Fear of the Dark Matter

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Fear of the dark matter

Professor: LissC. Werner, Architektin,

Ba[hons] arch. Dip arch[Bartlett] Maarch


Matt Gaydon Asa Darmatriaji Olga Kovrikova Polina Plotkina


project description research photographs of the models photographs of the process definition diagrams previous research bibliography

Description ‘Fear of the Dark Matter’ blurs the boundaries between human interaction

and ferrofluid deformation through invisible forces. This deformation of the ferrofluid; a liquid phase changing liquid that reacts to magnet forces, will be achieved though a recursive process based on two main adaptive systems; sensing and reacting. Anytime either anyone or an inanimate object tried to come in contact the ferrofluid will disperse from within close proximity of it and form spikes to varying levels depending on distance to the form on other areas of the surface of the bowl, thus in turn, creating the effect that the black fluid deforms and defies gravity for fear of being touched. The calculation of distance between the liquid and the intruding form will be calculated both physically with ultrasonic distance sensors and through computational analysis,which denote the intensity of each the program mable electro-magnets that envelopt heunderside of a glass bowl containing the ferrofluid simulta neously controlling the fluid deformation. This model can be understood as an adaptive form deformation and transformation within the nature and also as ares ponsive systeminevolutionary architecture and cybernetics field. The architectural relevance Link of our project with architecture, is at the level of formation and at the development of methodology for the project. Manifestation of forms of ferrofluid may be a different method of education forms depending on external factors. The project has communicative relationship with the architectural shaping of spaces, as well as the possibility of applying this approach in real projects and art installations. It is no longer just about analogies and parallels, remote, and the application of techniques and theoretical models of interest in knowledge. This demonstrates the growing desire of architects and architectural theorists to look at it with new, was not previously studied. The fact that representations of science are increasingly paying attention to architecture as a scientific field. That is interesting and useful in our work. The phenomena of the globalization of architecture in other areas of science is prominent nowadays and vice versa. Experiments with a ferrofluid has been used as an art objects some times ago. Our experiment relates more on the influence of cybernetic research, based on robust methodology, on our object. The object acquires the properties, depending on the person doing certain settings. Architectural and design decisions are increasingly oriented to creating conditions that allow flexible "link" to various kinds of cultural activities in the cognitive structure of an object. This means continuity, overflow spaces, dynamics and communicative. It is these properties, we can see on our object. Despite the seeming randomness, all the movements clearly defines logic and calculated according to each moment. Project - cybernetic machine Our project can be called a cybernetic machine, as it directly cause the reaction of the system in the behavior of the object. It emerged at the turn of mathematics, logic, programming, physics and architectural structure. Our project directly apply the concepts of cybernetics to the device management and analysis. The logic of moving of the magnet on the guide step by step has been calculated, and also it is completely controllable, which makes our object interactive.

Ferro Fluid Research Ferrofluid is a fluid that can

turn into a solid-like substance in the presence of a magnet. When the magnet is removed, it instantly turns into a fluid again. The fluid consists out of iron nanoparticles (ferro) and a solvent (mostly oil or water). To prevent separation of the iron particles and the solvent, a surfactant is used. This surfactant has a head-tale construction and works like a detergent. The polar part (head or tale) is attracted to an iron particle and the nonpolar part is attracted to the carrier fluid. This makes the ferrofluid an homogeneous liquid.

sample ferrofluid evolution.

1.Here, the ferrofluid's on a china plate, and the two flat hard drive magnets are under the plate (and stuck quite firmly to it by their attraction to the fluid). The drive magnets have a very intense field close to their surface, so the spikes are tiny.


