ASA Volume 9 Number 2

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Antonio L. Go St., Brgy. 39, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental, Philippines




BIshop Patricio Buzon smiles as one of the students presented him a garland.


SCSS held Novena masses for the feast of the Immaculate Conception last November 29, 2017- December 8, 2017. Priests from the Sacred Heart Seminary represented by Reverend Fathers Jess Elmer Ebro, Ronald Quijano, Edwin Cadena, and Julius Habana celebrated masses in honor of the Immaculate Conception. The highlights of the novena masses were the triduum masses namely; the feast of St. Carmen Sallés (December 6), celebration of the 125th Anniversary of the Conceptionist Missionary Sisters (December 7) presided by Bp. Patricio A. Buzon, SBD, D.D, and the feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8). “The students are very good. They are very

participative in the Holy Eucharist.” Bishop Buzon said after the mass. In his homily, he emphasized the possibility for everyone to become saints if we only imitate Jesus. On December 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception, religious brothers and sisters from different congregations joined the celebration. The Eucharist was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Julius Habana with concelebrating priests from the Lux Mundi Community. After the mass, the PTA gave out snacks for the parents, students, and visitors. “Our schools are Mary’s houses,” as St. Carmen Sallés would call her schools. With these celebrations, may we keep in memory the lessons taught to us by the priests and the bishop.



Adelante, siempre adelante! Fifteen years our school has been and we grew and progressed under God’s grace. As we celebrate our anniversary as an educational institution, it is timely to look back in our past, our history as one Conceptionist family in Bacolod. Let’s go back to 1986; the first batch of Conceptionist sisters arrived in Manila marking the start of their mission in the Philippines. They established their community and built a dormitory for young university girls in Malate, Manila. There, they served the

youth through educational and religious activities carried out in the dormitory. Ten years later, they sent Sisters Candidad and Julia to travel to Bacolod, Iloilo and Cebu hoping to find a place to start another community. Finally, they decided to settle to Bacolod, where they were welcomed by Bishop Camilo Gregorio of the Diocese of Bacolod. He asked them to establish a dormitory since there were no dormitories ran by religious sisters in the city. Upon the invitation of a Spanish Recollect father from the University of Negros >>> SCSS @ 15 / PAGE 6


ASA joins RSPC Gin Relliquette: Basketball Prodigy BY LENCY S. ROSANA & SHARMAINE NICOLE M. DITCHON at Iloilo

ASA Elementary participants in the Regional School Press Conference BY ZIA P. LOZAÑES & KARRYL ANN CELLEN E. BALBUENA

With the theme, “Embracing ASEAN Integration: Campus Journalists’ Role in Advancing Inclusive Education,” Division Schools Press Conference opened last November 13, 2017 and it was held in Rodolfo A. Medel Sr. Elementary School at Brgy. Tangub. The contest gathered young journalists from public and private schools to showcase their writing skills. The contest was held many times but it was the school’s first time to trump up to the next level. Elementary students Fiona A. Tarrazona (Feature Writing – English) and Arabella Faye N. Rojo (Editorial Writing – English) and high school students Yuval Adera (Feature Writing – English), Jasmine Rose Gabuya (Sports Writing – Filipino), and Johnel Dimco (Copy Reading and Headline Writing) were chosen to represent the school. It was around 9AM when the contest proper started, contestants were sent to their respective rooms. The journalists were given a topic to write for. The announcement of winners was later that afternoon. Tarrazona was awarded as the 10th placer for Feature Writing – English while Rojo claimed the 3rd spot for Editorial Writing – English. The following day was the high school students’ time to shine. They weren’t able to place in their respective events but they were able to show what they’ve got. After a series of trainings and workshops with the other winners, Tarrazona and Rojo, together with their adviser Ms. Teozen Joy D. Perez, went to Iloilo City National High School for the Regional Schools Press Conference last November 24-26, 2017. Although they did not make it, it was an honor for them to represent St. Carmen Salles School and the Division of Bacolod City.


