National Missionaries:
Solid Answer for the Abundant Harvest
National Missionaries: Solid Answer for the Abundant Harvest TOM EVANS
oday, as we consider Jesus’ mandate to take the gospel to the ends of the earth, we face obstacles that trace their roots back to the tower of Babel. We are challenged by the roughly 6500 different languages, plus cultural differences, geographical distance, and restrictive governments. Many experts believe that it takes about 10,000 hours studying a language to obtain native-like proficiency. If you spent all your waking hours (16 hours) focused on mastering a language, the time invested would amount to 625 days. This is a huge investment.
In Luke Chapter 10, we read of Jesus sending out the seventy in groups of two. He gave them a significant vision: “The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” (Luke 10:2). With a plentiful harvest, where was Jesus’ answer to be found for more laborers?
We want Jesus to return quickly. Is there a way to speed up God’s work among the millions of unreached?
The following verses of Luke 10 highlight the strategy of Jesus. When the teams of disciples entered a city or village, they were to look for a “person of peace.” They were to stay in the home of that individual for a period of time and not to go from house to house (see Luke 10:6-7). Evidently, the disciples were developing a leader to carry on God’s work in that community once they left. Their work was temporary and catalytic; the “person of peace” was a permanent presence.
Another learning curve is that of cultural differences. Each of us is born into a cultural context that has a significant impact on our view of the world. We naturally function in life based on that world-view. When people engage with other cultures, they frequently make innocent missteps that can be quite offensive and as a result create barriers. It takes significant effort to begin functioning in culturally relevant and sensitive ways.
As we apply the principles of Luke 10 to Southeast Asia, we can readily concur that there is an abundant harvest. Not only is the harvest abundant, they are also receptive. Political turmoil, oppressive governments, and extreme poverty create an atmosphere where people are searching for hope. How can we reach them?
Geographical distance is a barrier that has been overcome in significant ways through air travel. At the same time, many unreached tribes are still located in difficult to reach villages in mountains and in climates that many foreigners feel are unlivable. Those who are willing must typically uproot themselves, and relocate, often at significant expense and years of effort, in order to reach a new people group for Jesus. 2
The greater challenge is restrictive governments who do not allow foreigners to live in the country to do evangelism. We want Jesus to return quickly. Is there a way to speed up God’s work among the millions of unreached?
The primary strategy ASAP Ministries has identified fits well with Jesus’ instruction to the seventy: identify national missionaries who can preach the gospel in their local context. They become the “person of peace” in their community, sharing the hope of the gospel. The national missionaries already know the main language and understand the culture. They often already live in or nearby the communities they are reaching for Jesus. ASAP partners with the local missions to identify potential national workers and then equips them through training. In addition, ASAP provides financial help through
sponsorships. Even when they do not know the language of a targeted unentered tribe, they can often learn it more quickly than a foreigner. Based on this model, it is possible for God’s work to expand much more rapidly. Win Sein is an excellent example in Myanmar. He is a church planter who moved his family to a village four days’ journey from Yangon. It is in the eastern mountains of the fairly unreached Shan State. They live in a druginfested village, teaching the children who would not have a future if Win Sein did not help. Most of the people are from the Lahu tribe which speaks a language that is new for him. His small knowledge of medical ministry has been used by God to save lives. Win Sein now has around 100 interests or members in seven different villages. I praise God for national missionaries!
Many years ago, when I first examined ASAP’s strategy for Southeast Asia, it made so much sense to me. My expertise is in the area of strategic church planting and developing systems to support it. The strategy of ASAP to recruit, develop, and empower national missionaries is powerful. You and I can make a difference for eternity through sponsoring national workers who speak a language we probably don’t understand, within a culture very different from our own, and in a place we likely would never go. My family personally sponsors four national missionaries through ASAP in the country of Vietnam. Would you consider sponsoring one or more national missionaries this coming year? You will receive a profile of your church planter from ASAP. This is an added blessing in that you can pray for them specifically. What a blessing to be part of carrying the gospel to the ends of the earth!
MEET THE AUTHOR Tom Evans is an active supporter of ASAP Ministries, serving as our board chairman. He is the Associate Director for the North American Division Evangelism Institute at Andrews University. Previously he served as the director for church planting in the Texas Conference during which 114 churches were planted.
