TechnoFIRST October 2009 Issue

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Company Review

Patni Computers

Now is the time to take that


Startup Story



Technology Entrepreneurship and Career Magazine

Vol. 5

Issue. 10

October 2009


Inside ...................................

Job search on Virtual World Career in Software Testing Things that may Kill Your Twitter Academic Project For SALE


Projects An important step towards career and future take off ET – The DNA for


Placement Experience O c to be r 2009

Cosmic Circuits




Sharp minds together to start up your dreams Start your company in Technopark - TBI

The sharpest mind in India are coming together to lend support for the flagship campaign to change the face of the Indian Technology industry. From statesmen, to successful young entrepreneurs to pioneer I.T. giants, the “I am an Entrepreneur� Campaign is aimed at making change at the grass root level to the future of the country, namely the youth. The innovative ideas in young minds shall be crafted and applied from the shoulders of these people who have shown the world the value of independent thinking. The campaign focuses on evaluating the viable ideas in future entrepreneurs and providing help in making their campus dreams come true.

Log on to Mail us:

A Campaign To Make Your Campus Dreams Come True

Get ready

to change your lives !

Help Line: Sreejith (Technopark)

+91- 98 959 51 435

Nileena (TechnoFIRST) +91- 93 888 33 888

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Technology Entrepreneurship & Career Magazine Hon. Chief Editor Prof. Jyothy John Advisory Board Mohan Narayanan S Vice President, Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS)

Dr. Achyuth Sankar S. Ex-Director, C-Dit CEO Arun Balachandran Managing Editor Ajay Lal Editor in charge Abraham Tharakan Associate Editor Jayakrishnan.G.Pillai Sub Editor Lakshmi P. Menon Senior Campus coordinator Mohammed Nijas Manager - Circulation Prijo Jose Web Coordination Anitha Reghunathan Customer Relations - kerala Subscriptions   - 09388833888 Advertisement kerala - (+91) 9633277707 karnataka - (+91) 9008758273 Corp. Office - Cochin mediafirst Publications C1, Alfa Towers, I.S. Press Road Cochin-18 Ph - (+91 484) 2397533 Design & Layout C N Sumesh Printed at : St. Joseph's Press, TVM

Copy Right All the articles published in this magazine are copyrighted. Illegal copying and reproduction by any means is punishable under the copy right laws. Articles published will be made available to the readers for personal use on written request. The views expressed in the articles by contributors. Great care has been taken in the preparation of this journal and the information contained therein has been compiled using sources believed to the reliable and accurate. Readers are however advised, in their own interest, to reconfirm the data before acting up on the same. TechnoFIRST does not accept any liability for errors or redundancies of any nature whatsoever. All disputes subject to Ernakulam Jurisdiction only





great concept is your birth right so as your projects,’ but it will be invaluable, lucid and a copy book to the crucial part of our Planet’s developments. Academic projects are considered an important tactical management gizmo and a way of life for every ‘Start-Up’ in the campus. Many a few still being confused on how do they get started and ensure thriving outcome from their projects?. Any one thought about the ‘presence of hydroxyl on Moon even in their wild guess while they were being assembled at ‘Sriharikotta’Space Station prior to discuss about the proudest ever Indian mission, ‘Chandrayan as a project?. Never…They may have been dreamt about the successful landing of the payload on Moon. While you selecting the projects, it should be ‘Right one in Right way’ and stick some basic doctrines on a simpler platform. I think technical skill not alone a good academic project but it should have a wonderful concept that can be ‘Change’ the Face of World’ by delivering benefits. Few academic projects crashing into pieces prior to reach the goals because that all hang up for their own sake or the ego’s using undigested terms and lingo. Our cover story of this issue is about what Academic projects and therefore it appeals to aspirants who what to run business changes within a project framework. It is useful for those who want to understand what project management is about, the expertise and deliverables; it really accomplishes this well and gets to the point promptly and proficiently. If you are thinking of achieving in a project methodology to run a big leap and fortune to reinvent then TF’s pages will give you a structured approach in perhaps systematic route to start your dream projects. So I wish your concepts will become like ‘Acres of Diamonds’ and remember, that diamonds are thickened drops of the sunlight of your wisdom’. Initially, your idea is like a carbon deposit and that, you should convert as a diamond by your timely stride and unmistakable calculation. Here I do represent like the old priest to tell you again all about a diamond the size of the thumb that could repurchase the magnetism which had stolen by the G-8 nations two decades ago through your amazing school of thoughts. AJAYLAL

contents 14

Cover Story

Academic Projects An important step towards career and future

10 Job search on ‘virtual world’ 24 Careers in Software Testing 42 Things that may kill your Twitter Career plus


Career Track

On the Web

10 24

28 40 36 27

Expert view

ET – The DNA for Entrepreneurship start up story IndiaKhelo Placement Experience

Cosmic Circuits Dream Company

Patni Computers O c to be r



corporate news


No variable pay for

TCS trainees


he country’s largest software exporter TCS announced that trainees joining it this fiscal would not be eligible for variable pay of about Rs 5,000 a month in the first six months.However, they would be eligible for the same after that period and earn a variable pay linked to their performance - whether they are on internal projects or billable client projects. For 2009-10, TCS has made campus offers of about 24,800 and the company will honour all the commitments, said the TCS officials. Asked about the cost saved through the move, officials declined to divulge the numbers. Last year, the package offered was about Rs 3.15 lakhs annually and

variable component came to about Rs 5,000 a month (or Rs 60,000 a year). The officials also mentioned that this is not just a cost cutting measure but to make the trainees realize the fact that it is indeed variable pay and depends on how well they perform in a project. It has been started this year and whether it is continued would be seen later. About hiring plans for the next fiscal, TCS officials said, “The hiring plans for the next fiscal is still being worked out. We would hire as per the company’s needs and business environment.” TCS’ attrition rate remained similar to last quarter’s 11-11.5 per cent level.

IT industry may create


40k jobs

ASSCOM has projected that some 30,000-40,000 students will be absorbed by IT companies this fiscal. Talking to the media Nasscom president Som Mittal said: “Typically, we take one to two lakh people annually into our industry. In the current fiscal, we had made offerings to 80,000 fresh graduates, of which we are expecting that some 30,000-40,000 will join.” He further added: “This year, we have asked companies to recruit those who have completed their eighth semester to ensure that hiring is closer to the need of companies. This is being done, so that companies don’t have a huge talent pool who are in the pipeline to join the industry.” Asked about the outlook of the industry in 2010-11, He said the industry was on a wait-and-watch October


mode about the growth in FY11. “We will review the situation in December this year. We have already reached end of the recession. By end of the calendar year 2009, we expect deals, some large deals are coming up.” Mr Mittal said the industry in the past one year has witnessed slowdown in growth, as a result of the global crisis. Nasscom estimates for the IT-BPO industry for 2009-10, include export growth at 4-7% and domestic market growing at 15-18%. The Nasscom president said the during the recessionary period the IT industry has invested in new verticals and geographies, which would start yielding results shortly. “Continental Europe, Latin America, the Middle-East, Japan and Korea remain the new emerging markets for IT industry,” he said.


Heritage’ IT park in Kerala

50 foreign varsities to India

About 50 foreign universities, including Duke University from the US, have evinced interest in setting up campuses in India as the government is all set to introduce a bill to allow entry of such institutions. These institutions, mostly from the US, the UK and Australia, have approached the HRD Ministry in the last three months, a senior official said. Duke, a renowned private university in the US, offers courses in various streams and research studies. HRD Minister Kapil Sibal has said nonprofit making institutions would be allowed to set up campuses in the country. “In-


corporate news

Kerala’s latest IT park that distinguishes itself from any other in the country by its sheer heritage look and comprising of bungalow-styled space for tech companies, has managed to sign up more than half a dozen companies ahead of its launch.The new IT park at Koratty near Kochi is the state’s third technology park, and will function as a spoke of the Infopark in Kochi, which is one of the three IT hubs in the state. The Koratty park, spread over 42 acres, has roughly 40,000 sq ft of built up space ready for occupation spread across four buildings and work is in progress to develop another eight buildings within the campus, besides a signature building which will operate as the centre-piece of the park. The state government has envisaged IT parks in all 14 districts, which will act as the spokes of the three hubs, namely the Technopark in Thiruvananthapuram, the Infopark in Kochi and the Cyberpark in Kozhikode. Mr Kumar said the Koratty park would provide an opportunity for entrepreneurs in central Kerala, particularly Thrissur, a new investment opportunity, and offer a good work-life balance for techies in Kerala who will now have another locational option. When fully functional, the Koratty park is expected to generate direct employment of around 6,000 IT professionals. stitutions can make surplus money. But they cannot distribute it among their shareholders. They can spend it for further expansion of the institution,” Sibal has said. To take forward the process of engaging their institutions in education sector in India, a number of foreign dignitaries, including British Trade and Investment Minister Mervyn Davies and Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed, have visited India. O c to be r





Innovation Lab is one of it’s kind venture which focus on innovation and innovative ideas. It is indeed a platform for the budding entrepreneurs to realise their dreams.


n this technology-dynamic world there are ideas popping up everyday. Some see the light of the day and some just stray away. To the one’s those were lucky enough to see the light of the day: congratulations. And for the ones who couldn’t, there is some good news for you. Innovation Lab Inc. Innovation Lab Innovation Lab is all together an innovative concept introduced for the first time in India. It is a brilliant opportunity for the innovative ideas to flourish and a perfect platform for innovative thinkers to establish their products. With the best of the infrastructure, technology and system support the innovators can establish their product without bothering to start from the scratch. With the latest available technology and regular up gradation, Innovation Lab provides with the “state of the art” facilities to conceptualize your idea.