Junior NBA selected representatives from the Visayas region for the National Training Camp of Jr. NBA Philippines 2018 presented by Alaska. These representatives include seven boys and three girls who will be guaranteed to receive world-class basketball instruction from Jr. NBA coaches. One of the three girls is our very own Gin Kayla Relliquette, a grade six student who will be sent to Manila on May 17, 2018. She is also the youngest representative from Region 6. Gin was surprised and she never expected that she will be selected out of the many aspirants who went to the try out. “I just gave my best with all I could give”, she qouted. Indeed, there’s nothing impossible with God’s grace. We can also achieve anything if we pursue it. Gin’s dedication and commitment in playing basketball

Gin Kayla Reliquette (second from the front row to the left) together with the Junior NBA representatives of Visayas. SOURCE: Jr. NBA Asia

are some of the things that helped her embrace success. “Just believe in yourself”, this is her message to those young basketball aspirants out there who also aim to be part of a prestigious association like this. Another student soared high carrying our school’s name. St. Carmen Sallés School is truly proud of you, Gin Kayla!


SCSS’ Taekwondo players brings home the bacon. As another year comes, another challenge for the student-athletes of the St. Carmen Sallés School must be faced. Athletes coming from different schools all over the region, proudly representing their alma maters, were ready to fight their way up to the highest spot, during the 37th Season of the Negros Occidental Private Schools Sports Cultural Educational Association (NOPSSCEA). The SCSS volleyball team aced on the 2nd spot when they competed on the Volleyball 10-under held last November 5 to 18, 2017. “We are very happy that we have won the competition,” Kamraine Malaga, the team captain said.

VOLUME IX, NO. 2  |  NOVEMBER 2017 - MARCH 2018

Benedict Barros showcased his techniques in the game of chess and secured the 2nd place. “I trained hard and I asked help from my father. I stayed up late so I could work harder,” Benedict Barros said. Francine May Ferrer and Renz Cliff Lambating riveted everyone with their skills during the Individual-Pomsei tournament in Taekwondo when they gained the silver and gold medals respectively. Renz also conquered the Provincial and Regional competitions earning both gold medals which carried him all the way to the Palarong Pambansa. “I feel very happy every time I see the players enjoy during the competition and proud as well every time they bag an award,” Miss Joy Ann Formalejo, SCSS Sports Coordinator stated. Ryle Collin Pamares, Michael James Villacampa, and Johnniezyl Baguna garnered the gold medal for the team category of Taekwondo. On the other hand, Johnniezyl, together with Francine, gained the gold medal in the mixed category. “We worked as one and should function as one. If I was not able to win, I would still train harder until I reach my goal,” Johnniezyl Baguna stated.


Unity in families: SCSS Family Day Korean volunteers visit SCSS BY ERICA MARIE N. MAGDATO & EVELYN M. GONZALES

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family.” A DAY OF UNANIMITY- that’s how we define the family day. It is the day that was set by the school where all members of the family gather together. It is the day where families become one. The teams prepared their songs and yells and every team color showed their unique abilities that made them unite as one. There are activities which tested their solidarity which were the basketball, volleyball and the parlor games. It was an intense match between the different team colors. In the basketball match, the Green Ravens conquered the Pink Panthers. The Yellow Phoenix was defeated by the Violet Jaguars. The Red Horse overpowered the Orangenals. It was all a tough fight but the real champ of the basketball game- the Violet Jaguars reigned supreme. The next activity was volleyball. The Violet Jaguars raised their victory when they defeated the Yellow Phoenix and the Pink Panthers were proclaimed as the victors on volleyball after they defeated all the other teams.

The Pink Panthers overpowered the other teams in the Japanese walk while the Yellow Phoenix excelled in the game of longest line. “Today’s family day felt so warm and it is so inviting since everyone is here and every kid is happy and seeing all these happy faces makes me feel like I’m really in a family though we don’t know each other we could sense familiarity.” Shin Jasure Mi Gimay, an alumna said. Everyday of the year could be a family day as long as solidarity is evident. Let us never forget the value of family and let’s show our love for them until our last breath because some other things may fade away but family stays.

