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Annual Report 2020 pages 1_15.qxp_Layout 1 2/23/21 9:20 AM Page 2
To say that 2020 has been an unusual year would be an understatement. It started out like most any other, but it sure has thrown us a curveball in the form of the pandemic dubbed COVID-19. COVID-19 has dominated the news-cycles, been a source of angst for health care professionals and Wade Shafer, Ph.D. been on most of our minds since the Executive first restrictions were announced in Vice President mid-March. As I write this, we are experiencing a second spike in the US with the number of infections increasing in every state. By now, if we haven’t had it ourselves, most of us at least know someone who has. Unfortunately, many of us also know someone who has passed from it — as there have been over 400,000 deaths in the US. It’s fair to say that most would consider this to be one of the bleakest times in our history. Not to minimize the human tragedy we’ve been dealt, but as with previous crises, there is no doubt that we will overcome and move on to better days. And in this case, we can be confident that better days will be coming soon! The primary reason I am so confident that we will overcome the virus sooner than later is due to the massive problem-solving power science can now deliver. To give you a sense of that, the first symptoms caused by the virus were documented in late December in Wuhan, China, and by January 11 Wuhan reported the first death due to COVID-19. On that same weekend (January 11-12) the full genomic sequence of the virus was completed and shared with the global health community. Given the current mobility of humans this was critical, in that it allowed for definitive diagnosis of carriers anywhere in the world. Not surprisingly, within weeks, confirmation of carriers began showing up around the globe. Unfortunately, in the last major pandemic, the “Spanish Flu” caused by what we now know to be a strain of the H1N1 virus, sequencing was not an option — making definitive diagnosis impossible. Though incorrect, the conventional wisdom at the time was that the pandemic
was caused by a strain of bacteria called Haemophilus influenzae. It would be 36 years before Watson and Crick introduced the foundation for sequencing an organism — the concept of Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (DNA). It would be another 50 years beyond Watson and Crick’s discovery before the first living organism was sequenced. Interestingly, the first sequencing was performed on Haemophilus influenzae — the bacterium mistakenly fingered for the “Spanish Flu” pandemic. The ability to quickly sequence an organism’s DNA gives us a huge leg-up in an infectious disease outbreak. Identification gives us knowledge to help better manage things like treatment, tracking, and quarantine. Though management is a powerful tool, an effective vaccine is surely the ace in the hole. Given that a vaccine for an infectious disease has never been developed in less than several years; however, we have been resigned to the fact that vaccination is a long-term solution — that we must limp along doing our best for years before we have the ace. With a pandemic like we are dealing with, limping along for several more years seems unimaginable. Fortunately, though it has been less than a year since the first case of COVID-19 was diagnosed, as I write there are two vaccines with huge promise on the cusp of being released to the public. How can this be? How can we have game changers in our hands in less than a year? The overarching answer is that the scientific community has found a way to leverage the massive amount of knowledge accumulated over the almost seven decades since Watson and Crick published their seminal paper. Both vaccines employ messenger Ribonucleic Acid (mRNA), essentially a set of molecular instructions that puts DNA into action. It is relevant to note that mRNA has never been cleared for use prior to these two vaccines, as the powerful technology was not ready for prime time. Because the mRNA is synthetic, the vaccines can be manufactured quicker and more economically than conventional methods of vaccine development — critical factors for solving the crises we are in. I know my report is unconventional, and certainly unlike any from previous years — but these are unprece-
dented times that will likely have an impact on humanity for a long time to come. In light of that, ASA took unprecedented action. With the goal of extending a helping hand to those who have made ASA successful — our members — the board unanimously voted to credit 10 percent of your prior year’s expenditures on THE, registrations and transfers toward this year’s expenses. Though this pandemic may make it hard to see things in a positive light, hopefully the cost savings will put a little smile on your face. As you know, I started by stating that better days are coming soon. Truth is, in the world of science, they are already here, and each new day brings better. Due to its life and death nature, a pandemic shines a bright light on that fact. Though lower key, we can certainly look at the advancements in our own industry to verify that science has made our days better — and continues to do so. I will close with the commitment that has been embedded in every annual report — you can be assured that we will continue to do our level best to leverage science and collaboration to help our members and industry make better cattle and better beef!
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Ten Year Revenue
The ASA Board of Trustees and staff are determined to keep moving forward and provide the best services and leadership possible. This annual report not only gives you insight to the many options and tools available for your use, but it also reflects on the past year. There were many challenges for all of us this Linda Kesler past year, although the strength of Chief of Operations our membership and ASA’s position and Finances in the industry remains strong. Good, sound financial decisions are the backbone of any business. We are solid. This has been a commitment of staff and many ASA board members over the years. Understanding a good balance of financial security, maintaining current successful programs, supporting programs, and projects for growth and research will keep members involved with this Association. Maintaining diversity and collaboration with our members, partners, and industry is another sound decision for ASA. At every board meeting, we take a look at ASA and industry statistics as well as specific measurements to evaluate how ASA and the members are doing. This is an important feature to either validate that we are moving in the desired direction or areas that may need our attention. Strategic Planning Sessions are also a mainstay in the evaluation of
Data growth in the ASA by year Animals reported to ASA with data
THE enrollments
Total animals with genomic information
services and performance of ASA. Many great ideas are formulated during these sessions and at times have pointed out where attention is needed. How does identifying great ideas and/or needs move into action? Through committees. ASA has eight standing committees where each have assigned responsibilities; at times there are subcommittees assigned when an in-depth, possibly revitalization, of a program is needed. Trustees and staff work within their committee guidelines to evaluate, research, and advance programs, projects, and activities directly related to ASA. Once a committee has determined an action should be taken, it is presented to the full board for discussion. Once the discussion has completed, it is either approved by the full board and staff moves forward or it is sent back to committee for more work. How does melding great ideas and/or possible needs stay on track with ASA’s purpose? Through ASA’s mission statement, core policies, and strategic planning guidelines. You’ll see the mission statement and core policies later in this annual report.
Most committee meetings are virtual. Watch for announcements (in eNews) to join. The committee meetings just prior to a board meeting as well as the board meetings have gained in membership attendance. If board meetings are in-person meetings, we will still continue to offer online attendance. Board Meetings are normally scheduled for January (in conjunction with the Annual Meeting), April, and in August or September. As you hear often, we are a diverse group. Diversity, understanding the needs of the membership, understanding the needs of the cattle industry, and willing to work outside the normal parameters will keep ASA and its members in the best position possible. Take a tour through the pages of this annual report, see what your Association offers — you may find a program or service tailored to your needs that you have missed. Give us a call.
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Mission Statement The success of the American Simmental Association is dependent on our members’ cattle making a significant genetic contribution to the beef industry. By utilizing the most advanced science, the highest priority is to maintain services and products which bring value to ASA members’ customers.
Core Policies Science Commitment to science and development of the most effective selection tools. Advance ASA in the industry.
Membership Development, registration and promotion of SimGenetics.
Youth Support junior programs. Guide the junior membership and their programs to learn life skills, science and use of technology, and financial responsibilities. Involve the Foundation.
Collaboration Commitment to partnerships with industry leaders and universities to advance research and science. Advancing selection tools, DNAenhanced EPDs, and monitoring genetic defects.
Promotion Promotion and marketing to enhance our members’ market share. Ensure that SimGenetics continues to appeal to the commercial industry.
Data Growth Offer the most advanced genetic evaluation services with the largest database regardless of breed.
Financial Stability ASA will maintain sufficient financial reserves to assure leadership in the beef industry, funds for continued research and development, and a thriving breed association.
Services Offer programs relating to all beef production segments. Be leaders. Step outside traditional practices and offer opportunities for our members to grow in the industry.
Education For advancement and profit of our members and their customers.
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As we reflect on the year 2020, I am sure everyone will have countless events that will forever be etched into their memory. Here at ASA it is no different. The year started out like years before, with our annual meeting in denver that included an ASA Board Meeting, Annual Membership Meeting, Meet and Greet in the yards at the stock show on Saturday afternoon, pen bull and heifer shows, open shows and finished up with the American Simmental functions with the Chairman’s Reception and the Foundation Gala on Sunday evening. Randy Moody March rolled around and at the same time the entire world Chairman, learned a new word: CovId-19. As CovId-19 surfaced, throwASA Board ing the world into a global pandemic the fortitude and dedication of Trustees of the ASA staff and trustees really came to the forefront. our ASA staff had a plan in place that allowed us to do business as usual while our employees worked remotely in order to keep everyone safe without sacrificing any services we provide to our membership. As April approached, the Trustees decided it was best to hold the Spring Board Meeting virtually. At first there was a certain amount of skepticism about actually accomplishing anything with this type of platform; however, once again our staff got busy making sure everyone was comfortable with virtual meetings. As you might expect, the board meeting was very successful without any surprises. If we had to talk about only one event that ASA did during 2020, it would certainly be the National Classic held in Brookings, South dakota, during a pandemic. At first no one thought it would be possible, but with everyone wanting to have this event if it was anyway feasible, once again our staff met the challenge head on with unprecedented success. The 2020 National Classic saw record numbers of animals as well as record number of exhibitors. With 954 animals entered and over 500 exhibitors it was quite a cozy event. our staff stepped up to the challenge to prove where there is a will there’s a way. The show happened like a perfectly oiled machine. To continue with the 2020 story, I would be remiss not to talk about all of the programs and opportunities that our members have to further their breeding programs. This spring, the Board of Trustees approved the Calf Crop Genomics research program. This program allows breeders to dNA their entire birth group group at the research price which enables the breeder to make management decisions much earlier with their animals with reduced cost. The Carcass Expansion Program and the Cow Herd dNA Roundup are other research programs using genomics to help each producer make key selection decisions within their herd. Also, the Trustees have made commitments to assist the host states sponsoring the major PTP shows. This assistance is there to ensure the continued success of Simmentals in the show ring. Your Association is in excellent hands and strong financially. We are poised in a great position to see continued success in the Simmental business.
