November magazine 2013 1

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Monthly Issue #02 | November 2013

Meet Surreal


Frank Herfort

6 Easy Steps

to Master the Curves Tool

1 Photograph: 4 Transformations Tips & Tricks for Perfect


Why take photographs?

Insight from Famous Photographer Lou Jones

Based in Mountain View, CA, PicsArt is a full-featured mobile photo editing & drawing mobile app and the fastest growing mobile art community.

All-in-1 Photo Editor & Art Community

Editor-in-Chief | Arusiak Kanetsyan Art Editor | Cristina Gevorg

Cover photo: @franciskabosnjak

Meet our team...

Designer | Ina Sarko Editorial Contributors | Mark Gargarian, Heather Parry, Miki Ross Karakla In-House Photographer | ma_lina Address: SocialIn Inc., 800 West El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040

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Publisher: PicsArt Photo Studio

Copyright of Socialln Inc. ( PicsArt Photo Studio ) 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be re-used without the written permission of the publisher. The content of this magazine is for informational purposes only and is, to the best of our knowledge, correct at the time of publication. PicsArt Photo Studio does not claim any ownership right for the photos in the Magazine. All photos,if not mentioned otherwise, are the property of respective PicsArt users. The PicsArt username or photo owner is cited on each photo. PicsArt Photo Studio has a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, limited licence to use, modify, add to, publicly perform, publicly display, and reproduce PicsArt users’ photos, including without limitation distributing part or all of the Magazine in any media formats through any media channels.

Welcome! PicsArt Monthly is here to inspire you and to help you become a greater artist. In this issue, you’ll find articles that make you think, tutorials that will transform your photography, and the best art from PicsArt users. Get started by catching this month's article by award-winning photographer Lou Jones, Why Take Photographs. This unique insight asks a simple question and provides some surprising answers, a worthwhile read for anyone who takes pictures. In this issue, we also show you some of the amazing things that are possible on a mobile device with PicsArt Photo Studio. Master color tones with the Curves Tool, see how you can transform a photo using PicsArt effects and brush up on your painting skills with our drawing tutorials. You’ll also want to read our Thanksgiving Tips and Tricks so that, when you sit down in front of a turkey this year with the whole family, you’ll be guaranteed to take holiday photos that stand apart from the rest. Find all of this and more in our November issue to feed your inspiration and curiosity, and take your own artwork to a whole new level. Enjoy reading and feel free to send us your feedback at!


Pro Insight

08 | Why Take Photographs?


12 | Showers of Melancholy 32 | Creating Art on a Mobile Device

PicsArt In Action

16 | Four Transformations


18 | Aperture: Controlling Depth of Focus 24 | How to Use PicsArt's Curves Tool 28 | How to Draw a Mermaid in PicsArt

New In App

38 | PicsArt Celebrates 2nd Anniversary


40 | Surreal Photographer Frank Herfort

Feature 48 | 50 | 56 | 62 |

A Look Behind a Photo Feature: Australia Tips&Tricks: Photographing Thanksgiving Artist: Kikabana

06 | PicsArt Monthly


Why Take Photographs? by Lou Jones

I have been taking pictures so long that the simplest questions are often overlooked. So I tried to think back to some of the things that got me interested in photography. So “why take pictures?� When I started out that query was a little easier to answer. Also, at that time I could name all the people who were direct competition. Now everybody is a photographer. So if we have that much competition why do we want to contribute to the clutter?

08 | PicsArt Monthly


Kikabana (Kookiegreen) Every art community has it’s rockstars, and ours is no different. Meet Kikaban, username @ Kookiegreen, a PicsArtist that has a knack for splendor. Her photos are rife with what can best be called energy, the life and colors within them bursting so that they can barely be contained within their rectangular frames. Her photos span beautiful seaside vistas, candid street portraits, and special instances that make daily life so rich. She also has a flexible style in her choices of color, effects, and general composition. Essentially speaking, Kikabana churns out masterful photography on a regular basis.

Lou Jones is a Boston-based photographer with more than 43 years of professional experience. His award-winning work has been exhibited in museums and collections around the world, and he has published multiple books of and about photography. Lou has served on the boards of directors of numerous photographic associations, societies, and museums. He helped found the school Center for Digital Imaging Arts of Boston University and conceived the prestigious Griffin Museum's annual Focus Awards. In addition, Jones lectures and teaches workshops all over the world.

