Enjoy reading how Sopheap's bondage led to freedom for her entire family Take up the challenge to "Let Your Lifestyle be a Bridge for Muslims" Sign up to hear our new podcast: Reach the World A.S.A.P.!
It is Jesus' Great Commission, but is it our Great Omission? "Go therefore into all the world and make disciples of all the nations" (Matthew 28:19).
am disappointed that it is 2014 and we still live on planet earth! There are too many children trapped in slavery and prostitution, too many mothers trying to scrounge supper for six hungry mouths, too many families crying without the hope of resurrection as they push their grandfather’s corpse into the crematorium. I want to see Jesus come. What is He waiting for? We are not waiting for another war, hurricane, or epidemic. We are waiting for one thing. Jesus said, “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14). When He said those words, God saw Myanmar with its 142 different ethnic groups and anticipated hearing prayers in each language. He saw Thailand in 2014 with nearly 99% of the country still Buddhist, Muslim, or Animist. He wanted them to know Him and be with Him forever. That passion of Jesus is why my family and I lived in Southeast Asia for sixteen years. That is why national workers spend long hours caring for the poor and witnessing among Buddhists and spiritworshippers. That is why you read this magazine, intercede for these workers, and sacrifice to send them out.
Sometimes when I fly over the millions in Bangkok, Thailand I wonder how God can possibly give them each a chance. My mind is boggled by the report that there are still 7,287 unreached, unique people groups (joshuaproject.net). How can we possibly see the end come? Jesus gave two answers. Pray for the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) and Go, make disciples (Matthew 28:18-20). The Holy Spirit alone can turn this selfish heart of mine and yours, and our sleepy church into a blazing fire that engulfs the world with the love and joy of the third angel’s message. We can seek that power through studying about the Holy Spirit and earnestly praying and believing for His infilling in every corner of our lives. The second part reveals an incredible multiplication plan that God will use to finish the work. If you were to lead two people to God in one year and kept it up for thirty years, you’d baptize 60 people. However, if you really made disciples—leading two people to truly follow Jesus in one year and then helped them to do the same for others the next year, while still discipling two new people yourself, you would set in motion mighty multiplication instead of addition.
Reaching Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar & Beyond
When I was a teacher, my students loved to play the tag game where one person started out being “IT.” When they would tag a friend, that person would join in being IT and help them catch others. Soon, there were many people tagging and the work of catching became easier and easier. This is how discipleship can be. Each new believer is discipled to be an active participant, right from the start! For example: Young Huyhn from Vietnam heard the good news through a DVD a new friend gave him at the park. His heart accepts Jesus and his friend starts coming to his dorm room to study the Bible. The Word of God breaks through to that friend and he decides to get baptized. Huyhn stays beside him and helps him get involved with the house church. Soon they both go out to share with other students in their university and a new Bible study group starts. Several from this group share with their parents who come to believe and their parents share with their friends. Discipleship, the way Jesus did it, is the most effective way! ASAP’s new motto is: Prayerfully Discipling Nationals A.S.A.P.! We see how crucial prayer is in this process. We won’t stop praying. We know how important Jesus’ model of one-onone disciple-making is. We won’t stop wrestling with God to help our national missionaries in the field live this model. We know that Jesus wants to come back AS SOON AS POSSIBLE and we will partner with you until His coming! May this newsletter inspire you as you consider how best you can disciple someone in 2014 and how best you can support the national missionaries as they seek to disciple others!
