ASAP Newsletter, 2nd Quarter 2008

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SECOND Quarter, 2008

Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Special Feature: ASAP Mission Trip 2008 Real-Life Miracles in Southeast Asia



Real-Life Miracles from Vietnam by isah young


Real-Life Miracles from Thailand by MARY ANN MCNEILUS

Meet Dan Bai

Meet Wichien Songsawatwong



medical missionary/TEACHER

Real-Life Miracles from Laos by BOONPRANEE WANNADEE

Meet Jong Lau


The Plight of the Karen by carol reynolds

Church planter


Special Feature: ASAP Mission Trip 2008 by julia o’carey

Thank you Tim & Wendy Maddocks! by ken pak

IN EVERY ISSUE 3 Director’s Update BY Judy Aitken 4 the inner view BY thorn hean

Not in Vain

10 ASAP Family Connections by Julia O’Carey


11 Snapshot of ASAP’s Finances by Karen Wade 23 In Loving Memory & honor 24 A Giver’s Heart by Martin Kim 25 P.S. we love hearing from you!

Second Quarter 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects ASAP is a registered 501(c3), non-profit organization and is fueled by faith in God and His provision through individuals’ financial support. Please note that 100% of your gifts go directly to the projects specified. All donations are tax-deductible.

CONTACT US Adventist Southeast Asia Projects PO Box 84 Berrien Springs, MI 49103

ASAP publishes this newsletter quarterly. Please contact the office to receive your complementary subscription, or for additional copies to give to family and friends.


ASI MEMBER ASAP has been a member of ASI (Adventist-layman’s Services and Industries) since 1996 and is grateful to be an ASI grant recipient. EXECUTIVE EDITOR/DIRECTOR Judy Aitken EDITOR/ASSociate DIRECTOR Julia O’Carey COPY EDITORS Linda Bauer, Adrienne Redding DESIGN/LAYOUT Sarah Lee | PHOTOGRAPHY Frank Spangler | ASAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Bruce Bauer, Judy Aitken, Max & Linnea Torkelsen, Mary Ann McNeilus, Ralph & Beatrice Neall, Byron & Carol Reynolds, Robin Riches, Trudi Starlin, Kenneth Straw

1-866-365-3541 269-471-3026 269-471-3034

ON THE COVER A young new believer in Southeast Asia learns the power of prayer during the Cambodia campmeeting. Photo by Alden J. Ho Photography

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation, for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.” (Romans 1:16) When you first laid eyes on the theme of this newsletter, “Real-Life Miracles” what came to mind? Did these three words immediately cause you to think of Jesus and the many miracles He performed when He walked this earth? Did a life-changing miracle that happened to you surface in your memory? Or did a seed of doubt or questioning creep into your consciousness in regards to true divine intervention in this day and age? We chose to feature real-life miracles in this issue because the ASAP team recently visited Southeast Asia and all throughout the trip we heard amazing stories testifying to God’s supernatural power at work in many individuals’ lives. If we attempted to write all the miracle stories we heard in this issue it would take hundreds of pages. We prayerfully selected some of these stories to share with you for the purpose of giving God the glory He deserves. He is alive and well, working in mighty ways in Southeast Asia. As you read this issue, you will discover a wide variety of miracles featured. Take for example, Mrs. Lai, whom God miraculously led to the church (see The Inner View, page 4). I am sure that you would agree that the greatest miracle of all is the new birth one experiences when surrendering his or her life over to the Lord. We will introduce you to Dan Bai and Than Hien whose lives were transformed when they accepted Jesus and the new life in Him. On page 7 you will experience the miracle of their conversion from Buddhism and also how God miraculously protects them as they spread God’s Word as evangelists in Vietnam. Also, celebrate with the ASAP team and the campmeeting attendees over the miracle of new birth for 390 men and women, boys and girls, who received God’s gift of salvation through baptism (see the special featured trip report, page 10). When the miracle of new birth takes place, the devil becomes angry. Please keep these believers in your daily prayers. My prayer is that as you read the miraculous events within these pages, your faith in God and belief in His power will grow. I urge you to pray fervently in the name of Jesus for God to intervene regarding any sickness, sin problem or hardship you are going through. Then you, too, will join your Southeast Asian brothers and sisters in giving God the praise and glory He deserves.


Judy Aiken, ASAP Director

the inner view

P ASAP Church Planter Sous Nath By thorn hean

Pastor Thorn Hean sat down with ASAP Church Planter Sous Nath who shared the inner workings of his ministry. Read his interview to discover the way God is working in the Kampot province of Cambodia. Q: Are you enjoying the campmeeting? A: Yes! I am in charge of the sound system for the meetings and am happy that all the logistics are done. Now I can relax and listen to the messages. Q: How has your ministry grown or changed in the past year? A: I have four churches that I oversee. I praise God that eighteen more families were added to the churches in the last year. Seven people will be baptized during this campmeeting. Q: What strategies do you use to reach people for Christ? A: I love people so I get to know them and clearly communicate with them. I pray first and witness to the head of the household then the rest of the family often become interested. I find out what their needs are and then try to help them any way I can. I help many people through prayer and natural remedies. ASAP funded a well in one village and a worship group has been formed as a result. People come with horse carts and buckets for water as far as a kilometer away. Now Jesus has become a well within these people and they are filled with His living water! Q: What are some of the challenges of being a church planter? A: Traveling far by moped from village to village over the mountains and hills in my district can be challenging. Gasoline prices are high. When I run out of money to buy gasoline, I experience the miracle that my bike can run on empty for a long time. I know this is because I pray. Q: Tell us what is rewarding about your work. A: Being a church planter is a lot of work but it is worth it because in the end I will see all the families I brought to Christ in heaven. It also is very rewarding for me to see how committed the church members are to God and the church. For instance, in one village, the church members gave their land to build a church and rallied a team to go into the mountains to cut down wood to build the church. They share everything with my family and me. For instance, the gardener shares his fruit, the farmer his rice and the one who has a truck will drive me to places when I cannot use my moped.