To be creative Since its inception photography has engaged some of the most creative minds. And some of the most bizarre, too. And although it was under pressure in the early years to justify itself as an art form, most museums today have photography collections and understand its historic and aesthetic contributions. Social networking sites like PicsArt, Facebook, and Instagram have opened up new opportunities to showcase.

To document There are not many truly creative photographs being made. Most people just want to capture moments of their new baby, wedding, graduation, gathering, party, “selfie�, etc. Photography serves as the easiest and most convenient way to remember. You do not have to know how to spell RAW or PhotoShop to get competent results.

10 | PicsArt Monthly

To be trendy Photography has been popular since Kodak made it easy. But the digital revolution has made it accessible for all. The cameras are simpler, cheaper. More pictures are taken with cell phones than all cameras. It is a universal hobby. Anybody can do it. Even hipsters.

To tell stories It doesn’t matter if you’re a professional or an amateur. You don’t need formal training. But we can most accurately tell the big and little stories of our own lives, of those surrounding us and of those far away. The more we know about each other, the more we see, the better we understand and cope.

To get paid Years ago I argued that I would take pictures for free if that was my only option, but my colleague said he quit, locked the door to his studio and went home each night to his family. He was also right. To him photography was just a job. Albeit a good one.

To record your life Some people are clever and obsessive enough to integrate photography into every aspect of their lives. They take pictures of their travels, their ideas, their politics, food, dog, etc. They turn the camera inward. This may be personal, quirky, entertaining, serious, or funny. And the best camera for that just happens to be the one you have with you: DSLR, point & shoot, cell phone.

For love I have often been asked how I select my employees. I tell them I don’t seek people who want to take pictures. I seek people who have to take pictures. It is in their eyes. Souls who love the act and art of photography. It is part of their DNA.

Why not? Photographs can be documents but do NOT have to be accurate. Each of us sees the world through our own filter. Subjective. Everyone has their own reasons for taking pictures. All valid. But even so, photography is the world’s universal language. No need for translation.

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@ntrdangquang 12 | PicsArt Monthly


Showers of Melancholy A Gallery of Rainy Days Rainy days have long been great emotional fodder for photographers. There is just a special kind of beauty that goes with a wet city street after a hard rain. Water changes the way that light plays on objects, evoking a particular reflective state of emotion in any given scene. Even drops on a window pane exude a certain undeniable melancholy. The emotional palette of a rainy day, however, varies depending on the context and choices taken by a particular photographer, and the variety of feelings involved can range anywhere between muggy sadness to a more upbeat sense of cleansing and renewal.


This gallery features a variety of photos from the PicsArt community with the theme of a rainy day.

@hermionejedusor 14 | PicsArt Monthly



Four Transformations

If anything, one of the most wonderful things about PicsArt is the amount of effects options available. This means freedom and creativity. No matter what photo you are starting with, there are limitless directions you go in, and each option offers the potential for a unique transformation with its own style and flavor. Here is a demonstration of how a photo is being transformed using four PicsArt FX Effects. 16 | PicsArt Monthly





What is Aperture Controlling Depth of Focus If a camera is an eye, the aperture is its pupil. It is the hole through which light passes and is focused, and it is created and controlled by the iris surrounding it. In a camera's case, the iris (or diaphragm) is made of several small metal blades overlaid in a circular pattern. Just as our pupils widen to let in more light in the dark, we can open our apertures in low light, and close them in brightness. What is less obvious, though, is the effect the aperture's size has on depth of field.

What is Depth of Field?


A photo's depth of field is the distance between the furthest and closest objects that are in focus. If both the foreground and the background of a scene are sharp, it has a large depth of field. If a small area is in focus, but the front and back fall off into blur, it has a small or short depth of field. These are also known as deep focus and shallow focus.

Smaller Aperture, Sharper Image The depth of field is controlled by the aperture. A large aperture, while it lets in more light, shortens and softens the focal plane (the precise distance at which your lens is focused). This is because the light comes in at steeper angles, causing it to scatter more. As the aperture shrinks, only the straight-on light rays can enter. This cuts down the total light, but sharpens the image and increases the depth of field. 18 | PicsArt Monthly





The f-stop is a fraction, just like shutter speed, and so the smaller f-numbers designate larger openings. This means that apertures with values of f/2 and f/4 will make bright, soft-focus photographs, while f/16 and f/22 will create a large depth of field. However, the camera will need a longer shutter speed or higher ISO to compensate for the light loss.