A virtual year for ASA A friend recently said to me, “Boy these are crazy times.” I had to ask if he was referring to all the wildfires we were having in California, the Presidential election, or CovId-19. Any of the three would qualify as a year for the ages but roll them all into one and it has been a year like no other. As a business, ASA has been fortunate to keep all staff fully employed and services provided to our members have not missed a beat. virtual meetings have become the norm during CovId-19 Tim Curran for the world this year and ASA has been no different. There have Immediate Past been no face-to-face meetings with the ASA Board of Trustees or Chairman, ASA staff since January of 2020 and although all involved have made Board of Trustees the adjustments necessary to keep the business running smoothly through virtual meetings, we are in a people business and getting back to a more normal routine starting at our April 2021 Board Meeting is the goal. Unfortunately, our six new Trustees, Brandon Callis, Tim Clark, Chad Cook, victor Guerra, Chris Ivie, and doug Parke will not get the normal welcome and face-to-face interaction with the existing Board but I assure you this year’s Chairman Randy Moody and staff will get them up to speed on all they will need to know in their upcoming first year on the board. And current Trustees, Gordon Hodges, Tom Hook, Mike Forman, John Griswold, Jim Ligon, Cliff orley, and Fred Schuetze, wrapping up their time with ASA will not get the normal recognition and goodbye. Financially, our members and our members’ customers have had a near normal year. Bull sale averages across the country have been at par with last year and in many cases have been higher and that cannot be said for all breeds. Again, the growth in demand for Simmental influenced bulls, seedstock females and feeder cattle continues to surge. The reason why? The cattle flat work in all segments of the industry from feeder cattle that stay healthier, gain and yield better to the mama cow that is out performing straight bred cattle in every environment. The ultimate testament is the acceptance from feedlots throughout the country and it has never been easier to market SimAngusTM sired feeder cattle. While the commercial side of our business has enjoyed a year of continued growth, the show side of ASA has been more affected from CovId-19. Although many shows have been canceled, the ones that were able to still go on have seen an outstanding turnout. The National Classic that was canceled in Nebraska was reorganized in Brookings, South dakota, and enjoyed the largest number of entries ever for the National Classic. darla Aegerter and her team did a phenomenal job dealing with all of the last minute changes for the National Classic, and so did Luke Bowman and his team with numerous PTP show changes because of CovId-19. Looking forward to a more normal 2021.
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Known as the science breed, ASA and ASA members prioritize the science behind genetic improvement. Programs like Cow Herd DNA Roundup, Total Herd Enrollment, Calf Crop Genomic, Carcass Merit Program, and the Carcass Expansion Program are centered around helping members gather more high-quality and sought-after data. All the hard work to prove our members’ cattle is paying off in commercial demand and profitable seedstock offerings. Simmental cows set the bar for fertility, weaning weights, and exceptional calving ease suited to a variety of environments. Simmental cows are adaptable, built to last in heat, fescue, or high altitudes.
Maternal Trait Genetic Trends Purebred Simmental in past 20 years
$All Purpose Index ($API)
Predicts cow herd profitability using valuable traits like cow longevity (STAY) and calving ease while keeping pressure on terminal traits. Compare the profit potential of two Simmental bulls using $API
1 Bull A’s $API = $120 and Bull B’s $API = $180 2 Breeding 25 females/year 3 Used for 5 years
B Simmental genetics bring calving ease, early growth, and cow longevity while keeping feed costs at a minimum.
Hereford Angus Red Angus Simmental
Mature Cow Wt.
1,419 1,410 1,409 1,404
# Females per year
# years using the bull
Profit Potential
$22,500 $7,500
Just like an EPD, compare two bulls to see the expected difference in profit. Bull B is likely to result in direct revenue and expense savings of an additional $7,500 over the course of five years. Plug in your numbers for 1 , 2 , and 3 to compare your potential earnings.
Did You Know?
u ASA members genotyped 52,000 cows with nearly an equivalent number of mature weights with body condition scores and/or hip height through the CHR. Because of this bolus of female genotypes and mature size information, the IGS has launched research into development of mature weight and cow intake predictions. u Through CHR alone, the ASA has corrected almost 3,000 pedigree errors. u In 2020, nearly 80% of the records submitted to the ASA came through Total Herd Enrollment (THE). u In 2020, the ASA members submitted over 10,000 genomic tests on whole birth groups of calves (in the first 6 months of the program).
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Simmental calves reliably perform in the feedyard – with better growth, better structure, and fewer health problems. Simmental cattle add pounds without sacrificing marbling.
Terminal Trait Genetic Trends Purebred Simmental in past 20 years
$Terminal Index ($TI)
Predicts profitability when all calves are harvested. Trait Marbling Carcass Weight Back Fat Post Weaning Gain
Simmental rank compared to other Continental breeds First Second Second First
Simmental cattle bring marbling and growth without too much fat. Simmental genetics perfectly complement British strengths and weaknesses for an ideal carcass.
By keeping the profitability of the commercial cattle industry at the heart of Simmental genetic tools, ASA members have built profitable cattle for both maternal and terminal beef cattle needs.
Did You Know?
u According to the National Association of Animal Breeders, Simmental ranks second for semen sales compared to all other beef breeds and in recent years, the percentage of semen sold in the US from Simmental bulls has grown by 35%.
27% 26% $API $TI
u $API increased 27% and $TI increased 26% in the last 20 years. This translates to an average increased profit of $3,375 per bull when used to sire replacement heifers and harvesting remaining calves or $2,000 when all calves are harvested.
ASA benefits from several partnerships with research institutions including:
u Colorado State University u Cornell University u Iowa State University u Kansas State University u Montana State University u National Beef Cattle Education Consortium u Oklahoma State University u University of Idaho u University of Illinois u University of Missouri u University of Nebraska u University of Vermont u USDA Fort Keogh u USDA Meat Animal Research Center (MARC)
“To see premium value at a good cost of gain, animal genetics need to have potential for both muscle and marbling. Simmental and Simmental-crossed cattle really fit the bill.” - Tracy Brunner, Cow Camp Feedyard
“A large percentage of the cattle we feed have Simmental influence. Simmental has what a lot of cows need – more carcass weight, more live weight, more ribeye area, and still keeps the marbling intact.” - Tom Williams, Chappell Feedlot
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No one shares like IGS Early in life, we are taught to share. Share with our siblings, share with our classmates, share with our neighbors. The fact that we have to learn this behaviour is telling — it’s not instinctive. It’s human nature to protect what is “ours” and become territorial to ensure we have what we need to survive and thrive; however, we have seen how we all can do better by working together, sharing resources, and maybe most importantly, sharing ideas. This philosophy of comradery and collaboration is at the heart of the International Genetic Solutions (IGS). IGS aims to serve the beef industry by providing resources for genetic improvement using the best technology available and unprecedented collaboration. The IGS collaboration now has 20-million animals and over 300,000 genotypes from nearly 20 different organizations. Not only is it the largest beef cattle database, but it also has a huge amount of connectivity among the different organizations. Nearly onethird of the progeny records in the IGS evaluation have siblings in a separate database and multiple sires have progeny in as many as 12 databases. If each of these databases was an island with an isolated evaluation, we could all breath a little easier because the evaluation would be much simpler. But, it wouldn’t be better. It wouldn’t be as accurate. It wouldn’t give the best genetic predictions of the animals in the evaluation.
The Power of Collaboration
The total data in the IGS genetic evaluation dwarfs any singular database contribution. By pooling the information into one genetic evaluation, all associations gain better genetic predictions than any could do alone.
Instead, the IGS model has chosen the harder path. It is complex to have one evaluation with 20 different data sources. It is challenging to have a multi-breed genetic evaluation and to account for different breed effects and heterosis. But at the end of the day, we want to provide the BEST possible genetic predictions, not only to seedstock breeders but for anyone using EPDs to select their future genetics. The IGS model also sets aside the territorial toddler behaviours often seen in breed associations and societies. The IGS system opens the doors of communication among all the IGS partners to offer better resources to all the members and ultimately the beef industry. We all benefit from working together and sharing various perspectives from different breeds of cattle, different breed associations, and different countries but with the common goal of beef cattle genetic improvement. Beyond making the best possible genetic predictors, the staff from the various IGS partners learn from each other, share educational material, collaborate on different research projects, and work through various challenges most of us have faced independently but can get through better together. While the future is unknown to all of us, it is certain to improve by working together toward the same common good.
