ASAV Newsletter Summer 2010

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American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter July 2010

… ASAV applying for ISG membership ...

© Dr. Walter Huber

… ASAV applying for ISG … ASAV applying for ISG membership ... membership ...

4409 Nagycsere OBajan Pamir (OBajan XX Paris / Aydana) At the European Shagya Championate Stadl-Paura June 2010

Breaking News: ASAV will submit another application for membership with ISG …. read more inside this Newsletter ...

American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter

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ASAV Judging Seminar to coincide with WEG2010

The agenda for the ASAV ShagyaArabian Judging Clinic is finalized. ASAV is excited to welcome several ISG judges participating in this event. Continues on page 3 ...

Inside this issue: Cover Stories: President’s Corner


ASAV Judging Seminar


Jumpstart Update & ASAV Awards


ASAV BOD Member Profile & Registry Update DNA-Testing


International News


Cerebellar-Abiothrophy Update


ASAV Farm News


Kids-Corner & Membership Stories I


European Shagya Championate


Membership Stories II


Results & Pics Shagya Championate Shagyas used in Carriage

15 16-17

Classifier Ads. I & Ride for the Cure


Classified Ads. II & Swedish Shagya Newsletter


Contact ASAV


ASAV President’s Corner to also congratulate Kristen Camper for her marvelous start on Lily Creek Dancin. She rode the Old Dominion ride in early June and placed 16th on the 55 miler. Only her third 50 mile endurance ride. Ellen Rapp also wrote a piece on her endurance travails in this newsletter.

By Kilian Dill:

We are now half way through 2010--a year of bad economic times, but ASAV is still showing amazing growth. So far we have had nothing There may be some additions to but good news to share. the September ASAV meeting. ASAV had elections for a majority of We anticipate additional internathe Regional Directors in May. tional luminaries at this event. Leaving our BOD are Brian Coss. Details will appear on our web We do have some changes. Brian site as they occur. Coss is no longer on the Board of Directors and are pleased to have In our latest BOD meeting, the Carolyn Tucker join our group. We ASAV BOD decided to follow would like to thank Brian for his through with our application for Announcecontribution on to ASAV over the ISG membership. years. Brian is now putting much of ments will be made on our web site. We are waiting for details to his effort into the endurance world. unfold. Joining the Board of Directors is Carolyn Tucker of Morgan Hill, CA. Kilian Dill Carolyn is well known in the Shagya World as the result of her work with Oman and as NASS Regional Director. Carolyn is also well known in the endurance world. She has kindly provided a profile, which we published in this newsletter. Election of the officers will occur later this summer. In this newsletter Denis Atam will talk about his travels to Austria for the ISG meeting and the European Shagya Championships, helped judge.



On the endurance front, several ASAV-registered horses from Lily Creek were sold to Juan Briz of Guatemala. Juan is involved in an endurance Shagya horse breeding program, racing the Shagya horses, and managing rides. We would like

Marty Power on Te Jat Picture ©2009 GenieSS, Inc.

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American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter

ASAV Shagya-Arabian Judging Clinic during the WEG 2010 in Kentucky … continued from page 2 ... On Friday 09/24 the Lead—Lecture Judge, from Germany, Dr. Walter Huber will be reviewing the venue and facilities to make sure everything is setup for a successful ShagyaJudging Clinic. This includes the selection of ShagyaArabian horses to be shown during the judging clinic in order for the apprentice judges to practice their judging skills. The judging clinic will be kicked off on Saturday 09/25 with a presentation about Shagya-Arabians in general, the history of the Shagya-Araber, where the breed stands today, breeding goals, correct presentation of your Shagya during a show or inspection, characteristics of a sport horse, specifics of the Shagya-Arabian breed, duties and roles & responsibilities of a judge, scoring system, and much more.

International Shagya Judging Score Grades: 10 outstanding

Followed by this presentation will be judging exercise of several Shagya- 9 very good Arabians to explain and show how judging usually will be carried out. 8 good After lunch small groups will be build with 3-4 participants and one judging instructor to further practice the evaluation & judging of Shagya-Arabians. Participants are expected to use this exercise as a judging “dry-run”, where they can practice their skills under the supervision of an experienced judge. The groups then will rotate and move on to the next judge and next Shagya. At this stage we are planning to have about 3-4 groups.

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

pretty good satisfactory sufficient insufficient rather bad bad very bad

In the late afternoon/evening there will be another presentation: “Snapshot of the Do you know how many horses ASAV Shagya-Arabian breed internationally”. There will plenty of opportunity to ask has already recorded in their Registry? questions and have a lively discussion amongst the participants and ISG judges. Find the answer & fast facts about ASAV on page 20 …. On Sunday 09/26 the WEG2010 Endurance Event takes place where we expect to see some ShagyaArabians. Monday 09/27 will conclude the Shagya-Judging Clinic for those who are seeking to receive credits for the seminar. We will start the day with a quick review of the past content and key-learning's from the day before. This will be followed by a demonstration of Shagyas under the saddle in order to explain the influence of certain characteristics. This is followed by a formal exam and individual exercise, where the apprentice judges will have to judge 3 Shagyas on their own. The score sheets and results will be reviewed & assessed by the ISG-judges. Based on the results the participants will receive a certificate that they have participated in a Shagya-Judging Seminar.

American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter

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ASAV Jumpstart Program Update …

Then Ellie [10 yrs.] got into the saddle and did once around each direction. If you are out there competing and your horse didn't get an award, "You have to let us (ASAV) know about it.” The same is true in order to record performance related mation with the ASAV registry.