Controlling the Background


Creative aperture control allows you to remove the background by blurring it out, which directs the focus to the subject. Using a shallow depth of field allows selective focus, which is used to highlight detail in a small area of a scene. Conversely, a large depth of field can bring the background into the picture, when needed.

A Bit About Bokeh

20 | PicsArt Monthly



You have probably heard this word thrown around a lot, but what is bokeh? How do you even say it? While the second question is a topic of endless (and fruitless) debate, most people agree that bokeh is the way the lens renders out-of-focus blur. This is most obvious in points of light; when defocused, the haze they create takes the shape of the aperture. Sometimes it is beautifully round, sometimes it's octagonal, and can be more like a pentagon. Conventional opinion believes that the rounder the aperture, the better the bokeh.

Minimum, Optimum, and Maximum Apertures


Every lens has its limits; it will have a maximum f/stop – the largest its aperture will go – which we call wide open. The maximum aperture is noted in the name of a lens: “Nikon 50mm f/1.8”, for instance, or “Canon 200mm f/4”. On a zoom lens, this is often a range: “Pentax 18-55mm f/3.55.6”, where the maximum aperture is f/3.5 at 18mm and closes down to f/5.6 when zoomed to 55mm. Less advertised are the lens' minimum apertures. They are often f/22 or f/32; only very specialized lenses will shrink down to f/64, or to Ansel Adams' mythical f/90! Every lens, too, has an optimum aperture. This is different for every lens, even different units of the same model. It is the aperture at which the lens achieves its sharpest focus at its center point; the point where all the lens elements line up as perfectly as possible, with no distortion. It is usually found around f/8, but can fall anywhere, depending on the lens design, and on chaos theory.

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How to Use the Aperture Large apertures are popular in portraiture and macro photography, to blur the background and focus on the main subject. They can also create a sense of depth, lead the eye, and separate the foreground and background. They're used in any type of low-light photography, since they are arguably the most effective and dramatic way to let in more light without using a flash. Small apertures are used in landscape photography, when the full depth of the scene is important and long exposures on a tripod are possible. For the same reason, they are preferred for architectural photography, both inside and out.


The aperture can be changed on a DSLR through either the Aperture-priority (“A”) or fully Manual (“M”) modes. Use a small f-number for a small depth of field and a large number for a large depth of field. On an automatic camera, such as the PicsArt camera app, use the “portrait” scene mode found in the menu (marked by three squares in a row) to get a large aperture and shallow focus. For a sharp image front to back, use the “landscape” mode, which closes the aperture down small.

22 | PicsArt Monthly

How to Use PicsArt's Curves Tool

This tutorial will show you how to master PicsArt’s Curves tool by breaking down the process step-by-step. The Curves Tool is simply the most effective way to adjust the lighting and colors in any photo. It gives you unprecedented control over individual tones, and lets you edit them individually. This tool represents the color tones on your photo as curves, where each point on your photo is represented as a point on that color curve. The tool allows you to intensify or minimize these tones by selecting one of these points and dragging the curve. There are four curves in total and each ones let you alter individual colors separately on a specific point: Red, Green, Blue, and RGB. Each curve let’s you only adjust the tones of that color, while RGB, let’s you adjust all of them at once. Once you get the hang of it, you’ll soon realize that you can almost always get the coloring and lighting of your photos exactly right using only this one amazing tool!

24 | PicsArt Monthly

TUTORIAL | Editing Open a Photo and Curves Tool Open PicsArt Photo Studio app, click on the orange Photo button. Choose a photo you want to edit. Select the tools icon from the main menu. Click on the Curves from the pop-up menu.

Choose Color Channel Select from either RGB, Red, Green, or Blue, to alter the tones of that color in your photo. RGB allows you to edit all of the colors at once. The resulting curve only graphs the tones of whatever color channel you are in.

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Drag the Curve Select and drag a point up/down to alter the color value of a tone. If you drag the highest point on the far right end of your curve down, you reduce a color where it is strongest. If you drag the lowest point on the far left end up, you intensify a color where it is weakest.

