TechnoFIRST Web Edition - July 2010

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career track 22 Biomedical Engineering world cup technology Technology

30 any innovation should have a practical relevance Dr. Ajith Kumar

Technology Career & Entrepreneurship Magazine

President and Leading Scientist, Light Logics Holography and Optics

Vol. 6

Issue. 7

July 2010



crun h top stories

network partner


online job INTERVIEW


student exchange programe


Organisational skills



Technology Career & Entrepreneurship Magazine

Hon. Chief Editor Prof. Jyothy John Managing Editor Ajay Lal Editor in charge Abraham Tharakan Senior Sub Editor Susan Jeorge Sub Editor Kushboo saji Administration Aadil Azis Marketing Prijo jose Campus Cordination Ginas KR Circulation Ginsiya KR Art Director M U Prajeesh Web Coordination Anitha Reghunathan Sandeep T Jisna CK Subscriptions  09388833888 Advertisement (+91) 9809011227 Corp. Office mediafirst Publication A-44, Road No-2, NH-8, Mahipalpur New Delhi - 110037 Ph +91-9388833888 Admin Office TechnoFIRST TEDEX Techpark Cochin-17, Kerala, India Ph: 0484 - 4059770, 09388833888 Printed at S. T. Reddiar Press, Kochi

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The publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for errors and ommissions contained in this publication, however caused. The opinions and views contained in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Readers are advised to seek specialist advice before acting on information contained in this publication which is provided for general use and may not be appropriate for the readers’ particular circumstances

4 TF July 2010

editorial Talent Crunch and Employee Call backs


fter the global economic crisis and collapse of some big names in all sectors, companies all over the world have been proactive in restructuring their balance sheets, strengthening their liquidity profile and upgrading technology. But one area that now needs more pertinent attention is manpower planning and personnel development. As the war for talent intensifies, companies can no longer take current employment practices for granted. Many major IT companies have started programs to recall those employees who quit the firm during the global financial meltdown.The attempt to recall the lost manpower shows how difficult it is to replace a qualified professional. This in turn calls for more than ad hoc changes in the educational system. The possibilities of alternate educational systems and the concept of finishing schools were covered in our last issue, this time around we look at issues relating to recruitment, nurturing and development of talent, and career planning which will now have to move to the centre stage of HR policies. Looking for talent in untapped pools would be a good option. One of the possibilities for the employers would be through non traditional pools of candidates who may not be the exact requirement but rather who would be easier to train and “fit” according to company requirements. In such a scenario the technical skill of the candidates should be evaluated in terms of what an individual mastered in the past, and what matters most is that an individual possess the capacity, capability and motivation to learn new skills in the future.

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letters to editor The cover story on Finishing Schools was really an informative one. Apart from the general awareness about the basic skills at the work place, I also got to know on how to balance our technical as well as our soft skills. Especially, the objectives of finishing school have provided a wide sense of realization. The most inspirational thing is the risk they take to help young graduates to find jobs though appropriate training. Jose Thomas, Trivadrum

The most disturbing question that I faced in my life was “Where are you working”. But after reading the article “Where To Look For Jobs”, I came to realize the right way for searching a good job, moreover how and where to look for it. Now that I have got the answers to my questions, I have begun my journey on the right path. Fatima S, Calicut

The article “Head Quarters at Home” has enlightened my mind. It has encouraged me a lot. Since I was not in in a position to go out and work, the article has given me a new opportunity of how to start my own business at my home itself. It has provided me with the right tips and knowledge for moving forward to fulfill all my dreams. Tony Abraham, Chennai

As I am a regular follower of your magazine, as usual I got impressed with your CEO TALK of the June issue. It was a right choice of CEO. It was nice to know more about Boby Varghese and his company SE-Mentor. His smart solutions has thrilled me a lot

Vineetha, Kochi

I was a person who was not at all bothered about group discussion. I did not give much concern for the same. But the source of information provided through your article has made me rethink. It made me to be more careful while getting engaged in group discussions. Hope that there will be more interesting topics put forward in the coming issues. Alex Paul, Korati

TF July 2010 5

football tech story

career track

The startup story

special stories

cover story 42

Organisational skills When it comes to employment, companies are interested in only those candidates who have very good organizational skills

14 Talent crunch

Talent crunch is a problem, but it can be handled only if the companies themselves take the initiative

6 TF July 2010


Online jobs Online job interview are difficult because either the interviewer or interviewee can make mistakes that can result in miscommunication


crea8tive bug Cre8tivebug is a rapidly growing company and it offers a wide spectrum of quality web solution services to global clientele

job track

exclusives 22

Career in biomedical engineering Biomedical engineers are expected to have a background in either mechanical or electronics egineering, along with a training in biomedical egineering.They work in various types of environments like, hospitals,laboratories and space programs.


The Tech Show at World Cup

Live online & mobile viewing, High definition and 3D telecasting, specially made balls and Robos playing soccer, all showcasing the new advancements in technologies use din the present world cup.


study abroad

10 40

ceo talk The new generation Holographic Weapon Sight has a near spectacle type view and addresses all the problems of conventional sights and other holographic sights.

Student Exchange Programs Students usually who have just finished their high school or are in the university are eligible for an exchange program


Take a break Entrepreneurs, who are in the same line. This way we can get new ideas, that can help our business to grow.Improve Communication Due to

regulars Letter

to the editor 5 Group Discussion 44 Beta Q 43 Career Guru 20 Book Review 49 Gadgets 46 Hot jobs 48 Web Review 18

TF July 2010 7

Starbucks to offer free Wi-Fi, digital content WASHINGTON: US coffee giant Starbucks will begin offering free wireless Internet service at its 6,700 US stores next month and free digital content through a partnership with Yahoo! Starbucks said the free Wi-Fi service would be available from July 1 through US telecom giant AT&T. Starbucks currently offers two hours of free Wi-Fi to

customers who have a Starbucks card. The coffee chain said it also plans to offer free digital content to customers, including free access to websites such as that of The Wall Street Journal, which currently charges online readers for full access to

Betting on 3D future HONG KONG: Computer companies are betting that the future is not only bright but in three dimensions, as a string of manufacturers are set to bring 3D laptops and desktops to the market. Fujitsu announced on Wednesday a desktop computer that can play 3D content, convert 2D DVDs to 3D and even has a 3D camera. And Toshiba’s 3D Dynabook TX/98MB laptop, which it says is the first laptop to play 3D Blu-ray discs, goes on sale in Japan in July. Taiwan-based ASUSTek was the first off the drawing board and into the shops with the launch of its G51 3D late last year, which was branded as “the world’s first true 3D ready notebook”. “We believe 3D is now an important part of the market,” ASUSTek spokeswoman Jenny Lee told AFP on Wednesday. “More and more games and more and more movies are being made in 3D. We think there is a huge demand for 3D computers.” Graphics card and chipmaker NVIDIA make the computer guts that will help create the 3D magic on screen for many of the new machines. The FIFA World Cup, which

8 TF July 2010

kicks off in Johannesburg on Friday will for the first time be filmed in 3D and broadcast in selected public viewing areas across the world, Sony said. The opening ceremony will also be shown in 3D to fans at six FIFA viewing sites in cities around the world, including Berlin, Paris and Rio de Janeiro. And last week, South Korea’s Samsung Electronics and Hollywood director James Cameron announced a deal to work together to boost 3D television content. Under the agreement, Cameron and his crew will make 3D footage of music videos featuring South Korean pop stars that will be used by Samsung to help promote the sale of its 3D televisions worldwide. Cameron’s 3D blockbuster “Avatar” started a 3D wave in the movie industry and is the world’s highest grossing movie, earning 2.8 billion dollars in ticket sales so far. Samsung, the world’s largest maker of flat-screen televisions, said it may raise this year’s sales target for 3D TVs given the growing demand. Early this year it targeted around two million sales. Cameron told a forum that lack of content was the biggest hurdle to 3D televisions saying that the thousands of hours of content that would be needed “will require a revolution in the way TV is produced”

The “Starbucks Digital Network” will launch this fall and will offer “free unrestricted access to various paid sites and services,” Starbucks said in a statement. It said its launch content providers will include Apple’s iTunes, The New York Times, Patch, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal, Yahoo! and Zagat.

Twice In A Row


f there is one manufacturer who has their game sorted out in the smartphone segment, it is HTC. They were first off the blocks with the first Android device, the HTC G1. Many ‘magical heroes’ later, HTC stands tall not only in the Android segment, but in the ageing Windows Mobile smartphone segment as well, thanks in large part to their ‘Sense’ user interface. Sense adds a very usable layer over the staid standard skin of Android, and in the case of Windows Mobile, practically rescues the platform from sure fire obsolescence! With their latest phones, the Legend (Android) and the HD mini (Windows Mobile), does HTC keep its nose ahead of the competition, or is it more of the same thing?

corporate news Nokia slipping in smartphone segment as rivals race ahead

Toshiba Takes On Amazon, Apple With Dual-Screen

s Apple struggles to meet demand for the latest version of the iPhone, Nokia is still waiting to ship its only model that may compete with the i Phone. The Finnish company has announced just one handset, the N8, from its new high-end line based on revamped Symbian 3 software, while Apple’s recently unveiled iPhone 4 is flying off virtual shelves with 600,000 pre-orders and other vendors are rolling out models with Google’s Android software. “The smartphone revolution has started and Nokia is not there,” said Helena Nordman-Knutson, a Stockholm-based analyst at Oehman. The N8 “will be old when it’s out because everybody has taken the next step.” The world’s largest mobilephone maker lowered revenue and margin forecasts, citing competition in the high-end smartphone market and showing that its fortunes in the application-rich iPhone segment may not turn before 2011. Chief executive officer Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo has struggled to deliver on a touchscreen model on a par with the Apple device.

oshiba unveiled the Libretto W100 in Tokyo marking 25 years since it launched the world’s first laptop (Reuters) Toshiba on Monday launched a dual-screened mini notebook PC that can be used as an e-book reader, adding to competition for the likes of Apple Corp’s iPad and’s Kindle. The new gadget, which can be used like a conventional clam-style notebook PC with a software keyboard, or turned 90 degrees for use as an e-book reader, will go on sale in Japan in late August and later in Europe, the United States and other markets. Toshiba unveiled the Libretto W100 at a lavish event in Tokyo that also marked a quarter century since it launched the world’s first laptop in 1985, though its personal computer division made an 8.8 billion yen ($97 million) loss in the year to March 2010. The company expects its PC division to break even in the year to March 2011. The new touch-screen gadget, which also faces potential competition from Sony Corp will not shake up the e-book reader market at this point, because



the company has yet to draw up any agreements with content providers. But executives were keen to emphasise that the Libretto, which they expect to retail for about 120,000 yen ($1,320) in Japan, compared with $489 for the larger of Amazon’s Kindle devices, or $499 for the cheapest iPad, offers more than a passive “consumption” experience. “Apple’s iPad is probably creating a new market in terms of consuming information, browsing and reading books,” Masahiko Fukakushi, president and CEO of Toshiba’s digital products and network unit, told reporters. “But when it comes to creation or production ... what we have been doing still has a lot of value. We want to continue to do both.” Toshiba is the world’s fourth biggest notebook PC vendor after HP, Acer and Dell. Industry-wide shipments of notebook computers jumped 43 percent in the January-March quarter, their highest year-on-year growth in eight years, according to industry tracker Gartner. Toshiba is targeting global PC shipments of 25 million units in the year to March 2011.