PHOTO CAPTIONS TOP RIGHT: (left to right) Sous Nath, ministering to a family in need. Mrs. Lai pouring over the Bible with her six-year-old daughter, Sous Nath, joyously serves the Lord.


Second Quarter 2008 ď‚˜ Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Q: Have you or a church member experienced an answer to prayer lately? A: Mrs. Lai, a 39-year-old farmer who lives on the border of Cambodia and Vietnam has experienced many answers to prayer. She had no hope or desire to live when she happened to tune in to the Voice of Love and Hope radio broadcast where she heard Pastor Sophat Sorn’s comforting voice preach a simple message of how the Lord could give her new life. Five years prior, her husband left her for another woman. For years demons tormented her body, causing her to live in constant pain and fear. She knelt down by the radio and prayed that God would come in her heart and help her find a church. The next Sabbath, she left her home with her five-year-old daughter at 4:00 in the morning and traveled 248 kilometers before she arrived at an SDA church. She first traveled to Phnom Penh. It was a miracle she found a church because she did not have a name or an address. She merely asked a taxi driver if he knew of a Christian church and he brought her to one in Kompong Cham Province. She told me, “Even though it cost me a lot of money to make the big trip, I was happy that God guided me!” The pastor of the church told her about my church that was closer to her house (100 kilometers away). When she came the next Sabbath, five elders and I prayed in the name of Jesus that the demons would leave her alone. God made her well and she became a strong witness in her village. Q: WHAT PRAISES OR PRAYER REQUESTS ARE ON YOUR HEART? A: Please pray for Mrs. Lai. The village chief and police in her village have arrested her and have forbidden her to share the Good News. They have threatened her life if she continues to spread the gospel. They will not let her have anything to do with me or the church. They seized her land and home and now she cannot enter her village. Pray that the authorities will open their hearts to accept Jesus. Please pray for the New Beginnings seminar I will lead out in, that many will accept God as their Savior. Also pray that I can plant two new churches this year. I praise God that he meets all my needs. I lack very little, for God provides for me daily. I have a friend who makes $500 per month but his family and life are falling apart. I would never exchange my life for my friends because serving Jesus brings me joy. —————————————————————————————————————— A bout the Author ——————————————————————————————————————

Thorn Hean attended the Cambodia Mission Trip 2008. Being back in his homeland for the first time in 30 years and seeing the way God is working there was truly an emotional and inspirational experience for him. Hean pastors in North Carolina and was recently ordained into the ministry. He has a loving, supportive wife, Phalla, and two children, Samantha and Emmanuel.

Web: | Phone: 1-866-365-3541



Real-Life Miracles from Vietnam By Isah Young PRAYER FOCUS

Please pray that nothing will hinder the awesome work of God carried out by Isah Young and the extensive force of national missionaries who are involved in the rapidly expanding underground house-church movement.

The providence of God through supernatural intervention currently plays just as powerful a role in the work of the underground housechurch movement in Vietnam as it did centuries ago in the Book of Acts. Even though we face numerous enemies with far superior talents, I sense the amazing presence and guiding hand of the Lord at work in every word we speak, every email we write, every sermon we preach, and every decision we make. I believe the Lord provides this intimate, miraculous guidance for

For instance, many times, I have seen how after I instruct lay pastors to go evangelize in a dangerous area, the Lord blinds the enemies’ eyes to protect them. I conclude that when we fully surrender to God, we experience obvious miracles, as the following story demonstrates. Mr. Nguyen*, a fifty-two year-old Vietnamese house-church member, had a tumor. His family prepared for his funeral after hearing the doctors say there was no hope for him. Around that time Pastor Do Tien* went out to do evangelism, but was arrested by the police and thrown in jail for three days. The day he was released his wife said, “You better go over to visit Mr. Nguyen because he is dying.” Pastor Tien responded, “I do not think he is going to die.” He did go to visit the extended family of Mr. Nguyen and took the opportunity to preach to them. He told them that the cause of disease is sin and the cure for sin is Jesus Christ. He added that if they believe in Jesus Christ, He can cure their sin because He died on the cross for them. He told them if he had money, he would lend it to them, but money would not help them now. Every person in the house was touched by the Holy Spirit, accepted Jesus in their hearts and prayed, confessing their sins. Right after that Mr. Nguyen was miraculously healed. Recently Mr. Nguyen purchased a moped and dedicates all his time to share DVDs and the Good News of a powerful God to others.

I know without a doubt that if I delay in obeying that small voice speaking to me, the lives of many people will be in danger. the purpose of building up a strong movement that is calling the Vietnamese people to turn to God their Creator. When I follow the small voice of the Lord that urges me to go forward with these actions, even though I do not always see the clear outcome right away, I never fail to discover that the end result is the best possible scenario. I know without a doubt that if I delay in obeying that voice, the lives of many people will be in danger.


*Names changed for the safety of God’s faithful servants.

A GIFT OF A DVD CHANGED HIS LIFE Today, for only $65, YOU can give a gift of a DVD (set of sermons) and player that will make a difference for eternity. Mr. Hoang first heard about God from a simple sermon on a DVD given to him by one of the lay pastors. Knowing God transformed his life and now he is in the business of sharing his newfound hope with others. Your $65 for this evangelistic tool will not only reach one person, like Mr. Hoang, but whole villages!


Second Quarter 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects



Meet Dan Bai* “God protects us in every dangerous situation.” Position Lay Pastor Location Vietnam Main Goal To visit, encourage, teach, preach and train the house-church leaders and members in their district and to actively spread the gospel to new people. How to Help You can partner with lay pastors like Dan Bai and Hein Than by sending $50 per month for their stipend and to provide Bibles, DVDs and evangelistic materials.

