2nd Quarter 2016 Newsletter

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Growing Safe:

Rooted in God’s Love


Growing Safe—Rooted in God’s Love BY SCOTT GRISWOLD


ometimes I’m so angry that I just shake as I hear the children share about the things they have experienced. So many times their own parents take the children out of school and make them go to work to recycle garbage or labor as a cement worker or even a prostitute.” Our Vietnamese teacher was upset but hopeful at the same time. Julie Griswold had just given her an opportunity to express herself at the curriculum training in Cambodia called Growing Safe—Rooted in God’s Love. This curriculum is desperately needed in Asia where our students and other children are at great risk of abuse in their homes and even trafficking into slavery and prostitution. More than two years ago, an ASAP donor recognized the great need and pledged funds to help develop a Christian curriculum to keep kids safe in Asia. ASAP chose Julie Griswold to organize the curriculum. The burden for this work has been on her heart throughout her experience as a missionary in Cambodia and Thailand. Julie felt very inadequate for this job and poured her heart into praying and searching through present curriculums, selecting the best from each and wrestling with how to contextualize the curriculum for the Asian culture. God raised up an advisory committee to share ideas, do research, and review the lessons. This team included Adventist leaders in Asia, teachers, development workers, and professionals who have spent years fighting trafficking, working towards prevention, and rescuing children in trouble. ASAP board member Dr. Shirley Freed joined Julie regularly, using her expertise in curriculum development. In time, God also helped Julie find Khmer and Vietnamese translators and an artist for the illustrations.

We must help the children to run from any of these dangers! 2

All this planning came together the week of February 22–25, 2016 as literacy teachers came from all over the country and joined the teachers of the Cambodian and Vietnamese Feed and Read schools for a hands-on training. The training was active and met with a very positive response. The Vietnamese teacher that had started the training so upset said, “I learned good things in our training this week. There were stories to tell and games to play. There were small group activities and lots of good ideas. The children will be really interested.” Another teacher said, “I’m really interested in this program. It will help children avoid danger, especially sexual dangers. We learned to teach the children to not go anywhere alone. Second, to not go where it is dark. Third, we will teach them to run away from men who try to do bad things to them. Fourth, if a stranger tries to give them some gifts, they should say, ‘No! I don’t want them!’ We must help the children to run from any of these dangers!” After Julie and the team modeled how to use a couple of lessons, they quickly placed the teaching into the hands of the teachers. For the rest of the week, the teachers did an amazing job of teaching the lessons to each other and then to a group of students. “I was so thrilled!” said Julie. “It was like they had written the curriculum themselves.”

During the week of training, real life challenges came up in conversation, which reinforced our urgency to implement this curriculum in schools across Asia. For instance, a teacher at the Vietnamese Feed and Read school shared how she asked her students what they wanted to be when they grow up. She turned to Liuhp who is twelve, but looks like a grown-up. What will she answer?, the teacher wondered. She knew the girl’s parents were divorced. Liuhp’s mother had expressed concern about her daughter’s behavior, but didn’t seem to be protecting her at home. Men from the neighborhood would ask Liuhp to go buy cigarettes and alcohol for them. Just by observing Liuhp’s mannerisms, the teacher was worried that the men were drawing the girl into doing them wrong favors. “So Liuhp, what do you want to be when you grow up?” “I want to be a prostitute!” “What did you say?” Despite her somber reflections, the teacher wasn’t prepared for the student’s answer. “What would you like to be?” Once again she said, “I want to be a prostitute.” “Where did you get such an idea?” the teacher asked gently. “My auntie says that’s how I can get lots of money and have nice dresses.” The teacher took her hands, silently praying for wisdom to answer this precious girl and steadily turn her to a better way. Another teacher in the province said that her class attendance went from over 60 to 30 because her school is on the outskirts of her village and parents don’t feel safe sending their children to school. They found that teenage boys were hiding in the bushes and taking advantage of the girls on the way to school. Julia O’Carey brainstormed how to rectify this problem and you can help with the solution. ASAP would like to purchase a wagon to attach to the back of the teacher’s motorcycle so she can pick up the children and bring them to school. This should cost about $1,500, but it would keep the children safe. There is such a great need for students to learn how valued by God they are and be wise against dangers. Please pray for the teachers as they work to keep their children safe and as they start teaching this new, Bible-based curriculum.