Google examining impact of new China laws on products


oogle Inc is examining the impact new Chinese laws could have on its Google Maps service that could see it shut down if the company does not meet government requirements. China’s State Bureau of Surveying and Mapping announced new regulations last month that required companies providing online map and location services to apply for a licence. To qualify for a license, service providers would need to

keep map servers storing data within the country and have no record of information leaks for the last three years, the China Daily reported. The laws would give China the right to close providers that failed to qualify for a licence, the paper said on Thursday.

Google may not meet those requirements, analysts said. In March, Google announced that it was going to move its China servers to Hong Kong following a high profile diplomatic spat with Beijing over censorship. The company also admitted in May that its cars photographing streets around the world had for years accidentally collected personal data sent across wireless networks.

TF July 2010 9

ceo talk

Light Logics


The new generation Holographic Weapon Sight has a near spectacle type view and addresses all the problems of conventional sights and other holographic sights in a meticulous and better manner salities. This way it is not a device to kill, but a device to save. The Spark In reality, development of the basic Holographic Weapon Sight did not hit me as a spark. It came to me as a set of problems posed to me during my visit to one of our Defence labs. An interaction with the soldiers sparked the idea for a New Generation Holographic Weapon Sight.

Agreement of Coperation with a US Company

The Innovation Light Logics new generation Holographic Weapon Sight (HWS) bagged the gold medal in the Department of Science and Technology (DST) - Lockheed Martin India Innovation Growth Program, from among five hundred different technologies. Holographic Weapon Sights helps soldiers to easily lock multiple enemies and thereby makes shooting easy for them. Traditionally iron sights were used for aiming. The new generation Holographic Weapon Sight has a near spectacle type view and addresses all the problems of conventional sights and other holographic sights, in a meticulous and better manner. Innovation Philosophy I strongly believe that any innovation should have a practical relevance and must lead to a commercially viable product of social relevance. An innovation and its

10 TF July 2010

outcome, say from India, is easily compared with the best in the world, in terms of performance and novelty. This creates challenges and at the same time opportunities too. Innovations are just like seeds. If they are provided with the required care and proper environment to grow, these seeds will grow and become trees that yield fruits of national and international relevance. Impact on the Society The Holographic Weapon Sight has great relevance in Close Quarters Battle (CQB), where the soldier faces his enemy in close proximity. Under such circumstances, if the soldier uses conventional sights, then his firing efficiency is severely affected and at the same time, he is also under great risk. Holographic Sights help in both aiming and tracking of enemies simultaneously. Since the device is fully see through and yields split second shooting, it helps in reducing cau-

The Entrepreneurial Journey In the 1980s when television transmission emerged in India, it was nearly impossible to get quality picture at areas away from the main cities. We used to install 32 element Yagi antennae at about 30 meters height and on a coaxial stack of GI pipes in my village in Kerala. Even with all these, we were unable to get quality picture. I had discussions with several of my research friends in the electronics department at CUSAT and I made a seven element antenna for Cochin Doordarshan, by using the facilities at University Science and Instrumentation Centre (USIC). To the great surprise of all the villagers, my smaller antenna yielded a clearer picture. I was a CSIR Senior Research Fellow at that time and the research fellowship was only for two years and during this time I got married. Finical pressure and my inclination to make something different forced me to venture into antenna manufacturing. Thus started Pic-Sharp Antennas, near HMT, Kalamassery and my entrepreneurial journey. For my holography company, my friends

abroad promoted the entrepreneurial venture of an old Indian scientist friend who was passionate about holography. I evaluated the money value of the technologies and products I had with me and decided to sell off 25% of this, at a premium, to potential buyers. Even though I mobilized about one crore rupees in this way it was not enough. In a meeting with the Bank of India Manager in Trivandrum, I showed my holographic self portrait. Its visual impact made him sanction twenty five lakhs with no security. Thus originated Light Logics Holography and Optics. Association with TePP or other funding Agencies India has a great tradition of innovation. Now innovation and entrepreneurship are growing in the country. Though techno-entrepreneurs were active in many of the developed nations, till recently it was not active in India as there was no proper governmental support and guidance. I feel extremely happy and thankful to the system prevailing in our Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) and the meticulous approach the country has now towards innovation and business incubation. Technopark, Trivandrum is one of the pioneering technology parks of the country and the adoption of Light Logics by the Technopark Technology Business Incubation (T-TBI) was a milestone in its entrepreneurial voyage. Through T-TBI and TePP we got partial financial support needed for our projects. Now through the DST-Lockheed Martin India Innovation Program we get professional support in achieving global reach for our cutting edge products. IC2 Institute of University of Texas at Austin plays a pivotal roles in this. Recognitions/Awards Light Logics Holography and Optics received the ISBA 2009 National Award for the Best Engineering-Design Company. We received the gold medal in the DST-Lockheed Martin India Innovation Program too. When I was functioning at C-DIT, I was fortunate enough to get opportunity to be part of several national and international award winning

(Above) With Yuri N Denisyuk, Father of White Light Holography, (below left) At Siberia- Invitation from Russian Acdmy of Science and (below right) Early PhotoPolymerlab

programs. These included the HoMAI national award for the design of the most secure security hologram. Patent Status We have filed three patents and four more are in the process of being filed. Future Plans Light and light based devices are fast conquering different avenues of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs). Optical information processing, integrated optics, optical data storage, displays and creative imaging, virtual reality, solar energy etc., are a few areas of thrust, apart from its traditional areas of applications that Light Logics functions in. The company also makes holography machines, holograms and related materials, and provides technosolutions and turn-key support for new ventures and industries. Contract projects in holography and R&D mentoring are our other services. We are all set to popularize holography through a set of educational kits too. What skills would an interested

student possess to join Lights Logics?

We require manpower with various

academic background, experience and skill sets. M.Tech Opto-electronics, Photonics, M.Sc Physics, B.Tech Electronics and Communication, diploma in Mechatronics, Printing Technology, and M.B.A with core marketing and administration skills are a few requirements. In reality, we prefer hands on experience and ability to execute tasks in a result oriented manner rather than just degrees. Word of Advice for Future Entrepreneurs/Innovators I am still a learner and this way I am not in a position to advice entrepreneurs and innovators. But, I would like to highlight that innovation is a continuous process. Life, challenges, enjoyments and self realization of an innovator and an entrepreneur are totally different. On the other hand it is true to say that no song has value unless it is sung. But the pleasure and pain of creating a song, singing it and marketing it to create wealth are totally different and needs different skill sets and actions. Dr. P.T. Ajith Kumar President and Leading Scientist Light Logics Holography and Optics, Park Centre, Technopark, Trivandrum, Kerala TF July 2010 11


12 TF July 2010

cover story


Is there a Talent Crunch? The big question asked now-a-days by young grads is whether I will get a job? Even if I get a job will I get my expected salary. Will I get a chance to work with my dream company? These questions could sound odd to the older generation but not so for today’s youngsters. Recession and its Aftermath In September 2008, when Lehman Brothers filed for bankruptcy, people wondered how many of them would be able to keep their jobs. But things never looked the same for big companies as they were forced to cut down costs and the only way to do it was by asking people to leave. This came as a shock to many as people hardly of the age group

between 25-30 were all of a sudden left without jobs. Most students studying in engineering and B-schools wondered what would happen to their placements. In 2008, very few companies came for campus placements due to the fall in the economy. Even if companies did come they were not offering huge salaries like before. This forced students to take up jobs in lesser known companies. Though some of them were not too happy, they had to to be satified with these jobs as there was no other option. Post Recession Two years later after the financial crash things seem to be a little bit better. According to a study conducted by Manpower, countries like India, China and Taiwan have seen an improvement in recruitment. This

TF July 2010 13

Employers in all seven industry sectors The survey, which covered more than 35,000 employers across 36 countries, pointed out that the positions where employers are having the most trouble filling globally are skilled manual trades people, technicians, engineers, sales representatives and management executives

Shortage everywhere 38

Finance,Insurance & R eal E state Manufacturing


Mining & Construction Public A dmin/ E ducation




Transportation & U tilities Wholesale & R etail Trade

Worst hit global areas

Employers who are facing the maximum difficulty in finding the right people are based in Japan (76 per cent), Brazil (64 per cent), Argentina (53 per cent), Singapore (53 per cent), Poland (51 per cent)and Australia (45 per cent).

Worst hit job areas

improvement in the economy has brought about good news for fresh graduates. Companies are back on campuses and the salaries offered also seem to be pretty good, though not as high as it was before the recession. But the big question to be asked is can India’s huge talent pool be hired? Huge Talent Pool Every year millions of students enrol in IITs and IIMs with the hope of getting a job in a big company with a plum pay package. The companies which come to these top institutes for hiring look not only at the marks and technical skills, but also as to how they are able to deal with the clients. Sometimes companies are not able

14 TF July




48 32


31 per cent of employers across the globe are still struggling to fill vacant positions, while in India, the talent shortage figure stood at 16 per cent.

technicians, engineers, sales representatives and management executives

Source: Manpower Inc’s annual talent shortage survey

I am not sure if I should continue updating myself in the domains I am familiar with or if I should try changing domains in which there seems to be more jobs. There is so much uncertainty about the kind of opening s that most of my friends are wondering to take up a job with is less pay or hold out till the right job comes. prasad Job seeker, with five years experience

to fill all their positions due to lack of skilled workers and at other times even if they hire they are not able to retain their staff. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), one of the top IT companies in India hires thousands of employees every year. But the company is not able to retain its staff as they get better offers from other companies and also from other sectors. Another problem is that students despite being offered jobs by MNCs, prefer working for small companies, even if the salaries are lesser than expected. This is because the profiles offered by smaller companies are the ones preferred by employees and they also get exposure in other areas as well. Geeta Sen, a pass out from

XLRI, was offered a high paying job by a public sector bank, but she did not take up the job as she was not given a finance job which was her area of preference and also the job for which she was interviewed. Instead she took the job of an Associate with Sreedhar Associates, Banglore. At Sreedhar Associates, she has a core finance job. Thus, companies should not promise a particular job and later give something else which brings about disappointment for the candidate and thus they are forced to look for greener pastures. Youngsters love exploring new fields and entrepreneurship is one such field. A handful of students after their egineering or masters in business, don’t prefer to join the rat race for huge salaries in top companies, but instead love chasing their dreams. They take money from their family and friends to start a business. Rahul Sharma, a pass out from IIM-C started his own placement company, Talent Placements in Delhi. The company helps in placing students. Another field that students are opting for are government jobs especially in companies like NTPC, SAIL etc. which provide security in this fluctuating economy. Sreeram Chandra, a pass out from XIME, took up a job with SAIL. Though these companies don’t give as much salary as private companies, it is still a safe bet as people will not be asked to leave just like that in case of another economic slowdown. With new avenues opening up, employees are not looking at traditional IT jobs, but at jobs that offer variety. Due to the need for change, companies still have to work on how to offer the best possible environment for their employees, so that they can be retained. All sectors suffer huge attrition rates despite expansions. At times the companies are not able to hire skilled labour as they don’t satisfy the needs of the company. For this the education system has to be blamed as the higher education sytem is not able to satisfy the needs of the economy by providing skilled labour. This forces companies to develop their own training program so as to make employees skilled enough to perform their jobs.