Apart from the above said technical and infrastructure support, Innovation Lab also provides consultation, product support, and product formation assistance. So if you have an idea, which you think is innovative then Innovation Lab is the right place to realize it. For Students It’s more or less but the right time for the students to be enlightened about Innovation Lab. The academic Projects are on and students who have innovative ideas put in all their efforts to finish their projects and when completed it is stacked in and never looked back. And this is where Innovation Lab comes into the picture, if you have a brilliant and innovative idea for your Academic Project, you can walk into the Innovation Lab where your idea will be evaluated and you will be given complete technical, infrastructure and project based support.

Apart from that you will get an opportunity to interact directly with the leading technocrats from the corporate world, live training sessions, consulting and video-conferencing opportunity. If your idea is a step ahead and if you have the enthusiasm to make it big then Innovation Lab would take the role of an incubation centre, wherein your business idea will be incubated. For the students it’s a grand opportunity to work on their academic project in a perfect ambience and also to form their own company So for all those who have kept their ideas in the wrap for the hope that they can realize it in the future, it is a grand time as the future is now. Innovation Lab gives a perfect platform for the ideas to flourish and position themselves in the market. Indeed lays an opportunity for innovators at the Innovation Lab.



campaign update

I am an Entrepreneur

Campaign a big hit with students


lagged off from Technopark Trivandrum by Union Minister Dr.Shashi Tharoor, “I am an Entrepreneur” campaign has taken the state by a storm. The campaign started off from the Rajagiri School of Engineering and Technology and there after covered over nine colleges including SCMS School of Engineering and Technology, Matha College of Technology, Adi Shankara Institute of Engineering & Technology and SNM College. The

campaign also reached out to the students at FISAT, Sahradya College of Engineering and Vidya Academy of Science & Technology. The campaign has so far reached about more than three thousand students and the count is on. The campaign was welcomed with great enthusiasm by the students. The campaign got a great response from the students who were enthusiastic to come up with an innovative idea.

Rajagiri College of Engineering and Technology said, “the campaign was interesting and at the same time spreading awareness about the opportunities available. I personally am motivated to come up with some innovation to be an entrepreneur”. The level of enthusiasm is unmatched and it seems that during the course of the campaign we would surely get to see more of the same enthusiasm and participation.

To sum up the enthusiasm of the students as Cathy Abraham,

Visit for regular campaign updates.

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career plus


Job search on virtual world What makes Internet a better job searching tool


ob search has evolved over the time. Earlier, a job seeker’s only hope of finding a job was by poring through tiny classifieds of newspapers day after day, going through the list of jobs which were available instead of seeking the jobs he is interested in. Once the resume is sent, his only option is to hope that he’d get a call soon. Placement agencies also took months to get back with a job suited for him. Cut to: present, where job search, with the help of inter-



net, has become as simple as online shopping or in other words, quite literally, at your finger tips. All one needs to do is to be equipped with an electronic copy of the resume and one is ready to search for the job he has been dreaming about by using the immense power of the ‘internet’. Be a Smart Seeker The internet gives you the power to choose exactly the kind of job you require or else, it is best to let it choose the job suited for you by posting your

resume at countless number of sites out there. You can also create a website which could have your resume, profile and portfolio, consisting details of your previous experience so as to project yourself in a way to make a good impression upon the employer. Moreover, several companies are dependent on the internet for recruitment purposes by asking the jobseekers to apply for jobs by registering and posting the resume at their corporate home page. Thus, searching for a job in the market that is riding with the theme of ‘job crunch’,

11 internet, definitely, plays an important role in it. But then searching for a job on internet isn’t all that easy. The internet isn’t a limited place that one can finish searching in a shot. One also need to equip oneself with some things or could just end up looking un-professional. Let’s explore what one needs to know. When it comes to a fruitful online job search, successful job seekers follow certain guidelines. Your Resume When you send your résumé, you could either send it as an attachment (say a Word file) or as text within the e-mail message. With the first option, all the pretty formatting you’ve done remains. But remember most companies don’t have the patience to go through fancy attachments, especially if they’re huge. Text résumés are safe, but that means you can’t get into fancy formats. You can post them to résumé databases, newsgroups and mailing lists. Online Portfolio Instead of simply posting your resume on a Web site, take it one step further and design an easily-navigable Web site or online portfolio where recruiters can view your body of work, read about your goals and obtain contact information. Go Directly Rather than applying for the posted job opening, one

of the best strategies to finding a job is to go directly to the source, i.e. first figure out where you want to work, target that company or industry and then contact the hiring manager. Also, many employers’ career pages invite visitors to fill out candidate profiles, describing their background, jobs of interest, salary requirements and other preferences.


TechnoFIRST career plus

keywords, company names, experience needed and salary. Newspaper Websites All well-known newspapers have their commercial Websites. Newspaper websites help individuals to access job listings at local, national and international levels. The site is an excellent job site for searching

earching for a job in the market that is riding with the theme of ‘job crunch’, internet, definitely, plays an important role in it Job websites have feature that allows you to sign up to receive e-mail alerts about newly available jobs that match your chosen resume

Refine your Search Refine your search even more by visiting your industry’s national or regional Web site, where you can find jobs in your field that might not appear on popular job search sites. More and more employers are advertising jobs on these sites in hopes of getting a bigger pool of qualified applicants. Many ‘job-seeking’ sites offer filters to help users refine their search results more quickly. You should have the option to narrow your job search by region, industry and duration, and, oftentimes, you can narrow it even more by

classified ads in the classified employment sections of over 30 newspapers. Similar Indian sites are www.Timesclassifieds. com and www.Indiaclassifieds. com. You can also use the site to reach newspapers of any country of your choice and look for job openings. Online Recruiters Online Recruiters will help match you with jobs that meet your specific skills and needs. Sites such as,, and provide links to online recruiters. One could also enter a query that describes O c to be r


Techno FIRST

career plus


the exact kind of job you’re seeking and you may find more resources you wouldn’t find otherwise. Most job websites have feature that allows you to sign up to receive e-mail alerts about newly available jobs that match your chosen resume. Utilise such job alerts as they inform you about job openings that are posted by companies just a few minutes ago. Networking Networking in the traditional way, like exchanging business cards with strangers, has been followed by many people seeking a job till the emergence of professional networking websites like This keeps people connected to others at any given point of time. Such sites are allows lakhs of industry professionals to connect with people you know and the people they know and so forth. However, when you sign up for online social networking sites, you are in a public domain. Unless you are able to put a filter on some of your information, nothing is private, and it can be difficult to erase once it is posted. Follow Up Following up when you have applied for a job online can be tricky. Many companies don’t list a contact person because they don’t want to be bombarded with phone calls and emails. They want to follow up with those candidates they October


are interested in and not have to deal with the rest of them. It’s better to be respectful of the employer’s wishes and if the ad says no calls, don’t call. Rather, follow up with an email a week or so after you’ve submitted your materials to check on the status of your application. Unfortunately, many employers are really bad at following up. There are people who have sent hundreds of resumes and only received a few


replies. If you don’t hear back soon after applying, follow up, and if you still don’t get a response, forget it but don’t stop and don’t wait. Remember that there are several options available and the opportunity to get a good job is just a click away. So beat the competition by seeking a job in a smarter way - the Internet way.

A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad. -Theodore Roosevelt

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cover story


Academic Projects

An important step towards career and future October



TechnoFIRST cover story

Jayakrishnan G. Pillai Ruthvik Amonkar


t is “Academic Project” season in most of the Indian colleges and also a thoughtful time for the students. The scenario is clear to most of the students as they know they have to complete the project at any COST. Academic projects these days are more or less about getting things done as soon as possible and with the least effort involved. TF looks into the facts and significance of the academic projects.

it is considered to be a hurdle and not a learning experience. The sadder picture is the fact that most of the students tend to submit project that isn’t their effort instead someone else’s project, about which he or she would have a basic idea about, as part of their academic project. This is indeed an easy job done but this would surely backfire once you know the importance of the academic project in one’s career.

Academic Projects Academic project is a matter of concern and a cause of worry for most of students and that could be the reason why students tend to choose the most common and undisputedly the easiest of the projects. What they fail to understand is that the academic projects are to enable them to understand the know-how about the real world. These projects should be considered as one of the major areas of students. This academic project should also demonstrate the application of skills, knowledge of the discipline to solving a problem representative of the type to be encountered at the professional level and above all the enthusiasm to get things done positively and innovatively.