Did You Know?
u The IGS staff offers personalized assistance and consultation with each and every IGS Feeder Profit CalculatorTM data submission.
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Did You Know? International Genetic Solutions Collaborative Partners:
u American Chianina Association u American Gelbvieh Association u American Salers Association u American Shorthorn Association u American Simmental Association u Canadian Angus Association u Canadian Chianina Association u Canadian Gelbvieh Association u Canadian Limousin Association u Canadian Shorthorn Association u Canadian Simmental Association u Neogen Genomics Inc. u North American Limousin Foundation u North American South Devon Association u Red Angus Association of America u Salers Association of Canada u Shorthorn Beef (Australia)
"The commercial cattle producer is the backbone of the American beef industry. However, their world is often restricted to a cycle of pasture, loading chute, sale barn . . . and back to pasture. ASA recognizes that, and they also understand that everyone needs to come to the table in order to advance the industry's need for cohesion in tech, marketing, and optics. An example of ASA's innovative offering can be found in the IGS Feeder Profit Calculator." - Tim O'Byrne, Publisher/Editor of Working Ranch magazine
u The top two Superior Livestock Auction Representatives highlighted nearly 9,000 head of FPC certified cattle in 2020 alone! While 2020 offered many challenges, the IGS science team continued to make improvements and grow the IGS Multi-breed Genetic Evaluation. Here are a few highlights: Evaluation updates The genomic imputation was improved by developing a new set of imputed markers to better match the majority of the genomic tests completed to date. A group of improved changes to growth trait predictions were launched in the summer of 2020 soon followed by updates in the carcass evaluation in the fall of 2020. IGS Partner growth Early in 2020, the American Salers, Canadian Salers, and North American South Devon Associations progressed into regular weekly evaluations. New partners started testing their data through the beta evaluation including Canadian Charolais, Simmental Australia Association as well as two non-traditional partners, Digital Beef Commercial Product and Bovitrac. New partner conversations are ongoing and an ever-present part of our weeks. Joint Hosted Webinars The IGS group developed a series of educational webinars with panelists and speakers from a variety of breeds, countries, and backgrounds. Webinars tackled subjects like: why IGS partners would want to collaborate with each other, improvements made to the growth trait evaluation, how can breeders help to make their EPDs more accurate, and what can breeders and commercial operations do to acquire carcass records. These webinars are archived on the IGS website for anyone to access. New trait development While much work is done to maintain and improve the existing evaluation, the science team is continuing to make progress in new trait development with priority focused on Heifer Pregnancy, Mature Cow Weight, and Dry Matter Intake EPDs.
IGS Feeder Profit CalculatorTM (FPC) The IGS Feeder Profit CalculatorTM (FPC) continued to illustrate its value to data hungry decision makers throughout 2020. In a year of uncertainty, information and knowledge seemed to be at a premium. The FPC is ideally suited to share facts and insights into the terminal merit of US feeder cattle. As a result, over 18,000 head of calves received a third-party view of profit potential through the FPC in the calendar year of 2020. That was a 50% increase over 2019. The FPC certificates were used by marketers and buyers to source responsibly produced, low risk calves with a predictable upside. The certificates were used by sellers to highlight the genetic and management prowess they had built into their calf crop. Thus, both groups were speaking the same “no-nonsense” language of dollars and cents. Additionally, many farms and ranches used the FPC predictions as a benchmarking tool to give them yet another view of their current practices. Superior Livestock Auctions (SLA), the largest marketer of feeder calves in the US, saw a near 400% increase in the number of cattle sold with a FPC certification. Progressive seedstock producers across the country continue to encourage their commercial clients to put the FPC to work. It is proving its worth across the country and is a no cost service provided by IGS.
"It is very simple and easy to submit an FPC application. And well worth the couple minutes it takes!" - Shane & Beth Temple, Colorado
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From the traditional Simmental and SimGenetic seedstock breeders, to seedstock operations of a different breed, to progressive commercial cattle operations, ASA offers services to meet all their needs. ASA provides tools and information tailored to the varied requirements of our members and their customers.
ASA Membership Perks
u Open herdbook, ASA welcomes all breed compositions to help members produce more profitable beef cattle. u Online access to Herdbook Services 24 hours/ 7 days a week registration, transfers, and payments. u the Register and SimTalk magazines, Sire Source, e-newsletter, and eBlasts. u Rights and privileges to elect Trustees and vote on changes to Rules and Bylaws. u Be a part of the world’s largest multi-breed beef cattle genetic evaluation.
Herdbook Services A primary function of ASA is maintaining cattle performance records, pedigrees, ownership, and other genetic information in the database. Herdbook Services gives current members electronic access to their own herd data. EPDs, dollar indexes, genetic traits and conditions, pedigree, and adjusted performance information on all animals in the database are available to the public on ASA’s website. Check out for more information.
Herdbook Services Tools Registrations A structured way to report, register, or update animal records 24 hours/7 days a week. Transfers Transferring the registration certificate from one owner to another keeps member inventories current, brings the new owners into the Simmental community through SimTalk subscriptions, and adds marketing opportunity with buyers. ● The first transfer is free. Animal Lookup The main animal page includes EPDs, indexes, and pedigree for any animal with a known registration number, name, or tattoo. Planned Mating An easy-to-navigate tool for EPD estimates on calves resulting from specific mating(s). EPD Search A user-friendly search to generate a list of animals tailored to meet your needs — members may specify thresholds for dollar indexes, EPDs, and/or accuracies as well as coat color and horned/polled preference.
“The women in the processing and DNA department have been an outstanding group of women with whom to work. Their dedication to the association and membership is above and beyond routine expectations. They are always willing to assist and get the job done in a short amount of time. These women truly care about making the Simmental breed the best it can be and providing excellent customer service.” - Danielle LeDoux, Ree Heights, SD
Using Your Data Herdbook has many useful reports and summaries available to download. u Dam averages (calving intervals, BW averages, WW averages, etc.) u Calf crop summaries u Herd and Animal EPDs, data, and ratios u DNA summaries u Genetic trait conditions u Genetic trends u Custom built herd reports
Did You Know?
u ASA’s customer service team handled over 45,000 incoming calls in 2020.
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Did You Know?
u In 2020, the ASA issued 75,122 registration certificates, almost 2,000 more than 2019. u In 2020, 22 herds were recognized as performance advocates, a distinction recognizing breeders for collecting eight or more traits on their whole cow herd.
The customer service team strives to use the latest in technology through Herdbook Services to assist breeders interested in advancing their genetics and profitability. Take advantage of this team’s expertise for registrations, enrollment programs, DNA services, data processing, web support, and more.
Front-line Customer Service
Katelyn Gould
Total Herd Enrollment
Tiffany Paulson
Cindy Newell
Megan Jimerson
Data Processing Support
Active Herd Digitally manage your herd records and import them directly into Herdbook when ready. u Weaning and yearling weights and measurements u Herd health treatments u Breeding, pregnancy, calving u Inventory active pastures
Jannine Story
Emme Demmendaal
Marni Gaskill
Heidi Todd
Accounts Receivable
Amber Coila
Bailey Abell
DNA Department
Total Herd Enrollment A whole cow herd reporting program designed to gather production, longevity, and fertility data. ASA has four THE options meant to fit most seedstock and commercial operation needs. Reach out to our THE team to help get started or answer any questions.
Carla Stephens
Lilly Platts
Molly Diefenbach
Lauren Skoglund
Rachel Pavsek
DNA Services From basic trait testing to genomically-enhanced EPDs, ASA offers a full suite of DNA options. u Approve an AI sire or donor dam (required for registrations). New as of July 2020, the GGP-100K test qualifies AI sires and donor dams. u Test and track animals at risk for a genetic condition or trait. u Parent-verify a purchased embryo (required for registration). u Increase the accuracy of EPDs through uLD and 100K genomic testing.
No matter your question, a member of our team can help you. Call 406-587-4531 or email the following: Registrations, Corrections, and Questions Memberships and Changes Total Herd Enrollment (THE)
DNA Testing
Ultrasound and Barnsheets
Carcass Merit Program (CMP), Carcass Data, and Commercial Herds
Research DNA (Cow Herd Roundup and Calf Crop Genomics)
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Members benefit from ASA programs built to ensure quality record reporting and reward important-but-rare data like mature cow weights, feed intake, carcass records, and female genotyping. Genomics are a wonderful tool to improve EPD accuracy; however, the backbone of every genetic evaluation is still performance data. Without records for traits of interest, we can’t use genomics to its full potential. Looking toward the future, it’s important to continue collecting and submitting performance data on your animals, in addition to using genomic technology.
