January/February 2013 Newsletter

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A Call to Sacrifice

ATTENTION READERS! The ASAP board of directors was impressed to change our name from Adventist Southeast Asia Projects to ASAP Ministries. This decision was made because opportunities have opened up for ASAP to expand our mission and vision and include reaching people in countries outside of Southeast Asia. You will see multiple meanings of ASAP reflected in the new newsletter format and articles.


“Jesus did not count heaven a place to be desired while we were lost. He left the heavenly courts for a life of reproach and insult, and a death of shame …We are to follow in the path He trod.” —Desire of Ages, p. 147


n Mark 12:41-44, Jesus points out a poor widow who gave only two mites to the church treasury. How could He consider the woman's pitiful gift as more than the rest given? Surely a $1,000 gift would accomplish more than two pennies right? Jesus looks beyond the gift to the heart of the giver. Let me introduce you to my brother in Christ from Vietnam who reminds me of that sacrificing widow. Than Vinh* gives ALL to the service of Christ. His testimony reveals a heart of gold and a life of sacrifice. Than studied in a university far from home and in the process, he found out about the truth in God’s Word and joined an Adventist house church. Being the oldest in an influential Vietnamese family where his father is also the oldest, Than felt keenly responsible to succeed and work for the government someday but that was not God’s plan. Upon completion of his studies he received a strong impression from God to work in ministry. He told me, “I just want to serve God.” I listened and then asked, “Than, do you realize when you serve God you will not be prosperous in the world’s eyes?” He responded, “I accept that!” Then I asked, “Would you be willing to go wherever I send you?” He paused for a minute and I could see

him wrestling a bit inside, but then answered, “Yes.” Than was the first missionary I sent to a closed, unreached area of Vietnam where people’s religion is atheism/communism. He and his young wife innocently arrived at this cold city with only a few names and numbers of people who had listened to the radio broadcast and indicated they wanted Bible studies. Life was difficult! People viewed them with suspicion and other government churches carefully guarded their members in fear of losing them. In ten years of ministry there, Than has been hunted by the police*, interrogated, beaten, and fined. The trials never end for Than, but through each one we observe Than’s faithfulness and his true spirit of sacrifice. The active membership in this area grew from a handful to 3,800 and continues to grow. Eighteen formerly unreached cities in this part of Vietnam now have established house churches worshipping each Sabbath. Two years ago I was impressed to ask Than to become the evangelistic leader for the country. His additional duties have brought him from remote mountain villages in the highlands to busy modern streets in the South.


Reaching Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar & Beyond


Then He said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me” (Luke 9:23). How is it that national missionaries like Than Vinh (featured in our main article) are able to make such an impact on Christ’s kingdom? I believe the answer lies in Jesus’ words above. With complete love for their Savior, they humble themselves, accept the cross of persecution, and follow Him. As you read this newsletter ask yourself, just what might happen to me, my children, and my church if we determine to live simply so others may simply live? When Jesus told His disciples to take up their cross and follow Him, He invited them to follow His example of self-denial by entering into the “fellowship of His sufferings” (Philippians 3:10). It is by complete surrender that the life of Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, flows into the believer. The fellowship experienced is one of intimate communion. Do we not all yearn for that relationship? Ponder this quote with me. “Love for souls for whom Christ died means crucifixion of self. He who is a child of God should henceforth look upon himself as a link in the chain let down to save the world, one with Christ in His plan of mercy, going forth with Him to seek and save the lost. The Christian is ever to realize that . . . the self-sacrifice, the sympathy, the love, manifested in the life of Christ is to appear in the life of the worker for God” (Desire of Ages, p. 417). I pray that we will give all to the One who gave all for us.