“My academic project was based on DOT Net and fortunately I took my projects seriously and I learnt a lot during the course of my project. During the early days of my job that helped me a lot because I knew what it was all about” said Ashish Mahajan. There are projects available for lump sum money but what you fail to get is the experience and the knowledge that will help you grow throughout your career. Being Thoughtful

The Scenario Today Starting from September till March, is usually the project time for all BTech, MCA, BCA, MSC and CS students. And everybody is busy with either completing their project for their academic purpose or just completing their final semester hurdle. Most of the students are not aware about the importance, advantages and the requirements of the academic projects as

Many national and international universities promote and sponsor worthy projects. These projects develop into different kinds of functional commercial products, potential applications or both. The developments of such projects are possible through a holistic approach. Most students start thinking about their project only during the year they need to submit the project. Quality projects are built through long term planning and preparations. Each year of study should have an impact in the way one thinks therefore plans for the project. According to Clarence A K, Head of the Innovations Lab “Select a relevant O c to be r



cover story


topic, make sure that you are using the latest technology, industry tools and always be innovative”. So it is not just important to be thoughtful but at the same time it is important that the projects are chosen efficiently. According Biju Jacob, Director- Logic Software Solutions “Every student must take care while selecting the project. He or she should decide which ca-

process. In the case of industry projects they are giving equal importance to the documentation and process. The process involves following proper project management strategies. For e.g. Before the project starts you should have to prepare a Requirement Analysis Document, and then based on that a Software Requirement Specification (SRS) should be created, if any change is required. have

What You Gain


any are not aware about the advantages completing an academic project on their own. The academic projects gives you an experience which can help you build your career. A live project experience: It gives students a live project experience and also the feel of working in the professional environment. This is also an opportunity to understand how organizations work. High Performance: The Company will ask you to do a small project at the time of your interview with employers and here you can perform well than other students. Confidence: It gives the confidence to students to face interviews with courage during the recruitment drive. The most frequently asked question during an interview is about the projects and that is because of the lack of work experience among college students. reer track they would opt for and accordingly choose the topic. Always ensure that your academic project is career oriented. Also know the technologies and select the one which is relevant” Process and Documentation Most of the students are not aware about the importance of proper documentation and October


to apply proper change management methods. The coding part should have proper coding standards and comments etc. “ln the case of our projects, we are utilizing more than 30% of our billable hours for process and documentation” Says Aarathi Gopal of Cognizant Technology Solutions. Be ensures that your projects follows

proper process and documentation. Change is Needed There is a tendency among students to grab a subject and work on it without thinking about what, when and how they are going to pursue it. A change has to be brought in, in terms of understanding the project and also about how you are going to pursue it. A clear understanding about the project would be a great help in completing it within the time frame and with a possible greater success rate. Most of the students are facing difficulties in identifying a good idea. In the current scenario, it is advisable to look for a project which has more commercial value with it. Understand the business/ functional scenarios with different industry; find out a good requirement for those scenarios. Once the requirement is mapped brain storm your idea with the experts. Once you have identified a good idea, do proper financial analysis before finalizing the idea. You can approach any company or institution for their guidance on your proposed projects. The colleges should also care to take this initiative to make the students understand the importance of choosing a better project and at the same time guide them through the project completion. Kenny Jacob, former CTO of the much acclaimed student startup Torque


TechnoFIRST cover story

up. An industry related projects and exposure will help you to add more value to your profile. Even though, many multi national companies are not encouraging live projects in their premises, you can easily find an opportunity in a small or medium size company. Always ensure the following things while doing a project. 4Examine your project options carefully and completely 4Choose your project partners with care. Be confident that your team will share the work proportionately and they share the same level of enthusiasm for the project as you do. 4Choose your advisor with the same care. this relation should be comfortable right from the start. 4As a first step, with input from your advisor, develop a scope statement, action plan, talks about the kind of care an educational institution should take in order to produce good academic projects. “A drastic change is needed in the existing scenario. Students must be provided with reasonable time, proper technical expertise and support, otherwise the students may go for paid projects that are readily available in the market. lf the students seek the help of any institutions; don’t compromise in the quality of projects. Make sure it is of high

quality from the synopsis and other specifications”. The Right Step Ahead There are a few things that you might need through the course of time. A right advisor, a team and above all a right plan. Also you may either select a company or institution for the project development. Discuss with them about the projects to be developed, analyze whether they are capable for the project you want to take

ln the case of our projects, we are utilizing more than 30% of our billable hours for process and documentation” Aarathi Gopal of Cognizant Technology Solutions.

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cover story


What You Need The selection of proper technology

There are lots of technologies for developing the project like ASP.Net, C #.Net, VB.Net, PHP, JAVA, JEE5.0, etc. We have to select the suitable one from this list. For example if you prefer Web based projects, it is better to go for ASP.Net or PHP or Java. If you are not interested in web applications, you may go for windows applications in C#.Net, VB.Net or Java/JEE .No body can say that which one is the best. We suggest

and budget. this may be in the form of a project proposal. 4Discuss the expectations of your advisor as to the expected end result of the project. Discuss such matters as frequency of meetings and progress reports. Set up a schedule. The Evaluation In the project evaluation process, many factors will be evaluated, those can be your involvement in the project, proper documentations, process followed, utilization of subject, out put, deadlines followed, presentation skills, knowledge about the subject and project management and structuring. According to Prof. Jyothi John, Principal, College of Engineering, Adoor “We October


that you should select the project according to your taste and ability. There are lots of requirements in every field. So there is no point in the selection of the project on the basis of job and also there are lots to study and develop in each technology. Get an idea about the project Make a picture in mind what to develop. Either you can come up with your idea or discuss with some experienced hands. Or you can approach any company or Institution for their guidance on your proposed projects.

A drastic change is needed in the existing scenario. Students must be provided with reasonable time, proper technical expertise and support, otherwise the students may go for paid projects that are readily available in the market. lf the students seek the help of any institutions; don’t compromise in the quality of projects. Make sure it is of high quality from the synopsis and other specifications” Kenny Jacobs,

generally evaluate the amount of involvement a particular student has in the particular project. The selection of the topic and its relevance to the discipline and the utilization of the theory that the student has learnt in the class. The originality of the selected topic or the idea also plays a major part in impressing the reviewer” Many students are not aware about the advantages and the requirement of the academic projects and fail to understand the seriousness of the projects. This leads to misuse of the older projects. This is not a good tendency because it affects their career indirectly yet severely. One should understand that the academic project is not just a hurdle to get across and


The location The next step is where the project to be developed. You may either select a company or institution for the project development. Discuss with them about the projects to be developed, analyze whether they are capable for the project you want to take up.

TechnoFIRST cover story

Right guidance The final step is choosing the right guidance. This is the most important step. You will get projects from different sources but developing the projects need assistance from experienced

hands as well as proper guidance is very important. Here we recommend you to the Institutions which give good live projects. You have to confirm the quality of project from the synopsis and specification received from the company’s clients. All institutions use live projects, but it is very unfortunate to say that all are not providing it, so be prudent while dealing with them. Consulting and choosing a right guidance is very important for a student because an academic project should be treated seriously with the awareness and bewareness of building up of their future career and fruitful life.

complete your graduation, rather it is a tool to understand the industry requirement and pol-

ishing your skills which further will help you with your dream career.

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cover story




raining institutes offer projects and when we say offer we mean they sell projects. The training is just an idea out here. It is purely business but this doesn’t mean that all of them are selling projects but some of them are. This is the time when students gear up to get their projects done. Some software companies develop less software and sell more projects to students. It is indeed very profitable for the institutes and no doubt they would promote the idea of ready made. They can sell the same project to many by just changing titles. These institutes or the so called project sellers are in the safety zone because the students are there to buy there projects and hardly do people cross check whether these projects are authentic or a pull off from some other projects. The Loser The end results of all these factors are going to point out the very simple fact that the students are the only losers. The academic project is a grand opportunity for the students to understand the October


Academic Projects

FOR SALE functioning and the process involved in building an application. Every student is given about six months to go around with their project and this indeed an opportunity for them to understand get a feel of the professional world.

“I worked for a BPO for three months and earned enough to buy a project and even accumulate some savings for myself ” said 23 year old Mahesh Adithyan (name changed). And this is the case with most of the engineering students. The best thing to do is to grab the opportunity to learn what would be the life cycle of a project by doing a project completely on your own. Understand the domain, database design, user-interface design, coding etc. The Business The “Academic Projects” business is a flourishing one. The institute’s act like a middle man. They help a set of student to complete their respective projects initially and there after they start selling and reselling these projects. The motive is purely profit and with less investment rather almost nothing

this surely is going to fill a lot of pockets. These projects are available starting from Rs. 3000 upto Rs. 8000 depending on the kind of projects you are looking out for. Most of these institutes or organization started of as places to help students groom while they are working on the projects and help them work on the projects. Over the period they have evolved to be a source for finished projects and that too at a cost. There is nothing that could be done to stop this business except for that the students start understanding the importance of academic projects. The colleges should take interest in the selection criteria of the projects and should act like a guide where in the students could get a lot of support from within the colleges itself. The students should choose proper institutes and organization to complete their projects instead of wasting their time and finally buying the projects at a cost that is going to cost them a lot and when we say cost we are talking about the lost opportunity to gain the experience.



