(Acts of the Apostles, p. 564) “MUST READ” VERSES “By
faith Abraham obeyed…” (Hebrews 11:8-12) “Be
ye doers of the Word, not hearers only.” (James 1:22) “This is love, that we
walk according to His commandments.” (2 John 1:6)
Blessings of Obedience BY JULIA O’CAREY
“Men need to learn that the blessings of obedience, in their fullness, can be theirs only as they receive the grace of Christ. It is His grace that gives man power to obey the laws of
DID YOU KNOW? It takes only $20 per month to sponsor a student in an ASAP Feed & Read School.
God. It is this that enables him to break the bondage of evil habits. This is the only power Visit www.asapministries.org that can make him and keep him steadfast in the right path” (Ministry of Healing, p. 115).
hould I go to class OR vespers?” This question rolled over and over in Socheat’s mind on Friday evening. It was the first semester of his freshman year in college and he shuddered at the thought of what could happen if he chose to consistently miss class each Sabbath. He smiled to himself as he remembered the many lectures he received from his parents about playing hooky when he was in elementary and high school. Now, as a born-again Christian, his reasons for missing school were entirely different. He felt so grateful to Jesus, who died to pay for the many sins that he committed as a youngster. How could he even think of grieving His Savior by disobeying Him? Socheat made up his mind to obey God’s complete law and prayed, “God, if it is Your will for me to continue studying while I keep the Sabbath, please open the way.” At the end of the semester, he was called in to the president’s office and was told, “Socheat, you may not continue studying at this university because of your failing grade in a core class.” Socheat was not given the opportunity to state his case. He left the office and resolved to spend the entire day in prayer. He pleaded, “Father, please send the Holy Spirit to touch the heart of the university president to let me continue studying
and donate towards Gift #301.
if this is Your will.” The next day, he decided to pack his bag and attend school as usual. When the president noticed him, he was called into his office. He stared intently at Socheat and asked, “Why is it that you missed so many classes? Is it because you do not like the subject or do you have something against the teacher?” Socheat respectfully answered, “No sir, I do not study on Friday nights because I believe in Jesus and I want to obey Him and keep the Sabbath holy as He asks in His Bible. Saturday is the only day He blessed. Sabbath begins when the sun goes down on Friday.” The president’s eyes widened in surprise and he said, “We have other Christian students in this school but none of them ever asked for this special treatment!” Socheat went on to explain that he was a Seventh-day Adventist and that the other students were probably of different Christian denominations. After asking other questions regarding Socheat’s beliefs, the president said, “Socheat, I understand your problem. You need to choose between your good day or this fine university.” Socheat said, “I am sorry, Mr. President, I really want to study at this school but if I have to choose I will continue to keep the Sabbath.” At that the president sternly repeated, “Are you telling me you would choose to keep the
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects
“The Lord would have all his sons and daughters happy, peaceful, and obedient. Through the exercise of faith the believer comes into possession of these blessings.”
“All true obedience comes from the heart. It was heart work with Christ… The will refined and sanctified will find its highest delight in doing His service” (Desire of Ages, p. 668). In reading this newsletter you will detect the many blessings that God’s people in Southeast Asia receive when they obey Him and enter into service for God. When you read Socheat’s testimony in the article “Blessings of Obedience,” imagine what would have happened if he had chosen to disobey God’s 4th commandment. His testimony, along with others in this newsletter, gives us courage to obey when we are faced with similar tests. The missionaries in Vietnam face numerous obstacles and have resolved to obey God’s Great Commission to spread the gospel no matter what the cost. They understand that if they register their churches with the government, the repercussions on their ministry will be great. No longer would they be able to obey God’s command to “GO” preach and teach (Matt. 28:19). So they face interrogations, hindrances, and dangers from the government on a regular basis. Acts 5:32 talks of one of the greatest blessings resulting from obedience. “And we are witnesses of these things; and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey Him” (emphasis added). With obedience comes the Holy Spirit and with the Holy Spirit comes many blessings, with love being the greatest of them. May each of us and our families choose to obey and in turn receive a deeper measure of His special blessings.