Paul said it to Timothy like this, “The things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also” (See 2 Timothy 2:2). Here’s how it would look (skipping some years for space) Year 1: 1 X 2 = 2 Year 2: 2 + 1 = 3 X 2 = 6 Year 3: 6 + 3 = 9 X 2 = 18 Year 8: 1,458 + 729 = 2,187 X 2 = 4,374 Year 11: 39,366 + 19,683 = 59,049 X 2 = 118,098 Year 13: 354,294 + 177,147 = 531,441 X 2 = 1,062,882 Year 20: 774,840,978 + 387,420,489 = 1,162,261,467 X 2 = 2,324,522,934 Of course some will fall away, but Jesus' overall plan can and will finish the work. That is why here at ASAP Ministries we are re-dedicating ourselves to a primary focus on making disciples. The beauty of this multiplication process is illustrated in a three-generation story. My wife Julie and I were working in Cambodia about eighteen years ago when a young Khmer couple came to live with us temporarily. The man’s name was Thon Sovan. He had some medical training from the refugee camps, but wanted to learn to share the gospel and be a church planter. We lived and talked and served together. Sovan and his wife Nary then left to church plant with AFM missionaries in Kompong Cham province. Later, with the encouragement and leadership of the Cambodia Adventist Mission, Sovan became a pastor, district leader and departmental director, leading many to Jesus. Some of those truly became disciples of Jesus. One of them was Meas Sophy. She loved learning about God. “He makes people so kind,” she said after getting acquainted with all the young people in Pastor Sovan’s Pathfinder group. “I want to follow Him too.” She didn’t keep the truth to herself though! Now a mother of eight children, she is busy caring for her family but also puts in a full day as an ASAP-sponsored church planter, teaching health, English, and Bible. She made disciples of her children too. One of her sons began to help teach English. Eventually he led Bible studies and started his own group. He too is now a church planter sponsored by ASAP. You can see all three workers in the cover picture. This is Jesus’ method. Make disciples who are disciple-makers. Will you make 2014 a major step towards the finishing of Jesus’ great commission? We definitely need your partnership through your intercession for these national workers. Will you also find two people to disciple with so that they become completely onfire disciples of Jesus?
Let’s make disciples—A.S.A.P.! PHOTO: Pastor Sovan shared the Bible with Meas Sophy, and now she is making disciples!
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects PROJECT FOCUS: EVANGELISM
ophat Sorn produces radio broadcasts for Adventist World Radio. He also has made a disciple for Jesus by Skype. The young man’s name is Pastor Preak Phally, a seeker of truth. After Pastor Phally joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church, God helped him bring many of his church members to an understanding of the truths in God’s Word. He also continued to share his excitement with his former colleagues of Protestant denominations. ASAP decided to find funds to support this worker for God.
AMOUNT NEEDED: $72,800 Seventh-day Adventist church. Twelve of them were already prepared enough through Bible studies with Pastor Phally, so that they were baptized right there at the conference. Please pray for solid follow-up and nurture of these pastors and their congregations. We trust that more will accept the truth!
Last December, 295 participants (Sunday pastors and their members) crowded into a 250-seat conference hall for a long weekend to learn the special truths of the Sabbath, the state of the dead, etc. ASAP donors from around the world prayed for the speakers. The Holy Spirit moved in a mighty way.
ASAP is praying that in 2014 many more evangelistic efforts can take place. Funds for materials, transportation, and other related costs are needed. The money will go directly for Bible studies, truth-filled DVDs, etc. Will you help make it happen? We are asking God to provide above and beyond the $72,800 budgeted for this. What a joy it will be in heaven to see all our brothers and sisters who are there because of these evangelistic efforts!
Twenty-two Sunday pastors re-dedicated their lives to God and His Word, expressing their desire to be baptized in the
Which of your neighbors, classmates, or colleagues will you lead to Christ in 2014? Jesus is eager for their friendship.
Notes from our ASAP Family Volunteers, Staff, National Missionaries, ASAP Ambassadors, Prayer Partners, Donors, Board Members and Gift Recipients We thought you would enjoy this report from a leader of God’s work in Laos and a close partner with ASAP Ministries: With your prayers and support, the work of God in Laos has progressed well. People in three new provinces, that previously were not entered, have now accepted God. We have established an English Language Center in Xieng Khouang Province and are in the process of establishing another one in Luang Prabang. Four places of worship were also completed. Four experienced pastors were ordained into ministry. I would like to wish you a happy and successful New Year in 2014. May God richly bless you and grant you every wish you may have. As for us here in Laos we wish to take the gospel message to all 18 provinces of Laos by 2020. As of 2014, there are only four provinces to go. Please join us in prayer for the Lord of the harvest to send us more workers to do the work and the support needed for His ministries in Laos. One more exciting news note is that among the many languages that Adventist World Radio broadcasts, Vietnamese is third from the top when it comes to the amount of people who have subscribed to podcasts—276,513 individuals!
Thank you for your prayers and support for this important radio work!