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2009 cmyk




smart techie


SmartTechie Initial Job With Wipro Technologies Current designation, Career progress Project Engineer, Moved between projects due to internal transfer hence worked in 3 different roles for the same product development. Worked as a tester, developer and now into providing solutions to clients. Best aspect of my job Continuous learning, independence in doing my work Work platform Linux Work environment Environment is good since no pressure of releases etc... Timing is from 8.30am to 6.00 pm

India finds Water



What’s more important: salary or job satisfaction? Ofcourse, Job satisfaction What’s the best way a freshout-of-college employee can impress you during the first week on the job? Excellent grasping ability How do you relieve job frustration? By not thinking about work except when I am at my work place. What one thing do you know now that you wish you could have known in your past? A person who has done his graduation in computer science

(B.Sc Computers, Msc Computers, BCA, MCA, or Engg in IT, CS branches etc...) will always have an edge over the others (at least in the beginning of their career) if they are to work in the software industry. This in turn means that the others will have to go an extra mile to reach the level these people are already at. However, what knowledge is required for the job will be normalized through trainings provided by the companies. What’s the worst career advice you’ve ever received? No such advices so far. Future plans, higher studies? To continue working. No plans of higher studies as of now.

India made it to the moon, well, this time before anyone else could do that. There had been a lot of discussion about whether our mission to the moon was a failure and even a widespread declaration by the masses that the mission was indeed a failure. But what turns around to be the reality was an eye opener for the world and not just a success but a discovery that the world would cherish for the ages to come. The discovery of widespread but small amounts water on the surface of the moon stands as one of the most surprising findings in planetary science. It is an incredible finding. The implication is that if you ever to go to the moon to set up human habitation you never would require taking water for human to survive. India’s Chandrayaan-1 probe and data from two other spacecraft confirm the presence of water on the moon. Fine layers of “water” particles were found in lunar soil, the discovery was also made from samples brought back from the Apollo missions. Now, to all those who questioned the Indian mission to moon being a success, its time to rethink.

GATE open now

It’s is GATE time. GATE is indeed your gateway to the best of the institutes in our country so all those aspiring to get through to these institutes, its time to be focused on the preparation. What Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is an all India examination administered and conducted jointly by the Indian Institute of Science and seven IIT’s on behalf of the National Coordination Board GATE, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of In-

dia. Admission of Postgraduate courses, with MHRD scholarship/assistantship, in engineering/Technology/Architecture/ pharmacy at colleges/Institutes will be open only to those who qualify in GATE. The objectives of GATE is to identify meritorious and motivated candidates for admission to postgraduate programs in Engineering at the National level. When Last date of issue of Application Form 8 By post from GATE Offices Oct 20 2009


TechnoFIRST update

8 At bank counters Oct 28 2009 8 At GATE office counters Oct 30 2009 Last Date 8 Online application form Submission : Oct 28 2009 8 Receipt of completed Application Form Nov 03 2009 8 Date of the Online Examination TF paper : Feb 07 2010 MN paper : Feb 07 2010 8 Offline Examination for all other papers : Feb 14, 2010 For further information log on to :

O c to be r



career track


Career in Software Testing New Trends


one are the days when software testing was a side kick to the whole software development process. And for those who believed that software testing is inferior to software development need to get a sanity check done. Software Testing has now become a full fledge industry domain. If you are one of those who can think out of the box and way beyond that, can evaluate a situation from different perspective and angles, can withstand work related stress and crack an application using stress tests then you can look forward to building a career in software testing. Career in Software Testing not only provides tremendous opportunities for growth but also a decent remuneration. No organization, big or small, wants to face the embarrassment of their software failing just because of a small mistake that goes unseen. So the organizations have started bringing in the Software Testers to avoid such defects from the start. Some companies have started positioning themselves as Independent Software Testing (IST) service providers who provide specialized software testing October



ver a period there has been a sweeping change brought into application testing due to just in technologies like Software-as-aService (SaaS), Cloud Computing and virtualization Some of the recent trends in software testing domain indicate an upsurge in : 4 SOA Testing 4 Security testing 4 Testing in Cloud Computing environments 4 Tool based regression automa tion and performance testing 4 On-demand testing services 4 Risk-Based testing 4 VoIP application testing

services to other organizations, to test their products or to device software testing practices for their processes. The rapid growth seen in Software Testing has erased the myth that if somebody can’t



career track

Software Testing as a career in India is not just open for software professionals but also for professionals from other industry, because today software testing is not just confined to application testing but to the whole process of development and also to the need to adhere to quality norms. Its not just about the propriety of the software code and software knowledge, instead it is more about the scenarios the software will be subjected to in this speedily growing economy. Indian market will require approximately 1, 65,000 testers by the year 2013, as per the projection.


f you are one of those who can think out of the box and way beyond that, can evaluate a situation from different perspective and angles and crack an application using stress tests then you can look forward to building a career in software testing.

make a career in development, sidered to be an integral part of then only does he settle down development right from the requirement definition stage. This into testing. increased attention to Testing In India has turned it into a serious caAs of now in India Software reer option for software engiTesting, which was once consid- neers in India. If we talk about ered as an integral part of the the money factor then Testing Software Development, is con- in our country can be compared sidered to be independent from with any other IT services in development. Testing, which was terms of revenue for the orgaonce considered to be a post de- nization and remuneration for velopment activity, is today con- the individual.

Skills at Hand If you have mastered the fundamentals of computer science and also have an instinct to understand the pattern of a problem and also the idea to solve these problems then you stand a better chance above the rest to be a part of this growing job opportunity. Analytical skills and creative thinking to fulfill requirements of a customer and million others will be an added advantage. Software test engineers need to have knowledge of programming languages like C, C++, VB and scripting languages like VBscript, Shell, Python, and Pearl. These skills are in demand with the increasing demand for automation engineers. The technical skills should be supplemented with domain expertise to form a holistic team for testing. If you have an experience in handling prominent automation testing tools O c to be r



career track


from companies like IBM, HP, Mercury etc can act like catalyst to get you a job as a Software Tester and particularly if you are a fresher. If you are a fair hand at test automation tools for regression automation and performance testing, database, analytical and lateral thinking, programming skills and have a great knowledge of test management and test processes and of the platform used for developing the application it will be the icing on the cake. Opportunities Ahead In the current scenario if you are a Software testing professionals who wants to design his or her career there are many interesting opportunities open based on individual preferences. A fresher who enters the industry as a test engineer, can choose the testing line or else move towards the quality assurance line where he can become QA lead and then QA manager. A typical career path for a professional tester would unfold as a junior test engineer, test engineer, test analyst, test lead, QA manager, followed by program manager/ COE head. Courses and Certifications Academic knowledge in software testing is the starting point which brings in more awareness of the available career options in IT industry. This needs to be further enhanced with specialized trainings in different areas of testing based on individual preferences and market needs. A October



s of now in India Software Testing, which was once considered as an integral part of the Software Development, is considered to be independent from development.

stamp of approval from a credible institute by means of certifications improves the confidence of the employers as well as clients on the testing professionals. Tool specific certifications are available from OEMs such as IBM, HP, Borland, etc. Obtaining certifications like CSTE (Certified Software Test Engineer) from recognized institutions or from online certification site can help strengthen your resume. For fresher, the organizations themselves train them on various testing tools


and quality standards. But, a test engineer who has already gained some experience can look forward for a specialized certification to jump-start his career. Your Call If you have seen a future for yourself in Software Testing than you should be in the opinion and understand that it is more than just a part of Software developing. The market is on a lookout for the Software Testers so grab the opportunity and make the most out of it.

stamp of approval from a credible institute by means of certifications improves the confidence of the employers as well as clients on the testing professionals.