Switch Between Colors You can freely switch between curves to work on them individually, without losing your previous edits. Create a blue curve that compliments your red curve to mix and match tones, or just work on overall contrast and brightness by using the RGB curve.

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Undoing Changes Add as many points as you like to a curve, and use the cycling arrows on the bottom left hand to undo an edit. To delete a point that you have added, select it and press the trash icon.

deleting a point

Finish and Confirm Once you have chosen a curve or set of curves that gets the color and lighting in your photo just the way you want it, click the checkmark at the bottom right corner of the screen to finish your session and confirm your edits.

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How to Draw a Mermaid in PicsArt

Beyond the dynamic photo editor, PicsArt Photo Studio also features a fully equipped drawing tool. PicsArt’s drawing tools are up to the task of keeping up with even the most active imaginations. You can organize your workspace in layers, which allows you to work on things like outline, color, and shading independently by designating a separate layer for each aspect of your drawing. The brush is customizable which means that you can customize the brush type along with thickness, color, and opacity, depending on what your drawing needs. This drawing tutorial takes on the challenge of drawing the mythical mermaid using PicsArt drawing tools, breaking down the process step-by-step. The thing to look for here is how PicsArt is capable of getting into fine details like fish scales, while providing the freedom to effortlessly brush lighting and shading onto your drawing, to achieve some truly stunning results.

28 | PicsArt Monthly

TUTORIAL | Drawing Draw the Basic Shape Draw a basic skeletal outline of your mermaid approximating the location of the head, torso, arms, and tail. When finished reduce the opacity.

Add a New Layer Create a new layer and trace a more meticulous outline of the previous one. Delineate details like fingers and form the shape of the face and body. Reduce the opacity when done.

Draw the Final Outline Create a new layer and trace the final outline with clean and deliberate lines. Add details like a nose and mouth, and define the contours of your mermaid’s hair.

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Color the Drawing In a new layer color in your mermaid with a brush, filling in only the most basic colors.

Color Shades Create yet another layer to add basic shading, using dark and light tones of each color to create shadow and reflection.

Background Color Hide the top layer to remove the final outline, leaving only the colors. Go over your mermaid with a dark brush to define any essential lines that may have been removed. Add a layer in the background and give it a base color.

Add Final Details In a layer between you mermaid and your background, add any details you may want behind your mermaid, whether it’s waves, light or seaweed. Your mermaid is now ready to swim with the fishes! 30 | PicsArt Monthly



Art That Will Make You Rethink What’s Possible on a Mobile Device


The images in this gallery are straight from some of PicsArt’s most visionary imaginations. All of these works were done using PicsArt drawing tools, yet none are alike. Each image bares the unique stamp of its creator. This mix of styles will blow apart your idea of what’s possible on your tablet or smartphone, and perhaps inspire you to dig a little deeper the next time you are confronted with a blank canvas. This museum of flowing textures and swimming watercolors is sure to light up your eyes, and put an itch in your fingertips to create.

@davidkhoirul 34 | PicsArt Monthly



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PicsArt Celebrates Second Anniversary by Tripling its User Base On November, 7, leading artists’ social network and mobile picture editor PicsArt, Inc. celebrated its second anniversary with significant progress and impressive metrics. Over the last year, PicsArt installs tripled to a mind-blowing 90 mln, while use increased to over 25 mln active monthly users. PicsArt is the most popular socially-connected mobile picture editor and is full-featured enough to keep up with the most ambitious and professional artistic imaginations. At the same time, PicsArt’s easy-to-use intuitive interface lets users unleash their inner artist, by allowing them to immerse themselves effortlessly in the creative process. One PicsArtist (PicsArt user) writes, “I can create artwork out of almost nothing…” To date, PicsArt has 25 to 30 mln active monthly users and over 20 mln total photos shared on its social network, with users performing 2 mln edits daily. Over the past year, PicsArt has taken a big-picture development strategy, expanding to iOS while releasing 31 updates for its Android version. Among the new features recently added to the app are DrawCam, Lens Flare, Clone Tool, Curve Tool, Color Tool, and an endless array of new Masks and Effects. The company has also expanded its internal shop by providing free and premium clipart and frames. PicsArt also introduced weekly art contests this year, that challenge users in the areas of photo-enhancement, drawing and graphic design. As of today, PicsArt has held around 100 contests with 250 to 4,000 submissions to each contest. These contests allow users to exhibit and explore their artistic and creative skills, and contest winners benefit with the exposure of being featured in PicsArt media. Even more recently, PicsArt began issuing its digital magazine, PicsArt Monthly. The magazine is a culmination of the best content from PicsArt’s blog, which features photo and drawing tutorials, regular columns, exclusive interviews with photographers, and user galleries, targeting to promote PicsArt’s homegrown artists to the greater community. Since November of 2012, PicsArt has retained its 4.7 user-rating on Google Play, maintaining its place as one of the highest-rated among the most downloaded mobile apps on Google Play and in AppStore. The company has held to an ambitious vision, listening to its users and remaining a place where any artist can create amazing art from the minute they pick up the App. PicsArt always keeps an eye on what’s next and if this coming year is as successful as its predecessor, then PicsArt Photo Studio has a very exciting future ahead.


