September/October, 2006
Cover: A Cambodian SDA church member, eagerly searching the Word of God. Photo by Frank Spangler. See more of his photos at
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects Did you notice the Adventist Southeast Asia Projects’ newsletter publication does not have a name? ASAP would like to change that. We are considering selecting the name NOW! because there is no better time than the present to reach Southeast Asians for Christ. What do you think? We welcome your suggestions and feedback for a name.
All of the projects ASAP support focus on getting the gospel to people as soon as possible, fulfilling the great commission of Matthew 28:19-20. This is ASAP’s mission and reason for existing. ASAP accomplishes this mission using a two-fold method. First, ASAP supported national workers show God’s compassion to those around them by meeting their immediate needs, such as providing food for hungry mouths and clean water for villages in need. The result? Seeds are planted! Second, these trained national workers share Christ as soon as possible. The result? A transformation of hearts takes place, churches sprout up and souls are harvested for God’s Kingdom. ASAP nurtures these churches by providing financial and spiritual support to aid in their growth. 2
Director/Editor Judy Aitken Assistant Editor Julia O’Carey Copy Editors Jolene Roosenberg Shari Pottinger Linda Bauer Design/Layout Son Praises/ Margie Mitchell ASAP is a non-profit organization, a supporting ministry of the Seventhday Adventist Church. ASAP is fueled by faith in God and His provision through your financial support. One hundred percent of your gifts go directly to the projects specified. All donations are tax-deductible. Make this mission your mission and share it with others. NOW! is published bi-monthly by Adventist Southeast Asia Projects (ASAP). Please contact ASAP to receive your complimentary subscription or additional copies to share with friends and family. PO Box 84 Berrien Springs, MI 49103 Phone: 269-471-3026 Fax: 269-471-3034 Email: Web address:
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects
4 5 6 8 10
Director’s Update
“ASAP Family” Opportunities
Judy Aitken shares the exciting theme of this newsletter, “Until All Have Heard…Spread the Word!” Be inspired!
ASAP Experiences Growth Bruce Bauer shares some recent changes in staff within the ASAP team.
Personal Reflections on God’s Word Discover how the Bible has impacted the lives of ASAP’s church planters and those they reach out to.
Help Spread the Word about ASAP Check out ASAP’s resources and recommendations that will equip and enable you to confidently share this ministry with your friends and family. Five (Million) Star Accommodations and Other Excerpts from a Missionary’s Travel Log Read Pastor Khamsay Phetchareun’s exciting update on two church planting projects from villages nestled on the border of Cambodia. Let ASAP know if you are interested in taking a short-term mission trip.
Giving in Memory, Honor and Celebration
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Until All Have Heard…Spread the Word to Southeast Asians in the United States
Be inspired by the passion and commitment of ASAP family members as they partner with us!
Do You Carry a Weapon? Are You Skilled in Using It? Pastor Isah Young challenges us to utilize the most powerful weapon that is available to us. His illustration from a Vietnamese wedding brings his point home.
My All for Jesus; Vietnamese Pastor, Tan Dinh* Shares His Testimony with Pastor Isah Young. How does God speak to you? Pastor Tan Dinh shares his moving testimony and messages He received from God. In an interview with Judy Aitken, Pastor Son Nguyen shares his outreach to Vietnamese Americans, a group of people who urgently need to hear the gospel.
ASAP’s Wish List Join ASAP in praising God for His promise to meet all our needs. We trust that the Holy Spirit will impress you to give with your prayers and resources.
ASAP Follow-Up Judy shares what became of Sophie and her baby brother. Be prepared to smile!
“Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true. Many of the Jews believed, as did also a number of prominent Greek women and many Greek men” Acts 17:5 (NIV).