SCSS celebrates Elementary Day BY FIONA A. TARRAZONA & ARABELLA FAYE N. ROJO Last November 21, 2017, the Grade 3 pupils, performed “Bang Bang” grade school students of SCSS celebrated by Ariana Grande, Jessie J and Nicki their Elementary Day that was held in the Minaj. Next stop is the second category, school’s gymnasium. starting off with the Grade 5 students who The program officially started performed “Marmalade” by Macklemore. when the school principal, Sr. Regina Next are the Grade 6A students Lee, opened it with her speech. Every who performed “Uptown Funk” by the grade level, from Grades 1-6, chanted Filipino-American singer, Bruno Mars. their cheers proudly and with high energy. Then, the last performers were the Grade There was a Group MTV live and the 6B who wowed the audience for their contest had two categories. The first performance of “Stop” by the British Girl category was composed of Grades 1-3 Group, Spice Girls which was performed while the second category was composed by the boys. After the break, the parlor of Grades 4-6A & 6B. Before the contest games started. Students from each grade started, the school’s adorable K1 & K2 level joined to represent their class. Lastly performed their intermission number that was the declaration of winners. In the first was led by their advisers, Sir Niño G. category, the winner for the Group MTV Naria and Ms. Myra P. Duran. The start of Live was the Grade 3 while it was the the Group MTV Live was announced by Grade 6B for the second category. the emcees of the event, Francis Adrian All grade levels were given prizes Cernal and Zia Lozañes of Grade 6A. for their participation. At the end of the The Grade 1 representatives performed day, the Grade 3 was declared the overBlackPink’s “BOOMBAYAH”. all champions in the first category while Next stop is the Grade 2 pupils who the Grade 6B on the second category. performed “What Makes You Beautiful” by The program was officially ended by Sr. the British-Irish boy band, One Direction. Regina Lee’s closing remarks. The last performer of the first category, the

The Korean volunteers together with the ASA interviewers. BY JASMINE ROSE Q. GABUYA & STELLA MARIE B. BUGA-AY SCSS is becoming the second home of Koreans, and as Korean volunteers visit our school and stayed for one week starting from the 15th of January, they have entered the hearts of the Filipino students. They prepared an intermission number which were loved by the students just like how Filipinos like the Korean culture. The Koreans and the young SCSSians’ bond were made strong when the visitors taught them several things that will be remembered by the hearts of the students. “I have learned that you are loving and kind. I will miss you as I go back in Korea,” Stella, one of the Korean volunteers answered when she was asked of the things she has learned in the country. They have prepared so many activities and they were very happy to teach us. For a week, they and the students bonded so well that they have left us with lots of memories to reminisce. “We enjoyed staying here. We love the beautiful sceneries, the students and their smiles. Maybe I will miss the pure mind of the students. The Filipinos have given us unconditional love and a very warm welcome,” Seminarian Jerome stated. As the end of the week drew nearer, it became harder for everybody to bid farewell to such generous people. They have left a beautiful stain in everyone’s hearts as they go back to their own home. We may not see them anymore but they will always be in our thoughts. Because of the new experiences, they left everyone with good memories. Their silhouettes may fade out but the memories with them will always stay.

VOLUME IX, NO. 2  |  NOVEMBER 2017 - MARCH 2018







ho says depression is a trend? Do you claim to be depressed just because you have bad days, you want attention from your peers, or you just want to get along because it’s a trend? Depression is more than just that. Don’t take it as a simple joke since it is a very serious topic... What exactly is depression? The World Health Organization (WHO) defines this as “A common mental disorder, characterized of sadness, loss of interest or pleasure, feelings of guilt or low self-worth, disturbed sleep or appetite, feelings of tiredness and poor concentration”. It is also notable that “(It) can be long lasting or recurrent… impairing a person’s ability to function at work or school, or cope with daily life. This defines how serious depression is.” According to a survey conducted by the Department of Health last year, 3.29 million Filipinos are suffering from depression. Depressed people can be all around us. They can be our seatmates, our friends, or can even be within


