March/April 2013 Newsletter

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“By dwelling upon the faults of others, we are changed into the same image. But by beholding Jesus, talking of his love and perfection of character, we become changed into His image”

(Ministry of Healing, p. 492). “MUST READ” VERSES

Inspired with Praise

Romans 12:10

1 Peter 3:9

Philippians 4:8


“Praise God for His wonderful love in giving Christ to die for us. It never pays to think of our grievances. God calls upon us to think of His mercy and His matchless love, that we may be inspired with praise” (MH 492).


ow often do we thank God for the common miracles He gives, like the food on our plates, clothes on our bodies, our perfectly formed, functional hands, legs and feet? Did you know that 80% of the world’s population tries to survive on less than $10 a day?1 If able-bodied people around the world struggle to survive, what about the disabled in poor countries like Laos? What do they have to thank God for? What hope do they have? Laos, the country of my heart, is one of the most bombed countries on earth and the scars of war still run deep in many forms. During my frequent travels to Laos, I often encounter people who were born with defects and sadly realize they experience severe rejection and shortlived, poverty-stricken lives filled with misery and despair.

every day visiting people, always looking for opportunities to share Christ in every situation. She tells everyone she meets that Jesus is the only way to find true happiness and help for any problems or worries they might have.

I cannot tell you why Nuy was born deformed and paralyzed. It may be traced back to Agent Orange that was dropped during the war, nevertheless, Nuy is one of many disabled people in Laos. Read how Nuy’s life and outlook changed dramatically from being hopeless to hopeful after she met Jesus Christ through ASAP Lay Pastor Soupaluk Waswangboon.

She made a special point to visit with Nuy every week when she visited the home. Nuy started opening up to her and Soupaluk discovered that Nuy’s disability and paralysis from the waist-down caused her to feel like a burden to her family and society. She felt like there was no reason for living. Soupaluk shared about Jesus and how He came to this earth a long time ago to seek out people just like her in need of healing of their bodies and their hearts. She told her many

Miss Soupaluk oversees three worship groups. She goes out

One day while Soupaluk was visiting with new friends, she noticed her friend’s sister, Nuy, lying on the mat in the corner of the room. She felt impressed to go over and talk to her. “Sabai dee bor?” (How are you?) she asked gently with a smile. Soupaluk sensed a dark cloud encompassing Nuy who did not even look at her or respond. When she noticed how thin this lady was, her concern for her grew deeper when she saw Nuy through Jesus’ eyes.


Reaching Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar & Beyond

Thoughts From: JUDY AITKEN

stories of Jesus’ love, healing power, and the great plan He had to die for her so that she could be restored fully in heaven someday. After listening for two months, Nuy accepted Christ into her heart. Jesus gave her hope. He gave her energy and joy she never had before.


“If we would humble ourselves before God, and be kind and courteous and tenderhearted and pitiful, there would be one hundred conversions to the truth where now there is only one” (9T 189). We must never underestimate the power of a kind word, a loving gesture, a thoughtful favor. As the quote above communicates, positive, Christ-like acts may mean the difference between life or death to a soul. As you will read from the main feature, ASAP Lay Pastor Soupaluk Waswangboon took an interest in Nuy. You will be amazed at what her cheerful influence had on this woman in Laos. We praise God for each missionary and the compassionate approach that they combine with sharing the gospel message. Each one is a sermon in sandals. Every time I visit the Feed & Read schools in Cambodia I am touched by the kindness I see in the teachers. Last year my heart rejoiced with theirs as we witnessed the baptism of five of their students (see picture below). Their smiles show the richness of life these poor children experience because they know Jesus. Every small gift you give and prayer you extend for ASAP feels like a smile from our Savior. Thank you!

