TechnoFIRST Web Edition - September

Page 1

Company Review: 3i Infotech l Pg 35 This “I am an entrepreneur campaign� will change the way the youth think and act.

Startup Story: Innoz Technologies l Pg 06


Sheela Thomas IAS,

Principal Secretary to Chief Minister, Kerala State

Technology Entrepreneurship and Career Magazine

Vol. 5 Issue. 9

September 2009


Inside ...................................

Entrepreneurship vs Employment Which one is better, an analysis l Pg 26

Essential Start-up steps

A re-thinking is what is needed l Pg 16

On a New Job

Being a fresher is always confusing l Pg 17

A new world of Pocket Internet

Mobile internet is really fascinating l Pg 33

Cover Story Network partner

INDIA NEEDS YOU India needs Young Entrepreneurs Dr. Shashi Tharoor igniting young minds >> Pg 12

Project Management

A managed Career Track l Pg 21


How to get Hired? l Pg 36

TF | Topic | Subtopic





sharp minds together to start up your dreams Start your company in Technopark - TBI

The sharpest minds in India are coming together to lend support for the flagship campaign to change the face of the Indian Technology industry. From statesmen, to successful young entrepreneurs and pioneer I.T giants, the “I am an Entrepreneur” Campaign is aimed at making changes at the grass root level to the future of the country, namely the youth. The innovative ideas in young minds shall be crafted and applied from the shoulders of these people who have shown the world the value of independent thinking. The campaign focuses on evaluating the viable ideas in future entrepreneurs and providing help in making their campus dreams come true. Log on to Mail us :

Initiated by

In association with

a Campaign To Make your Campus dreams Come True

get ready

to change your life !

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Technology Entrepreneurship & Career Magazine




Technology Entrepreneurship & Career Magazine Hon. Chief Editor Prof. Jyothy John Advisory Board Mohan Narayanan S Vice President, Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS)

Dr. Achyuth Sankar S. Ex-Director, C-Dit CEO Arun Balachandran Managing Editor Ajay Lal Editor in charge Abraham Tharakan Associate Editor Jayakrishnan.G.Pillai Sub Editor Lakshmi P. Menon Senior Campus coordinator Mohammed Nijas Manager - Circulation Prijo Jose Web Coordination Anitha Reghunathan Soumya Sadhan Customer Relations - kerala Subscriptions   - 09388833888 Advertisement kerala - (+91) 9633277707 karnataka - (+91) 9008758273 Corp. Office - Cochin mediafirst Publications C1, Alfa Towers, I.S. Press Road Cochin-18 Ph - (+91 484) 2397533


uring Post Independence, the concept of being in business was an imbalanced mix of wine and water, therefore industries were restricted to a very few so called businessmen who had deep pockets and could forge friendship with the ‘babus’, chewing Panmasala in Delhi. Since then it had been continued as family business or generation legacy of few big business families until the liberalization Santa Claus came to solemnize the funeral work of ‘RED TAPE’ epidemic in 1991. In 70’s, nation of the “Common Man” started witnessing the ripples of change waiting to surmount the existing conservative family business climate and it all started with the emergence of “the son of a school teacher” in Junagadh, later we fondly called him, ‘Dhirubhai’. From a 350sq ft room with a telephone, he made everything possible and drew a new business portrait of India without a canvas to finish the tally at USD$15 Billion as his company turnover. Now India is unleashed and unlike earlier, lots of young people started setting up enterprises. To quote Mr.Shashi Tharoor “India Needs Young Entrepreneurs to take advantage of new opportunities and to create wealth and new jobs.” In the next 10 years, 100-125 million Indians will be searching for jobs. It is the urban employment calculation of McKinsey and NASSCOM report and that figure does not include 115 million unemployed citizens in rural India. While Government finding solutions to protract this ascending level of unemployment in next days, it is an Entrepreneur who should come and design new jobs through his brilliant ideas. Now, everybody knows how Infosys and Sabeer Bhatia were enrolled into the ‘Bible of Business’ at a time when and where access to capital was insufficient and regulationraj had often created blockade. Our inaugural conclave of ‘I am an Entrepreneur’ campaign has witnessed many valuable conclusions of speeches which were all confident about the extraordinary talent pool in India with uncountable potential to become entrepreneurs. I invite every entrepreneur-in-waiting to join our campaign and hatch your ideas into a world of veracity. AJAYLAL

Design & Layout Amal Ayyappan Printed at : St. Joseph's Press, TVM

The views expressed in the articles by contributors. Great care has been taken in the preparation of this journal and the information contained therein has been compiled using sources believed to the reliable and accurate. Readers are however advised, in their own interest, to reconfirm the data before acting up on the same. TechnoFIRST does not accept any liability for errors or redundancies of any nature whatsoever. All disputes subject to Ernakulam Jurisdiction only

4 TechnoFIRST SEPTEMBER 2009 T h e o n l i n e e d i t i o n o f Te c h n o F I R S T m a g a z i n e


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17 | Career Plus


On A New Job,


Being a fresher is always confusing. When you join a company the hardest thing to get along with is the authority-responsibility chain.

30 | Green Technology Carbon Karma

Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation.

26 | Expert View

Entrepreneurship vs Employment

Entrepreneur is the one who builds the foundation for future growth whereas an employee survives on what he earns for the work done .


Cover Story

India needs YOU India needs young Entrepreneurs

To quote Dr. Tharoor, he said “India needs you. India needs young entrepreneurs” he was addressing the “I am an Entrepreneur” campaign.

16 | Startup Track

Essential Start-up steps

A re-thinking is what is needed before you begin with a business.



BETA Q Sudoku Hot jobs Corporate News TBI News Book Review Gadgets

46 39 44 39 42 34 37


| Innoz Technologies TF | Startup Topic | Subtopic


hile all four co-founders of Innoz are passionate entrepreneurs, it was Deepak who originally initiated 'Swades Solutions', the web startup in the summer of 2005. The decision to take Swades further and to build Innoz was not made until he met Abhinav and Ashwin in the college, who came up with the idea to start up a company in the application domain together. The team geared up with Hisham, who brought creative and innovative minds to the team, completing the co-founders behind Innoz. Innoz was the perfect project to take further, and their shared belief in it, and vision for it, marked the beginning of their startup adventure. The team extended the company to more domains other than web and application development ,they set out to opt mobile field, which has now evolved into what sits at the core of the Innoz system.

Being Entrepreneurs

Innoz Technologies If there is something called “Starting Young� then that stands true for Innoz Technologies. While these Youngsters were still in their college life they were already a set of tried and tested Entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurship is a growing culture in India and more young people are daring to explore the unknown. the most important thing is the satisfaction of being your own boss and making a difference. The opportunity in Mobile VAS in India is immense. The mobile VAS market has grown by around 60 percent year on year and is estimated to touch INR 251 billion in FY 2009-10.Innoz will be developing innovative products which would be a breakthrough not only in India but also the world. The dominance of companies over this field never bothered us because only when something new comes up, do people realize the opportunities and opt for the new product to make life more comfortable.

Growth and Opportunity

Our vision of our product SMSGYAN is to customize the service exclusively for content owners, on basis of the keyword weightage and provide win-win situation for both the provider & SMSGYAN. Content owners in different verticals are already using SMSGYAN service to promote their services/brand. We deliver up to a maximum of 500 characters results giving users the full value for money and the customers direct to content owners. These text messages can be appended with ads which can be targeted with ease. Looking at the projections, we expect to reach our target of 1 Million INR revenue within this financial year.

Future plans From Left Deepak, Abhinav, Hisam & Ashwin | Co-Founders, Innoz Technologies


Over 400 million wireless connections are active in India today. The future is bright and thanks to

the initiatives of the Telecom Ministry for 3G auctions, reduced data rates by operators. They can also dramatically speed up mobile users to go into a "talk less-act smart" generation. With Telecom operators and handset vendors predicating their future success on data-enabled services, we are soon about to get an expressway that will fulfill our present and future need for serving mobile users. The aim is a billion dollar company in five years.

Your dreams

Our dream is quite straight- be a major player in mobile industry and make a difference to the world and also to be a role model for more youngsters to be successful entrepreneurs.

Technopark Technology Business Incubator and You The words from Technopark TBI ‘great ideas remain on paper if the right environment with right conditions is not provided’ are quite apt for us. Technopark is giving us the best working environment and the guidance in all possible ways. We have great regards for them and their support is really making a big difference for us. We are the first offsite incubated company under TBI. Other than Technopark, our college (LBS College of engineering) has provided us space to work and is providing all sorts of support to help us grow. We are also getting technical support from Sun, Intel and Microsoft through their startup essential programs.

Money Matters

All of us have invested a total sum of 1 lakh for the initial expenses and we have raised 2 lakhs from our offered services. We had received Series-A investments from, a Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist (VC), and CIIE Initiatives, the investment arm of the Centre for Innovation

Innoz Technologies Pvt.Ltd Industry: Mobile VAS Founded in: 2008 Head quartered in: Technopark, Trivandrum Partnerships & Tie-ups Branded Content Partners-The Mobile Store,Lifemojo,SutraJobs,MeraEvent,Gyan wave,Kerala Tourism Board. Achievements • Represented India among the 16 finalists for the DFJ-CISCO Global Business Comp’2009. • Finalist on Economic Times-Power of Ideas’2009. • iAccelerator funded & Incubated-IIM-Ahmedabad. •Top Ranking in TATA-NEN Hottest Startups’2008.

Business Descriptions Innoz is an innovative & exciting mobile VAS company with headquarters at Technopark,Trivandrum. SMSGYAN is all about empowering mobile users providing web services via SMS absolutely free of cost. SMSGYAN provides a wide range of web services including encyclopedia, dictionary, stock-market, weather, alerts, acronyms, cricket scores and branded contents such as job, travel, gadget price & health services with selective partnerships. Sms “GYAN HELP” to 56161 for the list of services. The Team Deepak,Abhinav,Hisam & Ashwin co-founded Innoz Tech. in Aug 2008 while they were still in college. They all studied computer science from the LBS College of Engineering,Kasaragod, Kerala. SMSGYAN became popular even while they were in college and they have been covered by various media including Business Standard, i.t magazine, Killer Startups, Techtree and World news amongst others. Strengths • Team Composition- Complimentary in skills, but from the same cloth in attitude and culture. • Mentoring and Support from CIIE-IIM, Ahmedabad & Technopark, Trivandrum. • Industry- The Indian Telecom industry is one of the fastest growing in the world and India is projected to become second largest telecom market globally by 2010. Even the global economic slowdown has done less to affect its growth. The mobile VAS market has grown by around 60 percent year on year and is estimated to touch INR 251 billion in FY 2009-10. This trend is expected to increase in future, as VAS services will become a major revenue source and a win-win situation for both the operators& the content providers in India.

Incubation and Entrepreneurship of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIM-A). We are looking forward to raise venture funding on Series-B.

For the Future Entrepreneurs

We have just started so we can’t give too many advises but we do have a point or two that will help anyone who is willing to take the jump. Never wait for the right time because so much is happening in the world. Entrepreneurship is a rising phe-

nomenon in India and requires players to take the advantage of it. Finding a good team and keeping them together is a challenge but the core strength lies in the team. Keep a very high and positive frame of mind. The most important factor is your dream which will always be your biggest inspiration. It is not easy to mix student life and business but it is definitely not impossible. Always have the desire to learn because whether you fail or succeed the learning process never ends.

TF | Topic Events| Subtopic | Startup Buzz

Technologies Pvt. Ltd. said “The start up buzz gives us a platform to showcase the product and to know the market needs and requirement to improve our product.” This was also an opportunity for the venture capitalist to put forward their ideas. It was a perfect gala with the who’s who and the future prospects of the corporate world. The ambience was refreshing and very energetic. Another matter of fact that grabs the attention and also makes this a successful event at that was the event called Idea Buzz. Idea Buzz is an event which was a part of the Startup Buzz, where in young minds and innovative ones can present their ideas to the audience which includes investors. Such innovative events would encourage potential and prospective entrepreneurs to come forward and present their opinion and who knows they could be the next big thing in the corporate world. Then ideas were applauded by the visitors and it was interesting to see a lot off innovation being groomed in our country.