*Name has been changed and pictures blurred for the safety of the individuals.


We prayed for strength.”

TWO DREAMS, ONE MEANING, ONE CALL Eight years ago my wife and I accepted Jesus

into our hearts and left our Buddhist traditions and beliefs behind. Six months later God gave me a vivid dream where a large procession of elephants with tribal people riding them, came up to my house. To my surprise, my wife had the exact same dream on the same night. We were not sure what it meant at that time, but a year later, when the church asked us to work with the tribal people in the mountains, we knew that the call was from God. He used this dream to prepare our hearts to accept this call. Now many tribal people stream down from the mountains to our home for training each year.

A DANGEROUS JOURNEY It is always difficult to travel up the mountain to the ethnic villages. During the rainy season my wife and I felt impressed to visit two house-churches. On the way, we had to pull the motorbike through mud three feet deep. We prayed for strength and protection the whole way. When we saw mud and boulders sliding down the mountain ahead of us, we almost turned back, but the Holy Spirit urged us on. Right after we safely passed through, people got stuck and the road closed down.

GOD’S STRONG HAND The police often arrest us when we visit the tribal people, though last

year, five of the times we visited, we did not get caught. On one visit, members in thirteen housechurches in the area came together. We spent all day joyfully worshipping together. At 8:00 pm the military came to the house and told us we had to leave right away. We praise God that they did not give us large fines that time but instead called the local police to escort us down the mountain. It was very dark and the road was steep and narrow, with the mountain on one side and a sharp precipice on the other. After we made a sharp turn to the right, the motorbike started sliding down the precipice. We immediately felt a supernatural force lift the motorbike back onto the path. We found out that the house-church members secretly came back together after the police left and were praying for us. We are certain the force felt was the hand of God, saving our lives.

Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!



Real-Life Miracles from Laos By Boonpranee Wannadee PRAYER FOCUS

Please claim Luke 1:37 for Laos. God, nothing is impossible for you, not even evangelizing in a communist country like Laos. Please intervene on behalf of the leaders and the church members, specifically in the South. .

When the Lao Adventist Field thinks about building a church, four important questions need a YES answer before moving forward. 1.

Is there a mature group of believers who need a church? 2. Are there funds to build it? 3. Has the village chief and the government given permission? 4. Is there land available to build it on?

purchase land in this area and we do not have permission from this village chief whom we do not know. But we know there is no problem too big for You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” After we got up from our knees, we went to the chief of the village right away and asked him, “Do you know of anyone who wants to sell a good sized piece of land and would you have an idea of how much money they would ask for it?” We told him about our plans for the land. He looked at us with a smile and said, “Actually, we have a big piece of land that belongs to the villagers and we are happy to give it to you free of charge if you build a church on it.” We could hardly believe our ears.

PHOTO CAPTIONS: (left to right) Boonpranee Wannadee, Jong Lao and Thong Koulee visit the village chief. The land where the new church will be built.

YES! In the Bokeo Province of Laos, there is a village with a good size group of Hmong Seventh-day Adventist believers who have been praying for a church. YES! God has miraculously provided funds through the Thailand Adventist Mission and Southeast Asia Union Mission for a church. I anticipated problems, however, when I thought of the required permission and the challenge of obtaining land for the church building. We knew how expensive land was and how difficult it could be to get permission to build a church. We had questions, but decided to go forward and see how God would lead in this. In October, I went to the village with ASAP church planter, Jong Lao (featured on the opposite page), and the district pastor Thong Koulee to make plans for building a church in the future. Before we went to talk with the village chief, the three of us knelt down under the mango trees and prayed, “Lord, if it is Your will to have a church in this village, please listen to our prayers. You know we lack money to


We learned from this experience that God can answer our prayers immediately, if this is His will. The miracles did not stop there. We were able to speedily get permission from the government to build in this village. We can see that God truly wants His church built in this area of Laos. We expect many more miracles to happen in the future as we pray for God’s will for Laos. —————————————————————— A bout the Author ——————————————————————

Boonpranee Wannadee, president of the Lao Adventist Field and pastor of the Vientieane SDA Church, dedicated husband to Khounmy Khanthamala, and the father of five-year-old Matah writes from the heart. Though he encounters many obstacles which come with the territory of leading the Seventh-day Adventist church in a communist country, he has great perseverance, faith in God, and a firm commitment to prayer.

Second Quarter 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects


L aos

Meet Jong Lau “They could chain my feet to the ground and keep me from moving, but they could not chain my mind.” Position Church Planter Location Laos Main Goal To take the gospel to the Hmong people who live in the Bokeo Province. How to Help Consider making a personal financial sacrifice to enable Lao Church Planters like Jong Lau to continue sacrificially serving God. It takes $70 to support one church planter for one month.


You can kill me if you want, I will not give up my faith.”

A SHINING EXAMPLE For two years and three months I suffered in prison simply because I

believed in Jesus and refused to give up my faith. For the first nine months my feet were chained to the ground and I could not move about. They shaved my head and fed me little rations of steamed rice mixed with grains of sand. During that time my health went down and my whole body swelled up. I was often asked, “Would you give up your Christian beliefs? If you don’t give up your faith, you will be killed.” I replied, “You can kill me if you want, I will not give up my faith.” Though they could chain my feet to the ground and keep me from moving, they could not chain my mind. I was free to believe in God. After nine months, they released me from solitary confinement because they thought that I was going to die. At that time I was so weak I could not get up. It was only by the grace of God that I survived such an experience. He gave me the strength and peace of mind I needed to endure. But this was not the biggest miracle in my life. He led me to truth.

MY GOD LEADS ME I had attended a Sunday church for many years before learning about the Seventh day Sabbath. As I faced many doubts, I asked God for a clear sign to show me which is the true day to worship. Shortly after praying, He gave me a clear, remarkable sign that helped me make my final decision.

