with carved or cast details; eaves that overhang widely, with decorative brackets; tall, double-hung windows, often topped with brackets or crowns; engaged ornamentation (pilasters, window head and sill ornaments, etc.); and often has a symmetrical facade.

Examples of Distinction: Italianate

Walls Siding should be restored to its original condition and material. Painted brick should be re-painted, as it is difficult to remove paint from brick without damaging its structural integrity. Paint colors should be historically accurate. Tall, narrow windows are a hallmark of the style. If restored or replaced, they should be left at the same dimensions.

Roof Italianate houses are susceptible to failure of the eaves and fascias from water and freeze-thaw cycling. Maintenance of gutters and downspouts is essential for the longevity of the roof. Roof ventilation is another area where this style of building is susceptible to failure; seek professional advice on how to provide adequate ventilation without destroying the historical character of the facade,

Landscape This style of home generally benefits from low evenly spaced foundation plantings, with specimen plantings to provide accents for stairs, doors and corners.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Examples of Distinction: Georgian/ Colonial

Style Georgian and Colonial Revival houses were popular between the 1880’s and 1950’s. Among the most enduring house styles, these styles are very popular today for new construction. Common themes include symmetry, references to classical architecture, columns, and porches, often with a subtle twist, such as an implied porch, that isn’t actually constructed, or a broken pediment. Bay windows and Palladian windows are also common. Houses may be elaborate or simple, and may be folk, or vernacular architecture with a few Colonial Revival elements to set it apart.

Walls Siding for Georgian and Colonial Revival houses range from wood clapboards to brick. Often times these original materials are covered over with applied vinyl or aluminum siding, but where economically feasible, the original materials should be restored. Where original materials are covered, care must be taken not to destroy the integrity of elements, and to facilitate later removal of the coverings. Brickwork should be evaluated for integrity and repointed and reflashed as necessary.

Roof Georgian and Colonial Revival are most often gables, which are susceptible to failure at the valleys where roof pitches meet. Inspect these areas and determine whether the valley flashing needs repaired or replaced. Gutter maintenance will also help protect these areas.

Landscape These styles of home are very adaptable for formal arrangements or free form organic landscape designs. Deep or spreading rooted plants should be avoided near the buildings foundations or near underground drain tiles.


Design Guidelines Style The Eclectic tradition includes many if not all stylistic examples that escape majority classification, but do address some distinctive stylistic categories, and may include exotic or a mixture of styles as part of the composition, or address a specific time, or culture romanticized in the period’s literature. Middle Eastern and Asian influences followed the Romantic period and were also referenced as part of the Lodge Organizations that were popular in the area’s development and settlement. Today, The word ‘Eclectic’ has been popularized to mean ‘things that don’t go together.’

Examples of Distinction: Eclectic

Walls May include any range of materials traditional to residential construction.

Roof Asian influenced or other exotic influenced designs may have parapets or other ornamentation in addition to gabled, hip, or flat roofs.

Landscape Some exotics may be included in typical examples but may also feature colorful flowering trees, exotic flowers and perennials.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Examples of Distinction: Queen Anne

Style The Queen Anne is what comes to most peoples’ minds when they think “Victorian house.” They are usually large, ornate, and painted in several colors. Built between the 1880’s and 1910’s, they were a very popular style and are still common. Common features of Queen Anne’s include: Varied roof lines, often with dormers and turrets; and trim under eaves and along roof line, often painted one or more colors different from the rest of the house. There may also be shingles or half-timbering under the eaves.

Walls When repainting, choose a base color for the siding, and a different color for each type of trim. Paint stores can suggest historically accurate color schemes. Preserve trim. Trim was generally made of wood, and as it is small, is often one of the first things to deteriorate. It is one of the key elements of a Queen Anne. Porches are another common element, and should be left open rather than enclosed

Roof Queen Anne’s are generally gabled, but often feature turrets with hipped roofs. The roofs of this style home are most susceptible to failure at the valleys where roof pitches meet. Inspect these areas and determine whether the valley flashing needs repaired or replaced. Gutter maintenance will also help protect these areas. An element often destroyed or removed from this style of home is ornate metalwork from the roof, along ridges, peaks and hips, especially. Every effort should be taken to preserve and restore these elements, which are often times discarded during reroofing projects.

Landscape These styles of home often feature formal arrangements or geometric landscape designs.


Design Guidelines Style The Arts and Crafts style is group of folk and aesthetic styles, including the Bungalow, Shingle Style and others. They were built from the late 1800’s through the 1940’s and were one of the most popular house styles.


Examples of Distinction: Arts and Crafts

Siding types typically include from rough sawn wood clapboards, split shingles, to stucco with exposed timbers. The style was also the first to feature exposed brick in its residential origins in England.

Roof A variety of intersecting gables, hips, and angles are featured in the full range from small scale homes to large mansions. Intersections and drip edges are critical and demand maintenance over the life-span of the roof.

Landscape No distinguishing landscape features stand out in examples studied, however the origins of the style do acknowledge a rustic nature that rejected the intricate nature of the Queen Anne. Many early examples were constructed in and around the ‘rough’ countryside, so perennials and native plants may make a generous and sensitive compliment to the home in question.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Rehabilitation Examples: Summary


The case studies featured in this section were selected as examples that showed much potential for becoming ‘good neighbors’ with some key improvements that fit a reasonable scope and budget. While not all the properties in the study area were considered the cases do represent the range of architectural styles and qualities of the neighborhood. Proposed improvements, as noted, are not necessarily limited to the property represented, and may be considered as ideas for other properties like the cases examined.