I LOOKED forward to the annual North Carolina Cambodian/American campmeeting. I was excited to relax by beautiful Lake Kerr and visit with special friends. Most of all, I anticipated the spiritual blessing I knew was in store. This year, the campmeeting coordinator, Thorn Hean, asked me to speak for several of the meetings, one being a Bible study. “Don’t be disappointed if there is a small turn-out since it is on Sabbath afternoon,” he cautioned. I assured him, “I always welcome the opportunity to study the Bible, even if no one shows and I study by myself!” Imagine my surprise when about half the campers gathered around with lawn chairs and blankets, Bibles in hand. With open hearts to study God’s Word, we eagerly searched the Scriptures, like the Bereans in the text above. Our Bible study focused on seeking to know Jesus Christ on an intimate, personal level. This high point of my summer reminded me of the blessings that come when one delves into the gold-mines of truths within the pages of God’s Word. As director of ASAP, I witness daily the Word of God spreading throughout Southeast Asia through a variety of venues. The 4
national pastors and Bible workers, supported by the ASAP family (that would be you), take to heart the theme of this newsletter, “Till All Have Heard…Spread the Word!” They have dedicated their lives to spreading His Word to those located in remote huts in small villages in forgotten out-of-the-way corners of Vietnam and to the masses of “invisible” sick, handicapped, poor, down-trodden of the dusty city of Phnom Penh. Their inspiring testimonies on page 6 further illustrate the impact God’s Word has in changing lives. Pastor Dieu Nga shared his favorite text, Matthew 28:19-20, with me during the recent Vietnamese training session. He said, “This text gives my members and me a desire to go out and work hard for Jesus in sharing His Word to everyone who will listen!” Pastor Nga and the other fearless leaders report that they see God’s Word touch the hearts of thousands they come in contact with. Many of these contacts had never heard of the truths from the Bible before discovering Peace & Happiness radio broadcasts or before they received a Bible, DVD sermon, or evangelistic tract. God impressed one member of our ASAP family, Denzil McNeilus, to spread the Word to Vietnam through DVD evangelism. God is giving Adventist Southeast Asia Projects
Chan and Esther Hwang and their Family
ASAP and the 350,000 Vietnamese who an opportunity to read the powerful words —-Members of the Central Korean SDA worship illegally in housechurches across in the Bible and that the government officers Church in Auburn, Washington Vietnam wisdom in how to most successfully in Vietnam will not confiscate the Bibles some spread the Word. have the privilege of owning. Despite the successes in proclaiming and It is exciting to see all over Southeast Asia spreading God’s Word, many still crave this how God’s Word is spreading in a mighty way precious gift. In one of the highland prov- and thousands receiving salvation in Jesus Christ inces of Vietnam, only 10 percent of the 2,300 as they believe and accept God’s promises. As members have Bibles. The pastors feel the Jesus said in John 17:39, “These scriptures tesurgency and look for ways to work faster, tify of Me.” On behalf of each individual life more efficiently and more passionately than touched for Christ because you provided them ever before to give each person the Word of with the Word of God, I thank you. ASAP God. Please pray that more people will have
by Bruce Bauer, Chair of the ASAP Board of Directors
leading in the work of ASAP over the past ten years. What started as Judy Aitken’s vision has grown and expanded to become a shared vision by hundreds of supporters in assisting God’s initiatives throughout Southeast Asia. The expanding house church movement in Vietnam, new work in Laos and Thailand, and the continuing projects in Cambodia have created more work in the home office than can be handled by Judy and a couple half time employees. Beginning in January, Shari Pottinger became ASAP’s second full-time worker. We want to thank Shari for her valuable contributions as Office Manager. Please pray for her and her husband, Trevan, as they begin ministering for the Lord in the Potomac Conference starting this December. Also, please pray for a qualified, mission-minded replacement for Shari’s position. We are happy to announce that Julia O’Carey, Judy Aitken’s daughter, has accepted the full-time position of Associate Director of ASAP as of July 1, 2006. For the past year, Julia has assisted half time as the Development Director and has been instrumental in introducing a fresh look to the ASAP
ASAP magazine. She will continue to give leadership in development, fund raising, and public relations. Julia shared her family’s experience working in the refugee camps in Thailand that created a passion for missions and an understanding of the needs in Southeast Asia. We welcome Julia, her husband, A.J., and daughter, Kaila, to the challenges and excitement of the ASAP family. ASAP
Julia O’Carey with her husband, A.J., and daughter, Kaila. 5
Personal Reflections on God’s Word From ASAP Church Planters Poung Sothy Jesus Christ is my number-one teacher! Everyday as I read my Bible, I get instruction in how to share His Word. The sixty adults, forty children and young people who attend my churches in Roveng City and Chambakblam Village each came to know God through studying the best textbook written, the Bible. Please pray for the ten people I currently am studying the Bible with.
Hin Theary Each new day I wake up excited, because I know God will send me someone to share the Bible with. One day God led me to Keo Sokha. After she complained to me about her illness and high blood pressure, I prayed for her and shared James 5:15, “The prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up.” I gave her advice on how to have good health. Praise the Lord! He kept His promise in His Word and healed her. She asked to know more about the God who has power to heal. But there was a problem. Ms. Sokha could not read. So I began a class for illiterate adults where I used the Bible and Bible lessons as textbooks. Now they have a bigger longing to read the Bible. Ms. Sokha accepted Jesus as her Savior and was baptized.
Ty Kiman One day when I was carrying my noodle pots on my shoulders and selling them door to door, a nice lady stopped me and told me, “Did you know this book tells about an amazing man 6
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects
named Jesus, who is the rice and noodles of life?” She offered to come to my house and teach me more about what the Bible says. When I accepted Jesus, He gave me much joy. During the four years since I became an Adventist I share Jesus as I sell noodles. One day I was asked by ASAP if I would like to be a church planter full time for God. This was such a happy day for me because I could now share God’s Word full time. I have been a church planter in this district for a year, and I have loved telling hundreds of people about Jesus and studying the Bible with anyone who asks me. I always share with them my favorite Bible text, John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” I want everyone whom I study with to have the same joy of being saved as I have.
