stantaneous and complete, consequetly it is impossible for an honest Greek scholar to hesitate a solita·ry moment in the recognition of the great and constant N. T. revelation of instantaneous and entire sanctification. You see from this Scripture that this is the marriage of the soul to Christ, illustrated by the matrimony of husband and wife, which unifies them so they are no longer two, but one. ( Gen. 2: 24.) This spiritual matrimonial alliance into which you enter with Christ through the administration of the Holy Ghost identifies you with His Bride, so that you are qualified for maternity and paternity in His Church . . Every government on earth is ruled by the citizens who have reached majority, minors having no vote. The same is true in every family; it is ruled by the adult members, t)le infants, like servants,· having no voice in the domestic government. The Church of God is no exception; it iil ruled by spiritual adults only, minors not being eligible to 'hold office. Alas! for the woeful maladministration which, through Satanic maneuver, is playing sad havoc with the churches on all sides. This maneuver is to lay under contribution his wonderful intellect, to manipulate the government of the Church out of the hands of the members enjoying spiritual, seniority and turn it over to the_ carnally minded elements in the membership, simultaneously bringing into availability his own worldly people so far as possible to manipulate the affairs of the Ohur·oh;