Roxie was one of the first breedings for the Jump Start program sold in 2006!

By Alice Bartlett:


That said, the 2009 awards went to:

MJL Olivia who was awarded the So far so good! Jack [Rena's husband] asked me "when is Rena going to ride" and I said "next!" So Rena got on and I led her, just once around, since everything was going so well. And that was a good first day! "Klassic Roxanne (“Roxie”) Bayram x Wes-Kays Kold Kash Shagya-Sportlo

On Mother's Day, we put a saddle on Roxie and lunged her in the ring. I had put a saddle on her before, but did not tightened the girth, and we have lunged her several times in the last year. So we put an old endurance saddle on her. It's synthetic and doesn't weigh much. She bucked a little on the lunge line but that was good. Then we put John, my 11 year old grandson into the saddle. Rena led

Roxie is going to love trail riding. We are still hoping she will grow a little taller. Her dam is only 14.2, so if she

AERC Shagya Distance (920 miles) and High point Award (1638 points overall ). She received it at the AERC Convention.

MJL Olivia also joined the Hundred Miles Shagya Society, (HMSS) completing 100 miles in 24 hours. In the ASAV 2009 Awards Program:

Sa Te Jat 430 miles, 746 pts OA, 3 BC's These are the endurance miles only. He did some competitive trail . SA Te Jat has just passed the 3,000 mile mark of completed competitions.

MJL Olivia

920 miles 1638 pts OA, one hundred mile ride finished.

Rennaissance won the National would just make 15 hands that would be great!

Shagya Distance Challenge in OR. Wineglass Debonair 75 miles He also did some competitive trail.

ASAV Performance & Awards Program

Roxie once around the ring each direction. That was ok.

ASAV records performance related information/records and also gives awards to all Shagya Arabians competing in all horse sports. We give the horse the award and not the rider.

ASAV registered horses with miles outside the ASAV Award Program: Note: Information is also recorded in the ASAV Performance Registry: KS Rubin 910 miles 1145 pts Lily Creek Dancin 30 miles Lily Creek Nobelest 370 miles 370 points Lily Creek Stetson 105 miles 110 points Rennaissance 50 miles 60 points SA Belshazzar 150 miles 390 points SA Edashick 200 miles 250 points SA Ferr Rona's Vega 60 miles SA Ireesh Tenor 210 miles 425 points SA Keid 30 miles Wineglass Dominus 1 BC and 60 miles

American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter

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than happy. The proceeds for this ride go to supporting those folks on the Pac North team. We have a few delegates from Pac North chosen to potentially be included in the US team going to WEG.

ASAV BOD Member Profile: Carolyn Tucker I grew up in Southern California as a horse crazy kid… I finally was able to buy my first pony with babysitting money, and at $.50 per hr. it took a long time to save enough, but I managed to get a great pony and ride it home… After moving up to Northern Cali-

Have a wonderful day! Karen soon was able to purchase Oman and we started an incredible journey with lots of breeding and competitions all over California. I still have four Oman offspring, two daughters from my Shagya mare, Aerial (H. Bravo x *Arriva) and two geldings from good purebred Arabian mares. I currently ride pleasure trail while completing a BS degree at San Jose State University and offer boarding and riding lessons at Amara Farms in Morgan Hill, California. It is a pleasure to be of help as a Regional Director for the ASAV. Thank-You Carolyn

ASAV Sponsoring Oregon 100 Ride

ASAV Registry Update DNA-Testing The ASAV Breeding Committee has reviewed the current requirements for DNATesting when registering horses with ShagyaArabian bloodlines into the different ASAV studbooks. Here are the updated requirements, which are in effect immediately: Shagya-Arabians (ASAV-SH) DNA testing required for all horses

By Karen Bish: fornia and finishing high school, I bought a nice Quarter horse. Could hardly find Arabians yet but later on I switched over to Arabians and got active in Endurance riding, Eventing and Dressage. I was looking for larger Arabian bred horses when I read an article about imported Shagya Arabians. I read that Oman and Shandor were in training at Glenwood Farms near Sacramento, California so I went to see them and brought two of my best Arabian mares for breeding. The following year I had a great colt from Oman and soon after brought Oman himself down to my farm for breeding and training in endurance and eventing. I

The Oregon 100 which is a Pac North Team fund raiser ride is coming up on Sept 18th. I’m going to sponsor a:

“First Shagya Across the Finish Line Award” It won’t be anything huge. Just something useful and fun. I wanted to donate as part of their fund raiser so I’m also donating a couple of bottles of wine for some part of their other awards. And then I asked if I could add a breed award. The RM was more

Appendix-Shagya (ASAV-SA) Only for breeding horses

Anglo-Shagya (ASAV-AN) Under consideration

Shagya-Sportlo (ASAV-SP) Not required

American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter

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International Shagya News: By Lene Moellgaard (Denmark):

Ellen and SA Belshazzar at the President's Cup in Abu Dhabi

Dear Shagya friends! Some of you might know the linklist of my website at I have now started compiling info for another list, which I hope will prove useful for the Shagya owner/breeders around the world. It is a list of stallions that are available via artificial insemination (AI), either national, international or EU-wide; cooled or frozen semen. I am aware that the list is by far not yet complete, but I am hoping for your help to finish it. Are you owner of a stallion that is available through AI, or do you know of a stallion I am missing, then please do email me the details of the horse. And the same, if you find any of the info to be incorrect, then please let me know, as I want the list to be as complete as possible. I hope you will agree with me that such a list will be valuable for the breeders worldwide; and therefore help me keeping it up to date and complete. Thanks in advance for your time! Kind regards Lene Moellgaard

Latest AERC Newsletter Info: The July issue is out with the following item of interest: Pg12: ZA Belshazzar (Jeremy Olson) is being considered for the Alltech World Equestrian Games.