our family. We sometimes do not even know that they are suffering. Many already lost their lives because of depression. Notable people such as Robin Williams and Kim Jonghyun have committed suicide because of depression. Their deaths have awakened the serious topic of depression for a meantime, but this topic is always ignored. We celebrate Suicide Prevention Month every September and in the US, there is a suicide prevention hotline. So, is that it? Are our efforts enough? Sadly, the answer is no. We tend to trivialise depression and suicide. We think of depression as some feeling or attitude that we even make fun of or we don’t care about. Not thinking that there are people around us that are depressed or have attempted to commit suicide. By taking this as a joke, we torment those who suffer, those who need our help and our care. It must not be made fun of. Depression is serious and we must help those who suffer from it.



rudge, vengeance, misinterpretation, and jealousy. These are just other ways to express anger to a person whom you’ve inflamed with. Many people don’t know how to control their temper; they just burst out their emotions and say whatever words that would come out of their mouths. Did you know that expressing emotions comes with limitations? So, how can we truly control our temper? Here are some tips on how to manage our anger: Tip #1: Before anything else, think deeply, or in other words, “think before you speak.” To know how to handle a situation, you must understand and consider the words you’re going to say when in trouble. Tip #2: Learn how control yourself in times anger. Save yourself from embarrassment brought a poorly controlled burst emotion.

an apology. Know when to step out of the line, compromise and make agreements. Swallowing your pride will go a long way towards a stronger relationship. That’s humility- the greatest virtue! Tip #5: Forgive and forget. This is the most difficult part of the reconciliation process. Happy endings can never be achieved if we allow ourselves to be the prisoners of the past. So, forgive and forget. Turn over a new leaf and have a fresh start!

to of Anger is like a flame. an It grows when it’s fueled. The by negative effect of it outweighs of the positive. It may not be easy to follow or apply these tips if you are in the middle of Tip #3: Keep calm. Staying your temper but in the end, positive and calm all throughout you’ll get to absorb the values would help a lot. Grace under associated with prudence and pressure they call it! It helps fortitude. Remember, words you to think and judge the can kill. situation objectively. Do not let your emotion overrule your thinking. Tip #4: Know when to stop and apologize. Yes, this is a must! No problem can be solved when no one has asked

VOLUME IX, NO. 2  |  NOVEMBER 2017 - MARCH 2018

GALLERY Adelante Siempre Adelante


STAFF OF 2017-2018 Johnel C. Dimco EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Jasmine Rose Q. Gabuya Lency S. Rosana ASSOCIATE EDITORS Nicole J. Centeno MANAGING EDITOR


Raymart Sean Toribio Sun Hana S. Gimay Daniela D. Calvez Bernadette Faye C. Lizada PHOTOJOURNALISTS Recamier A. Rufin Rouvenier A. Rufin Kurt Axle R. Bautista Carl Tristan B. Navarro Dancel Raphie V. Valencia ELEMENTARY CARTOONISTS


Sharaver V. Generoso Pia Marie S. Dialing Lance Christian B. Ambrosio HIGH SCHOOL CARTOONISTS Karryl Ann Cellen E. Balbuena Zia P. Lozañes Arabella Faye N. Rojo Fiona A. Tarrazona Sean Michael E. Buencuchillo Rhys Steven L. Felizardo Francine May N. Ferrer ELEMENTARY WRITERS


Sharmaine Nicole M. Ditchon Evelyn M. Gonzales Arabella Tyeisha Jenise G. Soqueña HIGH SCHOOL NEWS WRITERS Rocel B. Divinagracia Erica Marie N. Magdato Jlen Angel A. Eliang Stella Marie B. Buga-ay HIGH SCHOOL FEATURE WRITERS Mr. Reyan B. Ballaso HIGH SCHOOL ADVISER Ms. Teozen Joy D. Perez ELEMENTARY ADVISER Sr. Regina Lee, RCM PRINCIPAL






The ADELANTE SIEMPRE ADELANTE is the official publication of St. Carmen Sallés School, located at Antonio L. Go St., Brgy. 39, Bacolod City, Negros Occidental 6100. It can be reached through email at asa.scss2002@gmail. com or through its Facebook page at All rights reserved. ERRATUM (VOL. IX, NO. 2)



• JHS Week 2017 (p.4) – Grade 10 Spartans, not Raptors • ASA Header (p.5) – Francine May N. Ferrer left out in Elem. Writers • Fascinating Realities (p.8) – The largest 3-digit prime number is 997, not 977. • Conceptionists @ 125 (p.6) – (They) reached the Negros Island in 1996, not 1994.