Kongsri Pathee I am excited to tell you how God is blessing me to share His Word with the people of Kud-I-Thao District, Thailand. Every day I go out to visit house to house and witness to many people of the love of God. I also teach the Bible in three villages and I have a youth Bible study once a week. The light of God shines into their hearts as they study the Bible. This light of the Holy Spirit enables them to witness to people about Jesus Christ. People come from three villages on Sabbath to worship at my house. Last year the school director and his two teen-age children studied the Bible with me. They accepted the Lord and were baptized. Now his wife and daughter are studying the Bible with me. I praise God for using me to share the gospel with the people of my district.
Sear Seap From Monday through Thursday and again on Sabbath I ride my old bicycle six kilometers to teach the Bible in a village in Porseet Province where people have never heard the gospel. Before I begin teaching I always pray, “Father, please send the Holy Spirit to open our minds and help us understand Your truth in Your Word.” One day when I shared Psalm 86:7, “In the day of my trouble I will call to you, O Lord, for you will answer me,” Soum On, one of my Bible students asked the class, “Would all of you pray for my husband who drinks every night and beats me and my children?” The next week after we prayed, her husband also came to the Bible class. With his wife he decided to accept Jesus as his Savior. This showed me the power of Christ and His Word! ASAP
Do you feel passionate about getting the Word out to Southeast Asia? We do, and we would love to have your help! Consider the following ways you can share this exciting ministry. Here is the bottom line. The faster you share, the faster ASAP can reach Thai, Cambodian, Lao and Vietnamese with the gospel. Jesus said, “Go home to your friends and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you [and those in Southeast Asia], and how He has had compassion on you [and them]” (Mark 5:19 NKJV).
Make a Grand List Send ASAP the names and addresses of all the people in your personal network who would enjoy receiving ASAP’s newsletter.
Show ASAP Videos at Church Go into the Alleys (available in video or DVD) shares the inspiring story of how ASAP church planters are taking the message of God’s love to Cambodia. To All Who Thirst (available in video) features examples of how Christ’s living water is reaching thousands in the closed country of Vietnam. Light in Darkness (available in video) gives an overview of ASAP’s work in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Peace and Happiness in Vietnam (available in video) features the amazing way the Vietnamese radio ministry is bringing the gospel to Vietnam. 8
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects Photos by Frank Spangler
Share the ASAP Website Those close to you may also be seeking to make a difference in the world. Do them a favor by encouraging them to log on to
ASAP is on 3ABN-Pass This Along Encourage your friends to watch 3ABN every third Thursday of the month at 7:00 AM and each third Friday of the month at 5:30 PM Central time to hear inspirational stories taking place in Southeast Asia.
Represent ASAP at a Campmeeting Wouldn’t it be amazing if ASAP was represented in all fifty states next year? You could become one of ASAP’s representatives who give the gift of time. ASAP simply sends you the exhibit and resources to share.
Conduct an ASAP “Mission Spotlight” Energize church members with stories from the ASAP newsletter that touched your heart. Make Mission Spotlight time personal by sharing why you support ASAP! Ask ASAP to send out extra copies of the newsletters and the recently revised general brochure for you to share with the listeners.
Become a Missions Coordinator Become a committee of one and encourage your church or school group to take on a special ASAP project.
Intercede for ASAP in Prayer Jesus promises, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you” (John 15:7). Check out the prayer agenda on the ASAP website or contact ASAP directly so you and your prayer group can pray specifically. ASAP
Five (Million) Star Accommodations…and Other Excerpts from a Missionary’s Email Travel Log by Khamsay Phetchareun, BEd, BA, MSA, D.Min.
visit to ASAP’s church planting projects in Takong and Wangmuang, the Lao villages on the border of Cambodia. To sum it up, I was very happy and encouraged with the progress! The Lord has abundantly blessed His work there. At Takong, there are now about eighty attendees at church every Sabbath with half of them baptized. I was equally impressed with the progress at Wangmuang. The fifty students attending the school are hungry for the truth. Over twenty of them have requested baptism already. When I shared with them the Word of God, they asked me a lot of basic spiritual questions like, “Apart from believing in Jesus, is there anything else we need to doChurch to be saved?” planter, and “Why are there so many religions?” Pal Sopheap,The Lord was with me as we searched the in Scriptures for the answers. witnessing Our schools at the slums of Wangmuang and Takong are like lightPenh. houses, bringing hope to the Phnom extremely poor families who cannot afford to send their children to government schools which charge fees from time to time. The dedicated teach-
ers, Visien and Boh, are showing God’s love and giving young people the chance to learn the Lao language/culture and the good news of Jesus and salvation. I discovered from testing students’ reading ability that in less than a year of exposure to English, they were able to read it pretty well. There is no more room for students to squeeze into the schools even after I added six benches at Wangmuang. We need to build rather urgently. A plot of land was secured for the Takong school/church project in faith that funds will come from ASAP soon. The last tropical storm caused a lot of damage, even loss of lives. People who lived through it have been rebuilding their lives. However, when people live in very simple huts, which are next to cardboard houses, it is hard to recognize the extent of destruction after a few months. People of Wangmuang are certainly grateful for the help ASAP was able to give. Every time I visit, they also thank me for the
New believers at Wangmuang Village.