ASAV Shagyas in the Middle East—Update By Ellen Rapp: Hey Everyone, Being back in the States has been wonderful! I am having a great time training my horses and enjoying the beautiful green color. My training program has progressed amazingly and the horses all look wonderful. The first section of the selection trials for the WEG is over now and it went very well. The weather did not cooperate with us as usual and the trails were about hock deep in water and mud. At around 55 miles the decision was made to stop the ride and save on the horses. It was very intense heat and the trail was getting worse and worse each time a group of horses went through. The USA has an amazing group of horses currently trying for the team for this years WEGs. We are going to be able to make a team that will be able to medal! It was great to see everyone and see all the horses in top shape! What a group to pick from! The WEG is less then 90 days

away! Yay! I cannot wait for the games to begin! Edashick and Ireesh are currently just relaxing and enjoying summer in Qatar. They get out for night walks, swimming, and grooming every day! What a life they get to enjoy! As soon as the heat drops down all the horses will go back into training again. Thanks for continuing the support! Ellen Rapp

In Memory ... Submitted by Carolyn Tucker: I wanted to announce that Rainer Sachadae passed away on June 22, 2010 in Germany. He was instrumental in helping the USA to get started with a membership with the ISG and registry for Shagyas as well as gathering horses for the first importation of Shagyas to the USA, in 1986. He was the breeder of Oman and a leading breeder in promoting the bloodlines of O’Bajar by Bajar in Germany. Rainer and O’Bajar won Supreme Champion in Germany and O’Bajar sired several full champion stallion sons that went on to produce offspring in other countries, such as Oman in the USA.

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Update on CA (Cerebellar Abiothrophy) By Chris Evans: Dear Shagya Enthusiasts: Previously I had submitted a letter which appeared in the Spring 2010 edition. My thoughts and suggestions were based solely on pedigree research and lifelong interest in pedigrees and inheritance. Those ideas used probability and a common sense approach with pedigree analysis proving that Shagya Arabians, while not pure Arabian, are very close to being a purebred. Some skeptics on the purity of the purebred Arabian have suggested that the Shagya may often be more "purebred" than many registered "purebreds". Therefore my letter was based on the assumption that Shagya Arabians must surely be afflicted and/or blessed with whatever genetic makeup that make the Arabian what it is. This must include the genetic probability of lines that carry CA and SCID. Feedback indicated that heredity in Shagyas may also carry Lavender Foal Syndrome, known as LFS. Irene Noll, influential in Shagya breeding in Germany, has confirmed approximately 12 cases of CA in Shagyas in Europe. While she did not confirm SCID or LFS, many Arabian lines that have been used in European Shagya breeding show carrier lines for SCID. I am not certain about LFS but I would have just as much suspicion about this being in Shagyas as well. As the Shagya breed exists in North America, crosses with purebred Arabians indicate there must be SOME Shagyas on this continent affected as carriers. Certainly the published list of tested carriers on the website: include horses with pedigrees that have carried CA, and many Arabian

horses carrying SCID are from pedigrees already in the Shagya on this continent. Some feedback both from Germany

Chris Evans and Lily Creek Diva Dance

and the USA dispute or doubt the validity of testing based on purebred Arabians.....that the "Shagya" is not a purebred Arabian and that not enough markers have been isolated. My scientific education, or lack thereof, could not debate such doubts. My beliefs were and are based on the fact that Shagyas are almost purebred Arabian. Thankfully we had correspondence from Lisa Goodwin-Campiglio, an Arabian breeder and pedigree analyst with 50 years of experience in CA research. The testing for SCID has been proven to be valid for any breed. There is NO doubt of its validity for the Shagya. Lisa Goodwin-Camiglio illustrates in her attached letter how accurate the testing is for CA at UC Davis. To refute the validity of testing for CA in the Shagya must be for reasons other than "accuracy". Testing for SCID and CA has become compulsory in some registries of the Arabian horse as indicated in Goodwin-Campiglio's letter. SCID test results are mandatory in the American

Trakehner Association for any cross with an Arabian (including Shagyas) for registration purposes. Most prominent North American Arabian stallion owners voluntarily advertise and publicize the carrier status of their horses. Known test results must be offered to breeders under the Code of Ethics. Some breeders even advertise the carrier status of their mares. Obviously the concern and responsibility shown by these people is admirable as they show a proactive concern for future breeding decisions. The inherent risks are understood and appreciated by any prospective client. While these responsibilities are somewhat voluntary in North America, some European registries have made this responsibility mandatory. There is NO reason for any Shagya or Arabian registry, or any registry using these breeds as accepted crosses, not to mandate testing for their breeders. The facts are on the table. For the future welfare of our breed it is time that all of the Arabian related registries follow the responsible examples set in the Netherlands, Germany and Switzerland. Chris Evans (… read more about CA from Chris Evans from his research and communication with his international contacts in our next newsletter...)

If you haven’t done so—now it’s the time to made your plans & reservation for the WEG 2010 and the ASAV judging clinic in KY 24-27th Sept.