company review

About the company Patni Computer Systems Ltd. is one of the leading global providers of Information Technology services and business solutions. Over 14,500 professionals service clients across diverse industries, from 27 sales offices across the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific, and 22 Global Delivery Centers in strategic locations across the world. They have serviced more than 400 FORTUNE 1000 companies, for over two decades. Brand Value Patni is a brand known to the masses due to the ads on the transportation fleet across Mumbai. There aren’t many marketing campaigns undertaken by Patni. Career growth and onsite opportunities. There are many Onsite Opportunities as we are spread all over the world and it is directly linked with ongoing and new projects and their requirements. Career Growth is totally linked to once performance and how one tends to choose his or her career track. How is the work environment and how efficient is the communication between the teams or department? Work Environment depends a lot on manager that one gets so it shall vary on case to case


computer systems basis. You may get good as well as bad experience according to your working style and your attitude. Communications between teams is good and that keeps a healthy work environment. Work pressure and Work life balance. Depends on the Manager or the Superiors of the project on hand. Correct Project Estimation and understanding of your project is also important. Wrong estimations or frequent client design change request can add to pressure. Satisfaction with salary and quality of work Work Quality is generally good as one gets to work on challenging projects rather than get stuck onto repetitive work for years. Salary is satisfactory as

per the industry standards. What type of work is your company into? Patni is basically a service and solution provider. Do you recommend your company to others? If I have to recommend I will recommend it to a fresher as one gets to learn a lot in start of career. Initially would have to compromise on the salary but money shall flow in later, and as far market goes it is believed that time spent out here is well rewarded in job market. DISCLAIMER: This is an individual’s point of view about the company that he is employed with and as per the request the identity of that individual shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. O c to be r



expert view



The DNA for Entrepreneurship


hether the entrepreneurs are ‘born or made’, is a question that appears to be the basic argument between nature and nurture. E. K. Vinod




his article is not about the movie ET the ExtraTerrestrial a film directed by Steven Spielberg but about Entrepreneurial Traits that is required in every person who wants to be successful in the field of business. Entrepreneurs are considered vital to the development of our economy since they create wealth and jobs. And while TechnoFIRST through ‘I’m an Entrepreneur’ campaign are always on the lookout for ways to spark entrepreneurship in the campus, no one knows precisely what leads people to start their own business. Whether the entrepreneurs are ‘born or made’, is a question that appears to be the ba-

29 sic argument between nature and nurture. I strongly believe that the entrepreneurs are both born and made. Because when some people are born with natural talent and risk tolerance, entrepreneur-ship skills can be learned by everyone. Let me share my own experience. I was born in a middle class family where both my parents were social workers. There was no entrepreneurial culture in my family. Despite all the objections I became family first entrepreneur in 1987 after completing my college education. The year 1987 was still the licensed raj where elaborate licenses, regulations and the accompanying red tape that were required to set up and run business in India. It’s not that certain people are predestined to be entrepreneurs. In addition to in-born characteristics, there are important entrepreneurial skills that can be learned. Chief among these is the ability to see and articulate a vision, as well as to build and motivate a team. Unlike in-born characteristics, there are tools used in the application of these skills, such as opportunity identification, evaluation and communication, and consequently they can be learned from others and continually improved. We all can learn how to do it. But some personal characteristics will lead you to do better than others.


expert view

Below is an entrepreneurial assessment test, which will help you in your personal evaluation process. The traits detailed below generally identify who is and who is not cut out to be entrepreneur. Rate each of the following 11 characteristics using the following scale

+2 +1 0 -1 -2

Very strong in this characteristic Possess this characteristic Don’t know Have very little of this characteristic Do not possess this characteristic

Characteristics +2 +1 0 -1 -2 1. Creative 2. Take Calculated Risk 3. Self-Confident 4. Dynamic 5. Like to Lead others 6. Market Savvy 7. Resourceful 8. Persevere/Determined 9. Optimistic 10. Knowledgeable 11. High Energy Level Total Grand Total =

Total your score for the eleven characteristics. 8 Add the pluses and subtract the minuses. 8 Your score will fall between –22 to +22. 8 Below 15? Wait and try another day because if you’re between +10 and +15 you have leadership instincts that can someday put you over the top. 8 A high positive score demonstrates you share many of the characteristics of successful entrepreneurs. 8 Negative or low positive scores indicate you may not currently possess or rely on these characteristics. 8 Low scores do not mean one will not be an entrepreneur. For example, an individual tested or assessed has all the apparent attributes of an entrepreneur profile and then fails in their new venture they undertake, the mantel of O c to be r


network partner


tf review


an entrepreneur can never be worn because the word “Entrepreneur” embodies the word “Success”. So you may be wondering how you can work on being an entrepreneur. Here’s a list of a few things that have helped me in the past, 8 Realize that all of us have an entrepreneurially side to us, 8 If you want to start a business, make sure that you pick something your really passionate about, 8 Take small steps, and accept the fact that there are going to be set backs, 8 Create a plan on how you’re going to deal with set-backs as they come up,

Web s i te R eview

8 Fine tune your idea by bouncing it off friends

and family,

8 Start making a plan on how you would like

your business to start, and how it will grow,

8 Constantly improve your skills, never stop

learning, and.

8 Try to have fun…the more fun you have the

better off you’re going to be! Finally remember, anyone can start a business. The secret is picking a venture that fits your entrepreneurial personality. E.K Vinod is a motivator. He has an experience of more than two decades in the world of academics and entrepreneurship.


ustomGuide is a repository for beginners, covering a range of basic software and programs, across Windows and Mac platforms.The resource includes guides on multiple versions of Microsoft Access, Excel, FrontPage, InfoPath, Office, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Project, Publisher, SharePoint, Visio, Windows and Word, as well as Internet Explorer. Other popular guides include Mac OSX Tiger, Appleworks 6, Adobe Acrobat, Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Flash. Each guide is a two-page PDF file that can be downloaded to your computer by right-clicking on the name and saving the target to disk. Formatted in a manner that makes it easy to print, the two pages offer the basics of everything you would need to know about the program, from elements to keyboard shortcuts. So if you want to take up a new application or OS, you know where to download it from.

Bo ok R eview

the girl from foreign By: Sadia Shepherd October



his is a beautifully crafted memoir of a young half-Muslim, halfChristian woman who travels to India to connect with a tiny Jewish community and unlock her family’s secret history. Its about the search to connect with her community and understand its unique traditions. The story also talks about how her journey brings her into contact with a cast of remarkable characters, tests her sense of self, and forces her to examine what it means to lose and seek one’s place, one’s homelands, and one’s history. In the process, she unearths long-lost family secrets, confronts her fears of failure, and finds love in places that surprise her. The Girl from Foreign is her poetic and touching attempt to reconcile with her family’s past and help determine her future. When offered the choice, will she be able to choose among the religious and cultural identities that have shaped her? It is an unforgettable story of family secrets, buried identities, lost histories, forbidden love, and, above all, eye-opening self- discovery.

Get your Dream Career Now just Rs.300 ! Tick




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Technology Enterprenuership & Career Magazine


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Not job track

Just Verbal

IN SHORT Be careful about what you carry for an intervie Your mannerism during interview is important Your expression and gestures should be appropriate

Priyanka Narayanan


ob interviews are not just about your verbal qualities but about your non verbal communication skills


ou walk in for an interview and the only thing that’s going through your head is what is to be answered and what all would be the possible questions. But then what we fail to understand is the October


fact that there is more to an interview than your resume and the verbal communication that is held. The recruiter looks beyond that and the things that would matter would be your mannerism, your attire and above all the

level of optimism you could bring into the organization. There are many things that could strike you off the recruitment chart. To begin with, assume that you walk into the room with an air of pride and also are badly

33 dressed; no question about it but you will have two strikes against you name. According to Anjali Damaodharan, recruitment officer with a leading consultancy firm“ For an interview, the first impression makes a lot of difference because that’s the only time you meet the person on the other end of the table, if you can impress them, you meet them again other wise you are out”. So as to impress the recruiter, along with the communication skills you need to work on you personality and non verbal communication characteristics. Even if you are good at answering questions, you won’t get the job if you fail to pay attention to these two factors. When you go for a job interview, you want to have a professional appearance, and your mind should be on the interview. What you Have It is very important what you carry with yourself for an interview. Things you should bring to a job interview are notepads, a portfolio and breathe mints. There are certain things that we can avoid and that would include the obvious mobiles, ipods and cigarette packs. Dirty clothes should be avoided along with improper dressing style. Having cigarettes or clothes which are dirty will also convey a bad

signal. During the Interview Once the interview has started, make eye contact with the person who is interviewing you. You should smile, but only when it is appropriate. You will want to make sure the tone of your voice is even at all times. You need to speak clearly, neither too low nor very loud. Always lean forward to make sure they know that you are interested in what they have to say. Always listen to what is being said and also make sure you don’t interrupt because that will be a mark down. Your Expression During the interview make sure your hands are resting in your lap. Waving your hands around while you speak is a big no and can give in a picture of you being hyperactive which in turn is a negative or a mark down. If you are talking about previous jobs you’ve had, refrain from frowning even if talking about it makes you angry. When you are called into the room with the interview, shake hands with the person interviewing you. Make sure the handshake is firm. It is also important to make sure your hands are not wet or sweaty. Wash and dry you hands before the interview begins. If you have bad body language, or your non verbal communication is not in order,

TechnoFIRST job track

you won’t be hired, even if you are qualified for the job. While nonverbal communication is important, it is also important to pay attention to your verbal communication. Don’t say insulting things about your previous jobs, even if you hated them. You should also avoid making insulting comments about previous managers you’ve worked under.

Chalk something up to something else Meaning: to say that something is caused by something else. Application: She doesn’t even bother to say thank you, but I just chalk it up to bad manners and try not to let it bother me.