3) Performance Advocate recognition. Breeders who submit 90% of their entire calf-crop contemporary group on eight of the thirteen traits qualify as a tierone Performance Advocate. THE herds with 90% of the records on ten out of the thirteen traits qualify for the higher tier system. Those who meet this designation are highlighted in the Late Fall SimTalk and on ASA’s website. Contact your THE team to find the best fit for reporting data on your entire herd.
Total Herd Enrollment (THE)
Cow Herd Roundup (CHR) and Calf Crop Genomics (CCG)
THE ensures the most accurate prediction from the genetic evaluation so that both commercial and seedstock producers can make more informed selection decisions. THE is a cowinventory reporting program designed to gather production, longevity, and fertility performance data on the whole cow herd. THE requires participants to provide annual reproductive and inventory status on their cow herd. Breeders benefit by: 1) Improved quality of data submitted for genetic evaluation through whole contemporary group reporting. 2) Improved reproductive EPDs by focusing on the cow herd. "Whether registered or commercial, I like to know how our cows are performing. Each of our females need to look like a brood cow that has the structure and the EPDs behind her to make it. Enrolling in THE gives us the data we need to produce animals that perform." - Grant Jones, Chundy Land and Cattle, Haigler, NE
CHR and CCG are research projects launched by ASA in collaboration with Neogen® Genomics to offer 50% off a GGP-100K genomic panel to participating breeders who test their entire cow herd (CHR) or calf birth group (CCG). If breeders submit additional phenotypic data on the animals in either program, they can receive additional discounts.
CHR and CCG bring great benefits to participating members: 1. Global benefits of improved trait predictions. 2. CHR: for many traits, adding genomic results to a dam’s EPDs is similar to doubling a lifetime of calf records to the cow’s information. 3. CCG: More complete information to make selection decisions earlier in an animal’s life, saving valuable resources spent developing bulls and heifers.
4. Parentage included – large-scale testing will reveal and help correct errors in pedigrees resulting in better EPD predictions and cleaner records for the future. 5. Parentage markers are in the database for easier parentage testing for the future. 6. Additional trait testing available at “add-on” pricing.
Andrew explains the decision behind enrolling in CHR. “And then we decided … we might as well DNA test a lot of our cows as well. A lot of the bulls that we're buying are DNA tested and we figured if we want to improve our calves and our cow herds faster, then we probably want those EPDs to be more accurate. And we figured if we DNA tested all of them that would speed up our process and increase the accuracies of the EPDs.” - Andrew Katterman, Kattle Bell Farm, Hale, Michigan
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“It is rare for a breed association program to literally be a win for everyone, but the CMP and CXP programs accomplish a big win for all. A win for the CMP herd by providing free semen, subsidized payments for each harvested carcass, complete birth to harvest processed data, and EPD’s on their cow herd that allows for more accurate genetic improvement for generations into the future. A win for the enrolled bull owner by supplying non-biased, third party complete data from birth to harvest on your sires as well as maternal data well into the future. Possibly the biggest win is for the members who do not enroll sires but use genomicallyenhanced EPDs. Yes, the CMP and CXP programs are a win for everyone.” - former ASA Chairman of the Board, Gordon Hodges, Hamptonville, NC
Carcass Merit Program (CMP) From providing confidence in calving ease to predicting end product value, the Carcass Merit Program (CMP) offers critical records to ASA members. Historically, the CMP contributed over 1,000 birththrough-weaning records, and over 500 yearling weights and carcass records annually. Recently ASA added new cooperator herds, individual feed intake collection, and genotyping calves to the program. In 2020, the CMP sampled 29 bulls in over 1,100 commercial females which will eventually source approximately 360 carcass records for the ASA genetic evaluation. All new CMP sires were evaluated on a prototype sequencing genomic panel helping further develop more impactful genomic technologies. Breeders interested in obtaining rare and valuable carcass records can enroll in the CMP for $1,500/sire.
Did You Know?
u The CMP has been the largest source of carcass data submissions to the ASA database. u The CMP tests approximately 30 young sires in commercial herds annually. u From conception to harvest it takes approximately three years for carcass information to be added to a sire’s performance proof.
Did You Know?
u The THE-commercial options have seen the largest growth in ASA animal enrollments in the past year. u Pairing the commercial programs with any of the research programs (CHR, CCG, CMP, or CXP) is one of the quickest ways for commercial producers to accelerate genetic knowledge on their cowherd. u For growth traits, a genomics test (GGP uLD or 100K) is like adding over 20 progeny records to that animal’s EPDs.
Carcass Expansion Project (CXP) Despite the importance of carcass traits to our industry, few producers devote resources to collecting and recording actual carcass data. While the CMP is a valuable progeny test, it is limited in the number of records produced. We cannot depend on the CMP alone to bring in carcass data. In the age of genomics, it is clear we need genotypes on animals with actual carcass phenotypes. In the Fall of 2018, ASA added another layer of commitment to predicting carcass traits. ASA initiated a program called the Carcass Expansion Project to increase the number of carcass records on genotyped animals. The ASA Board of Trustees and staff are ramping up both phenotypic and genotypic data collection on terminal calves — a vital part of our vision.
Did You Know?
u All members benefit from the CXP. Carcass data and genotype information increase the robustness of carcass evaluation on every animal in the genetic evaluation. u More than 52 herds, made up of ASA members, commercial breeders, and universities, took part in the research project. u Over 4,385 DNA samples have been submitted in the CXP project since it's beginning, with more to come.
Feed Intake Incentive The cost of feed is the number one cost to the beef industry annually (65% of the production cost of beef). The ability to predict differences in feedlot intake of sires’ offspring is an important component in the assessment of differences in profitability between sires. Collecting individual feed intake data on calves of known sire groups will improve our ability to predict feed intake and thus improve our ability to predict differences in profit. The ASA offers a 50% price discount on GGP-100K genomic tests, in exchange for feed intake data from the same animal. This incentive couples the need to increase the number of feed intake records in our database with an increase in the use of genomic testing.
Commercial Services — Value Added for Members’ Customers ASA seedstock breeders can leverage ASA and IGS commercial programs to provide better service to their customers. Encourage your commercial customers to enroll in the THE commercial option, CHR, and use the IGS Feeder Profit CalculatorTM to make more informed decisions and market their calves more effectively. In addition, adding records from your customers’ herds is like building your own young sire test program. Make ASA’s customer service team your customer service team.
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“The AJSA teaches what it takes to develop lifelong confidence in communication and teamworking skills, thus building successful leaders.” - Darla Aegerter, AJSA Youth Director
Youth Programs Building an understanding of the beef industry while developing leadership, networking, and communication skills. • AJSA was founded in 1975 and has nearly 3,000 active members. • Governed by 16 AJSA Trustees serving a two-year term, for up to two terms. Trustees promote the Simmental breed while assisting in new programs and strengthening the leadership of junior members.
Regional and National Classics
u Regional Classics are held in June prior to the National Classic, and are hosted by a state association in one of four regions: Western, South Central, North Central, and Eastern. u The National Classic is held each summer for a week, taking place in a different location across the country each year. u The Classics provide an opportunity for junior exhibitors to showcase knowledge of their animals, the beef industry, and the Simmental breed.
u Mentor/Mentee Program, and recognition of the Merit Award Winners. u Juniors are required to compete in four out of the five educational contests to exhibit their animals: • Public Speaking, Sales Talk, Cattleman’s Quiz, Calvin Drake Genetic Evaluation Quiz, and Livestock Judging. • Additional competitions include: Cattle Show, Showmanship, Photography Contest, Interview Contest, Junior Herdsman of the Year, and Steer Profitability Contest. u Juniors from across the country compete to place in the top 10 at the Regionals and the top 20 at the National Classic in each contest. At the National Classic, the esteemed overall top 20 in each age division are recognized. u Cattle are exhibited for Percentage Simmental, Purebred Simmental, Simbrah, and Fullblood for the following divisions: • Bred and owned female, cow-calf pair, steer • Owned female, cow-calf pair, steer • Bred and owned bull “Through years of participation in the educational contests, I was able to gain many lifelong skills that have shaped me into the person I am today.” - Kiersten Jass, Former AJSA Board President
American Simmental-Simbrah Foundation Scholarships
u Awards several scholarships totaling $40,000 each year at the National Classic. u Juniors receive Bronze, Silver, and Gold Merit Awards; Peter Courtney Memorial Scholarship; the Eileen DuJardin Memorial Scholarship; and Hotel Scholarship.
Did You Know?
u 729 head of cattle were shown by 508 exhibitors at the 2020 National Classic in Brookings, SD.
