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IF YOU WANT TO MAKE FRIENDS, LISTEN. MEMO FROM NARA... “Leaders may come and go, the challenge is to play our part in inventing a future that is stable, predictable and prosperous.” This sentence was written in an article by the former Foreign Minister of Pakistan Ms. Hina Rabbani Khar. I like it because of its practical sense. In every democratic country leaders may come and go. People elect them. The elected leaders govern the country for a specified period. The governance is limited to policies for economic growth, trade, foreign relations, defence etc. How best the leaders who govern the country taking into account the above policies? The challenge is not easy but not difficult too. Every one of us has something to contribute. One may be a teacher, scientist, doctor, engineer, trader, entrepreneur, farmer, driver, labourer or a watch man. All of them have to perform their duty, the challenge. That becomes the future. By doing our duty properly we invent our future. Doing the duty really helps the nation to move forward and progress. If we do a bad job, the country cannot go forward in the right path. Therefore, it is obvious that the people have to involve in the nation building. Even the construction workers who construct multi-storied apartment complexes, over-bridges, dams and canals are shaping our future that is stable and predictable. They are the people who construct a prosperous country. Similarly the people who clean our streets and collect the trash every day are responsible for keeping the cities clean. So also the doctors who treat millions of people everyday in hospitals are also provide a stable, healthy and prosperous population. Everyone is important in a country for inventing the future which is stable, predictable and prosperous. Leaders cannot do all the things that make the country prosperous. They are also important to play their part in governing the country by providing safety and security to all people. They should be responsible to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquillity. They should bring happiness in the lives of people. Then only ordinary people can invent extraordinary things for a prosperous future. The young people who look for bright future as the old aspire for the youth. So it is in everyone’s hand to create the necessary things for a comfortable future. Hard work-culture certainly benefits the nation’s progress. No political leader can deny that. Leaders should understand this simple principle and work hard for the country and country men and women. People look for such leaders not ‘dadas’ with scores of ‘goondas’ around them. How can you preserve the culture of a country and work for its future if the leaders have personal ambition of accumulating personal wealth for them and their kiths and kin? To have better days ahead, leaders as well as the people should face the challenge of inventing a prosperous future for our next generation.

NARA’S NOTEPAD THANK Prof. T. V. Chalam, Assoc. Dean, (Retd.) ANGRAU Director, Sri Lakshmi Educational Institutions Narsingraopet, Kurnool – 518 004, Ph: 9642657742 for sponsoring Sept. 2016 to Aug. 2017 issues.

Leisure is time off the books, off the job, off the clock. If we

save time, we commonly believe we are saving it for our leisure. We know that leisure is really a state of mind, but no dictionary can define it without reference to passing time. It is unrestricted time, unemployed time, unoccupied time. Or is it? Unoccupied time is vanishing. The leisure industries (an oxymoron maybe, but no contradiction) fill time, as groundwater fills a sinkhole. The very variety of experience attacks our leisure as it attempts to satiate us. We work for our amusement.

READING AT EVERY STAGE OF LIFE Between the ages of twenty and forty we are engaged in the process of discovering who we are, which involves learning the difference between accidental limitations which it is our study to outgrow and the necessary limitations of our nature beyond which we cannot trespass with impunity. Few of us can learn this without making mistakes, without trying to become a little more of a universal man than we are permitted to be. It is during this period that a writer can most easily be led astray by another writer or by some ideology When someone between twenty and forty says, apropos of a work of art, “I know what I like,” he is really saying “I have no taste of my own but accept the taste of my cultural milieu,” because between twenty and forty, the surest sign that a man has genuine taste of his own is that he is uncertain of it. After forty, if we have not lost our authentic selves altogether, pleasure can again become what it was when we were children, the proper guide to what we should read. - W. H. AUDEN

JUST TO LAUGH... The doctor explained to his patient that she suffered from

SELF-LIMITING BELIEFS Self-limiting beliefs are beliefs that are NOT true ... but they hold you back nonetheless. For example, you may tell yourself that you'll never achieve phenomenal success because you don't have enough education. Or you're the wrong age, race, or gender. You may tell yourself you'll never get ahead because of problems you're having with your family or current work relationships. Or you don't have any money, connections, or opportunities in your field. All of those things may be troublesome, but they do not prohibit you from achieving success. There are hundreds of thousands of people who have been in the same situation as you ... with the same problems you're having ... who accomplished great things anyway. The only thing that can stop you is YOU and your selflimiting beliefs. As psychologist Dr. William James of Harvard University pointed out, your beliefs create your situation ... because you always act in a manner consistent with your innermost beliefs. If you belief you are incapable of success, you'll do a number of things to make sure you don't succeed. But if you believe you are capable of accomplishing good things, you will walk and talk and act like it, and your beliefs will come to life.So take a moment to identify some of your self-limiting beliefs. What beliefs do you have that are holding you back? Think about them. Remember, most of your self-limiting beliefs have no basis whatsoever in fact. They are based on information and ideas that you accepted as true, sometimes in early childhood, and to the degree you believe them, they are holding you back.

cervicitis or inflammation of the cervix. Concerned, she demanded that he test her husband for it too. The doctor assured her, “I’m positive your husband does not have cervicitis.” She shot back, “How do you know? You haven’t examined him yet.

For instance, many people believe "I don't deserve good things. I'm not entitled to success, no matter how hard I work." Perhaps they were told by a parent, when they were young that "Don't get so big headed about your accomplishment ... It wasn't that big of a deal ... or ... Other folks have accomplished more."

My patient announced she had good news and bad. “The

The fact is you deserve every good thing you are capable of acquiring as the result of using your talents in a fair and

medicine for my earache worked,” she said. “What is the bad news?” I asked. “It tasted awful.” Since she was feeling better, I didn’t have the heart to tell her they’re called ear drops for a reason.

The day after I had surgery on my leg, a nurse came into my hospital room with a box in her hand, “ Are you ready for this?” “What is it?” I asked. “Fleet enema. Didn’t your doctor tell you about it?” “No.” She rechecked the orders, “Whoa!” she bellowed. “That didn’t say Fleet enema. It said feet elevated!”

LINES I LIKED... Make decisions more rationally and wisely. Make a difference in someone’s life. Make it a habit to do nice things. Make it easy to do the right things. Make laughter and joy a greater part of your life than anger and grief.  Make learning a fun.  Make mistakes and learn from them.     

honest way.

TO QUOTE... The brain is a commodity used to fertilize ideas. – Elbert Hubbard In any given moment we have two options to step forward into growth or to step back into safety. – Abraham Maslow

In a way we are slaves to our habits! Meet you next month –December, 2016

Professor A. Narayanan, Ph. D., FISPP E-mail: arumugakannu@gmail.com Ph : 0422 4393017 Mobile : 098422 42301 www.nara.tumblr.com (NARA’S DIGEST) www.nara2007.blogspot.com (NARA’S NOTEPAD)

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