green LIFE NJ Spring 17

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green LIFE NJ

Cover 1


Spring 2017

We Deliver Aggressive And Zealous Legal Representation For All Our Clients.

We Prove It – Every Day, Every Case And With Every Client. We Are Available to Help you 24/7.

Norman M. Hobbie*** Partner

Hobbie Corrigan & Bertucio, P.C. Attorneys at Law, is a New Jersey law firm whose attorneys practice in the areas of personal injury, workers' compensation and criminal defense. Our lawyers put

David P. Corrigan** Partner

the interests of our clients first. In order to protect your rights, it is critical to contact an attorney as soon as possible. We are available to help you 24/7 to advise you about your legal options. With offices in Eatontown and Toms River, we represent

Edward C Bertucio** Partner

clients in Red Bank and other communities throughout Monmouth County, Ocean County and Middlesex County. Michael R. Hobbie Partner

Local: 732-380-1515 Toll Free: 877-565-5853

Jacqueline DeCarlo Partner

Norman M. Hobbie: *Certified Civil Trial Attorney; *Named To NJ Super Lawyers List (2005-2017); *AV Preeminent Peer-Rated (Martindale-Hubbell) David P. Corrigan: *Certified Civil Trial Attorney; *Named to NJ Super Lawyers List (2005-2017) Edward C. Bertucio: *Certificated Criminal Trial Attorney; *Named to NJ Super Lawyers List (2005-2017)

























































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green LIFE NJ Publisher & Creative Director Vanessa M. Arico

Live Healthy & BE GREEN —Vanessa M. Arico Model - Rebecca Carmeli-Peslak, Barbizon, Red Bank Vegan Haircut, Blowout & Makeup Ann Loperena, True Concepts Hair Design, Red Bank Dress - Nita Ideas, Creative Clothing for Individuals, Asbury Park, Vintage Collection Earrings - Nita Ideas, Creative Clothing for Individuals, Asbury Park Flowers - Location - True Concepts Hair Design, Red Bank Photography - Michelle Gray



Editor Yolanda Navarra Fleming Copy Editor Lisa Schofield Libations Editor Cait Dabney Art & Design Director Jeff Lundenberger Designers Joe Harvard Jeff Lundenberger Photographers Michelle Gray Vanessa M. Arico Social Media Specialists Gianna Lanfrank Isabella Lanfrank Jeff Lundenberger Model Rebecca Carmeli-Peslak Advertising Sales + Information Vanessa M. Arico 732.693.4709 (mobile) Asbury Park Zest LLC PO Box 87 Asbury Park, NJ 07712-0087 USA

© 2017 Asbury Park Zest. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. Please forgive any errors & omissions.





M, W, TH (11-6) Fri & Sat (11-7) Sun (12-6)




Photo by Nancy Ellen Photography

t’s hard to believe it’s spring again, and that very shortly we’ll be in the middle of bikini weather, ready or not. We at green LIFE NJ invite you to join us on our mission to “Live Healthy Yolanda Navarra Fleming & Be Green.” Being green isn’t simply a string of trends. It’s a conviction that begins from within. It’s a holistic approach to our entire lives, which we introduce in these pages. Future generations depend on our determination to make lasting change by sharing these values and results to inspire further change. We also look at the meaning of homeopathy as an alternative to traditional medicine. In this issue, we discovered True Concepts, the vegan hair salon in Red Bank, where you give up nothing but chemicals in exchange for holistic beauty that could save your life. Owner Kim Katz realized when she was pregnant that a typical salon’s toxic environment was potentially harmful to her and her unborn baby. She was inspired to protect herself, her baby and her clients by opening her own organic salon. The more chemicals we can do away with in our lives, the better, especially where they are clearly not necessary. Organic wine – see Chateau Maris, the biodynamic South of France winery and a 2017 Gold Medal Winner at Millésime Bio, the world’s organic wine fair. Chateau Maris crafts organic/biodynamic wine, making it better for the land, the wine, and the wine-lover in you. Along with our spirits, we aim to raise our awareness for the well-being of people ev-



erywhere. Women’s International Day inspired a look at family law, such as how to handle divorce without losing your cool, according to Ansell Grimm & Aaron. We at green LIFE NJ have the utmost respect for people like Beverly Peterson, a college professor and documentarian, who took her experience as a victim of bullying, and put her craft into action to educate her audiences. /HJDO UDPLÀFDWLRQV RI EXOO\LQJ DUH H[SODLQHG by Hobbie Corrigan & Bertucio, our newest advertiser. We welcome them into our expanding media community and look forward to building a prosperous relationship. We continue to reach into new parts of the Garden State, and share the growing sensibility for green living. We hope you enjoy our new issue, and wish you a happy and healthy spring season.

Be green!

Adam Worth



Photo by Erik Massimino Photography

"I like to focus on storytelling and strive to be better at it as I create my videos."

Adam Worth dam Worth is an Emmy award-winning 79 Ă€OP DQG YLGHR SURGXFHU <HW HYHU\ 6DWXUGD\ QLJKW \RX FDQ Ă€QG KLP LQ WKH '- booth at the Asbury Hotel – “the best new boutique hotel in the USAâ€? (USA Today) – spinning everything from ‘80s music to funk, boogie, classic hip hop and garage. “My two jobs seem random,â€? he says, “but '-¡LQJ FRQQHFWV WR 79 DQG Ă€OP SURGXFWLRQ EHFDXVH , DOVR 9- , VSLQ PXVLF YLGHRV DQG RU synced and manipulated visuals that accompany the music. It’s a way to add an element RI VWRU\WHOOLQJ WR D '- VHW , OLNH WR IRFXV RQ storytelling and strive to be better at it as I create my videos. So my work in TV producWLRQ KDV PDGH PH D EHWWHU '- RGGO\ HQRXJK Âľ 7KH \HDU ROG ZKR¡V EHHQ D '- VLQFH KH was 18, placed second in the World Online '- FKDPSLRQVKLSV +H JUHZ XS LQ :DQDPDVVD and graduated Monmouth University with a double major in Music Business and CommuQLFDWLRQV 5DGLR DQG 79 ZLWK D PLQRU LQ Ă€OP studies. In 2014, he won the New York Emmy (not to be confused with a Primetime Emmy)


LQ WKH 9LGHR -RXUQDOLVP FDWHJRU\ IRU KLV ZRUN “After Hurricane Sandy.â€? “A day or two after Sandy’s skies cleared, I drove as far south as Brick and as far north as Sea Bright,â€? he recalls. “I approached so many people who were cleaning up. They were happy to tell their stories and would then lead me to others. They all wanted their stories heard by the media. It made a huge impression on me.â€? Worth is hopeful that Emmy history will repeat itself this year for his masterful piece, “The 5HQ )DLUHÂľ Ă€OPHG DW WKH /,216 5HQDLVVDQFH Faire in Lakewood. It is nominated in the Cinematography: Short Form category. Both videos can be seen on While aspiring to direct commercials, TV, and documentaries, Worth is also currently shooting his own TV pilot in Asbury Park. “It’s a passion project of mine, and I’m very excited about it,â€? he shares. “I dream about it getting picked up and bringing further opportunities not only for myself but for our community as a whole.â€?



World Autism Day:

April 2nd

ART+AUTISM Exhibition and Concert

DON’T MISS: The opening reception of Art+Autism, a one-of-a-kind exhibition showcasing

the talents of artists with Autism Spectrum Disorder, sponsored by Monmouth University Center for the Arts and Autism Speaks and the Lucile and Maurice Pollak Fund. 7KH EHQHĂ€W FRQFHUW E\ &RQWHPSRUDU\ &ODVVLFDO &URVVRYHU YRFDO HQVHPEOH %UDYR $PLFL IHDWXUHV Geoff Sewel, founding member of Autism Speaks, and other Broadway performers singing well-known musical numbers, operatic arias and popular music, as well as an original piece, “Heal Me,â€? a tribute to the daughter of co-writers Sewell and his wife Simone.

WHEN: The opening reception will be held on World Autism Day, Sunday, April 2 from 5 to 7 p.m. The concert begins at 8 p.m. The art exhibition will run April 1 to May 31.

WHERE: Opening reception in the Pollak Gallery and the concert in Pollak Theater, Monmouth University, 400 Cedar Ave., West Long Branch. TICKETS: The opening reception is free and open to the public. Thirty percent of art sales ZLOO EHQHÀW $XWLVP 6SHDNVŽ, the world’s leading autism science and advocacy organization. 7LFNHWV IRU WKH EHQHÀW FRQFHUW DUH DQG ZLWK D *ROG &LUFOH VHDWLQJ IRU DQG FDQ EH UHVHUYHG WKURXJK WKH 0RQPRXWK 8QLYHUVLW\ 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV %R[ 2IÀFH DW 732-263-6889, or online at




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&DQ \RXU ODZQ EH JUHHQ LQ FRORU DQG HQYLURQPHQWDOO\ JUHHQ DW WKH VDPH WLPH" ,I \RX DVN -DVVRQ 5XVDN the answer is yes. For the past 10 years, ForeverLawn at the Shore, Avon has been providing an alternative solution to QDWXUDO JUDVV WKDW LV DFWXDOO\ EHQHÀFLDO WR WKH HQYLURQPHQW ForeverLawnŽ 6\QWKHWLF *UDVV LV SUHPLXP DUWLÀFLDO WXUI WKDW SURYLGHV IXQFWLRQDO DWWUDFWLYH UHVSRQVLEOH landscaping without watering. In fact, the Synthetic Turf Council estimates that the use of synthetic grass conserved between three to six billion gallons of water in 2010. "Utilizing environmentally responsible, industry-leading products paired with our unmatched commitment to quality will ensure an installation that will make you glad you chose us,� says Rusak, ForeverLawn at the Shore president since 2007. The superior multi-layered backing system on ForeverLawnŽ Synthetic Grass is made of recycled DQG UHQHZDEOH PDWHULDOV 7KH ÀQDO EDFNLQJ OD\HU LV FRPSULVHG RI UHF\FOHG SODVWLF ERWWOHV IURP 3URMHFW Yellowstone, an innovative recycling partnership with Yellowstone National Park. A second layer features BioCel technology created from soybean plants—a 100% renewable resource. ,QVWDOOLQJ )RUHYHU/DZQ DOVR EHQHÀWV RXU ORFDO ZDWHUZD\V DQG HQYLURQPHQW E\ HOLPLQDWLQJ IHUWLOL]HUV pesticides, and weed killers commonly used to maintain natural grass. You won’t pollute the air with lawn care equipment emissions or noise. Those who suffer from the allergens in natural grass will also be relieved. Imagine a lush surprisingly realistic lawn, without harsh chemicals and costly maintenance. That’s ForeverLawn. For more information visit the website RU FDOO WKH RIÀFH LQ $YRQ 732.709.3108.

Homeopathic medicine is based on the concept that the body was created with the innate ability to heal itself. The American Institute of Homeopathy was founded in 1844 and is considered to be the oldest national medical association in the USA. Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.), the Greek Father of Medicine, is credited for the idea that “like cures like,� but Dr. C. F. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) coined the word homeopathy ("homoios" in Greek means similar, "pathos" means suffering) and used the concept to devise the system of homeopathic medicine in Germany in the 1700s. Dr. Hahnemann was a physician, chemist, mineralogist, botanist, and translator of eight different languages. He experimented with minute doses of plant, mineral and animal-based substances that would produce similar symptoms of the disease in a healthy person. Remedies like potassium, chamomile, white arsenic, calcium carbonate, and garlic, to name a few, have been regulated by the FDA since 1994 with the passage of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). Homeopathy is a growing practice of alternative medicine prescribed and practiced all over the world. Remedies can be used to treatt infections, circulatory problems, respiratory problems, heart disease, depression and nervous disorders, migraine headaches, allergies, arthritis, and diiabetes, among other acute and chronic illnessses in the early stages. It can also assist in the healing process after surgery or chemotherapy.


Photo: funnyangel/Shuttersto funnyangel/; Emblem: Verlion/

What is Homeopathy?



Donna L. Maul, Esq.




ivorce has such negative implications that many people prefer not to utter the word. Especially when children are involved, it

PDNHV VHQVH WR DLP IRU D FLYLO VSOLW DOWKRXJK LW PD\ EH GLIÀFXOW ZKHQ so much is at stake and emotions take over. Donna L. Maul, Esq., a partner at Ansell, Grimm & Aaron, offers ways to avoid the kind of acrimonious disputes that eat up money and time you’ll never get back. 16


FORETHOUGHT For those who plan to marry, a Prenuptial Agreement is a contract designed to protect premarital assets, family gifts and estates, prevent responsibility for premarital debt of the other party, and to reduce the need for litigation in the event a future divorce occurs. Begin this process at least four months prior to the marriage date, and if ÀQDQFHV DQG LVVXHV DUH FRPSOH[ HYHQ HDUOLHU A Post Nuptial Agreement entered into during the marriage is an alternative, but is not regulated by statute and is often not enforceable by a Court.

CONTEMPLATION Clear your head if you are contemplating divorce. Involve a mental health professional to work on co-parenting issues to establish or restore constructive communication between you and your spouse, and if you need to stabilize yourself emotionally, seek individual counseling. Separate/isolate your personal issues with your spouse from future decisions FRQFHUQLQJ WKH EHVW LQWHUHVWV RI \RXU FKLOGUHQ DQG WKH Ă€QDQFLDO LVVXHV ZKLFK EHFRPH “business decisionsâ€? in settlement negotiations. (Hint: A judge will treat your divorce like a dissolving business and dispassionately divide assets and debts and allocate income under statutory factors).


FLEXIBILITY Be prepared to make reasonable compromises or to accept delays and costs of contested divorce litigation. Many a litigant has looked at the opposing party after a long and expensive trial only to realize that the decision of the Court has not provided a road map going forward, which results in regular post-judgment litigation.

ACCEPTANCE As you go forward, Identify your post-divorce priorities and goals. Recognize that XQĂ€QLVKHG EXVLQHVV FDQ HLWKHU EH UHVROYHG DPLFDEO\ E\ \RX DQG \RXU VSRXVH E\ negotiation or mediation, or all issues can be decided by a Court resulting in multiple Court dates and considerable legal expenses.



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Isabel Laifer Greenblatt

Greeny's Mom's Blessings S

ince my dear, loving, kind mother, Isabel Laifer Greenblatt's, passing on April 30th, 1999, I’ve received one blessing after another on this special date. April 30th is the birthday of my incredible and worldfamous kitty, “Roadrunner the Cat,” her brother, “Nolan,” my adorable cousin Raelyn, and my handsome PA bred 2-year-old colt “Pablo's Storm.” It’s also the date my sweet, beautiful girlfriend Sarah and I got engaged. I love Spring and I honor April 30th.

Thanks, Mom



Michael & Sarah


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The As The Asbur bu y Circuit bur irc rcuit u (l (left) (left ef ) and The eft ef T Pi Pisco co Palom co Palom Pa om oma ma (rig right) ht) ht t))

by Cait Dabney

THE ASBURY CIRCUIT: 1 ½ ounces of your favorite clear Rum 1 mint sprig and 3 mint leaves (mint sprig for garnish) 4 cucumber slices (one slice for garnish) 3 ½ ounces of your favorite Ginger Beer In a shaker, muddle 3 mint leaves. Once leaves are broken up, add the 3 cucumber slices and muddle them as well. Fill the shaker with ice, add Rum and vigorously shake. 6WUDLQ LQWR D URFNV JODVV ÀOOHG ZLWK LFH DQG WRS ZLWK *LQJHU %HHU *DUQLVK ZLWK PLQW sprig and cucumber slice.

THE PISCO PALOMA: 1 ½ ounces of Pisco 100 4 ½ ounces of your favorite Grapefruit Soda 1 grapefruit wedge for garnish 1 lime wedge for garnish Lime Salt for rim (Recipe below) Take a Collins glass and run the lime wedge around the rim of the glass, then place rim in the Lime Salt to coat. Fill glass with ice and add the Pisco 100 and top with the Grapefruit Soda. Add Grapefruit and Lime garnishes.

LIME SALT: 1 Large Lime 2 ounces of Coarse Salt Zest the lime into the salt and mix.

cheers and enjoy! 22



Some call pisco the tequila of Peru. The colorless and potent aguardiente, which is made only in the five coastal valley regions of Peru, is also named for a port in Peru. Pisco is actually a brandy, one of the few made from wine. And like the process of wine-making, different harvests produce diverse results. As for pisco, there’s Puro (pure), which is made of a single grape varietal. Acholado is a blend of two or more grapes, and Mosto Verde is the most fermented. In 2015, the U.S. was the second largest importer of pisco next to Chile, but it’s hardly new. In fact, pisco was “the” fashionable cocktail in California and New York way back in the 1800s, and for years later, especially among Hollywood celebrities. John Wayne, whose third wife was a Peruvian actress, was known to appreciate hand-crafted pisco. “Peruvian cuisine is helping the category to gain popularity,” says Isabel Cristina Laverde, the ambassador of Pisco 100 Perfectly Peruvian, a premium brand produced under the strict supervision of renowned Master Distiller Guillermo Ferreyros. “Pisco can be substituted for whiskey, tequila, or other liquors. You can use it to make Sangria, Mojitos, Mimosas, Punch, etc. That’s the beauty of it. It’s not only about the famous pisco sour.” According to Peruvian Pisco regulations, pisco must be rested for at least three months in neutral vessels of glass, stainless steel or any other material that can’t alter its physical, chemical, or organic properties. “Pisco 100 Acholado is a unique spirit made from the fresh ‘wine must’ of expertly blended Quebranta, Torontel and Italia grape varietals from the Ica region near the city of Ica and the port of Pisco,” explains Laverde. “Pisco 100 is rested for longer periods than required by official regulations to ensure the highest quality. Bottling is done after the resting process. By law, the distilled proof of Peruvian Pisco must not be regulated or reduced by water. Pisco 100 is 84 proof.” If you are a purist, you’ll appreciate pisco, promises Laverde, “There are no additives or unnatural color. No water or sugar. Only grapes.”

Facebook: @Pisco100 •

Instagram: @Pisco_100

Vanessa, “Momma Pat” & Pisco Rep Cristina at Pisco intro to Asbury Park, August 2016, Dino’s On Main



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with Chef David Burke Pasta Primavera SERVES 4 1 pound gluten-fee pasta. Cook al dente. Cool. Toss with olive oil and salt & pepper. Set aside. 16 asparagus. Peel & blanche. 1 pound mushrooms sautÊed with shallots. Reserve. 1 cup fresh sweet peas. 1 cup chopped tomatoes, green peppers and zucchini. 4 cloves of garlic sliced. 1 cup chopped basil. Lemon zest and juice of 3 lemons. 1 cup parmesan cheese. 1 cup olive oil. 1 cup tomato sauce. Salt, pepper and red pepper akes to taste. Toss all of the above together. Divide evenly into 4 parchment paper bags. Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes. Serve with ricotta, parmesan, lemon and drizzled olive oil. For vegans, eliminate parmesan and ricotta cheeses.



q Heirloom Rose





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social media written word


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WE GO GREEN Campaign “Hydrate for Life” SHU ERWWOH For every bottle YOU purchase WE donate a FREE bottle to local community programs that target health and wellness education for children and adults. •

Vegan, delicious and nutritious food is the name of the game at Good Karma Café in Red Bank. Owners Gail Doherty and Tiffany Betts, both graduates of Natural Gourmet Institute in New York, have been cooking up recipes for their daily patrons, and catering and holiday clients to demonstrate how to eat well without using animal products since 2010. If you’re hungry for vegan cooking, or seeking a healthier way of life, there are plenty of hours in the day for this at Good Karma. Monday through Saturday you can enjoy breakfast from 9 a.m. to noon, and lunch and dinner from noon to 9 p.m. Sundays are open for dinner from 5 to 9 p.m. Although every day is an opportunity to enjoy their extensive menu, each day celebrates a different theme: Mac & Cheese Mondays Taco Tuesdays Pizza on Wednesdays Fat Sandwiches on Thursdays Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays offer special appetizers and entrées for dinner. Many items on the menu can also be found in Doherty’s cookbook, “You Won’t Believe it’s Vegan,” which sells for $17.95 at the restaurant. Soups, salads, sandwiches, wraps, raw foods, juices, smoothies and desserts are available every day. Curbside pick-up service is available, as well as vegan cooking classes and catering for your next party, large or small. Follow them on Facebook and Instagram @goodkarmacafenj for pictures and descriptions of daily specials. Hours: Monday – Saturday: Breakfast 9 AM – 12 PM Lunch/Dinner 12 PM – 9 PM Sunday: Dinner only 5-9 17 East Front Street, Red Bank NJ • 732-450-8344

Good Karma’s Buckwheat Granola A wheat-free and gluten-free plant-powered and proteinpacked breakfast. Wet Ingredients ½ cup agave 3 dates ¼ cup olive oil Dry Ingredients £ ¥ VÕ« ÃÕ y ÜiÀ Ãii`à ¤ VÕ« y >Ý Ãii`à 1 cup walnuts (chopped into small pieces) ¤ VÕ« V V ÕÌ y > ià 1 Tb cinnamon 1 Tb cardamom 1 tsp salt Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine all dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. 2. Place all wet ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. 3. Combine wet and dry ingredients. 4. Spread mixture evenly on a welloiled baking sheet pan and bake until golden brown (approximately 30 minutes). Stir occasionally to make sure granola cooks evenly. 5. Remove granola and allow to cool completely. 6. Top with your favorite plant-based milk and fresh fruit.


English Pea Soup SERVES 4 16 oz bag of frozen English peas. 1 can of coconut milk Ă R] 1/2 cup of water. Fresh greens - mint/ parsley/dill/basil for garnish (optional to individual taste). Salt and pepper to taste.

Chris Brandl

Heat coconut milk and water until it simmers. Add peas. Cook until tender. Puree entire mixture (optional). Chris Brandl

Garnish with fresh greens - mint/parsley/dill/ basil (optional to individual taste). Salt and pepper to taste.

Donna Ayers-Vorbach Donna Ayers has been creating beautiful )LQH $UW SRUWUDLWXUH IRU IDPLOLHV RQ WKH -HUsey Shore for twenty years. The naturalistic VW\OH $\HUV IDYRUV LV LQĂ XHQFHG E\ WKH VPDOO WRZQ RI 6SULQJ /DNH 1- ZKHUH VKH JUHZ up. With a developed skill of capturing the likeness and spirit of her subjects, Ayers brings together the beauty of portraiture and surroundings to create a painting that will be treasured for years to come. 732-223-3626

BULLYING The September 22, 2010 suicide of Tyler Clementi, the victim of a humiliating act of harassment at the hands of his college roommate, sparked global outrage and provided the PRPHQWXP IRU D UHYROXWLRQDU\ FKDQJH LQ 1HZ -HUVH\¡V ODZV regarding bullying. Clementi was a Rutgers University student in Piscataway. Today, our State’s civil and criminal laws provide an extensive network of protection for the victims of bullying, especially those who are bullied while attending school. ,Q WKH FRQWH[W RI VFKRROV 1HZ -HUVH\¡V $QWL %XOO\LQJ %LOO RI 5LJKWV 1HZ -HUVH\ 6WDWXWH $ GHĂ€QHV +DUDVVPHQW ,QWLPLGDWLRQ DQG %XOO\LQJ RU ´+,%Âľ EHKDYLRU DV DQ\ ZULWWHQ YHUEDO or physical act, or any electronic communication, whether it be a single incident or a series of incidents, that: • Is reasonably perceived as being motivated either by an actual or perceived characteristic, such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or a mental, physical or sensory disability, or by any other distinguishing characteristic; • Takes place on school property, at any school-sponsored function, or on a school bus, or, under certain circumstances, off school grounds; • Substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students; and that • Has one of the following effects: - A reasonable person should know, under the circumstances, that it will have the effect of physically or emotionally harming a student or damaging the student’s property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of physical or emotional harm to his person or damage to his property; or - Has the effect of insulting or demeaning any student or group of students; or - Creates a hostile educational environment of the student by interfering with a student’s education or by severely or pervasively causing physical or emotional harm to the student. 34


BASICS From the ofďŹ ce of Hobbie Corrigan & Bertucio, P.C. Attorneys At Law

School employees are required to report suspected acts of HIB behavior to the principal, who must then inform the parents of the students involved. The school’s “Anti-Bullying Specialistâ€? is then required to perform an investigation of the incident, along with the principal and potentially other staff members, and determine whether an act of bullying has occurred. The school is required to impose appropriate consequences upon a student who commits an act of bullying. The school must also put appropriate remedial measures in place to attempt to prevent future occurrences of the same or similar problems and to provide support for the victim. Parents and students should be aware of their school’s anti-bullying policy, which is usually available on the school district website. Parents and students should also be aware that any acts of harassment, intimidation, or bullying should be reported to teachers or administrators immediately so that they can be promptly addressed. In the workplace, civil remedies for acts of bullying or harassment may be available to an employee under New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination (LAD). Other available civil claims may include the creation of a “hostile work environment.â€? Any person who believes he or she may be the victim of bullying or other unlawful discrimination in the workplace should contact an attorney. Finally, New Jersey’s criminal statutes offer protection against much of the conduct that also constitutes bullying, including, for example, verbal and physical harassment, stalking, invasion of privacy, physical assault, and unwanted sexual contact. Any person who is the victim of such unlawful conduct should report it to an appropriate law enforcement agency. In light of recent, tragic events, there are more legal procedures and protections available today than ever before to protect the victims of bullying. Note: This article is meant for general informational purposes only. It is not meant to be legal advice and it is not meant to create any attorney-client relationship. If you believe that you or a loved one may have been the victim of bullying or other XQODZIXO RU LPSURSHU EHKDYLRU \RX VKRXOG FRQVXOW ZLWK DQ DWWRUQH\ DQG RU D ODZ HQIRUFHPHQW RIĂ€FHU



Beverly Peterson

Beverly Peterson’s Bully Pulpit B

everly Peterson, a college professor and Ă€OPPDNHU ZDV RQFH D YLFWLP RI ZRUNSODFH bullying. That is, until she took her power back. “I had a boss who was a rainmaker, but also a hurricane,â€? says Peterson. “It wasn’t long before I understood why I was one of a quickly growing list of people to have had that job. 7KH HPRWLRQDO SK\VLFDO DQG Ă€QDQFLDO WROO RQ me was devastating.â€? %XW VKH ZDVQ¡W D YLFWLP IRU ORQJ ´,¡P D Ă€OPmaker, so I started making short documentaries about victim/targets of workplace bullying,â€? she says. “The despair I felt before I started working on these projects was debilitating, and newspaper articles and pundits all



made it seem hopeless. Fortunately, I learned it doesn't have to be.� Peterson produced “What Killed Kevin?,� a documentary about Kevin Morrissey, Managing Editor of the Virginia Quarterly Review, who shot himself in 2010. Peterson collected information on the subject from leading experts, researchers, legislators, advocates, victims/targets, business and HR reps, journalists, and many others both in the U.S. and abroad. “When I presented my work in Wales at the International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment, I understood the issue on a global scale,� says Peterson, now marketing

chair and past founding president of the National Workplace Bullying Coalition (NWBC). 0DNLQJ WKH Ă€OP RSHQHG KHU H\HV DQG LQVSLUHG her to help and inspire others, including her students at the School of Communication & Media at Montclair State University, where she teaches Documentary and Transmedia storytelling courses. “I recognized how subjective and tragic many of these situations can be,â€? she reports. “Employers need to step in and take an active role in the workplaces they create rather than leaving colleagues to ‘deal with it.’ “ Her work on the subject is not over. The current NWBC campaign is an eBook featuring stories of former victims of bullying. She adds, “Our goal is to create a collection of stories from those who have overcome the challenges WKLV WUDXPDWLF H[SHULHQFH EULQJV 6WRULHV Ă€OOHG with emotion, vivid images, and a clear path to resolution.â€? If you know someone suffering through a toxic work environment, just listen rather than saying things like “just stand up to themâ€? or

“you’re too sensitive,â€? she advises. “It could make things worse. I always tell people to Ă€QG D FRXQVHORU IULHQG IDPLO\ PHPEHU RU lawyer to help sort things out. Hope and resilience are glorious things. You may not always be able to see them, but they are glinting away somewhere at a cloudy distance, and WKH\ DUH GHĂ€QLWHO\ ZRUWK Ă€QGLQJ (DFK RI XV Ă€QGV WKLV SDWK LQ RXU RZQ ZD\ Âľ Her documentary can be viewed on the website,, and has been featured in the +XIĂ€QJWRQ 3RVW, Washington 3RVW and 3V\FKRORJ\ 7RGD\, and was awarded an Honorary Webby.



Bridal Registry

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Parking Side & Rear


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Bob Lanfrank


Everybody L<ves Bob

f he were still alive, Mike Cardner would be proud to know that Cardner’s Barber Shop, 18 Mechanic St., Red Bank hits the 100-year mark this year, thanks to the gifted young man who has kept the legacy alive. Cardner hired Bob Lanfrank, who was just 17 at the time. “I did everything early,” says Bob, who was born in Long Branch and raised in Red Bank. “I got married at 19 and bought the business at 20. This is my 59th year working here, but I’ve owned it for 56 years.” Bob’s father-in-law had been a customer of Cardner’s Barber Shop for years. “When Mike ran into him, he told Mike that his future son-inlaw was enrolled in barber school in New York, and practiced on him for free. So, Mike said, ‘Tell him to come in and talk to me.’” Young Bob was hired to cut men’s and boys’ hair, while Mike styled women’s hair. When Mike bought a new salon on Monmouth Street for his female clients, he sold Cardner’s to Bob. “I kept the name because who was I to change it?” he quips. Unfortunately for Mike, his female employees took off to establish a new business and the clients followed. “Later, Mike told me it was the worst thing he’d ever done,” remarks

Bob. “Then he moved his business to Brick Township, and died at 59 from a brain tumor.” Bob, now 76, with no plans to retire, enjoyed a steadily growing shop in his youth, until four young Englishmen introduced a new standard in men’s hair design. “In the ‘60s, The Beatles came over with long hair, and barbers and barber schools all over went out of business,” he recalls. “Red Bank had 16 barbershops then and 12 of them closed. But I had low rent, let one employee go, and I survived.” Bob’s business then thrived, and through the years he’s enjoyed giving back, often through the tireless fundraising efforts of his wife and daughter, Tindra and Michele Lanfrank. He raised his family to be community givers, and he himself opens daily at 6 am, offers free parking and even his best advice about where to eat. “My wife, Tindra, a former Multiple Sclerosis and Monmouth University Scholarship Ball chairwoman, is also a very talented cook and baker, but we still love to eat out,” he laughs. “I love talking to people about where to go and word gets around. Some of my clients come in and say their wives want to know where ‘I say’ they should eat, and not to come KRPH XQWLO WKH\ ÀQG RXW µ



Chris DeSerio, MA, CHt "The Jersey Shore Medium" The owl, part of nature’s beautiful green tapestry, is an indomitable force in our society. The owl is renowned for its physical prowHVV FKDULVPD DZDUHQHVV ÀHUFH OR\DOW\ DQG LWV DELOLW\ WR DFW LQ WKH best interest of self as well as for those with whom they have close WLHV 7KH RZO LV D ÀJXUHKHDG IRU FRPPXQLW\ EDVHG FRQVHUYDWLRQ and ecotourism initiatives and it is revered for its self-possessing qualities that one could only be proud to call their own.

Chris DeSerio, MA, CHt, Spritual Consultant for Over 20 Years Providing You With the Direction You Need Today 201.233.4838 - The Jersey Shore Medium Locations in NJ bordering NY/PA

As the owl sits in watchful self-possession, aware of its strongest UHVRXUFHV DQG PDQ\ RWKHUV \RX ZLOO Ă€QG WKDW WKHVH H[LVW ZLWKLQ your own self waiting to be to recognized and brought to their true potential. &KULV 'H6HULR 0$ &+W ´7KH -HUVH\ 6KRUH 0HGLXP Âľ SV\FKRtherapist, reiki master, energy healer, metaphysical consultant, spiritualist and hypnotist has been helping people for more WKDQ \HDUV -XVW DV WKH RZO KDV IRXQG KLV SDWK RI JUHDWQHVV LQ this world, so can you. Call Chris at 201.233.4838 or visit him at to see how you can fully tap into your own resources and wisdom.

Defining Holistic Care Long gone are the days when hospital patients were referred to by their illnesses. More than ever before, health professionals understand the importance of caring for the whole person. Holistic care encompasses taking one’s entire state of being into consideration when deciding how to approach, treat, and ultimately cure a health issue. Whether you believe you’re a human having a spiritual experience or a spirit having a human experience, you’re more than just a body. And when treating an illness, it’s not just about the symptoms. Holistic care takes into account the body, mind, emotions, spirit, and life experiences, which are all interconnected and play a role in the cause of a dis-ease. When only the symptoms are addressed, as in traditional medical practice, the problem is likely to persist. The word “holistic� can also refer to the healthy approach of just about anything, with the understanding that all entities have movable parts and rely on the proper function of the others. 40


Photo: ismagination/ Emblem: Verlion/

When it comes to waterproofing and mold remediation, Robert Lanfrank is the real deal. For the past 20 years, he has worked in the industry and during that time has repaired more than 5,000 homes and buildings. As an expert witness in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, he holds multiple certifications in mold remediation, mold abatement and mold testing. glNJ: If there is mold in your home, is it always apparent, or does it become apparent depending upon the weather? RL: No. Mold is microscopic. On the tip of a pen you can have 5 million mold spores. And sometimes it grows behind sheetrock and other areas you can’t see. Mold needs moisture to grow and you can only see mold when it’s active. The weather can make a difference because humidity causes mold to grow. Spring is definitely a high-risk time for mold because it tends to be wet and everything is in bloom. glNJ: What are the real dangers of mold? RL: Issues can be a lot more serious for those in the high-risk categories. The majority of symptoms people experience from mold are not serious. You can get sinus infections, lung infections, ear infections, allergic reactions, digestive issues, and headaches. Some people will get colds more often. But young children, senior citizens, those who are immunecompromised or have respiratory issues generally suffer the most and are among the most susceptible to more serious ailments prompted by exposure to mold. glNJ: Are consumers as educated as they should be about mold and its removal? RL: Consumers are fairly educated and have a basic understanding. What they don’t know is how to get rid of it. Pouring bleach on mold doesn’t kill it. And you can’t simply remove the area of mold you can see, like a piece of sheetrock or any other surface where mold is visible because there may still be mold present that you can’t see. It’s important to have a professional remove it thoroughly. Attempting to fix it yourself often leads to spreading it throughout the house. glNJ: Can you have mold in your home even if there’s been no flooding? RL: Mold can be present anywhere in the house where there is moisture. There is a potential for mold in attics with poor ventilation, humid basements, kitchens, and bathrooms, or anywhere with condensation, a leaky pipe or a surface that stays wet for a length of time. So it’s not just flooding that causes mold to grow in a home.

TRUE CONCEPTS Organic Vegan Haircare

“In the pursuit of health and beauty, what you put on your hair and skin is as important as what you put in your mouth.â€? This motto is a wake-up call much like Kim Katz’s inspiration. “When I was pregnant I was told not to come to work due to the amount of keratin treatments going on and that it was not safe for me to be there,â€? says Katz, who founded True Concepts Kim Katz Hair Design in Red Bank in 2011. “I researched post-mortem toxicology reports of hair stylists and saw that metal and carcinogen levels were way higher in the health/beauty profession than any other. That's when I looked into using safe organic products and color.â€? She recalls, “I got a lot of laughs from people in the industry about my concept, but I knew there were other people out there like me, so I took the risk.â€? 6LQFH KHU Ă€UVW \HDU KHU VWDII KDV JURZQ WR IRXU VW\OLVWV DQG her numbers have quadrupled. Katz has also spent the past three years developing her own line of hair products, True Concepts Organics, to use in her Zen-like salon where the calm of essential oil blends diffuse the air. According to Katz, the only thing you’ll give up upon making the switch to an organic salon are chemicals harmful to your health and the planet. “We even offer keratin treatments from Uberliss in Europe that are completely free of formaldehyde.â€?



GLORIA NILSON Business Woman Extraordinaire Part of her secret has been connectedness. She is often aware of properties before they come on the market and how current events may impact a community’s appeal, such as changes in school systems, taxes, development and amenities.

Gloria Nilson


avigating the buying and selling process in the real estate market can be tricky. Logistically, however, it was even trickier in ZKHQ *ORULD 1LOVRQ RSHQHG KHU Ă€UVW RIĂ€FH RQ 5RXWH 6KUHZVEXU\ “Years ago I took four planes in one day just to get the required signatures on a sale,â€? says Nilson. “And while today’s technology has VLPSOLĂ€HG KRZ EXVLQHVV LV GRQH XQGHUVWDQGLQJ the market and the real estate process is a constant that requires a steady hand.â€? She admits, “I don’t know that you set out to own a company, but rather your business takes on a life of its own as you gain momentum in the market and you aim to satisfy the demand for service and expand into new areas.â€?



And now, her vast experience makes it a bit easier to work the kind of magic that isn’t as easy as it may appear to be sometimes. “People don’t realize the complexity of getting from contract to closing,� Nilson observes. “I think I’ve helped clients through every conceivable challenge, and I enjoy being able to add calm and direction to what may otherwise be stressful for them.� Perseverance has been her calling card from the beginning. Adversity doesn’t distract or derail her. “Instead, it fueled my ambition to ‘get it right’ and have my customers feel I went above and beyond, just for them, every time,� says the Goucher College alumna. “First and foremost, I love what I do. If I didn’t look at each new customer as a challenge I would have become tired of the emotional rollercoaster ride that is real estate.�

Joe Maggio, "The Grill Man" -RH 0DJJLR 7KH *ULOO 0DQ $VEXU\ 3DUN V famous son from Frank's Deli, is one of the EHVW VKRUW RUGHU FRRNV DW WKH -HUVH\ 6KRUH Keeping 300-500 people happy all day, everyday, with eggs, burgers, soups, pancakes, Caesar salads and other farm fresh green fare, is what has kept them solidly in business for more than 50 years. Beginning in the business himself at age 10, -RH KDV HDUQHG D JRRG OLYLQJ DOO RI KLV OLIH and a lot of friends. Even people he bumps into on the street and in stores recognize him. Maggio shares, "I can't go anywhere without someone grabbing me and saying, "Where do I know you from?" His response? "Frank's Deli, of course!" Joe Maggio

The sun is out again. Stop into Frank's Deli for a bite and celebrate spring!



Soap opera, Film/TV actor & NJ Discover Production host/ producer, Frank Dicopoulos (center) & Rising Stars.



isa Goldfarb was bitten by the theater bug twelve years ago. For the past seven of those years, she’s been the full moon to the Rising Stars Youth Performing Arts Program for Monmouth and Ocean County children ages eight to eighteen. “It is our mission to instill the magic of theater and performing arts in our youth and provide the highest quality learning experience in theater; while focusing on the importance of GHGLFDWLRQ WHDPZRUN VHOI FRQĂ€GHQFH DQG the importance of supporting each other and believing in ourselves,â€? explains Goldfarb, the group’s director. Helping Goldfarb prepare for their upcoming Ă€IWHHQWK SURGXFWLRQ ´7KH /LWWOH 0HUPDLG Âľ are musical director Randy Hurst and choreographer Wendy Roman, as well as their production team and parent committee. The Rising Stars youth musical theater program, at the Axelrod PAC, presents two major musicals a year in May and December. Past productions have included shows like “Mary Poppins,â€? “Fiddler on the Roof,â€? “Willy Wonka,â€? and most recently, “Once Upon a Mattress.â€? “Our productions are very high quality and include outstanding talent,â€? says Goldfarb. “Our audiences have raved over and over again about how they can't believe a production of



this quality was performed by kids.â€? Involvement in a top-notch production with the EHQHĂ€W RI D SURIHVVLRQDO VHW DQG VWDII DOVR sets the stage for the students to make new friends of varying ages. “It's wonderful to see amazingly talented teenagers work so closely with the younger kids,â€? Goldfarb relates. “As a cast, they learn to come together as a team, which is a wonderful experience for all.â€? As director of the popular program, Goldfarb says she enjoys her extended family. She has some teenagers who have been in the program since they were in elementary school and who are now preparing for college auditions, as they move on to pursue their careers in the arts. “It's so gratifying to see these beautiful children grow into such talented and ambitious young adults,â€? Lisa relates. “I've watched long-lasting friendships being made not just by the kids but with the parents and all of the different families.â€? “The Little Mermaidâ€? will be presented at the $[HOURG 3HUIRUPLQJ $UWV &HQWHU *UDQW Ave., Deal. Show dates are Sunday, May 7 at S P S P DQG 6XQGD\ 0D\ DW S P S P ZLWK D VSHFLDO 8QGHU WKH 6HD 0RWKHU V 'D\ %UXQFK Reservations must be made in advance for the brunch. H[W D[HOURGDUWVFHQWHU FRP

Once upo Once On ponn a titime me Mist ister ter C’ C s Beac Beachh Bist stro tro sai aid id “so long long g” to thei heir ir fri rien iend nds ds and d close losed d thei eir ir door doorss fo forr a long winter’s nap. That is is,, un untitill cu c stom mers decided they were having too much fun to hibernate. Wher Wh e e else l wou o ld they have their favorite “contemporary cocktail,” such as a “Yellow Umbrella,” “Pom Pear Pleasure,” “Pink Haze” or one of several varieties of “Beach Buckets,” “Tall and Cool” or “Super Storm Infusions?” And An d th thee fo food od,, we wellll, itit’ss hard d to beat their crunchy summer salads, burgers cooked to perfection, f esh seafood, or Mister C’s specialty Milanese dishes. fr S when thee su So subj bjec ectt of clo losi sing ng cam amee up u thi hiss year, th the customers said, “Stay open! We W ’ll be here!!” Kare Ka ren Ma M rzulli and Chic Perrotto,, the pr p op prietors and pa p rtners of Mister C’s, listened. “C Cus usto toome mers r wanted us to stay ope rs penn all ye year ar, so we st stay ayed ed ope pen,” says Marzulli, who has enj njoy oyed ed d in do ing g bu busi sine si nesss ne ss witth Pe Perr rrot rr otto ot to forr the h pas a t 25 25 yea ars rs. “P Peopl ple arre coomf mfor for orta tabl tabl ble le he here here e and d the hey co hey com ome me forr a grrea e t vi view ew, fo ew food od and nd drink riink nks. s.”” Itt wass bad ad enoug gh w whheenn Hurrri rica cane ne San ne andy dy des dy estr t oyyed the heir ir fav avooritite “hhang” ang an g”” and kep pt itt clo lose los sed uunntit l 2015 20 015 15, when when the wh hey re re-o e--o ope penneed wi with t a spaciou ouuss,, new w mod oder ern be bea acch ch b biissttro ro, an outtd dooor bar and n din ining inng area ar ea a ove verl rlooking the he beach he ch and ocean. “IIt’t s th t e perfectt llooca catition tion to host a party or wa atch ttcc h thhe mo moon on ris ise ov o er er thhee oce cean eann,” ,” say ays ys Ma M rzzul ullil . ulli ““IItt’’s al “It also the per e fe fect ctt plla ace to enjo joyy ha h ppy hoour u , from 3 to 6 p. p.m m. eve vveery ry da ay y and nd allll day y on Fri Frid iday ays. s.”” Happ Ha pp pp pyy ho hour our ur gets etts ev even en bet e terr in Apr pril whe henn dr drinks ink are in re 50 p pe erc rcen cennt off off across of roosss the boa ard r . Buut th this isn sn’t’t your mot yo othe h r’’s ha happ app ppy hour. Mister C’s is the only pllace to ennjo joy “T “Thhe “Th e Cocckktttai ail Co Corn rnner” eevver ery FFrrid da ayy at 3 p.m. m.. whe m here you cann be p pa art of their Facebook Live action by sa sampling g new dri rink n s and ca nk cast sting a vote vote vo te for or you our favo fa avo vori r te ri te conco onco on coctio coct cttio ion. ion n. 48 48




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