Sabbath above the opportunity for a great education?” Socheat made an earnest appeal, begging the president to allow him to continue studying but still be able to keep the Sabbath. The president sat silently for ten minutes (probably the longest ten minutes of Socheat’s life), then he abruptly dismissed Socheat from his office. Not long afterwards, he called Socheat’s teacher into his office and talked with her for some time. When he called Socheat back into his office he announced, “Socheat Chan, we decided to not count the absences from the previous class towards your grade. As long as you study here, you can keep your Sabbath, but if an exam falls on Friday night or Saturday, you must make prior arrangements with the teachers to take the exams on a different day.” Socheat could hardly believe his ears. He thanked the president and teacher profusely. During the remaining four years in college, Socheat had no other problems with his school and the Sabbath.
You need to choose between your good day or this fine university. Now Socheat teaches grade five at the ASAP Feed & Read School in Phnom Penh. “Though it can be challenging to teach poor Buddhist children from the slums,” Socheat said, “I enjoy teaching children. It is so rewarding to see them learn new things and see them change. For instance, Leng is a boy in my class that used to be just like me when I was his age. He would skip class and get into trouble with his friends. Though he was in grade seven in the government school, he was failing. His parents checked his notebook at the end of the school year and found only two lessons written in it. When he started school here, he tested into the third grade. In this loving environment, he learned quickly and became a good writer. He could calculate numbers much better in math. His progress amazed me! He seemed interested in the Bible stories in class and even offered to pray. One day he started coming to church. Pr. Hang Dara saw his potential and asked if he would like to learn how to preach. He lit up at this offer and now has his heart set on becoming a pastor someday. He went from being a delinquent, disobedient boy to a serious student who loves the Lord and loves school.” In conclusion, Socheat said, “My life changed so much after I met Christ but making the decision to obey God no matter what happened was a turning point in my walk with the Lord. Now I have much joy in sharing my testimony of how God helped me keep the Sabbath with my students. PHOTO CAPTIONS (COVER): The children from the Feed & Read School where Socheat teaches say hello. (Below, L-R): Socheat teaching his fith grade class. Feed & Read student, Leng.
Your Gifts at Work Happy Holidays, ASAP donors! We consider each one of you a blessing from God. God impressed you to give over two million dollars in the 2011–2012 fiscal year which enabled ASAP to accomplish His plans for Southeast Asia. It is humbling to reflect on God’s amazing ability to provide. Thank you for your prayers and your faithful giving which must stem from a heart of love and obedience to your Heavenly Father.
Giving Opportunities Seized! Funds for small enterprise development for Cambodia
Support for health evangelism/medical missionary work
Funds for disaster relief and help for families in crisis
Purchased 275 radios at $10 each for Southeast Asia
Last month in Cambodia, a widowed mother of five, Men Eang, found hope after a devastating fire ravaged her bamboo home. They were left with no earthly possessions, but their faith in Jesus remained intact. Because of the generosity of ASAP donors who responded to Gift Catalog item #404, she received funds to build a new wooden house. What a joy it is to see the difference small acts of love make for the least of these!
www.asapministries.org Check out a new list:
10 Dynamic Giving Opportunities Online
from the field:
Thank you for living out a religion as described in James 1:27: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (NIV). Thank you for being like Jesus, caring for those in need as He did on this earth.
Go online to catch more exciting details of ASAPs recent trip to Cambodia and other fresh news from the field.