Run before you can walk Meaning: to try to do something complicated and difficult before you have learned the basic skills you need to attempt it. Application: I think you should stick to a simple menu for your dinner party. There’s no point trying to run before you can walk. O c to be r



study abroad


Now is the time to take that


By Ross Geraghty


he author Mark Twain, noticing his own obituary in an 1897 newspaper, famously wired to the editor, “The report of my death was an exaggeration”, and went on to live for another thirteen fairly productive years. The anxious glances by professionals considering an MBA or executive MBA (EMBA) are similarly exaggerated. Despite the gloomy front-page stories in early 2009, the economic downturn will not be the death of MBA recruitment or business school applications. In fact, October


the opposite is true - the MBA culture is countercyclical. This means that many professionals who have lost their jobs and received a payoff, or perhaps are just feeling insecure in their positions, are sensibly viewing the downturn as the perfect time for business school. They rightly feel they can ace that MBA and hit the ground running when the upturn happens. In 2008, MBA recruiters – the best yardstick of the value of an MBA - are not going to be bitten as they were in 2001, when they took a conservative

line on hiring, leaving them with a dearth of qualified leaders when the inevitable upswing occurred. This in turn influenced business school recruitment, applications decreased and some reported the death of the MBA boom. This time around, though there’s news of job losses and hiring freezes, especially in finance, MBA recruiters are being far less cautious. Nuria Guilera, Admissions Director at ESADE, a top business school in Spain, observed that the ESADE MBA Career Fair in October 2008 featured 30 companies, an increase on 2007, and only the recently folded Lehman Brothers had dropped. “The real economy is still business as usual and looking to hire MBAs,” says Guilera, though she adds “it is perhaps too soon to know whether the situation will improve or deteriorate.” Judith Hodara, associate director of admissions of The Wharton School in Pennsylvania, agrees that the outlook is bright: “MBA recruiting results for the class of 2008 were outstanding, both in terms of job offers and salaries achieved by MBA graduates – ahead of levels achieved in 2007.” For the risk-averse, a secure current position may have more appeal. For the increasing numbers for whom the situation is less secure, or those who know that the benefits of an MBA out-



study abroad

weigh the risk, now is the time to get researching, get those applications in and save a seat at a top business school. Nunzio Quacquarelli, managing director of the QS World MBA Tour, which visits the Sheraton Boston Hotel in Dalton St on 26th Feb, says: “We feel we have the best place to start researching those business school options, meeting the world’s most influential admissions officers face to face.”

brain TREE adjudged best

For him, the spike in interest and applications to business school is happening for a number of reasons. “Some young professionals are choosing to try and sit out the downturn in business school while for others it’s a more calculated decision. Either way, during tough economic times, getting an education will put you in a fantastic place to get ahead into a strong management position during the upswing.”

YMCA- UNI Y has presented the state award for Best managed Communicative English and IELTS coaching centre to Mr Sunil Krishna the Managing Director of brainTREE-Thrissur , the award was given by the Honorable Revenue Minister Mr K P Rajendran in the esteemed presence of MLA Mr Therambil RamaKrishnan,State YMCA President MR Vargese Paul and other dignitaries, thefunction on was held on the sept 4th at Vivekodayam School- Thrissur.

For thousands of young professionals, now is the time to get moving, get that necessary MBA education and advance your career in time for the rebounding economy. It’s one sure way to show that career atrophy is an exaggeration. Mark Twain would have been proud.

O c to be r



placement track


Placement Experience A description about the com- it will be evening for the results pany that you got placement to be announced. But, amazing with? everyone, results came exactly 45 minutes after the exam was Cosmic Circuits Pvt. Ltd. over! provides differentiated Analog and Mixed Signal IPs for Few friends along with me SOCs. Its primary focus is on were selected for the final interanalog and the best part is its view which was of course purely an Indian company, founded in technical. He initially focused 2005. Power management, Data on the written exam question converters, Clocking, Audio etc. paper. He pointed out the quesare the primary focus areas. Its tions which I answered wrong a rapidly growing company and and asked questions based on has been awarded “Red Herring them. Somehow, I was able to 100 Asia” for 2007. give correct answers to all those questions. Then he moved on to Recruitment procedure a simple RC circuit and asked We were actually amazed me to plot the voltage across by everything. Only one person the capacitor. Once I plotted it, came to our college from Cos- he moved on to a more difficult mic Circuits for the recruitment. circuit. Finally after 3-4 such And that was the Vice President circuits he asked me if I had of Engineering of the company. anything to ask. I started askThe presentation was to-the- ing about the company, its scope point and after a brief question areas etc. and that was it. Interanswer session, the written test view over. began.. Purely technical and descriptive questions mostly fo- Your preparations ? cused on network analysis, RC, Actually I spent time on imRLC circuits. We had to plot proving my funda on circuit thelots of graphs also. ory and network analyzing etc. The written exam lasted for The book “Introductory Linear about one and a half hour. We Electrical Circuits and Electhought since it was written stuff tronics” by Michael C. Kelly and with lots of derivations and all, Benjamin Nichols helped me a October


A. Harisankar

Design Engineer Cosmic Circuits Pvt. Ltd. Bangalore lot in that. Were you nervous? I felt that when I was about to step into the interview room till I sat on the chair. The friendly smile of the person sitting in front of me helped me lose it. How you managed the pressures? Big companies coming to the campus. There will be pressure. Sometimes, during interviews of some companies, the interviewer may try to pressurize you. But, in an interview of a company like this, you should never expect any stress interview. It will be a really friendly atmosphere inside the interview room. Pressure may build up once you cannot answer a question. But he gave me enough time for answering his questions and never pressurized me. Advice to future job seekers? It’s just about knowing your weak points and strengthening all those. Be confident, (definitely not over-confident) and optimistic and strengthen your funda. That is the most important thing. And, of course prayers do help


37 e v e n t s S t a r t u p B u z z



HE STARTUPBUZZ VC Showcase is surely an all together new concept introduced by the THE STARTUP BUZZ. In market where start-ups are grooming up each day in the numbers of hundreds and thousand and so is the need for the Venture Capitalist growing.


This event is the first of its kind event in India where Venture Capitalists and Angel Investors showcase about their firms, explaining about their expectations from the entrepreneurs. This is also an opportunity for the entrepreneurs to have a direct conversation and discussion with the VC. Each VC/Investor will have their own table setup only for meeting great companies and entrepreneurs. Along with showcase, there are wide ranges of sessions focusing on building successful startup, best practices, funding theory

VC Showcase

and lot more. With over 50 VC’s participating this would indeed be a great opportunity for the VC’s, Angel Investors and even the Entrepreneurs to understand the investment and the market scenario to its best.


THE STARTUP BUZZ VC Showcase is going to be conducted at The Chancery Hotel, Lavelle Road, Bangalore. Registration Fee for the VC/Investor is Rs.1, 000 /- (Per 2 Representatives) and for the Startup/Entrepreneur, it is Rs.500 /- (Per delegate).


THE STARTUP BUZZ VC Showcase is going to be held on the 24th October 2009. Limited number of Registrations. Act soon!! For Sponsorships or Event Support, please contact Mr. Ohmprakash on 9739721611

O c to be r


TechnoFIRST TBI news


Telecom Innovation Hub TBI

The 2nd TBI under Technopark Granted to operate under PPP Model in Infopark, Koratty, Kerala


new TBI for incubating Telecom based companies was granted for the joint proposal submitted by Technopark-TBI & MobME. The National Advisory Committee (NAC) on Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Parks/Technology Business Incubators (STEP/TBI) meeting chaired by Prof S K Joshi recommended setting up of a TBI under PPP model between Technopark TBI and MobME at Korraty, Kerala focusing on application of Telecommunication Technologies services and products. The Committee in its meeting held on Aug 5, 2009 at Coimbatore recommended DST funding kumar, CEO MobME and Mr. K.C. Chanof Rs.250 Lakhs for the new project after listening drasekharan Nair, Secretary cum Registrar, to the presentations made by Mr. Sanjay Vijaya- T-TBI.

India Innovation Growth Program in Texas, USA


epartment of Science and Technology (Govt. of India), Lockheed Martin Corporation along with Indo-US Science and Technology Forum and FICCI conducted a workshop on “Technology Commercialization” as a part of The India Innovation Growth Programme from September 8-18, 2009 in IC2 Institute at the University of Texas at Austin. The India Innovation Growth Programme is a two year project developed by DST and Lockheed Martin, along with a great team of partners to accelerate new innovative Indian technologies into the markets in United States and around the world. Mr. KC Chandrasekharan Nair, CFO and programme Co-ordinator New Initiatives, Technopark and Secretary Cum Registrar of Technopark TBI attended the Workshop. The workshop educated the participants about the relevance of early technology based commercialization and the entrepreneurship strategies to accelerate nation’s economic growth, wealth creation, and prosperity sharing, which allow communities and nation to grow and prosper in a sustainable manner. Mr. KCC Nair



held fruitful discussions with the various Malayali Associations in Texas and the TiE Austin Chapter in Texas regarding the possibilities of offering incubation support to US based start up companies. He said after returning from Texas that the talks were fruitful and more than half a dozen start up companies have shown interest to start operation in Technopark, out of which representatives from two of the companies will be visiting Technopark to explore the possibilities of incubation support and other value added supports offered as well as look in to the areas of mutual benefit, potential partnership and collaboration.