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American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter

Farm News: Hawkview Ranch Farm News they had come prepared to submit a could ask for representing Hawkview In the last newsletter our Shagya mare SW Sarendipity (Sarah) was getting ready for her first 30 mile LD (Limited Distance) endurance ride. Sarah was started under saddle in January. She went down the trail like an old pro in just a halter with reins attached. Even with all the excitement that comes with an endurance ride she was her usual calm happy self. She kept up with my SW Omega all day just cantering happily along when she needed to in order to match his big trot. So once she had conquered her first endurance ride, she was up for her next adventure. Well, her next adventure came sooner than expected. In my last farm news, I mentioned that Sarah was started under saddle by Pony Pro’s. Pony Pro’s is run by a young couple and they help young girls train young ponies. Well, Sarah and the girls and ponies got a wild surprise at the end of May. We were all looking forward to the up coming Parelli event. Pat Parelli, world renowned natural horsemanship trainer, and his entourage was scheduled to perform lo-

cally at the Redmond, OR fairgrounds. The PNH tour events are always lots of fun and very inspirational. You just want to get out and do more fun things with the horses. On Saturday, Kali and Les had all the Pony Pro girls in the audience watching the fun. At intermission

DVD performance of the girls and the ponies. The girls regularly have lessons, practice ground skills and riding here at Hawkview Ranch. The girls, age 8 to 13 are responsible to work with and train their own young pony from start to finish. The ponies are usually about 3 yrs to 8 yrs. Much to everyone’s delight Pat and Linda Parelli selected the Pony Pro DVD from all the DVD's submitted and asked Les and Kali to bring the girls and the ponies to “do their stuff” for part of the Sunday performance. A HUGE opportunity for everyone. But think of it! Can you take your well broke saddle horse and best friend into a strange arena with about 2000 people ??? I’m not sure I can. Well in that group of ponies and two mustangs was our Shagya mare Sarah, with her latest young friend, 11 year old Kate.

The girls and our horses and ponies were absolute super stars. They warmed up and began practicing their synchrony by walking around out in the parking lot. That’s where the girls get the horses to start matching their steps and everybody gets in synch and paying attention. Sarah stands out in the group, not only is she taller, but she is also very white! It was a whole train of little girls and ponies. Very cute! Then the music started and Pat Parelli himself introduced our group. I have to say I was proud enough to bust. This band of girls with their leaders Kali and Les are the best ambassadors I

Ranch and the Pony Pros in the very best way. Sarah was right in the thick of things. Real live proof that these Shagya’s are calm cool and collected. They jumped the jumps, they went over the tarps, they played with the hula hoops. Some of the girls stood on their ponies or rode bravely around the arena in front of 2000 people. It was soooo much fun to watch. And the music played on and on. The girls stole the show!

When it was finally over, Pat came out and congratulated the girls and they all got their pictures taken with him. But there was more in store. Les and Kali were awarded scholarships at the four week instructor course at the Parelli center in Colorado. A real honor. And the girls were each given a Parelli halter and lead rope. Needless to say the girls went home flying high. And we packed the ponies, Sarah and the Mustangs into the trailer to go back to the ranch. All just ho hum, another day of horsey fun, glad to get back, get a good drink and eat hay. Now that was an adventure! What could possibly be next? Happy Trails Karen Bish!

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Farm News—continued ... where ever she can when we work with her half sisters.

RAA's Shagya Arabians This spring and summer is one of our busiest ones, hopefully also in horses. Our youngsters RAA's Marah and RAA's Dumah are ready to start (both for sale) and enjoy the ground work.

Willing to carry the saddle to the barn, where a treat is waiting for her. When do you start to break a horse? I guess with her we will have later difficulties to answer this question properly. She is offering so much and gets more and more the comment: You are a pain in.......... (with a smile) . Our October baby from last year, RAA's Dahmu, (picture below) is weaned and enjoys her life, "helping"

RAA’s Marah

First time since I moved from Germany to Canada that I do have time to take time for the horses and I enjoy it. Hope you all have a wonderful spring and summer, a lots of grass, a lot of happy horses.

End of July we plan to have them under saddle and the first time in the bush. Both are easy to work with and are looking forward to the next session.

Lake Chelan Shagyas “Shagya Stallion Heaven on Earth”

Next year we plan to breed RAA's Pasari to Murad the only granddaughter of Shagya XXXIX-11 and RAA's Pashera again. Both are ridden or in training this year and do awesome.

Anke Brander excellent way.

His good manners and demeanor in the barn didn’t change a bit with his He is a gentle and nice herd sire with “breeding” business. Therefore if you the right instincts and we are proud of look for a sire with excellent temperament either breed your mares to our purebred Shagya mares *Nedda (Lenkoran II x *N’Obaya)and Nemrah Shagya US or get one of his foals in 2011! (Starwalker x *Nedda). Irmi Atam

Chris Power on WineGlass Debonair at Stewart-Spears at the 2009 Endless Valley in Spring Green, WI.

Because of Shagya US’ excellent character we decided to do pasture breeding with him and it worked out quite well. He mastered his duty in an It was educational for us, too, to watch them and study an important part in horse’s social behavior and manners. There was a bit of excitement in the beginning with stomping, running, circling and yelling, but as soon as they showed each other their “boundaries”, everything settled down.

Picture ©2009 GenieSS, Inc.