The Startup

Buzz Hyderabad edition

A successful initiative and a step towards building a nation of Entrepreneurs. It was a perfect platform for the investors and young entrepreneurs to interact.


t was indeed all about the buzz. The Start up buzz – Hyderabad edition was indeed a grand success. Aimed to bring out an opportunity for innovative companies to showcase the products they developed and also for innovators to showcase their ideas. It was also a perfect platform for the investors and young entrepreneurs to interact. The event was inaugurated by Sri. KomatiReddy Venkat Reddy, Hon. minister for IT, Communications, Youth Services and Sports, Govt of AndhraPradesh on August 29,2009. With over more than 25 participating organization and hundreds of visitors from across the country this event was indeed a splendid experience for the innovators and young minds. This event really put forward the fact that our country is filled and flowing with business ideas and future entrepreneurs. As one of the participants Mr.Ashish Rao Vujjeni, Posidex 8 TechnoFIRST SEPTEMBER 2009

“The startup buzz is a perfect environment and a stage and has also given us a chance to promote our IVIRTUAL, a first of it kind in India, a concept of personifying resumes. I think there should be more of such events in every two tier cities to bring Indians closer to the new technology” said Mr. Pavan Kumar from Ivirtual. The event had venture investors like Nexus India Capital, GVFL and Venture East amongst others. mediafirst Group and Management next were the media partners along with being the events online media partner. The event was supported by Microsoft and amongst the associate sponsors were GSG Technologies, IndiaGeni and Veggi Bazaar. The day came to an end with the closing ceremony which was attended Dr.Jayaprakash Narayan, MLA, president for Loksatta party. The event was also attended by Dr. T.H. Chowdary, Director of Centre for Telecommunications Management and Studies. Participant organizations were presented with certificates and mementos. It was indeed a day of a successful initiative and a step towards building a nation of entrepreneurs. The Startup Buzz was organized by Tabs Communications Solutions Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru. Mr. M.Mahesh, Founder Director, Tabs Communication along with his crew including Kum.G.madhavi ,co-director Tabs Communication and Mr. OhmPrakash were the brain and force behind making these event a grand success.


Campaign Inauguration

(From Left) Ms.Sheela Thomas, Principal Secretary, Kerala State, Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Mr. Haroon, Aircel Business Head Kerala, Mr. Mervin Alexander CEO- Technopark, Mr.KCC Nair CFO- Technopark, Mr.Arun Balachnadran CEO Mediafirst

Flagged off for the Future

I am an Entrepreneur campaign flagged off at Technopark


o better word than “Triumph” or may be “Success” to describe the grand gala. The stage was all set and the day arrived when the “I am an Entrepreneur” campaign was flagged off by Union Minister for State External Affairs, Govt of India Dr.Shashi Tharoor in the presence of Ms. Sheela Thomas IAS, Principal Secretary, Kerala State, Prof. Jyothi John, Hon. Chief Editor, TechnoFIRST, Mr.Haroon, Business Head- AIRCEL, Mr. Sanjay Vijayakumar, CEO , MobME, Technopark CEO- Mr. Mervin Alexander and many more dignitaries from various walks of life. The campaign was flagged of at the Travancore Hall, Technopark on August 21, 2009. Technopark

CEO- Mr. Mervin Alexander welcomed the Chief Guest and Mr.KCC Nair, CFO and Programme Co-ordinator New Initiatives Technopark gave away the vote of thanks. Dr.Shashi Tharoor after lighting the lamp pointed out the fact that Non Resident Malayalis has shown extraordinary success as businessmen. He urged that more and more Keralites to emulate this and stand up and say that ‘I am an Entrepreneur’. He pointed out that failure as an entrepreneur is not something unacceptable, but it’s only a learning phase for budding entrepreneurship. He lauded the efforts of Technopark TBI for creating a fertile eco-system for budding entrepreneurship in the state.

I got involved with this campaign only because, I believe that the state will prosper only if more of us could proudly say “I am an Entrepreneur”. Dr. Shashi Tharoor

Union Minister for State External Affairws, Govt of India SEPTEMBER 2009 TechnoFIRST 9

TF | Events Topic | Subtopic | I am an Entrepreneur

This “I am an entrepreneur campaign” will change the way the youth think and act. Ms Sheela Thomas, Campaign video Inauguration By Dr.Shashi Tharoor

He also mentioned that its time we all put in the effort to bring in a difference and it would be great if each one us could proudly use the phrase “I am an Entrepreneur”. Mervin Alexander, CEO Technopark pointed out that “ I.T. is a knowledge based industry and Kerala being a state with almost 100 percent literacy we should focus on innovation to reach the top notch position in the I.T. sector. Ms. Sheela Thomas IAS, Principal Secretary, Kerala State sent across the message that the government was willing to support this initiative which will change the face of the state from being a jobseekers state to job creators’ state. She also mentioned that she is happy to see that such an initiative has been brought into the state. AIRCEL Business Head, Mr. Haroon presented a motivating thought about the power of the youth and how a lot of difference can be made if we want to bring in the change.

The campaign

“I am an Entrepreneur” the campaign, initiated by Technopark10 TechnoFIRST SEPTEMBER 2009

TBI/TUC, in association with Department of Science and Technology (DST) and Department of Scientific and Industrial Research

(DSIR), executed by TechnoFIRST Magazine and sponsored by AIRCEL will be visiting all the engineering colleges and selected arts and science colleges across Kerala. The campaign has its sole intention as to identify and promote entrepreneurial talents in the state, especially from student level.

“I am an Entrepreneur” is a perfect platform for every aspiring entrepreneur. Its not that every day that a campaign comes with such great

A web site solely dedicated for this campaign has been set up and it is frequented by a large number of students.

Principle Secretary to Chief Minister Kerala State

momentum and velocity backed by the likes of entrepreneurs like Kris Gopalakrishnan, CEO Infosys and social visionaries like Dr Shashi Tharoor. The campaign aims to groom about 100 new and young entrepreneurs and help them achieve their dream. The campaign also identifies the underlying fact that more the number of entrepreneurs even better for the job opportunities. It is an all Kerala entrepreneurship development campaign that is intended to ignite young talents

in the engineering colleges and Business Schools spread across the state. This state wide campaign is to identify the innovators and industrial spin outs who have innovative ideas and those who are located in the college campuses. The campaign aimed at more than 150 colleges in kerala is an initiative to search for some of the most intelligent young minds from the campus and groom them to be the entrepreneurs. It is a known fact that there lies immense potential in the campuses of the State, which can be spotted and nurtured to develop successful home


grown companies. Technopark having understood that stepped in to provide the implementation and investment part. Thus all that is needed to become an Entrepreneur would be an innovative idea.

Moving Ahead

Mr. Sanjay Vijayakumar, CEO , MobME talked about the efforts that has been drawn in for the campaign and how this campaign will change the perception of the masses towards entrepreneurship. He also applauded the effort of each and every one behind bringing in the campaign to the state. The campaign has already been received with a grand response from students and others equally. The campaign aims to spread the idea of Entrepreneurship and to motivate young and willing entrepreneurs. There has been a motivational video shot for this purpose, in which many eminent entrepreneurs from Kerala, from the likes of Mr.Kris Gopalakrishnan (CEO,Infosys) and other eminent personalities like Hon.Central Minister Mr.Shashi Tharoor, etc. have shared their valuable experiences and thoughts about the importance of building awareness about the facts and fantasies of entrepreneurship among students and about the measures that could help a young technocrat to be an entrepreneur himself. a web site solely dedicated for this campaign has been set up and it is frequented by a large number of students. There are communities on networking sites like facebook and orkut wherein students themselves have started discussion forums. Daily update is available on twitter and there is a direct SMS query facility set up for this campaign. The magnitude of this campaign is unquestionable, with a team dedicatedly working on to make it a grand success at that. It isn’t everyday that one comes across a campaign with such a gigantic

vision. The day isn’t far when we will make it a national campaign and so do we believe as they say “Keep your dreams alive. To achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.” And we are all for that.

The Support

Technopark, being the TePP Outreach Centre (TUC) of Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR) of the Government of India and a non for profit autonomous organization, has been providing help solve the problems that the young innovators face. Technopark Technology Business Incubator (T-TBI) is a joint initiative of Technopark, Trivandrum and the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India. It is functional in providing guidance and support to the innovators in preparing their project proposals and in building up a realistic business plan for their venture. Once the idea is presented and approves, T-TBI continues to support the innovators until the project has successfully been developed. The technical guidance is provided by a panel of technical experts from various areas of Technology, called the “Technology Angels. There is also a panel of business mentors called “Business Angels” for mentoring the prospective entrepreneurs. These initiatives are encouraging and motivating and allow more young innovators to dive in and work on the pathbreaking ideas. This program can change the entire industry in a few years and India need not become dependent on outsourced jobs. To sum it all as Mr.Mervin Alexander, CEO-Technopark said, ““To encourage budding entrepreneurship we provide a fantastic system called Technopark TBI. The Campaign will be give the required motivation for the students to take up the entrepreneurial route”.

I.T. being a knowledge based industry and Kerala being the state with the maximum literacy. this campaign is surely going to do wonders” Mr. Mervin Alexander, CEO, Technopark.

This campaign is a perfect platform for the youngsters to give wings to their vision. Mr. Haroon S..

Circle Business Head, AIRCEL, Kerala



wasn’t a hero until I decided to win my own battle” these words are anonymous but the idea behind these words holds true for each one of us. The reason why we are talking about the battle, the heroes and even the idea about making a difference is because we are talking about a nation at large which seems to be the marching towards the horizon of success. Yes we are talking about India. And when he said “India needs you” it made sense. “India needs you” a phrase which has been used more than a million times; many a times meaningfully and a lot more times without it but this time with a difference and for a reason. This time it comes from a man who has made a lot of difference himself to the nation and the world at large. We are talking about the man of the hour, the need of a nation, the man who smiles to cheer the masses and who talks to keep them motivated. Mundarath Shashi Tharoor is the man whom we are quoting this time around. He is now also known as Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Minister of state for external affairs.

India needs

You India needs Young


Dr. Tharoor is an author, peacekeeper, refugee worker, human rights activist and above all today a politician who understands the common man and at the same time understands the need of the hour. A man who has held a lot of high profiles across the globe and at the same time he has tried his hands being an entrepreneur before he joined the Indian Politics. He had a reason to join politics and as he himself said the reason is himself being convinced that within the existing business culture of ours and even more important the political system of our state nothing much could be achieved unless we bring in a change. He joined politics to bring in the change in the public attitude. To quote Dr. Tharoor, he said “India needs you. India needs young entrepreneurs” he was addressing the “I am an


Entrepreneur” campaign. He believes that there is a need to rise above the traditional ways of business and bring in the innovation and risk taking factor. It is true when they say that every human soul on the face of the earth can make a difference. This time around we are talking about the young entrepreneurs who seem to be the face of the future and about the man who believes that youth can bring in the change.

a new way believes Dr. Tharoor.

India Needs Young Entrepreneurs

India needs entrepreneurs and when we say that we mean young entrepreneurs who have the benefit of youth and the sense of risk taking. As Dr. Tharoor said while the flag off of “I am an Entrepreneur” campaign “To the young, you need to take the risk because the country will only grow ,if you take better risk and rise up to the challenges of tomorrow”

Entrepreneur a loan word from the French language that refers to a person who undertakes and operates new ventures, and assumes some accountability for the inherent risks. Being in business or being an entrepreneur is about taking risks and confronting challenges. Entrepreneurs build companies that are specifically crafted to exploit a particular opportunity. This gives them an advantage over older companies that were designed in response to challenges of the past and must change to adapt to today’s requirements. Entrepreneurs can build new companies. An entrepreneur is all about innovation. Innovation is not just about new things, products or about bringing in new services it is also about trying the old things in

It’s not necessary that you would always be successful while trying to achieve your dream but what is there to lose if you fail to be successful. To quote Dr. Tharoor “Failure as an entrepreneur is not something unacceptable; it is only a learning phase for budding entrepreneurship” so don’t be too optimistic about success but being optimistic about what you do is the mantra.