Design Guidelines Remove non-traditional cladding at commercial storefront and replace with appropriate materials and details. Restore original parapet and bracket, or provide a reasonable approximation. Do not remove, wrap in sheet metal or otherwise destroy these elements.

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Provide awnings to enhance streetscape, improve energy efficiency and create a visual separation between uses by using siding, signs even light fixtures. Utilize painted signage as an attractive, effective and inexpensive element; utilize embossed or applied letter signage elsewhere. Avoid typical internally illuminated fluorescent signs. Provide flower boxes for visual interest and streetscape enhancement. Restore windows to more appropriate style and character


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Restore windows to more appropriate style and character Simple applied elements of appropriate materials and design can enhance an otherwise unexciting and historically unfriendly facade. Provide design elements that improve accessibility to people of all levels of mobility, as illustrated by this ADA compliant ramp. Decorative elements can also enhance the function of the building, like this larger porch roof, which sheds water and snow better than the existing low slope design. Provide elements like flags and plantings for visual interest.


Design Guidelines Repoint, reflash and otherwise maintain exterior brickwork to ensure a longer building life. Replace windows and doors with units of a similar style, material and size to the original

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Where elements are missing, replace with duplicates or similar designs and materials to match the original, such as this handrail Provide historically appropriate appurtenances such as awnings and details such as beaded wainscotting.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Traditional details can be applied to enhance a plain facade and give the neighborhood a more traditional architectural feel During festive times of the year, promote expressions of the individual residents, such as the flags and garlands depicted here celebrating Independence Day Functional details like lightning rods and weather vanes are easy to install and maintain and add character Maintenance of planting beds and attention to plant selection can have a big effect on the curb appeal of a building for relatively little investment


Design Guidelines Strip, fill, prime and paint exterior surfaces and maintain them to improve the value and longevity of your building. When replacing front doors in particular, utilize traditional designs and materials

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Replace missing elements, like the porch, shown here. Refer to old photographs and other means for determining the original details and replicate those where possible. Provide low maintenance pavers for safety and ease of use. New porch can be constructed of Concrete Masonry and treated wood for longevity and low maintenance.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Small changes such as replacing the lattice screening with traditional notched board railings can have a huge impact on the look of a building. Replace inconsistent or poor quality facade elements with historically correct durable components for long life and easy maintenance. Where pieces of original trim or ornamental details still exist, such as the shutters shown here, use originals as templates in fabricating missing components. Removing inappropriate fencing and landscaping allows for better curb appeal. The addition of simple elements such as flower boxes and light fixtures can add to the visual appeal of the structure.


Design Guidelines Planting deciduous trees along the south and west of a building can provide shade in the yard for summer recreation and can drastically reduce energy consumption in some cases. Terrace steep lawns for additional opportunities to provide plantings.

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Maintenance of site elements, like the damaged concrete of this stair not only makes the building look more attractive, but periodic maintenance will enhance the value of the property and make it last longer. Replace elements, such as this handrail, which are unsightly and unsafe and replace them with traditionally styled elements. Provide perennial planting beds for color and visual impact at relatively low cost


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

When altering the floor plan in a remodeling project, be aware of the effects those changes will have on the exterior of the building. A new, smaller window would allow light into this stairwell, improving aesthetics and safety. Handrails and guardrails are not just an important visual element, but an important safety element as well. When replacing windows and doors, use new units that have the same patterns, details and materials as the original; substitution with a smaller unit, then blocking in the left-over opening is unattractive, wastes energy and reduces the potential resale value of the building. Re-pointing masonry with the appropriate mortar type, color and joint is essential to both the appearance and the weathertightness of a wall. Adding landscaping greatly enhances the visual appeal of the structure.


Design Guidelines Prune and maintain existing trees Where possible restore original window and door openings to provide light and air to the building, while maintaining the original character of the design. Repair or replace damaged elements like this sill, especially where the element is intended to protect the building from moisture.

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

When replacing windows and doors, use full sized replacements; the cost savings is minimal to use smaller units, but result in more air and water penetration, and are visually objectionable.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Replace cornice that has been removed. A cornice is not simply an aesthetic element, but helps shade the wall to keep the building cooler in the summer, and helps protect the upper windows from rain. Maintain and replace roofing systems as required to protect the building from moisture. When re-siding, use the same orientation and exposure as the original to maintain the original character.


Design Guidelines Replace architectural elements with similar pieces. This column for example, may be replaced with a tapered column and trimmed out to match the remaining columns instead of leaving a plain replacement column that stands out as different from the rest of the facade.

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Bedrooms require adequate sized windows for light and ventilation as well as to meet life safety codes. Provide adequately sized and positioned window units as shown. Provide a wider stair with adequate railings for safety and ease of use. Re-point the masonry supporting this porch and repair the concrete flatwork to ensure a long service life.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Maintenance of gutters, downspouts and splash blocks are perhaps the single most important component of periodic maintenance of owning a house. This building exhibits the significant water damage often associated with the failure that comes from putting off this maintenance. Repair/replace gutters and downspouts. Re-point masonry to repair and prevent further moisture damage. Scrape, patch and paint exposed woodwork to prolong its service life and improve its appearance. Replace non-contextual elements with appropriate period reproduction, such as the porch shown here. This patio and porch is more functional than the version currently in place, and provides a friendlier more “finished� appearance to this facade.