Summit Leadership Conference
u Held in conjunction with the American Junior Shorthorn Association and the American Junior Gelbvieh Association every other year. u Focuses on educational workshops designed to enhance leadership development, communication skills, and beef industry knowledge. u Juniors, ages 14-21 years of age from all over the country participate. u Features nationally known speakers, and farm, ranch and industry-leading company tours. “The Summit is an event that allows the next generation of cattlemen and women within IGS breeds the opportunity to network with like-minded individuals from across the United States and Canada. Attendees are presented with ample opportunities to learn about several facets of the beef industry, visit premier seed stock operations, develop skills to grow as a leader, and make connections with other leaders that have the potential to last a lifetime.” - Garrett Stanfield, Former AJSA Board Member
Steer Profitability Competition
u Provides an opportunity for members to get meaningful exposure to understand cattle feeding. u Introduces juniors to peers, mentors, industry advocates and allows them to have experiences that are unique for any beef producer.
Visit to learn more about us.
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2019-2020 Ring of Champions Royalty
2019-2020 Purebred Champions American Royal Show
Grand Champion Purebred Bull
Grand Champion Purebred Heifer
North American International Livestock Exposition
Grand Champion Purebred Bull
Grand Champion Purebred Heifer
National Western Show
The American Simmental Association’s Progress Through Performance (PTP) program reflects an industry reality that producers routinely balance between phenotypic evaluation and scientifically-proven, industry-relevant EPDs and indexes. Six delegates from the ASA membership are chosen to provide a ranked list of 10 judges names for staff to tabulate. The top 30 names are to be reviewed and approved by the A&E Committee and the full board. Once the approved list is passed, it is sent back to the state associations of the respective Major PTP Shows for review and judge selection for the show season one and a half years from the time of board approval. Judges are selected with the first pick given to the National Classic, then the four Majors are in a rotation due to the schedule of the National Show. Approved judges are highly-esteemed cattle evaluators and are provided EPDs and indexes on each class. The list of PTP-approved judges, the PTP judge nomination process, and pertinent PTP show information can be found at The Activities and Events (A&E) Committee and ASA staff consistently monitor the PTP program and are constantly in search of methods to enhance and elevate the program. In the coming year PTP, will continue to provide strategic opportunities to hone the program and its alignment with ASA mission and membership interests.
ASA Ring of Champions
Grand Champion Purebred Bull
Grand Champion Purebred Heifer
Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo
Grand Champion Purebred Bull
Grand Champion Purebred Heifer
The ASA Ring of Champions program recognizes the most successful SimGenetics show cattle exhibited at the four Major PTP shows for the 2020-2021 show season: American Royal, North American Livestock Exposition, Cattlemen’s Congress and Dixie National. Awarded divisions recognize the Champion, Reserve Champion, and Honorable Mention show cattle of the Year. The categories of cattle are Purebred Bull, Purebred Female, Percentage Bull and Percentage Female. After awarding points for placings in classes, divisions, grand and reserve championships, the highest point earners are crowned as royalty in the ASA Ring of Champions after the last show of the show season. Finally, in the 2020-2021 show season, the A&E Committee decided to replace the Exhibitor’s Choice award with a People’s Choice recognition. Here, the exhibitors and spectators are given the opportunity to vote for their favorite animals of each show. Like the other awards, the top voted animals are recognized as the People’s Choice Show Bull and Female of the Year.
Ring of Champions recognizes the best of the best that compete in the PTP Majors, crowning 14 elite show animals of the year.
FITZ Gideon 802F Purebred Simmental Show Bull of the Year
WHF Andie 369F Purebred Simmental Show Female of the Year
B C R Perfect Vision Percentage Simmental Show Bull of the Year
RRF Rita 215G Percentage Simmental Show Female of the Year
B C R Perfect Vision Exhibitor’s Choice Show Bull of the Year
B C R Time To Shine 012G Exhibitor’s Choice Show Female of the Year
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In the year 2020, there are very few commentaries that do not make mention of COvId-19. Now that is taken care of, let’s thank those members of our state associations for their efforts in keeping this important arm of the American Simmental Association active and moving Dr. Bert Moore forward. From the early days of State Association Liaison the Association, the leadership 406-587-4531 • Ext. 509 recognized the importance and value state associations could bring. Executive Officer don vaniman spent a great deal of time assisting in the formation of state associations when the ASA was in its infancy. We must recognize that many of the state association activities are run by volunteers. These people invest their time and resources at the local level for the collective benefit of the members in their area as well as the nation. It is not unusual for innovations to flow from state associations to trustees and staff. Some of the strengths of state associations come from the diversity of their ideas, management systems and goals of their production programs, all influenced by whatever part of the country they come from. The Cost Share Program, initiated in 1979, through a bold step by the ASA board of Trustees, brings funds from the ASA into the promotional programs of state associations. The leaders and volunteers in state association, within certain guidelines, have discretionary use of these
funds for many types of promotional efforts and through multiple media sources. They know how the funds can be used most effectively because they are residents of the area. The promotional efforts of the Cost Share Program can be useful in helping to expand registration numbers. The Check-Off Program rewards each state association with 25¢ for each registration recorded in that state and is available quarterly. These funds can be used for any state association sponsored activity. Since Check-Off monies are available quarterly, regular correspondence with state associations serves as a way to keep in touch. State association sponsored events such as hosting field days, booths at livestock events, and other activities can earn extra funds, also based on registration numbers under the Check-Off Bonus Program. This provides incentives to state associations to engage their volunteer members to further expand the SimGenetic story. State associations are encouraged to have an ASA SimSpecialists at state events. Each state may select two activities, one of which must be commercially oriented, for an ASA SimSpecialist to attend. For example, representation could be producer meetings, field days, trade shows, or other educational programs. The ASA participates on several levels but it is the state association leaders and volunteers that provide the “grass roots” support that gives substantial strength to the mission of the American Simmental Association. We thank you!!
“The American Simmental Association Cost Share and Check-Off programs are a very valuable part of the Minnesota Simmental Association tools to promote the Simmental breed. Through the dollars received through these programs the MSA is able to do more advertising and support more junior activities than we would otherwise be able to do. These ASA programs are greatly appreciated and utilized!" - Beth Andersland, treasurer of the Minnesota Simmental Association
Did You Know?
u 23 State Associations received
Cost Share dollars. u Six State Associations received an additional $1,000 in Cost Share funds for 2021 for maximizing use of funds in 2020. u 31 states applied for and received
Check-Off dollars.
u 93.8% of all eligible Check-Off dollars were
paid out (tied to registration numbers).
u 23 states received Check-Off Bonus dollars.
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Cost Share: $4,000 Each Fiscal Year for Advertising and Promotion Cost Share Program
Check-off Bonus Bucks
State Association Ad Templates
Designed to reach regional markets by assisting states in the advertising and promotion of SimGenetics. The program also provides support for the promotional activities of state associations to help increase their membership as well as their market share. May be submitted throughout the fiscal year.. State associations maximizing their use of Cost Share funds ($4,000) receive an additional $1,000 for use in advertising and promotion. Deadline June 30. u Print advertising u eBlasts u Booths and booth space u Web development and maintenance u Newsletters and member directories u SimTalk special mailings u ASA representation at state events
This program steps up the amount of money each state association may collect based on the registrations in their state. If a state completed three of the seven approved items, they’ll receive an additional $0.45 per state registration; then it increases for meeting each additional approved promotional items. The amount of bonus dollars that may be collected is based on the amount of promotion and advertising a state does in a fiscal year. Find out more details on ASA’s website. Each state could receive $1.10 per registration with the standard check-off dollars ($0.25 per registration) and completion of all seven items approved for the check-off program. Check-off Bonus Bucks are paid annually at the end of the fiscal year. Deadline July 10.
Ad templates are available to download for your use. There is no cost attached to this service. The template contains the 50% generic advertising required through the Cost Share Program. They are ready to use — just place your state information in the remainder of the ad space (white area), and you are ready to go! Ads designed entirely by you may be accepted if they contain 50% generic advertising and are pre-approved.
Check-off Program Paid quarterly and based on animal registrations in your state. The only requirement is for your state association to send us your current list of officers. Deadline June 30. u Based on animal registrations in your state — 25¢ per animal. u Current list of officers submitted each quarter — form is available online.
Approved bonus activities: u Booth and Booth space u Field Day with ASA SimSpecialist u AJSA Event u Promotion Advertising – Cost Share Participation u Website Promotion (link to ASA site) u Mailings (include promotion for ASA SimSpecialist) u PTP Show If a state completes: 1 bonus criteria — 10¢ per registration 2 bonus criteria — 20¢ per registration 3 bonus criteria — 45¢ per registration 4 bonus criteria — 55¢ per registration 5 bonus criteria — 65¢ per registration 6 bonus criteria — 75¢ per registration 7 bonus criteria — 85¢ per registration
Promotional Material Available for Use u Brochures are available for your booth at trade shows. u Only cost to your association is shipping. u Order early to save money on shipping.