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects
water bore that still gives out much needed clean water. Besides teaching English, Lao, and Bible, Visien has done a great job with making our agricultural project work really well. They have cucumbers, beans, bananas, mangos, and other fruit trees. Please pray for Visien’s health as he has still not completely recovered from his bout of malaria. If it persists, he will need to come to Thailand to be treated. I feel we need to take good care of our ASAP workers! I admire their dedication and sacrifice to go and live in such primitive conditions away from family and friends. Communication is also very limited. When one gets sick while being so far from loved ones to care for them, it can be the lowest moments of one’s life. I have never heard Visian complain, though. In fact the doctor cautioned him not to work so hard. The impressive educational and spiritual progress of his students is fruit of his hard work, commitment and sacrifice to the Lord. Another worker named Jaisin will be joining Visien and Boh. Soon, they will all move to Wangmuang because Nimith 4 is too far away. Apart from the danger of being beaten by robbers, traveling in the rainy season is just not practical in this area. In some places the water is too deep to cross or the mud is too sticky for motorbikes to pass through. Although Visian and Boh displayed great skill in maneuvering through the muck, riding on the back of their motorbike on those roads
Seize the God-given Opportunities to Support the Building of Churches and Schools in Takong, Wangmuang, and Other Villages in ASAP Southeast Asia.
Pastor Khamsay, rejoicing over clean water, thanks God for impressing ASAP donors to give.
for almost an entire day was an experience I will never forget. I do not plan to hop on a motorbike again until the painful memory at least fades a little. The Lord impressed a family in Wangmuang to offer us a house for our workers to live in. When I offered to pay them they told me, “Only strangers charge each other rent, but close friends don’t. They can stay for free!” This statement indicates that the villagers in Wangmuang love Visien and see the benefits of his work there. To make sure that our projects are sustainable, we must train local, young people to lead out in the future. At the moment we have four mature Lao students who need scholarships to further their studies at Adventist institutions. If we train them, they will be equipped to take over the work some day. The highest educational level they can get locally is grade nine. Thank you for praying for my trip to Cambodia. I enjoyed sleeping in a five (million) star accommodation that I considered much better than a five star hotel. For those who cannot picture what I am talking about, a five million star accommodation is an open sky resort, where you sleep outside in God’s nature and look up at the millions of stars God created. The impact of our work in these villages extends far and wide and cannot be measured. Thank you for your support! May (Continued on page 23) 11
IS GOD IMPRESSING YOU to help the people in Southeast Asia in a practical, personal way? ASAP Dr. Mary Ann McNeilus assessing a sick currently knows of lady in Cambodia. three churches that are considering mission trips. Please let the staff at ASAP know if you are interested in spending time encouraging a church group in Cambodia or taking a couple weeks off to use the gifts He gave you to bless others.
Please join these ASAP family members as they remember and honor special people in their lives and as they celebrate memorable occasions. Also, keep them in your prayers because “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer” 1 Peter 3:12. ASAP appreciates these gifts given to further God’s work in Southeast Asia: In memory of Elma Manske, from Harlin and Shirley Carey In memory of Mr. Milton Kesler, from Mrs. Yvonne Kesler In honor of Stephanie Jaeger and Justin McNeilus’ wedding, from Lorna Lukens In celebration of his eightieth birthday, from Johannes Nikkels ASAP welcomes designated gifts given in memory, honor or celebration of a loved one. If you would like to do so, simply write your wishes on the gift and send it in the response envelope along with the name and address of individuals to whom we can send acknowledgement/sympathy. 12
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects
e extend a heart-felt THANK YOU to the following ASAP family who give above and beyond to further God’s work in Southeast Asia.
ASAP board members, who are a support in many ways throughout the year. We appreciate Bruce Bauer (chair), William & Yvonne Dysinger, Mary Ann McNeilus, Ralph & Beatrice Neall, Byron & Carol Reynolds, Robin Riches, Trudi Starlin, Kenneth Straw and Max & Linnea Torkelsen. Denzil McNeilus, President of the Sterling Bank, who spear-headed the DVD Evangelism project in Vietnam. ASI (Adventistlaymen’s Services and Industries) provided DVD players for Vietnamese house churches and Denzil, along with Mike Ryan, taught the pastors how to use them as evangelistic tools. The players and New Beginnings Evangelistic DVDs were put to use right away and are reaching thousands of souls for Christ in communist Vietnam, a country that forbid public evangelism. This DVD method of evangelism creatively brings the gospel to many who would not have a chance to hear it through traditional evangelistic methods. Michael Ryan, Vice President of the GenASAP
Denzil McNeilus in Cambodia.