Design Guidelines Repair/replace gutters and downspouts as required. Re-point existing masonry. Strip paint using appropriate methods, or if the condition and type of masonry involved suggests, scrape and repaint.

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Repair/restore/replace appropriate doors and architraves to complete the architectural “look� of the building. The elements working together will improve the look of a building more than any one element alone can accomplish. Refer to standards section for specialty window restoration guidelines and examples. New desirable elements, such as porches, furniture, garages, etc., should be in a historically friendly or sympathetic style.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

During repair, be sure to carefully match new colors to the existing; either thoroughly clean the existing adjacent surfaces or paint the entire structure. Historically appropriate elements, such as these shutters rather than awnings help improve the look of the building by restoring the correct proportions to the facade. Replace spalling and cracked paving with new concrete or porous paving systems, like brick, shown here, for safety and improved appearance. Plantings are an important part in improving the appearance of the neighborhood with minimal cost.


Design Guidelines Maintain steps and stairs; weed, patch any spalls or cracks; and repair/ replace handrails, as shown here, with historically appropriate elements. Scrape, fill, prime and paint all areas of failing paint to insure a good, longlasting protective covering for your building.

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Use care when locating attachments to the home, like this satellite dish. The device would have worked equally well installed elsewhere on the building, rather than prominently on the front of the house.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Paint, ventilation and flashing are critical at all eaves, even those without gutters, shown here. As time and budget allow, restore/ replace damaged or missing architectural elements, such as the shutters, cornice and railings shown here. Maintenance of stucco and parging is especially important. Although these are very durable systems, once water penetrates their outer layers, they can quickly fail and begin to fall apart. Proper paint application and maintenance of flashings is necessary.


Design Guidelines Maintenance of plantings is essential to keep the home looking its best. When a maintenance regimen is kept, it takes less effort to maintain landscape elements than those only maintained after long periods of untamed growth. Some remodeling projects, no matter how well intentioned, only result in lowering the value of the property and those around it. This saltbox-styled remodeling results in no gained floor area, but looks completely out of place. Work within the traditional lines of the style of the building whenever possible.

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Hanging baskets are low maintenance and very attractive. Maintain steps and railings for safety and appearance.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Rehabilitation Example: General

Enhanced landscaping, such as the deciduous trees shown here help keep the home cooler in summer and warmer in the winter. By replacing elements which have been lost over time, the building becomes more attractive, efficient and serviceable, without adding too much to the tax burden of a home. Examples of this type of improvement would be appropriate new windows, doors, and shutters. Larger elements can be added which drastically effect the resale value of a home, again without adding too much to the tax burden; examples of this type of change include replacing the missing porch, or replacing/repainting the damaged siding.


Design Guidelines Infill opportunities exist throughout the study area. These vacant building sites are opportunities for new construction in styles, scales and materials that are sympathetic to the neighborhood, or better yet, enhance the neighborhood as a whole. Arranged around public transit stops, with sidewalks, bike paths, etc. can greatly improve the neighborhood.

Housing Infill Prototypes: Summary

Housing stock that has decayed to the point where it needs to be demolished provides another opportunity for this type of project. A variety of funding sources, such as Hope VI, will grant funds for this type of work.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Residential Street Options: Existing Conditions


A typical residential grid street pattern was common in early 20th century development. Double parallel parking and two way traffic on all streets are featured. Sidewalks with greenways (of varied sizes) with street side trees provide shade and shelter. Residential units’ entrances address the street and feature porches for outdoor living and socialization in warmer months.

Design Guidelines A variation of a residential grid street pattern retains much of the original. Double parallel parking and two way traffic on all streets are featured. Sidewalks with greenways and trees provide shade and shelter. Pedestrian friendly “bulb outs” reduce crossing distances and extend the green space of corner lots. Period lighting is featured at each corner. Residential units’ entrances address the street and feature porches for outdoor living and socialization in warmer months.

Residential Street Options: Street Enhancements


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Infill Prototype: Alley Access to Garage

These infill prototypes illustrate the advantages of the alley loaded arrangement. The side yard space is maximized, providing more greenspace, less construction cost and less maintenance for the narrow lot.

Note the placement of deciduous trees for solar protection in the summer and for enhanced solar gain in the winter. Also, note the alley loaded garage. By reducing the number of curbcuts along the main street, a more pleasant and even pedestrian environment is created and the expense of construction and maintenance of a driveway is eliminated. This also increases “sidewalk safety.�


Design Guidelines The prototypes shown features a side approach driveway with rear detached garage, when alley thoroughfares are not available. Shifting the garage to one side slightly increases the net usable area of rear yard, varying with lot width. Avoid placing garages toward the street side of the property, as doing so creates a very unpleasant pedestrian environment, and minimizes social interaction between neighbors.

Housing Infill Prototype: (2) One Bed Units Stacked


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Infill Prototype: Over/Under Duplex


Dinette Kitchen



Living Bath

Bath Utility Bedroom 1





Bedroom 1

This floor plan arrangement provides a single bedroom detached unit in keeping with appropriate lot sizes and housing character of the neighborhood. The lower floor ’s access addresses the street side of the property, and features a covered porch. A second entrance/ exit at the rear provides easy access from the alley or side driveway from the garage.