PHOTO CAPTIONS: (Left) Sena, an ASAP teacher, who once was at-risk herself. (Top) The group of ASAP teachers who attended the training. (Middle) One of ASAP’s Feed & Read teachers, Chanthou Pech, giving some extra help to a student. (Bottom) One of the resources on pornography that goes with the curriculum.

Scan this QR code or visit our podcast archives at asapministries.org to see this important training in action in “Growing Safe—Rooted in God’s Love”. 3


Grandma Somkeet’s Priceless Gift BY JULIA O’CAREY


hat is the best gift you could ever get? What is the best gift you could ever give? I went to an ASAP church plant in Thailand and met a little grandma named Somkeet. She told me her story about a special gift. One day a lady named Miss Oh stopped by Grandma Somkeet’s house and gave her a tract. Somkeet could not read or write. Miss Oh smiled. “I will read it to you,” she said. Somkeet loved her smile. She loved her kindness. She loved the story she heard about Jesus. Grandma Somkeet could hardly walk because she had a stroke. She was so happy when Miss Oh came back to visit her again the next week and the next. She loved learning about Jesus’ love for the sick and His power to heal. Could Jesus help her? The next time Miss Oh came, she brought a special gift. It was wrapped beautifully! What do you think was inside? It was a beautiful Bible! Even though Somkeet could hardly read a word in it, she held it close to her chest and carried it every where she went.


One day her precious Bible disappeared. She asked the nine other family members if they saw it. Her husband’s friend overheard. He laughed and said, “I think your husband burned it up when he was drunk the other night.” Grandma Somkeet cried. She loved her precious gift. Miss Oh decided it was time to bring Somkeet to church. But how could she get up the steep steps? ASAP Church Planter, Pastor Ruangwit, picked Grandma up and carried her! At church she met many friendly people. As they read from the Bible she soaked up the beautiful words. During prayer time, the little group circled around her and prayed for her to be healed so she could walk again. What was Somkeet praying for? Another Bible. When I heard her story, a little voice in my head said, “Give her your Bible, Julia!” I thought, “I don’t know if I want to. She can’t read it.” I asked her anyway, “Grandma Somkeet, would you like my Bible?” A bright smile flashed over her face and she nodded her head. I handed her my little pocket Bible and she held it close to her heart.

When I left the church, I kept thinking of Grandma Somkeet. How could we make it so she could hear God’s Word? I told my missionary friend, Mike Kier. He said, “Wow! I felt impressed to put a megavoice in my car this morning thinking someone might need it.” A megavoice is a solar-powered audio player with the Bible and Steps to Christ in Thai on it. “Would you like to give it to Grandma Somkeet?” he asked. Of course I would! You should have seen the look of joy and surprise on her face when she first heard those beautiful words from that little black box. Jesus knew what Grandma needed. He made it possible for her to have the best gift ever, His Words of Life.


Would you like to share God’s Word with someone today? God will give you opportunities to share. Could you share a verse you memorized with someone who needs encouragement? You can read the Bible to an elderly person. You can give Bibles in different languages where you live. You can even send money to ASAP so we can share more Bibles to Buddhists in Asia and more megavoice players to those who can’t read.


Ten Days of Prayer Answers BY NGAI CIN

Martin Luther said, “Work, work, from early until late. In fact, I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.” Are you too busy to pray or too busy not to pray? We invite you to spend more time in praying for the Holy Spirit, for family, for church and for a lost and dying world. See for yourself whether praying is a time saver!


ur growing church plant in Grand Rapids, Michigan decided to have ten days of prayer in January. We are from the Zomi tribe in Myanmar. We went from house to house meeting from 7–8 p.m. every evening. We prayed for each other’s needs and requests from the world church. I really think everyone was touched by the Holy Spirit. Here is what God did to answer our prayers. Our Zomi group urgently needed a place to worship. On the ninth day of prayer, our elder and youth leader went out searching, stopping at every church they found. At the seventh stop, they came to Wyoming Park United Methodist Church. The Holy Spirit touched the pastor’s heart and he accepted our request to pay a low amount of $50/day to rent the church right on the spot! Our friend Aui Zam Cin has been waiting to get the approval for her green card for more than a year after the normal processing time.

