3 minute read
4: How to Smash Bros
from Nintendo Chronicles
by Aarav Singh
How to Smash Bros
Super Smash Bros. is a ghting game series that involves characters from numerous Nintendo Games. Super Smash Bros is one of the most popular and iconic Nintendo games ad it serves as a celebration for all nintendo franchises. There has been an iteration of smash bros for every major console, and there is a strong competitive community behind these games. I want to start by showing the basics in the newest version, Smash Bros. Ultimate. This is one of the most popular games on the Switch, and is relatively easy to start playing.
The Objective of the Game: Smash di ers from traditional ghting games because there is no health bar. Instead, ghters have a percent below them which indicates how much knockback they take from an attack. The way one wins in smash is by attacking the opponent and building up percent so that they can knock the other player o of the stage, and in to the blast zone.

Moving/Defending: You can move left and right at di erent speeds with the right joystick. If you push it fully to one direction you will sprint. Using it down lets you crouch and sometimes crawl. Pressing x and y allow you to jump. Pressing jump quickly gives you a short hop. Pressing one of the triggers lets you shield. Tis can be used to block attacks, however it can brek leaving you vulnerable. You can roll or spotdodge by moving the right joystick. You can also grab out of shield. Grabs can go through shields.
Attacking (Specials): There are two inputs for attacking. You can use the A button for normal attacks, and you can press the B button for special attacks. With the B button there are normally four possible attacks, Side-B, Up-B, Down-B, and Neutral-B. These moves are input b pressing the B button while the left joystick is tilted in a direction. They can be input in the air and on the ground. For most characters Up-B is a tool that can be used to get back to the stage when you are knocked o .

Attacking (Normals): Normal attacks are a bit more complicated than special attacks. The rst type f normal attack are smash attacks. There are 3 smash attacks, Forward Smash, Down Smash, and Up Smash. Smash attacks are some of a character’s strongest and slowest moves, they can be charged up, and are mainly used for killing at mid to high percents. They are performed by moving the joystick in a direction and hitting the A button. You can also perform them using the right Joystick. Another type of normal attack are tilts. Tilts are performed similarly to Smash attacks, however you have to move the left joystick slightly. These attacks are generally faster, and weaker. They can be used in combos to get the opponent to a high percent.

Attacking (Aerials): Next are aerial attacks. They are Forward-Air, Back-Air, Up-Air, Down-Air, and Neutral-Air. These moves are input by holding the Left Joystick in a direction and pressing A while in the air. It can also be done with the Right Joystick in the air. These moves are versatile and can be used for combos, killing, or recovering to stage. Finally there are Jabs, and Dash Attacks. Jabs are done by pressing the A button while standing still, Dash attacks are done by pressing the A button while running.

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