Spring Graduation Events
Kentucky Campus, May 10 - May 20, 2023

Dear Graduate,
Congratulations as you come to the conclusion of your ministry preparation at Asbury Theological Seminary! Much has occurred during your journey here. Friendships have been formed, spirits have been shaped, souls have been healed, and minds have been enlightened. Our God has been faithful.
May the same rugged faith that brought you to and through seminary carry you higher and deeper into Christ’s heart and kingdom ministry. May the richness of Christ overflow to those you are called to serve. May the Spirit send you out into the fullness of His world.
This brochure provides a schedule of events surrounding graduation. Please check the deadlines and RSVP dates for all events listed
God’s richest blessings,
Gregg A. Okesson
Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
Wednesday, May 10 11 a.m.
Graduates’ Awards Chapel
Estes Chapel
Thursday, May 11 11 a.m.
Graduates’ Chapel
Estes Chapel
Monday, May 15
6:30 – 8:30 pm
Graduating Couples’ Consecration Reception
Asbury Seminary Cafeteria
A semi-formal consecration dessert reception to celebrate the unique contributions of the spouses of graduates. Childcare is provided. Reservation for attendance should be made by May 8th to medine.keener@asburyseminary.edu. Reservation for childcare is made by emailing hannah.thibaudeau@asburyseminary.edu
Wednesday, May 17 11:45 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Advanced Research Programs
Master of Theology (Th.M.) Graduates’ Lunch
Sherman Thomas Student Center, Cordelia Dining Room
For Th.M. graduates, graduates’ spouses (or special guest), and supporting faculty by invitation. No childcare is provided. Reservations should be made by May 2 to advancedresearchprograms@asburyseminary.edu or by calling 859.858.2081.
Friday, May 19 3 p.m.
Doctor of Ministry Hooding Ceremony
Estes Chapel
For D.Min. graduates and their families. Formal hooding of D.Min. graduates, as well as anointing and commissioning prayer.
5 - 7:15 p.m.
Advanced Research Programs
Doctor of Philosophy Graduates’ Dinner
Sherman Thomas Student Center, Cordelia Dining Room
For Ph.D. graduates, graduates’ spouses, mentors, and invited guests (a maximum of 4 invited guests). No childcare is provided. Reservations for dinner should be made by May 4 to advancedresearchprograms@asburyseminary.edu or by calling 859.858.2081.
5:45 p.m.
Doctor of Ministry Graduates’ Dinner
Sherman Thomas Dining Hall
For D.Min. graduates and their families, by invitation. Reservations should be made by May 3 to dmin.office@asburyseminary.edu, or by calling 859.858.2187.

7:30 p.m.
Baccalaureate Estes Chapel
Join us for worship, Holy Communion, and a message from Dr. Ben Witherington III. Special concert of sacred music featuring Seminary Singers begins at 7:00pm. Graduates should wear academic regalia to this service. Overflow will be available in McKenna Chapel.

Saturday, May 20
8 – 9:15 a.m.
Commencement Rehearsal
Sherman Thomas Student Center Gymnasium, Asbury Theological Seminary
Required for all graduates. Please assemble promptly to locate your assigned seat and receive instructions. Please bring your cap and gown to rehearsal as you will remain at the Student Center until commencement begins.
9:15 – 10:15 a.m.

Graduates’ Continental Brunch
Sherman Thomas Student Center Continental brunch for graduates provided by Student Services.
10 a.m.
Doors open for families at the Student Center Gymnasium and Overflow Locations where the service will be livestreamed (Estes Chapel, McKenna Chapel, Royal Auditorium). Additional overflow seating will be located outdoors on the campus green. Guest seating is by ticket only. Graduates will receive information by email regarding ticket distribution dates and times. Handicapped parking is available, please use the marked drop-off area as needed. Please note that the gymnasium doors close at 10:50 a.m. for the line-up and procession of the graduates. No admittance will be allowed for guests until after the processional.
10:15 a.m.
Commencement Assembly
Sherman Thomas Student Center, Asbury Theological Seminary
Required for all graduates. Please arrive promptly for commencement line up. Faculty will gather in their designated area at 10:30 a.m.
11 a.m.
Commencement Ceremony
Sherman Thomas Student Center Gymnasium, Asbury Theological Seminary
Immediately following the ceremony, join us for a reception on the campus green.
Attendance is required at both rehearsal and commencement unless the graduate has notified the Registrar in writing that his/her degree will be received in absentia. If you have any questions, please email registrar@asburyseminary.edu
Caps and Gowns
Caps and gowns must be ordered online through our approved vendor. Graduates will receive an email from the Office of the Registrar with the link and instructions for ordering their commencement attire. The cost of the academic attire is included in the graduation fee that was assessed to your student account. The academic attire ordering deadline will be Friday, March 31st. Regalia will be shipped directly to you. Students living outside the U.S. should contact the Registrar’s Office to make arrangements for the regalia to be shipped to the Seminary. The cap, gown, hood, and tassel will be yours to keep after the ceremony. PhD graduates will also receive additional information by email from the Registrar’s Office regarding the option to purchase the Asbury Seminary custom doctoral regalia rather than the standard “keeper”. If you have questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office at 859-858-2197 or registrar@asburyseminary.edu
Actual diplomas will not be in your folders at commencement. When all grades are entered and records are cleared, degrees will be posted to transcripts and diplomas mailed. Please allow four to six weeks processing time from the end of the term in which you graduate. Doctoral graduates’ diploma mailings can take considerably longer due to dissertation processing. Please be sure to provide the Registrar’s Office with a current address. Address changes should be submitted in the Student Portal under My Profile/My Information/Addresses/Request New Address.
Grades will be posted as soon as they are submitted and may be accessed through the Student Portal. Grades will not be released over the phone or by fax. Official transcripts can be requested by logging into the Student Portal and selecting “Order Official Transcript.” Transcripts can also be requested in person at the Office of the Registrar on the Kentucky Campus. Official transcripts may be requested in advance and held until degrees are posted.
Professional photographs will be taken of each graduate at commencement while shaking hands with the President. Proofs will be available on the photographer’s website. Further information will be given at rehearsal.
Help Desk
Seminary graduates will have a login to Asbury Connect, and library resources can be found on the Alumni page for the B.L. Fisher Library (https://guides.asburyseminary.edu/alumni). Access to Seminary email addresses, Canvas LMS, and Microsoft 365 will be removed the following year on January 1 for January or May graduates and July 1 for Summer or Fall graduates. Please contact the Help Desk at 859.858.2100 or helpdesk@asburyseminary. edu if you have any questions.