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Syncretism in Italian witchcraft
Free will with conscience and will with discernment.
Out of curiosity, I can tell you why Lucifer is associated with Satan, sometimes representing the adversary of God.
Note that the god of the Jewish bible was Yawé, YHVH, who was actually the rebel Anunnaki brother, Enlil, who rivaled his brother Enki. Therefore, this “god” accused Enki (Lucifer) of being an adversary.
Yawé may also have been inspired by the name of an Egyptian lunar deity, which was Yah (Yaeh).
Various myths had rival sisters; Horus had Seth, Thor had Loki. They are entities of the same cosmic force, but with different polarities. The Universe is a delicate balance of polarities such as good and evil, ordinary matter and antimatter, ordinary energy and dark energy, photon and anti-photon, Universe and anti-universe.
Lucifer has been known by many different names in different religions over the millennia. Different names are interpreted differently by each person and tradition.
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