On the 8th day of the 10 days of prayer, she received the approval letter in the mail! Cing Hoih Neih (Ho Ho) has been suffering from pain in her right hand and right knee. She wasn’t even able to take care of her two children. At the Friday vespers service, she shared a testimony with the group. God healed her! She said, “Prayer is so powerful when we pray in unity!” Unfortunately, I was in a car accident four months ago. My church joined in praying for a decent car on a very small budget. The whole group prayed wholeheartedly. Just a few days after the end of the 10 days of prayer, God provided a car for ministry through ASAP Ministries. We praise God for hearing and answering our prayers no matter how unworthy we are. We have been abundantly blessed through uniting to pray. It has drawn us closer to Jesus.

Learn more about the power of united prayer in Melody Mason’s book, Daring to Ask for More. This book pulls together all the best scripture texts and Ellen White references on prayer combined with personal testimonies of God moving mightily in response to united prayer. It is available for a suggested donation of $25, which includes shipping to any address in the USA. Proceeds will benefit ASAP’s evangelism work. This offer is limited to supplies on hand, so please order now.

“Daring to Ask for More indeed! May our hearts be stirred up as never before to seek God through prayer as never before…while there is still time.” —Dwight K. Nelson, Senior Pastor, Pioneer Memorial Church, Andrews University



The Mushroom Pastor BY DR. TOM EVANS


hen I travel to a new country I love to immerse myself in the culture by visiting the local markets. On my first ever ASAP mission trip to Southeast Asia, I found myself in Muak Lek, Thailand. At a busy intersection, there was a crowded market with dozens of booths. Over half of the evening market was dedicated to selling vegetables, fruit, and meats of all varieties.

Rarely…have I encountered someone so deeply in touch with the heart of God for lost people. I passed a vendor selling deep-fried grasshoppers and cockroaches. Another offered live crickets. Not the appetizing treat that I was looking for! As I continued to stroll through the market, the sights and sounds mingled together to produce a sensory overload. On my way out, I heard about a refreshing stand selling fresh mushrooms— and the Mushroom Pastor. The Mushroom Pastor, normally known as Pastor Ruangwit, is sponsored by ASAP Ministries. He started his church in a community of about 50,000 people near a popular Buddhist temple cave. The church is also in the shadow of the Seventh-day Adventist Southeast Asian educational institution called Asia Pacific International University. Almost none of the community’s Thai Buddhists had joined the large university church. He decided they needed an option closer to home. How did Pastor Ruangwit become known as the Mushroom Pastor? He deliberately began to grow mushrooms to make connections with the Buddhists at the market. The mushroom business has been good. Every market day, they make around $90 USD. However, the goal is not the money, but the opportunity to forge relationships with non-Christians. 6

Is it working? On Sabbath morning, I joined the worshippers at the church plant location, just a couple hundred meters beyond the now desolate market. Taking my shoes off to enter the building reminded me that I’m experiencing a culture distinctly different from my own. The ground level of the building is a small shop, with a kitchen in the back. I noticed a couple of large refrigerators filled with bags of mushrooms, ready for the next market day. The shop also offers freshly made bread and granola. However, all business had stopped in honor of the Sabbath. We walked up the stairs of the townhouse to a room beautifully made into a church worship room. I met Pastor Ruangwit’s wife and three children who live on the third floor. I went back outside to watch attendees begin to arrive, many on mopeds. I noticed all the surrounding businesses were open. However, that morning, the busiest “business” of them all was not attracting customers. Instead, it was attracting people who are longing to know more about Jesus. Church began with 30 or more joyful worshippers. I sat there feeling inadequate, trying to contextualize my