It was such a blessing working with the ASAP team in Cambodia! Our time was filled with divine appointments that only God could arrange. The highlight for me was visiting an ASAP literacy school. I was surprised to see over 200 Buddhist boys and girls sitting close together on the floor. With joy I told them the simple story of Cain and Abel and the choices they made. The children’s eyes, wide with interest, followed my every move. When we knelt for prayer, every pair of eyes was tightly closed and hands were reverently pressed together as heaven came near! LYNN CARPENTER, WITH “MY BIBLE FIRST!” I was blessed with the opportunity to go to Cambodia and conduct training for the lay-led church plant leaders from ASAP. What a joy and a blessing it was to meet with these spirit-filled, highly motivated leaders. As a church plant coordinator, I was very impressed with the skill and knowledge these missionaries possess. I personally believe it is dedicated leaders like these men and women that God will use to finish this great soul-winning work. WALTER ALLRED PASTOR AND CHURCH-PLANTING COACH
In Loving Memory and Honor IN MEMORY OF: BARRY AND THELMA BURTON, MY PARENTS by Michael and Alice Weakley • CLEMINTINE TAYLOR, JEWISH CHRISTIAN AND GRANDMOTHER by Aphzal and Vashti Mohammed • DR. RANDOLPH SUN by Nicole Sun • DR. RAUL F. NODAL BY DENNIS AND PAMELA BARTHLE E. JENICKE by Sandy Monette • GENE SHAFER by her daughter, Ian Twemlow and Keith and Kathleen Mundt • JOAN MINCHIN-NEAL by Johanna Rita Vital • NEIL AND MARIE RAULAND by Ed and Jan Seltman • PEARSON AND PEARL VAN METER, MY PARENTS by Betty Hunsaker
Meet Paw Moo
ADOLPH GRAMS by David L. Grams • ASHLEY BOYLE by Brian D. Boyle • JOYCE WILLIAMS by Pedro and Lillian E. Gonzalez • MY SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST by Steve M. and Regan Pereira • OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, CHRIST JESUS! by Martita C. Francisco • SHEILA THWIN by Keith and Kathleen Mundt • SHERRI LABINS, FOR HER 50TH BIRTHDAY by Wayne Labins • DUSTIN FIRMAN by Dixie Marie Firman • SYLVIA RUSSELL, MY MOTHER by Cliff Russell
POSITION Medical Missionary LOCATION Central Myanmar PRAYER REQUESTS Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill me and for my church members to fully obey God and grow spiritually. Pray for my family to accept the truth.
BRIEF BIO I was born into a Baptist family with five siblings. When I was sixteen, my friends invited me to join a Seventh-day Adventist Bible class. I learned about the health message, Sabbath, the sanctuary, and many other beautiful truths. I chose to obey God in every area of my life and was secretly baptized. When my parents found out that I had joined the SDA Church, they asked me to leave home. I thank God that the church pastor’s family took me in. About a year later, God answered my prayers and my parents accepted me back and today they even regularly pray for my ministry!
Remembering Kim Sopheap We at ASAP are mourning the loss of Kim Sopheap, ASAP medical missionary at the Sda Center in Cambodia, who recently passed away. She is survived by her husband, Pot Seng, and her children Rith, Roth, Petros and Rachel. Thank you for your prayers for this family and others at the Sda Center at this time. We trust that her life and work to help others will result in souls for the Master’s kingdom and that we will meet her again soon when Jesus returns for His faithful people. (Pictured below: Kim Sopheap, her husband Pot Seng and children Rith, Roth, Petros and Rachel)
ONLY GOD CAN HEAL The daughter of a Buddhist family that I had made friends with got a painful boil on her leg so that she could not walk. The father took her to the shaman but he could not help her. The wife asked me, “Is there anything you can do to help my girl?” I reassured her, prayed with the family and treated the daughter with a charcoal poultice and flax seed dressing. After three days the boil was healed and the girl was able to walk again. This family is now studying to be baptized.
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WAYS TO THE HEART When I began medical missionary work, the people did not like me. I prayed that I could love them anyway and make friends with them. I wanted them to see Jesus in me. God led me to treat sick people with malaria and other diseases by using natural ways of healing combined with prayer. I began to teach their children about health, how to read and write the Karen language to sing Christian songs and I told them Bible stories. Two people have been baptized and eighteen more are studying to prepare for baptism.
ospel truth moves forward rapidly in Vietnam. The house church members believe they must fulfill God’s command to teach and preach the truth in the Bible. They go out boldly to distribute DVDs to anyone who will accept them. Mr. Sern*, an owner of a construction company in Vietnam, readily accepted a DVD of Pastor Isah Young preaching. Being Catholic, he was eager to learn more about the Bible. He liked what he saw and immediately called the number on the DVD to request more DVDs. His Buddhist wife, however, showed no interest in the DVDs until she started seeing changes in her husband. He became healthier, happier, and more loving and patient. She started watching the DVDs each night with him. The Holy Spirit worked on her heart, slowly chipping away the hardness of sin until she too fell in love with Jesus as her Savior. Both Mr. and Mrs. Sern began taking Bible studies with me and an ASAP lay pastor. After we taught them about the importance of obeying the commandments of God, a strange thing happened. Three nights in a row Mr. Sern felt like he was being choked to death when he lay down on his bed. He and his wife prayed together and were impressed that they needed to get rid of their idols in order to fully obey and worship God alone. Immediately afterward they did that they sensed a peace in their hearts and home and felt closer to each other and to the Lord. Mr. Sern has not experienced the sensation of being choked again. Now this couple is preparing to be baptized. Please pray for them and other new believers who are learning to obey God with their whole hearts.