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Occidental - Recoletos, they purchased a land located near the university as their temporary settlement in the city. They bought another land situated in the humble community of Barangay 39 which was inaugurated as the “Mother Carmen Sallés Youth Home” in 1998. Aside from being a dormitory, it also served as a retreat house during the weekends. The sisters, alongside these two apostolic activities, carried out outreach programs for the children and families of Brgy. 39 such as catechism classes. Seeing the need of giving the children of the barangay a firm Catholic education, “Blessed Carmen Sallés School” was established in June of 2002, with the approval of the Provincial Superior, the General Government of the congregation, and after obtaining a permit from the Department of Education. Sister Maria Mateu, RCM, a former Mother General of the congregation, was asked to be its first principal and Mrs. Analiza Pascual was hired as its first teacher. The school began with a Preparatory class, which was held in the morning, and a Kindergarten class, held in the afternoon. The first classroom ever used can be located as the Grade 1 classroom today. The school adds one class each year until it reached the sixth grade. The school opened its gates for enrollment not only for the residents of Brgy. 39, but also for the whole city of Bacolod. The school followed the educational style of St. Carmen Sallés, who wanted the Conceptionist schools to offer a good Christian, preventive, integral, personalized and liberating education that would allow the students to grow in all aspects of their lives and to become good citizens and collaborators in building a society where people would love and help each other. Since the very beginning, the school was very much supported by benefactors here and around the globe. Thanks to their generous support, the school could maintain the student’s tuition fee as low as possible and selected students were helped as scholars. The kinder students were given free Milo drinks every recess. With the help of the “Fundacion Siempre Adelante” based in Spain, they bought the land facing the school which became the school playground and gymnasium, in 2008. In 2007, Sister Agnes No, RCM took over Sr. Maria’s post as principal, and in 2009, the school saw its first graduating batch of elementary students. During the school year 2009-2010, the “Adelante Siempre Adelante” and the “Student Affairs Organization” was established. Shennarie Gavara was both the first SAO President and Editor-In-Chief of ASA. In 2011, the school adapted the K to 12 program of the Department of Education in order to provide a quality education for the students. Hoping to promote a warm, caring community and the active participation of the students, BCSS carried out activities which


Ms. Analiza Pascual, the first teacher of BCSS

The three principals of BCSS/SCSS: Sr. Maria Mateu, Sr. Agnes No & Sr. Regina Lee

Life in BCSS

The first graduating batch of BCSS enhanced the physical, social, emotional, and mental wellness of the students such as field trips, student days, NOPSSCEA competitions, special clubs and tutorials, Family Day, outreach programs and more. The school also cultivated moral values to its students. The school goals for a Christian catholicoriented education, with the students being exposed to religious activities such as the Holy Mass, Novenas, praying the Rosary, actively participating in activities of the Diocese of Bacolod and learning on the life of Mo. Carmen Sallés. BCSS rejoiced together with the whole Conceptionist community, as Mother Carmen Sallés was raised to the altar of saints by Pope Benedict XVI on October 21, 2012 alongside our second Filipino saint, Pedro Calungsod. However, it is only on February 21, 2014 when DepED granted the request of the school to change its name; hence, “St. Carmen Sallés School”. In 2013, Sr. Regina Lee, RCM took over as principal of St. Carmen Sallés School. It was through her when the school implemented the Junior High School Department, thinking that graduating batches may not have a decent Catholic and moral education in other schools. The pioneering group of the JHS is the batch of graduating Grade 10 students this year. Numerous renovation programs for the school were also executed, with the Computer and Science Laboratories improved for the students earlier that year. Fast forward to 2017, the