eral Conference of SDA, who helped train the ASAP supported Vietnamese pastors and Cambodian church planters. They were greatly encouraged by his words. Kim Hakeem, who helps the ASAP office staff with the appeal letter. ASAP Representatives, who shared the mission at campmeetings and conferences across the United States. Thank you, Robin and Lamorna Riches (Wyoming), Mary Ann McNeilus (Michigan), Minh Pham (Florida), Ko and Terri Saelee (Minnesota and Wisconsin), Steve Nakamura (Northern California Redwood), Isaiah, Mai, Abbey, and Andrew Duong and Linnea Torkelsen (ASI, Texas). Central Korean SDA Church, under the leadership of Martin Kim, their pastor, and Calvin Kim, the missions coordinator, support specific ASAP projects through monthly mission offerings. God never fails to answer their faith-filled prayers and miraculously provide. ASAP 13
Do You Carry a Weapon? Are You Skilled in Using it? by Pastor Isah Young
Scripture for more than twelve years, I recall the day that I knelt down and prayed: “Lord, I accept this is your holy and living Word. From now on I will never question your Word again. I will obey what you reveal to me and what is unclear, one day you will open my mind to understand.” From that very moment, a transformation took place within me as well as with the work of the Lord which I was called to do. The Bible says, “The sword of the Holy Spirit is the Word of God” (Ephesians 6:20). This sword is part of the armor which each Christian should put on. I have thought about the armor of the Holy Spirit for many years. Everything a soldier headed for battle equips himself with, the shoes, the helmet, flak jacket, bullet-proof vest, etc., all serves a defensive purpose. This is true for everything except the weapon (sword in Bible times, gun in today’s war). The weapon is the only re-
source a soldier has to attack. The enemy does not fear what a soldier wears, only the weapon used against him. The more skillful a soldier is with his weapon, the more the enemy will be intimidated. Let us turn to our spiritual battlefield. We will not make any progress, will not hurt the enemy, and will not even scare the enemy if we do not carry with us the Word of God as our Sword, our one and only valuable weapon. Of course it is to our advantage to sharpen our skill in using the Bible. An intimate familiarity with scripture will prove effective in keeping even the worst of our enemies at bay. Let us NOT be defeated. We have been given the resource vital to our defense as well as our offense. Keep your Bible close so we can scare the enemy at the initial moment of contact. Furthermore, the text assures us that “the sword of the Holy Spirit is the Word of God.” In other words, if we do not open the pages
By Giving $5.00 You Provide a Vietnamese Warrior with the Most Powerful Weapon, the Bible. 14
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects
of Scripture, the Holy Spirit is handicapped to attack the enemy. If God’s people don’t actively utilize the potential effectiveness wrapped up within the pages of the Bible, we do the Holy Spirit a great disservice. Just as the weapon is critical on the battle field, it is vitally necessary for God’s people to emphasize the Holy Spirit everyday to make progress on the battlefield of life. You may wonder why a soft-spoken pastor such as myself is addressing the issue of warfare. I do so out of the knowledge and continual reminders from our believers in Vietnam who have adopted this philosophy of biblical warfare in their battle to win souls for Christ. We, the people of the house church movement in Vietnam, use everything that we have, every means that God provides, every opportunity which the Lord opens, to supply the Word of God to the people. We provide God’s Word by whatever means is available: through pamphlets, VCD format, in DVD’s, cassette tapes, CD format, drama format, song books, books, but most importantly, through the Bible itself. Everywhere our people go, they bring with them their weapon and an extra one to share. When they are on buses they share through giving literature or by asking the driver to let people hear the tape or CD over the bus PA system. They share when they are in the restaurants and at schools. Recently, at a wedding with about 500 guests (which the government gave permission to conduct), the father of the bride, who is an Adventist church member, used the sixty minute SDA evangelism DVD called “New Beginnings” to show on a television at the reception for interested guests. It included preaching and singing as well as the truth about the Sabbath. Many of the wedding guests watched the program and then re-
Pastor Isah Young, praying with Vietnamese pastors.
quested more programs like what they saw. He then showed three more one-hour programs. As a result, the Holy Spirit worked in the hearts of people and twelve surrendered their lives to Christ on the spot! About thirty guests asked to have Bible Studies, and two Sunday-keeping groups have now decided to keep the Sabbath from this one act of sharing the Word. We will never know the full impact, the full potential of the Holy Spirit at work. But what we do know is that the key to unlocking the power of the Holy Spirit lies in our use and reliance on Scripture. The Bible–the Sword of the Holy Spirit–is the power we need to face the enemy in Vietnam and the power we need daily to face the enemy in our personal lives. It is my prayer that God will richly bless whoever reads the words of this article. May the Lord give you wisdom to sow the seed of the Word of God in the hearts of others wherever you go. Thank you very much for supporting the Vietnam house church movement and the Peace and Happiness radio ministry so that we can sow the seed of the Word in Vietnam. We are in war for Christ and He has equipped us with a powerful weapon. I challenge you to sharpen your skill in using this powerful weapon, the Bible, and furthermore give this resource to others through your support of evangelism in Southeast Asia. ASAP
“The Bible— the Sword of the Holy Spirit—is the power we need to face the enemy.”