When the ferrofluid is invoked 2. 1. This is the three large spherical magnets, stuck together by a magnetic field, it forms a end to end and lying under the plate. A fairly strong field regular pattern of peaks and at each end with a noticeable tendency towards the valleys. This phenomenon is other end, and a weak field from the ball in the middle caused by the so called normal-field instability. Since the fluid is easier magnetized than the air, the magnetic energy tends to travel as far as possible through the fluid forming spikes. Due to gravity force and surface tension, the fluid immediately returns into its flat stage when the magnetic With a neodymium magnet pulling on it, though, 400G energy is removed. saturation magnetisation is quite enough to make ferrofluid Ferrofluids have the capability defy gravity. to reduce friction, because of Ferrofluids are weak magnetic materials - they have a low its often oily solvent. When "saturation magnetisation". The saturation magnetisation, applied to a strong magnet, measured in Gauss, is the maximum value of the magthe fluid can provide an almost netic moment per unit volume when all the domains are frictionless gliding of a magnet aligned. This ferrofluid's got saturation magnetisation on a smooth surface. value of 400G, compared with 17,000G for iron.

Magnetic Field Research Magnets create magnetic fields. These cannot be seen. They fill the space around a magnet where the magnetic forces work, where they can attract or repel magnetic materials. Although we cannot see magnetic fields, we can detect them using iron filings. The tiny pieces of iron line up in a magnetic field. In the diagram, note that:

Magnetic Field Sources

- the field lines have arrows on them - the field lines come out of N and go into S - the field lines are more concentrated at the poles.

current in wire

The magnetic field is strongest at the poles, where the field lines are most concentrated. Magnetic fields are produced by electric currents, which can be macroscopic currents in wires, or microscopic currents associated with electrons in atomic orbits. The magnetic field B is defined in terms of force on moving charge in the Lorentz force law. The interaction of magnetic field with charge leads to many practical applications. Magnetic field sources are essentially dipolar in nature, having a north and south magnetic pole. The SI unit for magnetic field is the Tesla, which can be seen from the magnetic part of the Lorentz force law Fmagnetic = qvB to be composed of (Newton x second)/(Coulomb x meter). A smaller magnetic field unit is the Gauss (1 Tesla = 10,000 Gauss).


the Earth

loop of wire

bar magnet

Photographs of the models

Photographs of the process


servo brackets

top gear circle

servo’s magnit hanging gear arc

cog gear arcs gear teeth

Previous analysis

1. Ultrasonic sensors; 2. Glass Bowl; 3. Round magnet; 4. Ink/Powder Toner; 5. Wireless receiver (Optional); 6. H-Bar


Electromagnet A type of magnetic field that is produced by the flow of electric current electricity and it works the other way around as well. Hans Christian Orsted, often rendered Oersted in English; 14 August 1777 – 9 March 1851) was a Danish physicist and chemist who discovered that electric currents create magnetic fields, an important aspect of electromagnetism. He shaped postKantian philosophy and advances in science throughout the late 19th century. The most suitable conductor is ferromagnetic (iron, ferromagnetic metal alloy). Simple example a normal wire wraps in a screw and connects it to two ends of battery.

More loops created more concentrated magnetic field British scientist William Sturgeon invented the electromagnet in 1824. His first electromagnet was a horseshoe-shaped piece of iron that was wrapped with about 18 turns of bare copper wire (insulated wire didn't exist yet). The iron was varnished to insulate it from the windings. When a current was passed through the coil, the iron became magnetized and attracted other pieces of iron; when the current was stopped, it lost magnetization. The main advantage of an electromagnet over a permanent magnet is that the magnetic field can be rapidly manipulated over a wide range by controlling the amount of electric current. However, a continuous supply of electrical energy is required to maintain the field.

Circle packing algorithm

Circle packing algorithm


Ferrofluid http://tesladownunder.com/Ferrofluid.htm Ferrohydrodynamics (1985), Ronald. E. Rosensweig. The usual starting reference for learning the details of ferrofluids. How to Make Liquid Magnets http://chemistry.about.com/od/demonstrationsexperiments/ss/liquidmagnet.ht m Electromagnetics, by Rothwell and Cloud "With record magnetic fields to the 21st Century". IEEE Xplore. RJD Tilley (2004). Understanding Solids Amikam Aharoni (2000). Introduction to the theory of ferromagnetism (2 ed.). Oxford University Thurston, William (1978–1981), The geometry and topology of 3-manifolds, Princeton lecture notes. Stephenson, Ken (2005), Introduction to circle packing, the theory of discrete analytic functions, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Jonnason, Johan; Schramm, Oded (2000), "On the cover time of planar graphs", Electronic Communications in Probability

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