HE ENLARGES MY TERRITORY Since that time I have worshipped God on Sabbath, the

seventh day. I thank God for the growing church group and that we will have a church building soon. In the Hmong culture, a whole family will join the church when the father, the head of the family, decides to become a Christian. In the past two months, thirty-eight individuals I studied with were baptized and joined the church. I am so excited to see how the Lord is working!

Web: | Phone: 1-866-365-3541


asap family




Jon and Lorraine D’Avonzo, along with their two children, Hannah and Jake, have a contagious passion for missions. As a family, they found such fulfillment in supporting various ASAP projects in the past, that they felt impressed to spread the joy and blessings to others in their social circle. This is how they went about it.


Jon called up Jake’s first grade teacher, Mrs. Erickson, at Spalding SDA Elementary and asked her, “Does your class ever adopt mission projects?” She enthusiastically said that they do. He and Jake came in and shared a little about ASAP and the project opportunities in Southeast Asia with her. She got excited and so did her students. They picked a well project from the Priceless Gift Catalog.

Jon brought in a cup of dirty water and asked the students, “Would you like to wake up in the morning and brush your teeth in this kind of water or drink it?” They turned up their noses in disgust. He proceeded to say, “You can help change the dirty water in a village into water like this! (He held up a glass filled with clean water). Then children like you and their parents will not get sick. They will get to know Jesus because the well will be by a church.” This motivated the students into action, and then another first grade class at Spalding caught the enthusiasm and joined in the project. The students brought in their savings; they washed cars and baked cookies to sell. Before they knew it, the classroom banks were full of bills and coins. When they counted up the money, they discovered they raised enough for two well projects AND an extra $500 which they decided would go to help the students at the Feed & Read Schools in Cambodia. As I Timothy 4:11 says, these young people DID set an example in conduct and love for the children of Cambodia. Way to go, Spalding Elementary! You made a big difference for Jesus and you had fun doing it.

Hey, students and teachers reading this! If you would like to do something big for God like the Spalding students did, call ASAP for a Priceless Gift Catalog and adopt a mission project today!


Second Quarter 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

P Snapshot of ASAP’s Finances By Karen Wade CPA, ASAP Treasurer

We consider it a true miracle that ASAP has been able to financially support the flourishing soulwinning projects in Southeast Asia over the years. As we delve into the second quarter of 2008 in faith, we believe that once again, God will miraculously provide. Please join us in petitioning the throne of grace for not only the first priority budgeted needs listed below, but for the items on the “Miracles Waiting to Happen (ASAP’s 2008 Wish List)” featured at the bottom of the page.

First Priority Needs

(For 2nd Quarter 2008 Budgeted Projects)

ASAP National Missionaries’ Stipends (church planters & lay pastors) Assistance for Poor Widows & Children Sda Center (AIDS Hospice) Cambodian Literacy Program DVDs & Players for Vietnam Megavoices (digital audio players with sermons) for Vietnam Wells Church Buildings Constructed & Repaired Bibles Mopeds & Bicycles for National Missionaries Medical Missionary Stipends and Training Radios for Vietnam & Cambodia Support for Peace & Happiness Radio Broadcast & TV Feed & Read Projects Evangelism for Southeast Asians in North America Funds for Training ASAP National Missionaries Small Enterprise Projects Evangelism Projects in Thailand (with Mission College Students)

$103,000 $1,600 $14,000 $13,000 $65,000 $20,700 $1,200 $6,150 $10,000 $5,750 $5,000 $12,500 $40,000 $3,500 $4,400 $8,750 $3,800 $2,000

Total Still Needed for ASAP’s Budget (2nd Quarter, 2008)


Miracles Waiting to Happen

(ASAP’s 2008 Wish List)

A Secret Training Project for ASAP Youth Evangelists Salary for a Lao Evangelism Coordinator in USA Land & Building for the Sda Center (Hospice) Buying a Large District Church in Western Phnom Penh ASAP Office Mortgage A Boat-Church for a Vietnamese group in Cambodia Land & Building for a VN SDA School/Church in Phnom Penh An English Language Evangelistic Project in Korat, Thailand Two Micro-loan Projects for Cambodia and Vietnam Support for the Karen Refugee Projects Additional ASAP National Missionaries New Church Planting Projects for Burmese in Myanmar

$50,000 $40,000 $80,000 $200,000 $99,000 $8,000 $200,000 $12,500 $80,000 $10,000 $100,000 $50,000

Total Amount for ASAP’s Wish List


Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!



ASAP Mission Trip 2008 By JULIA O’CAREY

Thirty-seven people from around the globe packed their bags and boarded planes with one common goal in mind: to serve the people of Cambodia. From February 4th through the 10th, this team (which I believe was hand-picked by angels) plunged into intense acts of service for their 2,000 brothers and sisters attending the SDA Cambodian Campmeeting held near Siem Reap, Cambodia. Before and after the campmeeting they spent time visiting ASAP projects, encouraging and ministering to people’s needs. The missionaries were divided into four specific teams; dental, medical, presenters/interviewers, and children’s VBS. Cambodian Adventist Mission provided translators for each team so everyone was able to communicate effectively. Every aspect of this mission, from the medical work to the VBS program, was bathed in prayer. There were many experiences where all saw God move. Kimberly Coast, one of the members of the team writes, “The early morning prayer time was so essential for a successful mission trip. I was blessed to hear how God was working in all areas of our program, moving in powerful ways. Every day we prayed for each member of the team, for the Cambodians that were attending the campmeeting, as well as our families back home. Photo by Alden J. Ho Photography: The dedicated ASAP Mission Team, 2008, united to serve! I found that the things that we prayed for specifically were specifically answered. For example, I prayed for pretty simple things like shade, cool breezes, supplies that would last for the entire children’s program, and protection from illness. On Sabbath I heard from Dan Augsburger that the breeze had not penetrated his meetings as much as it had our children’s programs, so I prayed for a wind instead. Imagine how happy I was during the main church program when the wind blew so hard it knocked down part of the tarp covering!” As I walked around the campmeeting site many aspects felt warmly familiar to me and reminiscent of campmeetings I had attended in the United States. I saw distant friends and family reuniting; I heard cheerful, energetic children singing praises to God; I witnessed men and women eagerly underlining newly discovered gems in their Bibles; and I sensed the Holy Spirit’s presence in a real way. Yet, some aspects of the campmeeting were unique to that part of the world. For instance, the PHOTO CAPTIONS: (left to right) Photo by AJ O’Carey: Joy Asumen prays for her Cambodian brothers and sisters. Photo by AJ O’Carey: Pastor Seng Sam In shares the joy of a newly baptized member. Photo by Alden J. Ho Photography: A remarkable celebration as 390 are baptized.