Than and another ASAP lay pastor recently left the comfort of their homes to make a trip to train ethnic tribal church leaders. They first trained in a simple village so remote that there was no cell phone access. Than shared, “We could see a big revival among our members there. They are not following their ancient traditions but stick closely to the Word of God.” At the second location, Than recounts, “I noticed the owner of the home where we were training was nervous. I knew we had been reported to the authorities. Six officers entered the house but I remained calm and continued teaching. It is amazing that God kept them still until I was done. They questioned me and discovered I did not have proper documents. I was in trouble! It was night-time and raining, but they wanted us to travel to the police station immediately. We inched our way slowly down the mountain on a slippery, narrow, clay-packed road. On a bend, the wheels of the moped slipped out and we crashed. The front handle bar broke off and we could not go on. We saw the police pass us without noticing us. This accident turned into a blessing because we avoided the police and God provided a little repair shop for us.” Than received word from church members who went ahead of them that many police were searching for them in a village past the next check point. They gathered together to pray. Two of the tribal believers showed up just in time to lead them on a secret pass. The dangerous trails snaked along the mountain and seemed impassable. Than lost control of the moped and careened down a precipice. He and lay pastor Dan Bai fell off, just before the moped got caught by a large tree branch (that would have stabbed through Than if he had remained on the seat). God miraculously preserved their lives and the moped, which they were finally able to rescue with the help of the other two men traveling with them. The guides brought them to a village and a kind lady offered to take the strangers into her home. She fed them and cared for their wounds and let them sleep there. She did not know that her husband, a government official, was actually out searching all night for the very men she felt impressed to help. Than concludes, “Since the day I made the decision to give my whole life to work for God, I have felt very satisfied. Though I do not have money or things of material value, I have a powerful message of salvation to share. I have never regretted my decision to become a pastor. If I had to make the choice again, I would make the same decision.” *You can read online about Than Vinh’s experience in “The Hunted” in Our 10 Favorite Mission Stories, Vol.1. Names changed and photos blurred for the safety of God's workers.

PHOTO CAPTIONS (COVER): Pr. Isah Young and Than during an ASAP training (L-R): Pr. Than preaching the Word, in prayer, and posing for a picture with two ASAP Lay Pastors

Adventist Southeast Asia Projects VOICE OF LOVE RADIO

n $25,000


MISSION To reach souls by sharing Bible truth via the radio COUNTRY Cambodia • GIFT# 502 • IMPACT Tremendous!


r. Sophat Sorn sacrificed a prestigious well-paying job because God spoke to him in a dream and clearly told him to work for the salvation of millions in his home country of Cambodia. Since that night almost ten years ago, he faithfully records sermons and programs for the Voice of Love program which is now aired daily by Adventist World Radio. Each soul that listens and believes makes the sacrifice well worth it. Pr. Preak Phally and his wife in the Svay Rieng Province started listening regularly to Voice of Love after his aunt, Tep Lon, recommended it to them. Pr. Phally loved the messages and wanted to learn more, so he called Pr. Sophat Sorn in California and they started Bibles studies over Skype two times a week. Pr. Phally shared the new-found interpretations of Scripture with the twenty-five families in his Sunday church. When they learned of the truth about the Sabbath, they all switched to worshipping on Saturday. Thirteen people got baptized (pictured), including Pr. and Mrs. Preak. Please pray that their new beliefs will become deeply rooted and that they will be faithful to the end.

Notes from our ASAP Family Volunteers, Staff, National Missionaries, ASAP Ambasadors, Prayer Partners, Donors, Board Members and Gift Recipients. I received a call from a lady we know from Laos. She said a group of Lao believers had heard about how we started the work more than fifty years ago in Laos and they wanted to talk with me over the phone. The next day she called back with more than fifty people on a conference call to Laos. They sang and we prayed together. Then they asked if I would preach a sermon to them in Laotian. Though it had been a long time since I’d preached in Laos, God provided the words. We had an amazing time fellowshipping together. We were on the call for eighty minutes. It was a thrilling experience. n DICK HALL FROM OREGON There are times when I think, “Who am I that the Son of God would die for me? Who are the Karen refugees that the

American church members should care for us? The love of God is beyond human understanding. God’s grace is sufficient. We thank the Lord for you, Judy, and ASAP that is used by the Lord to bless the Karen ministry here in Des Moines and through the US. n AUNG SEE FROM IOWA CHURCH PLANTER (pictured on right) For their mission project this past quarter, the Primary/Kindergarten Sabbath School at Fannin County SDA Church have been bringing their offerings to help buy a moped for an ASAP missionary. They hope it will help speed up the spread of the gospel to villages and towns far from their homes! n SHERRY FROM GEORGIA