It’s Youth Time

Be it Politics, Bollywood, Fashion, Books, Banks or Business the world is looking up to the youth to bring in the change. Be it Rahul Gandhi, Farhan Akhtar, Sabayasachi, Aravind Adiga or the next big thing in business. It’s filled and flowing with the youth power. The world needs you and when we say you it’s with the “TH” factor following it. It’s all

You need to take the risk because the country will grow only if you take better risk and rise up to the challenges of tomorrow. Dr. Shashi Tharoor,

Minister of the state for external affairs, Govt. of India

about the youTH. No matter the world has so far complained about the youth, about the youth ruining the culture and the composition of the society, about how the youth aren’t working for the society, the nation and mankind at large. Well it’s a thing of the past and if there is some one who still lives with that idea, its time for them to rethink. Shashi Tharoor rightly said that it’s the youth that has brought in the change, it’s the youth that has started taking the risk of entrepreneurship and the society around has accepted the idea. Coming from a man who

Entrepreneurs With a difference

• They were determined to achieve what they set out for. • They had an idea and were sold on that. • They planned their MEANS to achieve the ENDS • They didn’t work for themselves but for their idea. • They knew they would change the world with their idea.


TF | Cover Story

has been an icon to the youth of the nation there is no need for a second thought to be put across to his words. The youth has understood the importance of deciding once own future. They are ready to leave a million jobs to pursue their dream. And this is what India needs – a soul to take an initiative, an idea to change millions of life, courage to think different. Today the nation needs youth leadership because they are the future. Whether its politics or business, its time for them to prevail over the others. Its time for them to rethink and force others to do the same. They have the zeal to perform and prove their worth. Truly it’s the Youth Time.

“You” the Difference

Many a times we have pondered about that one thing that made a whole lot of difference to the end result. The one factor that made them successful, that one factor that made the world sit up and take notice of them. They were just another bunch of youngsters who were out to try their luck. They were not even sure what they would end up with but they were sure about what they would do. We

are not talking about a particular set of people or group, we are talking about all those young people who worked their way to the top of the corporate ladder not by working for someone else but working for their own ideas. We are talking about the Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo. Even our very own Infosys. They were all just a bunch of young people who lived with their dream and made it big. They dared to dream and it was rightly said by Dr. Tharoor when he mentioned that “today’s youth need to take the risk. Courage to risk the security of a fixed salary, fixed job and fixed benefits. One needs to rare, rare to risk the failure and also of the success if lucky enough.” There would be million ideas and equal number of opinions to answer this question. But we can be assured that one thing common in all these answers and opinions would be the word determination. These young entrepreneurs then were so sold out on their ideas that they just lived with it forever. They just knew that they wanted it. They knew the end result and they knew that will take whatever MEANS it

would to reach that goal, the END. And for them the ENDS justify the MEANS. They were just smart workers who knew when to grab on to the opportunity and make it big. They have survived some of the worst government policies, some of the brutal market down turn and even scams and scandals that rocked the world market but they stood strong in the troubled waters. They were entrepreneurs who set us an example to be “The Entrepreneur”. They weren’t born different. They thought differently. There may have been many other factors but they wouldn’t have succeeded unless they were determined. They knew their idea can make a difference to the world and they knew that if they can make a difference to the world then their life would be changed for ever. They have given job opportunities to millions rather than sticking to a good job they had. Its time that today’s youth start being innovators and start being job providers rather than sticking on to a job because we are scared of taking risk. The time has come for the youth to think how

Life with a Vision }

Shashi Tharoor was born on 9th March 1956 in London to Chandran Tharoor and Lily Tharoor.


Graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from St. Stephen’s College, Delhi where he stood first in the University.


Joined Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. He then completed a Ph.D. at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, Massachusetts, where he also earned two Master’s degrees. His Ph.D. was awarded when he was 22, a Fletcher record.


In 1978 began working for the United Nations, serving with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees went on to become the Under Secretary General for Communications and Public Information.


Became the chairman of Dubai-based Afras Ventures, which established the Afras Academy for Business Communication (AABC) in Trivandrum, Kerala.


Won a thumping victory after being nominated by the Indian National Congress as a candidate from Trivandrum constituency.



they can make a difference to their life and the world around. All they need to do is to be sure about an idea and work to make it big who knows, you may set new examples for million others to follow. Just have the courage to dream and pursue that dream. To quote Dr. Shashi Tharoor “courage doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be prepared for failure. Those who are utterly unprepared for failure are foolish. Courage means that even if there is a chance of failure you should take that risk” Once again as he said “India needs you”. It is true that India needs young entrepreneurs and thinker to make it big but at the same time it holds true for Dr. Shashi Tharoor too. India needs people like him, visionaries, politicians, motivators and above all citizens like him to change the mind set and take the nation to epitome of glory and success.

Why YOU need India India is a land of opportunities for the grooming Entrepreneurs. It is an opportunity to grow with nation that is growing with a great velocity. 1. India continues to be the best place to start a business, says a global services location index.

7. Estimated to be a US$ 350 billion industry, the Indian retail sector is growing at a growth rate of 47%.

2. India’s foreign exchange reserves stand at about than US$ 250 billion.

8. International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI) have ranked India as the seventh largest steel producer in the world with an overall production of more than 40 million tonne.

3. India has displaced US as the second-most favoured destination for foreign direct investment (FDI) 4. India is the Sixth largest crude consumer in the world. 5. India is the Ninth largest crude importer in the world. 6. India has the sixth largest refining capacity – at about 65 million tonnes per annum.

9. India exports US$ 6 billion worth of garments. 10. The Indian pharmaceutical industry, consistently growing at 9.5 per cent in the last 7 years and reach a market size of US$ 9.48 billion by 2010 from its present level of about US$ 6.2 billion.


| Essential Steps TF | Start Topicup | Subtopic


Start-up steps A

re-thinking is what is needed before you begin with a business. Being an entrepreneur isn’t an easy job but if you have done the thinking part it is a lot easier. There are thousands of businesses you could start thanks to new technology and good old-fashioned ingenuity. But as the great men said “Think”.

Market Research a Must

You may have the best sand to sell but hope you don’t set out to sell it in the desert. You may have a wonderful idea but make sure you know the market to which you are trading it to. Make sure you know who the customers are , what their potential is, is your idea or product to stay in the market for a long run, would the supply get the demand?, the counts, the sales, the numbers, the future, the past. These are all questions that need to be answered before you even consider starting a business. History is a perfect example to cite examples of entrepreneurship disasters due to the lack of market research. Minding Money Matters To start a business you should know how much money is needed, where you plan to spend the money and above all where are you getting the money from. Its really important that you have a perfect lay out of your expenditure because there is no business which starts with out money unless you are selling ideas. You should have a know how of the business plan and should know where you going 16 TechnoFIRST SEPTEMBER 2009

to pitch for the money matters. Hire the Law know-how You don’t necessarily need to have an attorney, but you’ll want to hire some one experienced with the laws of new businesses to help you get started. An apt person to advise you about things such as drafting contracts, reviewing your lease and determining the right business structure. He should be someone who should know what it is that you are trying to do and help you structure your business in a way that will be beneficial to you. The best way to find someone for this position would be by referral or through networking. Know the Numbers Its always important that you know the debits, credits and all the money matters and even better if you have hired someone to keep a note of that. An accountant will be instrumental in determining the best form of ownership and can also help you establish book keeping and other record keeping procedures that can keep you on track for years. But make sure the person handling the accounts has a know-how about the start-up ventures. Decide on a Business Structure It’s always a must to decide upon the business structure way before you start the business. You should know what sort of organisational structure you want to build keeping in mind the growth opportunity and flexibility in the future. There have been stories of millions and


You should know the market that you venture into.


Decide the organisational structure.


Branding and the name are very important aspects.

billions wasted just because of an error in the business structure so plan it before you start the business itself. It is all in the Name When it comes to business its all in the name. The right name says a lot about your company. Make sure that you did put in the effort before zeroing on a name amongst many other potential ones. The name should describe your dream and your future and at the same time easy to remember, easy to pronounce and easy to spell. You should also consider how it will translate to a web domain name. Make sure they aren’t already patented and if not don’t waste time. There are hundreds and thousands of start ups popping up everyday. Make sure you don’t lose the name to the time factor. Business and Licenses A must for every business no matter big or small. Its important that along with a business license, you may need to get additional licenses depending on the type of business and the local laws that you have to abide by. Research all licenses applicable in your county and your state. It’s also extremely important to know the zoning laws before you open a business. Don’t assume the zoning laws don’t apply to you. You can get information on zoning from your governing bodies. There would always be a lot more than this but these are the few must that an Entrepreneur has to be thoughtful about.


On a New Job

Tips To Keep Your Boss Happy Keeping your boss happy would keep you happy. Some words of wisdom to keep your employer happy on a new job.


eing a fresher is always confusing. When you join a company the hardest thing to get along with is the authority-responsibility chain. The real picture of the organization won’t be clear until you work there for some time and try to understand the system. You would know how you want to be treated but you may not know how to treat others and particularly your boss. Many a jobs end just because of the understanding or the lack of it between superior and the subordinate. Here are some of the tips and tricks how to manage your relation with your boss on your first job.

Be the Support System Every boss loves an employee who helps them with the finer details and makes their life a little easier. So whenever possible try to help your boss with the last-minute presentations, paperwork or arranging a meeting with clients. These are the small things that will strengthen your relationship with your boss and get you noticed. And being a fresher this will reflect your

enthusiasm to work and will show your team spirit. You stand a better chance of getting promoted due to this.

Be a Good Listener A few skills that will surely make a big difference to the atmosphere in your organisation would be asking your boss about his or her ideas and sharing your point of view about the same. Remember not to be a know-it-all because that’s very irritating. Make sure that you listen to what your boss has to say and do comment on his ideas to let them know you have really been listening, not just waiting for them to take a breath so that you can present your ideas.

Be Genuine If you are not interested in listening and taking instructions then don’t fake it. Be genuinely interested in

what your boss has to say. Try and understand his or her point of view and act accordingly. It is always advisable to revert to your boss in case you do not have clarity on a certain issue. Take keen interest in new projects and do some due diligence to make it a success.

Communicate Honestly If you can’t then don’t and if you do then make sure you can. The idea is not to commit things that you can`t accomplish and if you do commit then make sure you can accomplish it. Most rather all the bosses have a knack of remembering what you say so if you have not put your words in action it will be a black mark on your performance chart. Deliver information which is true and based on facts -- this will not only make you SEPTEMBER 2009 TechnoFIRST 17

TF | Topic | Subtopic Career Plus | On Job

Career Clinic Q: Sir, what are the opportunities for students who have completed B. Tech (CSE)? Srikesh R., Thiruvalla | August 3, 2009.

credible, your colleagues will look up to you for support.

Appreciate Efforts. You would always want your efforts to be recognized. This is a common psychology even your boss would like to be appreciated for his or her good work. When you do recognize job welldone, be specific in your compliments. Refrain from saying in an off-handed manner; make sure you do understand why you are appreciating your boss for. Make it personal by stating what you have learnt and how beneficial this has been to you.

Don’t Lock Horns with your Boss This is a big no. Discussing and arguing are two different things. Bosses don’t

like nor do they appreciate people who they think are against them. Once you voice your opposition to another person’s idea, you become a part of the problem. When you are for something, you begin focusing on the potential for positive change but make sure that you don’t end up fighting with your boss for that positive change. Make sure that whenever you have a suggestion make sure it doesn’t look like you are bossing your boss. Present your ideas not in a personal manner but from the point of view that your suggestion would benefit the company. All this rules will always come in handy if you are a fresher and even if you aren’t after all the purpose is to maintain the best of the relations with your boss.