Second Quarter 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

pPpP Not in Vain By diana riesenberger

The Cambodian people are hard workers. Many would rather work long days in the garbage dump than beg for food. Some actually live on top of the garbage in the dump, amidst the awful heat, smell and filth. I cannot imagine raising children in that environment with toxic fumes from garbage spontaneously combusting. As I picked my way through the garbage, witnessing this horrific scene for the first time I desperately thought, “Why, God? What kind of hope do these people have?” I left in tears, numbed by the sobering visit. Right after visiting the garbage dumps, we went to the Vietnamese SDA School. I gladly found out that some of the students had been given permission from their parents to learn, rather than work at the dump. Life is extremely difficult for most of the Vietnamese immigrants because they are considered outcasts from Vietnam and are not allowed back in the country. Cambodia does not recognize them as residents. Many resort to prostitution, slave labor, or working in the garbage dumps to earn a living.

This experience taught me that when dedicated people unite for the purpose of serving, and where God is a part of every aspect of that service, all involved

I was so happy to see Ut again. He was my naughtiest student during the campmeeting children’s program, yet he can sing like an angel. He smiled and vigorously waved at me when he saw me again. When Pastor Khan, the founder of the school, told us about some of the students, this challenging boy was the first one to be introduced. It was his first month at the school, out of the hard work in the dumps! Seeing him there and hearing his story was like God’s answer to me, that there IS hope, and that our efforts to help are not in vain! Thank you to everyone who prayed for this trip. God really blessed.”

receive a special blessing. ———————————————————————— A bout the Author ———————————————————————— Diana Riesenberger is an active member of a new church plant in Seattle, Washington called Southcenter SDA. She works as a graphic designer at Seattle University. She felt impressed to return to Cambodia and volunteer at Wat PrahYesu orphanage. We praise the Lord for her heart-felt dedication to missions. (Photo by AJ O’Carey)

PHOTO CAPTIONS: (top to bottom) Photos by Alden J. Ho Photography: A boy in the garbage dumps of Phnom Penh comes across a tasty treat as he collects garbage to help his family make a living, Ut, a hopeful student at the Vietnamese SDA School. The medical team smiles victoriously and praises the Lord after setting a broken arm on the first day of service.

Web: | Phone: 1-866-365-3541


people were content to sleep on mats under simple tarps and mosquito nets. Six tons of rice was served in a matter of a week. People came with urgent and deep needs. Whatever pain they brought with them, whether a toothache or a spiritual heartache, through God’s power and the prayers and expertise of the team, many experienced healing in the camp. The week ended on a high note with 390 people entering the waters to publicly surrender their lives to Jesus. Henry Kim writes, “For me the happiest time was witnessing the hundreds of people being baptized, and also passing out the baptism gifts to all our newly converted brothers and sisters in Christ. After I came home I told my friends and family that this trip was very hard work, but it was also one of the most deeply rewarding actions I have ever done. ” This mission trip not only made an impact on the people of Cambodia, it changed our lives as well. Cherish Mendoza reflects, “This ASAP mission trip was the greatest mission trip I have been on yet. I felt God working in me the whole time. I was humbled by this experience. It really touched me to see the ASAP workers so dependent on God, living each day by faith. My eyes were opened and I realized that I have lived a comfortable life without totally relying on God. I also realized how work, school, friends, and hobbies often distract me from spending the time I need with God. I felt the conviction to totally surrender my life over to Him.” This experience taught me that when dedicated people unite for the purpose of serving, and where God is a part of every aspect of that service, all involved receive a special blessing. I hope and pray that ASAP can plan more mission trips in the future and that you will consider participating! This mission trip not only made an impact on the people of Cambodia, it changed our lives as well. Cherish Mendoza reflects, “This ASAP mission trip was the greatest mission trip I have been on yet. I felt God working in me the whole time. I was humbled by this experience. It really touched me to see the ASAP workers so dependent on God, living each day by faith. My eyes were opened and I realized that I have lived a comfortable life without totally relying on God. I also realized how work, school, friends, and hobbies often distract me from spending the time I need with God. I felt the conviction to totally surrender my life over to Him.” This experience taught me that when dedicated people unite for the purpose of serving, and where God is a part of every aspect of that service, all involved receive a special blessing. I hope and pray that ASAP can plan more mission trips in the future and that you will consider participating! PHOTO CAPTIONS: (top to bottom) Photo by Alden J. Ho Photography: Over 2,000 meet under the big tent to worship God. Photo by AJ O’Carey: Kaila O’Carey makes a new friend at the campmeeting. Photo by Kimberly Coast: Dan Augsburger prays before he delivers a special message to the campers. Photo by Alden J. Ho Photography: Steve Chang carefully examines the teeth of one of the campers.