sermon to a congregation with numerous individuals who have not yet been baptized and who are coming from a Buddhist background. The sermon was followed by a wonderful Thai luncheon with lots of delicious mushrooms. My question was still hanging: what was the impact of the Mushroom Pastor? Soon Pastor Ruangwit introduced me to a lady who is a vendor in the market. I said, “I was at the market just yesterday and saw some grasshoppers.” I couldn’t help but add, “Do you enjoy those?” She smiled and nodded her head. The pastor has been building a friendship with her as he sells his mushrooms near her booth. This was her third Sabbath to attend church. Mushroom evangelism was definitely working. I learned Pastor Ruangwit has just conducted a baptism of four individuals. A number of others are in the process of preparing for baptism.

America and the world have I encountered someone so deeply in touch with the heart of God for lost people. The Mushroom Pastor lit up as he shared story after story of lives transformed by the gospel. I am thankful God gave ASAP the vision to partner with such an innovative church planting project as Muak Lek. I am thankful for donors who may not have had the opportunity to travel and visit an ASAP church plant, but who faithfully give of their resources to reach people on the other side of the world. You are making a tremendous difference! As a result of the generosity of ASAP donors, I’m sure we will meet many people in heaven…who enjoy eating mushrooms. PHOTO CAPTIONS: (Left) Pastors Ruangwit and Tom Evans at the mushroom farm. (Top Left) Fried crickets and squid found at a Thai market. (Bottom Left) The ASAP Muak Lek Church Plant in Thailand. (Right) Pastor Ruangwit praying with new members of the church.

Sabbath afternoon, we drove to see the mushroom farm. As Pastor Ruangwit gave me a brief tour, I was overcome by the passion for souls that he expressed. It was clear that mushrooms were simply a means of more effectively sharing the gospel. Rarely in my travels throughout North 7


An Army of Youth— Reaching the World in Louisville BY JULIA O’CAREY


n New Year’s Day 2016, over 2000 young people hit the streets of Louisville, Kentucky. Motivated by inspirational messages from the annual meeting called GYC (Generation of Youth for Christ), the attendees were knocking on doors with surveys and invitations to health meetings and evangelism. Thousands of little white cards from ASAP Ministries went with them. The cards offered our website MyLanguageMyLife.com where people can find AWR radio programs, the Jesus video, Bible studies and more in over 100 languages. Why hand out this card in Louisville which is 70% white? A growing number of refugees and immigrants have come to Kentucky. In Louisville, there are 6,340 Muslims in ten mosques, 5,000 Jews in five synagogues, 2,200 Buddhists in six temples, and 300 Hindus in four temples. Pastor Scott Griswold taught a sixpart seminar with Dee Casper called Reach the World Next Door. They sought to inspire the GYC young people to be missionaries right now in their neighborhoods and universities. For instance, Bhutan is a Buddhist kingdom that is almost entirely unreached, yet more than 60,000 immigrants have come from there to the USA and 1,626 of those were waiting for a Christian witness right in Louisville. Then there is Somalia, the second most dangerous country for Christians to live in the entire world. Thousands of Somalis now have freedom in America to learn about Jesus without fear—and 1,534 are living in Louisville. Many young people caught the vision as they shared the MyLanguageMyLife.com card around the city. Before New Year’s Day was over, the phone from the number on the


back of the card was ringing off the hook with people calling in speaking Russian, Spanish, and other languages. A large number of young people committed to making a friend with someone of a different culture and religion in the next six months. Pray for God to use these contacts. Pray for God to raise up laborers for the growing harvest from among these dedicated young people. Pray for Houston, Texas where the next GYC will be held. Houston is the most diverse metro area in the United States. Let’s reach the world next door—A.S.A.P.!

Scan this QR code or visit our podcast archives at asapministries.org to enjoy more of this story in “GYC Reaches the World Next Door”.

A large number of young people committed to making a friend with someone of a different culture and religion in the next six months.