Stand for Your Faith! BY JULIA O’CAREY
Here is an inspiring story to share during mission time or as a children’s story at church!
an you think of a story in the Bible where three young men stood strong for their faith even when someone threatened to hurt them? Yes, you are right! Daniel’s three friends were thrown in the fiery furnace because they refused to bow down to the golden image. Jesus protected them, didn’t He? Today, I’m going to share a story about another brave young man who lives today all the way on the other side of the world. His name is Nai*. “Stop praying! That’s foolishness!” Nai’s mom spoke very sharply. “Get up right now!” she yelled even louder. Nai kept kneeling by his bed, praying to Jesus. Nai’s mom slammed the door and left. Soon he heard his father boom out, “Nai, you are a disgrace to your mother and me!” He yelled some more, but Nai kept praying. Every time Nai’s parents caught him praying, reading his Bible or listening to a DVD about God, they yelled at him. This hurt his heart deeply. Nai knew he could not give up his most precious treasure—his best friend Jesus. One day Nai got the courage to go to a secret house-church meeting on Sabbath. He was nervous but excited at the same time. Finally he would be able to meet people who believed just like him. His heart leaped with joy as they sang together! Suddenly, in the middle of the DVD sermon, a group of policemen burst into the crowded home. They swung their guns around and yelled, “Give us your Bibles! Give us your DVDs and your songbooks! Give them to us now!” No one dared hide anything. They put their heads down and they handed up their precious materials. The police selected Nai and one other lady. They handcuffed them and took them to the police station. Nai’s mind raced and his heart beat fast. “Why me?” he kept asking God. “This is my first time to church.” He was
really worried. Then, as he stood before the policemen, he remembered what Jesus said in Matthew 10:19, “When they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it. At that time you will be given what to say.” Nai felt so peaceful. He knew Jesus was right by his side. Sure enough, Nai answered the questions just right. Three hours later, the police let him go. Nai was happy to know that the church members had fasted and prayed the whole time. Later, the police came and took Nai to the police station again and again. Finally, after much fasting and praying, the police stopped harassing Nai and the believers in his village. He is still praying for his parents to believe, too. What would you do if you were Nai? Would you stand for your faith? Remember, Jesus will stand by you just like He stood by Nai at the police station and by Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego at the fiery furnace.
Nai knew he could not give up his most precious treasure— his best friend Jesus.
Rally the Troops BY NATHAN ARTHUR
ow can I give to missions? I really wanted to support the work abroad, but as a poor college student, I did not have much. How could I make giving a lifelong habit if I could not even figure out how to start?
Elissa Tesch, a fellow college student and former missionary to Laos, had great ideas and energy. With the help of Elissa and many others like her, we held two large silent ASAP fundraising auctions.
In 2014, I attended a youth conference where Kameron DeVasher charged GYC to begin giving sacrificially to missions. He appealed to the attendees to commit to giving five dollars every week through a recurring donation. This is my chance, I thought. This will force me to start giving to missions. So, without knowing how I was going to find the money, I pledged.
What did I learn? First, do not wait to support missions. God can not use you until you choose to be used by Him. He certainly will use you the moment you commit yourself to His service.
After returning to school, I began trying to raise money to cover the recurring donation. I put out spare change jars and sold a few things. I wasn’t able to raise more than I pledged until I began getting my friends and classmates to help fundraise.
Bearing Good Fruit What kind of fruit does child sponsorship produce?
Second, involve other people. God has not given everyone the same talents. By working together, we multiply our individual effectiveness. Finally, do not allow your circumstances to limit you. Whether you are rich or poor, smart or slow, old or young, God can and will use you if you will only let Him. Nathan Arthur is a student at Ouachita Hills College
e were excited to hear Srey Leak’s sweet story from Cambodia. She is 13 with two twin brothers. Her family is poor and they are delighted that Srey Leak can attend our Feed and Read School with its caring, dedicated teachers. Srey Leak now loves Jesus. She was just days away from getting baptized when her two brothers got carried away in their play. They were out on the street and a rock went flying through a rich neighbor’s window. They ran to their sister. What are we going to do? These boys are honest kids who attend our school too. One is very good at memorizing scripture. They were scared—scared of the neighbor, scared of their parents. Where would any of them get the $300 to fix that window!