My All For Jesus Vietnamese Pastor, Tan Dinh, shares his testimony to Pastor Isah Young
COMMUNIST FAMILY. My father, an officer of the Communist government, sent me to schools where I was educated to follow in his footsteps. I worked for the government awhile, but got fed up with the corruption in the system so one day I quit my job. At that time I felt depressed and began drinking, smoking and taking drugs such as marijuana. I became involved with gambling, but still felt unhappy and depressed. I supported myself and my bad habits by doing small construction jobs. One day as I was doing work for a man from the tribes, I saw a Bible on his table. I opened the first page and read Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heaven and earth.” I remember thinking, “This teaching is surprisingly different than what I grew up with! You mean maybe man has an origin and there is a God?” As I read the whole story of creation I felt impressed that the words I read were true. Excited I thought, “If God created me, then He may have some meaning and purpose for my life.” To my surprise, when the owner of 16
the house came in the room and saw me reading his Bible instead of working, he said with a smile, “Do you want to borrow that book? It’s really good!” From that moment, I knew we would be friends. I couldn’t wait that day to get home and read more of the Bible. As my eyes read the words, my mind raced with the new hope growing in my heart. I began attending the Christian Sunday-keeping church regularly after my friend invited me. It was not long before I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. My church family circled around me in prayer and I was set free from all my addictions. I discovered that God is powerful and strong. He brought me so much joy and led me to my wonderful, supportive wife, Minh. It was about four years after joining my friend’s church that a lady walked up to me in a restaurant and asked me, “Are you a Christian?” I enthusiastically answered, “Yes, I am!” After we talked a long time about Jesus and His salvation, she gave me two books, “Truth About the Sabbath” and “Is Sunday a Holy Day?” I put the two books in the corner of my room and forgot them. One day I read in the Bible that God is calling His people to not harden their hearts (Heb 4:7). Immediately after reading those verses someone told me, “Go pick up the two books the lady gave you and read them with your wife.” After we read through them, we shared with each other what impressed us and cried as Adventist Southeast Asia Projects
we realized we had found a deeper truth and understanding. God helped us locate the lady who gave me the books. She promptly led us to an Adventist house church. After joining this sincere, loving group of believers, my wife and I dedicated our lives to telling other people about the true Sabbath. We became pioneer missionaries to share the gospel with God’s people in an unreached province of Vietnam. We think there is no better job on earth, even though it has taken our family during the last six years to many dangerous, risky places. It was not long before the police discovered that we were witnessing and sharing the good news of salvation. I was arrested and taken to the police station for interrogation and then sent to the higher police authority which is the district level. After interrogating me for two weeks, they ordered me to leave the city. My family and I promptly moved to another province. We only lived for one month in the new city when the police again arrested me. They ordered, “Stop talking about God to the people of this city!” In my mind I knew I could not stop because many people in this city were asking me to teach them. When I did not stop, some people in the city from a different church felt threatened and reported
us to the police. I was again arrested and ordered to check in at the police station every day for one month. They confiscated all our religious materials. They interrogated me every day for eight hours a day. They talked about sending me to a reeducation camp. One reason that they did not send me away was that one police officer defended me by telling the other officers that I had a wife and two small children to care for. Instead, they gave me a citation and fined me. They asked me to take my family and leave the province immediately. The next day the policemen came to my house to escort us out of town. They forcibly took my family and me to the river where a boat was waiting for us and they sent us away cautioning, “Never return here again.” We left with nothing but the assurance that there are many strong SDA underground house churches in that town who are faithful to God and who continue to worship Him every Sabbath. I thank God that everywhere I have been there are people who I can witness to and share Christ’s salvation with. God has blessed me to raise up groups of house churches in every single location He has led us. The 340 believers I led to Christ and His truth, whom I keep in contact with, are all faithfully still worshipping on Sabbath in house churches. (Continued on next page 22)
“We became pioneer missionaries… there is no better job on earth.”
Interview with Pastor Son Xuan Nguyen, Seattle Washington by Judy Aitken Background Information IN 1996, IT WAS WITH MUCH EXCITEMENT that I heard the news that Son Xuan Nguyen would be arriving in the USA. His reputation as a dedicated, sincere Vietnamese pastor preceded him. Pastor Nguyen was given the opportunity to leave Vietnam when the Communists over-took the country. Instead, however, he chose to stay behind to ensure the Adventist church remained intact. “Despite the risk to myself and my family, I felt that God wanted me to continue leading the work of the SDA Church in Vietnam, and to be present for the members,” he told me. During the fifteen years he served as president of the mission, he endured countless incidences of harassment, imprisonment, and interrogation for his faith. The Interview Fast forward to July 21, 2006 in the humble, small church in south Seattle where I sit with Pastor Nguyen and his wife Minh. Pastor Nguyen has now been living in the USA for ten years. I am eager to question this soft-spoken, yet fiercely dynamic and determined disciple of God. As you hear his earnest replies, I am sure you will be as touched as I was by his passion and love for the Lord and His Word. 18
Pastor Nguyen, it is a privilege to talk to you. I realize what an adjustment it is to move to a new country. The language barrier, financial challenges and employment needs are usually overwhelming for most immigrants. However, you began working for the Lord soon after your arrival. How was that possible? God provided the way. I thank Him for opening the door for me to continue working for Him in ministry to my people. We first settled in Milpitas, CA, close to my wife’s elderly parents. I continued to preach and spread God’s Word as a volunteer pastor of the Vietnamese Milpitas company. After praying for guidance, I felt impressed to work in Vietnamese radio as a means to reach them.