State Association Pull-up Display Booth u Can be purchased with Cost Share dollars. u Choice of several booth options. Any questions can be answered by calling Bert Moore at 406-587-4531 • Ext. 509
Cost Share funds are available for a wide variety of promotional activities and are detailed at:
Maximum reward incentive is $1.10 per registration within the state (base of $0.25/per registration plus seven bonus criteria)
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"A superficial interaction yields a superficial response. Crucial to remember when considering ASA's marketing efforts. Some industries and some firms might lend themselves to shallow relationships and halfhearted awareness efforts. The commercial beef business certainly does not. Our members and their customers are anything but shallow. As such, your ASA team constantly efforts to generate impactful and evocative educational and promotional pieces that get read, get watched, get clicked and get remembered. We always market with a purpose. That purpose is to innovatively drive profit in the beef business." - Chip Kemp, Director of ASA and IGS Commercial and Industry Operations
Samples of spread and full page advertisements placed in national and regional publications, in addition to the Register and SimTalk.
ASA provides a wide array of services relevant to almost anyone in the beef business. Our members are progressive and innovative and as a result, they expect ASA services to be equally cutting edge. Our marketing efforts must keep pace and often take on an educational twist – ranging from highlighting the genetic prowess and profit power of SimGenetics to providing awareness of many of the ingenious tools available to all segments of the industry. Our business, and the ever-changing multimedia landscape, necessitates ASA to be nimble and adaptable in marketing efforts.
Target Audiences 1) ASA members and their existing customer base ASA publications, traditional advertising, and promotional pieces using traditional print and digital platforms. 2) Potential members and potential customers Specific topic-focused and educational approach using traditional print and increasingly various digital approaches. 3) Serious industry influencers ASA and IGS promotional events, seminars, invited talks, well-placed articles and ads, and engaging serious drivers of social media.
Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing 1) Print Media u National campaign ad slicks and programmatic advertising for ASA magazines, non-ASA national publications, and regional magazines. u Digital ad versions available via state-based cost-share program. u Educational articles leveraged internally and externally to aid in messaging. u Sale books, flyers, Sire Source, press releases, etc.
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Samples of spread and full page advertisements placed in national and regional publications, in addition to the Register and SimTalk.
2) Digital Platforms u Websites include:,,, and u Social Media outlets — ASA, AJSA, and IGS are on most popular social media platforms. u Digital Programmatic Advertising - creative application of modern digital advertising tools u Apps — ASA has apps for both ASA news/ announcements and the IGS Feeder Profit CalculatorTM. u Stock photos and cost-share ads are available on u Video marketing has been greatly enhanced during 2020. Video application crosses the boundaries of all digital platforms. Additionally, appropriate video and audio content has applications in traditional news media outlets.
3) Booths and Presentations u 2020 greatly impacted traditional event presence, but ASA remained nimble and organized and participated in numerous virtual events as speakers, presenters, and invited guests. u Trade show booths are leveraged at various events nationally and regionally. u Pull up banners are available upon request and availability for state functions. u Invited ASA staff presentations and talks are key to appropriate messaging and connectivity with all three target audiences.
Stills captured from new videos produced in 2020
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One of the first places commercial cattle producers go for help in understanding genetics is their trusted seedstock suppliers. Keeping ASA members up to speed on beef cattle genetics not only benefits our members, but helps their customers make more informed decisions. ASA strongly believes in education and communication with our members and their customers using a variety of platforms including printed articles, online resources, social media outlets, presentations at a variety of events and the Fall Focus educational symposium. ASA’s educational efforts involve many of our team and overlap with programs like our State Association relationships, SimSpecialist team, marketing efforts, and publications.
the Register and SimTalk Two main missions of ASA Publication, Inc. are to educate and communicate with ASA members. Our magazines are chock-full of articles about seedstock breeders, commercial producers, innovations in the beef industry, and newsworthy events.
In lieu of in-person educational symposiums in 2020, ASA and IGS offered several online webinars open to the public on a variety of topics including feet/leg scoring, the "Why" behind the IGS collaboration, updates to growth trait prediction, what breeders can do to improve the accuracy of their EPDs, and how can those interested collect carcass records.
eNews ASA’s weekly electronic newsletter is packed with timely updates. Subscribe to eNews and have the latest ASA events and news delivered to your inbox every week. To subscribe, go to
20 In 2019, took on a “newsier” landing page with industry updates, the Down to the Genes, Women of ASA, and breeder features in one easy-to-locate and searchable spot. The Learning Library, launched in 2019, is an easily-accessible resource center highlighting SimGenetic cattle, the basics behind EPDs and dollar index systems, ASA’s many programs and services, and the latest technologies available through DNA and genomic testing.
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Educational Promotion of ASA’s Services and Programs
Fall Focus
State Associations
The ASA Fall Board meeting is coupled with a day-long educational session focused on animal breeding and current topics important to seedstock breeders and commercial cattle operations. Open committee meetings and staff updates are a perfect opportunity to learn what’s happening at the ASA and offer your ideas. Due to restrictions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 Fall Focus event in Roanoke Virginia was postponed one year. Join us August 27 - 31 in Roanoke, VA, for the Fall Focus 2021 event. Watch for more details and view past years’ presentations at
State associations are locally-and regionally-based Simmental entities that operate independently from ASA to support seedstock breeders in specific locales. Access your state association officers on ASA’s website.
SimmApp The SimmApp is a one-stop shop for many of ASA’s outreach efforts. To download the app, go to the Google Play Store or the Apple Store on your phone. You can find ASA, AJSA, and IGS on your favorite social media platform too!
In 2018, ASA expanded opportunities for members to request ASA SimSpecialists to attend their events. This new infrastructure aims to grow awareness of ASA services and programs among ASA members, their customers, and the beef industry community. This may be a formal presentation, as one of the speakers at an event, or a few minutes in front of the crowd with an invite to consult one-on-one about ASA’s programs and services. We are seeking members who would like an event to be considered. Notify ASA if you meet at least one of the five parameters.
1. Audience Qualifier Must have a minimum of 25 individuals in attendance; highlighting ASA program(s); event must align with ASA goals and programs; ASA personnel must be the focus for at least 30 minutes or 50% of the event.
2. $3,500 in Business with ASA (within a fiscal year) per membership; must allow some form of education or program awareness.
3. $2,000 in Advertising with ASA Publication Must be a singular membership/account or a collaborative sale; must allow some form of education or program awareness.
4. $500 “Buy-a-Day” Must allow some form of education or program awareness.
5. State Associations State associations receive two free days per year for ASA attendance; must allow some form of education or program awareness; one of the two days must be a commercially-oriented event.
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ASA Publication, Inc. Staff
CEO Wade Shafer, Ph.D.*
General Manager Jim Largess
Managing Editors Jackie Atkins, Ph.D.* Rachel Endecott, Ph.D.*
Art Director Cynthia Conner
Editors Lilly Platts* Emme Demmendaal*
Nancy Chesterfield Sales Manager 406-587-2778 • Ext. 138
Rebecca Price Advertising & Editorial Assistant 406-587-2778 • Ext. 134
ASA Publication Inc. One Genetics Way • Bozeman, Montana 59718 USA 406-587-2778 • Fax: 406-587-9301
Visit to learn more about us.
Editorial Consultant Dan Rieder Business Manager Linda Kesler* Accounts Receivable Carla Stephens*
Design/Production Joel Coleman Sales Manager Nancy Chesterfield Advertising/ Editorial Assistant Rebecca Price Media/ Website Administrator Kathy Shafer*
* Staff with crossover responsibility for ASA and ASA Publication, Inc.
ASA Publication, Inc., Board Executive SecretaryTim Curran Treasurer Steve Eichacker Wade Shafer, Ph.D. Fred Schuetze Vice-Chairman J.W. Brune Chairman Randy Moody
Linking Simmental Genetics to the Beef Business! Back in 1987, when the American Simmental Association decided to bring its official magazine in-house, the staff was given a mission: “to provide communication, education, and information” to the membership. First, under the banner of the Register, and later when SimTalk and for a time, American Simbrah, were added under the larger umbrella of ASA Publication, Inc., the editorial and advertising staff has adhered rigidly to the original mission.
Today, numerous other responsibilities have been added, including an Annual Report, a Breeder’s Directory, Sire Source, sale catalogs, press releases, and web marketing, among many others. Communication u ASA’s magazines, the Register and SimTalk, provide an outlet for members to stay up-to-date on industry events, fellow breeders’ sales, and state association events, while also allowing members the opportunity to communicate their events.
Education u ASA taps into the rich knowledge of the staff by creating educational articles and gives members access to additional educational resources through a variety of platforms ranging from print to social media. Information u Keeping abreast of industry news, the state of SimGenetics in the marketplace, and having a source for accurate information is important for producers. ASA Publication is committed to providing up-to-date industry news and information.
An Effective Outlet for Advertisers With the increasing demand for SimGenetics, now is the perfect time to create a specific marketing plan to access the growing number of breeders and potential customers. ASA Publication, Inc. has all of the resources to help you create an effective marketing strategy. Advertising with ASA provides added value beyond the ad. Your sale date will be published in the Register and SimTalk Datebooks, on, and sale reports with averages, high-sellers, and up to four photos printed in the Register.
the Register Serving as ASA’s official publication, the Register has a circulation of 6,000 and focuses primarily on the active membership. Mailed nine times annually, the Register provides a direct and consistent line of communication to the ASA membership in a glossy, full-color format.