Design Guidelines

Housing Infill Prototype: 2 Story, Row House/ Double. Entry 3 Bedroom


Bedroom 1

Kitchen Bath


Bath Utility

Bedroom 3 Living Bedroom 2

This floor plan arrangement provides a three bedroom single family detached unit in keeping with appropriate lot sizes and housing character of the neighborhood. The lower floor ’s access addresses the street side of the property, and features a covered porch. A second entrance/ exit at the rear provides easy access from the alley or side driveway from the garage. The unit features three bathrooms, and locates all sleeping quarters on the second floor.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Infill Prototype: (2) Three Bed Units Stacked


Dinette Bedroom 3

Bedroom 2



Bedroom 1

Bedroom 1







Utility Bedroom 2

Bedroom 3




This floor plan arrangement provides two three bedroom stacked units in keeping with appropriate lot sizes and housing character of the neighborhood. The lower floor ’s access addresses the street side of the property, and features a covered porch. A second entrance/exit at the rear provides easy access from the alley or side driveway from the garage. The upper floor unit enjoys access from a full width deck at the rear of the unit. Each unit features three bathrooms and two bathrooms. Homeowners may benefit from renting the upper unit to defray mortgage costs, house elderly, college age or other family members, or rent to the market.


Design Guidelines

Housing Infill Prototype Elevation: Italianate

Utilizing a standard sized lot, this building style is of a sympathetic style and scale to many of the surrounding homes, and could be constructed for an average budget for new residential construction in the area. Aesthetics and detailing recall and are sympathetic to the Italianate style and features roof dormers for additional natural light and character in the upper floor.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Housing Infill Prototype Elevation: Eclectic

Utilizing a standard sized lot, This elevation is of a sympathetic style and scale to many of the surrounding homes, and could be constructed for an average budget for new residential construction in the area. Aesthetics and detailing recall and are sympathetic to the range of Eclectic styles surrounding the farmhouse tradition. A gambrel roof and rustic shutters are shown.


This design, while appearing more modern in scale and geometry, contains historical references that allow it to be sympathetic to the other buildings in the neighborhood. Wood or vinyl siding or masonry materials can compliment the design well. Distinctive features such as the eye window in the upper floor add to the architectural character of the unit and the neighborhood.

Design Guidelines

Housing Infill Prototype Elevation: Arts & Crafts

Utilizing a standard sized lot, This elevation is of a sympathetic style and scale to many of the surrounding homes, and could be constructed for an average budget for new residential construction in the area. Aesthetics and detailing recall and are sympathetic to the range of Arts and Crafts styles surrounding the Victorian period. Ornamentation such as corbels, trim, shutters, and column capitals can be obtained off the shelf or manufactured from patterns.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Residential: General Considerations: Setbacks & Site Placement

common setback (or build-to) lines

The front of the house should align with the fronts of other houses



Homes built before the 1950s were not subject to zoning ordinances as we know them today, that require a standard setback distance. Developers of early neighborhoods understood the relationships of families to each other and the street and the importance of order in developing the neighborhood patterns. These kinds of building relationships are important to the integrity and character of the neighborhood.

Design Guidelines

Definitions/Glossary Adjacent or Abutting: To physically touch or border upon, or to share a common property line or border. “Adjacent” or “abutting” shall include properties or uses that are separated by a drive, street, or other public-dedicated right-ofway. Anchor: A metal clamp that helps prevent walls from bulging; often ornamented in appearance; the flat metal stars or other shapes placed into brick walls used to secure the structure. Arcade: A series of arches supported on piers or columns. The architectural surface treatments of a façade—elements connected by “joints”. The various parts of a façade put together in a joined way—the connectedness and visual connections of those elements. Awning: A roof-like structure often made of canvas or plastic, usually attached to the side of an exterior wall, which serves as shelter, over a storefront, window, door or deck. Baluster: One of a series of short pillars or uprights that support a handrail Balustrade: A series of balusters connected on top by a handrail and often on the bottom by rail; used on staircases, balconies, porches, etc. Berm: An earthen mound designed to provide visual interest, screen undesirable views, decrease noise, and/or control or manage surface drainage. Block Face: The properties abutting one side of a street and lying between the two nearest intersecting or intercepting streets, or nearest intersecting or intercepting street and railroad right-of-way, unsubdivided land, watercourse or city boundary. Buffer: Open spaces, landscaped areas, fences, walls, berms, or any combination thereof, used to physically separate or screen one use or property from another so as to visually shield or block noise, lights, or other nuisances. Building Form: The shape and structure of a building as distinguished from its substance or material. Building Mass: The three-dimensional bulk of a building height, width, and depth. Building Scale: The size and proportion of a building relative to surrounding buildings and environs, adjacent streets, and pedestrians. Bulkhead: the panel at the base of the display windows of a storefront; on the interior, it can be used to describe a boxed-in space suspended from the ceiling, enclosing mechanical or electrical equipment or lowering the ceiling height. Casement Window: A window that opens on hinges fixed to its vertical edge. Character Defining Features: any distinguishable architectural elements or characteristics that distinguish a building or other resources, assists in classifying the building a particular type, style, form, etc. and sets it apart from others. Column: A pillar, usually circular in plan. Usually it has a base, shaft and capital. Commercial Center, Large: A “large commercial center” contains one or more commercial buildings or establishments with 50,000 square feet or more (gross floor area).