Second Quarter 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

P A Special Thank You to Tim and Wendy Maddocks! Photo by Alden J. Ho Photography

By Ken pak

Tim and Wendy Maddocks graciously hosted the large ASAP mission team and the campmeeting attendees at their school and orphanage, Wat PrahYesu. Organizing the food, bathroom sanitation and accommodations for this many people was no small undertaking. The ASAP team would like to extend a GIANT thank you for their efforts and special wishes for God’s continued blessings on the work these faith-filled missionaries are doing. For those of you who are not familiar with this Australian couple, they arrived in a malaria, dengue, and Khmer Rouge infested region of Cambodia with their two young children in the early 1990s, fully trusting in God’s providence and leading. They have been robbed at gunpoint, bitten by foot long poisonous centipedes, and suffered like the nationals all for the advancement of God’s kingdom on earth. Even to this day they live in a wooden house with no running water, sink, stove, refrigerator or retirement account. When they were asked how they made such a difficult decision to come to Cambodia with their small children they responded, “Our lives were surrendered to Him. Whenever we do what God wants us to do we are the happiest.” Over the past fifteen years they have established an orphanage that houses 139 orphans some of whom are HIV positive, handicapped, or have other physical ailments. They also run a school with over 200 students attending. Each year Tim and Wendy help conduct, with the assistance of Cambodia Adventist Mission, a four-month lay training program providing ASAP church planters and literacy teachers with a firm foundation in their beliefs before they begin their ministries. If you would like to support the work of Tim and Wendy, you may send your donations to SALT Ministries through ASAP. ———————————————————————————— A bout the Author ————————————————————————————

Dr. Ken Pak, who was the medical team coordinator for the Cambodia mission trip, works as an ER physician in Southern California. He resides in Pasadena with his wife and two daughters and serves as an elder at the Glendale Korean SDA Church. (Photo by AJ O’Carey)

“The first thing I tell my friends and family about my trip is that ASAP is doing a tremendous work in Cambodia. I also share with them first-hand experiences I had being a part of the work ASAP supports—visiting the projects, hearing the amazing testimonies, and witnessing the Kaya Chong tremendous need.”

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Real-Life Miracles from Thailand By Mary Ann McNeilus PRAYER FOCUS

Pray for each lay pastor and medical missionary. Pray that God will send more laborers to join them in sharing the gospel to all people groups in Thailand.

During the last week of this year’s ASAP mission trip, Pastor Phamor Phoopitchai, Dr. Lois Ritchie and I conducted medical missionary training seminars for the teachers at one of the large Karen refugee camps on the Thai/ Myanmar border. (Editor’s Note: For more information on these camps and the plight of the Karen, please read the article The Plight of the Karen on page 18.)

When Denise heard of my back pain, she graciously volunteered to treat my back. With her medical missionary training from Uchee Pines Institute and massage practicum taken at Wildwood Lifestyle Center and Hospital, she knew right what to do. During the next three days, she prayed for me and administered hot packs along with soothing massages. As a result, the back pain and spasms improved steadily. On the fourth and final day of our training, the pain was virtually gone.

I looked at their eager faces and knew in my heart that pain or no pain, I could not disappoint them.

The long trip to the Mae Lae Camp and lifting many supplies in preparation for the training seminar caused my back to ache. As the van wound through the hills, I looked out at the scenic mountains and silently prayed for Divine help for this unexpected development. From past experience, I knew this degree of low back pain and muscle spasms could become incapacitating in a very short time.

As I reflect on this experience, I see how miraculously our Heavenly Physician provided just the remedy needed in His perfect timing. I am reminded of the prophet Isaiah’s words in Isaiah 65:24, “And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.” *Name changed for the safety of God’s servant.

We arrived at the camp and entered a small Adventist church with sixty expectant trainees sitting on mats spread out on the floor. I looked at their eager faces and knew in my heart that pain or no pain, I could not disappoint them. As the long, hot morning progressed, so did my back pain. However, I continued to pray! About mid-morning, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed lady dressed in a Thai sarong came in. Later I found that she taught in a Karen camp to the North. Denise* was just as surprised to see Lois and me as we were to see her! This lady turned out to be an answer to my prayers.

—————————————————————— A bout the Author ——————————————————————

Dr. Mary Ann McNeilus has been serving the people of Cambodia for the last fifteen years. She is an ASAP board member, a retired physician, a healthful lifestyle counselor, and a teacher/lecturer of natural remedies. She and her husband, Marnelle, a retired businessman, work with the Amish people in southeastern Minnesota at their home and health retreat called Mercy Valley Farm. She has three grown boys, Malachi, Meric and Micaiah.

Would you like to join Pr. Phamor and Dr. Mary Ann in sharing the health message to the Karen, Thai and Lao people? If so, please consider financially supporting the ASAP medical missionaries and Pr. Phamor’s health training. Your partnership is greatly needed!


Second Quarter 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects



Meet Wichien Songsawatwong “I do not have any gifts or talents, but when I have a need I pray hard and move forward.” Position Medical Missionary/Literacy Teacher Location Nam Kow Hmong Refugee Camp, Thailand Main Goal To lead the students in the Nam Kow SDA School to know Jesus. How You Can Help Pray for the Thai medical missionaries and send a special donation to ASAP to help train and support more workers like Wichien.


I am happy God chose me.”

HE IS EVERYTHING I NEED When the Thailand Adventist Mission asked me to take over the

leadership position in a school within the Hmong refugee camps, I could not believe it. I prayed, “Why me, Lord? I am too young and I’ve only finished four years of high school and three months of medical missionary training.” The mission had at first asked someone more qualified, but they did not accept the position. I prayed hard and moved forward. I told God that He would have to give me everything I needed for this big job. That is exactly what happened. Everything I needed came to me. He gave the school teachers to help teach Bible, Health, Thai, Hmong, Math and English. He gave me the knowledge to organize a schedule for the four teachers who joined me. He sent me the support I needed from the elders of the church. He helped me know how to speak to the high ranking officers in the refugee camps to request permission for the operation of the school. He even helped me learn guitar quickly. It all was a miracle.