A German Photographer in Moscow: An Interview with Surreal Photographer Frank Herfort Frank Herfort is a German-born, award-winning photographer based in both Berlin and Moscow. His work focuses centrally on exploring the contrasts and contradictions of life in contemporary Russia. His photography is often highly conceptual and spans many themes which explore the concepts of time, wealth, power, and the inner psyche of their subjects. Herfort’s photography includes artistically staged work as well as documentary work and reportage. He has published a book of photographs entitled Imperial Pomp, featuring photos post-soviet high-rises, and what he asserts is their markedly pompous architectural style. His clients span the advertising, editorial and construction industries, including such names as Audi, Adidas, Exxon Mobil and Aeroflot. Frank has won awards for both his artistic and commercial photography, and his art is represented in galleries throughout the world. We interviewed Frank to ask him about his life, work, experiences and insights. How did you first get into photography?

All photos by Frank Herfort

At the age of 13, I saw a photo exhibition of art students in Leipzig, Germany where I realized that photography was not only shooting snapshots of family and friends, and I became really interested in the perspective and attitude of making images.

You do a lot of conceptual photography where you stage scenes, what started you on staging conceptual photographs? I combine staged photography with real situations. I don't like images, where you see at first glance that the image is staged. I love to find this special magic thing in the image, which you cannot explain. But I also don't like photographs that are pure reportage, because there is not enough personality inside. Mixing your personality and the real world in combination is what is most interesting for me. You have a wonderful gallery titled “Time in Between�, surreal staged photographs of moments that seem without beginning or end. Why did you pursue this particular project? I got this idea already by the year 2000, when I first visited Russia, but I realized this project only in 2005 as I was finishing my diploma project for my university. I was fascinated by these real-life situations[of people waiting] in the public spaces of Moscow. They were hard for me to understand, there was something strange and mysterious for me. So I tried to express exactly that feeling which I had felt. By the way these images are only minimally staged. You use a lot of juxtaposition in your photographs, meaning capturing two contradictory subjects in the same image, often putting the lighter side of life next to the dark. Why the juxtaposition? I love these contrasts and I think that life is pretty similar. You never only have good things and you never only have bad things. Everything plays together. I also like to confuse people, because then you make them start thinking. 42 | PicsArt Monthly

You also have a great gallery called Imperial Pomp, where you traveled all across Russia to photograph garish post-soviet architecture. Were there any surprises traveling to these far corners of Russia and if so, is there a particular moment that stands out? In general I felt very safe and confident travelling through Russia, I speak the language and know how to react in certain situations. But only one time, it was a sunny friendly day in the city Samara, and I was robbed by a taxi gang before I even had much time to react. They forced me to take money out from the ATM. It was really scary and I was shocked for the whole day but also happy to have survived. But in general, Russians are very easy-going, relaxed and nonaggressive. You did a series on Hostess Girls. What led you to this particular project? This was a short and spontaneous project and it was done in Germany, not in Russia where you may expect it to have been done. I just loved to see these colorful plastic “uniforms� on the girls. 44 | PicsArt Monthly

