2005-2006 ACADEMIC CALENDAR FALL SEMESTER 2005 August 5 ExL registration begins for students within an 85-mile radius of the Kentucky Campus for fall 2005 31-Sept. 2 Orientation and Registration for new students, Kentucky September 6 6 8 13, 15, 20, 22 16 30 October 18-21 21 November 3-4
18 21 - 25 December 4 6 12-16 16
Classes begin Opening Convocation, Kentucky Opening Convocation, Florida Holiness Chapels Last day to drop a course with a refund; close of all registration for additional classes Payment of fees due in Business Office Kingdom Conference Speakers: Asbury Community Last day to withdraw from the institution with a prorated refund; last day to drop a course without a grade of “F” Ryan Lectures Speaker: • Dr. Miroslav Volf, Professor of Systematic Theology, Yale University Divinity School Last day to remove incompletes (spring and summer) Fall Reading Week Advent Service Baccalaureate and Commencement, Wilmore Final Exams Semester ends
JANUARY TERM 2006 January Classes begin 3 5 Last day to drop a course with a refund; close of registration for addition al courses 9 ExL registration begins for students within an 85-mile radius of the Kentucky Campus for spring 2006 13 Last day to drop a course without a grade of “F” 16 Martin Luther King Day, No Classes 20 Payment of fees due in Business Office 27 Final exams, term ends Jan. 30 - Feb. 2 2006 Ministry Conference