A: Hi Srikesh, you have the possibility of immediately taking an employment after having finished your B. Tech (CSE) with Core IT companies or IT units of banks, financial services companies or corporate. But to improve your CV, you could go in for an M. S. or a Ph.D or even an MBA (IT), or technical courses like Oracle Certification (OCA), .NET, C#, XML, ASP. net J2EE, etc. could also be considered. ---------------------------------------------Q: I have done my MCA from IGNOU. Can you tell me whether I am eligible for the govt. jobs where it is not mentioned that MCA is required qualification and only MSC - IT or B Tech is mentioned? Anuj Pillai, Trivandrum | August 6, 2009.

A: Hi, MCA from IGNOU is recognized by the industry and the public sector for employment purposes. May be it is possible that the job specific under your concern requires engineers, or post graduates in IT and not computer application professionals. mail your queries to

Interview most asked Qs What do you know about our organization? You should be able to discuss products or services, revenues, reputation, image, goals, problems, management style, people, history and philosophy. But don’t act as if you know everything 18 TechnoFIRST SEPTEMBER 2009

about the place. Let your answer show that you have taken the time to do some research, but don’t overwhelm the interviewer, and make it clear that you wish to learn more. You might start your answer in this manner: “In my job search, I’ve

investigated a number of companies. Yours is one of the few that interests me, for these reasons…” Give your answer in a positive tone. Don’t say, “Well, everyone tells me that you’re in all sorts of trouble, and that’s why I’m here”, even if that is why you’re there.




TF | Thought Topic | Subtopic | Illuminati Oath

The Illuminati Oath “We the Illuminati solemnly pledge to promote and continue the great quizzing tradition of Model Engineering College, to help out our fellow Illuminati and to exorcise the ghost of ignorance. “


ounded by Sandeep Menon in 2005, The Illuminati is the elite quizzing society of MEC. Since its inception, the Illuminati has conducted over 120 intra and inter collegiate quizzes, both inside and outside the college and has won numerous quizzes all over Kerala. It remains to date, one of the most active quizzing societies in the state. The spirit of quizzing is what drives the Illuminati forward and this manifests itself as our weekly TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday) quizzes, every Friday, when all the quizzers of the college converge and battle it out. TGIF’s are conducted by different Illuminati quizmasters every week and are equally famous around the campus for their quality of trivia quizzing as well as the brutal PJ’s. The long standing tradition continues... About the Illuminati Quiz Conceived by the Illuminati in 2008, as a tribute to its founder and inspiration, Sandeep Menon, the Illuminati Quiz is today Kerala’s biggest engineering college quiz. Every year, quizzers from all over South India flock to Model Engineering College, Thrikkakara to fight it out for the prestigious Illuminati Quiz trophy, in addition to whopping cash prizes. About the Illuminati Quiz 2009 The Illuminati Quiz 2009, was held on the 8th of August, 2009. It was attended by all major quizzers in South India. The event started off by 11 30 AM. Over 65 teams registered. The first thing in the day’s agenda was of course the inauguration ceremony by out esteemed HOD of the EC department, Dr. Mini M.G. The ceremony was attended by Jagadeesh Kumar P. Illuminati staff in charge, Joseph George K.,


and Nagadarsan Suresh - the illustrious quiz master of the day and Duleep Menon, Sandeep’s brother, representing the Sandeep Menon Foundation. The prelims started off immediately after the ceremony. The rounds lasted for 20 minutes and had 30 awesome questions from ‘every topic under the sun’ , as we had promised the participants. The quality of Nag’s questions was surpassed only by those in the final round. The auditorium was full again by 12 30PM, and we started off the afternoon session with an inspirational presentation by Duleep. In the presentation, he introduced the audience to the phenomenon that was Sandeep Menon and briefly described the various projects presently being undertaken by the foundation. Then came the results of the prelims. Nagadarsan called out the names of the six teams that made it to the finals. There were two teams from Bangalore, Chennai and for the first time in the history of the quiz, two teams from Kerala. The final round was kicked off immediately. In the many rounds that included a theme round and buzzer round, Nagadarsan took the teams and the audience through a trip backward and forward in time, to far away lands and received quite a few “ooh”s and “aah”s from the audience. The audience took part enthusiastically, a point very apparent from how fast we exhausted our supply of audience prizes. To top it all came the nail biting buzzer round that saw the teams on the edges of their seats(literally). In the end the team ‘Tripping Peters’ from RVCE Bangalore consisting of Nakul P. Sangolli and Chaitanya G. Hegde came out victorious, taking home the coveted Illuminati trophy and a whopping 20,000 rupees as cash prize. Following them closely was the team

“ You are the motivation, you are the force that keeps the spirit alive forever...... ”

Sandeep Menon Always with us

About Sandeep Menon Sandeep Menon was an alumnus of MEC (2006 passout) and worked at Apache-da, Bangalore from 2006 on. Sandeep was born on March 13 1984 to Dr. Girijanandan Menon and Hemalatha Menon. An avid quizzer and a born leader, he was, as mentioned above, the founder of the Illuminati as well as the college placements cell chairman. He was diagnosed with Brain Tumor in 2005. After fighting the disease for three long years bravely, Sandeep passed away in 2008. The Sandeep Menon foundation was started for cancer reasearch and treatment support in 2008 in his memory. consisting of Rohith S.. and Balaji B COE, Guindy and SRM university, Chennai. They received a cash prize of Rs. 10,000. All the other finalists received cash prizes of Rs. 5,000 each. Nakul P. Sangolli was also announced the winner of the online quiz that had been going on for three weeks on the Illuminati website. Representing the winning team, Nakul P. Sangolli gave a short speech on the quiz.


A career in

Project Management

If you have the flair for managing teams, organizing and planning skills, and you accept the challenge of juggling multiple responsibilities and being capable of adhering to deadlines then people around will look up to you to get things done cost efficiently and within the given time frame.


f you have the flair for managing teams, organizing and planning skills, and you accept the challenge of juggling multiple responsibilities and being capable of adhering to deadlines then people around will look up to you to get things done cost efficiently and within the given time frame. And if you are good enough at that you can opt for this as your career. With this ongoing recession the global market learnt the importance of time and cost management more than before. They have also realized how crucial Project Managers are towards the success of projects and also about the additional benefit they bring along. A project manager has to make sure that he completes a project with in a given and limited resources.

In India

Though India was one of the least affected countries during recession but we still understood the importance of saving resources in terms of money, manpower and time. India has great talents in terms of project management and so are the opportunities lying ahead. Industry giants particularly from the I.T. and Telecom sector are looking out for talented and

enthusiastic project managers to handle their projects in the recession hit market in India and worldwide. Once you start off as a part of the project management team you understand the complexity of the work and innovation involved. If you are planning a career in project management then India is the perfect place to kick off your career.

Opportunities in Project Management

Being a project manager you have to keep in mind that you need to have planning and team handling skills in addition to the core technical aspects of the project you handle. You have a larger role to play apart from ensuring that you carry out appropriate work in the most cost efficient and successful manner. Project managers are critical to an organization during the downturn because they have to keep in mind that the corporate goals have to be met while also cutting the loss. The opportunity for you as a project manager is carved in different fields according to your expertise. If you are an IT professionals you may know the needs and the functioning of that industry. A banking sector industry would hire professionals who have the knowledge of that domain. After the

The opportunity for you as a project manager is carved in different fields according to your expertise.


TF | Career Topic | Subtopic Track | Project Management

harsh recession the world market is in the stage of revival and that is when the industry starts new projects. So this would be the time when the giants are looking out for project managers as they want to invest with minimal risk involved. As it is said, being prepared for tough battles is half the victory achieved. So, if you aim for such positions, then this is the right time to get some project management certifications which will help you to chart out the way forward in this domain. Individuals with a Project Management certification would start out as a Project Assistant, then become a Project Coordinator and move on to become a Project Manager, presumably starting on small projects, responsible for a single team and then working up to a full Project Manager and then on to Program Manager. A Program Manager is responsible for a very large project or ‘program’ consisting of multiple projects that are inextricably linked together, combining to form an overall result. Project management certifications Certification in any course ,not only, helps in adding credentials to the resume, but also help the individual to learn a lot of things. In project 22 TechnoFIRST SEPTEMBER 2009

management certificate courses helps you understand the principles of project management and practices for project handling. There are industry recognized professional project management certifications that include PMP, PRINCE2 that can be pursued. IBM in particular also has accreditation and certification programs for different proficiency levels in project management. As per a salary survey conducted by ZDNET, candidates with PMP certifications were the highest paid. Thus, with a PMP certificate from a Project Management Institute one can broaden his scope not only for Indian companies but also abroad.. Your Call Project Management requires the right attitude and a lot of commitment. If you have the zeal to perform and also to give result then you would enjoy working as a project manager. Project management is one domain where in you will learn as you work and the more you have gained the experience the better the chances of going great. So it’s a vicious cycle wherein you will see growth going parallel to time and performance.

idioms Draw a line under something

Meaning: if you draw a line under something, it is finished and you do not think about it again. Application: Let’s draw a line under the whole episode and try to continue our work in a more positive frame of mind.

Be in someone’s hands Meaning: to be dealt with or controlled by someone. Application: The arrangements for the party are now in Tim’s hands.

Make a man (out) of someone Meaning: to make a young man without much experience develop into a confident and experienced adult. Application: The army will make a man out of you.



It’s Indian Earth Time


ou might be one of those who use Google Earth to navigate through your town or may be places you plan to visit. Well some good news for the Indian Google Earth users India is launching its own mapping tool but and would be calling it “Bhuvan”. ISRO is working on an ambitious project called Bhuvan (means Earth), a satellite mapping tool. If Google Earth shows details upto 200 metres distance and Wikimapia upto 50 metres, Bhuvan will show images upto 10 metres, which means you can easily see details upto a three floor high building and also add information. Bhuvan uses the data recorded by Indian satellites and the first prototype will be available by November. As of now Bhuvan is currently in beta, but they would have relapsed as pre-alpha to only few users for testing. Some of these users are not happy with the way its works. The major issues are regarding the site itself being confusion and there are no better controls or an effective way of searching within the Your browser may not support

Bhuvan’s edge over Google Earth Google Earth

ISRO’s Bhuvan

Zoom levels up to 200 mt Images upgraded every 4 years Uses international satellites

Zoom levels up to 10 mt Images upgraded every year Uses Indian satellites

display of this image. application and even the picture quality isn’t good enough and not even in the lines of Google Earth. The positive , apart from being Indian, is the fact that it displays data about a city along with the major news. Bhuvan shows data about the cities like the population, longitude, latitude on hovering the mouse, a more in-depth data would be much useful. Maps also include roads national highways and boundaries of the cities and states.From the Indian stable so we are surely proud of Bhuvan. May be by the time it’s available to the masses it will overcome all its flaws. Good Luck Bhuvan.


TF | Entrepreneurship | Innovation


Innovation and Indian Entrepreneurs


Now the time has come for us as a nation to focus on innovative entrepreneurship


ndia has been credited for many innovations, whether it was culture , science, mathematics or even just any other innovation. Starting from the “0” to six sigma enabled dabbawala’s of Mumbai, India has an upper hand in being an innovator. The world over India is considered to be a knowledge hub where you can learn about everything and anything under the sky. Today India is considered to be an innovator in the world market. We have the young and enabled thinkers who not only can think differently but at the same time think of innovation. There may be many reasons why India has a large pool of innovative thinkers though the major reason is the population of our nation. India being a large country with its ever increasing population would never be in dearth of innovation.