Definitions/ Glossary








City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Definitions/ Glossary




Engaged Column



Commercial Center, Small: A “small commercial center” contains one or more commercial buildings or establishments and all the buildings in the center contain less than 50,000 square feet (gross floor area). Commercial Development: All retail, restaurant, service, hotels, motels, and similar businesses, but shall not include office or industrial uses. However, any office or industrial development or building that includes more than a twenty percent (20%) retail component by square footage shall be subject to these Commercial Design Guidelines and Standards. Cornice: A projection at the top of a wall; top course or molding of a wall when it serves as a crown. Two basic cornices are the box cornice (closed space) and the open cornice; the portion of the roof that overhangs a wall. Crenelation: Any decorative element that simulates the alternating squares (merlons) and spaces of a defensive parapet. Dentils: Small square blocks found in series on cornices and moldings. Eaves: The portion of a roof which projects beyond the wall. Engaged Column: A column or pillar that is in direct contact with a wall, usually half of a circular column. Façade: Front or principal face of a building, and any side of a building that faces a street or other open space. Fanlight: A semicircular or fan-shaped window with a radiating glazing bar system; usually found over entrance doors. Fence: An artificially constructed barrier of any material or combination of materials erected to enclose, screen, or separate areas. Fenestration Pattern: The arrangement of windows and other exterior openings on a building. Flashing: Pieces of non-corrosive metal used around wall and roof junctions and angles as a means of preventing leaks. Floor Area Ratio: The relationship of the total gross floor area of a building to the land area of its site, as defined in a ratio in which the numerator is the gross floor area, and the denominator is the site area. Guidelines: Shall mean advisory regulations. Guidelines are indicated by use of the terms “may” and “should.” Leaded Glass: Small panes of clear or stained glass that are held in position by means of lead strips. Lintel: A horizontal structural member that supports a load over an opening; usually made of wood, stone or steel; may be exposed or obscured by a wall opening. Major Tenant: Within a commercial center that does not fit the definition of “Large Commercial Center,” any user or tenant containing 15,000 square feet or more of gross floor area. Where more than one user or tenant in such a center contains more than 15,000 square feet, the user or tenant with the largest amount of gross floor area shall be considered the center’s “major tenant.” Masonry: Work constructed by a mason using stones, bricks, concrete blocks, tiles or similar materials; most often, the building blocks are joined by mortar. Maximum Extent Feasible: No feasible and prudent alternative exists, and all possible efforts to comply with the regulation or minimize potential harm or adverse impacts have been undertaken. Economic considerations may be taken into account but shall not be the overriding factor in determining “maximum extent feasible.”

Design Guidelines Maximum Extent Practicable: Under the circumstances, reasonable efforts have been undertaken to comply with the regulation or requirement, that the costs of compliance clearly outweigh the potential benefits to the public or would unreasonably burden the proposed project, and reasonable steps have been undertaken to minimize any potential harm or adverse impacts resulting from the noncompliance. Mixed-Use Development: A single building containing more than one principal permitted land use or a single development of more than one building containing more than one principal permitted land use. Such land uses may include office, retail, residential, or service uses such as hotels and motels. In a mixed-used development, the different types of land uses are in close proximity, planned as a unified complementary whole, and functionally integrated to the use of vehicular and pedestrian access and parking areas. Moldings: A continuous decorative band; serves as an ornamental device on both interior and exterior surfaces; often serves to obscure the joint formed when two surfaces meet. Mortar: A mixture of plaster, cement or lime with a fine aggregate and water, used for pointing and bonding bricks, stones or cement blocks. A typical lime mortar is made from one part slaked lime and six parts of sand. Natural Features: ”Natural features” include but are not limited to flood plains and surface drainage channels, stream corridors and other bodies of water, steep slopes, prominent ridges, bluffs, or valleys, and existing trees and vegetation. Orient/Orientation: To bring in relation to, or adjust to, the surroundings, situation, or environment; to place with the most important parts facing in certain directions; to set or arrange in a determinate position: as in ‘to orient a building.’ Ornament: Details added to a structure solely for decoration; to add shape, texture, depth, color and visual interest to an architectural composition. Pad Site: Typically used in the context of retail shopping center development, a building or building site that is physically separate from the principal or primary building and reserved for freestanding commercial uses, each such use containing no more than 15,000 square feet of gross floor area. Typical pad site uses include, by way of illustration only, free-standing restaurants, banks, and auto services. Parapet: A low wall or protective railing; often used around a balcony or balconet, or along the edge of a roof. Pilaster: A squared or rectangular column or shallow pier attached to a wall; frequently decorated to represent a classical column with base, shaft and capital. Pointing: The treatment of masonry joints by filling them with a high quality mortar; used to protect against weather or simply to improve the appearance of a masonry wall. Primary Abutting or Access Street: The street abutting a commercial development that carries the most traffic volume. If a commercial development abuts two streets that have traffic volumes within twenty percent (20%) of each other, the applicant shall designate which street is the “primary abutting or access street.”