Advocates Supporting & Assisting the Persecuted HOW GWIDOP WAS BORN
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One of ASAP’s special projects is called GWIDOP (God’s Workers In Dangerous and Oppressive Places). God has really led in this new project.
n the summer of 2012, ASAP director Julia O’Carey made a trip to California to attend ARME PUC as an ASAP representative. While she was there, a couple of people asked, “Julia, what if ASAP supported people in _____?” (a closed country we cannot name for security reasons). Julia answered, “Well, the ministry of ASAP focuses on Southeast Asian countries and the country you have a burden for is out of our scope.” She often meets people asking her similar questions about the countries they have a burden to reach. However, this time Julia was stirred to think and pray more. “Lord, are you speaking to ASAP to help people in this special country? If it is your will for ASAP to move forward in helping these persecuted people, please guide us.” On her flight back to Michigan, she chatted with the person sitting next to her as she typically does, seeking every opportunity to share Jesus. When her seat mate found out what Julia was doing in her vocation, he shared about a documentary he had just seen and said, “Does ASAP have work in _____?” Julia felt a strong impression that those two conversations about the same country were not a coincidence. God had a plan!
At the same time, Judy Aitken, ASAP founder and former director, met someone who was doing short-term missions in this closed country and felt moved by what she heard. When they both came back to the office, Judy and Julia shared what happened. All the ASAP staff began to pray more earnestly for God’s will in this matter. The board saw the vision, too. Although ASAP could not publicize the details of this new project, funds slowly started trickling in. Plans went forward by faith. The secret believers sent a specific request for funds. We looked at our recent financial records and discovered, to our excitement, that God had moved on donors to give the exact amount that they requested. Isn’t God amazing? Once again our ASAP staff knew that God had been leading this GWIDOP project for His persecuted people. ASAP prays that God will continually guide and provide for this project. Please pray for the persecuted, believing God's promise, "Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer... Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life" (Revelation 2:10).
In 2014 we are trusting God for $40,000 to continue this risky, but essential project. Join us by faith.
Request a DV D! If you missed ASAP's special Missions Cele bration in November 2013 and wish to catch some of the highligh ts, it is not too late! Just go to the new ASAP Ministries YouTub e channel and search for the following: “Interview with Judy Aitken," which highlights God’s amazing work through her and other cho sen instruments, "The Persecuted, God's Chosen" is Pastor Isah Young's sermon, and Benefit Concert 1 and 2. If you prefer, contact the office and request an ASAP Missions Celebration DVD and we will send it right out to you.
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opheap shook with fear as the spirit entered her once again. For six long years it had happened regularly. Her father was an alcoholic and Grandma liked to play with witchcraft. The spirits seemed to delight in tormenting this now eighteen-year old girl. The parents had tried many methods to set Sopheap free. Finally they decided to try Jesus.
Sopheap’s father wondered, “Maybe her freedom is tied to my drinking.” He threw away his alcohol.
An ASAP church planter, Ping Sothy, shares the gospel in the far north province of Prea Vihear, Cambodia. He had helped quite a few find freedom. Sopheap’s parents put her on a motorcycle and rode forty kilometers to Sothy’s church. He prayed and the spirits went away. Unfortunately they came back. So they made the trip again. There would be peace for a while and then misery.
Sopheap doesn’t ride to church with the spirits any more. She and her family are free. Now they worship together in their home, sharing with others the story of Jesus, their story, their Jesus, who set their daughter free.
Then finally it was Grandma’s turn. Seeing God work so powerfully in the lives of almost every family member, she knew it was time to be done with the lesser powers that had caused so much pain. In April 2013 she was baptized.
Be a disciple. Tell your Master’s stories.
However, relatives were watching. An aunt became a believer and was baptized. Sopheap’s mother decided to follow Jesus, too. Sopheap, however, kept being harassed. Pastor Sothy kept praying.
n the important work of making disciples for Jesus, how important is the role of prayer? Consider what might happen for our Southeast Asian disciple-makers if we really did pray like Paul for these things in Colossians 1:9-12: “For this reason we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all might, according to His glorious power, for all patience and long-suffering with joy; giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light.” Read that God-inspired prayer again! Post this text where you can see it and pray through it often for those on the front lines in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam. Prayer is an indispensable tool in the work of making disciples for Jesus.
Sign up now for ASAP's new podcast: Reach the World A.S.A.P.! Connect more deeply with Jesus as you learn to walk as His disciple into the mission field next door and around the world. Watch (directly from your email or Facebook account) Pastor Scott Griswold present mission stories and Biblical insights that will help your entire family join God in finishing the work A.S.A.P. Send us a request by email to info@asapministries.org with Podcast in the subject line or sign up online at:
www.asapministries.org New Podcast: Reach the World A.S.A.P.! P.S. This newsletter will now be produced quarterly while the podcast will come to you weekly. This will save mailing costs while giving more stories and inspiration.