You have also done your share of commercial photography. What is the biggest difference between the experience of shooting a private project versus a commercial one? Actually this is really a good question and these two fields are completely different. With the one you earn your money and with the other one you do your passion. The commercial work is clear and forward and has a special purpose or function, but the artwork is free from everything. There is no practical reason to do it. What is your favorite project that you have worked on? I love all projects I work on, from everyone you get something new. Are there any specific projects you are especially eager to shoot in the future, that you haven’t already? Yes, there is big book project which I just started researching and collecting material for, and one other smaller one which I'll realize within the next year in Germany. If you could give 3 pieces of advice for beginners who want to become great photographers, what would they be? 1 . Follow your instincts and real interests. 2. Don't waste too much time on your equipment choice (it doesn't matter if you use the 80 MP camera with state of the art lenses or just a self made pinhole camera). 3. Just start (and try to finish), but still remember to be patient. You can learn more about Frank Herfort at

A Look Behind Arifibudi’s Minimalist Masterpiece Arifbudi (@wongkatro) took this shot in his native country of Indonesia. He is a member of Funnzyfam, PicsArt’s homegrown Indonesian art community, and his talent for capturing unforgettable shots has garnered him a massive online following in PicsArt’s social network.


This photo, captured on the shimmering banks of an Indonesian beach, is a minimalist triumph. Arifbudi has used black and white with a heightened contrast to mesh together the land and sky, leaving his subjects marching along against a white abyss, accompanied by only their broken reflections below their feet.



TRAVEL TO Australia


FEATURE | Destination

The most unique shots in Australia and where to get them Travelling to Australia from the US or Europe is like stepping into another world. The nature is different, the animals are different, and there are so many different climates and places that it's like you've visited an entirely new planet! Yet amongst all this beauty there are some places that, as a photographer, you simply cannot miss.

The Brisbane CityCat, Queensland Queensland is a veritable haven for interesting pictures of Australia, but Brisbane is the place to go for diverse travel photos. From its man-made Street Beach to its leafy green suburbs, a photo walk around this city will always be a beautiful one, but the best way to get unique travel photography in Brisbane is to hop on the CityCat and explore the whole place! The CityCats are catamarans that will take a keen photographer down the Brisbane River, taking in the city’s gorgeous skylines, huge skyscrapers, green riverbanks and more. If you only have a day or so in Brisbane, this will give you hundreds of great travel photos! And the very best thing about this is their wifi access, meaning that you can upload your photos straight to the PicsArt app for all to see!


Melbourne, Victoria

Diversity is the heartbeat of this city, and amongst the modern, clean architecture you’ll find fascinating old buildings; amongst the fashionable bars you’ll find Parisian-style coffee shops, and behind all of this a walk through the street art-lined dirty lanes of the city will give you some of the most interesting travel photos you could ever hope to get.


Stepping onto a street in Melbourne’s CBD is like stepping onto a street in Paris, or Rome, or London, depending on which part of the city you’re in. This extraordinarily cool city feels like a mixture of Australia and Europe, whilst the edgy graffiti covering its back streets could have been taken straight out of LA. Although Melbourne isn’t so obviously on Australia’s Places of Interest list, no photographer should miss a shot of its beautiful streets–especially in the rain!

Sydney Opera House, Sydney

This area of Sydney is ground zero for the city’s travel photography, with the Botanical Gardens and the amazing Sydney Harbour Bridge just minutes away. The grand white “sails” of the Opera House, however, will always be the image that photographers catch first.


This may be something of a cliché, but the truth is that Jorn Utzon’s Sydney Opera House has become the most iconic building in the whole country, and the most photographed place in Australia. Whether you’re on a boat sailing around it or capturing images on a photowalk around its grounds, this building is as beautiful and as striking as you’d expect. Shoot away against Sydney’s clear blue sky and your images will always be perfect.

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@ayattabdo @hp1986

Photographing Thanksgiving @reallifeninjasquid

Food, Family, and Fall Colours

FEATURE | Tips & Tricks

Thanksgiving is coming up, and families everywhere are gathering together to stuff both a turkey and themselves full of festive treats. This holiday provides all sorts of opportunities to tell the stories of harvest season - love, bounty, and the rich explosion of colour that marks winter's approach. Whether you're outside among the leaves or hogging the carrots and peas, you can use these tips to get great shots of your autumn feast.

The Spirit of the Season Thanksgiving pictures are a way of immortalizing the excitement and blessedness we feel when we are surrounded by family, friends, and food (or as some might say, the only things that matter). Our job as photographers is to illustrate the tastes, smells, and feelings in a visual image. When you're shooting, think about what the holiday means to you, what you're thankful for, and portray these things in your photography. For inspiration, look to the weather, to the changing plants and trees, and to the people in your life that influence you for the better.