POWER OVER POISONOUS PLANTS Three months ago, I found my niece and nephew and two other children in the camp violently throwing up. I desperately looked around for their parents, but they were all out working in the rice field. I prayed, “Lord, please help these children and help me know what to do.” Immediately after my prayer I remembered what I had learned in my training with Pr. Phamor about charcoal. I mixed some with water and had the children drink as much as they could. The elders in the village later told me the plants could have killed the children but because of God’s power and using charcoal the children were well by the time their parents returned from the rice field. I praise God for this miracle! PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for the 200 twelve to fifteen-year-old students and the 100

seven to eleven-year-olds attending the school to have wisdom for their studies. Pray for strength and guidance for the teachers as we share Jesus with our students every day.

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The Plight of the Karen By Carol Reynolds

I loved listening to Eric B. Hare’s masterfully told jungle tales like “Pip Pip, the Naughty Chick,” and “Silver and the Snake” as I was growing up. Elder Hare was the Australian SDA pioneer who brought Jesus to the Karen (pronounced Kha-Ren’) people in Burma (now renamed Myanmar). Karen folklore foretold the coming of a white man with a golden edged black book. When the missionaries brought the Christian message, the Karen were some of the most receptive in Burma. Amid the prevailing animism and Buddhism in Southeast Asia, the Karen are one of the only groups that have been successfully evangelized, and are now approximately 50 percent Christian.

The Adventist message has taken firm root among the Karen people. The Tidwell family, who worked as SDA missionaries among the Karen during the early 1980s, first introduced my husband and I to them when we were serving as missionaries in Thailand. We spent a week with the Karen, teaching health evangelism to their workers on the Burmese side of the border. What a joy it was to live so simply in the jungle and to see the faith of these people. Later we had Karen students that we dearly loved live with us. We have been concerned about the plight of this gentle and humble group of people ever since.

The Karen have been longing for freedom from the oppressive Burmese regime for over fifty years. They claimed a portion of eastern Burma as their own country, and defended themselves against the aggression of the Socialistic central government. This has been a long and bitter civil war, but the government of Myanmar has not budged. The Christian Karen especially, have been severely persecuted over the decades with many Adventists among them. Some have even been martyred. The stories coming out of this area sound like biblical battles where many times people gather in their churches, pray and experience miraculous victories. But many Karen have had to flee their country to the Thai border for safety as the Burmese took over more and more of their territory. Refugee camps have sprung up along the Thai/ Myanmar border, and many Burmese have been there for over twenty years. Can you imagine that whole generations of Karen have grown up in these primitive camps? There are many Karen who are trapped in what is called “No Man’s Land” between the two countries. The central government soldiers loot and burn their villages and rice fields, rape the women, and kill indiscriminately. The Karen refugees flee to the jungles and are hunted as animals, subsisting on what they can find in the jungles to eat. This has been going on for decades and most of the world knows very little about it.


In response to the ASAP board decision to include Myanmar in the mission statement, Martin and Liana Kim and I made an exploratory trip to the Mae Lae Karen refugee camp near Mae Sot, Thailand. It had been ten years since I visited

For the complete article and more information about the Karen go to:


Second Quarter 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

this camp. It seems that little has changed. Just getting to the border was an arduous trip with many military check points. Around 50,000 people live in bamboo shacks behind barbed wire in this camp. Children were everywhere. The SDA people welcomed us, as we celebrated an academy graduation and visited their primary schools. The seven churches in this camp have around 1,500 faithful members. These refugees are trapped there, unable to move illegally into Thailand because getting caught would mean being sent back to Burma where they would be jailed, tortured, or killed.


It seems that there are no political solutions for this sad situation in Myanmar. Most of the Karen would prefer to peacefully stay in their own country. In fact, many of the older people are choosing to stay in the camps rather than struggling to adjust to life in a new country. From my research of the Karen situation, I found that in 2007 over 10,000 Burmese resettled in the United States and in 2008, many more are being accepted and sent to cities all across America. They receive minimal help from the government for their basic needs. I understand they are left to survive on their own after a few months of arriving.

of friends and instruction on how to live and survive in Western countries. They need help finding jobs. Their children need Christian influences and education. They need to learn a new language. They desperately need our help! Above all, the Karen need God. When people are displaced, they are often the most receptive to the gospel. I believe God can turn their difficult situation into a blessing as we seize this opportunity to reach out to them. —————————————————————— A bout the Author —————————————————————— Carol Reynolds, along with her husband Byron and three boys, Jonathan, Michael, and Daniel were missionaries in Thailand for over twelve years. She currently resides in Tennessee and works as a nurse though her heart remains with the people of Southeast Asia. ASAP is blessed to have Carol and Byron as members of the Board of Directors.

Can you imagine that whole generations of Karen have grown up in these primitive camps?

I have called a number of new Karen arrivals in the U.S., and find that they are struggling and often have no clue how to connect to an Adventist church family. Two faithful members in one area were meeting quietly in their home each Sabbath, until someone passed on their names and we were able to connect them with a loving church. These immigrants are in need



Please pray for miracles to take place for the Karen and pray about how you can be involved. Feel free to contact Carol Reynolds or the ASAP staff with any news or thoughts you have about these plans.

Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!



