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Top 5 Games
from Nintendo Chronicles
by Aarav Singh
My Top 5 Games
This is a list of the best Nintendo games in my opinion. These are my favorites out of the games I have played.
1) Pokemon Black - The 5th Generation of Pokemon was my introduction to the series, and it continues to be my favorite in the series to this day. I enjoyed the 2D art style of the game, the new and unique pokemon, the well designed characters, and the amazing plot.
2) Super Mario Galaxy - This was a 3D Mario game on the Wii, and I remember spending hours playing this over summer breaks as a kid. This game was a unique experience that I hd never seen before.
3) Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - I enjoyed playing Smash on the Wii U with friends a lot back in middle and elementary school, and this game is even better. I also started following the smash esports scene because I was so invested in the game.
4) Splatoon - I remember spending hours over the summer playing this game. Splatoon was one of the most unique games that I played when I was younger because it combined shooter elements with platforming wich I absolutely loved. 5) Super Mario Odyssey - Odyssey was one of the more recent games that I played. I started a couple years ago, but only nished it recently. The new capture mechanic provided some interesting gameplay, and it was fun to explore worlds and collect the moons.