Expert View Talent crunch in India? There is no shortage of raw talent in India. No other country has such large-scale availability of technicaleducated, English-speaking population. Yet, most companies in India are constrained in their growth due to the non-availability of right people at the right levels. Right people means those with the appropriate skills, attitude and experience. If we look at it that way, there is a huge shortage of people with the interest, expertise and competencies to take up the available jobs. Sectors suffering? All sectors that depend on people skills (more than machinery) suffer due to this. There is a shortage of good teachers, doctors, pilots, programmers, salesmen etc. Within IT industry, there is a shortage of right people in legacy technologies more than the modern (and hence glamorous) technologies. There is a shortage of right people to do work with niche technology. At a senior level, there is a shortage of technical architects because most junior employees aspire to become Project Managers. Measures to improve? There are two ways in which this situation can be improved. They are “Awareness” and “Incentives”. A lot of people (students, parents, junior employees etc) are not aware of the huge number of opportunities in such areas. They are also not aware of the skill requirement in such areas. The industry, academia, students and their parents should all try to ensure better knowledge-sharing through constant interaction. Once people are aware about the opportunities and the corresponding skill requirements, there should sufficient incentives (monetary, social, physical etc) to get people interested. For example: companies should ensure that the good-performing technical architects are encouraged with incentives more than the managers through faster promotions, better salaries, more recognition during company meetings etc. This way, more and more youngsters will aspire to become architects. Manu Balachandran Global Head- Businesses Alliances, SunTec Business Solutions

History of Talent Crunch World War II, which brought about a huge amount of destruction globally witnessed a huge talent crunch. During the war, all abled bodied men were asked to join the armed forces and take part in the war. The war which was being fought by certain rich countries of the world had no meaning for the

various colonies in different parts of the world. Men from the colonies were also asked to join the war, due to this the economies in these countries also suffered. Agriculture and the handicrafts industry suffered the most, since there was no one to take care of these industries. This had a lot of ill-effects on the economy and famines were com-

TF July 2010 15

‘Those Boys In India’


ome time back Thomas L Friedman in his column in the New York Times wrote that, “When we were young kids growing up in America, we were told to eat our vegetables at dinner and not leave them. Mothers said think of the starving children in India and finish the dinner. And now I tell my children: “Finish your homework. Think of the children in India who would make you starve, if you don’t.” This was supposed to be allegorical to what was happening in the American job scenario due to outsourcing to India. Out sourcing became huge issue during the last American Presidential election and the president elect Barack Obama promised stiff actions against outsourcing. What a lot of people

mon. Poverty also was very much rampant. During the war to keep the economy alive, women had to work in the factories. They used to recycle materials, so as to provide enough supplies during the war. Talent Crunch after World War II But after the war, things changed a lot. Most economies suffered and the worst hit were Japan, UK, France and Germany. Countries had to bring out new economic policies to revive their economies. America brought out the “Big Brother” policy, where America

16 TF July 2010

don’t know is that Indian companies have been doing investing huge sums of money abroad during the last few years and have created almost 65,000 jobs. This huge expansion has brought support from the US President, there has been a change in US policies due to the expansion. The US President has made it clear that he would end tax incentives for those US companies that outsourced their jobs to other countries, but would provide incentives for those Indian companies that set up business in the US. Though Indian companies have been investing in the US, the IT industry accounts for only 15% of the investments, while mining and manufacturing have witnessed the most double the amount.

gave Japan enough financial help to revive its economy. Though countries were trying different methods to improve their economy, there was a shortage of workforce. This was because to escape proverty after World War II, people started migrating to different countries. The countries which saw a lot of migration were the US, UK and Australia. Due to huge amounts of migration, the economies of these countries began to prosper. Migrations have only increased during the last few years. With

countries following an “Open Door” policy, more companies have started opening their branches in different parts of the world. These companies inturn don’t only employ local people but also employ people from other countries. This has lead to a lot of migration especially from countries like, India. In order to over come these migrations, the Indian government started encouraging both Indian and foreign companies to set up offices in India. This has in a way been helpful since these companies pay as much as what people get abroad. Problems in Indian IT Industry Though companies have been able to provide employment, the biggest problem that most companies face is retaining their staff. They either lose their staff because of attractions from other companies or because some people are interested in starting their own business. Another big problem that companies face is want of skilled workers. Every year thousands of students come out of engineering and Bschools, but the biggest problem is how many of them are employable. Most students, who come out have only basic knowledge about the subject, but companies look for more than subject knowledge. So most big IT companies like TCS, Infosys, Wipro etc. give specialised training not only to new employees but also to those already working there. Certain companies tie up with government recognised institutions to provide training. These training centres are called IT Finishing Schools. The most wellknown ones are, Raman International Institute of Information Technology, Mysore, Purple Leap, Banglore, Model Finishing School, Trivandrum etc. These schools provide training not only to company employees, but also to those students who are awaiting emplyoment. This way the students have more than just subject knowledge. IT Companies and their Training Methods Most IT companies employ graduates with a basic engineering degree. But there are certain jobs in these companies that require

The Green Channel for Coming Home


ith the problems of recession waning off, companies are back to hiring this time around there is a twist. As the war for talent intensifies with competition companies like Infosys and EDS-MphasiS are hiring those staff they had layed off last year. Both companies have brought out their own programmes for hiring. For Infosys it is called ‘Green Channel’ and for EDS-MphasiS it is

M.techs and P.hds. Most students in the engineering field don’t go for an or a P.hd. So in order to do away with these shortcomings, companies are bringing about new methods. They have started employing people who have more than technical skills. The companies also are providing training to people so that they fit into their job perfectly. Another methodology is that they are also offering incentives to good performers in the form of both hikes as well as promotions. With recession hitting the US, most Indians have been forced to come back to India. Indian companies are now using the skills of these returnees in higher positions, especially as managers. The companies have also started training schools for employees with no skills

‘Homecoming’. According to Economic Times, till 2008, even a 15% attrition rate was conservative in an industry where some firms struggled to even keep it below 20-30%. But with more companies planning to bring projects to India, the need for more people has risen in most companies. According to NASSCOM, the Indian IT industry will hire around 90,000 this year compared to last year’s 20,000 professionals.With com-

and they are being employed in the R&D department of the company. Talent crunch is a problem, but it can be handled only if the companies themselves take the initiative. The HR department plays a huge role in this case. This department should be able to provide incentives to people who do a good job for the company. The incentives need not be huge, but even if it is small, it should be given on a regular basis. This would make employees stay with the company for a longer period of time. But the HR policy of a company cannot be changed like that, for the policy to change, the top managment has to take the initiative. New Entrepreneurship Another noticable feature in India is that the government has started

panies starting to hire, there is another problem they are facing which is attrition. Most companies are facing attrition levels in double-digits. People are looking for better job opportunities and so jumping companies. After a year of freeze on recruitments due to the global meltdown, job-hopping has again resurfaced as a trend in the IT industry. The average attrition is currently around 30-40% across all the sectors.

supporting new entrepreneurship. This has been helpful to many new entrepreneurs, who are interested in starting new businesses. New businesses are in a way helping the economy to grow and also is a boon to India.Thus though talent crunch is a problem, it can be solved through initiatives taken by the companies as well as the government. The biggest need of the hour is to improve the education system of the country, rather than just producing engineers with only bookish knowledge, colleges should be able to provide students who are employable. To do this, colleges together with the companies can bring about training programs to make students employable. Thus making it easier for the companies, who spend lot of time and money on training.

web review


Fire Box is the original, and definitely still one of the best, of the numerous online gadget and games shops that have sprung up since FireBox launched back in 1998. A great selection of the latest and most innovative gadgets and toys. Boy’s toys range from radio controlled helicopters to electric scooters and solar powered plant pots. Fire Box actually brings the shopper a lot more than just the cheap plastic gadgets which give you five minutes of entertainment before being thrown in the bin. With serious bits of kit such as portable DVD players, Skype phones and media players, the website also makes sure that it is always bang up to date with the technology, offering all the latest innovations. Fire Box is always being updated with the latest in odd and unusual gadgets and gizmos, and you are bound to find something that makes you stop and look twice whatever your interests. There are all sorts of gift ideas which will suit blokes down to the ground.

18 TF July 2010

job track

Online Job Interview

Online job interview are difficult because either the interviewer or interviewee can make mistakes that can result in miscommunication


Send requirements using e-mail The company should make sure that its requirements have been sent by e-mail before the interview. The questions asked during the interview will be based on the requirements specified by the company.

ob interviews have reached a new level with online job interviews. An online job interview saves money and also helps in speeding up the recruitment process. It is a little difficult than the face to face one. This is because during the interview, either the interviewer or interviewee can make mistakes that can result in miscommunication. Here are some steps to be taken to prevent miscommunication in an online job interview Choose the right place When an interview is fixed, it is usually the responsibility of the interviewer to call the interviewee. The interview should be set up

career guru

at a quiet place, so that there is not much of disturbance and this would help both parties to understand each other better.

