Church, Bride, Kingdom

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1 Timothy 1 : 3, "As I commanded thee to remain in

Ephesus, going into Macedonia, in order that thou mayest command certain ones not to teach any other doctrine." The word here is heterodedaskalein) the meaning of it is not to teach heterodoxy. The Holy Ghost calls His own Word orthodox, which means the right opinion, and everything else heterodox, which means the opinion of another. God aHme is capable ,of delivering us the solid and unimpeachable truth. Well did Solomon say, "There is nothing new under the sun." The truth is all as old as God, who had no beginning. Consequently everything new is false. It may be new to you, simply beca•use it was never revealed to you; but others have known. it long ages before you were born. When I was a boy I heard human creeds preached more than the Bible. Do not forget, we have no commission to preach anything but God's Word. When we preach our creed we have departed from our comm1ss10n. But you respond, "My creed ·is in perfect harmony with the Bible." If so, you do not .need it, because the Bible includes it, Therefore, go and preach your Bible "with the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven." Read history and you will find "orthodoxy and heresy" have been the battle cry of the ages. Multiplied millions of God's people have been killed on oharge of heresy and heterodoxy by the so-called Holy

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