“What can we do?” the boys cried. Srey Leak had only one answer, “We have to pray.” She called her Grandma, Meas Sophy, who is an ASAP-sponsored church planter. “Grandma, please pray for me!” She told her parents to pray. Two days went by. They were still too scared to talk to the neighbor. To everybody’s surprise he walked out his door, marched right over to their house and said, “Don’t worry about it. I know it was an accident.” Srey Leak could have fainted with relief! When Srey Leap went down into the water to be baptized, she had a huge smile on her face. God was real. He loved her and her brothers. She was so glad to be part of His family. That is the sweet fruit of child sponsorship. 5
Two Reports on our ASAP Mission Trip
bout 6 weeks ago, an email invitation came through my inbox to join a mission trip to Myanmar. I had been praying for an opportunity to travel to a new country and to do something that would remind me of why I love and serve God. He provided an opportunity. I didn’t really know what we would be doing and had no idea where in the country we would be going. I didn’t even know anyone on the trip. What I experienced has encouraged me, lifted my spirit, and refocused me on the purpose to which God has called each one of us.
What I experienced has encouraged me, lifted my spirit, and refocused me on the purpose to which God has called each one of us. Primarily the trip was for three purposes: to provide some medical, dental, and optical work to those who cannot afford it, to provide training and encouragement to the workers that ASAP supports, and to support an evangelistic campaign. God completed the work! It reminded me of the early Christian church in Acts. We witnessed a tiny piece of the explosion. Each morning there was training for the workers on various topics: health, spiritual, and discipleship. The doctors and dentists would see many patients each day, helping the best they could with tooth extractions, advice on lifestyle, and even sending people directly to the hospital. 6
Each evening Pastor Scott preached the word of God. Over 200 people would attend the meetings from the surrounding areas. They all became our new friends. Before the sermon, there was a concert of praise. God has given the people of Myanmar the ability to sing with their whole heart and soul. Then Doctor Moskala would teach about health with his loving, evangelistic heart. At the end of Pastor Scott’s sermon, he would make an appeal and each night many people came forward for special prayer or commitments to Christ. Members, medical missionaries, and church planters had worked hard to reach out. On the final Sabbath 52
people were baptized. They went to a beach by a river and their joy was so beautiful! I will never forget it. The needs in Myanmar are enormous with its strong Buddhist culture and changes in the political system. The church work is growing but it needs our prayer and support. BY JANELLE CUTHBERT
To view the podcast 52 Loved and Baptized in Myanmar scan this QR code or visit podcast archives at
I arrived, I was asked to preach to a village that was 30 minutes away from Taungoo. As I sat in the back of the truck, I couldn’t help but smile and thank God for giving me such a wonderful opportunity. Even though the wind was messing up my hair and dust was all over my face and clothes, I couldn’t stop smiling. I was extremely happy that I had accepted the invitation God gave me. That Sabbath became the best Sabbath of my life.
t was my very first time working with children and I loved the experience. The children were so excited to have us; we were able to teach them more about God and how to take care of their health. I was amazed how the teachers were so committed. Even though they only earned $70 a month, half of what they earned went to buy materials for the school.
I had the privilege of getting to know several bible workers, some of which were very discouraged for they had lost their families because they didn’t agree with their faith in God. I praise God for giving me the words to encourage them and pray for them. This whole experience made me think of how much work there is to be done and very few workers willing to help.