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American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter

ASAV Membership Stories—Kid’s Corner: By Karen Bish: At the Pat Parelli Event …

Pat came and gave one of the littlest a private lesson right there in front of the whole crowd, it was very cute. And The kids and ponies did great! They he gave Les and Kali scholarships to went out there and did all their stuff the four week with a big crowd watching all around instructors class. and everyone kept calm. The ponies and Sarah all stayed fairly well be- A huge deal and haved it was terrific. gave free halters and lead ropes for all the ponies and a brand new Parelli bare back pad.

SW Sarendipity (“Sarah”) Lily Creek Stetson x Sabiyana ox

A very successful day!

ASAV Membership Stories: By Daunna Sellers:

Marty Power and SA Te Jat

SA Ireesh Tenor (Bayram x SA Ireesh Lullaby) bred by Daunna Sellers SA Ireesh Tenor was born on the same day as his dam, March 17, St Patrick's day 2002. He is now owned by the Al Shahania Stud on Doha, Qatar. His picture is on the farm pictures on their web page. The horses sold to the Sheik (2009), live in an air conditioned barn and are groomed at least 3 times a day. Prior to being sold, Lisa Winburn rode him to a 4th place and BC held at the Goethe National Forest near Ocala. FL. 2009 ride season for points shown below.

Te had another great ride on Saturday at Wildcat. He came in second about 20 minutes behind Julie. Three of us were riding together and had a fun race to the finish for 2nd, 3rd and 4th placing. Te had plenty of energy left and galloped across the finish line ahead of the other two. I didn’t stand for BC (darn). The vets said Nitro looked good at the finish so I decided not to, but he tightened up before the BC judging. And Te looked fabulous. I have to force myself to always stand for BC; you never know what’s going to happen.

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American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter

European Shagya Championate & ISG-Delegates Meeting 2010 highway – and used a plain traditional old assignment of ISG book-keeper and audimap to find our way to the hotel close to tor, etc. th th The next topic was a discussion about CAFrom June 11 until 13 , 2010 the Austri- Stadl-Paura. testing, whether it should be/become manan Shagya association ( organized a national There we met a group of people who al- datory or not. At this stage it is not, but ready arrived earlier – lots of hugs and may become mandatory in the future. Then and international Shagyameet & greet between good old friends. a discussion followed about new EU laws Araber Championate in The following day – Friday – the national & requirements in regards to the identificaStadl-Paura, Austria. I had Shagya-Championate took place. We al- tion of horses (Microchips, DNA, etc.). It the privilege to attend the ready could get a sense of what to expect was interesting to see how national law, event – not only as spectator, at the International Show. The quality of understanding & practices became but as ISG-apprentice judge the horses and the professionalism of the ―questionable‖ in regards to EU law and for Shagya-Arabians, in orhow practices in that matder to gain more experience as Shagya show/organization was really compelling. I ter were different from one judge, but also to complete the required spend most of the time to watch the judgcountry to another. The credentials to be recognized & certified as ing from the spectators area and had lots of whole topic was of less such. The ISG-Delegates conference was opportunity to catch up with other internascheduled during the same weekend, tional Shagya-Lovers from around the relevance for us here in North America, as which allowed people attending the world. There were representatives from we are not part of the EU and therefore any Shagya Championate to also participate in Israel, France, Slovakia, Hungary, Swe- conflicts between EU national laws and den, Romania, Switzerland, Germany, and EU laws itself, do not really impact us. the delegates meeting. South America, but I am sure that my list The ISG president then explained in detail I arrived on Thursday, 9th at Munich air- is not complete. the changes to the by-laws they are proposport, where Dr. Walter Huber picked me In the ing in order to allow more than one associup together with Rebecca Hayes and Darafter- ation per country to become member of ren both from Australia. We first went to noon ISG. That change in the by-laws is necesGertrud von Fedak’s home, which is close the sary and at the same time defines the reto the historic part of the city of Munich. ISGquirements a new association has to meet. Because Munich is my birthDele- There was quite some discussion around town and we had some spare time, before heading to Aus- gates meeting took place in a meeting each change, but the ISG president did a tria, we decided to take a short room of the Stadl-Paura stud facilities. persuasive job in convincing the majority sightseeing tour to the histori- There were about 50 delegates present and of delegates to support the proposed bycal part of Munich, which Mr. Al-Samarraie kicked off the meeting. law changes, which all were approved. brought back nice memories Several awards & recognitions given to people who significantly Finally the applications from ISG memfor me, as I left Germany more than 10 contributed to the Shagyas bers/delegates were dealt with. The first years ago. and supported ISG for was a request, whether it would be suffimany years, such as Dr. cient for ISG members from outside EuIn the afternoon we finally started our jourHecker, rope such as USA, to send only one deleney to Stadl-Paura and did enjoy the beauMr. Bragate instead of the required two delegates tiful scenery of Bavaria and the German benetz, to the ISG meeting and still alps. About Mrs. have voting rights. Lots of halfway we Zeunert. discussion, then it was decided stopped at the Mrs. Zeunert This was that this rule should apply to Mondsee for a all countries/delegates and not just USA short rest and Mr. Brabenetz followed by lots of and in case only one delegate shows up he/ we all knew formality she needs to present a power of attorney of that we were in regards some kind, which proves that only one Gertrud v. Fedak & Dr. Huber blessed that Dr. Hecker to ISG delrepresentative will represent that ISG day, because of the beautiful weather and egates & meeting protocol member and that this one representative is surroundings. After a few wrong turns – such as approval of last empowered to make all decisions. guided by the navigation system – it took meeting notes, budget reus off the interstate freeway onto small view & approval, financial Next was an application about the protocol country roads with slow moving farm veaudit report, new election/ how to accept new ISG members. More hicles – we were able to get back onto the