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Incredibly Affordable Full-Color Catalogs
SimTalk Published four times annually, SimTalk is a glossy, fullcolor publication with a circulation of over 40,000. With a focus on the Simmental breed’s role in the commercial industry, each issue of SimTalk finds its way to commercial cow-calf producers, feedlots, and much more.
ASA Membership Directory Increase your brand recognition and introduce your program to thousands by advertising in the ASA Membership Directory, mailed annually in June. Breeders reference this publication year-round and new buyers use it to get into the Simmental business. Thousands more are handed out each year to your potential customers at trade shows and Simmental events.
Date Book Listing of sales by month. Printed in each issue of the Register and SimTalk. No charge, no requirements.
Mailing Lists Whether you are mailing a sale catalog or one of our specially-designed promotional products, we can help you obtain a custom mailing list that specifically targets your ideal demographic.
Sales Call If you have recently advertised in the Register or SimTalk, you are automatically included in Sales Call prior to your sale. Broadcast to over 7,200 subscribers, Sales Call announces the date of your sale, and provides a link to your catalog or website.
With direct access to ASA’s database, our design team can provide quick and efficient catalog services. Contact Nancy Chesterfield for a free quote on our low-cost, fullcolor printing options.
Web Marketing eBlast — Get the word out about your upcoming event by emailing over 6,000 ASA members and subscribers. This is ASA’s most popular form of web promotion and is an affordable, effective option. Banner ad — Place your ad on the Home page of, Sales Call, in our phone app — SimmApp, or in weekly editions of ASA’s eNews.
Additional Services Our experienced design staff can assist you in developing any form of creative printed promotion. Products we can produce include: u State directories u Brochures u Flyers u Photo retouching u Postcards u Booths u Logos u Downloadable PDFs u Business cards u Banners u Printed catalogs u Posters u eBlast ads u Online catalog flipbooks u Website Development and Hosting
u It saves you time and postage when we complete the transfers online. u Owner of record is updated immediately. As soon as you give the green light, we can mail the certificates directly to the new owners or send them to you. u Saves you the hassle of dealing with the paper certificates.
Sire Source A directory designed to assist in the promotion of semen sales of quality Simmental, SimAngusTM, Simbrah and other breed bulls. This directory is mailed each spring to every ASA member to target potential clients at the height of the semen sales season. Thousands more are handed out at trade shows and industry events, and carried by ASA SimSpecialists throughout the year. We also offer the opportunity to promote additional sires in the online version of Sire Source anytime during the next year. Promoting your bull in the online version opens huge marketing avenues for you. Here’s what you get: u Instant access through online Sire Source Catalog. u Print version. u Discount on a full or half-page ad in the Register
or the SimTalk anytime during the online post.
Transfer Services Here’s how it works: We provide a simple spreadsheet that contains all of the sale lots. Following the sale, return the completed spreadsheet to ASA — all we need is a record of the buyer number(s) on each lot and a list of your buyers. We’ll handle it from there, matching buyer information to ASA memberships and completing the transfers.
23 3
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Did You Know?
u In Fiscal Year 2020, a total of $297,815 was raised from supporters of the American Simmental-Simbrah Foundation (ASF). “In collaboration with our Foundation Board of Directors, and myself, we are dedicated to raising funds to benefit the good of the breed. The primary goal of the American SimmentalSimbrah Foundation is to promote and grow the Simmental footprint through education, research, and youth development.” - Darla Aegerter, ASF Manager
ASF Mission Statement: The purpose of the Foundation is to encourage, by public or private contribution, support of worthwhile educational and charitable projects that are of interest and benefit to devotees of the American Simmental Association. Further to receive, maintain, use and apply donated funds for such purposes; and to implement such educational and charitable projects.
Vision Statement: Serving youth, education, and research for today and future development of the American Simmental Association, the beef industry, and ASA’s membership.
National Classic Support Merit Awards – 11 Silver Merit awards and five Gold Merit awards given out each year to AJSA junior members to help them continue their college education. Feed Intake Project Walton-Berry Graduate Support Grant Sally Buxkemper Memorial – Genetic Evaluation DNA Testing
Research & Technology
Regional Classics – Eastern, Western, South Central and North Central AJSA Leadership Development
Foundation Board Members
Steer Profitability Competition Fall Focus Symposium
Will go toward the programs with the greatest need.
You may designate to any of the Four Pillars
Scott Cowger, Chairperson 816-304-0371 Greg Burden 405-780-0372 Cathy Eichacker 605-421-1138 Holli Hatmaker 859-707-5248 Brandi Karisch 225-717-3324 Bill McDonald 817-894-0563 Bob Mullion 714-922-8764 Aaron Owen 417-830-6252 Tonya Phillips 606-584-2579 Mark Smith 601-310-6695 Mike Stoltey 208-686-1515 Jennifer Tarr 309-824-9517 ASA Support Staff: Darla Aegerter, Linda Kesler, Wade Shafer •
Together as one team, our breed will flourish.
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Research & Technology Feed Intake Project
u Collects individual feed intake data on calves of known sire groups to improve our ability to predict feed intake and thus improve our ability to predict differences in profit.
Youth Merit Awards
u Awards — Bronze, Silver and Gold. u Over $25,000 in scholarships to 16 AJSA members awarded annually. u Helps AJSA members continue their college education.
Walton-Berry Graduate Student Support Grant
The Foundation Auction u Donation female auctioned each year at “The One” Sale — $502,600 has been raised though the Sale.
u Supports graduate education with an emphasis on genetic improvements of livestock.
Sally Buxkemper Research Fund
u Keeping with her long affiliation and devotion to SimGenetics and research, the Sarah “Sally” Buxkemper Fund supports the research arm of the American Simmental-Simbrah Foundation.
Gold Merit Award Winners
Youth AJSA National Classic
u The largest, most prestigious annual SimGenetic youth livestock event hosted by rotating state associations.
Silver Merit Award Winners
u Gala Auction — Held during the NWSS, donated items and trips sold raised $41,000 in 2020 to support the four pillars of our Foundation.
AJSA Regional Classic
u Hosted each June in four regions: Eastern, Western, South Central, and North Central. u Allows juniors to attend a classic closer to home and have a warm-up before the National Classic.
AJSA Leadership Development
Fall Focus Symposium
u Summit Conference. u Young Canadian Exchange Project — Two AJSA Board of Trustees attend and learn about international agriculture. u Youth Beef Industry Congress (YBIC).
Bronze Merit Award Winners
u Held each fall with keynote speakers on livestock genetics, animal breeding, and worldwide beef cattle topics. u 2021 Fall Focus is in Roanoke, Virginia, August 27 - 31.
Steer Profitability Competition
u Provide AJSA members exposure to the opportunities and challenges associated with cattle feeding.
Gala Fundraiser
Thank You Thank you to all contributors and donors for your past and future support to further enhance our Foundation. If you have an interest in fundraising or donating to any of these pillars, contact one the listed Foundation Board Members. u The Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) corporation. u Visit to learn more about the ASF.
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Policies & Procedures
Committees Executive Committee Tim Curran (Chairman) Randy Moody (Chairman-Elect) J.W. Brune (Treasurer) Steve Eichacker Fred Schuetze Wade Shafer (EVP) Staff: Linda Kesler
Growth & Development Review and recommend to the Board of Trustees new programs or activities which will foster and promote the continued growth and development of the breed and the Association. Functions such as promotion, public relations, member relations, advertising, and the role of the Association within the beef industry will be addressed by this committee. Mike Forman (Chairman) Kent Brunner Randy Moody Tom Nelson Greg Walthall Gordon Hodges Jim Ligon Clay Lassle Staff: Chip Kemp
Activities & Events Review and recommend to the Board any new Association activities and events or changes to existing programs. An Association program is defined as any event that is sponsored in whole or in part by the Association in terms of financial support, staff time and effort, or the use of the Association name. It shall include, but not be limited to, such items as sales, contests, programs and membership in other organizations. Fred Schuetze (Chairman) Barry Wesner Steve Eichacker Cliff Orley John Griswold J.W. Brune Tom Hook Gary Updyke Staff: Luke Bowman
This committee shall be responsible for the aspects of Association life that require an interpretation of policy or procedural questions or the formulation of proposals that will have a bearing on the membership of this Association. Randy Moody (Chairman) Barry Wesner Jim Ligon John Griswold Greg Walthall Cliff Orley Gordon Hodges J.W. Brune Staff: Sheldon Ross
Assets/Finance This Committee shall monitor the investment program of the Association on a periodic basis, review the income and expense reports monthly, prepare and submit to the Board of Trustees for approval an annual operating budget, and review proposed capital expenditures for approval or recommendation to the Board. J.W. Brune (Chairman) Randy Moody Tim Curran Mike Forman Jim Ligon Staff: Linda Kesler
2020 ASA Board of Trustees
Front row left to right: Gary Updyke, J.W. Brune (Treasurer), Cliff Orley, Gordon Hodges, Tim Curran (Chairman), Randy Moody (Vice-Chair), Kent Brunner, and Tom Hook. Back row left to right: Wade Shafer (EVP), Mike Forman, Steve Eichacker, Barry Wesner, Greg Walthall, Tom Nelson, Fred Schuetze, John Griswold, Jim Ligon, and Clay Lassle.