I have been beyond blessed on this mission trip; God filled me with so much happiness as I spoke to others about the wonderful God we serve. I remember the first Sabbath
New Refugee Friends for Seminary Students BY TOM EVANS
n December 5, 2015, students and their spouses from two seminary classes headed off, with professors Tom Evans and Ed Schmidt, for a firsthand experience with refugees from Myanmar (Burma). The day began at the home of the volunteer pastor who has planted a church to reach the Zomi people. Students removed their shoes and took their seats of the floor of the humble home. They enjoyed Burmese doughnuts for breakfast to start the cultural experiences of the day. Many students donated food items (lots of rice!) and Christmas gifts were provided by ASAP Ministries. Items were distributed for visits to five families who have arrived in Grand Rapids within the last few months from refugee camps in Southeast Asia. Then the students took the gifts of rice and warm clothes they and ASAP had collected in advance and headed to visit the homes of the refugees. As they began to get acquainted with various families, they were overwhelmed by the enormous needs that refugees face. Some families had waited over four years for relocation from the camps by the United Nations. Other families have become separated. One man has never met his two-year old baby who is in Grand Rapids with his wife, because he is still
stranded in the refugee camp. The students learned that most refugees were working in unpleasant jobs at unusual hours. One man slaughters turkeys for a turkey production company. Students had an opportunity to share aspects of the Christmas story even with non-Christians. The families seemed to really enjoy it. One father took the box of Christmas presents, unwrapped them one at a time, and handed them excitedly to his eagerly waiting children. The afternoon was full of food, fellowship, and worship. This church plant meets in the afternoon so it can use the Wyoming Seventh-day Adventist Church’s facility. The average attendance is between 40 and 50. Students were able to debrief about their experiences and share ideas for future cross-cultural ministry in a Sabbath School class conducted by Tom Evans. A seminary student named Paulo Esposito preached about Abraham the immigrant. His message encouraged the refugees that God will use them and bless them in their new land. He also focused their attention on the Christian’s true home of heaven. May this experience inspire you to gather a group and reach out to refugees and immigrants in your area as you Reach the World Next Door.
IN MEMORY OF: PAUL AND ANNA BOWERS by Judith Beeson • PAUL W ESSIG by Karen Bowen • GREAT GRANDMA CURRIE by Mark and Kristi • DOROTHY-LASHIER-ELLER by Byron and Rebecca Eller • CURTIS GREEN by Darleen Green • MARG MCNITT by Jackie Kinsman • KOCHANSKI by Janna Marshall • JACK PENNER by Laurie Meservia • ASTON WAITE by Rosa L Miller • MELVIN T RHODES by Dr Gerhard and Maureen Pfandl • RONALD AND JOAN NEALL by Byron and Carol Reynolds • LORENZO RUIZ by Daniel and Myrtha Urrutia • BOB WARD by Evelyn P Ward • TOM WATSON by Tom and Mary Watson • PAUL WHITLOCK by Marge Whitlock • WHITNEY WATSON by Wayne and Sherri Labins
IN HONOR OF: MRS. PAUL ABRAMS by Paul and Edna Abrams • DONNA CASEBOLT by Donald Casebolt • BRUCE & ELEANOR CROSS by Tara Cross • GRANDMA & GRANDPA NYIRADY, GRANDMA RUTH & GRANDPA DUANE by Mark and Kristi Kochanski • PASTOR AND MRS. RONALD NEALL by Kerry and Linda Neall • SAW ELMER AND NAW MOLLY MYAING by Don and Trudi Starlin • DENNIS DEAN & LILA TIDWELL by Nathan and Margie Tidwell • BYRON AND CAROL REYNOLDS by Johanna Rita Vital • CLYDE AND LOIS MUNDY, H DALE AND LOUISE WARREN by Clint and Sandy Washam • ELLEN’S 60TH BIRTHDAY, ESTHER & GENE ZIMMERMAN by Donald and Ellen M. Amador
For more outreach ideas visit ENJOY A PODCAST ABOUT THIS TRIP Scan this QR code or visit podcast archives at
50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY by Dwight and Ellowyn St Clair • ADELAID NORTON by Esther N Norton • ALL THE BLESSINGS OF GOD by Ellen Higgins • ALL THE MISSIONARIES THAT SACRIFICE FOR OUR LORD by Ofa Manu • EDWARD MAJEWSKI by E Joe Majewski • FAMILY by Roxanne Martinez • FRANK COHEN by The Frank Cohen Group LLC • GOD by Rosa L Miller, Cynthia Chienchiali Lu, and John E and Joyce B Marter • CHRIST by Katherine Lewis • JESUS’ SOON RETURN by Patti Torres • JOHN S WANG by WayAnne Watson • KEVIN & JULIE SEARS by Timothy and Erin Cronin • LEE DUCK HWAN by Jung-yeon Lee • MYANMAR MISSION TRIP by Mic and Melissa McLaughlin • RICHARD & LANE FORD by Timothy and Erin Cronin • SOLD MY PRACTICE by Lily Brinckhaus-Florido • STEVE CHANG by Steve and Nancy Chang • THE GOODNESS OF GOD by John E and Joyce B Marter • WILFRED SHIU by Wilfred and Sheralene Shiu 9
A School Chaplain with a Vision POSITION: Church Planter LOCATION: Phnom Penh, Cambodia PROMISE-KEEPER: Thearith never expected to finish college. There were so many obstacles lying in his path. He promised God that if He made it possible, Thearith would serve Him. Amazingly, he graduated! Since God answered that prayer, Thearith kept his promise and has been working as a church planter since 2008. CHAPLAIN: Thearith also serves as chaplain at ASAP’s Feed and Read school. When he was hired as a church planter, he specifically asked to serve at a church close to the school so that he could do chapel every Friday. He knows the poor need much compassion and hands-on care. He chose to be a chaplain at the school so that he could influence the students and touch their parents. He loves to visit them in their homes and befriend the entire family. He was excited when his wife started teaching at the same school.