Jesus said, “Go make disciples—of EVERY nation.” Is that really what we are doing?
yron Fargo* and his family realized in 2009 that many Iraqis were moving to their corner of Tennessee. They went to the local refugee service and volunteered. “We would go to the airport and just welcome people when they first arrived,” Myron says. Friendships followed. The Fargos simply let their way of living shine. “We shared who we are as Adventists, our eating style, our prayerful lifestyle, our not drinking alcohol.” One Muslim man was really taken by surprise. He was used to the rough lifestyle of the U.S. military men. The Fargos opened up part of their property for a community vegetable garden so they would have more time to talk to those who had newly arrived. One Muslim said, “You have no fence around your home. You have no guns. How do you protect yourself?” They talked together about what it means to really trust in God. Myron’s children happily get involved, playing with the children of those their parents visit, helping where they can. Myron notes, “People respond to a love that is transparent with no hidden agenda.” For you and I who want to see God’s work finished, the Fargo’s example tells us clearly, we can reach the world from here. One of the Muslim men said to Myron, “I’m from Basla, Iraq and there is an Adventist church 12 minutes down the road. It’s been closed for thirty years.” Surely it was God who moved on Myron’s heart so it would be a Seventh-day Adventist who knocked on this Muslim’s door to welcome him to America. He can do it through you too.
Don’t be content to just have whites or blacks or Hispanics in your church if your community is diverse. Don’t feel comfortable to only hear English spoken in your church when 1 out of 5 of your neighbors in America speaks another language. Don’t be satisfied with one new Burmese refugee group worshiping in your church when there are many unreached Afghani and Syrian Muslims in your city. Don’t be at peace when ASAP Ministries reports new baptisms in Myanmar when the country still has more than fifty people groups without a solid witness in their language! Pray it. Support it. Do it. Go make disciples—of EVERY nation!
How can I learn to make disciples of other cultures? It's as easy as 1-2-3!
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Visit our new websites for answers: ReachtheWorldNextDoor.com Order the cross-cultural kit: asapministries.org for a suggested donation of $49. Do it with your family. Do it with your church. Take a step to help finish the work.
Make disciples? What is a disciple? It is time to dig deep into the four gospels to really understand what it means to be a disciple—a Christfollower. Choose Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John and read carefully to see what Jesus and His disciples did. Ask God to help you do the same. You might also use a concordance to see what Jesus said about the qualities of a true disciple. Remember, it takes the miracle of God’s grace to turn a Stumbling Simon into a Pentecost Peter.
Your Gifts at Work Mopeds for Missions— Mission Accomplished! Can you imagine working full time to share the gospel with no transportation but your flip-flops? Even a bicycle would be welcome relief, unless there was an emergency and you were trying to get a mother in labor to a clinic in time. Thanks to your generous gifts more than fifteen ASAP-sponsored workers are zooming around on their motorcycles. I wish you could hop on the back and see all the places they go in one day. You would have quite a ride on dusty trails between rice paddies and through the jungles on muddy mountains. You would also see lots of tears and smiles. Maybe some day in heaven you will get to see a video replay.
Our Greatest Financial Need and Opportunity Isn’t it exciting that for the locally reasonable salary of around $100/month we can have Cambodians, Laotians, Thais, Vietnamese, and Burmese leading people to Christ and starting new congregations? This is the backbone of our work at ASAP Ministries. We send $120,000 every quarter for worker's stipends. It is the area of our greatest financial need. Please consider supporting them today with a significant donation. Join the businessman who once said,
“All day I am working for Christ. And at night, while I sleep, I have a man working for Him in China” (Christian Service, p. 170).