Indian Youth

The youth consist of about 40 per cent of the population which further means that we have a powerful workforce which if influenced can bear great results. If the young India decides to come out of their shells and unleash their innovation and entrepreneurship potential, then, nothing can stop them. India is sure to become one amongst the powerful nations of the world from its current state of being a ‘developing country’. Unfortunately, many Indians who have the potential to be great entrepreneurs, often lack access to the resources and investors that would help them get involved and make an 24 TechnoFIRST SEPTEMBER 2009

impact. The world has now turned its attention to our nation which is filled and flowing with innovative ideas. The idea is not just about making something but the brilliance to sell it. And if not an entrepreneur we can surely start off with a franchisee and the world leaders are looking for such talents who can handle their brand within the nation. Today the youth wants to try their hands at everything. There are youth groups managing websites and small scale event management companies. They have the fire in their bellies to bring in success at any cost.

Innovative Entrepreneur

Innovation is required to be different and an innovative entrepreneur will always work to bring life into his ideas. His innovation is his future. There are innovators who develop new technologies, like we’re seeing right now with biotechnology. There are innovators who pair existing technologies with a creative business model. And there are entrepreneurs who find innovative ways to improve applications of new and existing technologies. Innovation and entrepreneurial skills initially start when one discovers the potential within himself. This will in turn, let him come up with innovative ways to practically display his potential ideas. He should then build upon this potential of his based on his idea to be the next innovative entrepreneur. This is that what makes an innovator or entrepreneur. He should plan the

methods to get his idea accepted and make his point put across clearly. He should know that his idea can make lot of difference to the world. If he successfully changes his innovative idea into a success story then no doubt that he is a true innovative entrepreneur.

Innovation: a way of learning

Our education system has a monotonous flow which encourages students to learn from the book. The system may not be revised but we have to inculcate the habit of investigative learning. Every student should be motivated to be self motivated and thereafter should be asked to have a point of view about everything. Rather than being just another job seeker they should be asked to develop ideas to be job provider. Entrepreneurship as such should be encouraged all over India. The kind of support that entrepreneurship in India has been receiving until quite recently is not the same as the support that we get in other parts of the world.

The future

Now the time has come for us as a nation to focus on entrepreneurship rather than putting in our efforts to be just another corporate job. Its time for innovation and innovative entrepreneurship. If there are more innovators than job seekers then the employment opportunity would increase. May be it is the right time for a change.

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TF | Expert Topic | View Subtopic | Entrepreneurship v/s Employment

Entrepreneurship vs Employment Entrepreneur is the one who builds the foundation for future growth whereas an employee survives on what he earns for the work done .

E. K. Vinod


nce upon a time there lived two friends Ramesh and Mahesh. They had been friends since childhood. Now both of them have completed their studies. Ramesh aspires to be an entrepreneur one day and started working towards that, whereas Mahesh wants to join a Multinational company and earn good salary. They selected their way of life after carefully studying the advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship and employment. The two friends spent long hours discussing and finally parted ways in different direction with a promise that they will meet once in a year and will measure the progress they made in life. After one year they met and narrated each others story. Ramesh, the entrepreneur invested Rs.1,50,000 to launch the new business by taking a bank loan. Meanwhile, Mahesh, the Employee invested nothing, incurring no debt or risk. If anything, he invested was a bit of time and photocopier expense in preparing 26 TechnoFIRST SEPTEMBER 2009

a good resume. Over the course of the first year Mahesh had a pretty big advantage in terms of income, with a salary that clearly exceeds the Rs. 20,000 owner benefit Ramesh takes from the business. In Year 1 there is no arguing the fact a six-figure salary, even after taxes, exceeds the Rs. 20,000 owner benefit by quite a margin. Ramesh was willing to accept this. In second year, things improve for both. Mahesh received a very nice raise of 5%, and now has a salary of Rs. 105,000 annually. Meanwhile, The Entrepreneur has done better in the business. His gross revenues have increased from Rs.200,000 to Rs.350,000 and his net income percentage has increased from 10% to 15%—but look at what has happened to his owner benefit. Because of the healthy boost of gross revenues and greater efficiency, owner benefit has now more than doubled from Year 1 from Rs.20,000 to Rs. 52,500. Still, The Employee has an advantage in

take-home salary, but Ramesh the Entrepreneur is building a business. He has more than doubled the owner benefit and is building the foundation for future growth. Once again in Third year,Mahesh who is a good employee was rewarded with another salary increase. His Rs. 108,000 pre-tax gross salary exceeds the Ramesh’s owner benefit. But the gap is narrowing. In two years Ramesh has gone from Rs. 20,000 to Rs. 90,000 in Owner Benefit. Who achieved the greater hike in earnings? Ramesh again. In terms of take-home salary,Ramesh has at least evened the score, and possibly surpassed Mahesh . Moral of the story After three years if we compare, the asset value Ü The Employee’s job has an asset value of ZERO! Think about it. • Does an employee own a job? No.



in lacs




Year 2


Year 1

Year 3

Wealth Increase for an Entrepreneur and an Employee

• Does an employee own their office or work station? Someone else owns these assets—the business owner! Ü Speaking of our entrepreneur, look at what happened to the market value of the asset that was created with a Rs. 150,000 investment. Because the Entrepreneur worked hard and created

a successful business, he can now sell the business if he wishes. It is now worth around Rs. 2,70,000 (rule of thumb is 3 x owner benefit). Ü The start of the exercise, the Rs. 150,000 investment seemed like a significant setback for entrepreneur, while employee enjoyed the comfort and ease of settling into a new office

to work for a steady paycheck. Ü Within three years The Entrepreneur had built both cash flow and asset value that exceeded The Employee. This is just the start of the story. ….. (E.K. Vinod is a motivator. He has an experience of more than two decades in world of academics and entrepreneurship.)

Dreaming IT Job? How to get the best … Training Highlights Sumantra Technologies’ is a division of ‘Orionis Technologies & Solutions Pvt. Ltd.’ a reputed Software Research & Development Company, providing high-end customized software solutions (ERP) to various sectors and vivid IT services like Research & Development, Customized Software Solutions (Application, Web, WAP, Mobile), Application Integration Services, On Shelf Products, Data Transformation Services, QCA Activities and Project Consulting. • Option to choose your academic projects. • Training by Senior Professionals. • Perfect blending of Theory with Practical. • OOM & Tier Based Programming. • Weekly evaluations and monthly performance appraisals. • Live Projects and Project Experience Certificates. • Limited seats to ensure that all get equal attention. • Free Training*. • Option to choose the course duration other than what company offers. • Placement Assistance* (Successful candidates would be absorbed by our parent company or shall assist in getting placed in other companies).

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| Entrepreneurs Program TF | Study Topic |Abroad Subtopic


Entrepreneurs Program


Opportunities for entrepreneurship based training models.


Opportunity to take Leadership in projects


Opportunity to work with selected global projects

AIESEC, the world’s largest youth-run organization, is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential to have a positive impact on society.


n opportunity from the worlds largest student body to learn from the world AIESEC, the world’s largest youth-run organization, is the international platform for young people to discover and develop their potential to have a positive impact on society. We provide our members with an integrated development experience comprised of leadership and entrepreneurial opportunities, international internships and participating in a global learning environment. Our platform enables young people to discover and develop their potential to provide leadership for a positive impact on society. It’s a unique and continuously growing global network helping high potential graduates discover and develop their potential. It’s a Global, not-for-profit, non-political organisation. It was founded in 1948, celebrating 60 years of activating leadership. AIESEC via the global platform offers students and recent graduates the challenging opportunity to live and work in a foreign environment in areas of management, technology, education and development. Through its ’Global Entrepreneurs Program’ AIESEC is providing young students to develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills through international internships on mainly social issues.


Our objective is to target our country’s youth, the global entrepreneurs of tomorrow, and help them enrich their education by providing them with a holistic international experience which would help them in their future endeavours. This initiative will challenge their worldview and help them gain a unique combination of multi-cultural, social and entrepreneurial experience during the formative years of their lives. Going on Exchange or an Internship is one of the most intense learning experiences. It links together our global network present over thousands of partner organizations, as each year we provide over 4,400 members with the experience of working abroad. The Global Entrepreneurs Program for a participant would mainly consist of three phases: 1. Skill building blocks: A participant would have opportunities to entrepreneurship based training models. For eg: Business plan competitions or learning events delivered by support from field experts and partner organziations. 2. Issue Based Experience (IBXP): This would entail participation in AIESEC’s Issue based projects. These projects would be on our ’Learning Networks’. The participant would either take re-

sponsibility or a leadership role in the projects, gaining valuable skills and networks. 3. International Internship: This forms the most vital part of the program. The Exchange Particpant would have the opportunity to work with selected global projects in leading AIESEC countries. These internships would be of 2 to 4 months and would be again based on the Learning Networks. The targeted group is school and college students across all years and backgrounds of their undergraduate studies (Age: 16 to 23). The campaign seeks to reach out to 1, 00,000 youth across 148 institutes in 15 cities. AIESEC India receives over 7,500 applicants, who undergo a competitive and comprehensive selection process of application review, group discussions and personal interviews. So it’s time for the students to apply for it. So going abroad is the next big thing to happen in Kerala.

For details log on to: Contact: AIESEC - Kochi 9995402981, 9895444065 Mail: kachan.aiesec@gmail .com


Bill Gates

An Entrepreneur with a Vision è

William Henry Gates was born on October 28, 1955, in Seattle, Washington, USA.

è By the age of 17, Gates had sold his first computer program, atime-tabling system for his high school, for $4,200. è Gates told his university teachers he would be a millionaire by age30. He became a billionaire at age 31.While at Harvard, Gates co-wrote Altair BASIC, which became Microsoft’s (then called Micro-Soft) first product. è In 2002, Bill Gates was considered more idolized than ChinesCommunist leader Mao Tse-tung in a poll of teenagers in Hong Kong and China. The survey was conducted by the City University of Hong Kong. è Gates is the current owner of the Codex Leicester  a 72-pagecollection of Leonardo da Vinci’s scientific writings. The writings are a mixture of observations on water properties, astronomy, and rocks and fossils. Gates puts the Codex on public display once a year in a different city around the world. è Bill Gates earns $250 every SECOND; If he drops a thousand-dollar bill, he needn’t even bother to pick it up because in the four seconds it would take him to pick it up, he would’ve already earned it back.


TF | Technology | Carbon Karma

Carbon Time has come upon to bring in the change. Everyone can make a difference; an individual or even an organisation can bring in the change to save for themselves.




ell they say its all about karma and even when it comes to getting rewarded for being good to mother earth. Confused !Let’s go down the memory lane, the Kyoto Protocol of 1997 by which all countries are required to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 5% --from 1990 levels-- in the next ten years, ie 2012—or pay a price to those that do. The idea was to make developed countries pay for their wild ways with emissions while at the same time monetarily rewarding countries with good behaviour in this regard. Since developing countries can start with clean technologies, they will be rewarded by those stuck with ‘dirty’ ones. Say a company in India can prove it has prevented the emission of x-tonnes of carbon, it can sell this good carbon-karma to a company in say, the US which has a bad karma. An environmentfundamentalist may say it’s all a bit like an indulgent epicure paying someone else to diet for him, but then that’s another story. Right now, there is a market opportunity

for India—but only till 2012. Closer to that clean-up date prices of carbon credits will rise and in the years leading up to it there will be a scramble to buy credits cheap. The World Bank has built itself a role in this market as a referee, broker and macro-manager of international fund flows. The scheme has been entitled Clean Development Mechanism [CDM] in 2000 or more commonly, Carbon Trading. At an easy on pocket price of around $15/tonne it would sound cheap but when you realize the amount that India may gain is a total of $225 million it sounds pretty interesting. The World Bank had handed over $10 million to India’s Infrastructure Development Finance Company to fund ‘clean’ projects that would generate saleable carbon credits. With all this and a lot more we can surely say that the carbon market is here.