P Making Timely Investments By MARTIN KIM

Jesus is coming back very soon! Now, is this good news or bad news? Does it excite you or depress you? Would we be more comfortable just to say “Jesus is coming back” and leave out the “very soon” part? There was definitely a time in my life when I did not look with anticipation towards Jesus’ soon return. Sure, I wanted Jesus to come, but only after I had checked off the major items on my to-do list. I was afraid that His coming would interfere with my earthly investments. I had to finish school, get a degree, get married, make money…As I now reflect on my past I wonder, “What in the world was I thinking? What investment on earth could possibly compare with the glories of heaven that await us?” A statement in the Spirit of Prophecy has helped me to understand the cause of my problem. We are told: “Treasure laid up on the earth will engross the mind to the exclusion of heavenly things” (MB 88). Could there be many who are so wrapped up in short-term earthly investments that they do

Excerpts: Counsels on Stewardship

not want Jesus to return soon? Could it possibly be Satan’s strategy to keep us unprepared for Christ’s coming by causing us to be preoccupied? Jesus says, “Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:20, 21). Whether we like it or not, Jesus is coming back very soon. The signs are everywhere in the religious, economic and natural world. In the last few minutes of earth’s history will we be making timely, long-term investments or shortterm investments? I like the words of the song: Are You Ready for Jesus to Come? The second stanza goes like this: “Don’t cling to the world and its treasure, this earth will soon pass away. Oh give Him your love without measure, He’s calling you today.” What will be your response? Will you give Him your love without measure? One way we can do this is by supporting missions. “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Before it’s too late, let’s give Him our hearts without measure.

(by Ellen G. White, chap. 31: Satan’s Wiles)

As the people of God approach the perils of the last days, Satan holds earnest consultation with his angels as to the most successful plan of overthrowing their faith…Therefore he directs his angels to lay their snares especially for those who are looking for the second advent of Christ and endeavoring to keep all the commandments of God (154.1). Go, make the possessors of lands and money drunk with the cares of this life. Present the world before them in its most attractive light, that they may lay up their treasure here, and fix their affections upon earthly things. We must do our utmost to prevent those who labor in God’s cause from obtaining means to use against us. Keep the money in our own ranks. The more means they obtain, the more they will injure our kingdom by taking from us our subjects. Make them care more for money than for the up-building of Christ’s kingdom and the spread of the truths we hate, and we need not fear their influence; for we know that every selfish, covetous person will fall under our power, and will finally be separated from God’s people (White, TM, 472-474, quoted in CS, 154.3).


Second Quarter 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

In Loving Memory & Honor ASAP wishes to express our appreciation for the gifts made in loving memory and in honor of family members and friends. Please know that we celebrate with you, as the heavenly hosts are also doing for the lives our your friends and families. And those of you who lost loved ones, we look forward to a reunion in heaven and hearing Christ’s words:

“Enter thou into the joy of Thy Lord.” (Matthew 25:21) In Memory of:

Helen Economou by Cindy Watson Her husband, Milton Kesler and her brother, Wesley Steele by Yvonne Kesler Ellen Hoyt by Deryl and Valores Hoyt Gayle Saxby by Doyle and Lorelie Saxby Her mother, Lisette Wheeler by Grace Morris Louise Kern by Harriet R. Bos Her husband, Delmer Saxton by Jessica Saxton Delmer Saxton by Tim, Amy and the rest of the Saxton family Bruce Lee by Richard and Claudia Sowler

In Honor of:

Her daughter, Vanessa Schulz by Sam and Jackie Small Karen Jara, for her birthday by Fuqin Liu Cindy Watson, for her birthday by Judy Aitken Irene Cherikos and Mary Jane McBride by Robert and Mary Jane McBride Photo by Joy Asumen: A Plumeria lies along the pathway to the killing fields in Choeung Ek, Cambodia. This is one of the thousands of sites around the country where the Khmer Rouge practiced genocide during the late 1970’s, killing millions.

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Announcing the new ASAP website EXPLORE THESE NEW FEATURES AND MORE • A Wealth of Information About the Projects ASAP Supports • Info on Sponsoring an ASAP National Missionary • Exciting Volunteer Opportunities • Featured Answers to Prayer • News Flashes • More Ways to Give


Second Quarter 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

P P.S. We Love Hearing from You! myanmar

vietnam LAOS

THailand cambodia

I love reading the newsletter. I read it over and over. So remember to send me one every time… I love the Feed and Read project and people I tell about it do also. About half of the donation came from cans and bottles people gave me to recycle. WAYNE FROM MAINE

The money I send is not my own. It belongs to God who allows me to send it to you so that His work of salvation can go on. May God continue to bless all of us and the work that you are doing for Him. God bless! DANIEL FROM OKLAHOMA

We thank ASAP so much for sending funds to buy bicycles for the literacy teachers and church planters and we thank God too who answered our prayers to make it easier for us to go around to share good news and win more souls. PASTOR PEN NARITH FROM CAMBODIA

When I talk to people about Christ, they hear but they forget. Sermons on DVD are very effective as the people can review and listen to them again and again which helps them remember the messages very well. They find the DVD sermons are powerful!

I was greatly impressed by one of your telecasts on 3ABN in which you featured the conditions in Vietnam: especially the work of the SDA underground church. I want to assist in some way to promote the gospel in Vietnam. Please accept this donation which you could use to support the work in Vietnam. I will pray sincerely for Vietnam and all Southeast Asia. God is surely intervening to finish His work in the modern world. Please accept my sincerest regards as you work for Jesus. Your Brother in Christ, RANDOLPH FROM FLORIDA

We church members would like to thank God and ASAP so much for the funds to build two temporary churches at Chong Dey and Prektakung districts of Phnom Penh South. We are all joyful to have a bamboo church in which to worship God and teach literacy classes. We are so happy to work together to tell the world about the good news of Christ. PASTOR HORNG SOPHAL FROM PHNOM PENH You can read the complete story behind the gifts of bamboo and thatch churches given to Pr. Horng Sophal’s district by going to our website at:


Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!


P.O. Box 84, Berrien Springs, MI 49103

Adventist Southeast Asia Projects


Kalamazoo, MI PERMIT NO. 1679



Contact ASAP today at toll-free 1-866-365-3541

Be blessed as you see in this DVD how God, the Master healer, physician and teacher, is dramatically changing the lives of many in Cambodia. Through the compassion and care of ASAP national missionaries, those who were trapped in sin, poverty and despair now have healing and hope. Call today to receive a complimentary copy of this DVD to show to your family, friends or church family.

Healing the Brokenhearted in Cambodia

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