Scan this QR code or visit our podcast archives at to hear more of Thearith’s story in a podcast called Rit Didn’t Quit!
COMMUNITY SERVANT: When Thearith meets people who are jobless, he helps them become literature evangelists. Some are not even Christians, but as they begin selling Christian books, their hearts open and Thearith gives them Bible studies. Typically after about four to five months, they grow in their faith and several have even become baptized members.
Take Action Now: You have the exceptional opportunity to help Thearith lead others to Christ in Cambodia’s capital city of Phnom Penh, which is home to over 1.5 million people. It costs $160 a month to sponsor him or another Cambodian church planter. You may donate monthly or give a one-time gift of $1,920 to cover his stipend for an entire year. If the Lord has put it on your heart to take this step, please visit or call us at 1-866-365-3541 to begin sponsoring. Together, we can make a difference now and for eternity! 10
The Shan in Myanmar are Unreached Less than 1% of the 4,598,000 Shan have had the chance to know Jesus. Pray for the ASAP Missionaries working among them. Ask the Lord to rapidly spread truth to this special people group. Scan this QR code to learn more.
Tips for Witness: Don’t look for nice people. Typically when we are knocking on doors or handing out literature we want to meet someone who is friendly and receptive. Jesus, on the other hand, came to seek and save the lost. He sought out tax collectors and sinners like the Samaritan woman and even demoniacs. Nicelooking and kind people often do not feel a need for something new; people in trouble do. So pray and watch, then reach out with God’s love and an encouraging word. God will use you to show Jesus.
Many new ethnic tribal believers in the highlands of a closed country suffer during the cold, winter months. An ASAP missionary couple working with these people regularly encounter individuals in need of blankets. You can wrap them up in God’s love by providing them with physical warmth.
Stephen Erich has been serving in Cambodia for a year. He and his ministry partner Rotha Griswold recently held a vocational training program for Vietnamese students at a Feed and Read School. Enjoy watching the report of these young people excited to learn skills that will radically help them and their families have a better future.
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Scan this QR code or visit our podcast archives to see “Stephen and Rotha Equip the Poor”
ASI MEMBER ASAP Ministries has been a member of ASI (Adventist-layman’s Services and Industries) since 1996 and is grateful to be an ASI grant recipient.
EXECUTIVE EDITOR/DIRECTOR Julia O’Carey EDITOR/ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Scott Griswold COPY EDITOR Wayne Labins DESIGN/LAYOUT Sarah Lee BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Tom Evans, Judy Aitken, Christopher Carmen, Steve Chang, Deane Coridan, Chan and Esther Hwang, Julia O’Carey, Denzil McNeilus, Mary Ann McNeilus, Byron and Carol Reynolds, Saengthong Saengthip, Trudi Starlin
ASAP Ministries is fueled by mission-minded, faith-filled individuals whom God impresses. Be assured that 100% of your gift will go directly to the projects you specify. However, in the blessed event that the project you chose is fully funded, ASAP will use your gift for a similar project or where most needed to help spread the gospel and ease suffering in the countries ASAP operates. Because ASAP is a §501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your donations are tax-deductible.
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All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version® copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
ASAP serves people from the countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and Beyond! *At times, photos are blurred and names changed to protect the safety of God's workers.
It is the greatest pleasure of living to win souls to Christ. –D.L. Moody
Learn more about what ASAP Ministries is doing to spread the word of God, and find out the many ways that you can help!