39 IM Tech, the 75th Company in T-TBI Infomind Technologies (IM Tech) Pvt Ltd, an IT business startup set out functioning in T-TBI, Thejaswini. The company renders services in Remote IT Infrastructure Management (RIM) Solutions, Remote IT Infrastructure Management Training Services and Support Services through innovative tools and ITIL processes. IM Tech comprises a team of IT in-

dustry veterans with the primary aim of providing IT Infrastructure support to Small and Medium sized business. The company signed the agreement with TTBI on September 2, 2009. Mr. Guhanath Rathinam is the MD & COO of Infomind Technologies. IM Tech is the first incubatee to start operations in newly furnished Thejaswini incubation space.

PRC Meeting Held in Cochin


he second Project Review Committee (PRC) meeting for monitoring and evaluating the project “A rotary apparatus adapted to perform as, a Variable compression ratio Internal Combustion Engine” by the innovator Shri. Das Ajee Kamath was held at Cochin from September 14-15, 2009. The project is under the review of Technopreneurs Promotion Programme Seamless Scale up Support, (S3T) (TePP Phase II) of DSIR, Govt. of India. Shri Ajee Kamath and team demonstrated the second

generation prototype of I.C Engine based on RVCR technology. Shri.R.R Abhayankar, Scientist ‘G’, DSIR, Shri. Indu Bhasker, Scientist ‘E’,DSIR, Shri. Arun Seth, Additional Director, DRDO, Prof. (Dr) U. N. Gaitonde, Mechanical Engineering Dept, IIT-Bombay, Dr.K.K.Saju, Reader, Mechanical Engineering, CUSAT, Ms. Mary Thomas and Ms. Surya Thankam, Technical Officers, T-TBI were the members of review committee. The committee visited the administrative office as well as the workshop of the innovator, where the project demonstration was executed. The committee members expressed their satisfaction after reviewing and recommended the release of the next quantum of funds for the project.

TechnoFIRST TBI news

TePP Funding Sanctioned


he 96th TePP Screening Committee (TSC) meeting held at Ooty on August 11 sanctioned an amount of Rs.7.80lakhs under the TePP Phase I funding scheme of DSIR for the project “Smart Toilet” by the innovator Mr. Hari Sasi.

MobShare, the 76th Company in T-TBI


obshare Mobile Systems Pvt Ltd, a technology business startup working on Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) launched their operations in T-TBI, Nila. The team is lead by Mr.SanjayVijayakumar and other promoters of MobME Wireless Solutions Pvt Ltd (formerly known as TORQUE), a successful graduated incubate of T-TBI. The agreement was signed and exchanged between Mr.Mervin Alexander CEO, Technopark and Mr.Sanjay Vijayakumar on September 8, 2009. The company is looking at niche communities of fishermen for their socio-economic welfare through MVNO by open source technologies and other innovative mobile applications. O c to be r



S Ta r t u p s t o r y



Khelo Communication Private Limited Industry : Sports Founded in : August 2008 Head Quartered in : Bangalore No. of employees Achievements:

: 15 Selected in and Startup Saturday to present our B-Plan Recognized by many startup events.

The Team Prashant Pitti, CEO and Co-Founder Varun Gupta, Business Head and Co-Founder Vaibhav Tandon, Business Head and Co-Founder Aman Prakash, Business Head and Co-Founder Akhil Ravi, Business Head and Co-Founder Manish Kumar Singh, Business Head and Co-Founder

Khelo Communication Pvt ltd, 65, 7th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore


ts not every day that you come across people who doesn’t think that sports are for recreation and hardly would you ever find people who, though not on the field, off the field have taken it as a serious profession. This start up is in a way different from many others growing up these days. IndiaKhelo neither about some old friends coming together to start something they all dreamt about but instead this is a story about like minded people passionate about sports and with a dream to see their nation standing on the pinnacle of success. Incubated by Rural Technology and Business Incubator, IIT-Madras, Khelo Communications Private Limited is




ports are always looked upon as a medium of recreation. Here are few guys who thought differently to make a difference to the way others think. one such company which dreams to see the nation being the best in the sports. It’s truly a mission with a vision to look out for talents and make sure that they are proven and strong enough to represent India. It’s a venture which is surely going to be a difficult task but they are all set for that. They know they can do it and they know they will. Another start-up story from TechnoFIRST with an aim to change the face of the nation. The Motivation All of us have been passionate about sports from our childhood and were active sportsman. For everyone of us it was a different starting reason, some of us tried seriously for making career in sports while they were in school but couldn’t due to the canny hierarchical structure we have for sports in India, others used to ponder about plight of sports in India but the end goal for all of us was same – to make sure that sports is not anymore a down looked activity in India. To make sure that a country contributing 17% of total world’s population contributes much more than our last contribution of .003% of total medal being offered at Beijing Olympics.



S Ta r t u p s t o r y

history of sports in India and are looking forward to a bright future created using sports as a medium. For the Future Entrepreneurs

Vaibhav Tandon

Varun Gupta

Improvement in sports structure is our guiding and motivating principal in life The Initiative From an idea to a venture we have traversed a long journey. We first thought to do something in sports, did a lot of market research by talking to sports people in India specifically frustrated sports person, caught their pain point (which was credibility and recognition) and tied to resolve it. Down the line we are trying to cater to as many people as possible by modifying our services and with an aim to identify and promote the hidden talent in India. The Funding We are self funded as of now, all founders have put in their savings to make their dream come true. The Most Valuable Asset Our passion towards sports and motivation to bring a change in India

Prashant Pitti

Your Support system We are incubated in Rural Technology and Business Incubator, IIT-Madras and are being mentored by Padamshree Awardee Professor Ashok Jhunjhunwala. RTBI has been an excellent support throughout our journey, guidance of our mentors along with their expertise in rural sector enabled us to lay down our approach to rural India and facilitation of our work there. Major Challenges I would say the biggest challenge we face or are facing is the mentality of Indians. Majority of sports fails to see sports constructively. We are certain that this challenge will co-exist with our venture for long and shall eventually succumb to us. Vision and Future Plans In the next 10 years, we want everyone to play for IndiaKhelo. We are optimistic to make our venture a landmark in the

Ask these questions to yourself; proceed to the next question only if you answer affirmatively for the preceding one – 1) Are you courageous enough? Have you been a rebel? 2) Are you extremely passionate about something? 3) Do you have the courage to live up to your passion or take a chance to sacrifice everything for the cause of it? 4) Are you ready to be a leader? If you have answered assenting to all the above questions, don’t waste your time anymore. Whatever your age is, from whatever background you are, you have the capability of being an entrepreneur and a successful one too. But remember entrepreneurship will not happed just through culmination of passion and enthusiasm; it should be backed up by strong foundation of analysis and market research. Be open to changes and invest a lot of time to develop a suitable idea and then venture out in the world. Be a warrior and let world be your battleground. I am a strong supporter of a concept that if you are passionate about something, you’ll be able to turn the tide your way. O c to be r



web talk


Things that may kill your

twitter Ways to keep t he m as y o ur f o l l ow ers


witter is one place you can share a piece of your mind to the world at least to those who care to follow your thoughts. These followers are following you not for the simple reason that you are the only genius around but because they think you are amongst the good. So make sure you don’t do things over twitter that will lead to a downfall in the number of your followers. Some unsaid rules on how to tweet on twitter.

them through a personal mail. Twitter is often misunderstood by some folks to be a platform where every communication to anyone should be broadcast to everyone. So if you see a rise in the increase of your followers than make sure that your tweets are interesting to many of your followers at least the majority of them.

Too Many and Useless Tweets It is really not fascinating to follow some one who keeps updating promotional and advertisements on his or her twitter. Its not only irritating because of the uselessness but at times due to the numbers and the frequency with which the updates are posted. So if you are one of those who keeps promoting ads and event than you are surely going to loose some of the agitated followers

Make your Tweets Specific People will surely stay away from you if they cannot understand you. So make sure that if in case you are replying to someone over the tweets, be specific. To be specific if in case you are replying to someone’s tweet makes sure you mention the tweet for the reply. And also its really difficult to go back and check on what context you are talking about. It would be just like another coded mystery if they really don’t know what you are talking about or may be it will end up being a senseless one.

Not for Personal Invites &Plans Well if you have plans for a dinner with your friends and you are inviting them over to your place make sure you do invite

What is That Link For? It would be great if you could update some link quite often but then make sure you do mentions what is that link for. It happens



more often than once that ther ar links on the twitter of which you don’t have an idea about. Links with no details are not just confusing but make others feel suspicious and the end story would be you being unfollowed Make Thanks Giving Personal It’s wonderful to see people following you and even more wonderful if you could thank them for that. It would be really appreciated if this thanks giving is through Direct Messages rather than a public show-off of numbers. It looks more like a greedy approach to show the tweet world that some really thinks you are worth following. Certain Opinions aren’t Welcome You might have an opinion about everything under the sky but there are certain things that your followers would be interested. Your ideas about religion, politics and sexuality isn’t a welcome idea. You can start a blog and discuss it over there. Make sure your comments don’t hurt emotions or you may end up losing on some followers. These are not the laws that you have to abide by but these are surely some of the ways wherein you wont end up losing some good followers just because of your imprudence.

career Clinic Q

Which out of Java and DotNet is better for me to specialize in the next 3-5 years? Reshma Nair, Calicut | September 4, 2009.