Definitions/ Glossary





City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Definitions/ Glossary


SIgnage Band

String Course



Primary or Principal Building: The building or structure on a commercial development site used to accommodate the majority of the principal permitted use(s). When there are multiple buildings on a commercial development site, such as in a shopping center, the primary or principal building shall be the one containing the greatest amount of gross floor area. Buildings sited on pad sites or free-standing kiosk/ATM machines cannot be “primary” or “principal” buildings. Quoins: Large stones or bricks used to decorate and accentuate the corners of masonry buildings. Laid in a vertical series, the blocks usually alternate between the two sizes. Some quoins actually serve to reinforce the structural integrity of the corners of buildings as well as being decorative in nature. Rehabilitation (historic): the process of returning an historic building and/or property to a state of utility through repair or alteration. Restoration: The process of returning a building and or property (as nearly as possible) to its appearance at a specific period of time in history based on historical research, suing the same construction materials and methods as the original. Rising Damp: The condition that exists when suction pulls groundwater into the masonry wall from the bottom up. This condition can be clearly identified. Setback Line: A line, parallel to the respective lot line and internal to the lot, that defines the required building setback. Signage Band: A continuous, flat, horizontal area above the first floor designed to provide advertising on commercial buildings; this area is usually incorporated into the storefront cornice’s entablature. Standards: Shall mean mandatory regulations. Standards are indicated by use of the terms “shall” and “must.” Steep Slopes: Any portion of a development site where the natural grade of the land has a slope of thirty percent (30%) or greater. String course: A continuous horizontal band of brick, stone or wood on exterior walls. Used for decorative purposes or as a means of breaking up a large expanse of wall surface. A string course can also function to shed rainwater. Also called a belt course or dripstone. Thoroughfare Street: ”Thoroughfare street” shall mean streets designated by the Master Plan as thoroughfares (arterials). Transom: A horizontal lintel or beam across a window, dividing it into stages or heights. It also can refer to a fixed window over a door or another window. Transitions: Generally, an array of tools and techniques designed to ensure compatibility between adjoining land uses that may differ by type and in intensity., including the following techniques: 1. Architectural Transitions: Designing and adapting the form of a building to take into consideration neighboring buildings and land uses. 2. Landscape Buffer and Screening Transitions: The use of landscaping, berms, fences, walls, or any combination of these, to buffer and screen a more intense land use from an adjacent, less intense land use.

Design Guidelines The following outline recommends the basic structure for The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee who could also serve as the review committee for an enhancement and beautification grant program. 1. Develop a five member The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee comprised of: • One member appointed by the Plan Commission; • One member appointed by the Chamber of Commerce or similar organization; • One elected official from the Town Council ; and • Two at-large members. * The elected officials and at-large members should be appointed by the City Council. The following rules are to apply to The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee: • Any member of The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee should recuse themselves from any discussion involving any property in which they have a direct interest, nor shall he or she pursue a grant award while serving on the committee; • All members shall score the grant applications independently and objectively; and • No member shall directly assist the applicants in applying for the grants. 2. Upon developing The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee a Building Owner Meeting shall be held to: • Make property owners aware of the guidelines and opportunities for building enhancement. • Make proper notification of the grant program and Building Owner Meeting; • Distribute the guidelines and applications (these should also be made available on-line); • Discuss and review the Building and Design Guidelines; • Announce the deadline for grant applications; • Make clear the scoring criteria for the grants; and • Answer questions.

The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee General Provisions

»»» Many communities that have initiated design review processes and building enhancement programs have offered regular workshops, often in association with local contractors, historic preservationist, architects, landscape architects and building supply retailers, to help property owners participate effectively and proactively in the program. Some communities have focused or targeted their efforts to a particular area such as downtown, an historic district or a corridor. 3. All interested building owners must deliver their application to the City Council's office by the close of business by a certain date. No extensions or exceptions will be awarded. 4. The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee will score grant applications according to the published Scoring Criteria. 5. Announcements of grant awards will be made by a specified date. 6. A press release announcing the grant recipients should be prepared for publishing in the next edition of the newspaper. 7. Work/Construction can begin immediately upon award. 8. All work must be completed by a determined Construction Deadline. 9. The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee shall meet by a determined date to assess project progress. All grant projects will be reviewed for their adherence to the grant rules, expediency of the process and for meeting the project goals. 10. The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee shall meet by a determined date to prepare a Program Report to the City Council. This report shall address the strengths and weaknesses of the grant program and make a recommendation for continuing, altering, or eliminating the program.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Connellsville Main Street Facade Restoration Grant Application Guidelines


The following are the Grant Application Guidelines which determine the eligibility and parameters for each applicant. 1. The maximum grant award is determined by category of improvement; 2. The grant will match a dollar for every dollar invested by the owner up to the maximum allowable grant award in the specified category. All additional costs associated with the improvements are the responsibility of the owner; 3. Only buildings in the defined district are eligible for the grant program; 4. All privately-owned buildings in the specified district are eligible for a grant. Owners of two or more buildings in the district are eligible for a grant for each building; 5. Decisions by The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee are final; 6. All improvements, as described in the grant application, must be completed within twelve (12) months from the award date, or be subject to deobligation by The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee. Project extensions and/or modifications may be awarded with the approval of a majority of The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee; 7. If work has not begun by the determined date, a report must be submitted to The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee describing the reasons for the delay, and offering a revised time schedule for completion. The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee may approve an extension or revoke the grant at that time; 8. A change to the scope of the project outlined in the grant application must be presented to The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee for approval. If the change is substantial, a decision will be made by The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee to deobligate the grant or allowed to continue; 9. Any deobligated grant project is eligible to reapply for another grant, if or when, additional funds are available; 10. Grant funds awarded to a building owner will be paid to the owner upon substantial completion of the project, at the discretion of The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee. The grants will be used to reimburse expenses incurred to complete the project. Material, consultant fees, and labor costs qualify for reimbursement; 11. Proof of all costs, fees and labor must be submitted to The Connellsville Main Street Design Committee prior to grant award disbursement; and 12. “Sweat Equity� or in-kind donations will not count as matching funds.