Mail your queries:

Q Actually I have lost a year due to shortage of attendance in this year. I’m a second year student, studying B.Tech in IT in an engineering college. Should I face some problem in getting the job in campus interviews or in off campus in future. Please inform me. Sandeep a Dear Sandeep. It would be very difficult for you to swallow the hard concept of losing one important year of your Q academic life in a professional college. However, since now you have realized the mistake, you shouldn’t brood over it. Instead of brooding you should look ahead. If you really work hard and secure good a grades in next semesters, it would hardly matter that

22 TF April 2010

Clarity of words Usually, communication problems begin with the mispronunciation of words. So it is important that both the interviewer and interviewee should speak clearly so that there are no communication problems. An online interview requires some mental preparation, if you’re used to only personal interviews. In some cases you might also be

you have lost one year when it comes to facing an interview for job. Just be honest to the interviewers and confess your mistake. It’s always good to tackle the root cause of the problem rather than treating mere symptoms. Whatever is done is past, think about future. Being confident, energised and radiating with positivity, you will be successful at whatever you do. Be it any stage of your life. I am a graduate and would like to do an MBA preferably in finance or marketing. Could you explain what are the positives of the MBA programme? MBA prepares you for life-so they say. It gives you the confidence and prepares you for the tough corporate

Mistakes to Avoid Camera background Don’t have anything inappropriate showing in the background. Keep your work area very neat and tidy Don’t get too “chatty” It’s easy to say too much. That blows out the interview time, and can irritate the interviewers who may have up to 20 other interviews scheduled. Keep your answers to the point. Live chat interviews Don’t type more than you need to while doing a “live chat” version of the online interview. These interviews aren’t particularly common, but is used in some cases where a video interview isn’t possible. Don’t hurry yourself Like any job interview, “think before you speak”. While working with the camera it is natural that you might end up doing things in a hurry, so it is important to relax and speak normally. Dress and appearance Remember to present yourself properly. Dress in basic business clothes, a suit is optional, but make sure you look good. Check your appearance in the web cam before going live.

asked to do an online test, a video interview, and at times a “live chat” version of the interview. An online interview is becoming more popular with employers as it saves a lot of time and money. Since it is a new concept, it requires a bit of time to get used to. Preparing for an Online Interview The only new element in an online job interview is the web cam or computer camera. If you haven’t worked with a web cam before, get one, and practice using it. Learn how to set up your end of the interview The most important thing is to turn on the web cam. This can occasionally vary a bit depending on your software and that of the employer’s, but usually the interviewer uses a standard equipment. Make sure you’ve got the microphone volume right It is important that

the volume of the microphone should be right, so that your voice can be heard clearly. Learn how to speak normally to the microphone. If you’ve got a directional microphone, be aware that you need to point your mouth directly at the microphone. Practice using the microphone so that you’re sure the microphone is positioned properly for you. Practice working with the web cam While speaking, look directly at the web cam. Some practice will help to make it look natural. The camera has some default settings which will do most of the work. If you’re not sure, stick to the default settings. Relax You need to be comfortable, and should be able to concentrate on the interview, and not on the fine points of camera operation. Practicing in front of the camera will make you more comfortable.

life by fine tuning your interaction skills and the “can bring into the organisation that counts. do” attitude. The programme helps you to become a great team player from a good team player .Also, Q CA + MBA or CA + LLB which has a better career you realise quickly that an MBA has to continuously prospect? absorb knowledge, skills an information and has to continuously perform to earn his salary. An MBA is a This would largely depend upon your personal expected to respond well to challenges. Specialisations aptitude. An MBA finance from a reputed B-School in MBA are the core area. would be a great advantage to you as would have Finance and Marketing both are the big lures. But lot many job offers. Also, many finance roles demand a fresh trainee right out from a B school need to that you be an MBA-e.g. financial analyst, investment remember that an organisation looks for a student analyst, opportunities in investment banking etc. A CA who can fit into their culture. They also look for with LLB would give you an advantage in a role where the difference between a manager and a leaderemployers need legal background. this is where the grades, internship experience Also worth considering is the time required to and relevant project work counts. It is also good to complete the above two courses. MBA - 2 years. LLB- 3 remember that it is the attitude and knowledge you years, after graduation. TF April 2010 23

career track

Career in Biomedical Engineering

Biomedical engineers are expected to have a background in either mechanical or electronics egineering, along with a training in biomedical egineering.They work in various types of environments like, hospitals,laboratories and space programs.


veryday a new branch is being added to the field of science and biomedical engineering is one such branch. Biomedical engineering is the application of engineering techniques to the field of medicine. This field encompasses bioinstrumentation, bio-materials, bio-mechanics, medical imagining, genetic engineering, orthopedic surgery, cellular and tissue engineering. Biomedical engineers have to be experts in engineering sciences, bio-sciences and medical sciences. Though it is a new branch, it has helped in the innovation of many new devices like, artificial organs, prostheses, instrumentation, medical information systems, and health management and care delivery systems. Biomedical engineers are expected to have a background in either mechanical or electronics engineering, along with a training in biomedical engineering. A biomedical engineer should be aware of the usage of tools like, electrometers, MRI scanners , pH electrodes, physiological recorders and pressure indicators. Other than tools, knowledge about computer softwares like, analytical software, CAD, development environment software, medical software and requirements analysis and system architecture software is also a must.

22 TF July 2010

One of the numerous applications of biomedical eng

Biomedical engineers are expected to have a background in either mechanical or electronics engineering, along with a training in biomedical engineering Just having knowledge about softwares and tools alone cannot make one’s career as a biomedical engineer, they are also expected to have certain soft skills. These soft skills include, proper communication skills, enough knowledge in science, being able to comprehend written documents, should have proper time management skills, being able to give correct information to clients, should be able to listen to what other people say, be

able to solve problems, elaboratly, good diagnostic skills to identify and rectify the problem in a system/ and equipment is needed. Patience and good public relation skills to cater to customer needs and proper techno-commercial acumen and people management skills to run/ control a department is necessary. A career in biomedical engineering can help medical science in a big way by providing instruments that can increase life longevity and at the same time provide equipment to people with disabilities. The work will be interesting , having to deal with both engineering and medical sides of things. One gets to work with path breaking technology used in saving lives.

Other than these skills, a biomedical engineer is also expected to do the following things



Understand the safety, efficiency, and effectiveness of biomedical equipments.

Be able to maintain and repair biomedical equipment.



Do a research on new materials for various products.


Advise hospital administrators on the use of medical equipment.

Develop new models to obtain data for measuring or controlling life processes.

Disseminate knowledge about biomedical engineering through writing or consulting.

Banaras Hindu University Institute of Technology, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh Anna University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu Osmania University Biomedical Instrumentation Centre, Department of


Design and deliver technology to assist people with disabilities.

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Centre of Biomedical Research, University of Delhi, New Delhi

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur



All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi

Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay

Develop medical, diagnostic and clinical instrumentation, equipment, and procedures, using the principles of engineering and biobehavioral sciences. Conduct research, along with life scientists, chemists, and medical scientists, on the engineering aspects of the biological systems of humans and animals.


Various institutions offering biomedical engineering in India

Advise and assist in the application of instrumentation in clinical environments.

Biomedical engineering has a bright future in India and abroad with diverse spheres offering employment to the qualified biomedical engineer

Biomedical Engineering, University College of Engineering, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh Jadavpur University, Kolkata, West Bengal Dwarkadas J. Sanghvi College of Engineering, Mumbai, Maharashtra College of Engineering and Technology, Belgaum, Karnataka Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, Karnataka Model Engineering College, Ernakulam, Kerala

Bio Medical Ethics The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) is the central body for formulating, coordinating, and promoting biomedical research in India. The ICMR is building capacity in bioethics which is relevant to Indian ethos, with special emphasis on research ethics related to genetics, drug development (including traditional medicine), public health ethics and social sciences, and international

research ethics. ICMR has initiated a Bioethics Education program for India, which includes the topics mentioned above under the project funded by Fogarty International Center, National Institutes of Health, USA. Objectives  To develop a working system for program direction through a National Task Force.  To develop a centrally coordi-

nated Bioethics network of faculty among ICMR and non-ICMR Institutions to disseminate bioethics education.  To develop capacity in bioethics education through a training program based on a uniform national bioethics curriculum.  To develop a system of evaluation to modify the curriculum on an ongoing basis through feedback.

TF July 2010 23

Company review


Amdocs, focusing on key market segments, currently top-tier telecommunication service providers; broadband, cable and satellite companies; and financial services Leading the evolution to integrated customer management offering software products and services seminars, sports meets, in house competitions and list goes on.

Brand Value Amdocs has very good brand value both locally and globally. More or less all Indian software big wigs which work in telecom domains need Amdocs professionals. It is the undisputed number one in telecom billing domain and a key player in CRM domain. Career growth and onsite opportunities Great company in terms of onsite opportunities so much so that joining this company will require a valid passport. In many cases from day one even fresher is put on onsite travel. I have seen many persons with valid company sponsored visas of more than five countries!! Career growth is good but not as fast as it is in other Indian companies because of the relatively flat organizational hierarchy. So, one may have to work in a band for quite sometime. Work environment and communication b/w teams or departments Great work environment due to

24 TF July 2010

transparent work culture and easy going environment. Most of the middle level management has been Amdocs employees for more than a decade and they understand the organization culture well. Open door policy is truly working here and you can approach anybody to solve your problem. Zero bureaucracy, no politics and red tapism very professional dynamics among departments. Even people from accounts department will call you many times to solve your small problem. Work Pressure/Work life balance Work pressure is moderate and mangers keep track of employees overworking. Although sometimes it can be really hectic but generally you will reach your home by 6:30. Company allocates entertainment budget for employee/team/department/ whole centre, so there is lot of fun. There are trips decided by your team, fun parties, gifts,

Satisfaction with salary and quality of work Amdocs comes in middle bracket as paymaster i.e. it pays less only than industry’s big paymasters but certainly much more than Blood Suckers!! Fresher starts at 3.5 lakhs pa. Quality of work is of course better than many service oriented companies. You can get good work and boring work too depending upon the projects. Being a product based company, the learning curve is somewhat steep in Amdocs. You will have to invest time to get hold of their product design and coding style. Overall work content is good if you are not looking for some fundoo technical stuffs. What type of work they do Amdocs is a product development company, which builds telecom billing solutions and CRM software and customizes them for customers. Job Security You are secure unless you perform too much poorly. Do you recommend your company to others? Yes or No and Why Yes I will because it’s a good place to work.

Disclaimer:This is an individuals point of view about the company that he/she is employed in and we, at TechnoFIRST, won’t be held responsible for the same. As per the request the identity of that individual shall not be disclosed under any circumstances.

Innovator of the month

smartEYE smartEYE is an all purpose typing and listening software for visually challenged people.

The Innovation smartEYE is an all purpose typing and listening software for visually challenged people. Innovation Philosophy Vision is one of the most precious gifts from God to mankind, but all are not lucky enough to have this gift. It’s a fact that no one can impart God’s gift to his/her peers. smartEYE caters to the needs of such visually disabled persons. It attempts to impart the power of typing to visually challenged people. Moreover, smartEYE enables a vision impaired person to be self-dependent. The Spark As usual, “Necessity is the mother of invention”, but here it was my friend Rajeev’s*(name changed) necessity which sparked the development of smartEYE. My friend Rajeev lost his eyesight at the age of 12. I still remember how jealous I was for not getting prizes for story writing and poem writing, Rajeev bagged them all. He was also a good football player. How could God do such a thing to such a creative person, well with smartEYE I could not impart his athletic skills but of course I could restore his talent and creativity. Features While typing, as the user enters a character, each character is read aloud. After completion of a word or sentence, the typed word or sentence is read aloud.

26 TF July 2010

Vision is one of the most precious gifts from God to mankind, but all are not lucky enough to have this gift. It’s a fact that no one can impart God’s gift to his\her peers. smartEYE caters to the needs of such visually disabled persons. It attempts to impart the power of typing to visually challenged people. Moreover, smartEYE enables a vision impaired person to be self-dependent

 On double-clicking the document, the entire document is read aloud.  On pointing the mouse towards the menu items, the menu items are read aloud. A full-screen editor is deployed so that the user is always “in” the application boundary. My Entrepreneurial Journey So Far Software programming was always my craze and was always in my blood. Computers were my friends since my school days. Though I did not like Physics, I graduated in it. For my post graduation, I did MCA. After completion of my MCA, I had to wait for some time before I got a job with DivX Software Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Association With TePP With support and encouragement from Mr. Ajay Lal (Chief Editor, TechnoFIRST magazine) and Mr. K C Nair (CFO,TECHNOPARK), smartEYE was nominated for TePP funding. I am still awaiting the results. I have also approached some NGOs regarding funding and collaboration. Patent Status There are still some more features to be added to smartEYE. At present only the basic version has been completed. I am planning to apply for patent only after completing the fully developed version. Future Plans The greatest recognition I have obtained through smartEYE is Rajeev’s smile and am expecting more smiles of that kind.I am also planning to provide the software free of cost to all genuine

and needy people. Dedications This work would not have been possible if not for the support from Kichi and my mother and also from my friends Vandana,Anjana,Jyothish and Soumya.

Contact Mob : +91-9895227675 Res : 0472 2863179 e-mail : sajanyamaha@yahoo. com Address :. Chonamolil House Kattumpuram PO, Kallara TVM, PIN : 695608


Take a break A break can always help us to refresh ourselves and also can help us in thinking about new ideas to improve our business


e all dream about starting our own business.Once we start a business, the responsibilities also increase. In a business, the smallest to the biggest work is the responsibility of the boss. Too many responsibilities makes us wonder when we can take a break. Being an entrepreneur does not mean we are not entitled to a break. It is always important to take a break. It does not matter whether the break is for a day or for a week. A break can

28 TF July 2010

always help us to refresh ourselves and also can help us in thinking about new ideas to improve our business. While being away on a break there are certain things that can be done which can be beneficial for the business. Here are some pointers

Set a goal It is always necessary to set a goal as to where you expect your business to be in a year’s time. Always

set a realistic goal. Prepare an action plan as to how to achieve your goal. Improve Efficiencies Most of the times when we encounter a problem, we follow a particular method to solve it. Each time we encounter the same problem, we use the same method to solve it. We need to think of different ways to solve the problem and not just stick onto one. This can help in improving business efficiency.

Meet other entrepreneurs If a business has to grow, it is important that we meet other entrepreneurs, who are in the same line. This way we can get new ideas, that can help our business to grow. Improve Communication Due to our busy schedule it so happens that we are not able to communicate with co-workers and clients. A break can help us in improving communication, which is a necessity for running the business better. Read and Listen to Experts By reading books, newspapers etc, and listening to experts, we can get ideas about how to improve our business. Though we might get too many ideas from different sources, it is important that we sift through the ideas and apply only those that are applicable to our

business. Improve decision-making Since we work for long hours, it is natural that due to the stress, we at times might not be able to take the right decisions. A break can help us to think in a stress free environment and also improve our decision-making skills. Go for a walk At times to clear our mind we should go for a walk or take a hike, so that we can think about new ways to improve our business. Taking a break from our business should not be considered as a waste of time or as a loss for our business. A break is a necessity to rejuvenate ourselves from our stressful environment where we spend hours. It is beneficial for the business as with a clear mind we can think of different ways to improve our business.

Quick tips Set a goal

It is always necessary to set a goal as to where you expect your business to be in a year’s time.

Improve Efficiencies

Most of the times when we encounter a problem, we follow a particular method to solve it.

Meet entrepreneurs

If a business has to grow, it is important that we meet other entrepreneurs, who are in the same line

Read , Listen Experts

By reading books, newspapers etc, and listening to experts, we can get ideas about how to improve our business Improve decision-making Since we work for long hours, it is natural that due to the stress, we at times might not be able to take the right decisions




Live online & mobile viewing, High definition and 3D telecasting, specially made balls and Robos playing soccer, all showcasing the new advancements in technologies use din the present world cup. Deepa Easwar

World cup


Technology (Throughout History)


Through the 10930’s, teams provides their own balls, which were largely just lumps of air- filled leather.

Azteca is the first official game ball made of synthetic material instead of leather. The ball were instantly more responsive, water resistant, durable.

Laces are removed fro the balls, which now also include a valve for pumbing air to retain firmness

Etrusco Unico ball contains an internal layer of black polyurethane form, making it the first to be fully water-resistant



FIFA finaly regulates the size , weight and diameter of the ball. An orange version is used for easier visibility on the snow -driven Swiss pitches The first ball to use synthetic meterials appear.




30 TF July 2010

The adidas telstar ball-the first official FIFA match ball- is made up of 32 handstiched black and white panels.

The tango Espana design incorporates waterproof sealed seams. The result is limited water absorption and minimized weight increase under wet conditions



Questra replaces black PF with an “ ultra high energy -return” layer of white polyethylene foam.

1994 Tricolore features a “syntactic foam” layer for improved durability, responsiveness, and energy return


The +Teamgeist’s 14panel configuration reduces three -panel touch points by 60%, making a rounder, smoother ball for bette accuracy.


Jambulani comprises eight thermally bonded, spherically molded panels and is perfectly rounded for the first time


s Shakira’s voice sings Waka Waka eh eh, the world sings with her. As you glue your eyes to the television screen that brings to you the excitement from Johannesburg, don’t you dare forget that the soccer attraction comes with amazing developments in technology. Do you realize that this is the first time millions of people around the globe are able to watch it on their mobile phones. This may not be exactly around the world but, analysts Informa ( reckon that by 2011 more than 210 million people will routinely watch TV on their mobiles. This gives them a chance to test the readiness of the technology to drive home “more”.The mobile network 3 ( leads the way with three mobile channels showing highlights, the best action of the day, and a magazine program created just for phones. This is also the first major sporting event to be shown ‘live’ in high definition. The first HDTV honours went to the BBC for the opening match between Germany and Costa Rica. Providing the slick high-tech coverage that the modern TV viewer expects is a huge job, especially as all the broadcasters around the world must fulfill the specific needs of their particular audiences. This task is overseen by Host Broadcasting Services (HBS), which was set up in 1999

specifically to produce TV and radio coverage of the 2002 and 2006 finals. In each of the 12 stadiums, there is a minimum of 20 digital highdefinition (HD) cameras. These cover the game from every angle, with multiple cameras providing close-ups and alternative views of the action. Specialist cameras are also fitted in the goalmouths for replays. There are even dedicated cameras covering the two team benches. One of the other technological advancement is that tickets have Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags to expedite ticketing and to prevent fraud. The tag is a small silicon chip that stores and processes data, along with an antenna, which can receive and broadcast radio frequency signals. The whole thing is as thin as a sheet of paper and about the size of a postage stamp. Philips is manufacturing the tags for the World Cup tickets at an estimated cost of 10 eurocents per chip, which is barely significant considering the €35 price for the cheapest seats at the group-stage matches. The other safe guard measure is to stop hackers. FIFA’s networking partner Avaya has put together a team of specialists, who would be working to thwart malicious computer users to reprise the to-date unsuccessful denial-of-service attacks against the networks servicing the 2002 World Cup, the 2003 Women’s World Cup and the Confederations Cup, the warm-up tournament for Germany 2006. Technology comes to the playing field through the Smart Ball. The world soccer body FIFA had to drop the idea of using a new chipenabled soccer ball at the tournament. For the German sportswear manufacturer Adidas-Salomon, which is the official game balls supplier for the event, was still to perfect the technology. Previously, the engineers working on the smart ball had hoped the technology would be ready for the World Cup. The chip-enabled soccer ball is being developed by Adidas, together with the Fraunhofer Institute and software company Cairos Technologies. The technology is based on an ASIC (application-

32 TF July 2010

specific integrated circuit) chip with an integrated transmitter to send data. The chip, suspended in the middle of the ball to survive acceleration and hard kicks, sends a radio signal to the referee’s watch in less than a second of the ball crossing the goal line. Similar chips, but smaller and flatter, have been designed to insert into players’ shin guards. So there we are ! its like a new technology sprouting up every minute around you. But we are still not done! Today, if you watch a match between the soccer boys of different countries, in future the same match may be played by humanoids. And I can say that for sure because news about this interesting sport called “Robbo Soccer” has been already spreading around. Yes, it’s the robots playing football - the championship was held in Germany from 14th to 20th June 2006. Believe it or not, the vision of the group is to have a team of humanoids defeat the best “human” soccer team in the world by 2050. Tough to digest for some. But not for those who keep track of the developments in the field of

Artificial Intelligence. Who says that thinking is only a Human Being’s capability? Science is slowly proving it wrong. Today machines can think; if not, we are capable of making it think…and this is what Artin Dynamics is all about. All set to redefine intelligence. Machines being treated almost at par with human beings. Machines being able to think for itself. Machines being able to detect its user and usage patterns. This and many more with highly qualified and technically proficient AI Engineers working day night to create a revolution in power management. Their hard work has a precise focus, a definite target : SPARA, the flagship product from Artin Dynamics; a technology that detects the usage patterns of electronic devices and saves power automatically when not in use, with the help of AI algorithms. As every member of the AD Family awaits anticipately for the launch of SPARA, the developments in this amazing field is definitely a trigger to new and innovative ideas that could contribute towards a greener tomorrow! Way to go AD!

Department of scientific and industrial Research (DSIR)

Technopreneur Promotion Programme (TePP) wanted 200 innovators with grit and

determination to become technopreneurs TePP along with its network partners provides grants, technical guidance and mentoring to independent innovators to emerge as entrepreneurs by incubating their idea and enterprise in two phases. Till date 400 innovations have been supported. Proposals are now

invited on the following for support in the year 2010-2011



Micro Technopreneurship Support (TS) (Max support Rs 0.75 lakhs)

Any independent innovator testing new ideas with computer generated /physical models. Student innovators and others who have not worked on their idea can avail this support to develop their novel concept further and understand challenges in implementation. They can apply to phase-1 grants thereafter.

TePP Phase I (Innovation Incubation)

Any independent innovator/start-up firm for developing function proving prototypes. Innovators can apply direct for TPF support without applying for TS/ if they have worked on their idea to the extent they understand challenges in implementation. Before submitting proposal, they can take a self check based on Check list placed on DSIR website.

TePP Project Fund (TPF) (Max support Rs 15 Lakhs)

TePP phase II(Enterprise Incubation): 1 Supplementary TePP Fund(STF)

Successful TePP innovators of TePP Phase 窶的 for licensing technology to a third party

2 Seamless scale-up support(S3T)

Successful TePP innovators of TePP Phase-I for starting own enterprise.

(Max support Rs 7.50 lakhs)

Shri R. R. Abhyankar contact: Scientist- G & Head, TPDU Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR)

Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Raod NEW DELHI 110 016, Tel. : 011- 2863805, FAX : 011-26960629, E-mail :


1. Women innovators are encouraged to apply. All assistance will be provided to them by TePP Network 2. TePP works in a network mode with several out reach centers spread across the country. Addrsses of TePP Outreach centers(TUC) with name of coordinator and contact numbers are placed in DSIR web page. Few more TUCs will be added in the current financial year. All outreach centers provide counseling and mentoring, some provide incubation facilities too. Innovators are encouraged to submit proposals through the TePP Outreach Centers. 3. The application blank appropriate to the category may be downloaded from DSIR Website:

we share your dreams

start up story

Cre8tivebug specializes in the development of web-based enterprise solutions, web application and portal development


re8tivebug is a rapidly growing company and it offers a wide spectrum of quality web solution services to global clientele. With an office in India, we specialize in the development of web-based enterprise solutions, web application and portal development. We use design based application and rich interactive media. Primary motivation for starting a company The inspiration behind starting the company was our deep knowledge in application and design and confidence in providing better solutions to our clients in a timely manner.

34 TF July 2010

Major steps to start the company The major steps included, preparing the business plan, initial investment analysis, market study and infrastructure development. We also looked at the projects that we would be taking up for the next 3 months. Seed capital for the company The seed capital came from investments from the directors and also the revenue from the projects Most valuable asset Our commitment to work and the quality services that we provide are our most valuable assets. Support from any incubator or professional body

Yes we did get support. Technopark TBIC helped us building the company in terms of infrastructure, technical advises, market research etc. Biggest challenge Our biggest challenges were to find out the best client and getting consistent work. We overcame these by providing the best quality service and sticking on to the time frame, good communication and prompt delivery. Future plans To move out to a bigger infrastructure with a minimum of 100 resources in the next 2 years. To become one of the best design and application development firm in



Our competence and experience ensures that we deliver excellent services and products to our customers. At every stage of the development process, from conceptual design to project release, we maintain high quality. We specialize in reducing costs for our customers and improving productivity, reliability, quality, speed and agility. Over the years, we have leveraged our position in the global market with an enviable list of clients achieved through IT innovation, dedicated teams and timely implementation of solutions.

We have become an exclusive development centre for some of the top US agencies.

Our Vision

Quality Policy

Providing unique personal service.  Innovative solutions to meet each of our client’s individual needs. Treating clients and colleagues with respect. Being accountable to clients and colleagues in all we do.

“we shall make strenuous efforts to achieve total customer satisfaction through on time delivery of projects and services by providing highest quality standards and optimum utilization of resources by continually improving our processes and practices”

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the world. Advice to budding entrepreneurs Plan your business, study the market, find out the best capability you and your team have and update yourself with the latest technologies. Look for new projects or start up ones you have confidence in getting consistent work. Our Principles We respect our client: We love to learn from those who know best. Our client knows their business

36 TF July 2010

better than anyone and they are the best person to teach us about it. We will understand their business objectives and ensure that what we create, works towards those objectives. We respect our product: To create something and put it out there means that we should never compromise on the quality, content and integrity of the product. Our Vision Our Vision is to be a world-class web services company which is

admired for its excellent culture, its exquisite product and its ability to deliver outstanding outputs to the clients. We will accomplish our Vision through our commitment to strategic growth, and outstanding service. Contact Cre8tivebug Software Private Limited B-9, Nila, Technopark, Trivandrum. Phone – 0471 4068255, 9946961777

For more TBI News Log on to www.

NASSCOM–TBI Workshop on Product Management Conducted


echnopark CEO Mr. Mervin Alexander inaugurated the workshop on Product Management organized by NASSCOM in association with Technopark TBI in ‘Product Strategy and Road Map’ on May 28, 2010 at The Malabar Hall, Park Centre. Mr.K. Purushothaman, Regional Direc- tor, NASSCOM-TN & Kerala and Mr.KCC Nair, CFO Technopark were present

Workshop on Software Engineering

38 TF July 2010

during the inauguration. The workshop was handled by Mr.Vivek Tuljapurkar, a management and engineering consultant based in Pune, India. The workshop was well represented by the Technopark companies. The workshop presented a detailed overview of all aspects of product management, including how products evolve, how they compete, customer interaction, why they succeed or fail, etc.


tbi news Investment and Market Opportunities in Bahrain


he second INSPIRE Session was held on 11th June 2010 at Cochin Hall, Park Centre, Technopark. The session discussed on the investment and market opportunities in Bahrain. Ms. Dharmi Magdani, Country Manager, Economic Development Board, Bahrain was the speaker. The INSPIRE session was organised by the Group of Technology Companies (GTECH) in partnership with the Economic Development Board, Bahrain and Technopark TBI. Mr. KC. Chandrasekharan Nair, Secretary and Registrar, T-TBI, Mr. S Rama Rao, General Manager, Gemini Software Solutions and Mr. Binu Sankar, CEO, GTECH were present during the session. CXOs from small and medium companies inside the Technopark campus held fruitful discussions with Ms. Dharmi on the various unding avenues available in Bahrain.

Best Practices and Principles in July 15-16, 2010

ational Centre for Innovation Incubation & Entrepreneurship(NCIIE), the training arm of Technopark TBI and the Technopark Software Engineering Competency Centre (TSECC) in association with SE-Mentor are organising a workshop, the fourth of the series on Software Engineering – Best Practices and Principles at Technopark on July 15- 16, 2010. The two day workshop, targeted at companies in incubation and other microenterprises in the IT sector shall serve to provide advanced methods to enable them to set up the soft-

ware development process. TSECC facilitates bridging the gap between theoretical learning and practical implementation of the best practices of software development through Rational’s software engineering tools and the expertise of the Rational certified instructors at SE Mentor. The earlier workshops of the series had a phenomenal reponse among the small and medium IT companies operating inside as well as outside Technopark. The training programme will guide software development companies on how to build software engineering into the software development process.

Review Meeting of TePP Outreach Centres@IIT, Delhi


he review meeting of the TePP Outreach Centres for the TePP Scheme of DSIR was held in FITT, New Delhi on June 4-5, 2010. The meeting was chaired by Shri. R.R Abhyankar, Advisor, TePP- DSIR in the

absence of Dr.H.S Maiti, Chairman, TePP Screening Committee. The members discussed various issues related to supporting innovators and promoting the TePP Scheme of DSIR. The meeting also discussed on steps to be taken for taking the

innovation into the commercialisation phase. Mr. Sreejith, Technical Officer represented Technopark TUC in the meeting and presented the progress of Technopark TUC to the TePP Screening Committee members.

Accentia wins Excellence Award

Board of Governors Meeting of T-TBI

ew Delhi: In recognition of its outstanding contributions to the growth of IT/ITES industry in the country, Accentia Technologies, one of the earliest startups incubated in Technopark was honored by the Institute of Economic Studies, one of the premier researchoriented and awareness promoting global organizations. The award was presented at a glittering function held in the Hotel Grand Sukhumvit, Bangkok by the Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand, Korn Dabbaransi, and was received by Mr. C.K. Sooraj, Director-Operations & HR, Accentia on behalf of Accentia Technologies.

he second meeting of the Board of Governors (BOG) of Technopark TBI will be held at Technopark on July 8, 2010. Shri .H.K Mittal, Advisor, NSTEDB, DST, Govt of India and Dr.Dinesh Awasthi, Director, EDII Ahmedabad will be attending the BOG meet. The meetings aims to plan for the operational strategies of the financial year 2010-11 and to evaluate the performance of the last financial year.


TechTop 2010 to be held in July


he finals of the fifth edition of the National Innovation Contest - TechTop-2010, for identifying and recognizing the best innovative talents from among the students of Engineering Colleges/Institutes of India will be at Technopark from July 29-31, 2010. The contest is organized jointly by Degree Controls, Inc., Technopark Trivandrum, National Research Development Corporation (NRDC, Govt. of India), Executive Knowledge Lines monthly and IEEE. The exhibition of successful models and the innovators’


presentations before a national level expert committee at the Technopark will be done during the finals. The first prize is Rs one lakh sponsored by Degree Controls, Inc., USA. There are second and third prizes of Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 30,000, each as well as special prizes for the best business plan, best all girls’ team and a consolation prize – all of Rs. 20,000 each. The initially short listed entries can also avail the technology incubator facility in Technopark. The contest is to search for the most innovative product ideas. TFJuly 2010 39

study abroad


Exchange Programs Students usually who have just finished their high school or are in the university are eligible for an exchange program


veryone loves studying abroad and there are different ways to do it. Student exchange program is one such way. A student exchange program is of two types, one in which there is no trade-off and the other in which there is a trade-off between the students of the two countries. Students usually who have just finished their high school or are in the university are eligible for an exchange program. The exchange program can be for six to ten months. The main intention behind an exchange program is for the student to learn how to live in a foreign country and also to learn the language and culture of the host country. Usually the student stays with a host family, so that they get a feel of the host nation. Certain programs select families to be host families. Before going for an exchange program it is always better to know

Intention behind the program

The main intention behind an exchange program is for the student to learn how to live in a foreign country and also to learn the language and culture of the host country

40 TF July 2010

about the place and also what is expected of an exchange student. The best source of information is Rotary Club. This club is there

worlwide and they are well-known for their exchange programs. Certain exchange programs require that the students know

The best sourse of information

What the benifit for students

The best source of information is Rotary Club. This club is there worlwide and they are well-known for their exchange programs

The students get a chance to experience a new country, learn a new language and also visit various places

about the language of the country, so that they don’t have difficulty in understanding the language. Exchange students might also be asked to go through an interview process before being selected for a program. They are also expected to know about the norms of the host country on issues like driving, drinking, smoking and dating. Before leaving their country, students are also given tips on safety measures. It is always best to stay with a local family, as it would save on boarding charges. Through a host family, a student can also get an idea about the culture and food habits of the host nation. Cultural exchange does not happen one way but is a two way learning process, where

both groups get to know about each other. Certain exchange programs expect students to attend classes at a local school or university. This is because the student will be given marks based on his/ her performance. They are also expected to give a detailed report about their exchange program to their home country. The experience of an exchange program is unique. The students get a chance to experience a new country, learn a new language and also visit various places. Along with this new experience also comes in a sense of responsibility. Since the student is alone for the first time in a new place he/she automatically develops a sense of responsibility.