Soon after her conversion, Nuy had the idea to try selling water in the market. She asked her relatives to take her there and help her get set up each day. People help themselves to water and put money in a basket for her. She prays every day that God will send her customers and God hears her prayers. She brings in a steady amount of 100,000 kips ($12-$13) a day. Her life is now filled with purpose, hope, and joy. She no longer worries as she used to because she trusts that God will take care of her. She is very thankful for the value God has given to her as a daughter of the King of Kings. People have seen how thin she is and one of her customers asked her one day, “What will happen to your body after you die since you are a Christian?” Nuy answered, “The Christians will come together and pray and sing. We don’t need the monks to come and chant because as Christians we believe that we are asleep peacefully and will be resurrected and go to heaven soon when Jesus comes back for us. We have everything we need from Him.” It was not easy witnessing to Nuy. One of her sisters is a fortune teller and did not like the idea of her sister becoming Christian. The family was protective of Nuy and initially not interested in Soupaluk helping her. After seeing the changes in Nuy their hearts opened. Soupaluk shares the Bible with all of them each Sabbath PHOTO CAPTIONS (COVER): Miss Soupaluk visits Nuy at her beverage stall in the market. (Top): afternoon and hopes and prays that Miss Soupaluk poses with a smile at an ASAP each one will accept Jesus fully into workers' training. (Below): Nuy in prayer on a Sabbath afternoon after her conversion. their hearts. Nuy, who was once hopeless, is now full of hope and looking toward the future with confidence that the Lord will lead and guide her. Most importantly, she knows that when the Lord comes back, her disabled body will be changed to a glorious body with no defects. Like the psalmist who wrote, “The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise Him” (Psalm 28:7), Nuy now is full of praises to the Lord. There are still many more people living without hope in Laos. We are glad that ASAP has supported many lay pastors, like Miss Soupaluk, who are working tirelessly to reach out to the unfortunate and the hopeless to give them a new joy in Jesus. We are grateful for your continual support, for without it who will pay for the workers in the Lord’s vineyard in Laos? 1

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Adventist Southeast Asia Projects n 22


NEEDED @ $1,000 EACH

MISSION To accelerate the spread of the gospel by providing ASAP missionaries with mopeds. COUNTRY Laos—2 needed, Cambodia—5 needed, Myanmar—5 needed, Vietnam—10 needed GIFT #202 • IMPACT A larger future population in heaven!


opeds prove to be an effective tool for ministry in Southeast Asia as it is the most common mode of transportation in this part of the world. We see that God uses these tools in a variety of ways, all for His glory. Lay Pastors who have mopeds in Vietnam take routine evangelistic trips to unreached villages and cities to pass out sermons on DVD. Lay Pastor Huyn Duong* shared that when he received a moped, he was able to make evangelistic trips to three cities far from his home and as a result, house churches have been established in each location. Mopeds allow district leaders in Vietnam to visit many small worship groups who do not have a lay pastor. These visits are a great spiritual encouragement to the believers.

Church Planter Aung Aung in Myanmar uses his moped to help the villagers, for he is working in a remote area. He and the chief are the only ones in the village who own mopeds. One night, he was alerted that a mom in the village was having birth complications. With a prayer on his lips, he carefully transported the bleeding lady to the closest hospital three hours away. Praise God her life was spared, though they could not save the baby. Wouldn’t it be amazing if every ASAP missionary had the right set of wheels needed for ministry? It costs about $1,000 to purchase a moped in Southeast Asia. We trust God will provide and that He will give a 1,000–fold blessing on each moped and missionary using it if we ask Him.

Notes from our ASAP Family Volunteers, Staff, National Missionaries, ASAP Ambassadors, Prayer Partners, Donors, Board Members and Gift Recipients Historically, in Myanmar, Adventist messages were hindered by prejudiced feelings from other denominations. After ASAP trained the church planters to use the medical missionary approach combined with preaching the Three Angels’ Messages, many invitations came from various denominations. Recently, a team of three ASAP church planters, some leaders from Central Myanmar Mission and I conducted a ten-day seminar to the United Pentecostal Church. We have planted the everlasting gospel seeds in their hearts and have seen God’s presence at work. n PASTOR ISAIAH HAI FROM MYANMAR As the supervisor for volunteers in the ASAP office, I rely on a dedicated team to come and help us get our monthly

mailings out. It usually takes about five or six people working two to three days to get the job done. So imagine my surprise and sheer delight this past January when a whopping twelve volunteers showed up in one day! I even had to turn two of them away because there was no room for them, which reminded me of the last part of Malachi 3:10 in which God promises to give us such a blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it! Praise God for giving us even more than what we ask for! n JEANETTE YEBOAH-AMOAKO, ASAP PR/DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT Martin Kim, ASAP's Communication Director, and his wife, Liana, recently relocated to Washington State. Though the ASAP team misses them, we praise the Lord for opening doors for Martin

to minister to the Southcenter SDA Church and work as an Amazing Facts evangelist. We are also grateful that Martin continues to stay connected with ASAP, serving as our prayer coordinator and representing ASAP at ARME Bible Camps and in various places. n JUDY AITKEN, ASAP DIRECTOR (Martin & Liana Kim, pictured below)



t was Thursday afternoon, Thanksgiving day. Isaiah, Andrew, Abigail and I were on our way to our church’s Thanksgiving outreach program. I had closed my eyes to rehearse the songs that we were singing that evening when all of a sudden I heard a loud bang on the left passenger side of the car, where Abigail was sitting. Startled, I immediately sat up straight and grabbed the rim of the seat. The car shot ahead from the force of the car that collided with us. Unbeknown to us, the parents of that car lost control when trying to soothe their crying baby. The horrible speed was accompanied by grinding sounds of metal. Suddenly, it felt like we were in an earthquake and our car was falling down in a twisting tornado-like manner through a huge crack in the earth. It was a terrifying time for our family. As I saw the sparks along the whole left side of the roof, I realized that the car was skidding on its side. With the car rolling, smashing, and glass breaking, I silently cried out to God, “Lord, save us!” Then I went through those moments after that with amazing peace! After our car was hit, it rolled three times then landed right side up, facing the opposing traffic. Amazingly, we opened all four doors easily. I stepped out of the car and shouted for everyone to get away from the car in case it ignited in flames. I heard Abigail screaming in terror, “My head hurts. My neck hurts!” Isaiah and I rushed over to her as three men ran up to us. One went immediately to attend to Abigail. Another person called 911 and a third came over to me and calmly guided me in what to do. They told us they were all emergency medical technicians … or angels? All of us and the passengers in the other car experienced no major injuries. We praise the Lord for many evidences of God’s protection during this terrible accident. n BY MAI DUONG



he Psalmist said, “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Have you learned to praise God at all times? It has been said there are two times to praise the Lord: when you feel like it and when you don’t. Regardless of how we feel, God is still the same and He is worthy to be praised. We should praise God when we are experiencing the best of health and when we are suffering from poor health. We should praise God when we can see the light and in our darkest moments. We are told: “If the loving-kindness of God called forth more thanksgiving and praise, we would have far more power in prayer” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, page 317). Try incorporating much more praise into your prayers and see how it will impact yourself, ASAP, and all those on your prayer lists.

Join ASAP in Praising God for: The blessings that came from ASAP’s 21-Day Prayer & Fasting Initiative. Members in the community and ASAP Prayer Partners online joined together from January 11-31 to seriously seek God in prayer and to fast from entertainment and/or rich foods. We experienced a deeper walk with God and many answered prayers. A friend in our community needed serious prayer for he was struggling with a debilitating bout of depression. We prayed for him and may God receive all the praise for he was healed!

See More Amazing Answers! You can go online to read more real answers to prayer and blessings sent from above.

Advocates Supporting & Assisting the Persecuted


COURAGE AMIDST THE STONES The 2012 Annual Report of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom2 again recommends that Vietnam be listed as a “Country of Particular Concern”—the worst rating—because of ongoing religious freedom violations. These include imprisonments, detentions, discrimination, arrests, harassment, destruction of property, and forced renunciations of faith related to religious activities. Please continue to pray for God’s workers who risk and experience persecution “for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ” (Revelation 1:9). 2Visit for the complete report.


SAP Lay Pastor Tran Van Ta* to God for protection. As they heard the works hard to spread the angry voices outside and the sound of gospel in new locations. After big rocks crashing onto their home, they he became a lay pastor in the houseprayed for angels to protect them from church movement, he bought a house the attack. After about fifteen minutes on a small island with the objective to everything grew quiet. They were afraid witness to tourists and local villagers. In to venture outside until the next morning. opening a small pharmacy, he had the Tran Van Ta discovered that sections of opportunity to witness to his customers They jumped out of the brush the wall of their home was broken and his about the Master Physician who wants motorbike had big dents from the rocks. by the road and pummeled to heal their sicknesses as they came He went to the authorities and reported in to purchase medicine. This brought the incident, but by their reaction, Tran him again with rocks. many people who became interested in Van Ta suspects they were the ones that his testimony and beliefs. Bible studies and worship began to paid the gang to attack his home. regularly happen there. The next day while riding his motorbike, a group of young men When the authorities discovered that he was using his house for ambushed him. They jumped out of the brush by the road and religious activities, not just business, they became furious. Each pummeled him again with rocks. The rocks ruined his jacket day that he was summoned to the police station for intense and further damaged his motorbike but the Lord protected interrogations, he returned home at night exhausted. It was his body. Lay Pastor Tran Van Ta’s courage remains strong. He 9:00 p.m. one night not long after this that he suddenly heard expects persecution when doing God’s work (2 Timothy 3:12). a strange sound. His grandchildren had already fallen asleep Please join him in praising the Lord for angels who protect on the mat in their simple wooden/bamboo and thatch home him and pray daily for the persecuted believers of the world. when they woke up abruptly to a random knocking on the side n BY JUDY AITKEN FROM AN INTERVIEW WITH DISTRICT of the home that got louder and more frequent. He huddled in PASTOR NGUYEN LE BAN* the dark with his wife, children and grandchildren and prayed

Building Today = Building for Eternity g built up as a “You yourselves like living stones are bein .” (1 Peter 2:5, ESV ). spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood..

churches in Your help to build and/or repair 20 house the persecuted! Vietnam will be like rays of sunshine to


Reaching the World from Here THE AMAZING GRACE OF GOD



am truly grateful to the Lord for I was born and raised at Ohn Daw village, Burma, close to where Eric B. Hare, a devoted missionary from Australia established an Adventist academy in 1916. I am also thankful that I was given an opportunity to study at that academy until seventh grade. There, I learned about God the Creator and I came to know Jesus who came to this earth to suffer shame, guilt, and eventually sacrificed His life for me on the cross.

Pastor Hare made great sacrifices in order to share Jesus with my people. He was a great preacher, a loving man of God who set a solid example of Christian living in what he said and did. He went from village to village asking parents to send their children to the academy. He usually carried a big trumpet with him. He would blow it as loud as thunder. At that time, my mom was Buddhist and she was told by her mother that the white Indian was a ghost. Children were told to hide in their bedrooms whenever villagers heard the trumpet sound. Parents explained to their children that a ghost goes from village to village to count every child and to write down their names. If children went to Pr. Hare’s school, he would cook one student each year for a special celebration. Most parents were superstitious and they did not let their children study at Pr. Hare’s school. My great grandparents welcomed Pr. Hare to their home, but they were kicked out of the village. They moved closer to his school and sent their kids there. In the first year of the opening of Pr. Hare’s school, only two students attended. During the following years, more students joined the academy as the villagers witnessed that neither of the first two students were eaten. In 1966, the government took away all the Adventist schools, hospitals and institutions, but praise God, the school was eventually rebuilt. God answered my prayer and I was able to work as the school nurse there for many years. Shortly after I retired, all the Christians in my village were forced to leave. We fled to a refugee camp in Thailand. In our lives, we never dreamed that we would come live in America. We see that through the trials, God still had a plan for us and by his amazing grace He brought us to this country. Now I am 62 years old and I thank God I still am able to worship at church every Sabbath day. My grandpa, Pr. Saw John, worked together with Pr. Hare and now his legacy lives on in the lives of his children, even to the fourth generation. Currently, my son Stephen Aungsee is serving as a pastor for the Karen Adventist group in Des Moines, Iowa, and my cousin, Pastor Saw Htoo is serving in Albany, NY. Many other relatives are serving the Lord around the world. “The Lord’s loving kindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23, NASB). EDITOR'S NOTE: Please pray that God will provide in every way what is needed for Pr. Aungsee, Pr. Saw Htoo, Pr. Sam Ngala, and others who are working for the salvation of refugees in America.

Announcing the CCCC! (Cross-Cultural Contact Contest) God has sent the world to America and He wants us to go meet them! Do you know your international neighbors? Since we all tend to stick to our own circles, for the next two months we plan to meet as many immigrants, refugees, and international students as possible. Will you join us? Just e-mail us every time you meet someone from another country who speaks a language other than English. HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR HOW TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN: Pray that God will lead you to them.

Visit ethnic restaurants, markets, university cafeterias, etc.

Start making new friends. WHAT WILL YOU TALK ABOUT? Be as friendly as you would to anyone else. Ask, “Do you speak any other languages besides English?” You might also ask, “What is your home country?” Then you can ask questions about their country and continue your friendship.

Here We Go!

We’ll be adding up those e-mails and let you know the results in the next newsletter.


Your Gifts at Work Here are a few ways God has provided through you and a few new opportunities before us. Find 10 Dynamic Giving Opportunities on our website:

Blessings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Received! Funding for the first GWIDOP Pilot Project

Assistance to train ASAP’s National Missionaries

A special gift to support Vietnamese Lay Pastors

$64,000 $20,000 $90,000

Giving Opportunities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Still Available Training for workers in 5 countries in 2013

Funds for national missionary stipends in 2013 Support one literacy teacher for one year

$60,500 $306,619 $480

Are You or Your Church Group Grateful for Jesus? Why not show it by sponsoring a missionary? We will send you a profile of your worker. Contact ASAP today! 1-888-365-3541

Every Wednesday at my school is pizza day. I love pizza! It was really hard to go without my pizza lunch, but I was excited to put the $4.00 into the Vietnamese DVD project. That means 16 more DVDs can go to people who have never heard of Jesus before.

Aung Aung

Roger & Peggy Dudley

God is using Church Planter Aung Aung* in multiple ways to teach the villagers in Myanmar about Jesus. One of the most influential individuals in the village is a spirit medium/shaman name Kyaet Pa. This old man has stopped many villagers from believing in Jesus because they are afraid of what Kyaet Pa will do to them if they become Christian. Church Planter Aung Aung had an opportunity to heap coals of kindness on Kyaet Pa’s head. The shaman needed an eye operation but the old man did not speak Burmese. Aung Aung went with him and translated for him. This act of kindness was a seed we hope will grow into a flourishing tree of belief. Church Planter Aung Aung is able to reach the Lau people in Burma because Drs. Roger and Peggy Dudley from Michigan have faithfully sponsored him.

In Loving Memory & Honor IN MEMORY OF: DR. RANDOLPH SUN by Nicole Sun • GENE SHAFER by Cherilyn Typaldos • JAY WASHAM by Clint and Sandy Washam • HARRY AND ELLA WICKHAM by Victor and Carol Swayze • MAYNARD LITTLE, MY HUSBAND by Julieanne Little • PAUL ESSIG by Karen Essig • PETER KUNZE, MY BROTHER by Wolfgang Kunze • ROBERT AND DORIS STRICKLAND by Dale and Nancy Wolcott • RONNIE SQUIER by James and Betty Lemos • WILLIAM AND ELIZABETH KUZMA by George Kuzma

IN HONOR & THANKFULNESS OF: Go online to read some of the specific ways God impressed kids from the Colfax SDA Church to make small sacrifices for missions!



OUR LORD AND SAVIOR, CHRIST JESUS! by Emmanuel, Samuel and Ellissa Lo, Steve and Regan Pereira, and Christopher Harrison • AXEL AITKEN, AYE WIN, JOSSELYN, JOHN, AND JOELLE ROOSENBERG, KAILA O'CAREY by Judy Aitken • DAVID AND LINDA HOR by James Tan • DAVID SWENSON by Marjorie Patch • DEE DEE'S MEGAVOICE PROJECT by Barbara Miller • DENNIS AND LILA TIDWELL by Nathan and Margie Tidwell • LALPUII HNAMTE, MY MOTHER (WIDOW) by Rini Hnamte • MOM, DAD, SIBLINGS, NIECE AND NEPHEWS by Lawrence and Holly Joers • MY FAMILY by Edna Jessica Saxton • YSABELLA AND STEPHEN HAMANN by Arthur and Madelene Hamann • MONICA AND ALEX LABINS, FOR THEIR BIRTHDAYS by Wayne and Sherri Labins • MY FAMILY, WAYNE AND SHERRI, BRUCE AND ANNELI, AND ROSS by Juanita Plummer • DR. ALEX BOKOVOY by Gilson and Jane Girotto

Meet Sineth So THANKFUL FOR… I thank God for blessing my work as a literacy teacher. The school has doubled in attendance since I came. I think it has grown because the students tell their friends that their teacher loves them and that they learn a lot. Personally, I feel connected with God because as I prepare my lessons each day, I feel that the Bible stories apply to my life, too. I am so excited I have this job!

THE BEST DAYS My students love coming to church, especially Sreynean and Sreymoyt. Now more than fifty attend. The students bring their siblings and friends from the community. All ages, from three to adult enjoy singing, Bible stories, games, activities, and coloring pictures. I feel so joyful when I see my students give their hearts to Christ!


POSITION Literacy Teacher LOCATION Kompong Spue Province, Cambodia NUMBER OF STUDENTS 40+ PRAYER REQUEST For every student and their families to fully surrender to Christ.

FROM SHYNESS TO SHINING Sreynean, a fifteen-year-old in our village, listened to her parents. “Don’t go to the Jesus place! They will bring evil to us. They will teach you to disobey and you will become violent!” they warned. Her friends attending my literacy school told her those things were not true and invited her to come. “No, I can’t! I don’t want to get punished by my parents!” she said, yet she could not stay away. One Sabbath she slipped into the back of the church and saw her friends up front singing songs that touched her heart. Though she was so shy, the following Monday she got up the courage to come to literacy class and kept coming back. When I tested her on her memory verses, I discovered she got the best grade in the class! I visited her family and God gave me kind words to say. Now her sister, Sreymoyt, is coming to school, too. God answered many prayers for them.





ASAP Ministries is fueled by mission-minded, faith-filled individuals whom God impresses. Be assured that 100% of your gift will go directly to the projects you specify. However, in the blessed event that the project you chose is fully funded, ASAP will use your gift for a similar project or where most needed to help spread the gospel and ease suffering in the countries ASAP operates. Because ASAP is a §501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your donations are tax-deductible.


ASAP serves people from the countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and Beyond! *At times photos are blurred and names changed to protect the safety of God's workers.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Bruce Bauer, Judy Aitken, Peter Van Bemmelen, Christopher Carmen, Steven Chang, Chan Sun and Esther Hwang, Denzil McNeilus, Mary Ann McNeilus, Byron and Carol Reynolds and Trudi Starlin. EXECUTIVE EDITOR/DIRECTOR Judy Aitken EDITOR/ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Julia O’Carey COPY EDITOR Linda Bauer, Wayne Labins DESIGN/LAYOUT Sarah Lee

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version® copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. TOLL FREE 1-866-365-3541 PHONE 269-471-3026 FAX 269-471-3034 EMAIL WEB


ASI MEMBER ASAP Ministries has been a member of ASI (Adventist-layman’s Services and Industries) since 1996 and is grateful to be an ASI grant recipient.

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