Can you share with our ASAP family one way God used you to witness during that time? A dear friend named Pham Ngoc An comes to mind! Right after he arrived in America he got a call from his cousin who shared Jesus Christ with him over the phone. His cousin advised him to find a Seventh-day Adventist Church to learn more. So Mr. An did just that. He looked in the yellow pages, asked around Adventist Southeast Asia Projects
and finally located the SDA church I was working at. He was delighted! He and his wife began attending regularly and started Bible studies with me. At that time Mr. An worked in a factory like I do. We are often asked to work overtime which regularly falls on Saturday. When Mr. An learned of the importance of keeping Sabbath, he approached his employer about not working on Sabbaths. He was sure this would result in his dismissal. Instead, they granted his wish and have never asked him to work on Sabbaths again. Mr. An now serves as an elder in his church and teaches Sabbath School every week. He considers giving Bible studies one of his favorite activities. His well-marked Bible is evidence of the many hours he spends in it.
Update us on where your ministry is today! In January 2000 I moved to Seattle where I began planting a church among Vietnamese people who expressed an interest. The Lord has blessed greatly during the past six years. We presently have thirty-six members, with five new believers who are studying and wish to become members following baptism. Furthermore, we have a growing group of
young people who are reaching out to the community as well. Currently, I do everything in my power to continue to serve God in the hours left when I am not working at the factory. The day of Jesus’ coming is nearer. I feel an urgency to reach those who are seeking. I am compelled to spread the gospel to Vietnamese people through every means of outreach possible.
Tell me more about the Vietnamese radio ministry you do in Washington now. So far, God has greatly blessed the radio broadcast. Many people listen and are interested in our truth. Home visitation has also proved very effective. There is an interest in the community for me to do this full-time. The radio ministry often results in requests for Bible study and more literature. I feel that much headway has been made in recent years in this community. I also attend the Vietnamese community programs where I meet people and have more opportunity to share tracts and books. Let me tell you about seventy-seven year old Luong My, who did not know what he was searching for. This is because in the past (Continued on next page 20)
(From left to right) Mr. My Luong, Pastor Son Nguyen, Minh Truong and Judy Aitken. ASAP
six years he has changed denominations three times. The most recent switch took place when he found the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Last December, I met Luong and we chatted about his faith. He began telling me about a radio program that preached the truth about the seventh-day Sabbath. “I keep looking for that church, but I believe it is a principle and there is not an actual place of worship in this area,” he told me. Imagine his surprise when I disclosed that I am the speaker of that radio program. He was so happy and immediately began to study the Bible with me. Since he began attending church in January, he has never missed a single Sabbath.
nities in Washington. I dream to someday reach all the Vietnamese living in America. Vietnamese people living in America need God just as badly as those living elsewhere.
I understand you rely heavily on the Bible in your ministry.
Your ASAP family would like to see you devote all your time in outreach to grow the SDA Vietnamese church you have begun. (A big smile emerging from teary eyes) Thank you! I hold myself accountable to each person who helps to support me in God’s work. I look forward to thanking you again next year by providing a report of a harvest that has been reaped for the Lord. My ASAP family is a gift from God. Thank you. Thank you. I ask that you and ASAP friends continue to pray for my wife and me as we work to accomplish our ministry as part of the preparation for Jesus Christ’s soon coming.
God’s Word is the nutritious food that is my source of life, vital for living in this dark world. I repeatedly experienced God’s power to protect me in Vietnam as I clung to promises in His Word. That same power is alive and present today in America. I believe that Bible study is critically important for all Christians today in order to be prepared for what lies ahead.
What are your dreams? My purpose in life is to give God’s Word to the 90,000 living in Vietnamese commu-
What are ways that your ASAP family can assist your ministry? I have simple needs such as a projector so I can have evangelistic meetings on Sabbath afternoons and Sundays, as well as big needs, such as time (he laughs). To be given the opportunity to work full-time for God would be wonderful. Every day at the factory I think of outreach needs that I am unable to fulfill due to time constraints. I continue to pray for this daily. I leave this matter in His hands.
Join ASAP in planting Southeast Asian churches in the United States. Sponsor workers like Pastor Son Nguyen and help them reach their people for Christ. It’s a mission on your doorstep! 20
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects
Evangelism in Cambodia, Thailand and Laos Bibles and evangelistic literature: $20,000
Evangelism in Vietnam Vietnamese Bibles and evangelistic literature: $60,000 Hymnbooks and Bible lessons: $20,000 DVD players and sermon tapes: $50,000
Radio Ministry in Vietnam Radios (5,000) @ $10 each: $50,000
Literacy Schools in Cambodia Teachers’ stipends, schools, Bibles and teaching materials: $47,000
Church Buildings Brick churches (5): $85,000 Bamboo & thatch churches (10): $6,000 Vietnamese house church additions and repairs (20) @ $500 each: $10,000
Transportation for National Workers Motorbikes (30) @ $450 each: $13,500 Bicycles (100) @ $60 each: $6,000
Humanitarian Assistance Emergency rice/food: $10,000 Wells (20) @ $150 each: $3,000 Feeding programs for children and babies: $12,000 AID/HIV Victims: $12,000
Training for Lay Workers Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand and Laos: $25,000 Health evangelism training: $8,000
Church Planting Support for Southeast Asian Groups in the United States Vietnamese Pastor Nguyen (Seattle, WA) $400/month: $4,800 Laotian Pastor Saengthip (Sacramento, CA) @ $500/month: $6,000 Hmong Pastor Ko Saelee, (WI and MN) @ $500/month: $6,000 Vietnamese lay worker Minh Pham (Orlando, FL) @ $300/month: $3,600 Photo by Frank Spangler
My All For Jesus Continued from page 17 We keep having the same story repeated. Persecution seems to follow me wherever I go probably because I cannot stop speaking about Jesus Christ to whomever I meet. At the third province where my family and I settled the police arrested, imprisoned me for a week and beat me everyday. When they released me they threatened to imprison me longer if I did not give up preaching and teaching the gospel. When I returned home from the police station, I remember lying on the bed, not wanting to move because of the pain from the bruises and open wounds. I remember feeling a silence, an emptiness. Even though my body hurt more than it ever had in my life, I didn’t think about that. I wanted to connect with Jesus. Then suddenly, a quiet voice (not audible, but very clear) told me, “Get up and go to your secret place on the mountain to pray.” I didn’t know how I could physically do that, but I pulled myself out of bed, knowing that healing for my soul was in store. Up on the mountaintop I cried, “God, please help me. Please show me your grace, your mercy!” While I was praying I had a vision. I saw myself standing on the mountain as I looked down to the valley. I saw a column of smoke and people walking mindlessly into the fire to die. I then heard a voice saying, “Do you want to keep the love that I give you for yourself? Go and share My love with the people whom I send you to.” At that moment, I said, “Yes, Lord! I commit my life to you fully. I WILL continue to seek those who wish to be saved. I will never stop 22
obeying you. My family and I will always go where you send us.” I fell down with my face to the ground and prayed, “Please guide me, Lord!” I prayed in this manner, most of the day. As evening approached, I again heard a voice that again said the same words that I had heard before, “Do you want to keep the love that I give for yourself? Go and share My love with the people whom I send you to.” This time, the caveat, “I will save 10,000 souls through your witness” was added. Again I prayed to God, renewing my commitment to follow Him. I experienced an indescribable peace; a peace that I knew only came from God, a peace that strengthened my spirit. I know these visions were a directive from the Lord, spelling out His will. I will never waver in my assurance that my family and I are doing His will for our lives. We continue to travel to villages, make contacts, begin churches and work until we are thrown out of that town by the local authorities. My boss is God. I work for Him. He is stronger and more powerful than all the authorities in Vietnam put together. He is above all, especially human laws. Because I have a lengthy record with the Vietnamese authorities, the persecution and arrests increase in severity each time. This is a small price to pay for the privilege of following God’s directive for my life. It is an honor to follow Jesus and I am willing to give my life for His service. ASAP
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects
Do You Remember Sophie? Exactly one year ago, Sophie, a little girl from the slums of Phnom Penh, was featured on the cover of ASAP’s newsletter. Judy Aitken shared how Sophie was left to care for her malnourished baby brother after her mother had passed away. Her father went to work for ten hours a day, earning just $2.00, not an adequate income to provide for his children. Judy reports, “During my recent trip to Cambodia, I couldn’t Above: Sophie’s wait to see Sophie and brother being her brother and find out held by lay Bible how they were doing. worker, Kong Each day they had been Chan Sopheap. given food, love, trainLeft: Sophie ing in the Word of God and motherly care from Kong Chan Sopheap, a Seventh-day Adventist ever, the dramatic lay Bible worker. The changes in Sophie and her changes in these two brother are a reminder kids amazed me. Tears that through Christ, we of joy filled my eyes as I can change the world one hugged Sophie tight and saw her eyes dance life at a time. With your dedicated support, as she smile and laughed. Instead of brittle hair we will continue to reach out a compassionand yellowish, flaky, malnourished skin, her ate hand to the many Sophie’s-the hungry, brother radiated with the same good health as destitute children in the slums of Phnom Penh his sister.” and provide them with not only the physical Those of us working for ASAP realize that food they need to survive, but the spiritual we cannot change the world overnight. How- food from the Word of God. ASAP Five (Million) Star Accommodations… Continued from page 11 the Lord continue to bless you, ASAP family, everyone you love, and everything you do, as He is blessing the first mission work ever in the Wangmuang and Takong Villages. Editor’s Note: Although Pastor Khamsay Phetchareun works full-time as a professor ASAP
of religion at Mission College in Muak Lek, Thailand, he spends his precious free time volunteering as Missions Coordinator for the Lao ASAP work. ASAP is truly blessed to have him oversee many of the growing projects. Please pray for him and his family as they serve the Lord in every capacity God calls them to. ASAP 23
P.O. Box 84, Berrien Springs, 49103