(Who happens to be Josiah’s dad)
he other night my son Josiah jumped up from worship and raced to his room. I went a bit later to see what was wrong. He greeted me very soberly and I thought he was going to confess something he’d done wrong. Instead he shared several special ideas God was putting on his heart. He felt we were just sitting around, having worships, going to church, but not really getting out there and helping people get ready for Jesus’ second coming. I was excited to hear him. It stirred me up! Lately, I have been working on a cross-cultural missions kit to help Americans get out there and make friends with Southeast Asians and other immigrants and refugees and witness to them. But sitting in an office most of the time, just doing preparation work can put a person to sleep! So this was just what I needed too. Hear from Josiah about our exciting witnessing adventure by going online to: www.asapministries.org. One thing I can tell you is that we had a great time and can’t wait to go out again. Now I am eager to get back to working on that kit! I want to find the best literature in the various Southeast Asian languages so church members can have it handy when they meet people. I want to learn more about how to reach these special people. Please pray with us that God will send out many laborers into this huge harvest that He’s brought to our doors. EDITOR’S NOTE: ASAP stepped out in faith to hire Scott Griswold, ASAP’s Missions Mobilizer. He and his wife Julie come with sixteen years of missionary experience to Southeast Asians and have a heart for the poor. You can help Scott create the kit and reach refugees and immigrants by giving to Gift #510!
Hi! My name is Josiah. I used to live in Thailand with my family as missionaries. I was born there too. Then we came back to the States. I really like to draw and recently I had an impression to use my artistry for God.
www.asapministries.org Go online to hear more from Josiah and other kids.
*Names have been changed, and photo blurred for the safety of God’s workers.
Give an ASAP National Missionary Your Support This Holiday Season! “Never can the church reach the position that God desires it to reach until it is bound up in sympathy with its missionary workers. Never can the unity for which Christ prayed exist until spirituality is brought into missionary service, and until the church becomes an agency for the support of missions. The efforts of the missionaries will not accomplish what they should until the church members in the home field show, not only in word, but in deed, that they realize the obligation resting on them to give these missionaries their hearty support” (Counsels on Stewardship, p. 47).
You can sponsor a worker and ASAP will send you a picture and information about your missionary. Or, you can give a special one-time gift for National Missionaries. Cambodian Church Planters Laotian Lay Pastors Myanmar Medical Missionaries
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects is fueled by mission-minded, faith-filled individuals whom God impresses. Be assured that 100% of your gift will go directly to the projects you specify. However, in the blessed event that the project you chose is fully funded, ASAP will use your gift for a similar project or where most needed to help spread the gospel and ease the suffering in Southeast Asia. Because ASAP is a §501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your donations are tax-deductible. ASI MEMBER ASAP has been a member of ASI (Adventistlayman’s Services and Industries) since 1996 and is grateful to be an ASI grant recipient.
$160/month GIFT #101 $100/month GIFT #102 $120/month GIFT #103
EXECUTIVE EDITOR/DIRECTOR Judy Aitken EDITOR/ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Julia O’Carey COPY EDITORS Wayne Labins, Linda Bauer DESIGN/LAYOUT Sarah Lee www.ambientlightstudios.com ASAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Bruce Bauer, Judy Aitken, Peter Van Bemmelen, Christopher Carmen, Steven Chang, Chan Sun and Esther Hwang, Denzil McNeilus, Mary Ann McNeilus, Byron and Carol Reynolds and Trudi Starlin.
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects P.O. BOX 84, BERRIEN SPRINGS, MI 49103
Learn about more kinds of missionaries you can sponsor.
TOLL FREE 1-866-365-3541 PHONE 269-471-3026 FAX 269-471-3034 EMAIL office@asapministries.org WEB www.asapministries.org All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version® copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
ASAP serves people from the countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar.