Reaching Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar & Beyond
“Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a night vision. So Daniel blessed the God of heaven” GOD SPOKE IN DREAMS: to Joseph
Genesis 37:5-10
to Pharaoh
to Nebuchadnezzar
Genesis 41:14-16 Daniel 2:1, 28-29
He still speaks today!
Photo by Khamsaen Suvankham
God’s Messages Through Dreams BY JULIA O'CAREY
God speaks to His people through the Word, through the Holy Spirit’s impressions, through nature and song, and even through dreams. Think of the many times God used dreams to communicate messages in Bible times! Has He ever spoken to you in a dream? If not, take heart. Today, we find dreams to be more prevalent in primitive cultures and/or situations where there is no access to the Word of God, which is His primary mode of communication with His children. This article includes vignettes of God’s messages spoken in dreams to people in Vietnam. May these stories reinforce the truth that God longs for His children to know and believe in Him and that He will do whatever it takes to get His messages across before Jesus comes again.
efore I became a Sabbath keeper and as I was listening to Pr. Isah’s sermons on the radio, I prayed, “Lord, if the Sabbath is really the truth, please clearly show me.” Then I had a dream where I saw a person running toward Jesus. Before he got to Him, he leaped in the air but Jesus embraced him, catching him just in time. I was impressed that I was that person in the dream and that I would be taking a leap of faith if I accepted this new truth. It reassured me knowing that Jesus would be right there. I did not see the face of the person who embraced me, but I know it was God. After I woke up I decided to start keeping the Sabbath. I continued to pray, fell back to sleep, and soon I had a second dream. I saw a lot of people running back and forth, and they were confused. Jesus was standing there and they were not willing to come into His embrace. I woke up and had the sad realization that many people in this world are too busy to stop long enough to come to Jesus. LAY PASTOR CHIN LEE*
(Daniel 2:19).
I just returned from spending my spring break in Bangkok where I had the privilege of listening to a group of men and women tell their stories of how God is giving dreams and visions as they work among Muslims, Buddhists, and Hindus. Here is Vikas' story: In July 2012 I met one of my old Hindu friends whom I had not seen for over ten years. He had a lot of questions about my new religion. I told him how I had changed, how I had stopped smoking, so he wanted to know how I had stopped. I told him that I got the power from the new religion, from Jesus, to overcome the habits. When his wife heard this—she had a smoke allergy and often fought and argued with her husband when he drank—she became more interested in what I was saying than her husband. The wife asked, “How can we know about this religion?” I promised to come and study with them, but I also gave them a New Testament and told them to begin reading in the book of Mark. After I left their home that night there was a big fight because the husband wanted to throw the Bible out of the house, but the wife said, “No, you know that your friend changed because of this book!” The next morning I got a phone call from my friend telling me that something strange had happened. In the middle of the night he had a dream and didn’t know why, but he knew it was Jesus who asked him not to fight with his wife over the book and to read the book. Immediately he said, “I woke up my wife and my wife started telling me that she had just had a dream in which Jesus told her not to worry, that Jesus would also tell her husband to read the book with her.” I then talked with the wife who was crying and she said, “Something happened to my family—both of us have seen Jesus and have been encouraged to read the Bible. We have already finished reading five chapters of Mark. We don’t understand everything we are reading, but it is a very nice book, so can you help us understand it?” Now, just eight months later they have already started 11 small groups with 8 to 12 members in each group in order to tell their neighbors about what God has done for them. It is really true that it is not by might or by power, but by the Spirit of God that people turn to Him.
dreamed three times where I saw God and each time He asked me to build a house for the church members to worship in. In my dreams I saw the second floor of the house dedicated solely for worship. After the third time of receiving this dream, I knew I had to build a house church. I prayed and God provided everything needed for the new house church. Before people had a hard time finding places to worship, but they were so happy after they could worship each week in the upstairs of my home. We went out and shared DVDs and books with others. The house church grew bigger. I kept evangelizing and started a new church in another place about 30 kilometers from my home. This group started from people listening to Pastor Isah of the Peace & Happiness radio station. They asked me to go there and help them establish a church. I find much joy in hearing and obeying God’s voice. LAY PASTOR BLANG LO*
was on a trip to distribute stipends to the ASAP lay pastors in a mountainous area. My eighty-year-old elder of the church accompanied me. On the way back home, the elder wanted me to take the oceanside route. He and I debated which route to take because I wanted to return by way of my regular route. When the red light turned green, we had to make a decision so I quickly decided on the scenic route. After traveling about seven kilometers, we were hit head on and crashed. Right after I fell from the motorbike, I reached out to find my elder. He flew in the air and landed a distance away, cracking his helmet as his head hit the hard pavement. It was dark, but later I discovered I had a dislocated finger and scratches and bruises on my arms and legs. I also had chest pain. We thank the Lord that we were not hurt worse and that we managed to ride the motorbike the rest of the way home. continued on the next page
Advocates Spiritually Assisting the Persecuted UPDATE ON GOD'S WORK IN DANGEROUS OPPRESSIVE PLACES (GWIDOP) ASAP donors generously responded to an appeal for funds to begin a project we are calling GWIDOP. We praise God that three lay pastors in one of these closed countries have received stipends and are enabled to work full time for the Lord. They are so grateful for God’s provisions. In another closed country, by God’s grace, one missionary has been trained and sent in to start a secret mission. Two individuals have brought humanitarian aid into this closed country. The people are in a serious destitute situation and the rice, soy sauce, and supplies have been like manna from heaven. This is extremely dangerous work so please keep these courageous missionaries in your prayers!
When we got home, my wife told me she had received a call three nights before from a lady we had never met. This lady, Minh,* said that she had received a DVD and was impressed to call. In the course of the conversation, she said she had a dream that she saw a young man getting in an accident but did not know what it meant. After I returned home, we received another call from Minh. I told her about the motorbike accident and she asked how I was doing. I was able to witness to her that my wife had prayed for me after she called and angels protected us, and we were not as seriously injured as we could have been. God healed me very fast so my wife and I were able to visit Minh. We spent two days in her home, teaching her the beautiful truths in God’s Word. Because of the dream, she was very open. She knelt on her knees and gave her heart to God. She contacted her friends in the clothing factory she sews for and said, “You have to come meet the man I saw in my dream. He and his wife have some great news to share.” Much good came out of that visit. We were able to help bring reconciliation after five years of fighting between this lady and her mother-in-law who lived next door to her. I am amazed at how the Lord works. LAY PASTOR AN DE THUC* *Photos in this story are blurred and names changed to protect the safety of God's workers.
We need you here!
ne time I had a dream. I saw a small house about the size of one room. A lot of growing rice surrounded it but only about half of it had germinated. In my dream my two brothers asked me to sow all the rice grain in the family, whether it germinated or not. My field is small in size and the rice grain was so plentiful that I did not think this was possible. However, I was able to sow all of those seeds by the end of the day and somehow they all fit in the small field. I woke up and understood that God was calling for me to go and sow His seeds of truth. After I had that understanding I have continued to teach God’s Word to this day. I thank God that I am in the habit of witnessing and I enjoy doing it. ASAP supplies me with most of the material that I give away and I follow up on new interests. There are people who keep in contact with me that have not made decisions for Christ so I keep praying for them. I thank God that every day at least one person responds to the Gospel message. That is evidence to me of God’s calling. DIEU TI KIM*
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Adventist Southeast Asia Projects n JULIA
hen I was a young girl I remember dreaming about Jesus’ second coming. It was a great encouragement during a dark, difficult time in my life. This experience caused me to take note when I hear of others’ dreams, Ellen White’s included. She had some dreams which I believe are particularly important for you and me living during this crucial time before Jesus returns. I recommend that you read or re-read the entire dream detailed in Ellen White’s book Life Sketches, chapter 30, called “Traveling the Narrow Way.” In it, Ellen and James, along with others, embarked on a journey up a road with a white wall on one side and a deep precipice on the other. The further along they went, the more narrow the road became. They had to keep downsizing until finally they were traveling with no luggage and in their bare feet. The path became so narrow they had to suspend their whole weight upon cords that were hanging from above. Finally they swung over a fearful abyss into a beautiful field. There they were truly happy. How does this dream speak to your heart? Is there any downsizing that you need to do? Are you holding onto the cords of faith as life’s journey seems to get more and more difficult? In another dream found in Early Writings, pages 78-81, Ellen White saw herself sitting in despair. An angel came to her and asked if she wanted to see Jesus. She gathered all her possessions and started up a rickety stairway after him. She was asked to put down all her things before she entered a door, which she cheerfully did. In a moment she stood before Jesus. You do not want to miss her amazing description of Jesus. It will make your heart burn and yearn for the day when you will meet your Savior face to face!
Go online: to read the two dreams in their entirety. They are inspiring!
Notes from our ASAP Family Volunteers, Staff, National Missionaries, ASAP Ambassadors, Prayer Partners, Donors, Board Members and Gift Recipients One night I dreamed of people killing animals. After that I felt impressed God was telling me not to eat meat anymore. I then read Ministry of Healing by Ellen White and was so blessed. Later I had another dream where I saw God opening the Bible and pointing to Psalm 139, where it talks about how I am fearfully and wonderfully made and that His presence is everywhere, even in me. I woke up wanting to praise God for speaking to me so clearly and for how He is teaching me to respect my body, His temple. n PR. ANDREW, MYANMAR
Thank you for writing in your newsletter about keeping a missionary box. The money I am sending to you today is from my missionary bottle. I just cashed it out and it came to $111.12. May the Lord’s name be praised! Use it for humanitarian aid. n ALDA, ILLINOIS
The Holy Spirit impressed me to watch your program, Seekers of Truth on 3ABN today. I was touched by the story of how the Vietnamese missionary had a dream about sharing the gospel with the tribal people coming to him on elephants. When he woke up his wife told him she had the same dream. My daughter had a dream about Jesus that was very similar to Revelation 1. I know God is speaking to His children. n TURUWORK, ETHIOPIA Go online to watch Seekers of Truth if you haven’t had a chance to.
Always Say A Prayer A MAN IN WHITE
work as a lay pastor in my country of Laos. I prayed for our neighbors to know about the true God, but they showed no interest. The father of the home treated me rudely when I attempted to share Jesus.
One day, their nine-year-old son, Koun, became very ill. He lay lifeless on his bed for over one month. One night Koun’s mother, Nui, had a dream. A man wearing pure white clothes approached her and gently said, “Your son will be saved.” Nui woke up wondering what exactly the dream meant. The next morning my wife told me that she felt impressed that we should go over and pray for Koun. I prayed that God would help Koun and heal him. I prayed that he would have eternal life and for the whole family to be saved. We gave the parents a little money to go and buy some medicine for him. After we left, Koun opened his eyes and told his mother, “I feel better after those Christians came and prayed for me. I remember watching them pray together every Wednesday night in their meetings and each night as a family in their home. I believe it is the power of God that will heal me. I believe, I believe,” he repeated. By the following Monday, Koun was totally healed! We praise God that this whole family now believes in God’s power and they have accepted Jesus into their hearts. They are studying to know more of God and His Son and will be baptized soon.
n the day of Pentecost, Peter boldly preached, “But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days,’ says God, ‘That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams’” (Acts 2:16-17). As a result of God’s Spirit being poured out over 3,000 souls were added to the church in a single day. The disciples prayed and God worked. We too must pray and expect God to work in ways that we cannot imagine. We are told: “These scenes are to be repeated, and with greater power. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost was the former rain, but the latter rain will be more abundant. The Spirit awaits our demand and reception” (Christ’s Object Lessons, p. 121). Thank you for praying for Asia and being open to the Holy Spirit!
Two Dreams Prompt Week-Long Fasting and Prayer n BY THAN DAN BAI*
hen my wife and I became believers, we told God we only wanted to be members as I had a good job working as a contractor. It is only by the power of God that we are serving Him today. After one year of our baptism, my wife and I received interesting dreams. She saw herself working with the ethnic tribal people of Vietnam. That same night, I dreamed I was in control of a main source of water. I shared water with each ethnic tribal group. We told the house-church members what we had dreamed. Fifty people decided to join us in fasting and praying every day for a week. We were filled with the Holy Spirit and received joy and a desire to serve and confirmation from the Lord. Now I am in charge of twenty-one churches with over 2,000 members and nine other ASAP lay pastors. We serve the Lord in an area of 600 sq. km., which includes four tribes and Vietnamese people. This is the power of God!
Than Dan Bai and his wife in prayer.
Reaching the World from Here ON THE NARROW PATH
was born and raised a Buddhist. Growing up, we were very poor. My mother had to take care of me and many of my siblings as my father was no longer around. I grew up fast since I had to help care for my siblings and babysit as a nanny to help my mother financially. I was taken to Thailand to work while still in my mid-teenage years. I got married and came with my husband to the United States as refugees.
Pr. Sam Ngala expresses pure joy as he baptizes Aye Aye at the Southside SDA church in Indianapolis, Indiana
From my first month of pregnancy with my second child, I had a desire to know truth. The father of our child and his parents were pressuring me to convert to their religion. His mother had been hospitalized and we wanted to visit but his father told him, “If Aye Aye has not converted to our religion, we do not want to see either of you, not even at our funerals!”
Two months before my youngest child was born, I prayed for the first time in my life. I asked God for three things: (1) to reveal Himself (truth) to me so I could know who He is, (2) to lead me to good friends who will help me grow spiritually, and (3) to give me strength to overcome the trials and challenges that I was facing in my marriage. Two weeks prior to my first prayer, I was hospitalized because I was too weak. I refused to eat due to severe loss of appetite and could not sleep because of my troubled thoughts. My husband, whom I loved and trusted and had seen every time I came home, had up and left me and the child in my womb. How could I eat? My agony was compounded by the negative remarks made by others in regards to why I had chosen him in the first place. Soon after that first prayer, I was able to eat again. A peace washed over my mind and I was able to sleep. I gained strength and was able to leave the hospital. I learned God was real. Shortly after my prayer, a good friend whom I had not communicated with in eight months was hospitalized. Her brother called and asked me to call her as she needed some encouragement. I hesitated for a week because we had some misunderstandings that took place. Her brother persisted and told me that it was not good to hold grudges between good friends. I finally called her with the intention to encourage her. Instead, she was the one that encouraged me.
“A peace washed over my mind and I was able to sleep. I gained strength and was able to leave the hospital. I learned God was real.”
When she got out of the hospital, she invited me to her home and we cooked vegetarian snacks together. My friend asked me if I would like to study the Bible. I told her that I was very interested but I did not know how to read. She told me that there is a nice young man, Pastor Samuel Ngala, who can tell you the Bible stories. “He’s even vegetarian!” she added with a smile. When I prayed and asked God to send me someone to teach me truth, I did not specify what church he/she should be from. When Pastor Sam came, I knew he was sent by God. Then came a time when I had to choose between the father of my child and my Father in Heaven. I decided to follow and choose my Father in Heaven. God also gave me dreams to encourage me in my walk with Him. One night, I dreamed that I was traveling. Ahead of me was a bridge with a narrow square door going into a cave and on the other side was a broad walkway. When I looked back, I saw the father of my child trailing far behind me. I chose to enter by the narrow square door. At times, I even had to crawl until I reached a beautiful garden where I was warmly welcomed by a smiling lady. In March of this year I was baptized. I have never regretted my decision and I have decided to follow God with all my heart.
Donate to help Pr. Sam Ngala & others reach refugees for Christ. Give to GIFT# 416 (Reach Struggling Refugees).
Join us in rejoicing over God’s blessings (see below) and praying over real mission needs. Our greatest need is support for the national missionary stipends each month. Discover 10 Dynamic Giving Opportunities on our website:
Your Gifts at Work
Blessings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Received! • Support for 5 evangelistic meetings in SE Asia
• NAD donation for the "Reach the World from Here” kit
• Matching funds from the Lake Union ASI chapter, the Lake Union Conference and ASAP to purchase a van for ministry to people from Burma in Indianapolis
Giving Opportunities . . . . . . . to Pray for and Support • Vietnamese Youth Evangelism scholarships and training
• Continued development of curriculum and operation of the online Bible College in Vietnamese (
• Support for the medical missionary program in Cambodia
Picture Caption (L-R): Pr. Saengthong Saengthip, his wife, Mileicy, their son Danien, and his father, Mr. Sanga Saengthip, along with ASAP board member Dr. Van Bemmelen and his wife Cong, and pioneer members Mr. Vuey and Mrs. Lamphai Sihavong in front of the new LAMP Evangelistic Center
Hi! We are the Village SDA Church Kindergarten class in Berrien Springs, MI. We have been bringing in mission offerings each Sabbath for a year to help support the Feed & Read schools in Cambodia. Recently, we decided to sponsor Petros Charn, a ten-year-old boy at the Takong SDA School. You can sponsor a child too! Go online to to find out more and meet Petros Charn.
r. Saengthong Saengthip and the growing group of Laotian Adventist believers in Holland, Michigan, have been praying and saving for their own worship place and adequate space to do media ministry for Lao believers around the world. On March 29, their dream came true, when ASAP signed the papers to purchase the LAMP Evangelistic Center. God miraculously provided $52,000 through ASAP donors, the Holland SDA Church (their sister church), and Lao Adventists. To our surprise, the congregation selling the church generously left much more than was in the agreement, such as the piano, sound system, lawn mower for the 2+ acres, beautiful chairs, etc. We praise Jehovah Jirah, our amazing Provider!
In Loving Memory & Honor IN MEMORY OF: WILLIAM BARLOW by Violet Barlow • REBECCA ZAVAKOS by Helen Bodinet • PAUL ESSIG by Karen Essig • BETH COFFIN by Phil and Sherry Mills, George and Dena Guthrie, and Esther Sherrard • PEARL VAN METER by Betty Hunsaker • BLANCA KRAUSSE by Max Krausse • BECKY DOZARK by Melody Mason • E. JENICKE AND J. KRAVIG by Sandy Monette • JAMES NASH by Rosalyn Nash • BILL REEVES by Cherub Nelson • RHONDA BOWERS by Bill and Elizabeth Pyke • KAY WHITE by Renee Sanabria • DR. RANDOLPH SUN by Nicole Sun • GENE SHAFER by Cherilyn Typaldos • BOB WARD by Evelyn Ward • BARRY AND THELMA BURTON by Michael and Alice Weakley • GEORGE RICHARDSON by Robert and Sharon Westcott • JOHN LELLO by Kylynda Bauer
Meet Thor Bophal A DREAM WITH SPECIAL MEANING I dreamed that I was on a boat with an old man. I was holding four empty bottles. He came over to me and said, “Give me the bottles and I will fill them up with oil.” At first I did not understand what this dream meant, but my relative, Pr. Korn Kim Sok, told me he thought the oil represented the Holy Spirit. Then I asked God to fill my life up with the Holy Spirit. After that I was on fire for serving God and I began working as an ASAP Church Planter.
POSITION Church Planter LOCATION Phnom Penh, Cambodia NUMBER OF GROUPS Five PRAISE For healing from TB PRAYER REQUEST For God to raise up more laborers to disciple the new believers and conduct outreach
ASI MEMBER ASAP Ministries has been a member of ASI (Adventist-layman’s Services and Industries) since 1996 and is grateful to be an ASI grant recipient.
EXECUTIVE EDITOR/DIRECTOR Judy Aitken EDITOR/ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Julia O’Carey COPY EDITOR Linda Bauer, Wayne Labins DESIGN/LAYOUT Sarah Lee BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Bruce Bauer, Judy Aitken, Peter Van Bemmelen, Christopher Carmen, Steven Chang, Chan Sun and Esther Hwang, Denzil McNeilus, Mary Ann McNeilus, Byron and Carol Reynolds and Trudi Starlin.
TOLL FREE 1-866-365-3541 PHONE 269-471-3026 FAX 269-471-3034 EMAIL WEB
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version® copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
ASAP serves people from the countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and Beyond! *At times photos are blurred and names changed to protect the safety of God's workers.
ASAP Ministries is fueled by mission-minded, faith-filled individuals whom God impresses. Be assured that 100% of your gift will go directly to the projects you specify. However, in the blessed event that the project you chose is fully funded, ASAP will use your gift for a similar project or where most needed to help spread the gospel and ease suffering in the countries ASAP operates. Because ASAP is a §501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your donations are tax-deductible.
A NIGHTMARE SITUATION TURNS AROUND Lumpia, one of my church members, had pain for a long time but kept praying and going to church. One day the pain was so intense, she had to go to the doctor. The doctor told her, “You are fortunate that you came when you did, because your appendix almost ruptured and then it would be very serious.” Before having an operation in Cambodia, a person has to pay the full amount of the surgery before the operation no matter how much pain and suffering there is. Because she did not have enough money, they put her in a waiting room. Lumpia woke me with a call and I went to my team and we prayed. A few hours later, the doctor agreed to allow her to pay what she could right then and pay the rest the next day. This was a miracle because she only had $150. I could not sleep the whole night. I prayed and asked God to show me what to do. Early in the morning, I called my brother-in-law in the United States who is a pastor and he said he would raise a special offering for her. I gave personally and ASAP gave as well. Altogether we helped her with over $400. This is the power of prayer when we ask God the Creator and share with Him our needs.