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When we had limited access to information, we wanted to collect and save information. But nowadays at a click of the mouse, we get information on anything and everything. When I got a table-top computer from my colleagues on the occasion of my retirement in 1998, internet was not very popular. However we used to get the information loaded in cassettes, and then in compact discs (CDs). Information packed in these devices was sold and we buy them in large number and store at home, thinking that we may use them later. But even after 10 years they were not used in most cases. Of late also, I collected enormous amounts of information on self-help, motivation, photography, science, and many other topics which I liked. Such information is important but they are available for all at anytime and anywhere. Hence we need not accumulate them in files and unnecessarily load our computers. Whenever we need particular information we can get it through search engines like google or yahoo. In fact, imagination has much more importance than the capacity of accumulating information. Since we have a habit of possession of everything we like including information, we collect, accumulate and store them whether we use them or not. It has become a habit for all of us. It is something like buying number of new dresses or new furniture at different intervals of time and accumulating them without using or using for once or twice. Every house has enormous number of items accumulated over time. One way is to use them or give them to others to use; in other words “declutter” them. Decluttering actually brings abundance. Psychiatrist Dr. Harish Shetty said that the sight of unorganized and unused furniture, books and other articles causes a sense of heaviness inside the brain, leading to irritability, anger and tiredness. It negatively affects people living with you and your relationship with them. In fact, clutter is one the major causes of marital distress, even divorce. Thus accumulation of unwanted/wanted things at home becomes clutter. So, one has to declutter periodically to keep the house clean. Most of us are not good at it. However people are anyway compelled to do it because of paucity of space. Apartment with less than 1000 sq. ft. is not suitable to accumulate many things. So people are forced to declutter periodically. Similarly, so many files stored in our computer should be decluttered periodically. The best way is to delete those unused files and store the most important ones in a storing device such as a CD or external hard disc or memory stick/card. In this way, we carry less in our sensitive computers, so that the computer speed increases. Accumulation of information or things appears to be useless beyond a limit. So everyone should follow “use and throw” principle of the West. Less is More!




Net-neutrality means all traffic on the internet should be treated equally by internet service providers (ISP). All data bits are equal and, therefore, should not be discriminated on the basis of content, site or user.



A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds: "Wife wanted". Next Often times we are so busy thinking about our own problems or day he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing: staring at the screens of our smartphones that we forget that the people around us are human beings who love being appreciated, "You can have mine.” First Guy (proudly): “My wife’s an angel!” Second Guy: “You’re lucky, mine’s still alive.” "Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays and I on Fridays.” Tuesdays,


just like us. When being around people, one of the easiest and most efficient ways to make them feel special or at least, acknowledged, is making good eye contacts. It doesn’t matter if you are hanging out with friends, or having dinner with your family, or buying groceries at the supermarket, eye contact can make the person in front of you feel appreciated. It’s a way to show the people around you that you care for them. Staring at the screen of your smartphone leaves the impression that you are ignoring the people who you are with which can draw them away from you. So, when you have company, make the effort to resist the temptation to constantly look at your phone and concentrate your attention on the other person.

The book is ready for sale…those who need a copy may send a cheque for Rs. 120/- (includes postage) favouring A. THE POWER OF IDEAS Narayanan at Coimbatore to: A. Narayanan, #19, Phase 5, Maharani Avenue, Vadavalli, Coimbatore 641 041, Tamil No matter how grand or noble our ideas are, they are pointless unless acted upon. The difference between a pile of rocks and a Nadu. Ph: 098422 42301. Please send your postal address cathedral is the action we take to bring our idea to life. Some also. people have ideas; others put them to work. Ideas won't work unless we do. The value of action cannot be stressed too greatly. For sometimes it is action that generates the idea. For example, if I am smashing rocks, rather than sleeping under a tree, the thought may occur to me that the rocks could be used to build a cathedral.

Smiling is one of the best and simplest ways to spread positivity and warm feelings towards the world around us. It o have a great impact on the people around, but on doesn’t only our own health, too. It has been proven by different studies Others won't accept your ideas until they accept you. But don't be that smiling fights stress and anxiety boosts the immune guilty of making the same mistake. A diamond caked in mud is system and the release of endorphins in our bodies which still a diamond. Never judge another. Anyone can share pearls of leaves us feeling happier. It is also contagious which means wisdom. Don't let prejudices prevent you from benefiting by that when we see someone smile, our brains’ area which them. Always remain open to the ideas of others, and remember controls the facial expressions activates, which results in us that bright ideas often camouflage themselves as stupid ones. smiling, too. A simple smile makes us more approachable and Not every idea is worthwhile. The value of an idea is measured by attractive to others. It shows that we are open to socializing the consequences it produces when acted upon. Cherish ideas and that we are confident in ourselves. that improve your life and scrap those that hinder it. Be openLINES I LIKED…  Nowadays everyone is connected even on the move.  Notice the things you never noticed before.  Nothing is permanent in this world including your problem.  Nothing is a failure, if we learn something from it.  Never give up on what you want.

The greatest sin is to think of yourself as weak! Meet you next month – June, 2015

Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP E-mail: arumugakannu@gmail.com Ph : 0422 2423017 Mobile : 098422 42301 www.nara.tumblr.com (NARA’S DIGEST) www.nara2007.blogspot.com (NARA’S NOTEPAD)

minded, but not gullible. Beware of those who use the power of ideas to confuse, twist, and control the minds of others. It is important to realize that there are bad ideas as well as good ideas. Until we accept this fact, it will be difficult to distinguish between the two. We will become as immense or small as our ideas, so choose them carefully.

Don't be like people who treat new ideas like mosquitoes by brushing them aside or squeezing the life out of them. True, we become set in our ways and sheer force of habit makes change difficult. But growth is impossible without change, so don't resist it. Treasure new ideas, for once we gain new insight, we never see the world the same way. To expand your horizon and elevate your consciousness, all you have to do is be receptive. Reach out and embrace the ideas that surround you and are ignored by others. - Chuck Gallozzi


Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change. – Stephen Hawking I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me…all I ask is that you respect me as a human being.- Jackie Robinson

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