I am delighted to have a bike so I can get to school each day to teach my students. I thank God! n SAMPHOR LITERACY TEACHER FROM CAMBODIA



here is the Pun Chuan family today?” Church planter Nuth Mao wondered as he scanned the members sitting expectantly in his small church one Sabbath morning. “They have been so faithful in attending, something must be seriously wrong” he anxiously thought. After the service Nuth Mao went to search for the family. He found all eight of them huddled in their small make-shift hut on the curb of the road. Mr. Chuan poured out his burden. “The day before, the government came and ordered us to leave because we built on public land. They want to clean up the streets. We have nowhere to go!” he said desperately. This problem was bigger than Nuth Mao could solve. He prayed with the family and asked the small groups in his church to pray for this need every morning and evening at 7 o’clock. One day, two days, three days went by and there was no answer. Finally, on the seventh day, Mr. Chuan came into church with a radiant smile on his face. He said, “I trusted in God and He gave me some land.” Actually, God impressed one of the church members to donate a piece of land 35 x 40 meters for the family to build a house on. The joy and amazement oozed out of Mr. Chuan’s words as he described the beautiful gift of land that even had fruit trees growing on it! God answered many prayers through the loving sacrifice made by a fellow believer! Would you like to play a part in answered prayer and experience joy? Why not make a sacrifice for a brother or sister in Southeast Asia or a needy person you meet today!


esus gave His disciples an amazing promise on the eve of His crucifixion, right before He made the greatest sacrifice of all, His life: “Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full” (John 16:24). What a precious promise! There is a fullness of joy that the world cannot give that can be experienced only through answered prayers. “Until now” many continue on a daily basis to go through the motions of Christianity without realizing the fulfillment of this promise. Maybe we would experience more joy and answered prayers if we would make the small sacrifice of time in prayer. In order for this to happen, ask yourself, what must I sacrifice doing so that I can spend that time in prayer? God will help make that possible. He longs for us to live sacrificial, prayerful lives full of joy as He did.

Featured Prayer Points Pray for a spirit of sacrifice and a great outpouring

of the Holy Spirit on all the ASAP family (national missionaries, church leaders, members, and students in the field, staff, board members, donors, prayer partners, office volunteers, and ASAP ambassadors, along with all their families). In the first quarter of the fiscal year, God sent

$200,000 to ASAP. Join us in praying for $2,500,000 in donations to come to ASAP in this fiscal year so that all the worthy projects proposed can be funded. With God, all things are possible!

Recruiting Prayer Partners! Join ASAP's Prayer Team if you would like to lift up specific requests on a daily basis (we send them once a month). Email us and we'll sign you up!


Advocates Supporting & Assisting the Persecuted


SWEET SACRIFICES ASAP began a pilot project to reach suffering people in a closed country where you can lose your life if caught sharing the Gospel. Pray for the courageous national missionaries working in this dangerous place. Praise the Lord for the fruit already, from the recent baptism of two individuals in this country (see picture). If you would like to contribute to this special project, mark GWIDOP on your envelope (God’s Work in Dangerous Oppressive Places).


he Teens, Juniors, Primaries, and Kindergartners at the Colfax SDA Church know Jesus gave all for them. So they asked, “What can we give for Him?” They came up with a list of ways to fill their sacrifice-mission boxes in order to give more to the suffering and persecuted in Asia.

1. Skip a drink at Starbucks or Jamba Juice. 2. Take a sack lunch and don’t buy the special pizza meal at school. 3. Write to your relatives that normally give you a birthday gift and ask for the money instead for poor children or for DVDs to share the Gospel in Vietnam.

4. When you go grocery shopping, watch for the most expensive items in your cart and then switch them out for something cheaper. Attack the snacks— they’re expensive! Shop from a list—you’ll buy less.

5. Instead of going out to eat, pack a picnic instead. If you do go out to eat, don’t order the drinks or dessert.

6. Cancel magazine subscriptions and read them at the local library instead. 7. Try a “staycation” instead of an expensive vacation. 8. Put one of your collections on ebay or craigslist. 9. Forgo buying another inspirational song on iTunes. 10. Wash most clothes in cold water and lower the hot water temperature.

God will Bless Your Gifts to ASAP!

