e nv i r onme nt a lsucceedin ma na ge me nt bor d e r l e s s e n v i r o n me n t a l i n t e r n a t i o n a l ma r k e t s y our ma na ge me nt c ompe t i t i v e e dge e nv i r onme nt a l ma k i nga ma na ge me nt whiled i f f e r e n c e y our f or t hepl a ne t c ompe t i t i v e y o u r e dge c ompe t i t i v e e dge di s c ov e r e nv i r onme nt a l ma na ge me ntt hr oughE PI C
BEOUR PARTNERI N EPI C. . . Cont a c tus : E nv i r onme nt a l Ma na ge me ntP r ogr a mmef or I ndus t r yCompe t i t i v e ne s s 5 / FBoa r dof I nv e s t me nt sBui l di ng 3 8 5Gi l P uy a tAv e nue , Ma k a t i Ci t y1 2 0 9Phi l i ppi ne s T 6 32 ) 8 9 5 . 8 2 3 3T F 6 32 ) 8 9 9 . 5 6 8 8 E L E PHONE( E L E AX( E pi c pmo@e pi c . or g. phURLwww. e pi c . or g. ph MAI Le
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m a n a g e m e n t
p r o g r a
trade and the environme is the The Environmental Management Programme for Industry Competitiveness or EPIC is an environmental project of the United Nations Development Programme and the Department of Trade and Industry. n n EPIC seeks to enhance business competitiveness in the global marketplace through environmental management. In the simplest terms, EPIC is all about being green and being profitable. n n We aim to strengthen private sector initiatives to reduce the environmental footprint of industry. As companies proactively adopt environmental management as a business strategy, state discipline no longer becomes the main motive for environmentally responsible behavior. n n
m m e
f o r
i n d u s t r y
c o m p e t i t i v e n e s s
ent new playing field ... EPIC can be a catalyst in greening your business. We work with Philippine business and industry, especially small and medium enterprises or SMEs. n n We build partnerships with both the public and private sectors to ensure that our initiatives will be sustained. n n We also work with policymakers to encourage market-based instruments and incentives for environmental investments. n n EPIC runs from 2002 to 2004. n n Our prime movers are the Board of Investments, the Clean and Green Foundation, the National Economic Development Authority, the Philippine Association of Environmental Assessment Professionals, and the Philippine Business for the Environment. n n
are you ready to
industry competitiveness indicators & monitoring of SMEs How do you know your company is competitive? Work with us towards making environmental management a criterion for excellence in industry performance. We are setting up indicators to determine the impact of environmental management tools and how they help boost efficiency, productivity and competitiveness. Get involved in the process of developing this important tool for policy makers and industry leaders towards the promotion and application of environmental management systems in Philippine industry.
n n C o n t a c t National Economic Development Authority; Trade, Industry
and Utilities Staff, NEDA sa Pasig Building, 12 Escriva Drive, Pasig City, Philippines n Telephone (63 2) 631.3739 Facsimile (63 2) 631.3734 Email icindicators@epic.org.ph
institutionalization of environmental management systems in SMEs We aim to motivate businesses to strive for competitiveness, self-regulation and a culture of quality through the use of environmental management systems or EMS. Let us explore ways to assist you in addressing your environmental impacts and risks. Avail of technical expertise in our seminars and mentoring schemes, and learn how EMS can work for you ... how it translates to profits, lends ease to your compliance with regulatory requirements, and improves your corporate image.
n n C o n t a c t Philippine Business for the Environment, 2/F Development
Academy of the Philippines Building, San Miguel Avenue, Ortigas Center, Pasig City. Philippines n Telephones (63 2) 635.3670, 635.2650 to 51 Facsimile (63 2) 631.5714 Email envmgtsystems@epic.org.ph
environmental auditors registry We are pioneering the environmental auditors registry in the Philippines so that your company can have a reliable source of competent Filipino environmental auditors who can help you successfully implement your environmental management system. The registry aims to make EMS affordable for companies, particularly for small and medium enterprises. It promotes the professional practice of environmental auditing, and increases recognition of Filipino professionals in the country as well as internationally.
n n C o n t a c t Philippine Association of Environmental Assessment Profes-
sionals, Suite 401, The Centerpoint Building, Garnet Road corner Julia Vargas Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines n Telephone (63 2) 635.5201 to 10 Facsimile (63 2) 527.4390, 633.9787 Email envaudit@epic.org.ph
product ecolabelling programme We are fostering green consumerism and promoting environment-friendly businesses through a private sector-led national ecolabelling program based on the standards of ISO 14020 series. Named Green Choice Philippines, we are promoting the “Green Choice� logo as an effective marketing tool. Putting this logo on your product underscores your commitment to its sound environmental performance. It thus contributes to your corporate image, increasing brand recognition, and your reputation for high quality products. n n C o n t a c t Clean and Green Foundation, Inc., 2/F Benlife Building,
BPI Complex, Muralla Street, Intramuros, Manila, Philippines n Telephone 528.0976 Facsimile (63 2) 527.4390 Email mail@greenchoicephil.org URL www.greenchoicephil.com
eco-industrial development We are promoting eco-industrial development, an emerging management approach for planning and operating clustered or networked industries. Ecoindustrial development is the application of industrial ecology concepts, where materials and industry processes are managed in a more integrated manner thus reducing environmental and other socio-economic risks and impacts. We encourage big industry players, especially industrial estates and its company locators, to participate in our innovative efforts to shift to a cyclic, closed-loop model of n n C o n t a c t EPIC, 5/F Board of Investments Building, 385 Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City, Philippines n Telephone (63 2) 895.8233 TeleFax 899.5688
Email epic.eid@epic.org.ph
environmental entrepreneurship & finance Invest in environmental services and technology and help support environmental businesses and entrepreneurs. We assist in providing information on emerging opportunities in the environmental arena. We are also promoting environmental cost accounting, another innovative tool that can improve your environmental as well as economic performance. We believe that integrating environmental costs and considerations in your accounting system is vital for your sustainability and competitiveness.
n n C o n t a c t EPIC, 5/F Board of Investments Building, 385 Gil Puyat Avenue, Makati City, Philippines n Telephone (63 2) 895.8233
TeleFax 899.5688 Email epic.ee@epic.org.ph
policy development & support
EPIC supports the development of a conducive policy environment for Philippine industry, especially SMEs, to shift to cleaner, safer and more sustainable production modes.
capacity building & advocacy
To further the goals of the other project components, we have various capacity building and advocacy activities ... n n We provide you environmental management information that you need most at www.epic.org.ph n n We encourage you to join our awareness raising events, seminars, training forums, workshops and conferences n n We provide you with information, education, communication and advocacy materials and activities n n Be a part of our networks such as the Business Agenda 21, Eco-Industrial Estates Asia Network, ByProduct Exchange, and Environmental Service Providers ... and help us forge new partnerships