By Denis Atam:

American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter

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European Shagya Championate & ISG-Delegates Meeting 2010 discussion around that topic. At the end of the discussion it was agreed/accepted that new membership applications should follow a protocol/process, which should be defined in more detail by the ISG BOD. It should also include some language/rules, in case an association already exists in a country, and a second or third association seeks membership with ISG. The ISG president stated that there are already practices in place, which are followed, but the process will be more formalized now and also documented. The last topic/application was a presentation from PShR, who were seeking membership with ISG. While not all facts they showed in their presentation were accurate and some of them were even misleading & wrong, the ISG president – based on the previously approved changes to the bylaws, welcomed them as a new member in probation status. Their legal documents and studbook, will have to be reviewed by the ISG BOD and if found to meet the requirements, the application formally will have to be decided on during the next ISG delegates meeting in 2011. As I am a member of the ASAV-BOD I had several formal and informal talks with the ISG-BOD before and after the meeting. The ISG-BOD would like to encourage and invite ASAV to submit another application to become member of ISG. The ISG -BOD welcomes associations supporting and promoting the Shagyas in such a way as the ASAV does and it was a shame that the past ASAV applications were denied, because the ISG by-laws at that time did not favor multiple association per country.

pionship took place with 84 Shagyas, who have signed up for this event. There were lots of beautiful and impressive Shagyas. I had the privilege to participate as apprentice judge as part of an international judging team. There were 4 international judges and the judges took turns, as some of the horses belonged to their studs and it would have been a conflict of interest to judge their ―own‖ horses. I primarily judged together with head-judge Mr.

© Mareike Placke

I took a lot of pictures myself, but unfortunately the memory card of my camera became unusable and therefore I had to ask others to allow me to use some of their pictures.

Meindl (from Austria), Mr. Horny (StudMgr. from Topolcianky), and Mr. Furrer (Swiss) and it was a great learning exercise for me. One stallion Odin (Omar x Koheilan IV15) received a score of 9.09 which can be considered like an all-time high, which is

All in all it was a great experience and very well organized event, with exceptional Shagyas. Thanks to the organizer and everyone involved with this event.

© Mareike Placke Rashim RW (Raon / Leila)

I look forward to the next Shagya Championate and it will be exciting to see the outcome of the next ISG delegates meeting in 2011, when the new ASAV application for membership with ISG will have to be formally confirmed. Respectfully submitted Denis Atam

© Gudrun Waiditschka

Note: I took that message back to the very hard to get. ASAV-BOD and the ASAV-BOD had a During the breaks several shows were perboard meeting to discuss formed with different themes & costumes. this in more detail and the decision was made that ASAV will submit another application in faith that this time the outcome is favorable. As soon as ASAV submits that application, ASAV will receive probation status. The next day the European Shagya Cham© Mareike Placke

© Mareike Placke 4409 Nagycsere O’Bajan Pamir (OBajan XX Paris x Aydana)

American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter

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ASAV Membership Stories—continued ... By Judy Moore:

by his owner, Dale Scoville. It was the I'm trying to steal him from Dale for "Shine And Shine Only" at Grant Park dressage but he isn't hearing it. Ninja near the top of Mount Hamilton. Ninja is a Sarvar son out of a purebred Polish mare, Nadeja.

has a trot to die for. He turned many heads and vets were asking about his breeding. I'm attaching a few photos. Judy Moore Crew and Groom

Ninja PFF completed his first AERC LD Saturday, May 15. He was ridden

ASAV Membership Pictures:

pictures about Danny at the BuckingHorse Drive will be published in our next newsletter …

Te Jat with Marty Power

Frank Bakyoni ...

By Christy Johnson: Last summer, I purchased a breeding to Dante through the ASAV JumpStart program. Here is the result, just three days old. He is a fine colt out of my Purebred Arabian mare RH Scarlette Onfire.

Kelly Kennedy with Danny Danny is Lily Creek Danzig ( *Dante X Lily Creek Stefvani) A more detailed story and additional

… at Darlene's in 2008 meeting. Very good of him in Hussar outfit.

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ASAV Membership Stories—continued ... By Kristen Camper:

them to go home and look up Shagya.

This is amateur Performance at its BEST! Kristen Camper who owns Lily Creek Dancin' (Sarvar PFF x Dynamos Dancer ox) has sent ASAV the following report on her endurance riding debut. Lily (Dancin') and I are scheduled to ride in the Foxcatcher 50 miler on April 17 in Maryland. We rode the Biltmore Challenge, 50 miles on May 1, 2010. with all A's in 32nd place. The Foxcatcher (1st) ride I am doing just nice and easy as a training ride and am going to try my best at the Biltmore. I bought Lily a new L'Apogee bareback saddle and am excited to see what a difference it makes. (See stats from AERC below)

Well, Lily and I just finished the Old Dominion 55, in 16 th place and WOW! It was hard. But Lily did a wonderful race. The judges were very particular. Several people did not finish. Lily pulsed down to 52 right away. Genie Stewart Spears took a photo of Lily full out trotting and all 4 feet are off the ground. I knew it felt like we were floating! I am again amazed at how great my horse is. So many people commented about her calm attitude and big bones, big feet and fast trots. I told

We went up there by ourselves with no crew, but were fortunate enough to meet Brian Coss, who owns Stetson, Lily's half brother. The volunteers were also wonderful and took care of us. The race ran very smoothly except for having no water at the first vet check. But for our 3RD 50 I am very pleased. Lily continues to surprise me at how well she does at her job, she really loves it. I still have not let her go as fast as she wants. I've come to find out that rider fitness is key because even if she fights to go, my legs can't take it! But we are both growing stronger and enjoying the miles too.

me to let her ride a 30 miler on her Shetland pony so we will be taking this one slow, but if any Shagya people can be there I would love to meet you!

