Native english professors for rio de janeiro english school

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Why Native Professors Should Be Prioritzed In Rio By: Bernard Asagai

Project to improve performance in students of the school through Native English Professors at CNA English School in Iraja to eliminate fears of not learning REAL English as many schools simply cannot teach the subject in Rio de Janeiro

Local Need of Proposal *non-native locals are not retaining learnt investments because they question its genuineness & authenticity *internal questions about language usability outside of Brazil *improve motivation to learn the English language *minmize local instructors teaching incorrect knowledge *bring knowledge that is distant, within reach learners & facilitors

Problem Statement and Rationale In this particular English school, decisionmakers need to work with government officials and education leaders to take actions to acquire native English professors from inner-circle language locations. Comprehensive actions need to take place in order to elevate the levers of native speaking professors in the schools, as well as the city. The lack of native English professors limits learning opportuniese in the city

Benefits & Liabilities *Benefits of direct input on learners *Effects on motivation *Effects on confidence *Elimination of wondering the right way *Direct access to the native voice *Provision of 1st hand knowledge

*Learners approach and attention is different when they know you are not native *Level of confidence is not the same knowing your knowledge is not direct *Trust is not the same

Rationale - Effects on Motivation *direct interaction has momentous effects as it offers a way for learners to test what they know and well as attain knowledge for what they don't *instructors also can asses where learns are strong, as well as where they are weak

Problem Statement and Rationale *Benefits of direct input on learners *Effects on motivation *Effects on confidence *Elimination of wondering the Right Way

Rationale - Potential Liabilities From Non-Native Professors Natives and direct inner-circle knowledge

Non-natives and lack of direct acquisition

Natives are a commodity and there normally is little doubt

Non-natives and motivation challenges from learners

Minimal questions of knowledge

Challenges to their knowledge from learners and colleges

Project Activities *listening and hearing to assist learners to be able to understand native conversations, commands, questions, dialogues, and language exchanges *elevation of reading skills *daily non-planned conversations with natives *assistance to learners to be and to hear and understand native verbal phrases *interaction to provide learners the opportunity to hear, question, and to ask questions about the English language with native speaking professors to provide a way to build their confidence and motivate their learning

Project Goals and Planned Outcomes The major goals of this proposed program is to provide high level native English access for learners. The access is to highten the levels of English to provide access in a manner that can allow students to interact with native speakers in a way that can have positive impacts in a manner that can increase the bottoms lines of the companies of learners. Assist learnsers in being prepared to elevate heir English access to native teachers so they can learn in a native manner as much as they can in their country.

Assessing Learners Project participants will be assesed weekly by native professors to determine their weekly progrees, as well as to asses their levels of improvements

Provission of company feedback and methods they can take to improve learning in their employees so they can perform and maintain highlevels of English interactions

Miscellaneous Necessities Upon completion, a 10-day trip to New York City to permit learners to interact more with native speakers as well as raise their levels of confidence.

10 iPhone or Android-based smartphones to use for dictation

Budget & Finances Project calls for 3 native English professor to assist a local English School in Rio de Janeiro. The Project costs are anticipated to cost $30,000.

Airfare Loding Food Local Transportation

Bibliography Slide 1,+ professors&espv=2&biw=1366&bih=628&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjZ_uOtqbrPAhVCfZAKHUU2AdQQsAQIIQ#tbm=isch &q=photos%2C+rio&imgrc=1kj0VWNuNs52vM%3A

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Cleve - Murcia, Marianne, Donna M. Brinton, and Marguerite A. Snow, eds. Teaching english as a second or foreign language. Fourth ed. Boston: Heinle language learning, (2014).

CHOU, E. (Ed.). (2016). 4 Creative Ways to Use Authentic Materials for Teaching English. Retrieved from FluentU website: authentic-materials-for-teaching-english/

Gan, Z. (2013, July). [Learning to Teach English Language in the Practicum: What Challenges do Non-Native ESL Student Teachers Face?]. Retrieved from The Hong Kong Institute of Education website:

Ingvalson, E. M., McClelland, J. L., & Holt, L. L. (2010, July 28). Predicting native English-like performance by native Japanese speakers. Retrieved from Journal of Phonetics website:

Resources cpnt. Lansford, L. (2016, may 16). Authentic materials in the classroom: the advantages. Retrieved from Cambridge University Press website: authentic-materials-classroom-advantages/

Ryan, C. (2013, August). Language Use in the United States: 2011. Retrieved from

Robenalt, C., & Goldberg, A. (2013). Nonnative Speakers Do Not Take Competing Alternative Expressions into Account the Way Native Speakers Do. Retrieved from Princeton University website:

Walkinshaw, I., & Duong, O. T. H. (2012, December). Native- and Non-Native Speaking English Teachers in Vietnam: Weighing the Benefits. Retrieved from The Electronic Journal for English as a Second Language website:

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