“Each should keep a missionary box at hand, and drop into it every penny he is tempted to waste in self-indulgence." —Christian Stewardship, p. 291

“Every penny should be carefully treasured. A cent seems like a trifle, but a hundred cents make a dollar, and rightly spent may be the means of saving a soul from death." —Christian Stewardship, p. 290

as and learn what projects Go online to read more sweet sacrifice ide money will go! you can support—just think how far this


Reaching the World from Here




In 2005, one in five children in school had parents who were immigrants (Washington State Institute for Public Policy, Taken from the US Census). Today there are more foreign-born people living in America than there are people living in Canada! (http://usgovinfo.about.com/cs/ censusstatistic/a/foreignborn.htm)


e lived six years in Cambodia and ten years in Thailand. One year ago we asked ourselves the question, “Should we really return to the United States when the Great Commission is not yet finished?” Our daughter was ready for college and our fathers were turning 80. It seemed like we should. “But what about the millions of desperately poor and unreached?” We came to an exciting conclusion: The world has come to America! Just in nine months of 2012, 60,000 refugees moved here from Buddhist Bhutan and Myanmar and war-torn Iraq and Somalia. It is extremely hard for a westerner to share the gospel in any of those environments. Now anyone can be a cross-cultural missionary at the local Target or donut shop. This really matters to God. The very fact that every 31 seconds a new immigrant comes into America is part of God’s plan to finish the work. “If we were quick in discerning the opening providences of God, we should be able to see in the multiplying opportunities to reach many foreigners in America a divinely appointed means of rapidly extending the third angel’s message into all the nations of earth. God in His providence has brought men to our very doors and thrust them, as it were, into our arms, that they might learn the truth, and be qualified to do a work we could not do in getting the light before men of other tongues” (Evangelism, p. 570). They may be just strange faces to us, but they are individual immigrants known personally by God. He longs to have each one in heaven. Before we left Thailand, Suphin, a young girl from the Mien tribe who is like a daughter to us said, “If you see my sister in America, tell her hi for me.” We smiled, thinking about how huge the USA is. She did not give us an address either. Just before we moved into our new home, we stepped into a Thai restaurant twenty minutes away. To our surprise we heard “Acharn Scott?” Suddenly we were hugging the waitress—Suphin’s sister Mai. We later visited her two children and her animist husband, Lo. This week we all cooked curry, rice, and vegetables together in our home. Jesus loves the world. He loves the immigrant, the refugee. He loves you and wants to give you the joy of being a cross-cultural missionary right in your own backyard.

Is God Tugging at Your Heart to Reach the World from Here? Have you longed to be a

missionary overseas, but health challenges, family, or finances prevented you?

Have you noticed what

nationalities visit your Wal-Mart but don’t sit in your pews?

Were you frustrated because the Vietnamese lady in the grocery line can’t read the GLOW tract you offered her?

Have you prayed about how to witness to the Buddhist family whose son goes to school with your son?

Have you thought about how

the international student at your university might become his country’s leader? (Egypt’s newly elected President, Mohamed Morsi, studied at the University of Southern California).

We are preparing a special training kit for you. If you would like to get some sneak previews, email me and we’ll get started reaching the world together. Jesus wants to come soon!


scott.griswold@ asapministries.org

Your Gifts at Work “Brethren and sisters, will you today pledge yourselves before God to pray for these workers who have been chosen to go to other lands? Will you pledge yourselves not only to pray for them, but to sustain them?…Will you pledge yourselves to practice strict self-denial in order that you may have more to give for the advancement of the work in the ‘regions beyond’?” (Counsels on Sabbath School Work, p. 135). Many indeed have pledged to pray and support ASAP for which we are grateful. Here are some examples:

Giving Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seized! Missionary Boat and Youth Evangelism in Myanmar


Church Planting in Indianapolis, IN for the People of Burma


One Donor Sponsored 4 National Missionaries in 4 Countries


Total Given for National Missionaries in the Past Quarter



Go online to see 10 New, Dynamic Giving Opportunities you can seize today!

Hi! I’m Grant from Indiana. As I sat at ARME Bible Camp and saw all of the images of the good that ASAP does in missions, I wanted to give. This summer I dog-sat for a neighbor and she paid me before she left. When she returned from her trip, she gave me a card with more money in it. I really enjoyed watching and taking care of her dog. All of the extra money was unexpected. I thought the money that I earned could go to do good for ASAP ministries, so I gave it all to ASAP. I am glad that I can help spread Jesus' message of love through giving money to ASAP for missions.