Carbon Credits

The question that would have been crossing more than once would be what is carbon credits. Carbon





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TF | Carbon Karma TF || Technology Topic | Subtopic

As nations have progressed we have been emitting carbon, or gases which result in warming of the globe.

credits are a part of international emission trading norms. They incentivise companies or countries that emit less carbon. The total annual emissions are capped and the market allocates a monetary value to any shortfall through trading. Businesses can exchange, buy or sell carbon credits in international markets at the prevailing market price. As nations have progressed we have been emitting carbon, or gases which result in warming of the globe. Some decades ago a debate started on how to reduce the emission of harmful gases that contributes to the greenhouse effect that causes global warming. So, countries came together and signed an agreement named the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol has created a mechanism under which countries that have been emitting more carbon and other gases (greenhouse gases include ozone, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and even water vapour) have voluntarily decided that they will bring down the level of carbon they are emitting to the levels of early 1990s. Developed countries, mostly European, had said that they will bring down the level in the period from 2008 to 2012. In 2008, these developed countries have decided 32 TechnoFIRST SEPTEMBER 2009

on different norms to bring down the level of emission fixed for their companies and factories. A company has two ways to reduce emissions. One, it can reduce the GHG (greenhouse gases) by adopting new technology or improving upon the existing technology to attain the new norms for emission of gases. Or it can tie up with developing nations and help them set up new technology that is eco-friendly, thereby helping developing country or its companies ‘earn’ credits. India, China and some other Asian countries have the advantage because they are developing countries. Any company, factories or farm owner in India can get linked to United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and know the ‘standard’ level of carbon emission allowed for its outfit or activity.

India and the Carbon Karma

India has long trailed China in drawing foreign investment for cleantech projects. With prices in the energy and emissions markets surpassing historical highs, the venture capital community and Indian government are finally directing investment into Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects. While India is currently the second largest host country of CDM projects with an average allocation

of 31 million credits annually, investment in large scale reduction projects has been lacking since the establishment of the CDM in 1998 as part of the Kyoto Protocol. The project was begun to spur cleantech investment in the developing world, while also allowing emitters in developed nations to obtain Certified Emission Reductions (CER) credits, each one accounting for a reduction of one metric ton of CO2. But with the inception of binding emissions targets this year under Kyoto’s second phase, and the near-certain adoption of a cap-and-trade system under either Senator Obama or McCain, the value of carbon credits is on the rise. At the close of trading on July 22nd, credits with 2008 delivery dates were valued at €24.70 ($38.99) per ton of carbon. As part of its initial efforts to attract investment, India instituted a streamlined approval process, but the government failed to adequately court foreign investors with public financing for large scale projects. The Indian CDM sector is mostly comprised of small- to medium-sized efficiency projects requiring low levels of upfront investment. A little more effort from the individual level and the corporates to be amongst the most sought. Well rightly said its all about Karma… the Carbon Karma.


with its easy accessibility can also be termed as pocket internet where you have the world in your pocket.

A new world of Pocket Internet

We know that the world is changing but mobile internet is something that is really fascinating.


ayna Menon panicked the moment she lost her Nokia 5800. This panic was not just because she had lost a mobile phone but also because that was the only medium through which she was connected to her friends world over whether it is to make calls, send messages, check mails, chat and even log on to her Facebook account. “It’s easier to be in touch with my friends over the internet rather than calling up everyone and its cheaper. So instead of logging on the pc every time I find it more convenient to use internet over the phone” said Nayna, who immediately got herself a Nokia E71 which is more internet compatible. She is one among the million others who have caught with new trend called the mobile internet.

phone market , mobile internet has found its strong place. The mobile internet has become a source for consumers to get an easy access to market quotes, headlines, cricket scores, even the net asset value of a mutual fund investment in their palm. And for the youngsters the use of internet mobile is the quick access to check e-mail, download music and games, and vote for their favorite performers on reality TV shows. Internet bigwigs Google, Yahoo and Microsoft are forging partnerships to get their messaging, search, and other services into users' hands. And setting their focus on this factor all the leading service provider’s have set out woo their potential customers with some great mobile internet experience.

The number of Indian consumers connecting to the Internet via cell phones more than doubled, to 38 million from 16 million just last year and being the fastest growing mobile

The time has changed , initially the customers didn’t have a lot to choose from but now they have a wide range of service providers and a wider range of plans and services. Mobile internet

Aircel, one of the leading mobile phone service provider, has even come up with a service named PocketInternet. All you need is a GPRS enabled phone and WAP settings activated. Aircel PocketInternet gives you an easy access to the world of web. Once you have an access to the Aircel PocketInternet you are into the world of music, movies, wallpapers, latest Polyphonic Ringtones, MP3 tones, True tones, Music Videos, Movie videos, Themes, Movie Themes and the best part being the super exciting games. One thing that you should look forward to on the Aircel PocketInternet portal is the user friendly format. For those who have a profile on the networking website Facebook this is a must try. The most common issue with mobile internet is the speed factor and that’s where Aircel PocketInternet scores above the rest with its wonderful speed. Apart from all this exciting factor what makes it more appealing is the exciting offers that they have come up with. There are two packages available one is the Aircel PocketInternet Card for just Rs.14 which gives you unlimited Mobile GPRS Internet Validity for 3 Days and Free Wallpapers and Games Download and the second for Rs.97 with Unlimited Mobile GPRS Internet Validity for 30 Days with Free Wallpapers, Games Download and The Unlimited Free Song Shuffle on caller Tunes service. Aircel PocketInternet seems to be the ultimate offering from Aircel for all those who love to have internet in their pockets.


TF | Review Topic | Subtopic

citizen of the worlds largest democracy has to go through. Well “The White Tiger” is one such story.

The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga


Harper Collins

book review


hat if a lay man decides to share his ideas and his opinion about the changing face of the nation? What if he decides to confess and conclude his story with some hard hitting facts about the individual he is or about the nation that is building up to be the next super power. What if he decides to look into the corruption and compromises a

Aravind Adiga’s first novel is couched as a confession from a deceitful, murderous philosophical runt who has the shrewd willingness to tell a tale of success amongst his cruel deeds. The story is narrated by Balram Halwai, a tea shop boy then a driver then a murderer then a run away then an innovator then an Entrepreneur. The narration would make you feel that it is coming from a layman who has a sad story to share. The story starts from the land of Darkness and the story takes you to the places where the narrator makes a decision to change the flow of his life. He talks about his confusion and talks about his anger over the injustice against the people from the darkness. He talks scornfully about people who are better than him and a special mention to the father of the nation. He happily abuses religious

foibles and even has place for a little anti-Muslim prejudice. He talks about everything that the nation portray that it is to be and at the same time talks about what the nation isn’t. He talks about life, complication, relations, portrayals, sex, human desires and everything that the masses may need to know. His thoughts are not of those who are the part of the present generation but he talks about a sect of people amongst every generation who want to achieve but don’t know what to achieve. He talks about the people from the darkness. It is a direct narration to a ChinesePremier visiting our nation but it more or less an awakening call to the masses. A story that will irritate you but would keep you entangled in the mystery of how Balram Halwai became a master. At Rs.395 it is a must buy for all those who want to get along with The Man Booker prize winner.

web review



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opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door. - Milton Berle upload interface to convert your file. Your original file will not be affected, and you can choose your own file name for the converted file which will instantly download to your computer. Although the non-registered users are allowed to use only three pages at a time, but by registering on the site one can remove such a limitation.



Company Review


Placement experience

Just a quick know how about some of the companies you may end up working with. Know from those who are already there.

Sadashiv N

Deloitte Consulting India Pvt. Ltd. Model Engineering College, 2009

A small description about your placed Company Deloitte Consulting India Pvt. Ltd. is a US based firm that is into implementing ERP and CRM based solutions to global clients. Many of our clients are in the Fortune 100.

About the Company

3i Infotech is a global Information Technology company which provides technology solutions to over 1500 customers in more than 50 countries across 5 continents, spanning a range of verticals. The Company provides software products, IT services and Operations Outsourcing (BPO) solutions for a variety of industry verticals including Insurance, Banking, Capital Markets, Mutual Funds & Asset Management, Wealth Management, Government, Manufacturing and Retail. These solutions and services include Managed IT Services, Application Software Development & Maintenance, Payment solutions, Business Intelligence, Document Imaging & Digitization, IT consulting and various Transaction Processing services.

Brand value

Though it’s a midsize company, It has a high brand value in Middle East region for all its banking/insurance products.

Career growth and onsite opportunities

Onsite opportunities are good for those who fall under the Middle-east geography projects.

How is work environment and how efficient is the communication between teams or department? I found the work environment to be extremely good.

Work pressure/Work and life balance.

One can easily balance ones personal and professional lives while working in the organization. There is no stressful work pressure. It’s at par with other organizations.

Satisfaction with salary and quality of work.

I don’t know how the salaries are scaled up for grades other than mine. For my grade I found it to be good enough. Quality of work is the best so far.

What type of work they do?

Both Product and Services are done. Although Product Development is more.

Job security. Yes its there.

Do you recommend your company to others?

Yes I do!! One gets good opportunity to develop technical skills. Disclaimer:This is an individuals point of view about the company that he is employed in and as per the request the identity of that individual shall not be disclosed under any circumstances.

What are the various procedures or hurdles that you had to face before getting placed with this company? The Placement Cell of our college was very meticulous in imparting training in aptitude, technical and verbal abilities. So our “employability” skills were fine tuned by the P.C due to which I think most companies that came to our campus were extremely happy with our performance Describe briefly about their recruitment procedures We had a written test (consisted of Aptitude and English). The shortlisted people were divided into groups for a case study discussion after which each person had to present an analysis of the case study. Following the Case study round was a technical+HR interview. They just wanted to test our confidence and ease of communication in English. What was the type of questions that were asked in the interview? General questions about our families, our interests, strengths and weaknesses etc. Very few technical questions were asked. How were you able to manage all these pressures? There was no pressure as such. The Placement Cell members would always be there giving constant encouragement and support. Advice to juniors/other job seekers? Be cool, be confident and have faith in yourself.

Job Track TF | Topic | Subtopic

attitude. That doesn’t do you any good at all. Keep your eyes open and look for hidden opportunities. Apart from that you need to have a Zen attitude about rejection. It’s just a matter of time and luck. Try, and then try again. And again. That’s what will keep you going.

Recession: How to get Hired? Recession isn’t really a time where in you have to be worried of what you have to do rather it’s the time to ponder about what you are doing.


t sounds more or less like a paradox when some one mentions the word jobs and along with it the word recession. The world is still somehow trying to find its way out of the recession trauma. The jobseekers are more and the jobs available are drastically close to naught. You might get a job but not the one that you were looking out for. You may even get a job that you would have dreamt of, but then you could be working for say as good as nothing. Recession neither keeps the employee nor the employer happy. Here are the few tricks and tips that would help you survive the recession crisis as good as you can and may even help you land a job.

The quickest way to a new job is networking The only way you can put your foot in the door at your dream company is to know someone who is already employed there and can promote you on your behalf from the inside. If you’re currently still employed, make an inclusive contact list while you still have access to that information. The best prospects by far, are people in your industry who can really help you get a job so make sure you know who they are and make sure they don’t forget you. 36 TechnoFIRST SEPTEMBER 2009

* Networking is one important aspect that will help you a get a job during the economic downturn * During recession companies are more interested in hiring people who can handle tough times rather than hiring talents * Being optimistic and thoughtful will keep you motivated and focused to get a job Be the one who can handle the tough times You may be the smartest and the best and they would love to hire you but when the tough times are in they want tough players. If you can add value to a company, every company is hiring. In a bad economy, what is valued above all is an ability to deliver solutions that can help a company survive and turn the bad times around. So when you go for the job make sure you portray yourself as a though time champion rather than pledging on your skills.

Learn to accept rejection but still be positive “Nobody is hiring. So I can’t get a job” That’s what every loser has to say. Don’t fall into a defeatist

Do not be ashamed Everyone loses a job sometime or the other. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. And in fact, a timid or an ashamed attitude or rather a sense of embarrassment is counterproductive. You need to be projecting a positive attitude. You’ve got plenty to offer. Even if you’ve suffered through rejection after rejection, don’t forget the unique skills and experience you have. Just because no one’s hiring you doesn’t mean your underlying value has gone away. There would be a day which will be yours and it’s just a matter of time.

Grab what you get Bad times are temporary. If you get a job during recession don’t forget the old saying about the bird in the hand better than two in the bush. Take what you can get, even if it’s a step down. It’s better to have a so-so job now so that you get paid during the economic downturn as in the pay checks keep coming in and you’re still gaining experience. This is one situation which is far better than waiting for your dream opportunity for day week months and may be even years. The opportunities will be there again soon, and when they are, you can land the dream job then and at the same time you will have that thing called experience. Recession isn’t really a time where in you have to be worried of what you have to do rather it’s the time to ponder about what you are doing. It is just a passing phase of economic trouble. Jobs are scarce but people are still hiring. So keep yourself motivated and be assured to grab yourself a job. For more tips on jobs log on to


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Tech Mahindra wins the Swan


ech Mahindra has won around $500 million outsourcing contract from new telecom entrant Swan Telecom. Swan’s outsourcing contract, which witnessed aggressive bidding from IBM, Wipro and Tech Mahindra, comes at a time when Tech Mahindra is attempting to establish itself in the domestic market, as part of its long term strategy to derisk its revenues. Etisalat had acquired 45% stake in Swan for $900 million last year.Well it seems that Mahindra is going places after acquiring things that were not right.

Microsoft: a Racist?


oftware giant Microsoft Corp is apologising for altering a photo on its website to change the race of one of the people shown in the picture. A photo on the Seattlebased company’s US website shows two men, one Asian and one black, and a white woman seated at a conference room table. But on the website of Microsoft’s Polish business unit, the black man’s head has been replaced with that of a white man. The colour of his hand remains unchanged. The photo editing sparked criticism online. Some bloggers said Poland’s ethnic homogeneity may have played a role in changing the photo. Whats so ever is the reason. It not FAIR enough.

Sony fights Amazon


ony Corp unveiled its first wireless electronic reader, challenging Inc’s momentum in the growing digital book Market. At $399, Sony’s “Daily Edition” is $100 more expensive than Amazon’s basic Kindle but it has a 7-inch touch screen and an aluminum body. It will go on sale in December with AT&T providing its 3G wireless Internet service.After a year of headlines dominated by Amazon’s Kindle reader, Sony has taken the offensive, with the wireless model joining previously announced lower-priced units. It is unclear which consumers prefer. Sony disclosed that it had sold 400,000 readers. Sony previously introduced the “Pocket Edition” for $199 and the “Touch Edition” for $299. Sony and Amazon, the two largest players, are vying to establish a toehold in a market that they believe will become a profit driver as more consumers enjoy books, magazines, newspapers and other media on the book-sized tablets.While some users have raved about convenience of digital readers, especially while traveling, analysts say the devices will remain a cachet item until prices come down. Amazon’s Kindle costs $299 for the basic version and $489 for a large screen version geared toward newspaper reading. The Kindle, though wireless, does not offer a touch screen like the “Daily Edition”. The Kindle has captured a lot of attention because of the integrated wireless connectivity. So adding the wireless certainly fills a significant feature gap.

How to Play Fill in the grid so that every horizontal row , every vertical coloum and every 3X3 box Contains the digits 1-9 without repeating the numbers in the same row, coloum or box You can’t change the digits already given in the grid. Every puzzle has its own solution.


Hint: don’t fill in numbers at random. While filling a particular square, write numbers 1-9 on a pad and start eliminating those numbers already appearing in the same row , coloum or 3X3 box SEPTEMBER 2009 TechnoFIRST 39

TF | Corporate Topic | Subtopic News


Its IT time....

spends a lot


e are not ready to suffer the blackout or are we too prepared. The cumulative cost of nationwide power outages is a staggering Rs 1,00,000 crore. That’s the amount Indians spend on power back-up equipment like gensets, batteries and inverters, according to a study by Universal Consulting done for power company Wartsila India. Here’s the message for policy makers: That money if collected from harassed power consumers is enough to put up power plants to generate 25,000 MW of electricity — almost 20% of the present generation level.


nformation technology (IT) stocks has given highest returns in the past few months. Against a 90% return of the benchmark Sensex, IT stocks have yielded 90-500% gains. The Sensex, which was trading at a four-year low of 8,160 in March, 2009, closed at 15,688 on Tuesday, indicating a gain of 90%. In comparison to this, IT stocks have provided up to 500% returns. Large-cap companies like Wipro, TCS and Infosys that are a part of benchmark Sensex, provided returns of 180%, 141% and 90%, respectively. But it were mid-cap companies that stole the show with phenomenally high returns. These include Polaris Software (474%), RS Software (437%), Hexaware Tech (358%) Rolta (356%), Tech Mahindra (337%) and Oracle Finance (300%). In March, 2009 when the Sensex was at its four-year low, most of the IT stocks were traded at their five-year lows, while stocks of a few small companies were traded at their decade-lows. When the markets recovered postMarch, IT stocks did not join the rally. But their prices went up after Nasdaq saw a sharp recovery in the past two months. “Most of the recovery in IT stocks was observed during the past two months. Nasdaq, which has world’s prominent IT companies listed on it, showed fastest improvement during the last couple of months,” said Nandish Shah, senior analyst at Anagram Stock Broking.


Satyam needs time,

so does its trial


he trial on the Satyam Computer’s scam may be delayed with the Andhra Pradesh High Court, on Tuesday, referring a petition filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation to a division bench. CBI had sought the court’s permission to conduct brain mapping and lie detector tests on B Ramalinga Raju, the defamed founder of Satyam Computer Services, his brother B Rama Raju and their former CFO officer Srinivas Vadlamani. Prior to moving the high court, CBI had approached the lower court seeking its approval to conduct the scientific test. The lower court permitted the tests, but the petition was contested by the Rajus’ counsel. CBI lawyers argue that the trio be subjected to the tests as they refused to divulge information necessary about the modus operandi of the case. Meanwhile, the Enforcement Directorate (ED), which is looking in to the violation of the Foreign Exchange Management Act has decided to attach the properties of the Rajus’ in a month. Currently, the statutory agency has provisionally attached some of the properties of Raju. It has to fulfill the required legal and administrative procedure before filing a case in a month and physically attach the properties, said LV Rao, assistant director of the ED Hyderabad.


TCS targets domestic market

ndia’s largest software exporter Tata Consultancy Services plans to double revenues from the domestic operations to $1-billion in the next three to four years. The domestic market currently contributes 10% to TCS total revenue. The company also expects the deal with oil and gas major British Petroleum to contribute $30-100 million revenues on an annual basis over the next three to five

years. TCS was one of the four IT companies that won the five-year IT contract from BP last month. The company’s future plans are based on the fact that there has been an increase in the demand from banking, financial services, retail and life science and few other such sectors so the company is aggressively chasing deals in these sectors.




TF | TBI Topic | Subtopic News

APIN Conference held at Coimbatore


he 4th Asia Pacific Incubation Network (APIN) Conference was held at Coimbatore on Aug 6 -7, 2009. The Theme of the conference was ‘Global Recession: An Opportunity for business incubation? ’ APIN was established with energy and commitment from leading incubator managers in the region and with support from World Bank’s infoDev Program and the Department of Science and Technology. The 2 day international conference was inaugurated by Shri. Gopal Srinvasan, CMD, TVS Capital Fund Ltd. Mr.Julian Webb, infoDev Asia Facilitator,

The 4th Asia Pacific Incubation Network (APIN) Conference held at Coimbatore

Australia,Mr.Annuar Mohd Saffar, President-AABI, Prof S K Joshi, Chairman-NAC for STEPs/ TBIs, Dr Saurabh Srivastava, Chairman Emeritus - The Indus Entrepreneurs, Shri H K Mittal,

Adviser & Head -NSTEDB, Shri G Rangaswamy, Managing Trustee, PSG Institutions , Dr R Rudramoorthy, Principal-PSG and Mr K Suresh Kumar, Manager, PSG-STEP were present.

TUC Review Meet and TSC Meeting held @ Ooty


10th TUC Co-ordinators’ meet

oty had its misty dawn filled with the technology and innovation on Aug 1011, 2009.The TUC Co-ordinators from all parts of the country from Srinagar to Trivandrum gathered in a single hall at Hotel Monarch, in the presence of DSIR Scientists and Officials for the National Meeting of TePP Outreach Centres. Dr.A.S.Rao, Advisor DSIR inaugurated the programme and Prof Amarnath, Chairman TePP Screening 42 TechnoFIRST SEPTEMBER 2009

KCC Nair presenting the activities of T-TUC

Committee presided over the programme. Presentations were done by DSIR Officials regarding CPSM Agency Registration and TePP Open Network. Prof Anil Gupta, Chairman, National Innovation Foundation; IIM Ahmedabad took a session on rural innovation. All the TUC Co-ordinators presented the progress review report and future plans of their TUC’s. Mr. K.C. Chandrasekharan Nair, TUC Co-ordinator of Technopark,

presented TUC activities and new initiatives of Technopark the “I am an Entrepreneur” campaign. Mr.Arun Balachandran, media partner of T-TUC gave away awareness on the e-learning portal that has to be launched soon with the support of DSIR and Technopark-TUC. The 96th TePP Screening Committee Meeting was held on August 11, 2009.


TechTop 2009 Prizes Given Away and Vandana Vikram. The project seeks to equip the aircraft with microcontrollers that would facilitate its safe return to command site even if it has veered off its range. According to the students, such an accomplishment would find applications in search-and-rescue operations with further research. The team has selected the design of the aircraft and completed a detailed study of the control aspects. The students have developed a rudimentary speed controller for the DC motors on the aircraft. The engine has also completed its test run.


he fourth edition of TechTop, showcased the ingenuity and enterprise of engineering students across the country. TechTop is an All India Engineering Students project competition jointly organized by Degree Controls and supported by Technopark TBI and IEEE and Executive Knowledge Lines for the prestigious Degree C award, the one which offers largest prize money in this class.

The controlled environment fermentation process for automation and enhancement of tea manufacturing developed by the second prize winners from the University Institute of Technology, Maharashtra, seeks to improve the quality of tea. The student team, including Raka Chowdhury, Sankha Subhra Mukherjee, Aveek Dasmalakar, Debangan Roy and Koushik Chakraborty, developed a system using digital image processing technology to optimise environmental parameters and detect the end point of the fermentation process.

‘Chakshuyaan,’ a project sponsored by the Amritha Viswa Vidya Peetham, Kollam, bagged the first prize at the two- day event. The second prize went to the University Institute of Technology, West Bengal, for its project on ‘automation and enhancement of tea manufacturing by controlled environment fermentation.’ Students from the R.C. Patel Institute of Technology, Maharashtra, won the third prize for their project on a surveillance robot for detection of bombs. A. Jayakrishnan, Vice-Chancellor, University of Kerala, presented the awards at the valedictory function. Technopark CEO Mervin Alexander and Chief Financial Officer Chandrasekharan Nair were also present. The first prize winning project, ‘Chakshuyaan,’ was aimed

at developing a state-of-the-art unmanned, radio controlled aircraft using Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) technology, GPS navigation facilities and an onboard high resolution camera with reconnaissance features for better safety. The project team comprised four students from the Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics departments — Shreyas Narsipur, Shibesh Dutta, Raghu Menon

The students from the R.C. Patel institute of Technology, Maharashtra, won the third prize for their project on remote-controlled surveillance for detection of bombs. The team comprising Pardeshi Bhimashankar, Pardeshi Nilesh, Marwadi Mangesh, Orha Ashish and Patil Tushar presented the use of Radio Frequency (RF) mode for operation of a surveillance robot. The proposed system provides remote controlled operation up to a range of 150 metres. The surveillance robot can move in all four directions and features a foldable arm with three joints. The winners were selected from 27 teams. SEPTEMBER 2009 TechnoFIRST 43

Jobs TF | Hot Topic | Subtopic

Centre For Wind Energy Technology Recruitment for the post of Scientist - B, Junior Engineer Scientist B Essential: Bachelors Degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Bachelors Degree in Instrumentation & Control Engineering Desirable: Masters Degree in Engineering/Technology; Familiarity in type certification process, Experience in design analysis of wind turbine components electrical, control & protection system including instrumentation and data analysis of measurements or Masters Degree in Engineering/ Technology; b) Experience in Instrumentation and Control of Wind turbines. Junior Engineer Essential: Diploma in Mechanical/ Electrical/ Instrumentation Engineering; Not less than two years field experience in Design / Testing / Erection / Operation and Maintenance relating to wind energy areas. Desirable: Knowledge of Computer based applications like AutoCAD preferably in the field of Wind Energy. Age limit: For Scientist B - 35yrs Junior Engineer- 25yrs How to apply A non-refundable Recruitment Fee of Rs.300/- by Demand Draft on any bank favouring ‘Centre for Wind Energy Technology’ payable at Chennai; and attested copies of certificates and testimonials on qualifications right from Matriculation and experience. must reach the General Manager (F&A), Centre for Wind Energy Technology, Velachery-Tambaram High Road, Pallikaranai, Chennai – 600 100 on or before 30.09.2009 in an envelope superscribed “ Applications “. ..............................................

Maharastra State Power Generation Company Ltd. Invites Application for the post of Jr. Engineer and Sub Engineer


Vacancies Post Code 04 05 06 07

Name of the Post

Junior Engineer Junior Engineer (Civil) Sub Engineer Sub Engineer (Civil)

Total 796 16 90 20

Qualification Junior Engineer Degree in Electrical / Electronics / Instrumentation / Mechanical Engineering / Technology of University or Institute in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act. Or State Act. Or any other qualification recognized as equivalent there to. Junior Engineer (Civil) Degree in Civil Engineering /Technology of a University or Institute in India established or incorporated by or under a Central Act or a State Act or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto. Following disciplines also can be considered depending on specific requirement (1) Construction Engineering

(2) Construction Technology (3) Structural Soil and Foundation Engg. (4) Construction Technology & Management (5) Construction Engineering & Management.

Sub Engineer Diploma in Electrical / Electronics / Electronics & Power / Electronics & Telecommunications /Instrumentation / Mechanical Engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Education of Govt. of Maharashtra or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto. Sub Engineer (Civil) Diploma in Civil Engineering awarded by the State Board of Technical Education of Government of Maharashtra or other qualification recognised as thereto Note-: Candidates Possessing Diploma in Engineering (i.e. Construction Engineering/ Construction Technology may also be considered depending on the specific requirement of such candidates.

Age Limit : For Jr. Engineer : 35 Years For Sub Engineer : 33 Years. Pay Scale : Junior Engineer : Rs. 7075-3108625-325-17075 Sub Engineer : Rs. 5370-240-6570250-9070-260- 14790

The written test will be conducted tentatively during the month of November / December 2009 at centers viz. (1) Mumbai (2) Nagpur (3) Aurangabad (4) Pune (5) Nashik. Application Fee Candidates belonging to Open category shall furnish Demand Draft of six months validity and of the value of RS. 500/-(For post code 04 & 05) Rs.400 (For post code 06 & 07) and candidates from Backward Class categories i.e. SC, ST and the candidates belonging to VJ(A), NT(B), NT(C), NT(D), SBC and OBC who are coming under the concept of “Non-Creamy Layer” shall furnish Demand Draft of Six months validity of Rs.250/- (for post code 04 & 05) and Rs. 200/- (For post code 06 & 07) payable to the “Maharashtra State Power Generation Company Limited Mumbai” drawn on any Nationalized Bank payable at Mumbai. Candidates applying under Physically Handicapped Category need not to send Demand Draft, provided they should submit the Medical Certificate from appropriate authority. How to Apply Applications duly filled in with attested copies of certificates in support of age, qualifications and caste should be submitted to the Post Box No 27662, Malad (East) post office, Mumbai 400097 Only by ordinary post so as to reach on or before 30/09/2009. ..............................................

Central Drug Research Institute (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)

Applications on the prescribed forms are invited from the eligible persons of Indian Nationality for the following technical posts:Advertisement No. 4/2009 Technical Gr. III(1) 06 Posts (SC- 1, ST- 02, OBC- 2 & UR- 01) in Pay Scale/Pay Band of Rs. 9300-34800 (PB-2) with Grade Pay Rs. 4200/- [T.E. = Rs. 21122/-] Post Code 038 (02 posts) for Toxicology (Reserved for SC-1 & ST-1) Essential : Ist Class B.Sc. with Zool-


ogy, Botany and Chemistry. Desirable : Biotechnology or Zoology. Job Requirement : Performing reproductive toxicology experiments. Post Code 039 (02 posts) for Endocrinology (Reserved for ST-1 & UR-1) Essential:Ist Class B.Sc. in any areas of Life Science. Desirable : Good knowledge in laboratory techniques and laboratory animal handling. Job Requirement : To carry out routine cell culture, biochemical assays and animal experimentation for CDRI compounds. Post Code 040 (01 post) for Academic Affairs Unit (Reserved for OBC) Essential Qualification : Ist Class B.Sc. in any science . Desirable : Diploma in Computer Applications from a recognized University or equivalent.

Department of Atomic Energy Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research Special Recruitment Drive for filling up of posts for persons with Disabilities Name of the Post: No. of Post: Qualification: Age Limit : Pay Band PB:

Technical Officer /C 03 B.E/B.Tech in Electronics & Communication with 60% marks 35 Yrs Relaxable upto 10 yrs for SC/ST and 8 yrs for OBC as on 01.01.2009. Rs 15600-39100 GP: Rs 5400/-

Name of the Post: Scientific Assistant /B No. of Post: 03 Qualification: B Diploma in Electronics & Communication with 60% marks Age Limit : 30 Yrs Relaxable upto 10 yrs for SC/ST and 8 yrs for OBC as on 01.01.2009.

Job Requirement : To provide assistance in the Academic Affairs Unit. The Unit work included managing the CDRI-JNU Ph.D. Programme, up keeping of records thereof and handling the issues of Ph.D. Scholars vis-a-vis compulsory pre-Ph.D. courses, thesis, viva etc. Post Code 041 (01 post) for Biochemistry (Reserved for OBC) Essential :Ist Class B.Sc. (Sci.) or equivalent. Desirable : Basic knowledge of computers/MS office Job requirement : Maintenance of large number of cell lines (parasite and mammalian macrophages), bacterial culture work, handling of animal work and preparation of buffers etc. Age limit : 28 years for Technical Gr. III(1), age relaxation as per Govt rules. Application Fee : Application fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees One Hundred only) and US $ 25 in case of candidates applying from abroad in the form of Banker Cheque/Demand Draft drawn in favour of the Director, Central Drug Research Institute, payable at Lucknow. SC/ST & Persons with Disability are exempted from application fee. How To Apply Applications duly completed and supported by the attested copies of certificates and testimonials should reach the Central Drug Research Institute, Chattar Manzil Palace, Post Box No.173, Lucknow-226 001(UP) on or before 18.09.2009 positively. Applications for each post should be submitted separately.


TF | Topic | Subtopic

Name of the Post: Scientific Assistants/B (Library) No. of Post: 01 Qualification: B.Sc, (Physics/ Chemistry/ Computer Science) with Bachelor in Library Information Science degree from a recognised institution with minimum 60% marks. Age Limit : 30 Yrs Relaxable upto 15 yrs for SC/ST and 13 yrs for OBC as on 01.01.2009. Pay Band: PB: Rs 9300-34800 GP : Rs 4200/How to apply 1) Application should preferable type written on thick foolscape paper 2) The application and the outer cover should be super scribed as “ Application for the post of --------- Cat. No-------- against the adv No.4/2009 3) A recent passport size photograph should be affixed on the right hand top corner of application. Completed applications form in prescribed format should be sent to the Administrative Officer - II (R), Indira Gandhi Centre For Atomic Research, Kalpakkam -603 102. Last date of submission on or before 7th September 2009 ..............................................

Indian National Centre For Ocean Information Services (An Autonomous Body under the Ministry of Earth Sciences) Govt. of India

Name of post: Scientist ‘B’ Qualification: First class B.E. or B.Tech. in electronics/electrical/ electrical and electronics/ electronics and instrumentation/ electronics and communication/ computer science/ geo-informatics or First class M.Sc./M.S. in oceanography(Physical)/ atmospheric science/ physics/ applied physics/ applied mathematics/ geophysics/ geology/ geo-informatics/ remote sensing/ computer science/ electronics or M.C.A. No of post: 7 Posts (UR-4, OBC-2, SC-1). Age: 30 years Name of post: Scientific Assistant ‘B’ 46 TechnoFIRST SEPTEMBER 2009

Qualification: First class in B Sc (mathematics/physics/computer science) or First class B.Sc. with mathematics/physics/computer science as a major subject or First class diploma in civil engineering/ electronics/ electrical and electronics/ electronics and communications/ electronics and computer engineering or a Bachelor degree in library science No of post: 11 Posts (UR-6, OBC-3, SC-1, ST-1). Age: 25 years How to apply Print out of the online application duly signed and affixed with latest passport size photograph, supported by attested copies of certificates as proof of educational qualifications, date of birth, category of reservation (if applicable) and experience etc., should be sent in a sealed envelope superscribed with ‘Application for Category ------Post’ to :The Director, Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services,’Ocean Valley’, Post Bag No.21, IDA Jeedimetla P.O, Hyderabad-500 055, India, so as to reach on or before 30th September 2009 Last Date for Online submission 30th September,2009. Last Date for Submission of Print version of Application along with necessary enclosures 30th September, 2009 For online application log onto: http://

For more Jobs Log on to :



BetaQ The Tech Trivia

1. Which is the first movie-licensed game made for Xbox 360? 2. Who publishes the PS2 game `Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas’? 3. Which of Google’s offerings has the tagline `Stand on the shoulders of giants’? 4. Who created/invented the dreaded official 404 (Page Not Found) HTTP specification? 5. If Apple has iPhone 3G and T-Mobile G1, then who is going to launch the Ocean 2? 6. Who launched, `the world’s largest matrimonial service’ as the Web site claims, in 1997? 7. Madhukar Dev is the CEO of..? 8. What is `eSuds’ launched by IBM? 9. Which famous chess-playing supercomputer has been `retired’ to the Smithsonian? 10. Who owns the computer-generated newsreader Ananova?

Answers 1. King Kong 2. Take II Interactive 3. Google Scholar 4. Sir Tim Berners-Lee. 5. Helio 6. Anupam Mittal 7. Tata Elxsi 8. It’s a new dorm laundry technology that allows students to swipe a credit card or punch a code into their cell-phones to pay for washing or drying their clothes. 9. Deep Blue 10. Orange SA

Pay Band: PB: Rs 930034800 GP : Rs 4200/-

Printed and published by Arun Balachandran, ErupulamKattil (H), Edakadathy P.O., Edakadathy, Owned by Shine Damodharan, Kollattu (H), Chiyyaram P.O., Thrissur. Printed at St.Joseph’s Press, TVM. Published from Mediafirst Publications, Cochin-21 and the editor is Basil P Varghese, Pokkanathil (H), Pothanikkadu P.O., Ernakulam District, Kerala.

Postal Reg. No. KL/TV(N)/587/2008-10 TechnoFIRST September2009 RNI Reg. No. KERENG/2004/22131 Posted from RMS TVM Licensed to post without prepayment : kl/tv(n/wtt/587/2008-10)

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