In the Yard Fall colors are the highlight of the season for any photographer, whether they brighten the background or comprise the whole photo composition. The brilliant shades of green turning to yellow, orange, red, and brown characterize this time of year, and have come to represent the familial warmth of the holiday. Depending on where you are, the perfect explosion of foliage might come before or after Thanksgiving day, so watch the trees and have your camera ready for when they change, as the window of opportunity can sometimes be short. The fun isn't over once the leaves have fallen, though; there is still plenty of potential for great photography. Leaves strewn across the ground make a beautiful image, and children (or adults) playing amongst piles of leaves can make for a wonderful Thanksgiving picture. If you're using the PicsArt camera, select the fall-color scene mode for accentuated hues.

Festive Foodies If you're passionate about food photography, your holiday is likely dominated by pictures of turkey. To get the best shot possible, try to capture your bird under natural lighting, near an open window. If this isn't possible, seek out diffused or shaded light to minimize reflections that make the meat look greasy. If all else fails, cover a lamp with tissue paper or a piece of white sheet to soften the light. Of course, there are many other essential harvesttime dishes as well – pies, buns, and a huge array of vegetables of every shape and color. The same lighting principles apply; a soft, even glow will make your platter look very appealing and will suppress harsh shadows. Resist the urge to use flash – if necessary, use a tripod with a long shutter speed instead to avoid a flat-looking picture. Arrange your plates neatly; wipe away any drips or spills, even out the arrangement, and maybe add a garnish for a more appetizing image. Remove distractions from the background and fill it instead with related items such as plates and silverware, decorations, ingredients, and other dishes. PicsArt Monthly | 59

Planning the Family Portrait It's hard to take Thanksgiving pictures without including the customary family photo. Arranging a large number of people can be tricky, but with a little planning, it doesn't have to be a chore. For one, bring along a tripod and use your self-timer to make sure you can get in the picture, too. Gather your group together in daylight if you can; if not, use a well-lit room and take care not to position them directly under an overhead light, which will cause ugly shadows to streak down your subjects' faces. If you need to, place some low table lamps just in front and to either side of the group. When arranging your subjects, place the tallest people in the back and everyone else in front. Having them sit in a variety of positions, with some standing, some sitting, and some on the floor, will add levels to your composition and enhance the visual interest. Take several shots - if someone blinks or makes a funny face, this will allow you to replace it with a better version from a different shot. When you upload your photos into PicsArt, play with different effects to get your shot just the way you want it. Adding a creative filter with a yellow-orange tint, such as “Warm Color”, “Twilight”, or “Vintage” will give your pictures an autumn glow. Share your creations and let the whole world know: what are you thankful for?


FEATURE | Artist

Kikabana (@Kookiegreen)

All photos by @Kookiegreen

Every art community has it’s rockstars, and ours is no different. Meet Kikaban, username: @Kookiegreen, a PicsArtist that has a knack for splendor. Her photos are rife with what can best be called energy, the life and colors within them bursting so that they can barely be contained within their rectangular frames. Her photos span beautiful seaside vistas, candid street portraits, and special instances that make daily life so rich. She also has a flexible style in her choices of color, effects, and general composition. Essentially speaking, Kikabana churns out masterful photography on a regular basis.

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Kikabana describing her approach to photography writes: Photography is something everyone does now, they do it to share what they have seen, to show off what they have or what they look like. Before I take a photo, already in my mind I know what I want it to look like and what will be in it. Hopefully I have the skills to do that, but of course It doesn’t always work out as I am just a hobbyist photographer and for me its more of a passion than a career. Imagine, what you want to take. Before lifting the camera to your eye, try different angles and perspectives. If everyone is taking a photo from one spot, take it from a different spot, try to be unique, and most importantly of all, don’t be afraid to screw up, thats life, everyone does it, learn from it and MOVE ON! The Final rule of Digital Photography is: DO NOT DELETE ANY IMAGES YOU TAKE, DIRECTLY FROM YOUR CAMERA! Review all images on your computer first, as many people have deleted images on the camera and later found that whoops, “I am missing shots”. - Kookiegreen 64 | PicsArt Monthly

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