Have you made a sacrifice for missions? Tell us about it! Write to: ASAP P.O. Box 84, Berrien Springs, MI 49103 Or you can email us at: office@asapministries.org

BLESSINGS FROM ASI We thank the Lord for the Wadong Gyi missionary boat that came from Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) grant funding. Because of this boat, evangelistic meetings and VBS programs were conducted in villages where previous access was difficult or impossible. ASI funds also went to support youth teams from Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary (MUAS) to conduct Vacation Bible Schools and to participate in evangelism activities in thirtyone villages. These experiences introduced Jesus to children and their parents heard the gospel for the first time. This strengthened the faith of the young adults who went. Praise the Lord for the souls that have been saved in Christ’s kingdom because of God using ASI.

In Loving Memory & Honor “For I will turn their mourning to joy, will comfort them, and make them rejoice rather than sorrow.” —Jeremiah 31:13b

IN MEMORY OF: WILLIAM BARLOW by Violet Barlow • DR. RANDOLPH SUN by Nicole Sun • E. JENICKE by Sandy Monette • HOWARD W. SAMPSON by Alan and Cynthia Miller • JILL CONNELLY, OUR DAUGHTER by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olson • JOAN NEALL, MY BELOVED MOTHER by Byron and Carol Reynolds • MR. AND MRS. WALTER KAISER, MY PARENTS by Ms. Ruth Kaiser • PEARL AND RUTH KELLER, MY PARENTS by Herbert and Phyllis Wrate • WILLIAM HARDY by Ray and Frances Foster • RON SQUIER by Judy Aitken and the O’Carey’s





Meet Win Sein* TEACHING FOR JESUS Win Sein moved to a new area and started a school as an avenue to plant a church. Being from the Chin tribe, he has had to learn a new language and culture to reach the Lahu. The children have been very helpful and forgiving in this area. Five families moved from his village to settle between the Thailand/Myanmar border. The children have been baptized so he prays they will keep their faith and continue sharing with their parents. Five more families moved into the village and these children joined his school. He praises God for sustaining him!

HOW CAN I HELP? Pray that God will strengthen Win Sein as he sacrifices his life in order to plant a church among the Lahu tribe. Consider making some sacrifices in order to sponsor Win Sein for $120 per month and to send him to ASAP training for $100 per month. You could ask your friends to join you in this project!


POSITION Church Planter/Teacher LOCATION Myanmar UNREACHED TRIBE Lahu PRAYER REQUESTS • Pray that the villagers will become Christians and find better businesses than growing opium. • For peace for East Shan State and protection from the rebel soldiers.

SACRIFICING PERSONAL SAFETY FOR SOULS Last May ten Christian friends visited my village and held a meeting in which we prayed, sang songs and preached the gospel. Many came and filled the school room but one by one they began to leave. At the end of the meeting there were only the ten friends, myself and three others. We were told they left because fighting began in the next village. When this happens the villagers run for refuge in the jungle or to a safe village nearby. We never know when the soldiers will come to our village to attack and rob us. On that night I stayed with my guests in the village because I believed that my God would protect us. I thank God that He kept us safe that night and many other nights as well. Claiming Psalm 23 brings me much peace.





ASAP Ministries is fueled by mission-minded, faith-filled individuals whom God impresses. Be assured that 100% of your gift will go directly to the projects you specify. However, in the blessed event that the project you chose is fully funded, ASAP will use your gift for a similar project or where most needed to help spread the gospel and ease suffering in the countries ASAP operates. Because ASAP is a §501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your donations are tax-deductible.


ASAP serves people from the countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and Beyond! *At times photos are blurred and names changed to protect the safety of God's workers.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Bruce Bauer, Judy Aitken, Peter Van Bemmelen, Christopher Carmen, Steven Chang, Chan Sun and Esther Hwang, Denzil McNeilus, Mary Ann McNeilus, Byron and Carol Reynolds and Trudi Starlin. EXECUTIVE EDITOR/DIRECTOR Judy Aitken EDITOR/ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Julia O’Carey COPY EDITOR Linda Bauer, Wayne Labins DESIGN/LAYOUT Sarah Lee www.ambientlightstudios.com

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version® copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. TOLL FREE 1-866-365-3541 PHONE 269-471-3026 FAX 269-471-3034 EMAIL office@asapministries.org WEB www.asapministries.org


ASI MEMBER ASAP Ministries has been a member of ASI (Adventist-layman’s Services and Industries) since 1996 and is grateful to be an ASI grant recipient.

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