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I NFO Name Ar waKi t abi Phone 9380888658 Emai l ar wa. ki t abi 96@gmai l . com

EDUCATI ON BACHELOR OFARTSW I TH HONOURS( EXP.201 8) i CATDesi gnandMedi a col l ege //201 4-201 7 Af f i l i at edt oBi r mi ngham Ci t yUni ver si t y

W ORKSHOPS Bi omi mi cr yW or kshop201 5 ( Hampi ) Fr act al1 3. 0-W i r ef r ame201 6 ( Chennai ) Fr act al1 4. 0-Advance Wi r ef r ame201 6 ( Chennai ) Aur ovi l l eGr eenPr act i ces W or kshop201 6 ( Aur ovi l l e)

REFERENCES Mr s . Shas wat i i Chowdhur y ( Ac ademi cHead) s ha s wa t i i 8@gma i l . c om Mr . K. Al agappanKul andai vel u ( Regi onal Head) a l a ga ppa n. i c a t . a c . i n

ABOUT ME A deeppassi onf orhol i st i candi nt er di sci pl i nar ydesi gnur gesmet oevol vewi t ht hedayt o dayt r end. Desi gnhasal l owedmet oexpr essmyi deasi n acr eat i vewayt hatcanbet r ansl at edi nt o spacest hatbenef i tot her s.Iseekt oampl i f y myunder st andi ngsofdesi gn,i t si nf l uenceand i t si nt egr at i oni nt ot hewor l dwel i vei n.

SOFTW ARE Aut ocad Sket chup 3DSmax Phot oshop I l l ust r at or I ndesi gn Mi cr osof tsui t e

SKI LLS AND EXPERTI ZE Pr of i ci entCommuni cat i onski l l s Const r uct i onandDet ai l i ng Concept ualI deat i on Envi r onmentf orspeci alneeds I nt egr at edl i ght i ngsol ut i ons Fur ni t ur eDesi gn Handr ender i ngandSket chi ng I nt er i ormat er i alandt r eat ment s Hi st or i cpr eser vat i on St opmot i onani mat i on Team wor kski l l s

W ORK EXPERI ENCE Cr eat i veAr chi t ect sandI nt er i or s. ( Chennai )Apr i l201 6-J une201 6 Assi st edi nt hedesi gnpr ocessf or r esi dent i alpr oj ect s. Cr eat ed3D r ender s. Updat edf l oorpl ansusi ngAut ocad.

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