Design Guidelines The Connellsville Main Street is offering Façade Restoration Grants from funding received from Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development’s Main Street Program. Project funding creates an incentive for private investment in the Central Business District restoration projects and property reinvestment. The awarding of grants is dependent upon funding from DCED and is based on the allocation of funds for the Façade Restoration Grant from the DCED. An attractive and energetic Central Business District is key to the success of Connellsville’s Downtown. Implementation of the Façade Restoration Grant Program will result in a more competitive and economically viable Central Business District. This Program is to encourage restoration projects of building facades and to enhance the building’s overall exterior appearance, thus creating a uniform and consistent Central Business District.

Connellsville Main Street Facade Restoration Grant General Provisions

Eligible Applicants (see map) The Façade Restoration Grant Program is a 50/50 matching grant program that provides money to commercial property owners or business owners (with property owner approval) located within the designated Main Street area. Façade: shall be defined as that part of the building facing the street(s), including the entirety of the building from the ground up. Storefront: shall be defined as having its own unique entrance, interior space and display window. Process and Procedures: After an application is submitted and approved, the project can begin. Grants offered cannot be used to pay for work that is currently in progress or already completed. Applicants are required to meet with the Design Committee to discuss their project prior to completing the application process. Design assistance is available as needed. Call the Connellsville Main Street office to arrange these meetings. All potential structural issues should be reviewed by a licensed professional. Applications will be accepted for review at any time throughout the year. Priority will be given to the projects that meet the criteria and have the greatest overall impact on the downtown. An individual doing their own work will only be reimbursed for materials. The Façade Restoration Grant application is provided in the back of this guidebook. Submit the completed grant application form with the following: a. Applicant Identification and Property Owner Identification b. Location of Property c. Five (5) complete copies of the following: i. Written project description, ii. Design plans, drawings, schematic and photographs d. Contractor and material cost estimates and a projected schedule for completion of each eligible project. Two bids are required, however three are recommended. e. Matching fund verification, proof of financial responsibility f. Signatures of the Applicant and Property Owner g. Signed Hold Harmless Agreement h. Any required permits from city


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Faรงade Grant Application Parameters, Process and Procedures

The total grant amount will not exceed 50% of the total project cost up to a maximum of $ 5,000 or as otherwise noted. The grant cannot be used to pay for work that is currently in progress or has been completed. No more than one application per project will be funded. Funding for phased projects will be considered on a case by case basis. Eligible projects and their dollar amounts are as follows: [Note: these are maximum grant amounts]

Signs and Awnings

Maximum for awnings........................ $2,500.00 Maximum for signs................................ $500.00 This category is for the maintenance and repair of, or removal and replacement of existing signage and awnings, as well as the installation of new signage and awnings.

Exterior Restoration and Painting

Maximum ........................................... $5,000.00 This category refers to the repair, cleaning, refinishing, painting, restoration or replacement of exterior woodwork, decorative architectural elements, architectural sheet metal and cast iron elements. This category includes exterior masonry repairs, restoration, repointing, repainting (only if originally painted) or low-pressure water or steam cleaning.

Architectural elements and additions

Maximum ........................................... $5,000.00 This category refers to the construction of new additions. With respect to existing structures, the repair, replacement, installation, painting or restoration of windows (including display, ornamental and upper-story windows), shutters and exterior doors as part of storefront entrance ways is included. This category includes repair, replacement, installation, painting or restoration of cornices or parapets when part of faรงade.

Paving and Sidewalk Restoration

Maximum ........................................... $2,000.00 This category is for the maintenance and repair of, or addition of sidewalks, walkways, plazas and courtyards

Exterior Lighting

Maximum ........................................... $1,500.00 This category is for the maintenance and repair of, or addition of exterior lighting to building sites. Exterior lighting may include building mounted fixtures.

Lighting Signage

Maximum ........................................... $1,500.00 Exterior lighting may be used for illuminating signs, entrance ways, pathways, sidewalks and to light the building faรงade itself. NOTE: Change orders must be reviewed and approved by the Design Committee and will be done in a timely manner so as not to delay the project schedule.


Design Guidelines Selection Process:

Grants will be awarded based upon the level of improvement(s), the accuracy of historic preservation and the vitality and significant impact the project will make to the downtown environment. Only complete applications will be accepted for processing. The grant application will be reviewed by the Connellsville Main Street Manager and Steering Committee President for completeness of information and supporting documents and compliances with the Façade Restoration Grant Program requirements. This review process will be completed within five working days. After the grant application is reviewed, it will be submitted to the Design Committee for review at their next scheduled meeting within 30 days. Only work approved by the Design Committee will be eligible for the Façade Restoration Grant. Project work may not commence until the applicant/ property owner receives a notice to proceed from the Main Street Manager. Applicant’s projects are required to meet all applicable codes and ordinances of the city of Connellsville. Applicants are also required to secure any necessary permit(s) from the City of Connellsville before work can commence. Once the project has been completed, the applicant must send a letter of project completion, an “after” photograph, copies of all receipts and proof of payment for materials and labor to the Main Street Manager. It is the responsibility of the grantee to fulfill financial obligations to all contractors and sub-contractors for the material and labor expenses. Once the work is completed and reviewed by the Connellsville Main Street Design Committee the Connellsville Main Street Steering Committee will submit grant check to the property owner/building owner in accordance with the terms of the grant. Work not completed in accordance with the approved project description may be denied payment.