Puzzle rating: Easy A mind game and a puzzle that you solve with reasoning and logic. Fill in the grid with digits in such a manner that every row,every column and every 3X3 box accommodates the digits 1 to 9, without repeating any. The solution to the sudoku is on page no:

TFJuly 2010 41

Job hunt



When it comes to employment, companies are interested in only those candidates who have very good organizational skills

The ability to manage time not only shows a person’s good working habits but also his/her ability to accomplish tasks


rganizational skills are a necessity at the workplace. People, who are able to manage their time are not only more productive, but also have time for leisure and relaxation. When it comes to employment, companies are interested in only those candidates who have very good organizational skills. The ability to manage time not only shows a person’s good working habits but also his/her ability to accomplish tasks. Thus job seekers need to improve their organizational skills so as to have a better employment chance. These skills are necessary in a workplace to increase productivity. This would also in a way make people in the company recognize your value and thus go a long way in getting a promotion. Managing time can also reduce stress and tension at the work place.

42 TF July 2010

Here are some tips to improve your organizational skills Planning It is very important that we plan out our day properly so that we can keep our appointments. We should list out our appointments, meetings and other tasks in a notebook or a PDA to keep a track of our time. Thus we can be on time for all meetings. Set our priorities straight As part of our job, it is necessary to set our priorities straight. In order to do that we should decide which work needs to be given high priority and work towards finishing

that work on time. Use a calendar A calendar can be used to mark important dates especially deadlines. This would help us work accordingly so that we are able to finish our work on time. Managing time Time management is an important organizational skill. Every job requires a scheduled time, so it is necessary that we use our time to the best of our ability to finish the task assigned to us, so that later we need not regret about not using our time properly. Time management is a skill that we need to learn by ourselves and no one can teach us.

Dependence on Computers and Mobile Phones Vinita Abichandani


obility is the new motto and not mere mobility but paired with ease and conve-

nience. Baby powder wanted sms “WD to 5252”, want to play tennis = put the phone on conference and decide who brings the ball and the net; Rakesh’s birthday today… send an e-card and a cake image gift, visit websites to vote for your favorite contestant; love and sorry messages, a moment ‘yes’ and a moment ‘no’, an instant bio-data and an instant appointment; desire and satisfaction and then the jump to another desire and satisfaction only to hop on to another, is the practicing exercise for today. A want and the desire to accomplish that want was always the nature of a living being, now it is just that the pace has increased and the definition of what is best keeps changing. Tu tu…tu tu is the answer to all; it is the stimulant and the response. It seems to have

become an all time availability of assistance and in some time shall become more than a substitute to human blood and flesh. Capitalist consumerism is the phase man is walking through and hence the recurring advertisements shall shine on the screens. It is the consumerist value of an object that has defeated even the price value as the consideration to purchase. The market swings to and fro to make the best to consume and moves into the competition to create. The market then creates objects after objects and computers and mobile phones become the medium through which they are advertised and can be selected and purchased and no wonder that mobiles and computers themselves are available in ranges more than A to Z. It has its other side though. Quick connectivity on the basis of the style and the pattern of language allows a kind of unseen binding thread that holds relationships. Nonetheless as a caution it is

necessary to keep in mind that this connectivity is wireless!!! As consumerism is the main criteria for the present, so do I accept without any considerations of good or bad, that there is no god, no religion, no morality, no genuine source to hold on to but mobiles and computers is what for now man is holding on to, which nonetheless is not genuine but is only fostering our way to create new and different realities rather than opting for any stable definition for anything in life. Man was always two footed and hence had two sides to everything s/he decided. The pros and the cons are complementary after all. According to me then the dependence on mobiles and computers is a part of the run man has decided for himself. About the Author: Vinita Abichandani MA English literature Goregaon (W) Mumbai

1. Name the program that offered users cash back on purchases made through Microsoft’s search engine, on which the software giant is pulling the plug by end of July. 2. The nomenclature of Google’s Nexus One is said to be a reference to which cult sci-fi book? 3. According to ComScore, Inc, US shoppers spent a whopping $27 billion online in the holiday season with the second most productive day being ‘Cyber Monday’ with sales of $887 million after the December 15 sales which saw $913 million being spent. When was ‘Cyber Monday’? 4. Which legend of Silicon Valley is Fortune magazine’s CEO of the Decade? 5. Academy Award winner and Nobel Laureate Al Gore is a partner at which prestigious venture capital firm? 6. What is the name used by YouTube for its ‘ideas incubator’ where ‘…engineers and developers test out recipes and concoctions that aren’t quite fully baked and invite you to tell us how they’re coming along’? 7. A hand-held computing device, built in 2002 by a Japanese company, complete with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and VoIP support, is now in the news. Name the company and the device. 8. What has been dubbed ‘Operation Aurora’? 9. Google, as part of its April Fool prank in 2009, introduced to us CADIE. Expand CADIE 10.Name the recently unveiled music file format, developed by some of the key figures behind the MP3 and intended to be a competitor to Apple’s iTunes LP. Answers (1) Bing Cashback (2) Philip K. Dick’s ‘Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep (3) November 30 (4) The one and only Steve Jobs (5) Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byer (6) TestTube (7) Fujitsu and iPad (8) The recent China-based cyber attacks on 30 leading companies including Google and Symantec (9) Cognitive Autoheuristic Distributed-Intelligence Entity(10) MusicDNA

discuss it Dependence on Computers and Mobile Phones Computer technology has brought us into an era that is no longer run by man but instead is dependent on computers due to their incredible capabilities. Everyone’s daily activities are affected, in some way or the other by computers. With the computer things that were impossible have now been easily accomplished. Mobile phones are the most greatest blessing given to us by technology. It has helped us the overcome the various barriers of communication. But again depending on a computer and mobile phone is fine to some extent. As we know everything has its limitation even the use of computers and cellular phones has a limit. With the introduction of the computer a new form of crime was born. Computer crime can involve criminal activities such as theft, fraud, forgery and mischief, all which are easily defined and subject to criminal sanctions. They are bad when people use them while driving. It has led to many accidents today. European governments have cautioned parents about the health hazards children face with the use of cellphones before they are 16. People do need to remember that they can live without a cell phone, as it was only a couple years ago that cell phones became as popular as they are today. As with other things, dependency is something that you can control. It is up to you to decide whether you want to be consumed by it or not.

Modern technology has always been a twin edged sword. When the tech savvy generation praises the immense advancements in the field of science and technology, there inevitably arises another group which claims that these developments are destroying mankind. The modern technological dvancements and research has made computers and mobiles quite inevitable for the present gen. But this also pints a finger at the fact that it is unknowingly aiding laziness. A recent study conducted by a team has discovered that the modern work environment consisting of computers , mobiles etc are contributing by an alarming portion to the increased work related illness. What needs to be achieved is that , there should be a proper balancing act in the use of these devices. A life without these gadgets is quite unimaginable from now on, but over depending on them is not going to help matters any further What is required is a proper correlation to accommodate the modern tech at the same time giving adequate attention to the path by which we have arrived.

Treesa Joy

John Thomas

With the increasing use of Computers and Mobile, man has become a slave of these technological gadgets. Man has now-a days got no time to breath freely, he is always in stress due to these instruments. For almost all the daily activities, man is dependant on the Mobile and Computer. With Internet facilities available throughout the 24 hours and both these gadgets allowing Internet, man tries to keep himself update with all type of developments. But as it is not humanly possible, the entire knowledge bank becomes a waste for him. He has no time for some physical activities, exercise etc. The most important drawback for a man with these gadgets is that man is not utilising his brain and mental ability for even very small things such as small calculations etc. This is making a man very weak both mentally and physically. No doubt, dependance on Computers and Mobile is not a good thing. Gupta

The development of technology has become a very important part of people’s lives. During the past few years, technology has grownin India and across the world. People are always trying to find some thing new that will make their life easier. Some of the technological inventions like computers and cell phones have really changed and improved the life of man kind. Reading computers, the Internet serve as the most rapid way to send messages which are more than a text message which can e sent through a cellphone. As such , the cell phone is wonderful equipment invented recently. Mobile phone have changed the way society think. The advantages of cell phones are that it can be the most important piece of equipment with you to contact a person who is far away or even abroad. The good and bad or the positive and negative impact on computers and cell phones on life are yet to be proved, though there are reports on it still effect on health are little known. Jubin Mathew

As I recall earlier days means around 15-20 years back we used to see a long que on STD booths for making a call on cheaper rates after 11.00 PM or early morning at 04.30-5.00 but now total scene is hanged at minimum cost and at your convenience too you are talking over cell phonewith your near-dearones and chating over compuers. Now, our life style has seen a sea change in communications, we are comp savy and do things online, we have 3g and 4 g now, how can one not be dependable on all these things??? Is it possible to avoid these, no wasy one cant. Sanjeev Pathak

gadgets Sony HDR-CX150E/B Specifications HD Video Codec MPEG4-AVC,H.264 SD Video Codec MPEG2-PS Media Storage Type Memory Stick PRO Duo,PRO (High Speed) / PRO Duo (Mark2),PRO-HG Duo ,SD,SDHC Memory Card HYBRID Movie Recording on Memory Stick and SD/SDHC Memory Card (8GB Built-in Flash Memory) Image Sensor 1/4 “Exmor R” CMOS Sensor, Image Processor BIONZ Lens / Filter Diameter Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar / 30mm

Creative Zen Mozaic EZ300 8GB

Hp photosmart premium c309g Specifications

Features Capacity1: 8GB Size: 79.5 mm x 40.0 mm x 12.8 mm Weight: 43g Songs: 8GB (Black) Up to 2,000 WMAs/133hrs (Approx. 4mins per song at 64kbps WMA) Up to 1,000 MP3/ 66hrs (Approx. 4mins per song at 128kbps MP3) Battery Life2: More than 32hrs continuous audio playback Power Charging: Yes (via PC-USB or ZEN USB Power Adapter (sold separately)) Video Playback Formats3 Transcoded with bundled software  Audio Playback Formats: MP3, WMA, WAV (IMA-ADPCM), Audible 4

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Bluetooth Optical Mouse Plug and Play Ergonomic Design Ambidextrous design Optical Bluetooth Mouse High resolution optical sensor Up to 10 meters operational distance Designed for Bluetooth-enabled computer systems Price: Rs1,926


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46 TF July 2010

hot jobs All India Management Association (AIMA) Recruitment of Management Trainee &Jr. Technical Assistant (1) Name Of Post: Management Trainee ( General ) No. Of Posts: 14 Qualification :Degree with 1st class MBA, specialization in Personnel Management or Human Resource or Industrial Relation or Marketing Management or Supply Chain Management from recognized University / Institution. Pay Scale :Rs20600-46500/ Age Limit :28 yrs ( maximum as on 1st april 2010) (2) Name Of Post :Management Trainee No.of Posts : 04 Qualification:Degree with 1st class MBA in Finance or A pass in final examinations of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India or Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India or Pass in ACS (Associate Company Secretary) from recognized institution. Pay Scale :Rs 20600-46500/Age Limit : 28 yrs ( maximum as on 1st april 2010) (3) Name Of Post :Jr. Technical Assistant No.of Posts: 51 Qualification : Degree in Agriculture or a degree with Zoology, Chemistry or Bio-Chemistry as one of the subjects. Pay Scale:Rs 10500-26400/Age Limit :28 yrs ( maximum as on 1st april 2010) For applying and other details search site

