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Introduction ……………………………………………………………..…. 10 to
I would now like to talk to you about the use of blood in various rituals and its importance.
Why does blood have magical symbolism?
In pacts with the devil, blood is used, in several magick books and movies, they show magic using blood.
In the church, in the Eucharist, they drink wine, symbolizing the shed blood of Christ, this is also a symbolic and magical ritual. If we have a few drops of a person's blood, we can magically affect them.
But nobody explains why, nor explains the magical properties of blood in any book.
Blood flows throughout your body; it has movement; it contains iron, so it gains magnetism. In addition, it also absorbs magnetism from your aura and chakras. Blood is a vital fluid, it carries oxygen and nutrients to the organs and symbolically represents your "life" and your "soul", but in addition to symbolism, the blood contains records (memory) of your emotions.
It is common knowledge that water has memory, water molecules can store vibrations and information, just as blood can. It's a biomagnetic fluid.
With a few drops of blood, you get a non-local connection with that person via quantum entanglement. Research quantum entanglement and the phantom effect of DNA, and you will see how everything is interconnected.
A few drops of blood contain our DNA, it is scientifically possible to clone a living being using samples of its DNA.
Therefore, supernatural entities can bind to us (quantum entanglement, nonlocality) through these magnetic properties of blood, which contain morphogenetic information about us and our genetics. The link is psychic, spiritual, and also through the phantom effect of DNA. A pact symbolizes not only commitment to an entity but also a borderless energetic-spiritual connection.
Lucifer is neither a fallen angel nor a demon of darkness. He is a highly evolved angelic being. He is the other divine polarity, few will understand or
believe this. The occult elite, the Vatican, and some initiated Masons worship him in secret, as the Architect of this universe, but they induce the common population to worship a wrong and humanized concept of God (the biblical god, Yawé) so that we cannot extract power from communion with the true divinity.
Obscure Dimensions and Magickal Systems - Asamod © 2021
Obscure Dimensions and Magickal Systems - Asamod © 2021
Luciferism is an esoteric doctrine of Gnostic origin (they worship Lucifer as the bearer of light and lord of knowledge). Sometimes the term Luciferism is used for short, but the most correct is Luciferianism.
This doctrine can be philosophical, esoteric, or practical (ritualistic, theistic Luciferianism in which Lucifer is actively worshiped as a true rather than a symbolic entity).
Some authors confuse Lucifer with Satan, perhaps due to the influence of ancient Christian grimoires or legends. However, they are not the same entity.
Satan in Hebrew ShTN means adversary, but it was most likely copied from Egyptian mythology (like many religious legends) and inspired by Seth (the rebellious brother of Horus). Satan was the “adversary” of the biblical god (who was Enlil, Yawé).
Sat is rooted in Sanskrit.
The Sanskrit word Sanaatan or Sanataana means “eternal”, “fixed”, “perpetual”, “omnipresent”, the “fixed creation” and also “ancient” and “enduring”.
The Sanskrit root “Sat”, sometimes called “Satya”, means “truth”. Satnam, which means "The True Name".
The “Four Kumaras”, or great Spiritual Powers, are called Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat kumara. The Four Kumaras were called “Sons of Brahma”.
They symbolize the 4 elements or cosmic forces, but in Theosophy they are ascended masters of the Great White Brotherhood. Sanat Kumara is the Logos of this planet.
Satanama is the highest mantra in the original yoga and was designed to transform a person into the body of light. Its meaning is SA, birth, TA, life, NA, transformation, and MA, rebirth.
Satan's name has been misrepresented. The real name that carries the original vibration of this entity is: Satanael.
In my opinion, and I remind you that the reader must think for himself and seek his truth, I find it foolish to invoke "Lucifer" as the prince of hell, or to refer
to this deity as a demon, lord of the infernal flame, or expressions of the like with negative connotation.
The books of Goetia are full of lies and legends distorted by the church, in which pagan gods were demonized to scare away curious occult practitioners.
Lucifer is a highly evolved being of light, the creator prince of this world, he is not a filthy demon, nor is He in hell. Anyone who thinks like that is self-deluded and is invoking egregores, or outdated archetypes from the collective unconscious. Hell is an allusion to a state of mind of unfulfillment, or an allusion to the base (sexual) chakra and the lower energies of sexual fire.
Hell is the condition of having no alternatives.
Heaven and hell are two parallel mirrors reflecting each other infinitely, giving us the illusion of life.
Some religions, such as the Egyptian one, refer to the underworld (Duat), the underworld, it means "world below, or inferior", but this can be an allusion to an infra-world, an infra-dimension (parallel reality, for example). In Sumerian religion, it was Irkalla, in Hinduism it is Patala.
You decide. Each one attracts the reality he believes in.
In English, the expression for hell is "Hell". Thee name is inspired by the goddess of the underworld in Norse mythology, the goddess Hel (Hela, Hel or Hell). Hel was banished by Odin to the underworld named after her, Helheim.
Obscure Dimensions and Magickal Systems - Asamod © 2021
Before being “demonized” by the Catholic Church, Lucifer was worshiped by the Greeks (it was Phosphorus), Romans, and Atlanteans. It was also one of the names by which the planet Venus was known (the morning star in the sky). Lucem + ferre or lux (light) and ferre (bearer) symbolize the bearer of light, which is knowledge. It brought light to human consciousness at the beginning of time. Lucifer is still the spirit of the air element.
He is still the lord of light (astral light) and has dominion over the astral plane and astral light (aether).
The Greek god Phosphorus represented Lucifer, but as “Venus”, the morning star, rising in the sky, while his brother Hesperus symbolized Venus descending in the sky. In Greek, phos (light) and the suffix “phoros” (bearer) mean bearer of light (like Lucifer), the Romans called him Nocturnus or Noctifer.
There is another parallel between Lucifer and Prometheus, who stole fire from Hestia and gave it to humans (fire is knowledge, or some kind of power like prana energy, sekhm). Secret fire, which brings knowledge and destroys illusions. Note the similarity between the names phosphorus and horus (phosp+horus).
In the Hebrew Bible, Lucifer is referred to as Heylel ben-Shahar (the one who shines). They also associate him with the Mesopotamian sun god Shamash (šamaš) lord of light.
Lucifer is sometimes associated with the Egyptian god Amun-Ra. Amún means hidden (non-visible and mysterious aspect of divinity). Ra represents the sun, but also the intelligent consciousness that pervades the entire universe.
For the practicing adept, embodying the Lucifer archetype symbolizes seeking inner light and self-knowledge.
You can choose to call it by one of its other mythological names, as it has many, such as Luzbel, Lumiel, Son of the morning, Enki, Heylel Ben-Sahar, or simply Heylel, or son of Shahár (son of Dawn). What matters is that you are aware that you are invoking Him in your mind.
In my very own view, I believe that Lucifer is a true entity (and not merely symbolic, as agnostic Luciferianism preaches), who existed before humanity (so it is neither an archetype nor an egregore created by the collective unconscious). I therefore consider myself a theistic Luciferian.