IKEA Indonesia Strategic Campaign Plan

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campaign brand IKEA is a swedish privately held for international home products company that designs and sell ready-to-assemble furniture. founded in sweden in1943 by ingvar kamprad. IKEA website contains about 12000 products, there were over 470 million visitors to the IKEA website during september 2007-september 2008. it is the world’s third largest consumer of wood behind The Home Depot and Lowe’s

local current positioning let say its a nil, considering that IKEA does not have a positioning in the local market yet.

competitor list dirrect competitors indirrect competitors

dirrect competitor current activity on

Website: acehardware.co.id Facebook Fan Page Info:


171 Talking about this Join Facebook : December 12nd 2008 Most Popular Age Group: 25 - 40 Apps : Twitter Followers : 15.294 Tweest : 10.215

Website: informa.co.id Facebook Fan Page Info:

4825 Friends 127 Subscribers Join Facebook : April 17th 2009 Most Popular Age Group: 25 - 40 Apps : Twitter Followers : 2.823 Tweets : 4.767

indirrect competitor current activity on

website: www.doitbest.co.id

website: www.indexgroupfurniture.org

website: www.vivere.co.id

All of the indirrect competitors doesnt have any facebook, twitter and any other socmed account.

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Base on US data base

There is a diversity for gender demographic target, but most of all country count it as an equal.


SPECIFIC this campaign should endorse the IKEA images through the people of indonesia

MEASURABLE for the end of the week, at least this campaign should reach more than 1000 fan and get more than 250 friend


the campaign target has to achievable to everyone including child range age to access. the contain of this campaign is planing to endorse the IKEA brand awareness throughout the online media such a microsite game linked with facebook account, but it is instead cover by another way to act such a guerilla marketing.


when the campaign is running, both guerilla methode and online methode, we believe and fully optimistic that this campaign will going to works great.


i believe, to drag people aware with this campaign which is going to work mostly only, we have to create something that make them curious, that is why we are going to viraling the campaign simultanously between the socmed, guerilla marketing and youtube.

I believe at least there is 3 thing for a brand campaign when they want to works; CLARITY, ENDURANCE, ABILITY TO EVOLVE.

base on SWOC analysis which has been described previously, there was one name that I called Klap, Klip, Klop campaign, what's the idea behind the name? 1. IKEA have almost everything you need to make a home 2. Most of people havent aware yet to maximize their space 3. There will be alot of option for every part of stuff that you need. 4. IKEA offering a new experience to shopping with your family

how does it works ?

i am trully understand that this test was a test to give the result throught a digital media such as facebook, twitter or any socmedia that exsist for now on. i believe if we colaborating the right strategy and not only depending on the digital campaign only, its going even bigger than you can imagine




when we got their attention, it is a half way ticket to

our first target is the driver and a rider. do you know how many or them right now in jakarta? MANY!!! I took advantage of their number as part of the campaign



a seducing images who lead them to a microsite game, the game called klap, klip, klop!


we understand that most people go the their office by riding their bike or driving their car, and the amount of them was extremely huge.


we planing to do it at pancoran traffic light, i think that spot so sexy and trully effective to our guerilla campaign.


we planning to do it at the busiest time in jakarta, approximately during 7.00 - 9.00 AM


we spread and give a seductive images with QR Barcode and website address.

the QR Barcode will lead them to the site, just in case they dont have a QR phone reader, i preparing to show the website address, so they can access the information of it.

this is how the QR Barcode lead them to the site

we also linked in the games through the website, so they can easily play it through the mobile phone base on IOS and Android


our next target is the worker at train station bekasi train station is my spot target, the amount of them was incredibly fantastic.

bekasi was the nearest city from jakarta which has a lot of workers who work in jakarta.



multicolored chair lines at the train station.


my plan is to executing this campaign at bekasi train station.


we planning to do it at the time they are actualy working, approximately at, 6.00 to 8.00 AM.


we realize, at the train station most of the passenger get no chair. my guerilla plan is to put a various and multi colored chair.

our plan is to put a various chair in shape and color through the station, we also put a message in every chair “ not every chair fits to your self, find the fits at..(there is a QR Barcode with website address that will lead them to the microsite game, the game called klap, klip, klop!

the QR Barcode will lead them to the site, just in case they dont have a QR phone reader, i preparing to show the website address, so they can access the information of it.

this is the microsite preview, i design it as simple as possible, so they can easily find what they need and can also purchase it online.

i preparing a pop up ads it self to the microsite, they can play it through the PC portable, phone base on IOS and Android operating system.


our next target is the flight catcher soekarnohatta airport was the busiest airport in indonesia. how if we put some matress in it.



a cozy super large matress at the airport.


soekarno-hatta airport.


the campaign will be held concurrently with the guerilla 1 and guerilla 2


why matress, at the airport we realized that after the flight, some people are exhausted and tired and love to get rest.

our plan is to instal the matress inside the airpot when they actually going to check in, and check out. it is also have a message on it, “take a rest best� find it at... there is a QR barcode and a website address which drag them to the microsite game called klap, klip, klop.

the QR Barcode will lead them to the site, just in case they dont have a QR phone reader, i preparing to show the website address, so they can access the information of it.

this is the microsite preview, i design it as simple as possible, so they can easily find what they need and can also purchase it online.

i preparing a pop up ads it self to the microsite, they can play it through the PC portable, phone base on IOS and Android operating system.

did you



i try to make a fun and simple game, because my target is everyone, kids, mother, worker, student. so this is how you going to play the game...

1. the hero should catch all the stuff which is falling apart from the sky, each of stuff (pillow, chair, cupboard, glass) has a different weight, (more weight can slower their move) the player have to think to catch all the stuff without breaking it and bring it to the right cargo car.

2. Plyer lost if they crush 3 stuff 3. The winner is the one who can get the higher score base on how much he or she catch and deliver the stuff to the cargo car.

The score will be uploaded to the IKEA Facebook page and microsite real time, so the other people can see the progress of the score real time. we also gift the gamer a sertificate that will be post to their facebook account, we also try ask them to invite people, and friends, so they can also compete the game with others.

the next issue how this campaign going to works is how serious and consistent IKEA manage the facebook and twitter account. i though we will get a standart maintenace to facebook and twitter account such as upload a video, give them a interior references, gift a tips how to make a good room. we can also throw a trivia quiz, and a photo contest.

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