Bharathidasan University Recruitment of Junior Research Fellow Name of Post :Junior Research Fellow Qualification : M.Sc Physics with first class and with NET-JRF/ NETLectureship. Pay Scale: Rs. 16000 How to apply: Applications on plain paper with complete bio-data including e-mail address and an attested photocopy of NET-JRF/ NET-Lectureship award letter

48 TF July 2010

should reach Dr.P. Muruganandam, Assistant Professor, School of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli-620024, Tamilnadu Applications on plain paper with complete bio-data including e-mail address and an attested photocopy of NET-JRF/ NET-Lectureship award letter should reach Dr.P. Muruganandam, Assistant Professor, School of Physics, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirapalli-620024, Tamilnadu (E-mail:anand@cnid. Last Date : On or before 15 JULY

Projects & Development India Limited Recruitment of Scientist/ Engineer and Technician Name of Post :Scientist/ Engineer Qualification : M.Sc. (Chemistry)/B Tech. Or M Tech in any branch of Engineering Pay Scale : Rs.15000 Age Limit: 30 years Name of Post :Technician Qualification : ITI at least with Graduate Pay Scale : Rs.6500 Age Limit: 30 years How To Apply: Interested and eligible candidates may apply to Dy.Mgr.(P&A), Projects & Development India Limited, CIFT Building, P.O. Sindri, Dist. Dhanbad – 828122, Jharkhand . Last date of receipt of applications – 20th July 2010. Candidates may also send their resume at the email address

National Institute of Ocean Technology Recruitment of Scientist Name of Post : Scientist B (Mechanical Engg, Post Code SB-ME) Qualification :First class B.E. / B.Tech. / M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering. Candidate with M.E. / M.Tech./ Ph.D. in Science will be preferred. Pay Scale : Rs. 15600 - 39100

Age Limit : Below 35 yrs How To Apply: Apply online at onlineapply/onlineapplication. php Last Date is on 15th July 2010.

Physical Research Laboratory Recruitment of Engineer Name of Post : Engineer SC (computer) Qualification : B.E./B.Tech (Computer Science OR Information Technology OR Electronics & Communication) with at least 65 %* of marks from recognized University.OR M.E./M.Tech (Computer Science OR Information Technology OR Electronics & Communication) with at least 60 %* of marks from recognized University. Pay Scale :Rs.15600-39100 Age Limit :35 years How To Apply : Applications will be received on-line only. The Candidates should register their application on-line on or before 2nd July 2010.

Border Roads Organisation Recruitment of Junior Engineer Name of Post:Junior Engineer( Civil ) No. Of Post:376 (UR-133, SC71, ST-15, OBC-157) Qualification :Diploma in Civil Engineering or equivalent from a recognized Institution. Pay Scale :Rs. 9300-34800 Name of Post :Junior Engineer(E&M) No. Of Post:300 (UR-152, SC47, ST-22, OBC-79) Qualification:Diploma or Licentiateship in Mechanical/Automobile/Electrical Engineering or equivalent from a recognized Institution. Pay Scale:Rs. 9300-34800 Last Date:19 July For applying and other details search www.technofirstonline. com

For more Hot Jobs Log on to www.

Indo-tibetan border police

Life Insurance Corporation of India

force (itbp) Ministry of Home Affairs (Government of India) Recruitment of Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) (Stenographer) Name of Post :Assistant Sub. Inspector (Stenographer) No .Of Posts :33 (UR 10, SC – 08 , ST – 05 , OBC – 10 ) Pay Scale :Rs.5200–20200 + Grade Pay Rs.2,800/- per month. Age Limit:Between 18 to 25 years (Cut off date for determining the age will be 22nd July 2010) Last Date :On or before 22 July (For Qualification and how to apply details search the site

Recruitment of Financial Service Executives Name of Post :Financial Service Executives No. of Post: 07 (General – 04, SC – 02, ST – 01, OBC – 00) Pay Scale:1st Year Rs. 10000/, 2nd Year 11300/- & 3rd Year 12700/Age Limit:21 - 35 years of age as on 1st June, 2010. Last Date:9th July 2010 For more details search www.

Canara Bank Recruitment of Investment Officers on Contract Name of Post : Investment Officers on Contract No. Of Posts : 700 ( SC – 106 , ST – 53, OBC – 191 , UR – 350) Qualification : A Graduate in any discipline, preferably with MBA, and having flair for marketing the Insurance, Mutual Fund and other products of the Bank. Pay Scale :Rs.6500 Age Limit: 21 - 30 Years. How To Apply : Apply online from Canara Bank Website between 22/06/2010 and 10/07/2010 at Last Date :10 July

Bharat Heavy E lectricals Limited Recruitment of Senior Engineers Name of Post:Senior Engineer or Deputy Manager Area of Specialization:Welding Technology No.of Post:3 Qualification:Ph.D (Engg) Age Limit: 34 Yrs Pay Scale : Rs.29100-54500 Last Date : 10 July For more details search

Structural Engineering Research Centre (Council of Scientific and Industrial Research) Recruitment of Scientist Name of Post:Scientist No.of Posts:12 Posts (UR-9, OBC-2 & ST-1) Qualification: Ph.D in Structural Engineering All the above from recognized Institutions/ Universities. Pay Scale:Rs.18750 + Grade Pay of Rs.6600 in the Pay Band PB-3 Rs.1560039100 Age Limit: Not exceeding 35 years for general category, 38 years for OBC and 40 years for ST /PWD candidates as on the last date for receipt of applications. Last Date: On or Before 30th July 2010 For more details search www.

sudoku answer

book review

Following Fish: Travels Around The Indian Coast by: Samanth Subramanian Penguin 167 pages, Rs250 Books have their ‘aha’ moments. Following Fish: Travels Around The Indian Coast, a collection of nine essays by journalist Samanth Subramanian has its on page 63 of the book when he talks about Kerala. Subramanian’s essay on the drinking habits of Kerela is the best of the lot. Even here, the focus is on the highly spiced karimeen fish offered along with toddy. The extra spice apparently gets people to order more toddy and makes perfect business sense. The search for the perfect fish leads Subramanian to Mangalore, Goa and then Mumbai, where a lady running a small gomantak restaurant explains to him the difference between the gomantak and the malwani cuisines. A recurring theme in the book is Subramanian’s concern about over-fishing by trawlers, which are driving the smaller fishermen out of business across India. Ultimately, Subramanian concludes, “fishing is still elemental in the most elemental sense of the word — an activity composed of water and air and light and space, all arranged in precarious balance around the central idea of a man in a boat, waiting for a bite.” Surely a book worth biting into.

TF July 2010 49

Abhishek Dhawan Aries (March 21-April 19)

(Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Success will be yours in whatever you undertake during this month. All your feats and endeavors will meet with success and you will be able to overcome your difficulties. Your career may factor into the changes that are happening at work place. You will defeat your enemies and they will not be able to harm you. Month-end promises bringing positive results on targets being achieved. Lucky Color: Pink. Lucky Number: 10

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Majority of the natives may likely to witness sudden twists and turns. These turns will lead you to some good and some not so good events. New contacts and growth at professional front is indicated. On financial front you could feel a bit of crunch. You may have tendency to relax and let go the good opportunities which if not checked could become a cause of concern. Lucky Color: Purple. Lucky Number: 4

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) At the start of the month, lots of good things are happening behind the scenes. You will be very self confident and have practical abilities. There is an air of secrecy about your life now, and you seem to have powerful support from certain sources. This month is also going to be supportive of the efforts you put in. You need to be persistent with your efforts. Lucky Color: Red. Lucky Number: 11

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Your ability with writing, speaking, and other communication arts will become increasingly vital to your progress. You have a very keen imagination, but you should try to be more open and less self centered. You may go to a retreat or inspirational seminar and be quite fascinated with what you learn. Provide an open atmosphere to staff to achieve desired professional success. Lucky Color: White. Lucky Number: 6

In this month professional success will depend on your independent decisions. You need to safely execute your plans to bring desired professional results. New alliances are quite likely at workplace. Cleanse your mind of all past negations by responding positively to present. You will be able to combine business with pleasure. You could make major professional gains by completing important projects on time. Lucky Color: Black. Lucky Number: 3

This month would prove to a full of opportunities. Make sure you do have plans to start something such as a new project. You will be independent and enjoy financial advantages. You are likely to make a conscious effort to improve yourself in every way. You can expect additional sources of income by the end of this month. New avenues of opportunities would also open up. Lucky Color: Blue Lucky Number: 1

You are likely to experience a lot of changes in your life during this month. Opportunities to interview for new jobs are seen happening. You are advised to be constructively engaged; else you may squander new opportunities. On financial front, loss of money through partnership is indicated irrespective of the peak positive period. If you are self-employed, it will be easy to generate more business. Lucky Color: Brown Lucky Number: 12

This month would bring successful results and would heighten professional spirits. You will see your health, work assignments, and ability to drive new business increase from this point on. The oratory skill will become very important to your progress at this time. First half promises a good time, personal milestones would be achieved. Lucky Color: Gray. Lucky Number: 2

Leo ( July 23-Aug. 22) You are likely to be a little self-centered and self occupied this month. You could have to undergo many trials and tests until the self centered attitude of yours is overcome. Enjoying work to keep interest alive and at the same time keeping self-confidence high to handle the pressure would highly benefit. Try to identify the mercurial mood swings of your superiors. Lucky Color: Green. Lucky Number: 9 Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) This month will bring exceptional growth in your ability to get your point across. You can learn to do it in a stronger, better, more effective way than you ever have before. Care should be taken in money matters. Growing by switching or adding a new communications expertise will be common. Any new area that you learn about will help your creativity in all parts of your life. Lucky Color: Orange. Lucky Number: 7 50 TF July 2010


Aquarius ( Jan. 20-Feb. 18) During this month you will learn things that that will give you an advantage. Timely help of associates will not only pass difficult times at work but also help in regaining professional edge. Keeping track of everyone and following up will be important, so don’t lose those business cards that you have. If possible help in boosting the morale of subordinates to benefit all at work. Lucky Color: Yellow. Lucky Number: 5 Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Your need to express your creative ideas will be strong, and because you will be so confident, others will want to follow your lead. You will look forward to life with a great deal of zeal and enthusiasm during this month. You’ve earned this respect, and it will feel really good to get it. You will also find better luck on your business trips too. Lucky Color: Saffron. Lucky Number: 8

Printed and published by: Arun Balachandran, ErupulamKattil (H), Edakadathy P.O., Edakadathy, Owned by Shine Damodharan, Kollattu (H), Chiyyaram P.O., Thrissur. Printed at ST Raddiar Press, Cochin. Published from Mediafirst Publications, Cochin-21 and the editor is Basil P Varghese, Pokkanathil (H), Pothanikkadu P.O., Ernakulam District, Kerala.

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