Both of these are equally popular. The only difference being that Java is backed up by Sun Microsystems where as .Net is backed by Microsoft. Some companies prefer Java environment while others the graphical interface provided by DotNet. However, much of these depend on your professional qualifications and interests.


I am doing MBA in systems, my background is BBA and I want to know whether IT background people have an edge over me? Sreekanth. R, Kochi | September 16, 2009.


MBA Systems is given the same weight-age as IT background candidates, wherever MBA IT & Systems is requirement. MBA is a general broad degree covering a wide variety of business issues and training students for careers in managing any area of business up to CEO. MBA curriculum consists of accounting, finance, marketing, statistics, management, strategy, policy, leadership and similar courses. So you are on par with the IT professionals. mail your queries to

O c to be r


hotjobs fresher

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited A Government of India Enterprise Recruitment of Management Trainee Telecom Operations Vacancy: 250

Qualification : B.E/B.Tech in Telecommunications/ Electronics / Computer/ IT/ Electrical with minimum 60% marks (55% for SC/ST candidates) and should have completed his/her courses on a regular full time basis on the closing date of receipt of application by BSNL.Plus Two years regular full time MBA Telecom Finance Vacancy : 50

Qualification : CA/ICWA/CS

Scale of Pay: The Management Trainee shall be appointed in the IDA pay scale [E-3] of Rs 24,900-50,500/- [pre-revised IDA pay-scale of Rs.13000350-18250] Age: The external candidate should not exceed 30 years as on 1st August of the year of examination. However, this age is relaxable as per standing structions of Government of India on this subject for:i)Upto 5 years For SC & ST October


ii)Upto 3 years for OBC Candidates iii) For PH candidates upto 10 years

How to apply : The envelope containing application form should be marked “Application for the post of MTs (External Candidate) in BSNL in bold letters on the top of the envelope An examination fee of Rs 1500/- (Rupees One Thousand Five Hundred only) is payable in the form of demand draft/ Pay Orde9 drawn in favour of Senior Accounts Officer/Accounts Officer payable at the respective stations. Application form complete in every respect must reach on or before 14.10.2009

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation Limited Post Code: 02

Name of Post: Customer Relations Assistant (CRA) Vacancies: 318

Qualification: Three years Graduation course in any discipline from a Govt. Recognized University, with minimum 50% marks and computer literacy (Certificate in Computer Appreciation Course of a minimum 6 weeks duration course from reputed Computer

Training Institute e.g. NIIT, APTECH, CMC, ET & T etc.) Pay: 3900-150-6150 Age: 18-28yrs Post Code:


Name of Post: Maintainer Vacancies: 961

Qualification: ITI (NCVT) in specific trade (Electrician/Fitter/Mechanic ,Electronic/Ref & AC)

Pay: 3900-150-6150 Age: 18-25yrs How to apply

The printout of the filled up application form should be sent to the following address by enclosing a non-refundable crossed Demand Draft for Rs.300/- for General & OBC candidates and for Rs.50/- for SC, ST & PWD candidates (for processing cost only) drawn only on State Bank of India in favour of DELHI METRO RAIL CORPORATION LIMITED, payable at Service Branch, New Delhi (Code No-7687) indicating on the reverse of the DD, their name & address, e-mail, telephone no. if any, latest by 19.10.2009 through ordinary post addressed to “DMRC Ltd., Post Bag No- 9”, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003. The Last Date of Receipt of Application : 19/10/2009

hotjobs fresher

For further details log on to:

only by ordinary post on or before24th October 2009

The Indian Navy

Indian Air Force

Applications are invited from unmarried Men and Women candidates for Short Service Commission in Aviation Cadre of Executive Branch, of the Indian Navy for Course commencing July 2010 at Indian Naval Academy (INA) Ezhimala, Kerala.

Invites applications from bright young Men and Women to join the Operational Support Group of Indian Air Force as Permanent/ Short Service Commissioned Officers the following courses for which training will commence July 2010.

Age: 19 to 23 years

21th Short Service Commission (SSC) Course for Men

Eligibility Conditions

Qualification: Graduate in any discipline with minimum 55% marks Selection Procedure

The candidates will be issued call up for Services Selection Board (SSB) based on their performance in Degree Course. SSB interviews for candidates will be at Bangalore during Feb to June 2010 How to Apply

Application Forms in accordance with the prescribed format and complete in all respects with superscription on the envelope “APPLICATION FOR SSC (OBSERVER) July 2010 COURSE Qualification........ Percentage........% (If applicable)”and attach the attested copies of mark sheets of all semesters( includes 10th standard mark sheet also ) , Date of Birth are to be sent

128th Ground Duty Officers’ Course (GDOC) for Men

37th Short Service Commission (SSC) Course for Women Eligibility

Branch: Administration & Logistics

Qualification: Graduation or Post Graduation in Art, Science, Commerce, Management, Engineering or LLB.Minimum 60% marks in Graduation and 50% marks for Post Graduates. Branch: Meteorology

Qualification: PG in Science, Geography or MCA (Physics and Maths should be at Graduate level) Minimum Marks: Minimum 50% marks in aggregate in all papers put together Branch : Education

Qualification: PG in English / Defence Studies / Psychology

/ Maths/ Physics / Statistics / Computer Science /Management OR M.Ed. after PG OR Ph.D. in the above said subjects

Minimum Marks: Minimum 50% marks in aggregate in all papers put together Note : Candidates applying must have passed 10+2 through regular schooling. Pay Scale : in Pay Band Rs.15600-39100 with Grade Pay, MSP and other allowance

Minimum Height : Men 157.5 Cms, Women - 152 Cms How to Apply : If you meet these requirements, apply on plain A4 size paper (typed or handwritten) in English in the prescribed format and post the application to the address given below by ordinary post to reach latest by 12 October 2009. Super scribe the envelope : Course Name (for which you are applying ... and CET Centre 1.......... 2.......... Staple two self addressed stamped (Rs. 5/- and Rs.22/-) each envelopes and two copies of unattested recent photographs. Selection Procedure : Common entrance Test (CET) at the centres mentioned below on 29/11/2009. The test will have objective and descriptive test items to test the knowledge in English and General Awareness. Last date of receipt of application: 12th October, 2009 O c to be r




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Samsung Pixon 12 12 megapixel camera phone with a magnificent full-touch 3.1-inch AMOLED screen. microSD slot to add a 16GB card.. supports 3G wi-fi enabled Rs. 29,990.

HTC Hero


Google Anroid operating System 3.2-inch HVGA display 5 MP autofocus camera GPS, digital compass, gravity-sensor enabled Rs. 31,990



TechnoFIRST infotainment

1. What is Wilber the official mascot of? 2. Which retailer recently paid $5.1 million for the domain name? 3. What was once dismissed by Steve Jobs by saying “the whole conception is flawed at the top because people don’t read anymore?” 4. Expand TTL, which tells a router if packet has been in the network too long and should be discarded. 5. Name Amazon’s self-publishing service wherein any US citizen can sign up for an account, upload and sell eBooks through Amazon. 6. Gutsy Gibbon, Hardy Heron and Jaunty Jackalope are codenamed for…? 7. What is a Web beacon? 8. What is ‘Vishing’? 9. The name of Bruce Artwick is linked with the first successful virtual reality soft ware application. What was it? 10. Fill in the blank with the creator’s first name to give part of the name of one of the most downloaded free applications: ______ Skiljan A ns w e rs 1. GIMP 2. ToysRUs 3. Kindle 4. Time-to-live. 5. Digital Text Platform (DTP). 6. Ubuntu, the open source Debian- based Linux distribution. 7. A file object, usually a graphic image, which is embedded on a webpage/e-mail message to moni tor user behaviour. 8. VoIP phishing. 9. Flight simulator. 10. Irfan (of Irfanview fame).

Printed and published2by0Arun October 0 9Balachandran, ErupulamKattil (H), Edakadathy P.O., Edakadathy, Owned by Shine Damodharan, Kollattu (H), Chiyyaram P.O., Thrissur. Printed at St.Joseph’s Press, TVM. Published from Mediafirst Publications, Cochin-21 and the editor is Basil P Varghese, Pokkanathil (H), Pothanikkadu P.O., Ernakulam District, Kerala.

O c to be r


Postal Reg. No. KL/TV(N)/587/2008-10 TechnoFIRST October 2009 RNI Reg. No. KERENG/2004/22131 Posted from RMS TVM Licensed to post without prepayment : kl/tv(n/wtt/587/2008-10)

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