Kristen Camper Brian Coss added this to the article as a compliment to our new ASAV Endurance Ambassador: “I find it interesting that Kristen feeds figs to Dancin' (Lily) as a natural electrolyte source. I have never heard of such before. And also it is remarkable how well she’s doing given how few rides she has done. I know many riders who envy her. She makes it look easy; as 16th place with no issues to speak of is impressive. Could the Shagya breed be a significant contributing factor? Also let me say Kristen was friendly and a joy to camp with. We had a good time”. Brian Coss

There are a couple of rides coming up, but I know that we will be at the Virginia Highlands at the end of August. My 6 year old daughter has been asking

KS Rubin, Dante, and KS Tribute In their yearling year!

American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter

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Stadl-Paura: European Shagya-Championate

More pictures by Gudrun Waiditschka can be found at:

By Denis Atam:

Here are some further pictures from the show …

Junior Championess

Senior Champion

© Mareike Placke

© Mareike Placke

Gazal XIV-2 2890 Gazal XI-4 x 253 Kemir V

Koheilan Marakes P Koheilan XXXIII-39 x Amurath Maisa © Dr. Walter Huber

Junior Champion

Below are the two horses, which were my personal favorites from the European Shagya Championate:

… impressive Carriage Performance


© Dr. Walter Huber © Mareike Placke

... warming up at the outside arena

Koheilan Farao P Koheilan XXXIII-39 x 788 Sigl. Bagd.

© Dr. Walter Huber

Senior Championess & Best of Show © Gudrun Waiditschka

… a circle of Shagyas in the arena.

Omar x Koheilan IV-5 Shaganah

© Gudrun Waiditschka

Shakira 232 Shagya XXV x 581 Koheilan IV-52 © Dr. Walter Huber

Shagan x Shagya LVI-29

Denis Atam and Mr. Meindl judging at the Championate. Thanks to the organizers of this fantastic show —it was a pleasure and honor for me to participate in this event!

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The carriage, which they are driving is an antique restored carriage called ―Landaulett‖, which is approximately 120 years old. It was for sure Today I want to share the main attraction of the event and some memories from could not have been better presented an unforgettable trip I by the two well mannered Shagyas made in April 2006. Together with in front of it. Dr. Walter Huber I visited the Family Anton Straub in the South-East of This proves again the great versatility of the Shagya-Arabian breed we often Germany (Bodensee). outline and which clearly differentiates this breed from other breeds. By looking at the faces of the people riding either on the back or in a carriage, you can see the proud and also joy they are having. But beside pulling a carriage, Anton Straub also uses his Shagyas for participating in parades as you can see below. By Denis Atam:

(Kope & Ringo—both Shagan sons) Anton Straub and his daughter Marianne are passionate horse carriage drivers. The remarkable thing is that they are doing this with their Shagya -Arabians. Recently Anton shared some pictures with from a special event they had in July 2009—it’s called ―Queen of hats‖ and Anton and his daughter participated as traditional horse carriage. When you look at the pictures it is hard to tell who looks more beautiful—the Queen of hats, the carriage driver, the carriage itself or the Shagyas in front of it, but it’s the composition of all, which makes it such a perfect picture.

(Queen of hats & Martina Straub) Those antique carriages have quite a value—the ones, which can be seen here are in the range of $30-$40k. Marianne Straub also does some competitive single harness carriage driving.

(Lead rider Anton with Nariem) And while he and his family are not training or preparing for one of the shows they often participate in, they are enjoying the beautiful surrounding and nature, where they live. As everyone can see from those pictures it looks like riding in paradise, through a winter wonderland.

Copyright © Denis Atam - All Rights Reserved - Publication or duplication of parts of the whole article only with the written consent of the author!

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calm and maintain the position which they were shown, without supervision or being tied to a pole. This is even more incredible if you see the picture below, when his Shagyas are in the open by themselves—you can see how they can

Anton Straub gave me an introduction into carriage driving, which was very interesting for me, as I only knew little about it until then. What fascinated me most was the great level of discipline his horses showed when being prepared to carry their harness and being hitched up. He move and run around when out in positioned his Shagyas in the middle the pasture. During that 3 hour trip Mr. Straub showed me also how to of his yard in front of the barn

WITHOUT being mounted to anything. They just could have taken off if they wanted to, but they did not. He explained that carriage horses need to have that discipline, because there is not always someone around who can help to hitch up or remove the harness again. Therefore the horses need to be trained to stay handle & manage the multiple reins. So far I thought driving a carriage was a bit boring for not as sportive as horse back riding, but he proved me otherwise. The carriage was pulled without much effort by his Shagyas and from time to time, we took on quite some speed as road conditions did allow.