In Loving Memory & Honor www.asapministries.org
Go online to read how God blessed the efforts of this family far and above what they expected! Our children have worked hard all summer mowing lawns, hauling firewood to sell at our local campground, and various other jobs in order to raise the enclosed funds to sponsor a year of education for a student in your Feed & Read program. May God bless this “widow’s mite” and richly bless your ministry. Our prayers are with you. Joe and Laura Hokanson, Zachary (9), Matthew (6), Elizabeth (5)
IN MEMORY OF: PATRICIA REINER by Judy Aitken • PAUL W ESSIG by Karen Bowen • CURTIS GREEN by Darleen Green • ORLANDO KNITTEL by Jack and Bethene Griswold • PEARSON VAN METER by Betty Hunsaker • KENNETH C HUTSON by Jennie Hutson • ASTON WAITE by Rosa L Miller • CLEMENTINE TAYLOR by Aphzal and Vashti Mohammed • E. JENICKE & J. KRAVIG by Sandy Monette • JERRY AITKEN by Paul and Linda Pellandini • RONALD L PYKE by Bill and Elizabeth Pyke • ALEY SOMLAI by Jose A and Susan Sanchez • HAZEL COLBURN ALKIRE by Stan Smith and Carol Squier • JERRY AITKEN, RON SQUIER, RON SQUIER, JR. by Carol Squier • JERRY GROSS by Kevin and Alice Thio • NATHAN STOLL by Cherilyn Typaldos • LORENZO AND ESTHER RUITZ by Myrtha Urrutia • RALPH Z WADDELL by Ellen Waddell Nelson
IN HONOR & THANKFULNESS OF: JESUS CHRIST by Steve M and Regan Pereira, Hilde Brown • CALVIN, HANNAH, JESSICA, MICHAEL, SARAH AND TIM SAXTON by James Fly and Constance Saxton • CHRISTIANE, LONNIE LEUI by Kimberly Kovach KERRY, LONNIE LEUI by Christiane Leui • JUDY AITKEN'S LIFE OF SERVICE by Paul and Linda Pellandini, Martin and Liana Kim • MIKE, CHRIS, KELLY, & LINDSAY by Stacey Philpott • CALVIN & CONNIE SAXTON, ERIC AND DIXIE, HANS, JAMES, RYAN FLY by Edna Jessica Saxton • CONNIE & JESSICA SAXTON, JIM FLY by Hannah Saxton • HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEREK, DARIN & LANCE LEMOS, AND JERRY SQUIER by Carol Squier • ANTHONY AND ESTHER YEBOAH-AMOAKO by Jeanette Yeboah-Amoako
Meet Suwit Raotao A NEARBY MISSION FIELD Asia Pacific International University is a Seventh-day Adventist institution that sits on beautiful hills at the entryway to the densely-populated northeast part of Thailand. Many young people from Southeast Asia study there, preparing to serve in their countries. The nearby little town of Muak Lek sees many students and teachers from the university coming to make a quick purchase at their shops. Few, however, have much time to slow down and share their faith. Many of the foreigners from the school can’t speak the language anyway. A WILLING WORKER The Muak Lek villagers need to hear the gospel presented by someone who cares about them. A Thai man named Suwit Raotao is seeking to make a difference partnering with a Seventh-day Adventist business called Divine Heritage. He is one of the few in Thailand who has had the privilege of growing up in a Christian home. He really wants to share the knowledge of Jesus with those who have not met Him.
ASAP Ministries is fueled by mission-minded, faith-filled individuals whom God impresses. Be assured that 100% of your gift will go directly to the projects you specify. However, in the blessed event that the project you chose is fully funded, ASAP will use your gift for a similar project or where most needed to help spread the gospel and ease suffering in the countries ASAP operates. Because ASAP is a §501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your donations are tax-deductible. ASI MEMBER ASAP Ministries has been a member of ASI (Adventist-layman’s Services and Industries) since 1996 and is grateful to be an ASI grant recipient.
PLEASE HELP AND PRAY You could partner with your Sabbath School class or completely support him with $160 per month. Suwit says, “God provides me the courage and lets me know He always walks with me.” He invites you to pray for members of his family and friends that have stopped going to church. Would you please pray for the gospel to move powerfully in the little town of Muak Lek? Ask God to harvest the seeds of kindness that have been sown for more than twenty years by workers and students from the Asia Pacific International University.
EXECUTIVE EDITOR/DIRECTOR Julia O’Carey EDITOR/ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Scott Griswold COPY EDITOR Linda Bauer, Wayne Labins DESIGN/LAYOUT Sarah Lee www.ambientlightstudios.com BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Bruce Bauer, Judy Aitken, Peter Van Bemmelen, Christopher Carmen, Steve Chang, Chan Sun and Esther Hwang, Denzil McNeilus, Mary Ann McNeilus, Byron and Carol Reynolds, Tom Evans, and Trudi Starlin.
POSITION Bible Worker LOCATION Muak Lek, Thailand COST $160/month PRAYER REQUEST Please guide Suwit and endow him with a rich measure of the Holy Spirit as he begins this new ministry.
TOLL FREE 1-866-365-3541 PHONE 269-471-3026 FAX 269-471-3034 EMAIL office@asapministries.org WEB www.asapministries.org
All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version® copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
ASAP serves people from the countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and Beyond! *At times, photos are blurred and names changed to protect the safety of God's workers.