IN MEMORY OF WHITNEY WANG WATSON (March 2, 1997 - December 14, 2015)

Whitney Watson quickly captured our hearts with her consistently cheerful, helpful, efficient way about her. We were amazed how she found time to volunteer at ASAP and visit refugees while taking a double major, full load with honors, at Andrews University. Whitney enjoyed other cultures, travel, food, skiing and lived a full, joyful life. She loved the Lord and made serving Him and caring for people her life’s priority. She will be terribly missed by her ASAP family. She sleeps in Jesus Christ, awaiting for the trumpet blast. We look forward to seeing her in the earth made new! Please remember Whitney’s family in prayer; her father, James Watson, mother, Marilene Wang, big sister, WayAnne, her grandparents, John and Betty Wang, Paul and Ruth Watson, her Aunt Cindy Watson, and all her friends and loved ones. “Even so, come, Lord Jesus!” —Revelation 22:20

WHITNEY WANG WATSON by Brianna Wiley, Cindy Watson, Dale Miskin, Donn and Esther Latour, Emmy Ya-Mie Lin, George J Cheng and Angelina P Cheng Trustees Revocable Trust, Joseph Tang, Joyce Tan, Judith St. John, Judy Aitken, Mai Nguyen, Paul and Darleen McMillian, Paul and Ruth Watson, Wendy Martin • CONNIE JONES DACRE by Arthur and Carol Moffit • BOB AND ELMA ISAACS by Berwyn and Barbara Rogers • SIMON NONG by Chhomnath Long • WANDA PURCELL by Dennis and Pamela Barthle • EMILY SMITH by Douglas and Melody Wheeler • PR H CARL CURRIE AND EVA LONGWAY CURRIE by Duane and Ruth Soule • EDEL PROPACH by Elisabeth Moore • JOHNNIE MAC PETERS by Irene Peters • HEIDI NEUSSLE, JEAN AHLBERG, AND MARY JO CANTARUTTI by James and Judith Culpepper • ESTHER HOLMES by James and Charlotte Holmes • HARRY E OLSON by Janet Olson • JERRY AITKEN by John and Harryette Aitken • WILLIAM WEST by Judy Aitken • PAUL W ESSIG by Karen Bowen • JACK PENNER by Laurie Meservia • DONALD OLSON by Margaret Olson • TOM WATSON by Mary Watson • JEANNIE WALLACE ARTHUR AND HAZEL WALLACE by Melody Wallace • E JENICKE AND J KRAVIG by Sandy Monette • JOHN AND BETTY WEAKLEY by Michael and Alice Weakley

IN HONOR OF: JESUS CHRIST by Larry Wolcott, Bruce Knight, Dawn Johnson, Randall and Tamara Bivens, Lawrence Woodhams • DR DALE MORRISON FOR HIS YEARS OF DEVOTION TO THE MEDICAL NEEDS IN HONG KONG AND USA by Lynne and Tom Buske • DR DEXTER BEARY, DR RICHARD MCCLUSKEY, CLYDE MUNDY; JOHN AND ENID IRVINE; JAMES C ROSE by Clint and Sandy Washam • PARENTS, FAMILY AND DON, MY HUSBAND by Ellen Amador • ESTHER AND JK MARTINEZ by Dale and Nancy Wolcott • LORENZO AND ESTHER RUIZ by Terence and Nancie Lawson • JERRY TODD MARTELL by Todd and Axa Martell



