Diaspora experience

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Quest International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Volume – I , Issue – II December – 2012 ISSN : 2278 – 4497

Available online at www.mahidachintan.com


Diaspora Experience between the creation and the creator : A closer look at the Diaspora connected character in Anita Desai’s “Fasting, Feasting” Arul Gaspar Assistant Professor of English Christ University Bangalore -560029 Karnataka (India) Abstract This article addresses the diasporic experiences of the immigrants embarking upon their desire in a new land or nation. This paper intends to focus on Indianness or Indian consciousness as a continual expression in a new land. It also discusses the inbetweenness, homelessness and hope for establishing a portion of carried culture and homeland setup in a foreign land. The idea of immigrants' struggle to get over the strangeness, alienation within and without and aspiration for grappling with a new culture are explored through the concept of Diaspora and Diasporic Experience. Thus I examine the Indian boy's conscious move from India to the United States of America and his stay between his past pleasant memories and desire for a new exposure to new land filled with new culture. Keywords: indianness, diaspora/diasporic experience, new homeland, displacement Introduction The term “Indianness” which is always tugging in every heart of Indian who either living in own homeland or new homelands should be given intellectual, cultural, political and social spaces to ponder over in academic milieu. When Uma talks about ‘that brown shawl Mama bought in Kashmir Emporium for Arun who receives the

parcel later in Mrs. Patton’s house and leaves not just the Indian shawl but ‘Indianness’ behind him among Mr. and Mrs. Patton, Rod and Melanie (a typical American family) and Papa’s conscious cry ‘Post? Post? No, no, no. Very costly, too costly vividly brings to light Indianness subtly (Desai 4&228). Through this novel Anita Desai expresses her unhappy, bitter tone from Uma, the first spinster daughter who is alienated within and entrapped at home to serve self-righteous and self-obssessed parents to Melanie, the Pattons’ daughter who is selfindulgent and totally carefree and tucks herself in the world of sugar candies. As Rana Dasgupta puts it Anita Desai who was born in 1937 to a German mother and an Indian father has always tried to paint the picture of displaced human beings in her writings. She has written about travelers and exiles, people who lived out of time and space, people who got obsessed with a sort of inability to understand each other in terms of culture, human beings with steely determination to carry their past or innate history form one place to another and their impossibility in that endeavor. Furthermore, this novel ‘Fasting, Feasting’ took a comprehensive shape after her considerable

Copyright © 2012. Arul Gaspar. This is an open access refereed article distributed under the Creative Common Attribution License which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. 83

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