Blessed Carmen Sallés School school saw its first batch of Grade 10 students moving up. The school then implemented the Senior High School this school year, focusing on the ABM strand. The school is also lucky to have its first alumna teacher, Ms. Pauline Pinuela. Thanks to the teachers, sisters, benefactors and students past and present, St. Carmen Sallés School was molded into the school we know today. We hope and pray that the educational style and values of the school may still inculcate in the minds of the students for the years to come. We would like to conclude this with a message from the first principal of SCSS, Sr. Maria Mateu: “Continue the good work you have been doing during the past years and continue growing and providing the best possible education to the children and youth of Bacolod so that, as St. Carmen Sallés used to say, ‘All may know that they have been educated in the house of Mary Immaculate’. May all of you have Christ as the root and foundation of your lives and may Mary Immaculate help the faculty and personnel to continue guiding the students in their integral growth so that all of them may become what God wants each one of them to become.” Go forward, always forward, God will provide!

VOLUME IX, NO. 2  |  NOVEMBER 2017 - MARCH 2018

*With testimonies from Srs. Regina Lee, Magdalena Kim, Esther Yoo, Maria Mateu, Ms. Pauline Pinuela, and selected alumni of BCSS/SCSS; data from Fundacion Siempre Adelante blog, the School Handbook, and the ASA archive.


Contentedness is Great



here was once an unfortunate couple and all they have is great love for their only son, Ronnie. He is on his fifth grade. He noticed that almost all of his classmates owned gadgets. When he went home, he demanded for a cell phone. His parents were sad because they cannot give their only son what he wanted. Ronnie ignored them because his wish wasn’t granted. He tried to rebel against his parents by not studying and not performing well in school. Later on, his grades were affected and his parents were disappointed upon knowing about his performance.

One fine afternoon, Ronnie strolled around the park. He saw a group of kids playing, enjoying the company of one another and having a good time. His attention was caught even more because the kids did not have any gadgets. That was the time Ronnie realized that you do not have to own a cell phone for you to be happy. You just have to enjoy the little things in life, like having fun with your friends and spending time with your family. He then went home and asked for his parents’ forgiveness. He promised them that he will study hard and he won’t ask for things that they cannot afford. He kept in mind that it is best to be contented.

Step By Step



ILLUSTRATED BY RECAMIER AND ROUVENIER RUFIN BY KARRYL ANN E. BALBUENA & FIONA A. TARRAZONA Bawat bata ay may pangarap na sa kinabukasan ay inaasam maganap. Haluan ng pagpupursigi at dedikasyon sa huli, nasa atin ang desisyon. Huwag natin hayaang sirain ng iba dahil ito ay mahalaga. Ang pangarap ay huwag pabayaan sapagkat ito ang ating kayamanan. Ito ay makakamit kung tayo ay magsusumikap pero hindi maiiwasan na tayo ay dumaan sa mga paghihirap Dapat matuto na ang pag-abot ng hangarin ay kailangang pagtiyagaan Hindi ito makakamit sa isang iglap, iyan ang laging tatandaan.

HAIKUS dents

from selected Grade 10 stu

BY JOSHUA P. BAYER As the shore whispers The jungle calls for my name Nature senses me



fter two years, it was time for Rafael to graduate. His journey in life is no joke; he had to be away from his best friends who taught him do bad things. He missed them, of course, but he thought of the things they did. As of now, he tops his class, who would’ve thought that the boy who was once a drug addict now aces his class? He changed, for the better, as he always says, “Changing isn’t a bad thing and never was.” Finally, it was time for him to show everyone what change has brought to his life. It was graduation day, he was the Valedictorian, his speech was; “Two years ago, I’ve done things, inappropriate things. I did something that I never thought I would. I was eaten by

pressure. I was surrounded by people who did the same. I had no choice but to do it too, and it was the worst decision I have ever made in my entire life. He stopped and looked at his father with a smile flashed on his face. He was proud of him. Rafael took a breath and continued, “My father helped me conquer those things. He helped me change the way I live. I may be stupid but that was before I knew the real meaning of life. I never thought that I’ll be able to graduate, but here I am. I didn’t change for anyone but for myself.” With that, a loud cheer was heard from the crowd and Rafael was ready to enter a new chapter of his life.