JOSHUA CHO & OHR MAR A Family for God

POSITION: Church Planter (Joshua), Medical Missionary (Ohr) LOCATION: Myanmar THE COUPLE THAT PRAYS TOGETHER: Joshua Cho* and Ohr Mar* are proof-positive that “two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor” (Ecclesiastes 4:9). The two were married a year ago and they just welcomed a baby girl into the world. As laborers for God in a country that is high on the World Watch list for religious persecution, they cherish prayer as their lifeline to God for encouragement and protection. It was prayer that brought them together when two years ago each separately, earnestly asked God for the right partner in ministry. Their main focus of prayer now is for people to respond to the Gospel. HERE COMES THE GROOM: In his church planting, Joshua met a widow from a Sunday church who showed interest in Seventh-day Adventist beliefs, so he gave her Bible studies. They studied the Sabbath, the three angels’ messages and many last day events. Her understanding grew and she started attending church every Sabbath with her two children. One day after a Bible study, she had a vision of a groom dressed brightly in white walking down the aisle to meet her. Joshua told her, “God is showing you His truth. He wants to help you make the right decision so you will be ready to meet the bridegroom Jesus when He returns.” NO SMOKING, PLEASE: In her medical ministry, Ohr met a Buddhist man who had been a smoker since the age of fifteen. He looked like he was seventy but she learned he was only fifty years old. She asked him, “Do you want to stop smoking?” “Sure,” he replied, “But that’s impossible!” She prayed for him, put a hot water bottle on him, and blended a mixture of peppermint, honey, garlic and other ingredients. She told him to take a teaspoon whenever he felt like smoking. After three days he was free! Now he even attends church on Sabbath. Four people in the village were watching. They want to stop smoking too! *Pseudonyms are used to protect God’s workers

Take Action Now:

You can sponsor Joshua or Ohr for $120 per month, or you can sponsor both of them for $240 a month. Donate monthly or give a full year’s payment of $1,440 or $2,880 for both of them. To make this happen, give us a call at 1-866-365-3541 or visit asapministries.org/give.


Pray for the Tay The Tay are mostly farmers who worship ancestors and spirits. They are the largest unreached people group in Vietnam—two million people—but only 1% are Christian. Pray for the gospel to reach them by radio, DVD, and personal evangelism.

Connect With ASAP on Social Media: “Let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds,” (Hebrews 10:24). Be Inspired! Watch ASAP videos on VIMEO or YouTube Spread the Good News! Like ASAP on Facebook Grow Your Love for Missions! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram

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One of ASAP’s top church planters in Laos wants to teach twelve promising young adults to be English teacher evangelists. He plans to grow and sell vegetables and fruit trees to provide for them as he mentors them into strong disciples for Jesus.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a missionary in a foreign land? If you haven’t already had the chance to watch these inspiring stories about ASAP National Missionaries in action, please give us a call at (269) 471-3026 or send us an email: office@asapministries.org and request your own DVD, or one to share!

Scan this QR code or visit our online gift catalog to kick-start this amazing project: www.asapministries.org/give

Scan this QR code or visit our online gift catalog to order copies of the DVD: www.asapministries.org/give

Do not deprive the foreigner or the fatherless of justice, or take the cloak of the widow as a pledge. —Deuteronomy 24:17 Visit ASAP’s Online Priceless Gift Catalog to fund our Special Project for Widows and Orphans.

ASAP Ministries is fueled by mission-minded, faith-filled individuals whom God impresses. Be assured that 100% of your gift goes directly to the projects you specify. However, in the blessed event that the project you chose is fully funded, ASAP will use your gift for a similar project or where most needed to help spread the gospel and ease suffering where ASAP operates. Because ASAP is a §501(c)(3) non-profit organization, your donations are tax-deductible, in the USA. ASI MEMBER ASAP Ministries has been a member of ASI (Adventist-layman’s Services and Industries) since 1996 and is grateful to be an ASI grant recipient.

EXECUTIVE EDITOR/DIRECTOR Julia O’Carey EDITOR/ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Scott Griswold COPY EDITOR Wayne Labins DESIGN/LAYOUT Sarah Lee www.sarahlee.design BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Tom Evans, Judy Aitken, Christopher Carmen, Steve Chang, Deane Coridan, Chan and Esther Hwang, Julia O’Carey, Denzil McNeilus, Mary Ann McNeilus, Byron and Carol Reynolds, Saengthong Saengthip, Trudi Starlin



Just $50 can supply food for an entire month!

TOLL FREE 1-866-365-3541 PHONE 269-471-3026 FAX 269-471-3034 EMAIL office@asapministries.org WEB www.asapministries.org

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version® copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

ASAP serves people from the countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and Beyond! *At times, photos are blurred and names changed to protect the safety of God's workers.






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