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Breed Improvement All activities which would have a bearing on the improvement of the breed will be the responsibility of this Committee. Performance guidelines, research, genetic monitoring, DNA analysis, and regulations for new technology, are examples. Tom Hook (Chairman) Steve Eichacker Tom Nelson Kent Brunner Fred Schuetze Gary Updyke Mike Forman Clay Lassle Staff: Jackie Atkins
ASA’s directors and lead staff work with the ASA members, Board of Trustees, ASA customer service team, and ASA Publication staff to help facilitate programs and events for the Association and beef industry as a whole.
Simbrah The objectives of this Committee are to review policy, rules, regulations, activities, promotional methods, and materials which pertain to the Simbrah breed and make recommendations to the ASA Board of Trustees. Greg Walthall (Chairman) Fred Schuetze Jim Ligon Randy Moody Tom Nelson Gary Updyke J.W. Brune Barry Wesner Staff: Luke Bowman
Trustee Nominating Committee The Vice Chairman shall serve as Chairman. One Trustee from each of the four areas will be appointed to complete the Committee. A minimum of two (2) persons for each vacancy on the Board will be presented for consideration as Board nominees. The Board shall then select a nominee whose name shall be placed on the nominating ballot. Randy Moody (Chairman) Greg Walthall Kent Brunner Clay Lassle Barry Wesner Staff: Linda Kesler
Jackie Atkins, Ph.D. Director, Science and Education Operations
Luke Bowman Director, Member Events and International Operations
Lane Giess Director, Commercial and Non-traditional Data Programs and Special Projects
Chip Kemp Director, ASA and IGS Commercial and Industry Operations
Jannine Story Director, Performance Data Programs
Randie Culbertson, Ph.D. IGS Lead Geneticist
Rachel Endecott, Ph.D. Director, DNA Programs and Youth Development On December 31, 2020, Dr. Endecott stepped away from her full-time work with the ASA but will continue consulting for the DNA department. Thank you Dr. Endecott for your years of service with the ASA!
Sheldon Ross Systems Architect
Mahdi Saatchi, Ph.D. IGS Lead Genomicist
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Consolidated Balance Sheet — FY 2020 Assets Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Prepaid income tax Prepaid expenses Deferred income tax assets Total current assets Foundation Investments
Dollars 5,488,077 851,406 4,718 218,891 0 6,563,092 397,008
Property and Equipment Land Building and improvements Computer hardware Office furniture and fixtures
374,412 2,956,056 93,470 138,801
Accumulated depreciation
(748,326) 2,814,413
Other Assets Deferred income tax assets, non current Computer Software
13,884 207,791 221,675
Total Assets
Liabilities and Net Assests Current Liabilities Accounts payable Due to members Wages, commissions and payroll taxes payable Accrued annual leave Deferred revenue Subscriptions received in advance Advertising received in advance Income taxes payable Total current liabilities Net Assests Parent company’s net assets Subsidiary’s accumulated equity Foundation’s net assets without donor restrictions Restricted Foundation’s donor restricted net assets Total net assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Dollars 26,112 46,466 14,558 218,462 452,289 1,199 11,352 2,184 772,622 15,896,521 938,730 601,653 469,786 17,906,690 18,679,312
18,679,312 Note: Consolidated financial statements and notes to consolidated financial statements are posted on ASA’s website. Rudd & Company are certified public accountants who conduct the audit and prepare the financial statements.
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Consolidated Statement of Revenue and Expenses — FY 2020 Unrestricted Operating Revenue Membership fees and registrations Annual service fees Total herd enrollment Advertising income Production income Transfers Subscriptions DNA Revenue Foundation Support Other operating revenue
Release of program restrictions
Dollars 1,419,579 721,925 1,331,452 750,013 69,241 70,660 1,428 1,224,490 105,778 351,120 6,045,686
Other Income (Expenses)
Interest and dividend income Rent Income Unrealized gain on investments Gain on sale of building
198,162 0 220,389 4,351,156 4,769,707
Income before provision for income taxes Provision for income taxes
4,803,593 (5,394)
Change in without Donor Restrictions Net Assets
Donor Restricted Support Foundation support Release of program restrictions Change in donor restricted net sssets
180,908 (42,577) 138,331
Total Change in Net Assets
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flow 6,088,263
Unrestricted Operating Expenses Program activities General and administrative Fundraising ASA Publication
2,739,546 2,297,185 19,981 997,665 6,054,377
Unrestricted Operating Income (without donor restrictions operating income)
Cash Flow from Operating Activities Cash received from customers Cash received from contributions Cash paid to supplers and employees Cash received for rent Investment income Interest income Income taxes paid Support paid Miscellaneous expenses paid Net cash from operating activities
5,975,397 304,022 (6,023,255) 198,162 (19,891) (105,132) (19,981) 309,322
Cash Flows from Investing Activities Redemptions of investments Purchases of investments Proceeds from sale of property and equipment Purchases of property and equipment Purchase of computer software Net cash flows from investing activities
(1,195,722) 4,491,054 (5,467) (114,647) 3,175,218
Cash Flows from Financing Activities Net change in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year Cash and cash equivalents, end of year
3,484,540 2,003,537 5,488,077
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Yearly Comparative Revenue and Expenses as of June 30, 2020 REVENUE
Annual Service Fee
Total Herd Enrollment
Registration Non-THE
DNA Services
Genetic Evaluation Services
Interest Income
Rental Income
Other Revenue
Total Revenue
General & Admin
Maintenance & Repair Personnel Professional
Unrealized & Realized Gain Inv Gain/ Sale Properties Total Expense NET INCOME
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Interesting Facts Genetic Evaluation Database
u 19.9 Million Records in the Multi-Breed Genetic Evaluation Database:
The year 2020 will be permanently branded in our minds as a year of adjusting and persevering. The list of norm-breaking disruptions include the COVID-19 global pandemic, economic strife, civil unrest, record-breaking fire season, hurricanes, flooding in some parts and drought in others, and the US presidential election. In response, we have to be nimble and inventive to continue to do the essential. ASA did not merely survive 2020, but put in place new programs, new assistance for members, and found ways to continue to grow.
2020 Highlights Move to Virtual Board Meetings While the personal face-to-face time in the board meetings was certainly missed, the ASA Board of Trustees seamlessly switched to all-virtual meetings starting in April 2020. The silver lining in hosting virtual board meetings was a record engagement from the membership. Not only was there a great turn-out with members, many productive actions came from the virtual meetings — the results of which can be seen by the following highlights.
the Register Redesign The November issue of the Register marked the 30-year anniversary for the in-house production of the magazine and was the official launch of a new look for the Register. From the cover and table of contents to the industry updates, the magazine received an overhaul of fonts, colors, and layout to modernize the look of this staple for our members.
Membership Relief Package Knowing economic hardships would hit ASA members, the Board passed a membership relief package to give back over $280,000 to the membership. Starting in July 2020, the ASA offered a 10% allotment for active ASA members based on their 2019 fiscal year (July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019) animal registrations, transfers, and Total Herd Enrollments (THE).
Calf Crop Genomics Launched The ASA in partnership with Neogen® launched a new genomic incentive program for members genotyping the entire calf crop. Calf Crop Genomics offers a 50% off genomic test including parentage ($25 compared to $50 equivalent test) to participating members who test their entire birth group. Similar to the Cow Herd DNA Roundup, members can receive a rebate with complete phenotype records on birth, weaning, and yearling weights with additional rebates available for carcass records.
Expansion of the IGS Multi-breed Genetic Evaluation 2020 brought in new associations to the genetic evaluation, bringing the total number of partners to nearly 20 with just under 20 million animals. The genetic evaluation launched a package of improvements to growth trait predictions in the summer as well as carcass trait updates in the fall. The IGS Science team made strides forward to fine-tune Stayability predictions and initiated a collaboration with Colorado State University to develop the first multi-breed prediction of heifer pregnancy.
u 375,000+ u 310,000
• See page 9 for list of International Genetic Solutions Collaborative Partners
New animal records added annually Genotyped animals in the database
ASA Database
u 6.0 Million u 125,963
Animal records in ASA’s database
u 2,008
Active ASA members committed to THE
u 75,122 u 12,512 u 9,344
Active cows enrolled annually in Total Herd Enrollment (THE) by ASA members Registrations issued in the last year Bull transfers processed in the last year Active adult and junior members
IGS Feeder Profit CalculatorTM 2020 again saw a significant increase in the number of cattle receiving a FPC view of their terminal profit potential: 18,000 head of feeder calves received an analysis this year which was a 50% increase over 2019! The average lot size was well over 100 calves per certificate.
National Classic Success Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the AJSA had a very successful National Classic in Brookings, SD. This year’s Classic had 729 head of cattle shown by 508 exhibitors, making 2020 one for the record books.
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