We made a long tour and stopped at a local church, where he waited outside, while we were taking some pictures from the inside. After we returned to his home, his wife had already prepared some nice afternoon tea and self-made traditional German cookies. I wish that more people would take notice of what our Shagya-Arabians are capable of. The way Mr. Straub and his family are promoting and showing their Shagyas, is probably the best way to gain more attention from the public, while at the same time enjoying a wonderful hobby and keeping some of the German cultural heritage alive until today. Thanks to Anton Straub & his family!

Copyright Š Denis Atam - All Rights Reserved - Publication or duplication of parts of the whole article only with the written consent of the author!

American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter

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ASAV Classified Advertisements: Hawkview Ranch

DWB line from the esteemed Iron Once he starts his real training the Springs Farm “Consul”. price will go up. DWB royalty, excelling in eventing and This is a diamond in the rough. Right Hunter Jumper. now he is in that gawky stage. Next year he will be even better and as a 4 And HE WILL BE TALL. At just 2 he’s year old SPECTACULAR. Get the bargain NOW. See the picture below of Domingo’s Uncle Gadzooks from his mother side.

SW Domingo SW Daniel X LC Meesha

15.2 already. And this boy has been handled correctly right from the start. This very calm gelding is being handled regularly and learning his natural horsemanship ABC’s.

He takes instruction easily and is not Domingo is a long legged 2 year old spooky or fearful. He is offered as a 2 combination of Daniel’s endurance and year old at lineage from Oman and Meesha’s $2,500

Call Karen at 541 420 6192 to get more details or to schedule an appointment to meet Dom and his parents.

A Performance Ride for “Ride for the Cure” July 2010 By Daunna Sellers:

10 riders were in the 50 miler.

Elisha and I just returned from Illinois. The " Endure for the Cure" ride was put on by Marty and Chris Power. It was a wonderful trail with fields to let your horse roll out on and lots of technical trails through the woods.

SA Ferr Rona's Vega finished first in the Novice, riding for miles only, and Elisha said her points put her 2nd overall. There were 25 novice riders, and Vet said he thought she was a very fine horse.

Darlene Steven—ASAV founding member donated $100 out of her own pocket for charity. ASAV paid $150.00 for the T-Shirts—which made it $250 ASAV related donations for this ride. There were 8 Shagyas at the Ride, (Vega, and Julia, Zar and Jake, Te Jat, WineGlass Debonair, and WineGlass Lambrusco and some other ones). A great turnout for the Shagya breed.

Elisha and I enjoyed the trail by doing the competitive novice ride. SA Ferr Ellen Rapp rode Zar (SA Bellshaz- Rona's Vega finished at the top of the zar). He threw two shoes and still Novice group riding for mileage only. came in way in front but did not take Best Conditioned as he was a bit off Her rider, me, had to dismount on the running barefoot on part of the ride. wrong side as I couldn't swing the leg over. I would not have Marty Powers on SA Te Jat got the been vetted in Best Condition Award. sound. We were even overtime as Julia was a It was a great day for the Shagyas and bit tired. First time out for my stallion, Bayram. Both of these with Elisha in a year. horses are his babies.

American Shagya Arabian Verband Newsletter

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ASAV Classified Advertisements: Carmen Daal Janos X Shandor's Charisma by *Shandor

and is ready to have a job. She has a very intense, quiet demeanor under saddle and is very powerful, traveling and riding like a much larger horse. Carmen needs a calm, confident rider

2005 liver chestnut mare 15H. that she can trust and Purebred Shagya can bond with for a

$ 3,000 A rare Janos daughter. Carmen is an incredible, once in a lifetime, athletic prospect for numerous endeavors that require ability and heart. She can turn on a dime, has long, easy extended, ground covering gaits, lots of energy, with an excellent brain and an incredible work ethic.

lifetime partnership. She has a great disposition, beautiful conformation with lots of fancy chrome. Saint Ignatius, Montana Doris Newton 34428 St. Marys Ln Saint Ignatius, MT 59865

She is an excellent prospect for reining, endurance, jumping or event- 406-745-4418 ing. She has the moves for dressage but needs more action in her life. She has had 60 days training under saddle

Latest News from the Shagya Association in Sweden The Swedish ShagyaAssociation recently published their Newsletter with two articles in reference to topics of ASAV members. Kjell Jormfeldt translated the statistical analysis of the International StallionBook (Ingrid Zeunert) into the Swedish language in order to share the findings also with their members. Beside the translation he also included the stats, graphs, and colored charts, which makes it easier to understand the content.

The second article relates to one of the ASAV registered stallions: SHAGYA US. The story was shared in an earlier newsletter with ASAV members already. It is interesting and exciting to see how ASAV members and stories from the ASAV membership are shared amongst Shagya-Lovers worldwide—even in different languages now. ASAV will continue to collaborate with Shagya associations around the world and will share information accordingly.

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ASAV Fast Facts: ASAV is celebrating its 7th anniversary! Membership count: 76 Current Registered Horses: Purebred-Shagyas: 124 Shagya-Appendix: 15 Shagya-Sportlos: 26 Anglo-Shagyas: 14 Total ASAV Registered Horses:

179 Come & join ASAV ! ASAV the Shagya-Arabian breeders and owners association in North-America, for the registration and promotion of horses with ShagyaArabian bloodlines. ASAV provides an affordable membership friendly & open platform for breeders, owners and interested people of horses with Shagya-Arabian bloodlines. The association is managed by its Board of Directors, a group of professionals with many years of business and also Shagya-Arabian experience.

"A Shagya in every barn & stall"

ASAV Board of Directors/Contact Information:

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