Then the birds whistled And flowers begin to bloom Dear nature keep me When the darkness came The thunder rolled with anger Then ended with tears BY ANGEL LYNN L. SORILLO The moon shines so bright So we can see the beauty Of the dark gray sky The waves of the sea Telling us to be proud of Our imperfection BY RAYMART SEAN TORIBIO For she is rainbow And shame, he is colorblind So he just let go She deserves to love And she deserves to be loved Seek no more, my love

VOLUME IX, NO. 2  |  NOVEMBER 2017 - MARCH 2018




St. Carmen Sallés School would like to thank the following sponsors: SPAIN

On average, a pen can write approximately 48,000 words.

The word “goodbye” originally comes from an Old English phrase meaning ‘God be with you’.

ONG Siempre Adelante

Concepcionist Community of Santa Cruz de Mudela Volunteers of Santa Cruz de Mudela of Colegio La Inmaculada Volunteers of Manzares Colegio “San Jose” Concepcionist Community of Manzares

Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a great king from history: Spade - King David, Flower - Alexander the Great, Heart - Charlemagne and Diamond - Julius Caesar. Without your pinky finger, you would lose about 50% of your hand strength.


Peace Makers All My Kids Catholic Social Welfare Society of the Diocese of Suwon

Can’t focus? Play music from a video game soundtrack. It’s designed to keep you engaged, and helps you focus on what you’re working on.

To cook an egg, a sidewalk needs to be 158°F.

Pontifical Mission Societies in Korea Seowon-dong Catholic Church of the Archdiocese of Seoul Nulpurun Restaurant

Pineapple juice is 5 times more effective than cough syrup. It also prevents colds and flu.

You lose about 50 to 100 hairs a day. The Nile crocodile can hold its breath underwater for up to 2 hours while waiting for prey.

A Piece of Heaven Kindergarten Star of the Sea of Pulguang Dong, Ilsan and Chungnung

The term “astronaut” comes from Greek words that means “star” and “sailor.”

Concepcionist Communities in Korea Chan Wook Jean

Rabbits and parrots can see what is behind them without turning their heads.

Mi-Hyung Kim Sung-Shim Kim Yang Pil Noh Jung Won Choi

A hug releases the hormone called Oxytocin, which makes you feel relaxed, heal the physical and mental wounds, and soothes your body and mind.

Kyoung Sook Kim Sun Cha Yoo


Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception Province of Asia Sei Maria Youchien - Nagoya Sei Maria Jogakuin - Gifu Concepcionist Communities of Nagoya, Gifu and Kobe Group of Mothers from Kobe Kindergarten

According to studies, our soul weighs 21 grams. This is a proven fact, and the weight of the soul (i.e. life) is determined by weighing a man just before a few minutes of his death and immediately after his death!

Did you know what the Hyena cry is called? LAUGH



Concepcionist Convent of St. Joachim in Madera Concepcionist Community of San Francisco


Mr. Apolonario D. Nazarea Ph.d & Mrs. Teresa Nazarea Mrs. Gloria Galdeano Mr. & Mrs. Eric & Teresa Taganile Atty. Jofelo T. Cordova Hilado family Engr. Johnson A. Dy Yulo family Mr. Jofelo T. Cordova


Aside from the Philippines, Jose Rizal has monuments and markers in Spain, Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, and China. The largest park dedicated to Rizal can be found in China.

SOURCES: Trivias and Facts., The Collective Intelligence, Mental Floss, Kids World Fun, FilipiKnow

Mrs. Okamura Mie

Thank you so much!

If you have trouble falling asleep, blink fast for a minute.

VOLUME IX, NO. 2  |  NOVEMBER 2017 - MARCH 2018

by Lance Christian B. Ambrosio

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