Façade Grant Application Parameters, Process and Procedures

The following items should have been satisfactorily addressed: 1. The project has been completed in conformance with the design plan and/or project as submitted, reviewed and approved by the Connellsville Main Street Design Committee. 2. .Pre-approval of all changes in the project scope of work, contract change orders or materials has been obtained from the Design Committee 3. .The completion of final inspections, if required by the City of Connellsville. There will be no reimbursement if violations of ADA codes or city codes exist. In addition, the Design Committee must ensure that all aspects of the project have been satisfactorily completed.


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Model Scoring Criteria for Connellsville Main Street Facade Restoration Grants


The following criteria will be used to score all grant applications. The maximum score is 100 points. 1. Amount of matching funds (20 point maximum): The minimum amount for matching funds is one dollar per every grant dollar. If the matching amount exceeds the minimum amount, additional points will be awarded. The below chart describes the scoring for matching fund amounts. Minimum match ($1 match per $1 grant):......10 points Exceeds $2 match per $1 grant:......................15 points Exceeds $3 match per $1 grant:......................20 points 2. Readiness to proceed (15 point maximum): Projects that demonstrate that they can be started immediately will be awarded more points than projects that cannot start for several months. Projects that are not ready to proceed have a higher likelihood of not being completed within the twelve (12) month deadline. Furthermore, a goal of this program is to make an impact on the existing conditions as soon as possible. If the improvements can be started and completed within a short time frame, a higher point scoring will be awarded. Projects that are ready to proceed immediately will be awarded the maximum points. Projects that have considerable steps to accomplish prior to being ready to proceed will be awarded less than the maximum. 3. Demonstration of need (15 point maximum): Additional points will be awarded to building owners who demonstrate a need for the grant due to financial constraints, hardship, or due to emergency. Projects that can be afforded by the owner and that are not in an emergency situation will not score as high. 4. Degree to which the project follows the Building and Design Guidelines (20 point maximum): Building and design guidelines have been developed to steer building improvement decisions, to ensure consistency throughout the downtown, and to ensure quality improvements. These guidelines should be followed where applicable. The degree to which the Building and Design Guidelines are followed will determine the scoring in this category. Projects which disregard the Building and Design Guidelines shall receive few or no points in this category. 5. Discretionary scoring (30 point maximum): The discretionary score will be determined using the following criteria: a. existing condition of building - buildings which are in deteriorated condition, or are in disrepair will score higher; b. impact to the overall structure; c. impact to the overall community or target area; d. impact to the current business or operation in the building; e. occupancy of building - buildings which are vacant will take priority; and f. amount of grant request.

Design Guidelines Applicant’s Name Business Name Project Site Address Mailing Address (if different from project site address) Business Phone Business Fax Business Email Are you the owner(s) of record of the subject property__Yes __No (please complete below. Property Owner’s Name Project Owner’s Address Project Owner’s Phone Brief Project Description: Please provide a description of the project, goals, project timeline. Attach any additional description/documentation.

Façade Grant Application For Connellsville Main Street Use Only Date Application Received: By: Target Area Location? oYes oNo Code Compliance? oYes oNo Financial Responsibility oYes oNo Signed: Main Street Manager, Connellsville Main Street Date President, Connellsville Main Street Date Design Committee Approved? oYes oNo Connellsville Main Street Design Committee Chairperson Date

Estimated project cost: Indicate the appropriate category associated with the project. o



Exterior Painting and restoration


Additions and Architectural Elements


Site and Building Enhancements


Paving and Sitescaping


Walls and Fences


Exterior Lighting


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines

Façade Grant Application If you have questions regarding the completion of this application or the eligibility of your project, please call the Connellsville Main Street office at 724-

Anticipated Project Start Date: Additional funding source(s)—check all that apply to your project o



Bank Loan


Other (please specify and describe below)

he applicant acknowledges the terms and conditions associated with the Façade Restoration Grant Program and agrees to comply with all of its requirements.

Signature of Applicant Date Signature of Property Owner of Record (if different than above) Date


Submit grant applications to:

Connellsville Main Street

Connellsville, PA 15425

Design Guidelines Release executed on the________day of _______________, 20__, by ___________________and____________________of________________________, Property Owner (Tenant if applicable)

Release and Hold Harmless Agreement For Connellsville Façade Grant Program

Street Address City of Connellsville, Fayette County, State of Pennsylvania, referred to as Releasor(s). In consideration of being granted monies for restoration, modifications, signage or other physical changes to the property located at the above address, the Releasor(s), understands that they are solely responsible for providing their own contractors and to assure that those contractors are fully insured and licensed and have obtained all necessary permits in accordance with Borough and State regulations. The Releasor(s) waives, releases, discharges and covenants not to sue the Connellsville Main Street program for loss or damage, and claims or damages therefore, on account of any work that has been performed in accordance with City or State guidelines. Releasor(s) agrees that this release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Pennsylvania and that if any portion of the agreement is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. Releasor(s) further states that it has carefully read the above release and knows the contents of the release and signs this release as its own free act. Releasor’s obligations and duties hereunder shall in no manner be limited to or restricted by the maintaining of any insurance coverage related to the above referenced event. This release contains the entire agreement between parties to this agreement and the terms of this release are contractual and not a mere recital. Date this ______________day of _____________, 20__. Property Owner Signature Witness

Tenant Signature (if applicable) Witness


City of Connellsville Design Guidelines


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